Editing Necessary Evil in Freedom City ENCYCLOPEDIA

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* Ayesha, Queen: Immortal queen of a hidden valley in Africa and sometime foe of the White Lion.
* Ayesha, Queen: Immortal queen of a hidden valley in Africa and sometime foe of the White Lion.
* Baron Samedi (Simon DuLac): Voodoo god of death possessing a Haitian criminal and gangster, using his mystic powers
to prove humanity unworthy and corrupt. Archenemy of Siren II.
* Battle Brutes (the War-born): Magical constructs created by a Dark Lord in some netherworld which overran and destroyed
their creator and all other life there. They now exist solely to fight and destroy and do so endlessly. Some sorcerers
attempt to use battle brutes as weapons, but they're mindless, difficult (and dangerous) to control. The Dark Lords penned
the Battle Brutes in a pocket dimension ages ago.
* Battlecry (Clarence Beaudrie): Grandson of billionaire and Freedom City socialite Angela Beaudrie who gained somic
powers from questionable genetic treatments. Student at the Claremont Academy.
Mutants & Masterminds Freedom City Encyclopedia Page 3
* Beacon (Langston Albright): Sailor endowed with the role of Light-bearer following the death of White Rose near Freedom
* Beast of Kilimanjaro, the: Alien creature in suspended animation beneath Mt. Kilimanjaro, most likely a Preserver
experiment. Defeated and re-imprisoned by the White Lion.
* Beaumont, Lord Richard: English lord in the 13th century renowned for his skill in archery, ancestor of the Beaumont
family (the modern-day Bowmen). The fourth Bowman met Lord Beaumont briefly on a trip through time.
* Bee-Keeper, the: Silver Age foe of the Centurion in the 1960s. Expert in insect behavior and genetic engineering.
* Black Avenger (Wilson Jeffers): Black crime-fighter and martial artist in the 1970s, member of the Freedom League. Now
retired and running a youth center in Lincoln, mentor of Sonic.
* Black Bowman (Beaumont Fletcher III): Bowman IV’s evil duplicate from Anti-Earth, member of the Tyranny Syndicate.
* Black Jackal: Dark costumed assassin and foe of the White Lion with ties to the Egyptian death cult of Anubis (and
through them with SHADOW and the Serpent People).
* Blackbird: Would-be paramour of the Raven I, she adopted a similar costume and attempted to work as his “partner” for a
time in the 1960s.
* Blackbyrds: Agents of King Cole during the 1950s.
* Blackstar (Rojan Lhar): Rogue Star Knight with alien “shadow-bands” from the Terminus and a hatred of the Star Knights
and all they represent. Member of the Crime League.
* Blackthorn: Vengeful spirit of one of the last druids, slain by Roman invaders, who eventually focused his thirst for
vengeance on Centurion (as a “scion of accursed Rome”), also a foe of Lady Celtic during the Second World War.
* Bluesman, the (Chester Brown): Black blues guitarist and crime-fighter in the 1920s and ‘30s.
* Bogatyr I: Russian hero possessing the power of a legendary champion. Fought the Centurion in the 1950s and ‘60s.
* Bogatyr II: Son of the original Bogatyr and now a famed Russian superhero in his own right.
* Bogeyman: A dream entity that feeds on fear, a foe of the current Atom Family in their childhood.
* Bolo, el (Eduardo Guerrero): Argentine bolo expert and petty thief, member of the Thieves’ Guild.
* Bolt (Ray Gardener, Jr.): Captain Thunder’s son and a student at the Claremont Academy. Bolt has super-speed and can
project lightning bolts.
* Bonham, Luke: AEGIS agent during the 1980s and ‘90s. Killed fighting Omega during the Terminus Invasion.
* Bonham, Stewart (AKA “Rock Star”): AEGIS agent, son of famed agent Luke Bonham.
* Boss Moxie: Leader of the animated Toon Gang.
* Bowman I (Fletcher Beaumont): A crusading newspaperman who used archery expertise and an arsenal of trick arrows to
fight crime.
** Bowman II (Timothy Quinn): The second Bowman after Arrow I assumed the Bowman identity and trained his mentor’s
son as Arrow II.
** Bowman III (Fletcher Beaumont, Jr.): The third Bowman after the first Bowman’s son assumed the mantle and trained
Ethan Keller as his partner. Broken up by Beaumont’s bout with alcoholism. Beaumont later passed the mantle on to his
son, while Ethan Keller assumed the identity of Archer.
** Bowman IV (Fletcher Beaumont III): Grandson of the original Bowman, first graduate of the Claremont Academy, and
member of the Freedom League.
* Brainape: Member of the Primate Patrol with mental powers.
* Brainstorm (Roy Connors): Psionic mutant who sacrificed his life to save the Freedom League from the Scions of Sobek.
Made an honorary member of the League after his death.
* Breakdance: A small-time super-criminal and foe of Tectonic in the 1980s.
* Brides of the Green, the: Three women—Maxima, Venus Man-Trap, and Flora—transformed into super-humans by the Green
Man to become his “brides” and agents.
* Brigade Six: Secret team of super-agents working for the Ministry of Powers in Britain in the 1960s.
* Britannia: Female champion of the British Isles, invested with mystic power, potentially related to Lady Liberty in some
way. Like Lady Liberty, multiple women have been Britannia over the years. Anne Pennington was Britannia during World
War Two.
* Broken Crow: American Indian shaman and Earth’s Master Mage in the late 1800s. Although crippled as a youth, Broken
Crow possessed considerable magical powers. He died at Wounded Knee in 1890.
* Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign: Mystical cult worshipping the Unspeakable One, founded by the Serpent People.
* Buccaneer (Mar Barnabo): Space pirate and member of the Tyranny Legion in the 26th century.
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Fable Gang, the: King Cole’s varying gang of henchmen, with themes based on storybook and fable characters.
Factor Four, the: Criminal team of Professor Fathom, Sylph, Pyre, and Granite, all transformed and empowered by the
mystical Prime Elements.
Farside City: A hidden city in a crater on the far side of Earth’s Moon. Home to the Farsiders, a human offshoot settled
there by the Preservers thousands of years ago.
Farsiders: An offshoot of humanity living in Farside City on the far side of Earth’s Moon.
Fear-Master I (Dr. Arthur Levitt): Psychologist specializing in the study of phobias who developed and used biochemical
devices to induce fear, a foe of the Raven I.
Fear-Master II (Melvin “Vin” Blume): Nihilistic musician and artist obessed with causing fear. Foe of the Raven II.
Fearsome, the: A loosely-grouped quartet of villains who banded together in 1979. Doc Abattoir originally led the team
he created with Sir Razor, Ms. Malice, and Silverback and often fought the Eyes of Night duo. After the Blackstone Riots of
1983, only Silverback remained of the original Fearsome, and he recruited other teammates over the years, his only
constant ally being Subject Nine. The most dangerous incarnation of the Fearsome was the third—Silverback, Subject Nine,
Verman, and Wildcard—which quietly controlled the Westside underworld from 1984 to 1988.
Feline: Feral mutant half-cat from the streets of Rio de Janeiro. Student at the Claremont Academy.
Firebug (Shawn Hensley): Wealthy pyromaniac who commits crimes to indulge his love of fire.
Firepower (Nathan Peter Collins): Doused with chemicals that granted him powers of fire generations and control. Student
at the Claremont Academy.
Flora: One of the Brides of the Green, a “flower child” able to create pollen clouds and teleport in a cloud of fragrant
flower petals.
Folkes, Franklin: Enfant terrible of SHADOW in the 1980s and still the organization’s public relations master.
Fomorians: Failed mutant experiments of the Preservers, the Fomorians are monstrous humanoids in possession of some
advanced technology. They fought wars against the survivors of Atlantis and later influenced events on the British Isles
before they were exiled to another dimension.
FORCE Ops (Freelance ORganization of Criminal Elimination Operatives): Team of heroes organized by Archer in the
1980s in defiance of the Moore Act, they were known for less scrupulous and peaceful methods than previous hero teams.
Members included Archer, Bruiser, El Gato, Kismet, Network, and Nightrage. FORCE Ops disbanded after the Terminus
Foreshadow (David Sloane): Precognitive crime-fighter who tries to prevent the tragedies he foresees.
Foundry, the: Criminal technological organization founded by the robot Talos.
Freebooter, the (Jared McGinnis): Paraplegic hacker and techno-pirate who uses an android body to help him carry out
crimes to “free” information.
Freedom Eagle (Michael O’Connor): Engineer who invented a winged flight-suit that Nazi spies attempted to steal,
member of the Liberty League and father of Mayor Michael O’Connor, Jr.
Freedom Hall: Original headquarters of the Freedom League in downtown Freedom City, now the team’s embassy and
outpost in the city.
Mutants & Masterminds Freedom City Encyclopedia Page 10
Freedom League, the: The world’s premier superhero team. Based out of their satellite headquarters, the Lighthouse, they
keep watch over the world. The League has many members, some of the most famous including Bowman, Captain
Thunder, Daedalus, Dr. Metropolis, Johnny Rocket, Lady Liberty, Psuedo, the Raven, Siren, and Star Knight. Past members
include Black Avenger, Brainstorm (honorary), Centurion, Raven I, Bowman II and III, Halogen, Lady Liberty II, Scarab, Sea-
King, Star Knight I, and Tectonic.
Freedom Legion, the: Interstellar protectors of the Confederation of Planets in the 26th century. Members include Charger,
Chiller, Clockwatcher, Colonel Colossus, Metalla, Professor Danger, Solarflare, Star Knight, Centurion, and Nighstalker.
Furies Three, the: A trio of androids with linked sonic powers, created by Daedalus in the 1970s and originally called the
Chorale. They became violent vigilantes using the names Tisiphone, Megaera, and Alecto, those of the ancient Furies.
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* L’Enfant Terrible (Jacques Crenaire): Mutant mentalist super-criminal in the 1950s, now serving a life sentence in Blackstone Prison and known as an artist and painter.
L’Enfant Terrible (Jacques Crenaire): Mutant mentalist super-criminal in the 1950s, now serving a life sentence in
* Labyrinth, the: Secret criminal organization controlled by Taurus, consisting of numerous fronts and shells to conceal the true core of the cartel.
Blackstone Prison and known as an artist and painter.
* Lady Anarchy: Anti-Earth double of Lady Liberty and member of the Tyranny Syndicate.
Labyrinth, the: Secret criminal organization controlled by Taurus, consisting of numerous fronts and shells to conceal the
* Lady Celtic (Amanda Phipps-Gordon): Member of the Allies of Freedom. British woman wielding the magical power of the druids, later Hank Griffin’s wife.
true core of the cartel.
*Lady Liberty I (Elizabeth Forester): Masked heroine of the American Revolution.
Lady Anarchy: Anti-Earth double of Lady Liberty and member of the Tyranny Syndicate.
*Lady Liberty II (Donna Mason): FBI secretary invested with the power of the Spirit of Liberty after she uncovered a Nazisabotage plot in Washington DC. Lady Liberty possessed super-strength and wielded “the Light of Liberty.”
Lady Celtic (Amanda Phipps-Gordon): Member of the Allies of Freedom. British woman wielding the magical power of the
*Lady Liberty III (Beth Walton-Wright): Current wielder of the Light of Liberty and member of the Freedom League. Married to police detective Trevor Wright.
druids, later Hank Griffin’s wife.
*Lady Lightning: Stalker and would-be paramour of Captain Thunder, possessing the ability to transform into “livinglightning.”
Lady Liberty I (Elizabeth Forester): Masked heroine of the American Revolution.
*Lady Lunar (Selene): Member of the Farsider royal family driven mad by the Moonstone. Led a coup against her relations and become tyrant ruler of Farside City until overthrow by the Atom Family.
Lady Liberty II (Donna Mason): FBI secretary invested with the power of the Spirit of Liberty after she uncovered a Nazi
*Lady Mamba (Marie Vaulaire): Voodoo sorceress and head of the Mayombe, mother of Dahlia and Cottonmouth.
sabotage plot in Washington DC. Lady Liberty possessed super-strength and wielded “the Light of Liberty.”
*Lady Tarot (Alicia Driogano): Fortune-teller and daughter of Freedom City’s mob boss, who uses her magical abilities to aid her father out of a sense of family obligation.
Lady Liberty III (Beth Walton-Wright): Current wielder of the Light of Liberty and member of the Freedom League. Married
* Lantern Jack: Ghostly Revolutionary War hero who carries a mystic lantern. He has been the protector of Lantern Hill in Freedom City for over two hundred years.
to police detective Trevor Wright.
*Larceny Inc.: Criminal team made up of Trap Door, Get-Away, Smash, and Grab, all subjects of the DNAscent process.
Lady Lightning: Stalker and would-be paramour of Captain Thunder, possessing the ability to transform into “living
*Le Reynard Rogue (The Rogue Fox) (Amelie Dutemps): Masked French Resistance fighter renowed for her cunning, the “Rogue Fox” was the bane of Nazis occupying France and the leader of the Allies of Freedom.
* LeBlanc, Henri “Lupus”: Frenchman accused of sorcery and being a werewolf in Colonial-era Freedom.
Lady Lunar (Selene): Member of the Farsider royal family driven mad by the Moonstone. Led a coup against her relations
* Leeds, Laurie (nee Lamont): Mark (Centurion) Leeds' girlfriend and later wife. They were married in the 1950s, and Mrs. Leeds passed away in the late 1980s.
and become tyrant ruler of Farside City until overthrow by the Atom Family.
*Lenore: Pale, dark-haired femme fatale foe of the Raven I, later revealed to be a vampire. Believed destroyed by exposure to sunlight in a church, her ashes scattered.
Lady Mamba (Marie Vaulaire): Voodoo sorceress and head of the Mayombe, mother of Dahlia and Cottonmouth.
* Leopard King, the: African super-criminal who attempted to conquer central Africa in 1962 with an army of “Leopard-Men” until stopped by the White Lion and UN intervention.
Lady Tarot (Alicia Driogano): Fortune-teller and daughter of Freedom City’s mob boss, who uses her magical abilities to
*Liberty League, the: World War II era superhero team organized by Dr. Tomorrow. Memebers included Bowman I & Arrow I, Centurion, Dr. Tomorrow, Envoy, Freedom Eagle, Johnny Rocket I, Lady Liberty II, Midnight, Patriot, and Siren I.
aid her father out of a sense of family obligation.
*LIGHT (Liberty’s Insurgency for Goodness, Hope, and Truth): Good version of SHADOW found on Anti-Earth and largely crushed by the Tyranny Syndicate. Lead by Highlight, Anti-Earth’s version of Overshadow. Mutants & Masterminds Freedom City Encyclopedia Page 14
Lantern Jack: Ghostly Revolutionary War hero who carries a mystic lantern. He has been the protector of Lantern Hill in
*Lighthouse, the: Satellite headquarters of the Freedom League following the Grue Invasion, built with the aid of the Star Knights, and linked to League outposts on Earth, including Freedom Hall.
Freedom City for over two hundred years.
* Lockpick (Thomas “Tommy” Mendola): Expert gymnast and thief, agent of the Labyrinth.
Larceny Inc.: Criminal team made up of Trap Door, Get-Away, Smash, and Grab, all subjects of the DNAscent process.
* Lonesome Dove: Mysterious grey-clad female gunslinger and bounty hunter in the American Old West.
Le Reynard Rogue (The Rogue Fox) (Amelie Dutemps): Masked French Resistance fighter renowed for her cunning, the
*Looking Glass (Marguerite Frey): Mistress of mirrors, committing crimes with various mirror-based weapons.
“Rogue Fox” was the bane of Nazis occupying France and the leader of the Allies of Freedom.
* Lor Republic: Interstellar civilizations in Earth’s area of the galaxy, made up of an alliance of races, including a number of human offshoots resettled by the Preservers.
LeBlanc, Henri “Lupus”: Frenchman accused of sorcery and being a werewolf in Colonial-era Freedom.
* Lor: Race of humans settled on the planet Lor-Van in a distant star system. Founders of the Lor Republic.
Leeds, Laurie (nee Lamont): Mark (Centurion) Leeds' girlfriend and later wife. They were married in the 1950s, and Mrs.
*Luna Moth: Foe of the Raven I who wore gossamer wings allowing her to fly and used various pheromone-based weapons.
Leeds passed away in the late 1980s.
Lenore: Pale, dark-haired femme fatale foe of the Raven I, later revealed to be a vampire. Believed destroyed by exposure
to sunlight in a church, her ashes scattered.
Leopard King, the: African super-criminal who attempted to conquer central Africa in 1962 with an army of “Leopard-
Men” until stopped by the White Lion and UN intervention.
Liberty League, the: World War II era superhero team organized by Dr. Tomorrow. Memebers included Bowman I & Arrow
I, Centurion, Dr. Tomorrow, Envoy, Freedom Eagle, Johnny Rocket I, Lady Liberty II, Midnight, Patriot, and Siren I.
LIGHT (Liberty’s Insurgency for Goodness, Hope, and Truth): Good version of SHADOW found on Anti-Earth and largely
crushed by the Tyranny Syndicate. Lead by Highlight, Anti-Earth’s version of Overshadow.
Mutants & Masterminds Freedom City Encyclopedia Page 14
Lighthouse, the: Satellite headquarters of the Freedom League following the Grue Invasion, built with the aid of the Star
Knights, and linked to League outposts on Earth, including Freedom Hall.
Lockpick (Thomas “Tommy” Mendola): Expert gymnast and thief, agent of the Labyrinth.
Lonesome Dove: Mysterious grey-clad female gunslinger and bounty hunter in the American Old West.
Looking Glass (Marguerite Frey): Mistress of mirrors, committing crimes with various mirror-based weapons.
Lor Republic: Interstellar civilizations in Earth’s area of the galaxy, made up of an alliance of races, including a number of
human offshoots resettled by the Preservers.
Lor: Race of humans settled on the planet Lor-Van in a distant star system. Founders of the Lor Republic.
Luna Moth: Foe of the Raven I who wore gossamer wings allowing her to fly and used various pheromone-based weapons.

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