Editing Morgrave High: Family

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* '''Lady Adreanna Orien''', High-ranking member of House Orien responsible for overseeing matters of business and finance.  Alishia's Mother.  Intelligent, canny, and determined.  Wishes her daughter would follow in her footsteps instead of shirking her studies and getting into fights.  Possesses no Dragonmark.
* '''Lady Adreanna Orien''', High-ranking member of House Orien responsible for overseeing matters of business and finance.  Alishia's Mother.  Intelligent, canny, and determined.  Wishes her daughter would follow in her footsteps instead of shirking her studies and getting into fights.  Possesses no Dragonmark.
* '''Lord Jarrod d'Orien,''' Another high-ranking member of House Orien, former Lightning Rail conductor and current engineering supervisor.  Alishia's father.  Cheerful, laid-back, and easy-going.  Quietly encourages his daughter's behavior.  Possesses a Greater Dragonmark of Passage.
* '''Lord Jarrod d'Orien,''' Another high-ranking member of House Orien, former Lightning Rail conductor and current engineering supervisor.  Alishia's father.  Cheerful, laid-back, and easy-going.  Quietly encourages his daughter's behavior.  Possesses a Greater Dragonmark of Passage.
* [[Alishia Mesbet d'Orien]], tomboyish martial artist and Dragonmarked House Scion.
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Jox is a cockblocking robot, built by the government.  He has no <STRIKE>family</STRIKE>
Jox is a cockblocking robot, built by the government.  He has no <STRIKE>family</STRIKE.
Jox's creator is the Lord of Blades. Relevant Quote concerning Jox from the Lord of Blades  
Jox's creator is the Lord of Blades. Relevant Quote concerning Jox from the Lord of Blades  
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===Family Tree===
* '''Alexander  Archer''', Nicodemus' father.  Avenger of the Silver Flame, and war veteran. 
* '''Therese Archer''', Nicodemus' mother.  Warlord of the Sovereign Host.
* '''Unnamed Uncle''', Getting married later this year
* [[Nicodemus]], cleric of the Silver Flame.
'''Alexander Archer:'''Avenger of the Silver Flame.
A blunt and straightforward man when it comes to dealing with others, he has brown hair without a trace of grey in it and blue eyes.
He appreciates talking with members of the Silver Flame the most, acting easy around them and often smiling and laughing - often donating silver dust to churches when he's around and generally being a model worshipper of the Silver Flame.
Whenever he does interact with them, Alexander always expects said members to follow the rules of the Silver Flame.
When he’s around worshippers of the Sovereign Host, he generally takes on an appreciative air for the good their work often does, and he does make an effort to spend time with them, although not quite as much as he spends with his fellow worshippers of the Silver Flame.
He has not spent much time around the Eldeen Reachest, so he knows very little about the druidic religion that exists over there.
Because of this, he’s both curious and somewhat on guard when he notices that – although, seeing as people from the Eldeen Reaches aren’t worshipping something evil, as far as he can tell, he’s at least respectful of of their religion.
Should someone mention people following the Path of Light, the only real response they would get would most likely just be a blank look, aimed at whoever was talking about them.
He has no idea what group they are, or what their goal is.
A personal belief of his is, simply, that people do not change from their basic selves.
If you ever, at some point, worshipped, say, the Dragon Below, Alexander would watch you suspiciously, and would never really trust you.
If you followed one of the Dark Six, he keeps you at arms length, no matter what else you’ve done – you could save a person right in front of his eyes, and he would still not fully trust you.
And, of course, if you belong (or have belonged) to the Lord of Dust, he wouldn’t even pretend to be friendly with you, and would either attack you directly without question (if you were still a member) or just wait for the moment of your inevitable betrayal and attack you then, even if it just looked like you were about to betray them.
On the other hand, Alexander Archer is a man willing to go to great lengths to help any friends of his – even if it means running straight at an approaching group of enemies to help someone else escape, and this is something which has earned him quite a few very loyal friends in Thrane’s government, and who are currently in charge of quite a few things.
Such as, for instance, who gets sent to the Morgrave program in Sharn.
He’s also somewhat of a flirt, and enjoys doing that, from time to time, casually flirting with some women when he first meet them.
In his military days, he was part of a smaller unit within Thrane’s army, who was used to attack weak points in enemy armies, quickly moving to strike at vulnerably commanders whenever they could be found, and generally causing as much chaos in the enemy as possible.
This was done to stop them from managing to cross the borders of Thrane or, if they were already inside, to stop them from being capable of doing anything harmful to the Nation.
When the enemy commander was dead, Alexander and his friends were then nowhere to be found, as they escape and avoid being attacked by the enemy army, every single time.
He also spent some time, together with Grace Shadar, fighting to conquer various places that Thrane wishes to keep for their own.
This was at the time when Shadar had hair.
At the end of the War, Alexander and his friends had just finished an attack at Cyre, when the Mourning happened.
Thankfully, they were outside the range of it, and came out of it alright.
Nowadays, he spends some of his time looking out for the Queen, and making sure she doesn’t start trying to retake the throne, as one of his less savory duties.
'''Character Song:'''  [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azrKXvW5jVM The Bard's Song], Blind Guardian
'''Therese Archer:'''  Warlord of the Sovereign Host.
A shorter-than-Alexander with black hair and brown eyes, she's in charge of one of the biggest villages around the area, even including some of the surrounding ones.
Quick to speak her mind, but still, at heart, a kind woman who cares about those close to her.
Great at organizing groups, as well as planning festivities, which was what led to her getting to be in charge.
Was the one who started to make sure that Artificiers came to the area when they had some big important celebration.
She has a weakness for playing cards, although it usually isn’t about money, instead being about beating the opponent and the fun of a challenge.
Is pleased that Nicodemus got to leave to Morgrave.
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'''Lord Pyrion Tilvaraen:'''  The Lord Tilvaraen is a Tulanni of Summer Gales, and a member of the Summer Council, the governing body of Pylas Pyrial. He is fairly young for that position, being not terribly far into his second century of life; his rise can be attributed in no small part both to his own natural charisma and eloquence, and to having taken Elliade as his lifebond mate, whose own contributions finally pushed him onto the council during their courtship. They were pledged to each other just after he took his seat.
'''Lord Pyrion Tilvaraen:'''  The Lord Tilvaraen is a Tulanni of Summer Gales, and a member on the Summer Council, the governing body of Pylas Pyrial. He is fairly young for that position, being not terribly far into his second century of life; his rise can be attributed in no small part both to his own natural charisma and eloquence, and to having taken Elliade as his lifebond mate, whose own contributions finally pushed him onto the council during their courtship. They were pledge to each other just after he took his seat.
Lord Tilvaraen boisterous, confident, and articulate. He is best described as a cross between Oberon with Teddy Roosevelt; charismatic and shrewd, but somewhat bull-headed and stubbornly straightforward. He prefers the more direct approach to things, and tends to leave subtleties to his wife; it's not that he can't be just as political as she can so much as that he just prefers not to be when he can get away with it. As such, he tends to be very open about his opinions and feelings, trusting to his natural charisma and, failing that, the Lady Tilvaraen's machinations, to carry through. The net result is that he often seems very aggressive in his likes and dislikes, both in terms of people and things.
Lord Tilvaraen boisterous, confident, and articulate. He is best described as a cross between Oberon with Teddy Roosevelt; charismatic and shrewd, but somewhat bull-headed and stubbornly straightforward. He prefers the more direct approach to things, and tends to leave subtleties to his wife; it's not that he can't be just as political as she can so much as that he just prefers not to be when he can get away with it. As such, he tends to be very open about his opinions and feelings, trusting to his natural charisma and, failing that, the Lady Tilvaraen's machinations, to carry through. The net result is that he often seems very aggressive in his likes and dislikes, both in terms of people and things.
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Physically, she's still very short, just barely over five feet; she hasn't hit the growth spurt that her elder sisters did, although she's desperately hoping for it, as it's harder for her to lord over people when she's smaller than all of them. She has her mother's coloration, with only the smallest hint of blue in her silver hair and eyes, and always dresses like the little princess she knows she is.<br>
Physically, she's still very short, just barely over five feet; she hasn't hit the growth spurt that her elder sisters did, although she's desperately hoping for it, as it's harder for her to lord over people when she's smaller than all of them. She has her mother's coloration, with only the smallest hint of blue in her silver hair and eyes, and always dresses like the little princess she knows she is.<br>
'''Character Song:'''  [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiDUYUjAbgE World Is Mine], supercell feat. Hatsune Miku (Choucho cover)
'''Character Song:'''  [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrN4vMRDZGM World Is Mine], supercell feat. Hatsune Miku
===Family Tree===
* '''Cyrus Ebonshard''', archwizard and Vailea's mentor, later revealed to be her grandfather.
* [[Dr. Malina Bordain]], instructor of art and history at Morgrave University, revealed to be Vailea's mother. 
* [[Vailea]], ice sorceress.
'''Cyrus Ebonshard:'''  Cyrus is a wizard, not a sorcerer, and a powerful one at that. He has a firm control on all the elements, and knows a few illusion spells while he's at it.
He appears around in his 50s, rather tall for a human, Silver flowing hair with a short beard and carries himself with a quiet confidence. Trained in several forms of martial combat.
Does not wear wizard robes. Instead has several shape shifting outfits, usually preferring more common clothes like cotton shirts and pants when not seeing guests. Will wear finery more inclined to a learned scholar otherwise. Always wears a dark cape that seems to show the sparkling midnight sky if one looks closely.
Was a former adventurer and served several tours of duty in the war. What faction and why he left is blurred by legend.
Cyrus word as a wizard is his bond. It's rare that he ever makes that pledge to something.
The wizard often is sought out these days by adventurers and officials for council and aid. It is rare, but he occasionally leaves the keep for weeks at a time on important matters.
Has a friendly, warm and affirming personality, but has a calculating edge. Think Uncle Iroh with Malcolm Reynolds' gallows humor. Remember, this is the guy who pushed Vee off a waterfall to get her to air warp for the first time.
Even though he has no apparent need for posturing for rank, he will be a stern taskmaster when it calls for it, especially for those under his instruction or command.
Prefers actions over boasting, and will prefer others to underestimate him or do sudden tests that appear to be accidental to see if a person is as they say. "Surprise Quiz" took a whole new meaning in the Keep.
A lover of learning, his library held quite a lot of books with a rather generous legend, play and folklore collection along with the standard wizard books and equipment.
===Family Tree===
* '''Yarhad''', Xali's father.  Diplomat from his tribe to the outside world.
* '''Zafi-yoom''', Xali's mother.  Assassin/shaman and confirmed mammal.
*  [[Xali]], the gods-disavowing Dire Bat Girl.
'''Yarhad''' is a tough, leathery man covered in scars and the signature white tattoos made by scorpid venom. He used to be the tribe's official "Maker Of Event-Shadows", a job to witness births, deaths, marriages and heroics. Then he weaved those into the songs and poems that make up the tribe's oral chronicles.
More recently the tribe's chief assigned him a new job: "Shadowless Eyes." A dangerous task that basically means he has to cease the constant hiding that the drow prefer to do and make contact with outsiders - particularly the humans of Khorvaire. Find out what they want, who are the threats, who can be useful. His long absences on diplomatic travels were a factor in Xali's decision to come to Sharn, so that she is at least somewhat connected with the father she misses.
He is serious and dignified, fully realizing the kind of responsibilities he bears. He is clever enough to pretend that is not clever at all. Unlike his daughter, he keenly understands human society. But he doesn't show it, remaining always the backward jungle savage in the eyes of others, to his great benefit.<br>
'''Signature Song''':  [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHrTOQ18yzU Staring at the Sun], TV on the Radio.<br>
(A singer and a diplomat... Yes indeed, he's a bard.)
'''Zafi-yoom''' is an assassin-shaman, part of a long and proud line of mothers teaching their daughters the arts. At all times she will wear a purple flower as a hair ornament. They are zechar flowers, gifts from her husband as a sign of affection. Because he keeps giving new ones the flower she wears, like their love, never withers. Damaging or removing the flower is strongly discouraged.
She wears at all times a black scorpid-plate armor and several blades, most of them hidden. It is clear that Xali's generous curves are entirely from her mother's side, and one glance at Zafi-yoom makes the following things clear:<br>
1: She is a mammal (and how!)<br>
2: She fights all the time.<br>
3: Her purpose is to flip out and kill people.
She is not the diplomat of the outfit and is uncomfortable with Sharn. Too high, too crowded, too strange. And so she does what any drow housewife would do in the circumstances: by often reminding people that she can utterly demolish them.<br>
'''Signature song:''' [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KccRc1Le9s Violet tree], m83.<br>
(Dire Batgirl Milf, what's not to love?)
=Family of Non-Player Characters=
=Family of Non-Player Characters=

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