Editing Myosho-Shintar Experiment

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===The Ship===
===The Ship===
'''Class 2 Starship'''<br>
Facade Observer Shrine<br>
Most common, most versatile ship type. Jump capable. Able to land on rough terrain. Used for planetary exploration and fast inter-system travel. Tend to favor utility over living space, making for close-quarters living conditions.<br>
*Facade: False identification/registry, disguised as something else. Crawlspaces, hidden compartments, false walls.
**''Workspace: Observer'' - Advanced, multi-band sensors, capable of long-distance scans. Probe launchers. Recording equipment, shielded data storage.
*Observer: Advanced, multi-band sensors, capable of long-distance scans. Probe launchers. Recording equipment, shielded data storage.
**''Armament: Energy Cannon'' or ''Launcher''
*Shrine: A deeply personal space entirely devoted to your obsession, filled with samples, inspirations, trinkets and memorabilia.
**''Workspace: Shrine'' - A deeply personal space entirely devoted to your obsession, filled with samples, inspirations, trinkets and memorabilia.
*'''Cargo Bay'''
**''Workspace: Facade'' - False identification/registry, disguised as something else. Crawlspaces, hidden compartments, false walls.
==The Sector==
==The Sector==
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There is currently tension between the military and the more mercantile and diplomatic aspects of Myosho society. Armed conflict with the Shintar Republic was not that long ago, and there remain political elements that wish to continue that assault which, while weaker now in society, still have some influence.  
There is currently tension between the military and the more mercantile and diplomatic aspects of Myosho society. Armed conflict with the Shintar Republic was not that long ago, and there remain political elements that wish to continue that assault which, while weaker now in society, still have some influence.  
Conflict between the Twenty-Seven families (and, by extension, the lesser families within their associations with conflicting Twenty-Sevens) makes for dramatic fluctuation in the internal Myosho economy, which makes life harder than it needs to be for the working classes. That's combined with high taxation that was instituted as a result of the Shintar conflicts, but which hasn't yet returned to former levels, which combination leads to unrest amongst the populace. The working classes additionally have the support and backing of the Naru religion. Balanced against those forces of unrest is the meritocratic practices of the society. Many people are focused more on personal upward mobility than in demanding better conditions for the masses, and a number of middle-class and upper middle-class clans (as well as a few of the Twenty-Seven) have been growing their ranks as a means to both temper societal unrest and to gain an advantage over their rivals.
Conflict between the Twenty-Seven families (and, by extension, the lesser families within their associations with conflicting Twenty-Sevens) makes for dramatic fluctuation in the internal Myosho economy, which makes life harder than it needs to be for the working classes. That's combined with high taxation that was instituted during the Shintar conflicts, but which hasn't yet returned to former levels, which combination leads to unrest amongst the populace. The working classes additionally have the support and backing of the Naru religion. Balanced against those forces of unrest is the meritocratic practices of the society. Many people are focused more on personal upward mobility than in demanding better conditions for the masses, and a number of middle-class and upper middle-class clans (as well as a few of the Twenty-Seven) have been growing their ranks as a means to both temper societal unrest and to gain an advantage over their rivals.
The military clans are experiencing more cohesion and less volatility, though the hawkish elements among them are currently in disfavor and are chafing against the ascendancy of the more dovish military elements. There are some pressure valves there which will need releasing, before any kettles blow.
The military clans are experiencing more cohesion and less volatility, though the hawkish elements among them are currently in disfavor and are chafing against the ascendancy of the more dovish military elements. There are some pressure valves there which will need releasing, before any kettles blow.
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===Myosho Consortium===
===Myosho Consortium===
''Underhanded Corporate Meritocracy''<br>
====The Twenty-Seven Families====
====The Twenty-Seven Families====
''Conniving Self-Assured Oligarchy''<br>
Each of the Twenty-Seven Families of the Myosho Consortium has material control over some aspect of society (technology, the military, religion, politics, various mercantile interests like shipping, mining, specific manufacturing, etc), with some families operating as rivals (multiple technology families, or military clans, etc.). Beneath the Twenty-Seven are many lesser clans that form shifting alliances with each other and their patron families, who are similarly associated with the many spheres of influence in Myosho society. So, one of the Twenty-Seven might specialize in personal defense, manufacturing weapons and defense systems for individuals, and have close relationships with lesser families involved in raw materials, factory manufacturing, and distribution networks, as well as a lesser family that specializes in providing security personnel for personal defense. That one clan of the Twenty-Seven may have a rivalry with another weapons-system manufacturing member of the Twenty-Seven which is seeking to expand its personal armaments division, and it might have an alliance with a political faction that seeks to expand into Shintar space, where personal armaments will be in high demand.
Each of the Twenty-Seven Families of the Myosho Consortium has material control over some aspect of society (technology, the military, religion, politics, various mercantile interests like shipping, mining, specific manufacturing, etc), with some families operating as rivals (multiple technology families, or military clans, etc.). Beneath the Twenty-Seven are many lesser clans that form shifting alliances with each other and their patron families, who are similarly associated with the many spheres of influence in Myosho society. So, one of the Twenty-Seven might specialize in personal defense, manufacturing weapons and defense systems for individuals, and have close relationships with lesser families involved in raw materials, factory manufacturing, and distribution networks, as well as a lesser family that specializes in providing security personnel for personal defense. That one clan of the Twenty-Seven may have a rivalry with another weapons-system manufacturing member of the Twenty-Seven which is seeking to expand its personal armaments division, and it might have an alliance with a political faction that seeks to expand into Shintar space, where personal armaments will be in high demand.
Due to peculiarities of the way the Consortium is run, allegiances between the families is relatively fluid, though history and the ever-shifting politics of arrangements makes for tense bedfellows.
Due to peculiarities of the way the Consortium is run, allegiances between the families is relatively fluid, though history and the ever-shifting politics of arrangements makes for tense bedfellows.
====The Three Blocs====
'''The Expansionists''' espouse rapid progression through space, discovery/control of resources, and deployment of industry to firmly establish the dominant footprint in the sector. Militarily aggressive, technologically 'neutral'. Second in terms of size and current political power. Sometimes called 'Imperialists'. The Fujimoto military family, Ishida and Takagi governmental families, and Nakagawa and Harada industrial families. ''Exploitative Expansionist Bloc''
'''The Protectorate''' advocate for only expanding at the rate that ensures the Consortium's ability to properly defend, monitor/police, and govern its already-existing territory. Militarily defensive, technologically 'conservative'. First in terms of size, third in terms of current political power. Sometimes called 'Conservatives'. The Yamamoto military family, the Yamada, Maeda, and Shimizu governmental families, and the Fukuda and Miura industrial families. ''Honorable Conservative Bloc''
'''The Planners''' champion 'The Great Plan', a middle road between the other two blocs. The Consortium should not overstretch itself, but should not hesitate to develop strategic territory that will support immediate or long-term goals. Holding power primarily in response to the other blocs, this group itself has much inherent factionalism along the Conservative - Imperialist spectrum. Militarily and technologically progressive. Third in terms of size, first in terms of current political power. Sometimes called 'Opportunists'. The Miyamoto military family, the Ota governmental family, and the Okamoto industrial family. ''Opportunistic High-Tech Bloc''
====Bureau of Intelligence, Investigation, and Interdiction====
''Controlling Authoritarian Government''<br>
A governmental agency that acts partly as domestic intelligence service and partly as law enforcement. Many criminals of the type that bounty hunters get called in for are those that have jumped between jurisdictions or systems, meaning that the BIII, 'Triple I,' or 'Third Eye' is frequently competing for the same targets, attempting to bring them in without using outside services.
====Federated Navy (FN)====
''Factional Military Armada''<br>
Every segment of society contributes to the military protection of Myosho space. Traditionally, this was managed feudally, with each of the Thirty Families and their vassal families contributing materiel and personnel to the Navy. This led to extreme factionalism within the military, and was altered hundreds of years ago to the current system, wherein every family contributes funds to the Federated Navy. The FN is managed by three families of the Twenty-Seven, long regarded as the 'military families'. Factionalism still exists between the three, but the FN itself is more centralized and uniform under this arrangement.
=====1st Expeditionary Fleet=====
''Fanatic Military Fleet''<br>
1EF, also known as Forerunner Fleet or Fujimoto's Forerunners, prides itself on being the first fleet in any new territory, and is a storied regiment for its conquests in the name of the Myosho Consortium. Firmly a part of the Expansionist Bloc, and a crown jewel of the Fujimoto military family.
======Black Diamonds======
''Brave High-Tech Cult''<br>
An elite cadre of first-drop assault troops within 1EF, discernible by their lithe black Combat Assault Skins and their preponderance of cyberware and bionics.
=====Six Iron Brigade=====
''Brave Special Forces Legion''<br>
A branch of the Myoshan interplanetary special forces, more commonly and less lovingly known as the Redhands because of the amount of black ops they did - wetwork, destabilizing sabotage actions, and the like. They serve in spacebound or orbital theatres doing a lot of recon and doorknocking, either scouting places and taking out sentinels before an assault, or being the first one into one. In the end, everyone did almost everything - the Redhands spent so much time on the move and so little in bases, they had to work with what was available every minute.
=====Division 56=====
''Sinister Covert Military'' <br>
A branch of the Federated Navy responsible for apprehension of enemies of the state, which is explicitly granted kill orders against known internal threats to the interests of the Myosho Consortium. Rumored to falsify termination and destruction, and instead to assimilate rogue technologies and actors, conduct blacksite interrogation, and illegal military experimentation.
====Auctioneer 9000====
''Wealthy Popular Trade Cartel''<br>
Auctioneer 9000 (aka AE9000, AE9K, Auctioneer, Auction House, Market) is the AI interface to the interactive marketplace of the Myosho Consortium. Designed and managed by the Kinoshita Family, AE9K is a central database and purchasing interface listing every good sold and traded within Myosho space. Featuring seventeen personality algorithms, EncyptoSecure (TM) interfaces with every communications medium known to man, and a real-time catalog of over five octodecillion products, Auctioneer is your personalized concierge to anything and everything you could possibly desire.
''Eclectic Warrant Registry''<br>
The Division of Freelance Interdiction Specialists or D-FIS, also known as Freelancers in police, military, and criminal circles, is a commercial enterprise run by Family Ueno, a subsidiary family of the Sugimoto, Murata, and Takeuchi families who supply many of the members of the rank-and-file Protectorate bloc in government and the military. The D-FIS charter is to support government agencies in the securement and delivery of Myosho citizenry attempting violation of their terms of parole. That role has since expanded to serving warrants of any kind, though that function remains an unofficial one as far as the strict letter of the charter is concerned.
Freelancers come in all stripes; once certified and made part of the D-FIS registry, a D-FIS agent is free to deputize a team and to pursue their bounties in the manner they see fit under the loose oversight of the agency.
====Nakamura Information Technology====
''Popular Merchant Corporation''<br>
Officially, the Nakamura specialize in entertainment, information, and data technologies. Unofficially, their most valuable commodity is information. Think Google meets the NSA--they gather information on anything that could be remotely useful, from simple marketing data to the secrets of powerful individuals and organizations. No one really knows just how much data the clan really possesses; they have an entire department dedicated just to sifting through the vast databases for useful or valuable information. NITech is a member of the Planners Bloc.
=====Department of Public Esteem=====
NITech's Department of Public Esteem (Marketing & PR, basically) is headed by a staunch traditionalist who remembers a time when the Nakamura name was synonymous with quality products, not shady information-gathering (whether such a time actually existed is debatable). She is opposed to the very existence of the SPT, and while the department doesn't necessarily have a lot of sway in the company, they do have media contacts and the department head has powerful friends inside & outside the company. Worse, she appears to be entirely clean (to wit, lacking exploitable secrets). The department doesn't often take direct action against SPT, but isn't above undermining their operations.
=====Special Projects Team=====
''Secretive High-Tech Corporation''<br>
A subsidiary of the Data Acquisition & Application Department of Nakamura Information Technology (NITech), the Special Projects Team is a small unit with a mandate to acquire and apply information in ways that benefit the clan, and they have a great deal of leeway in how they interpret that mandate. They're effectively a privately run intelligence agency, with all that implies. They work extensively with freelancers (though they can bring Nakamura resources to bear, if need be) and aren't above working as freelancers themselves.
Special Project Team's relationship with the the B3I is complicated and often comes down to individual members of each organization. Officially, NITech cooperates fully with law enforcement and provides some of their gear. Off the books, NITech's cooperation often takes the form of B3I requisitioning information from them while pointedly ignoring how the information was obtained. But occasionally, SPT operatives go too far or run afoul of a B3I agent who refuses to look the other way, so NITech has had to leave a few "rogue" employees (and quite a few freelancers) on the proverbial hook. There are some within the agency that would love to shut down the SPT and confiscate all of NITech's data.
Division 56 mostly hates SPT. They resent having "civilian spies" interfering in their sphere of influence and they really resent NITech's attempts to gather information on Division 56 activities.
====Fujita Enterprises====
''Austere Political Corporation''<br>
Fujita Enterprises produces comparable technology to NITech, but claims not to have the same sort of information gathering apparatus that their rival does (they do; it just isn't as comprehensive). They bill themselves as a more honest answer to NITech, and have parleyed their reputation into better contracts with the government and military, particularly Division 56. NITech is slightly more cutting edge than Fujita, but between their government contracts and widespread appeal, Fujita is actually the more financially successful company.
====The Nivosis Gang====
''Brutal Criminal Fleet''<br>
These pirates don't prey on the major shipping lanes of the Myosho Consortium - too well patrolled. Instead, they tend to target the spurs and last-mile hauls, never striking in the same place twice. They don't pull down the same massive heists that some of the other pirate gangs do, but they also don't end up in a shootout with state forces either. They seem to have an almost eerie ability to know when a freighter or convoy won't be sufficiently guarded.
The Nivosis Gang has definitely originated in Myosho space with all that entails. Almost all of them are intimately connected in some manner with the Myosho. They will sometimes strike at shipping outside the boundaries of Myosho space, but the pattern of their attacks would certainly seem to indicate that their home base or bases are within the Consortium.
Their attack pattern usually involves showing up with enough force to trivially overwhelm whatever merchant convoy they're intending on hitting - usually one that tried to skimp on escorts in order to save a dime or two. Any show of resistance involves a ship being blown to bits and a repeat of the demand to surrender and turn over their cargoes or ships. They usually don't exhibit any particular tactical brilliance, although there are rumors floating about of one squadron captain who will sometimes put on a show.
The organization of the gang is relatively loose. Ship squadrons are organized by captains who are responsible for the maintenance and administration of their squadron and also responsible for any losses. This means that squadrons will frequently impress captured spacers or ships into service in order to gain in power, prestige, and capability. Mutiny is not terrible uncommon. Each squadron captain is fed intelligence on ripe targets from the Gang's leaders, but they are forbidden from making direct contact with other squadrons outside of specific contexts in order to prevent the few raids that do go wrong from bringing down the whole operation.
===Shintar Republic===
====The Munificent Staff and Sanctuary of Shintar====
''Controlling Scientific Religion''<br>
The Church-Government of the Shintar Republic, founded on the worship of the Ancients and their genomic technology.
====The Ministry of Form====
An agency regulating and promoting research into biological modification. Their focus is on achieving a perfection of bodily form, leading to right thought and right action within Shintar society. Their approaches and goals sometimes meet with controversy.
====Joshean Belters====
A ragtag and tribalized (socially) culture of semi-nomads living in the asteroid fields at the outskirts of [Nominally Myoshan system X]. Asteroids range in size from "pretty large rocks" to "size of a regular moon". Since they are fairly numerous and tend to get by on whatever they can scavenge they tend to get hired for a lot of risky, low-pay work. Since they are also not Myoshan citizens, they do not have many ways to assert themselves and few employers think twice about stiffing them on contracts. Josheans don´t have many ways of recourse, so this has led to them having a reputation as violent pirates (which is deserved by some, though not nearly as many as the stories you hear in the center systems would indicate).
When the Myosho-Shintar conflict broke out, many "independent" groups like the Josheans got an offer - enlist and fight on the side of the Myoshan families (predictably, for the more dangerous jobs) and as an end-of-tour benefit you became a full citizen. This meant almost everything for many - with a citizenship comes licenses, actual legal recourse in negotiations, the chance to serve in high-paying professions in the systems. Many Josheans signed up. Many, many of them died.
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*[https://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?820560-Interest-Recruitment-PbtA-The-Uncharted-Worlds-Experiment&p=21554779#post21554779 Inspiration: the Outsider in Civilization]
*[https://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?820560-Interest-Recruitment-PbtA-The-Uncharted-Worlds-Experiment&p=21554779#post21554779 Inspiration: the Outsider in Civilization]
*[https://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?820560-Interest-Recruitment-PbtA-The-Uncharted-Worlds-Experiment&p=21562683#post21562683 Myosho Society: Merit]
*[https://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?820560-Interest-Recruitment-PbtA-The-Uncharted-Worlds-Experiment&p=21562683#post21562683 Myosho Society: Merit]
*[https://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?820560-Interest-Recruitment-PbtA-The-Uncharted-Worlds-Experiment&p=21574181#post21574181 Medical technology in the two civilizations]
==House Rules==
==House Rules==
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Common SectorNet Activities:
Common SectorNet Activities:
*Seeking common information is an Assessment using +Interface.
􏰀*Seeking common information is an Assessment using +Interface.
*Social interactions requires +Influence, as if the participants were face to face.
􏰀*Social interactions requires +Influence, as if the participants were face to face.
*Minor purchases are still based on the character’s wealth, but are anonymous.
􏰀*Minor purchases are still based on the character’s wealth, but are anonymous.
*Major purchases made over the SectorNet are Acquisitions, as per normal.
􏰀*Major purchases made over the SectorNet are Acquisitions, as per normal.

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