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== Mina Lovewitch ==
Gender: Female
Age: 15
==== Stats [22pp] ====
Japanese folklore told that if someone keeps a cat for more than 10 years, that cat becomes a Nekomata - cat spirit with two tails and the ability to enter dreams.
Strength 6 (-2) [0pp]
Mayu was a cat kept by an elderly couple for more than 12 years. The old man brought Mayu home on a rainy day, and the couple treat her as if she’s their own ever since. If it wasn't for them, Mayu would have been frozen to death on that day. She is grateful toward the couple, so she appeared before of them as a helpful (though lazy) girl. Since the couple has no children, Mayu is effectively their daughter.
Dexterity 18 (+4) [8pp]
Mayu goes to school so she can tell the couple small things that happened at school – boring, or even annoying stuff for some, but treasures for the childless couple. She is not particularly bright, so her grade isn’t great. But when it comes to sports, as long as it doesn’t require much strength – she rocks.
Constitution 10 (+0) [0pp]
Even at school, Mayu is very helpful toward others, human and monster alike. However, since she doesn’t want her ‘parents’ to be involved into monster affairs, she tries to distant herself from other monster, and hangs out with human more. But if a monster is genuinely in trouble, she’ll still try her best to help.
Intelligence 10 (+0) [0pp]
Helpful and friendly as Mayu is, she still has a dark side – she is a cat. It’s in a cat’s nature to hunt. She is a born huntress, possess a natural talent on stalking and killing. So even though she knows that the couple have provided everything she needed, she still has to fight the urge to hunt.
Wisdom 14 (+2) [4pp]
She has all the power a cat usually has, albeit more powerful. She can shift between her cat and cat girl form with ease. She had learned two Jutsu (magic) from some more elderly Yokais (monsters), and can cast them to enter dreams or heal. She also has all the week spot a cat usually has, including smaller size, low strength, water phobia and easily distracted.
Charisma 20 (+5) [10pp]
PL: 8 [120pp]
==== Saves [12pp] ====
Ability Scores [15pp]
Fortitude 0 (+0)
Strength 7 (-2) [1pp]
Reflex 6 (+10)
Dexterity 18 (+4) [8pp]
Will 6 (+8)
Constitution 10 (+0) [0pp]
==== Combat ====
Intelligence 8 (-1) [-2pp]
Attack +1/+11 claws
Wisdom 12 (+1) [2pp]
Grapple –6
Charisma 16 (+3) [6pp]
Defense 22/10 (flat-footed)
Combat [0pp]
Attack 0 (+9 claw)
Defense 0 (+8 dodge bonus)
Initiative +12 (+4 dex, +8 Improved Initiative)
Toughness +4/+0 (flat-footed)
Saves [8pp]
Toughness 0 (+8 defensive roll)
Fortitude 0 (+0)
Reflex 8 (+12)
Will 0 (+1)
Initiative +12 (Dex +4, Improved Initiative +8)
Skills [14pp]
Acrobatics 8 (+12)
Climb 9 (+7)
Escape Artist 8 (+12)
Notice 3 (+4)
Stealth 8 (+12)
Sense Motive 8 (+9)
Perform (Dance) 12 (+15)
==== Skills [20pp] ====
Feats [41]
Attack Focus (claws) 9
Defensive Roll 8
Deep Ties (Significant Others)
Dodge Focus 8
Evasion 2
Instant Up
Improved Initiative 2
Kawaii 1 (Perform)
Skill Mastery 1 (Acrobatic, Climb, Escape Artist, Stealth)
Sneak Attack 4
Uncanny Dodge 3 (Visual, Auditory, Olfactory)
Acrobatics 6 (+10)
Powers [42pp]
Nekomata 4 (passive container; 20pp to distribute; feats: innate) [21pp]
Components of Nekomata:
-Comprehend 2 (animals; flaws: limited (cats only) [-2]) [1pp]
-Shrinking 4 (natural small size; flaws: permanent [-1]) [4pp]
-Super-Senses 3 (acute normal hearing, low-light vision, scent) [3pp]
-Super-Movement 1 (Slow Fall) [2pp]
-Strike 2 (claws) [2pp]
-Leaping 2 [2pp]
-Cat Form 1 (active container, 5pp to distribute; extra: continuous) [6pp]
-Components of Cat Form
--Shrinking 4 (feat: innate; flaws: permanent) [5pp]
Bluff 9 (+14, +18 with Attractive)
Nekomata Jutsu 10 (power array; 20pp max, 1 Alternate Power ) [21pp]
Dream Travel 8 (flaw: feedback [-1]) [4pp]
Linked to
Insubstantial 4 (affected by anything happened in the dream; flaw: move action to use [-1]) [16pp]
Alternate Powers of Nekomata Jutsu:
-Healing 10 [20pp]
Diplomacy 9 (+14, +18 with Attractive)
Gather Information 5 (+10)
==''Katsuo Takahashi''==
STR 12 (+1)
DEX 16 (+3)
CON 12 (+1)
INT 14 (+2)
WIS 12 (+1)
CHA 16 (+3)
Knowledge (Arcane) 10 (+10)
Toughness +1
Fortitude +6 (+5 bought)
Reflex +11 (+8 bought)
Will +5 (+4 bought)
Language 1 (Base Japanese; English)
Defense +5
Attack +3
Notice 12 (+14)
Fast Overrun
Improved Initiative
Improvised Tools
Perform (Singing) 10 (+15)
Bluff +7 (4 ranks)
Computers +6 (4 ranks)
Craft (mechanical) +14 (12 ranks)
Craft (electronic) +10 (8 ranks)
Diplomancy +7 (4 ranks)
Disable Device +14 (12 ranks)
Drive +13 (10 ranks)
Intimidate +7 (4 ranks)
Knowledge (streetwise) +6 (4 ranks)
Knowledge (physical sciences) +4 (2 ranks)
Notice +5 (4 ranks)
Pilot +7 (4 ranks)
Search +6 (4 ranks)
Sense Motive +5 (4 ranks)
Stealth 6 (+14, +18 when in Cat Form)
Animate Machines 8 (Progression 2)
Comprehend Machines
Quickness 4 (One Task -- Repairs/Sabotage)
Device 4 (Motorcycle - Speed 4, Wall-Crawling, Water Walking, Surefooted, Force Field 8)
Magnetic Control 4
Sense Motive 12 (+14)
==== Feats [34pp] ====
Attractive 1
[[Mononoke High NPCs#Arai Yori|Yori]] (+2) -- Katsuo gets along well with the big lug -- he's amiable, open, and willing to put up with some of Katsuo's more eccentric moments. Plus, his parents run a shrine, so there's the common ground of ties to Japan's spirit community (though Yori and his folks may not know theirs).
Beautiful Voice 1 (Diplomacy)
[[#Chad Hartfield|Chad]] (+3) -- Katsuo doesn't know why he's taken such a liking to the weird rich American kid, but he seems to be one of the more natural guys in the school. The two sometimes talk about cars, bands and current events in Tokyo during homeroom.
Bishojo 1
[[#Urameshi Rei|Urameshi Rei]] (+1) - At first he thought the shy girl was creepy -- then he saw her flip out at a bully. For some reason, Katsuo has a thing for Tsunderes.
Defensive Roll 5
[[#Mononoke High NPCs#Higa Jirou|Jirou]] (-2) -- It started with a mistake involving a locker; then, it only escalated. For some reason, Jirou and Katsuo have been going at it for the better part of the school year-- Jirou views Katsuo as the weird delinquent kid, and Katsuo perceives Jirou as a too-good-for-his-own-good kid with a stick up his butt.
Dodge Focus 11
[[#Mononoke High NPCs#Hara Yoshinori|Yoshinori]] (+2) - Katsuo likes to "talk shop" with Yoshinori -- whereas Katsuo has a natural understanding of machinery, he likes to hear more about the technical side of computers from Yoshi. He's also trying to help break Yoshinori out of some of his more extreme otaku qualities... but won't say no to a discreetly-taken panty shot.
Evasion 2
[[#Arisu (Alice) Ai|Alice]] (-1) -- Katsuo's really not sure what to make of the girl who just stomped in and took over the student council, but all signs point towards "distrust" for now.
''Mysterious Enemies'' (-3) - Katsuo's dad has to have enemies in the Court of Metal and Wind that view Katsuo as an easy way to get at the old man.
Hide In Plain Sight
==''Nymphodora “Dora” Honda''==
Improved Initiative 2
Nymphadora "Dora" Corolla is a "foreign" student from rural Greece... (She picked her human first name from a book about education and the last name for being a common one in Japan... just not for people). She relished the chance to get away from her parents and their constant dancing and drinking and other revels... the human world had books and learning and science! She threw herself into this with the same zeal for life satyrs do for everything, “borrowing” books from the outskirts of civilization. Through a very odd set of circumstances, she wound up learning about and starting at Mononoke High in Japan. She lives alone, her parents having given her some junk jewelry to live on (this being solid gold and ancient).
Kawaii (Bluff) 1
She's not a quiet nerd... she'll always talk to people about her latest project or discovery... of course, that can cause as much social isolation as never saying anything at all.
Skill Mastery 1 (Acrobatics, Bluff, Notice, Stealth)
As a result of being listed as a “fictional” creature herself, she's had a hard time sorting fictional from non-fictional information and tries to recreate the devices seen in sci-fi books, movies and manga. Her brains and innate magic powers allow her to bring her creations to "life," but they don't always operate the way she expects. The theories are always sound though, and there's no such thing as a failed experiment!
Uncanny Dodge 1 (Auditory)
While she's not looking for romance for herself now (having had her fill growing up), she'll gladly give advice to someone who's pining... something she's quite attuned to. She thinks everyone should “do it” as much as possible.... there's no reason not to! Unfortunately, she's only vaguely familiar with modern conventions and taboos, but that doesn't stop her from being direct about it. "If you like her, go over and kiss her! What do you mean 'But we're both girls?' I can see that!"
Up the Wall
Wearing clothes is new to her, and she loves it, doing it all the time, with more enthusiasm than style... she has no natural body modesty and is unclear on that concept too.
Dora is a nymph, a female satyr, a human with some goat features. She is blonde, tanned and curvy, possessed of a robust, outdoor beauty. Her eyes are bright green with vertical slit pupils, which she covers up with contact lenses. Thick, wavy blonde hair falls to her waist, gathered back halfway down with a scrunchie. She has a pair of (still growing) horns on her forehead and slightly pointed ears, both covered up by the broad blue bandanna she wears. Her legs (still human shaped, her reverse joint hasn't grown in yet) are covered in curly blonde fur below the knee and have hooves instead of feet. She has a small goat tail as well. Her school uniform is a size too big, with cuffs covering half of her hands and she wears large, round, rimless glasses... they are ordinary glass, not corrective... she just likes how they look. Baggy knee-length socks cover up her leg fur, with extra-large tennis shoes to mask her hooves.
Luck 4
She has a large backpack stuffed with textbooks and manga... along with her favorite invention, the electrical arc bow, the handle of a compound bow covered in wires and circuits. When activated, the bow's arms form out of crackling electricity, as do the arrows.
==== Powers [34pp] ====
PL 8 120 points
Nekomata 3 (passive container; 15pp to distribute; Feats: Innate) [16pp]
Str 10
Dex 16
Con 16
Int 20
Wis 18
Cha 16
Characteristic total 36 points
Components of Nekomata:
2 Attack +1 (+3 ranged, +7 with electrical bow)
Defense 0 (+8 dodge)
Initiative +3
Combat total 2 points
-Comprehend 2 (animals; Flaws: Limited to Cats -2) [1pp]
Toughness save +3
Ref. Save +6
Fort Save +4
Will Save +5
Save Total 5 points
-Immunity 1 (Age 1) [1pp]
2 Bluff +8
3 Computers +12
1 Concentration +4
2 Craft Chemical +8
3 Craft: Mechanical +12
2 Craft: Structural +8
3 Disable Device +12
1 Disguise +4
1 Investigate +4
1 Knowledge: Arcane Lore +4
1 Knowledge: Popular Culture +4
1 Knowledge: Earth Sciences +4
2 Knowledge: Physical Sciences +8
2 Knowledge: Life Sciences +8
3 Knowledge: Technology +12
1 Language +4 Greek, English, Japanese, Chinese (beast tongue native)
1 Notice +4
1 Perform: Wind Instruments +4
2 Perform: Dance +8
1 Search +4
2 Sense Motive +8
2 Stealth +8
1 Survival +4
1 Swim +4
Skill Total 40 points
-Immunity 5 (Entrapment 5; Extra: Sustained +0; Flaws: Full-Round Action -4, Acrobatics Check Required -1) [1pp]
Attack Focus (ranged) 2
Attack Specialization 2 (Electrical arc bow +4)
Attractive 2
Eidetic Memory
Dodge Focus 8
Fascinate: Dance
Improved Aim
Improvised tools
Master Plan
Second Chance: Disable Device
Skill Mastery (Disable Device, Craft: Mechanical, Craft: Structural, Computers)
Uncanny Dodge (hearing)
-Shrinking 4 (natural small size; Extras: Permanent +0) [5pp]
Feat Total 24 points
-Super-Movement 2 (Slow Fall 2) [2pp]
1 Tensai Shoujo (Genius Girl) Quickness 2 – Inventing and repairing only.
-Super-Senses 3 (Extended Hearing 1, Low-Light Vision 1, Scent 1, Magic Awareness 1; Drawbacks: Noticeable -1) [3pp]
2 Ear for nature - Comprehend Animals 1 - understand
-Silence [1pp]
4 Device 4 Electrical Arc Bw (easily taken away) Unreliable, Side Effects. Power - Electrical Control 8
Alternate Powers:
Shocking blast -Stun 8,
Override blast - Animate Object (Only Electrical Devices) 8,
Ultra static cling field - Snare 5 – Explosion, Reversible,
Precision blast - Deflect 7 (All ranged attacks) Ranged, Reflection.
-Morph 1 (cat form; Feats: Metamorph) [2pp]
1 Party animal - Immunity 1 – Intoxicants
3 Nose for Romance - Super Sense Detect (smell) Love/lust/attraction, Ranged, Sense
2 Sure-footed as a mountain goat. Super Movement 1 Sure-Footed
Strike 5 (Extra: Penetrating +1; Feats: Accurate 5, Incurable)[16pp]
AP: ''Dream A Little Dream of Me'' Dream Travel 8 (Extra: Affects Others +1, Continous Duration +1, Penetrating 6, Entering Dream Physically +1; Flaws: Full Round Action -2) [1pp]
Power total 13
AP: ''Lost Hearts'' Emotion Control 8 (Extra: Insidious +1; Flaws: Full Round Action -1) [1pp]
Secret: “Monster” going to school in secret among humans.
Special: Experimental Technology – Devices and inventions can malfunction at unpredictable times.
Ap: ''Sleep of the Just'' Fatigue 8 (Extra: Perception Range +2, Alternate Save (Will) +0, Sleep +0, Mental +0; Flaws: Full Round Action -1, Sense-Dependent (Auditory) -1) [1pp]
[[#Urameshi Rei|Urameshi Rei]] +2 The're both cheerful, and Dora isn't squeamish about and doesn't mind getting rid of bodies... for science!
==== Drawbacks [-2pp] ====
[[Mononoke High NPCs#Tanaka Sadao|Sadao]] +2 Dora helps out with the archery club and likes a guy who'll flirt with people. Everyone should do that!
Cursed: Must Interpose with her children or lovers. (Uncommon, Moderate) -2
[[Mononoke High NPCs#Hara Yoshinori|Yoshinori]] +1 Dora loves wearing panties and is glad to show them to people... he's an appreciative audience. Plus, he really needs to get a girlfriend, and she tells him so often. And they both like computers.
==== Complications ====
[[Mononoke High NPCs#Suzuki Sayuri|Saiyuri]] +1 Sayuri has great glasses and likes computers! So quiet though!
Significant Others (Jun, Zoey and the kittens)
[[#Yoshida Ami|Ami]] +3 It's good to know she's not the only beast-aspected gal around.
Easily Distracted (Things that distract cats)
[[#Mayu|Mayu]] +3 For the same reason, she really gets Mayu too, or thinks she does. To be Named Later
Marked (Cat ears and tail)
[[#Katsuo Takahashi|Katsuo Takahashi]], +3 A human AND a car! Who likes science! She'd love to get under his hood, so to speak.
Phobia (Water)
''To be Named Later Dora'' loves meeting new people.
== Mayu Kuroishi ==
==Morisaka Shinobu==
16 years old female darkness yokai
==== Stats [16pp] ====
Str: 14
Dex: 12
Con: 16
Int: 12
Wis: 14
Cha: 16
Strength 6 (-2) [0pp]
Fortitude: 5 (+8)
Reflex: 5 (+6)
Will: 5 (+7)
Toughness: 5 (+8)
Dexterity 18 (+4) [8pp]
Attack bonus: +6
Defense bonus: +8
Constitution 10 (+0) [0pp]
Additional limbs (tentacles) lv. 5
Darkness control lv. 4
Regeneration lv. 1 (Ability Damage 1)
Super-strength lv. 2
Elongation (tentacles) lv. 2
Super-senses (darkvision) 2 points
Intelligence 8 (-1) [-2pp]
Improved Grab
Improved Grapple
Improved Pin
Beginner's Luck
Rage lv. 2
Attractive lv. 1
Hide in Plain Sight
Wisdom 12 (+1) [2pp]
Bluff 4 (+7)
Diplomacy 4 (+7)
Escape artist 4 (+5)
Intimidate 8 (+11)
Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 4 (+5)
Notice 8 (+10)
Sense motive 4 (+6)
Stealth 12 (+13)
Survival 4 (+6)
Swim 4 (+6)
Languages 4 (Japanese, English, Spanish, Chinese, Sanskrit)
Charisma 18 (+4) [8pp]
Obsession (I must keep those who love me close, otherwise they'll slip away)
Reputation (Tentacle monsters that rape schoolgirls and eat people. Or the other way around. Or both. Maybe they're not even that picky)
==== Saves [12pp] ====
Fortitude 1 (+1)
Reflex 6 (+10)
Will 5 (+6)
==== Combat ====
Attack +1/+9 (claws)
Grapple –6
Defense 20/10 (flat-footed)
Toughness +6/+0 (flat-footed)
[[Mononoke High NPCs#Suzuki Sayuri|Sayuri]] (+2) - She's always alone in dark and cramped places, and that's awesome! Shinobu could stay there, staring at her back all day long, and all night long...
Initiative +12 (Dex +4, Improved Initiative +8)
[[Mononoke High NPCs#Arai Yori|Yori]] (+2) - He's nice, and he has a shrine! Shinobu loves shrines! There's festivals with lots of people!
==== Skills [10pp] ====
[[Mononoke High NPCs#Watanabe Nagisa|Nagisa]] (+1) - HOW CAN YOU BE SO POPULAR I WANT TO BE POPULAR TOO
Acrobatics 8 (+12)
[[#Chad Hartfield|Chad]] (+1) - Aliens! Maybe he feels a bit like Shinobu, being weird and called different and all.
Notice 7 (+8)
==''Urameshi Rei''==
Stealth 10 (+14, + 18 in Cat Form)
“Why does this keep happening to meeeeee!” *crack… dip… dip… dip…*
Urameshi Rei thought her parents were strange for the first ten years of her life. Her mom would hardly ever show herself in public, and when she did it was only to visit weirdos. Her dad… well he just didn’t get things – it was like he looked at the world just a bit differently from everyone else. Still it wasn’t bad, until the elevator she was riding in broke and fell twenty stories..
Sense Motive 7 (+8)
After dad showed her how to ‘push aside’ her death to get on with her life, mom decided that she really should know the facts of, well, notlife. Her dad was a former Shinigami, though what he did to permanently buy his way out of his duties he wouldn’t say, and, well she was the ghost of a mildly popular Idol Singer. It was a lot to take in, but after a little while she figured it didn’t really matter. Except that she just somehow couldn’t avoid dying. A lot. It didn’t help that she created new bodies every time she did it – getting rid of the corpse is so much hassle!
Perform (Dance) 8 (+12)
She thought she had gotten the whole dying thing under control, but now dad is sending her to a school for monsters! She isn’t a monster! Really! And they’re going to kill her a whole lot, she just knows it! High School is going to suck, and it’s just so unfair!
==== Feats [34pp] ====
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Size: Medium
Height: 4'8
Weight: 112
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Appearance: A very energetic athletic girl. She always has some small injury somewhere, but it never seemsto dim the sheer overwhelming Genki air she produces. Her whole character can change though, when she’s mad, her frightening aura can cower even Teachers!
Acrobatic Bluff
Her Shinigami form looks very similar, but she wears a white kimono folded like for a corpse, and her hair bleaches white and becomes utterly disheveled, and though she moves quickly
----------Ability Scores---------
Strength: 8 (-1)
Dexterity: 12 (+1)
Constitution: 8 (-1)
Intelligence: 16 (+3)
Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 22 (+6)
Attack Specialization (claws) 4
Toughness: +7
Fortitude: +-1
Reflex: +1
Willpower: +13
Defensive Roll 7
Attack Bonus: +0
Damage Bonus: Unarmed -1
Grapple: +-1
Defense Bonus: +8 (+0 flat footed)
Initiative: +1
Dodge Focus 9
----------Lifting Capacity---------
Light Load: 26 lbs
Medium Load: 53 lbs
Heavy Load: 80 lbs
Max Load: 160 lbs
Push/Drag: 400 lbs
Evasion 2
----------Movement Rate---------
Base Speed: 30 ft/r / 60 ft/r / 120 ft/r
Leap: 9 ft / 4 ft / 2 ft
Hide In Plain Sight
    * Acrobatics - 7 (+8)
    * Bluff - 8 (+14)
    * Climb - 0 (--1)
    * Computers - 4 (+7)
    * Concentration - 5 (+6)
    * Diplomacy - 13 (+19)
    * Disguise - 3 (+9)
    * Escape Artist - 0 (+1)
    * Gather Info - 7 (+13)
    * Handle Animal - 3 (+9)
    * Intimidate - 13 (+19)
    * Investigate - 5 (+8)
    * Knowledge: Popular Culture - 5 (+8)
    * Knowledge: Current Event - 5 (+8)
    * Notice - 5 (+6)
    * Search - 5 (+8)
    * Sense Motive - 7 (+8)
    * Sleight of Hand - 5 (+6)
    * Stealth - 6 (+7)
    * Survival - 3 (+4)
    * Swim - 3 (+2)
Improved Initiative 2
Kawaii (Perform) 1
Sneak Attack 4
    * Bishoujo(4): --Description Not Found
    * Benefit(2): Weath
    * Interpose: Trade places with an adjacent ally subject to attack
    * Eidetic Memory: Perfect recall of everything you've experienced
    * Luck (): +1 hero point
Uncanny Dodge 1 (Auditory)
Up the Wall
Shinigami Magic(Wizardry) {} - Power Rank 20 - Cost 16 (0.5 * 20 + 6)
Extras: Veteran Caster +1
Flaws: Requires Constant Study -1
Power Feats: Alternate Powers 6
==== Powers [24pp] ====
Base Power of Shinigami Magic(Wizardry) (40/40)
Evil Arua (Demonic Glare, Emotion Control: Dispair, Emotion Control: Fear, Emotion Control: Love) {} - Power Rank 5 - Cost 40 (7 * 5 + 5)
Extras: Area (Perception) +1, Selective Attack +1, Duration (Demonic Glare to sustained) +1
Power Feats: Challenge: Calculated Risk, (Intimidation enhances Emotion Control) +2, Challenge: Simultaneous Tasks (Normal Intimidation) +2, Challenge:Mass Intimidation +2 Rousing Speech (Becomes visually based rather then sound based) +1
Drawbacks: Power loss: Emtion Control (Fear), Power loss; Emotion Control (dispair), Those who resist the Demonic Glare; -1. Power Loss; Emotion Control (love), only effects those effected by Rousing Speech -1
Nekomata 3 (passive container; 15pp to distribute; Feats: Innate) [16pp]
Alternate Power 1 of Shinigami Magic(Wizardry) (40/40)
Ghostly Wind (Air Control) {} - Power Rank 8 - Cost 40 (4 * 8 + 8)
Extras: Damaging +1, Area (shapeable) +1
Power Feats: Affects Insubstantial +2, Precise, Subtle +2, Dimensional +2, Homing +1
Components of Nekomata:
Alternate Power 2 of Shinigami Magic(Wizardry) (40/40)
Banish {} - Power Rank 8 - Cost 40 (5 * 8)
Extras: Universal, Area (burst), Selective Attack
-Comprehend 2 (animals; Flaws: Limited to Cats -2) [1pp]
Alternate Power 3 of Shinigami Magic(Wizardry) (40/40)
Illusion (all senses) {} - Power Rank 4 - Cost 40 (9 * 4 + 4)
Extras: Ephemeral +3, Duration +2 Insidious (Broken by See Ghosts) +1
Flaws: Thematic -1 (death theme)
Power Feats: Progression +3, Multiple Illusions +1
-Immunity 1 (Age 1) [1pp]
Alternate Power 4 of Shinigami Magic(Wizardry) (40/40)
Cast Into Peril (Curse of Side Effect (Troubleseeker, Insidious, Subtle +2) +2) {} - Power Rank 6 - Cost 40 (7 * 6 - 2)
Extras: Improved Curse, Range +2
Drawbacks: Power Loss -1 (must be able to speak), Psyche Break (anger) -1
-Immunity 5 (Entrapment 5; Extra: Sustained +0; Flaws: Full-Round Action -4, Acrobatics Check Required -1) [1pp]
Alternate Power 5 of Shinigami Magic(Wizardry) (40/40)
Expel(Demons), Expel(The Dead) {} - Power Rank 6 - Cost 40 (6 * 6 + 4)
Extras: Damaging +2
Power Feats: Affects Insubstantial +2, Dimentional +2
-Shrinking 4 (natural small size; Extras: Permanent +0) [3pp]
Alternate Power 6 of Shinigami Magic(Wizardry) (40/40)
Expel(Shadows), Expel(Illusions), Expel(refelctions) {} - Power Rank 6 - Cost 40 (6 * 6 + 4)
Power Feats: Affects Insubstantial +2, Dimentional +2
-Super-Movement 2 (Slow Fall 2; Drawbacks: Power Loss (When limbs bounded) -1) [1pp]
Total Regeneration(-1, Reserection happens as a standerd action) + Regenerate Ability Damage + 8 point Bonus on recovery roll {} - Power Rank 60 - Cost 20 (0.33 * 60)
Extras: True Reserection +1, Linked (Battle Form)
Flaws: Source(death) -1, Uncontrolable(when Rei dies) -1
-Super-Senses 3 (Extended Hearing 1, Low-Light Vision 1, Scent 1, Magic Awareness 1; Drawbacks: Noticeable -1) [3pp]
Shinigami Body (Battle Form) {} - Power Rank 20 - Cost 22 (1 * 20 + 2)
Flaws: Uncontrolable -1, Side Effect (Fautige) -2
Power Feats: Slow Fade +3
Drawbacks: Leaves Corpse Behind -1
-Strike 1 (Claws) [1pp]
Component of Container Shinigami Body (Battle Form)
Shield, Protection, Enhanced Reflex Save {} - Power Rank 8 - Cost 48 (6 * 8)
Extras: Impervious +3
Flaws: Limited -1 (not impervious against Affects Insubstantial +2)
-Silence [1pp]
Component of Container Shinigami Body (Battle Form)
Immunity to Fortitude Saves {} - Power Rank 30 - Cost 30 (1 * 30)
-Morph 1 (cat form; Feats: Metamorph) [2pp]
Component of Container Shinigami Body (Battle Form)
Super-movement (Dimensional 2, Permeate 3, Trackless, Wall-walking 3, Water Walking, {} - Power Rank 10 - Cost 20 (2 * 10)
Dream Travel 8 (Extra: Affects Others +1, Linked to Dimensional Movement (Dreamscape) +0; Flaws: Full Round Action -2; Feats: Sedation 1, Progression1) [8pp]
Component of Container Shinigami Body (Battle Form)
Enhanced Dexterity {} – Power Rank 2 – Cost 2 (1 * 2)
==== Drawbacks [-2pp] ====
Immunity Age {} - Power Rank 1 - Cost 1 (1 * 1)
Curse: Must Interpose with her friends. (uncommon, moderate) [-2pp]
==== Complications ====
Involuntary Transform - Points -6
Description: Can't keep from dying - Freq All the Time, Sev Can’t Resist
Significant Other
Secret: Is a Shinigami.
Reputation: Former human
Accident: Can't stop dying and leaving corpses behind to dispose of.
Phobia: Ghosts, except for mom. She’s glad she doesn’t have the eyes of the Shinigami.
Easily Distracted (Things that distract cats)
==''Arisu (Alice) Ai''==  
Marked (Cat ears and tail)
Phobia (Water)
== Arisu (Alice) Ai ==  
Daughter of Tintania, Princess of the Fey, Secret Daughter of Eros (Greek God of Love and Passion)
Daughter of Tintania, Princess of the Fey, Secret Daughter of Eros (Greek God of Love and Passion)
Line 262: Line 522:
Alice is a beautiful young woman, proud and haughty, with a group of love struck admirers always following her around. This, and her vast monies, has allowed her to easily become head of the student council.
Alice is a beautiful young woman, proud and haughty, with a group of love struck admirers always following her around. This, and her vast monies, has allowed her to easily become head of the student council.
Strength 14 +2
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 18 +4
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 14 +2
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 16 +3
Intelligence 16 +3
Wisdom 12 +1
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 18 + 4
Charisma 18 + 4
32 Points
32 Points
Fort Save +4
Fort Save +4
Will Save +4
Will Save +4
Reflex Save +5
Reflex Save +5
Toughness Save +4
Toughness Save +4
(17 Points)
(17 Points)
Defense +3
Defense +3
(6 Points)
(6 Points)
Acrobatics 4
Acrobatics 4
Bluff 4
Bluff 4
Concentration 8
Concentration 8
Diplomacy 8
Diplomacy 8
Disguise 4
Disguise 4
Drive 4
Drive 4
Gather Information 4
Gather Information 4
Knowledge Arcane Lore 4
Knowledge Arcane Lore 4
Knowledge Art 4
Knowledge Art 4
Knowledge Pop Culture 4
Knowledge Pop Culture 4
Language 4
Language 4 (Japanese, English, Gaelic, Greek)
Notice 4
Notice 4
Perform Sing 8
Perform Sing 8
Perform Dance 8
Perform Dance 8
Ride 4
Ride 4
Search 4
Search 4
Sense Motive 4
Sense Motive 4
Swim 4
Swim 4
22 Points
22 Points
Attractive 4 Levels
Attractive 4 Levels
Benefit Wealth 7 Levels
Benefit Wealth 7 Levels
Benefit Status 4 Levels
Benefit Status 4 Levels
Dodge Focus 2
Dodge Focus 2
Well Informed
Well Informed
20 Points
20 Points
Emotion Control Level 8 (Love Only) (8 Points)
Emotion Control Level 8 (Love Only) (8 Points)
Alternate Power - Love Blast Area of Effect, requires a gesture to activate
Enhanced Ability Charisma (Elvish Charm) Level 10 (10 Points)
Enhanced Ability Charisma (Elvish Charm) Level 10 (10 Points)
Illusions (Fae Glamour) (Visual Only) Level 4 (4 Points)
Illusions (Fae Glamour) (Visual Only) Level 4 (4 Points)
Immunity (Aging, Disease, need to sleep) (3 Points)
Immunity (Aging, Disease, need to sleep) (3 Points)
Mind Shield Level 5 (5 Points)
Mind Shield Level 5 (5 Points)
33 Points
33 Points
Line 367: Line 579:
Weakness - Cold Iron (6 Points)
Weakness - Cold Iron (6 Points)
Major - Cumulative -1 Drain on All Abilities +2, Makes her younger, lasting,
Major - Cumulative -1 Drain on All Abilities +2 (+1 can kill her)
Every Minute + 2
Every Minute + 2
Common +2
Common +2
Watanabe Nagisa + 3 (Everyone needs a best friend, or at least someone who gets you, and Alice figures that Nagisa is both of those. She's rich, pretty and noble, like Alice herself.)
[[#Yoshida Ami|Ami]], cause she looks like she it trying the help me though is bad at it. 2 points
Hellcat-Tan + 3 (Hellcat-tan has grown on Alice, at first seeming just another parfait eater, but her bravery and nobility has really touched Alice. Alice might even be in love, though for a girl like Alice who controls love that might not mean much.)
[[Mononoke High NPCs#Watanabe Nagisa|Nagisa]] 4 points
Hara Yoshinori +1 (Alice actually has found herself liking the perverted Umbrella Oni. Not that that would stop her from making him fall in love with fire and watching him burn, but she might feel a little bad about it... Maybe. There is something refreshing about Hara's passion for his perversion. She would not really go out of her way to spend any time with him, but she's found herself watching his antics with a sort of exasperated amusement)
[[#Morisaka Shinobu|Morisaka]], cause she is weird and that is cool 3 points
Sakebimasu Hoshi -2 (Hoshi has shown himself to be incredibly stupid, and unkind to Hellcat-tan and her sisters, which has made Alice rather angry. It is only that Hellcat-Tan and her pane-tan sisters seem to care about him that has kept Alice from working actively to destroy him - well, humiliate hime terribly)
==''Yoshida Ami''==
Cichol of the Evil Eye -1 (Alice does not like the giant, but on the other hand, she can't work herself up enough about him to really hate him. Mostly she just wants him to go away. She may send him off on some quest in order to prove his worth, or just cry to her mother about how unfair it is)
Miyako +1 (Alice is flattered by Miyako's attention. She does not really want to kiss her, but would probably be willing to hang out with her, one of the reasons she told Miyako that she could still come to the parfait shop. The other reason being that is supports chaos)
Ami is a Kitsune, the legendary trickster spirits of Japanese lore. She is the youngest of a family that while not exactly nobility in the celestial hierarchy, is certainly well favored as advisors. To prepare her for the many wrenches that humans tend to throw into the works, she has been sent to Mononoke High to get first-hand experience. At least, that's the cover story.
Higa Jirou +1 (She has not really spent much time with him, but he is good looking, and talented, and she does not want to focus her attention on girls only.)
Actually, she's there to ensure that no-one disturbs Princess Alice, daughter of queen Titania herself! It turns out that there have been certain threats on her life from the constantly disgruntled Unseelie Fey, and the bureaucracy has decided to put an agent close to her in case something goes down! She is determined to do a good job, though her track record in the past hasn't been the best. At least, that's the cover story.
Morisaka Shinobu +2 (She's a tentacle monster, but, she's tentacle monster. It makes one think. She seems decent enough, though on the edge of perhaps not being very decent. As a proponent of chaos that possibility interests Alice as much as it worries her. And she is a decent kisser. A girl always remembers the first time a tentacle monster kisses them... Though in Alice's case the memory is not traumatic)
In reality, her assignment is a joke being played on her by certain siblings who believe that Ami is far too gullible for any respectable Kitsune to pass up. They learned that Alice was going to be in her class and the rest just sort of flowed together.
Nymphodora “Dora” Honda +1 (Alice has spent some time with Dora and basically puts Dora in the pretty decent category. Always good to know someone who is good with tech, and she is keeping an eye on Sayuri. Alice might have plans for Sayuri.)
Ami is far too confident in her abilities. While she is fairly proficient with the families techniques, she is almost shamefully gullible. Her attempts to smooth over Alice's presence have done nothing but highlight it.
Queen Titania +5 (Alice's mother is not about, and that is probably a good thing considering the Queen of Fae is not very nice by most definitions of nice, but Alice loves her)
Age: 16
Height: 5'5
Weight: sekrit!
Hair: dark
Eyes: teal
Power Level: 8
Power Points: 120
Appearance: Ami is a fox-spirit, with a vulpine head and tail, backward-canted legs, and smoke-grey fur. Being a shapeshifter trickster however, she is able to take on any appearance she wishes, as long as it is humanoid. Her standard persona as a human is a slender and attractive girl with dark hair and teal eyes.
== Kiyosato Akira ==
[[File: Akira.png]]
----------Ability Scores---------
Strength: 8 (-1)
Dexterity: 18 (+4)
Constitution: 10 (+0)
Intelligence: 16 (+3)
Wisdom: 8 (-1)
Charisma: 20 (+5)
==== Stats [32pp] ====
Toughness: +3
Fortitude: +5
Reflex: +4
Willpower: -1
Str 10 <br>
Dex 14 <br>
Attack Bonus: +2
Con 26 <br>
Damage Bonus: Unarmed +
Int 14 <br>
Grapple: -1
Wis 14 <br>
Defense Bonus: +4 (+1 flat footed)
Cha 14 <br>
Initiative: +4
==== Kombat/Saves [10pp] ====
----------Lifting Capacity---------
Light Load: 26 lbs
Medium Load: 53 lbs
Heavy Load: 80 lbs
Max Load: 160 lbs
Push/Drag: 400 lbs
Attack +0 <br>
----------Movement Rate---------
Init +13 <br>
Base Speed: 30 ft/r / 60 ft/r / 120 ft/r
Defense +8 <br>
Leap: 9 ft / 4 ft / 2 ft
Fort +8 <br>
Ref +6 (4 PP)  <br>
Will +8 (6 PP) <br>
Tough +8 <br>
==== Skills [21pp] ====
    * Acrobatics - 6 (+10)
    * Bluff - 6 (+10)
    * Climb - 2 (+7)
    * Computers - 2 (+1)
    * Concentration - 0 (--1)
    * Craft: Artistic - 4 (+7)
    * Craft: Structural - 0 (--1)
    * Craft: Mechanical - 0 (--1)
    * Diplomacy - 4 (+9)
    * Disable Device - 4 (+7)
    * Disguise - 6 (+11)
    * Drive - 2 (+6)
    * Escape Artist - 4 (+8)
    * Gather Info - 6 (+11)
    * Handle Animal - 2 (+7)
    * Intimidate - 2 (+6)
    * Investigate - 2 (+5)
    * Knowledge: Arcane Lore - 4 (+7)
    * Medicine - 0 (--)
    * Notice - 4 (+3)
    * Perform: Acting - 4 (+9)
    * Perform: Dance - 4 (+9)
    * Pilot - 0 (+4)
    * Ride - 0 (+4)
    * Search - 2 (+5)
    * Sense Motive - 4 (+3)
    * Sleight of Hand - 4 (+8)
    * Stealth - 4 (+8)
    * Survival - 0 (--1)
    * Swim - 2 (+1)
Bluff 12 ranks (+14) <br>
Computers 12 ranks (+14) <br>
Disguise 12 ranks (+14) <br>
Diplomacy 12 ranks (+14) <br>
Notice 12 ranks (+14) <br>
Sense Motive 12 ranks (+14) <br>
Stealth 12 ranks (+14) <br>
==== Feats [29pp] ====
All-Out Attack <br>
    * Attractive (2): +8 bonus Bluff & Diplomacy people affected by your looks
Bishonen <br>
    * Distract: Bluff check in combat to daze for 1 round
Distract (Bluff) <br>
    * Facinate: Bluff check in combat to facinate
Dive Aside <br>
    * Favored Environment: Woods (2): +2 to either attack or defense while in favored environment
Dodge Focus 8 <br>
    * Luck: start with an additional Hero Point
Elusive Target <br>
    * Redirect: Bluff opponent to make missed attack target anjacent enemy
Evasion 2 <br>
    * Wealth: +4 to wealth
Fascinate <br>
    * Set-Up: allow allies to benefit from combat tricks
Fearless <br>
    * Distracting Looks: Will save or be smitten
Hide In Plain Sight <br>
    * Up the Wall: Use Acrobatics instead of Climb in certain situations
Improved Initiative x3 <br>
Interpose <br>
Luck x3 <br>
Power Attack <br>
Quick Change x2 <br>
Withstand Damage <br>
==== Powers [41pp] ====
Supersenses 6 (Scent: Acute 1 Analytical 1 Tracking 2 Uncanny Dodge (scent) 1, Vision: Low-light Vision) (6 PP)
Illusion (All Senses, Phantasm) Power Rank 5 - Cost 15 (5 * 3)
Morph 1 (King Radical) (1 PP)
Luck Control Power Rank 3 - Cost 9 (3 * 3)
Battle Form 8 (34 PP)
Mind Shield Power Rank 5 - Cost 5 (5 * 1)
- Slow Fade x2 (2 PP)
Feat: Follow-Up Strike (1 PP)
Morph (humanoids) - Power Rank 2 - Cost 4 (2 * 2)
Feat: Improved Trick (1 PP)
Morph (normal fox, metamorph) - Power Rank 3 - Cost 4 (3 * 1)+1
Teleport 1 (Turnabout) (3 PP) <br>
Shadow Clone (Independent Appearance, Telltale) - Power Rank 1 - Cost 3 (3 * 1)+1-1
Concealment 2 (Partial, Visual) (2 PP) <br>
Super Movement (Trackless) - Power Rank 1 - Cost 2 (1 * 2)
Blast 8 (Penetrating) (33 PP) <br>
Super-Senses (Darkvision) - Power Rank 2 - Cost 2 (1 * 2)
Attack Specialization x4 <br>
Precise Shot x1 <br>
Improved Critical x1 <br>
Alternate Power x3 <br>
  * Strike 8 (Penetrating, Affects Insubstantial) (31 PP) <br>
Super-Sense (Magical Awareness) - Power Rank 1 - Cost 1 (1 * 1)
  * Attack Specialization x4 <br>
  * Improved Critical x3 <br>
  * Dazzle 8 (Visual, Perception) (28 PP) <br>
Super-Senses (Ultra-Hearing) - Power Rank 1 - Cost 1 (1 * 1)
  * Linked to <br>
  * Confuse 8 (Sense-Dependent) <br>
  * Blast 8 (Perception, Penetrating) (32 PP)
Leaping {} - Power Rank 2 - Cost 2 (1 * 2)
==== Drawbacks [-13pp] ====
Cursed Interpose (With Yasmin and other girls) (2 PP) <br>
Involuntary Transformation (Puppy Form, when hit by silver or holy attacks) (4 PP) <br>
One-Way Transformation into Puppy Form (takes hours to revert) (3 PP) <br>
Weakness (Holy-keyword attacks) (2 PP) <br>
Weakness (Silver-type attacks) (2 PP) <br>
==''Yamazaki Asami''==
==''Chad Hartfield''==
Height: 5'9”    Weight: ???    Hair: Black    Eyes: Brown 
Species: Kuchisake Onna
Background: Asami had dreams of being a politician. She did her best to be nice and friendly, she always did her best to say the right things and know the right people. It wasn't always easy, she wasn't the smartest in her class the way girls like her in manga were and her height put people off at times.
The Hartfields are a member of the Reptoids, aliens from beyond the stars who are infiltrating Earth for... some reason. Chad's asked many times why someone would really want to bother ruling Earth, but he's never gotten a satisfactory response, usually just a sigh, an awkward conversation and finally a "just eat your dinner, dear". On the other hand, it means his family is rich and powerful, which he's always seen as a plus. Being able to get the newest video games, cell phones, and a really awesome car is pretty cool.
It was rather crushing when she didn't get elected to the student council. Things got much worse when she was walking home. Asami encountered a strange woman with a surgical mask. The woman asked her is she was pretty. She was, so Asami told her so. The woman than removed her mask, revealing that her mouth was slashed open and went from ear to ear. She asked Asami again if she was pretty. Summoning up her courage, she did her best to lie. The woman than attacked Asami and slit her mouth open. Strangely it didn't hurt.
Chad is very laid back; raised on Earth, he's never really been around other Reptoids much, except at the dreadfully boring strategy meetings his parents get called to occasionally, and there's never anyone his own age at those things. He genuinely likes humans, particularly cute guys, and really doesn't see what the point of the whole alien take-over would be... wouldn't that mean that everyone would have to work much harder? And importantly, would there still be cheeseburgers? He loooves cheeseburgers. He's had food from his home planet: fried beetle eggs are just not the same.
She laid on the pavement for a while, trying gather her wits. She wasn't dead, her face didn't hurt and it wasn't bleeding, plus there was (conveniently) a surgical mask here to cover her face. So what if she had a seriously disfiguring scar and insanely sharp teeth now? (Even if that's her mouth now and not just a scar.) She can continue her life as if nothing happened, right?
Chad really wants to be an actor, or maybe a rock star, or, well, something where he could be cool and famous.
It wasn't that hard to go about life as normal at home. Her father was still the same workaholic nut he was before, mother was still just as obsessed with being the perfect wife first and mother second, and her brother was still the same self-centred brat he'd always been.
Anyways, he's interested in this whole "move to Japan" thing his father's doing; he's heard he's going to a school with other monsters, which he guesses is all right... he's never hung out much with monsters before, they're not as common in America, and there wasn't a monster-school in DC anyways. Mostly, he's looking forward to meeting new friends, hanging out with them, and generally having a good time. It's a drag to leave his old friends behind, though.
It's been a week now and nothing's really changed.
Arai Yori (+5): He's so kind, compassionate and helpful. I've had a crush on him for the longest time, but have never managed to tell him. I've tried but it's always just been me babbling and embarrassing myself. Plus he's the future head of a shrine, which just goes to show how human I still am! After all, no monster would ever fall in love with a guy like this.
Power Level: 8
Power Points: 120
Hara Yoshinori (-5): I hate this pathetic pervert. He's nothing but a pain and I'm sure those pictures he was spreading around were the major cause of me not getting voted into the student council. I'm not going to hurt him, that would be inhuman! I'm just not sure what I'm going to do to him, but it wont be too bad, I'm not a monster!
Ai Alice (+2): She's impressive I'll give her that. Her grace and charm mark her as no ordinary foreign exchange student. I'm a little jealous of her. Not too jealous though! Don't get me wrong. I'm not some kind of green eyed monster!
----------Ability Scores---------
Strength: 20 (+5/+2)
Dexterity: 20 (+5)
Constitution: 15 (+2/+1)
Intelligence: 8 (-1)
Wisdom: 8 (-1)
Charisma: 18 (+4)
Kiyosato Akira (+1): There's something curious about this one. He's not really all that handsome or smart for that matter. I don't know what it is. I just feel drawn to him.
Toughness: +6
Fortitude: +4
Reflex: +7
Willpower: +-1
Mother (-2): Ugh. I hate talking about her. She's so obsessed with just being father's doormat that it makes me sick! She should grow a spine! But no, she's always so sweet and obedient and small! Why did I have to end up so damn tall...er...mother and I are not on the best terms.
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Unarmed +5
Grapple: +11
Defense Bonus: +4 (+1 flat footed)
Initiative: +5
Yamazaki Takashi (-3): My little brother and one huge pain in the butt. He's so spoiled and pampered by my parents it's not even funny. I don't think anyone in my family would notice my scars even if I wasn't wearing this mask.
----------Lifting Capacity---------
Light Load: 133 lbs
Medium Load: 266 lbs
Heavy Load: 400 lbs
Max Load: 800 lbs
Push/Drag: 2000 lbs
Yamada Aoi (+3): I like her. I can tell she's a fellow leader of men. I have to respect that.
----------Movement Rate---------
Base Speed: 30 ft/r / 60 ft/r / 120 ft/r
Leap: 75 ft / 37 ft / 18 ft
Str: 12  (+1)       
Dex: 14  (+2)        
    * Acrobatics - 6 (+11)
    * Bluff - 6 (+10)
    * Climb - 2 (+7)
    * Computers - 2 (+1)
    * Concentration - 0 (--1)
    * Craft: Artistic - 0 (--1)
    * Craft: Structural - 0 (--1)
    * Craft: Mechanical - 0 (--1)
    * Diplomacy - 4 (+8)
    * Disable Device - 0 (--1)
    * Disguise - 4 (+8)
    * Drive - 4 (+9)
    * Escape Artist - 0 (+5)
    * Gather Info - 2 (+6)
    * Handle Animal - 2 (+6)
    * Intimidate - 2 (+6)
    * Investigate - 0 (--1)
    * Knowledge: Popular Culture - 6 (+5)
    * Medicine - 0 (--1)
    * Notice - 0 (--1)
    * Pilot - 0 (+5)
    * Ride - 0 (+5)
    * Search - 0 (--1)
    * Sense Motive - 4 (+3)
    * Sleight of Hand - 4 (+9)
    * Stealth - 0 (+5)
    * Survival - 0 (--1)
    * Swim - 0 (+5)
Con:  –  (n/a)
Int: 14  (+2)       
Wis: 12  (+1)
    * Attractive (2): +8 bonus Bluff & Diplomacy people affected by your looks
    * Jack-of-All-Trades: Use any skill untrained
    * Well-Informed: Gather Information check when meeting someone
    * Dodge Focus (2): +2 dodge bonus
    * Connected: Make a Diplomacy check to call in favors or aid
    * Equipment (3): Really Fancy Cellphone (Counts as computer, cellphone, camera, PDA), Sports Car,
    * Wealth: --Description Not Found
    * Animal Empathy: Use Handle Animal to affect the attitudes of animals
Chr: 18  (+4)
Attack: +0/+6 (Melee)
Morph {} - Power Rank 4 - Cost 12 (3 * 4)
Defense: 15 (12 Flat Footed)
Super Movement (Wall-Crawling) {} - Power Rank 2 - Cost 4 (2 * 2)
Tough: +2, Fort: n/a, Ref: +4, Will: +4
Super-Senses: Infravision {} - Power Rank 2 - Cost 2 (1 * 2)
Skills: (Listed rank + ability modifier + other modifiers)
Super-Sense: Scent (Acute, Accurate, Extended) {} - Power Rank 3 - Cost 3 (1 * 3)
Acrobatics - 2 + 2 = +4
Super-Senses: Ultra-Hearing {} - Power Rank 1 - Cost 1 (1 * 1)
Bluff – 6 + 4 + 8 = +10/+18 (to those that find her attractive)  
Regeneration {} - Power Rank 10 - Cost 6 (0.5 * 10 + 1)
Description: 2 ranks improvement on healing times for all types, no ability recovery
Flaws: Needs tons of food
Power Feats: Regrowth
Climb - 2 + 1 = +3
Concealment {} - Power Rank 4 - Cost 3 (1 * 4 - 1)
Flaws: Blending
Craft: Artistic – 5 + 2 = +7
Swim {} - Power Rank 2 - Cost 2 (1 * 2)
Diplomacy 6 + 4 + 8 = +10/+18 (to those that find her attractive)
Protection {} - Power Rank 4 - Cost 4 (1 * 4)
Gather Information – 6 + 4 = +10
Strike (Claws, Fangs, Long Tail, Tongue) {} - Power Rank 4 - Cost 5 (1 * 4 + 1)
Power Feats: Mighty
Knowledge: Art – 7 + 2 = +9
Leaping {} - Power Rank 2 - Cost 2 (1 * 2)
Knowledge: Popular Culture – 7 + 2 = +9
Growth {} - Power Rank 3 - Cost 13 (4 * 3 + 1)
Power Feats: Alternate Power: Shrinking
Language (English)
Notice 4 + 1 = +5
Perform: Oratory - 5 + 4 = +9
Perform: Singing - 4 + 4 = +8
==''Kiyosato Akira''==
Sense Motive – 9 + 1 = +10
"You can stop crapping on me now, God..."
STR: 10
DEX: 12 (+1)
CON: 12 (+1)
INT: 14 (+2)
WIS: 12 (+1)
CHA: 14 (+2)
Attractive 2
Attack +0
Defense +8 (Dodge Focus x8 +8)
Initiative +5 (base +1, +4 from Imp Init)
Attack Focus (Melee) 6
Toughness +1 (+1 from Con)
Fortitude +5 (+1 from Con)
Reflex +5 (+1 from Dex)
Will +8 Impervious (+1 from Wis, +8 from Mental Shield)
Equipment 1
Acrobatics 4 ranks (+5)
Bluff 13 ranks (+15)
Computers 2 ranks (+4)
Diplomacy 13 ranks (+15)
Gather Information 13 ranks (+15)
Knowledge (occult / supernatural) 13 ranks (+15)
Notice 4 ranks (+15)
Sense Motive 11 ranks (+12)
Stealth 11 ranks (+12)
Japanese, English
Immunity to Fortitude Effects
Insubstantial 4
Kuchisake Onna's Mask (Device 1, Easy to lose, Morph 4, Power Feats: Restricted to Kuchisake Onna)
Protection 2
Regeneration 10 (Recovery Bonus +5, Recovery Rate: Bruised/Unconscious 1, Injured/Staggered 1, Disabled 1, Ability Damage 2)
Speed 4
Equipment: Knife, Laptop, Cellphone
Abilities: 10 + Skills 15 (60 ranks) + Feats: 12 + Powers 69 + Combat: 10 + Saves 5 = 121 Power Points
Complications: Addiction to Fruit and Candy, Phobia of being seen without mask, Temper
==''Yamada Aoi''==
Height: 5'7”    Weight: Not tellin' Punk    Hair: Red    Eyes: Gold
Species: Kitsune
Background: Aoi is daughter of a family of Kitsune unfortunately for her father was a Zenko (Works for the god Inari) fox, her mother a Yako (Mischievous) fox. It was an arranged marriage but her parents fell in love anyway. This has however meant that Aoi, she has ended up with an twin personality. The surface personality (Light Aoi) is outgoing and carefree but follows the rules and enjoys occasionally using her powers to help others (For the right price). The other personality (Dark Aoi) is is much harsher and prone to using her powers to her own benefit.
As she has grown older the two personalities are struggling for domincace at he last school it had appeared that Dark Aoi had won, within a month she controlled the school with an Iron fist. She was sent to Mononoke as a last chance, by who she is not too sure.
Kit and Kat are a set of long suffering twins who work for the Yamada family. They have been tasked with looking after Aoi. Which is a never ending chore for them, having to put up with the changes and keeping Dark Aoi hidden as much as possible from the family.
Str: 12 (+1) <br>
Dex: 14 (+2) <br>
Stm: 14 (+2) <br>
Int:20 (+5) <br>
Wis:20 (+5) <br>
Cha: 20 (+5) <br>
Attack: +4 <br>
Defense: +4 <br>
Tough: +2/+6 (protection), Fort: +2, Ref: +2, Will: +5 <br>
Skills: <br>
Acrobatics: +4 <br>
Diplomacy: +10 <br>
Disguise: +4 <br>
Bluff: +8 <br>
Escape Artist:+4 <br>
Intimidate: +6 <br>
Gather Info: +6 <br>
Knowledge (Behavioural Science): +4 <br>
Knowledge (Business): +2 <br>
Knowledge (Civics): +2 <br>
Knowledge (Streetwise): +4 <br>
Notice: +4 <br>
Search: +4 <br>
Sense Motive: +10 <br>
Slight of Hand: +4 <br>
Stealth: +4 <br>
Feats: <br>
Attractive <br>
Bishojou <br>
Demonic Glare <br>
Beautiful voice (Diplomacy) <br>
Minion (6 2x 75pt) [http://forum.rpg.net/showpost.php?p=11594524&postcount=946 kit and Kat] (Kitsune) <br>
Leadership <br>
Luck 2 <br>
Inspire <br>
Slap silly <br>
Ultimate Diplomacy <br>
Powers: <br>
Fox Fire (Hellfire Control) 8 (19pp) (Alt powers x3)<br>
-Bright Burst (Dazzle, Sight only, Area) 8<br>
-Soul Fire 6 (Hellfire, Alt save will) 6<br>
-Illusion (All Sense Phantasm) 5<br>
Morph (2) (Humanoid Only)(Alt power) (5pp)<br>
-Morph (1) Metamorph (Fox) (2pp)<br>
Super Senses 4 (Low light, Scent, Ultra-hearing, Magical Awareness) <br>
Luck Control 1 (Spend hero point for others) (3pp)<br>
Protection 4 (5pp)<br>
Drawbacks <br>
Hunger (Must eat Shrine offerings or suffer bruised condition till she does) -1 <br>
Focus (Shapeshift the leaves from a certain species of plant are necessary for this power to work) <br>
Complications <br>
(Honor: If an offering is made directly to her she must do/owe the offer a favor) <br>
(Involuntary change: Light/Dark Aoi)<br>
== Odake Aiko ==
-Ameonna - rain spirit
Stats 60 points
* Dex 26
* Str 12
* Con 8
* Wis 26
* Int 28
* Chr 20
Atackk/Saves 18 points
* Attack Specilization (unarmed) +6
* Defence (Dodge Feat) +6
* Toughness +0 -2 = -2
* Fortitude +3-2 = +1
* Reflex +3 +8 = +11
* Will +3 +8 = +11
skills: 18 points
* Profession Farmer 8+8=+16
* Swim 8 + 2 = +10
* Survival 8+8= +16
* Sense Motive 8+8=+16
* Perform 8+5=+13
* Notice 8+8 = +16
* Medicine 8+8=+16
* Diplomacy 8+5=13
* Concentration 8+8=+16
Feats: 1 point + 1 point experience
* Attractive
* Eidetic memory
powers: 22 points
* 10 mph flight - 2 points
* Summon Rain - Environmental Control 5 levels 10 points - Distraction DC 10
* Summon Wind - Hamper Movement 5 levels 10 points - quarter movement speed through the area.
* (-2) Arai Yori - Exorcists should be careful! Aiko doesn't want to go to sleep in a rock again!
* (+3) Suzuki Sayuri - She seems like a fellow smart girl, and understands all this new "electronics"
* (+3) Shinobu - Exactly the kind of spirit Yama-sama said not to get involved with...Oh it shouldn't be so interesting!
* (+/-2) Hara Yoshinori - He's funny and kind of sad. He just needs a good woman to straighten him out, but maybe not me.
* (-2) Watanabe Nagisa - Shes so beautiful, and princes like, makes me just feel like a country hick, and the boys like her soo much. grr
* (-4) Della Notte - Scary!! and kind of hansom, but really SCARY!!!
* (+2) Mici-nitay-kamuy - Always respect the local gods!
* (+3) Aoi - Another young spirit, Light Aoi is so cute, and Dark Aoi is *blush*
* (+1) Akira - He's funny, and a boy, and he's dating Yasmin and someone else?
* (+1) Yasmin - She's so gaijin, and dark skin is so exotic!
1 pp - Eidetic memory Feat
== Nymphodora “Dora” Honda ==
Nymphadora "Dora" Corolla is a "foreign" student from rural Greece... (She picked her human first name from a book about education and the last name for being a common one in Japan... just not for people). She relished the chance to get away from her parents and their constant dancing and drinking and other revels... the human world had books and learning and science! She threw herself into this with the same zeal for life satyrs do for everything, “borrowing” books from the outskirts of civilization. Through a very odd set of circumstances, she wound up learning about and starting at Mononoke High in Japan. She lives alone, her parents having given her some junk jewelry to live on (this being solid gold and ancient).
She's not a quiet nerd... she'll always talk to people about her latest project or discovery... of course, that can cause as much social isolation as never saying anything at all.
As a result of being listed as a “fictional” creature herself, she's had a hard time sorting fictional from non-fictional information and tries to recreate the devices seen in sci-fi books, movies and manga. Her brains and innate magic powers allow her to bring her creations to "life," but they don't always operate the way she expects. The theories are always sound though, and there's no such thing as a failed experiment!
While she's not looking for romance for herself now (having had her fill growing up), she'll gladly give advice to someone who's pining... something she's quite attuned to. She thinks everyone should “do it” as much as possible.... there's no reason not to! Unfortunately, she's only vaguely familiar with modern conventions and taboos, but that doesn't stop her from being direct about it. "If you like her, go over and kiss her! What do you mean 'But we're both girls?' I can see that!"
Wearing clothes is new to her, and she loves it, doing it all the time, with more enthusiasm than style... she has no natural body modesty and is unclear on that concept too.
Dora is a nymph, a female satyr, a human with some goat features. She is blonde, tanned and curvy, possessed of a robust, outdoor beauty. Her eyes are bright green with vertical slit pupils, which she covers up with contact lenses. Thick, wavy blonde hair falls to her waist, gathered back halfway down with a scrunchie. She has a pair of (still growing) horns on her forehead and slightly pointed ears, both covered up by the broad blue bandanna she wears. Her legs (still human shaped, her reverse joint hasn't grown in yet) are covered in curly blonde fur below the knee and have hooves instead of feet. She has a small goat tail as well. Her school uniform is a size too big, with cuffs covering half of her hands and she wears large, round, rimless glasses... they are ordinary glass, not corrective... she just likes how they look. Baggy knee-length socks cover up her leg fur, with extra-large tennis shoes to mask her hooves.
She has a large backpack stuffed with textbooks and manga... along with her favorite invention, the electrical arc bow, the handle of a compound bow covered in wires and circuits. When activated, the bow's arms form out of crackling electricity, as do the arrows.
PL 8 120 points
Str 10
Dex 16
Con 16
Int 20
Wis 18
Cha 16
Characteristic total 36 points
2 Attack +1 (+3 ranged, +7 with electrical bow)
Defense 0 (+8 dodge)
Initiative +3
Combat total 2 points
Toughness save +3
Ref. Save +6
Fort Save +4
Will Save +5
Save Total 5 points
2 Bluff +8
3 Computers +12
1 Concentration +4
2 Craft Chemical +8
3 Craft: Mechanical +12
2 Craft: Structural +8
3 Disable Device +12
1 Disguise +4
1 Investigate +4
1 Knowledge: Arcane Lore +4
1 Knowledge: Popular Culture +4
1 Knowledge: Earth Sciences +4
2 Knowledge: Physical Sciences +8
2 Knowledge: Life Sciences +8
3 Knowledge: Technology +12
1 Language +4 Greek, English, Japanese, Chinese (beast tongue native)
1 Notice +4
1 Perform: Wind Instruments +4
2 Perform: Dance +8
1 Search +4
2 Sense Motive +8
2 Stealth +8
1 Survival +4
1 Swim +4
Skill Total 40 points
Attack Focus (ranged) 2
Attack Specialization 2 (Electrical arc bow +4)
Attractive 2
Beautiful Voice (Bluff)
Detect Murderous Intent
Distract (Bluff)
Dodge Focus 8
Eidetic Memory
Eidetic Memory
Elusive Target
Equipment (various useful magazines; +2 to knowledge checks, bicycle, cell phone, schoolbag)
Favored Environment (urban)
Favored Environment (inside schools)
Hide In Plain Sight
Improved Initiative
Rousing Speech (Diplomacy)
Skill Mastery (Bluff, Stealth, Sense Motive, Diplomacy)
Teamwork 3
Ultimate Effort (Toughness)
Uncanny Dodge
Dodge Focus 8
Fascinate: Dance
Improved Aim
Super-sense (detect weirdness by sight) 3
Mind Shield 8
Improvised tools
Protocol (Shonen Anime Protagonist's Code of Honor; uncommon, moderate) (-2)
Cursed (gain Interpose feat; however activation is involuntary, uncommon, moderate) (-2)
Marked (ahoge of doooooom (his); attracts monsters. common, moderate) (gratis)
Wanted (vicious beatings of death for not being a monster, very common, major) (gratis)
Master Plan
Second Chance: Disable Device
Skill Mastery (Disable Device, Craft: Mechanical, Craft: Structural, Computers)
Uncanny Dodge (hearing)
Feat Total 24 points
1 Tensai Shoujo (Genius Girl) Quickness 2 – Inventing and repairing only.
2 Ear for nature - Comprehend Animals 1 - understand
4 Device 4 Electrical Arc Bw (easily taken away) Unreliable, Side Effects.
Power - Electrical Control 8
[[Mononoke High NPCs#Yasmin al-Jameel|Yasmin]] (+2): Akira's Shonen Anime Protagonist Code of Honor demands that he help the poor girl do stuff like carry books and so on, since she's obviously ill and stuff.
Alternate Powers:
[[#Arisa (Alice) Ai|Alice]](-1): He has a mild resentment against the way she tries to make all the boys do things for her. The fact that she's not human doesn't help either. However, she's easy on the eyes...
Shocking blast -Stun 8,
[[Mononoke High NPCs#Yamada Norika|Noriko]] (-1): On the one hand, he dislikes her use of violence as the first option, especially since he's had to step into the path of her bokken to shield innocent underclassmen. He doesn't know if the resentment is mutual, but...
Override blast - Animate Object (Only Electrical Devices) 8,
Noriko (+1): There's also a tiny bit of admiration for her strength, unflinching frankness, and honesty. He can understand why she's on the fast-track to becoming the local bancho.
Ultra static cling field - Snare 5 – Explosion, Reversible,
[[Mononoke High NPCs#Arai Yori|Yori]] (+1): Slow, but dependable and honest. And his family runs a temple. Not a bad person to have on your side in case you need holy ground to flee to.
Precision blast - Deflect 7 (All ranged attacks) Ranged, Reflection.
[[Mononoke High NPCs#Hara Yoshinori|Yoshinori]] (+1): While Akira can't really condone his harassment of the girls in class, he's still a man, and the Mononoke Pantsu Weekly webzine Yoshinori puts out is quite... stimulating. It doesn't hurt that he helped optimize Akira's new PC.
[[#Urameshi Rei|Rei]] (-1): She has a massive aura of death around her; clearly she must be bad news!
1 Party animal - Immunity 1 – Intoxicants
3 Nose for Romance - Super Sense Detect (smell) Love/lust/attraction, Ranged, Sense
2 Sure-footed as a mountain goat. Super Movement 1 Sure-Footed
Power total 13
Secret: “Monster” going to school in secret among humans.
Special: Experimental Technology – Devices and inventions can malfunction at unpredictable times.
[[#Urameshi Rei|Urameshi Rei]] +2 The're both cheerful, and Dora isn't squeamish about and doesn't mind getting rid of bodies... for science!
[[Mononoke High NPCs#Tanaka Sadao|Sadao]] +2 Dora helps out with the archery club and likes a guy who'll flirt with people. Everyone should do that!
[[Mononoke High NPCs#Hara Yoshinori|Yoshinori]] +1 Dora loves wearing panties and is glad to show them to people... he's an appreciative audience. Plus, he really needs to get a girlfriend, and she tells him so often. And they both like computers.
[[Mononoke High NPCs#Suzuki Sayuri|Saiyuri]] +1 Sayuri has great glasses and likes computers! So quiet though!
[[#Yoshida Ami|Ami]] +3 It's good to know she's not the only beast-aspected gal around.
[[#Mayu|Mayu]] +3 For the same reason, she really gets Mayu too, or thinks she does. To be Named Later
[[#Katsuo Takahashi|Katsuo Takahashi]], +3 A human AND a car! Who likes science! She'd love to get under his hood, so to speak.
''To be Named Later Dora'' loves meeting new people.

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