Norrathians: Halfbreeds
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Of the player races, only the three varieties of elves and the three varieties of humans are capable of interbreeding. Within the two metaracial groups of "human" and "elf", mixed races are also possible. However, in these cases, the offspring usually exhibits traits more closely mimicing one or the other parent, and few notice the difference. Elf-human halfbreeds, however, differ from their parent races enough they get singled out in most societies. Below is the chart showing the types of pairings, and the common name of the offspring. These are by no means the only terms used to refer to halfbreeds, only the most commonly-used terms in the Common tongue. For some, the term "Worthless Trash" universally applies to all halfbreeds. {|border="1" cellpadding="5" |- | || Barbarian || Human || Erudite |- | High Elf || '''Fenling''' || '''Half High''' || '''Koadarud''' |- | Wood Elf || '''Wolfling''' || '''Half Elf''' || '''Fierud''' |- | Dark Elf || '''Coon''' || '''Half Dark''' || '''Teirud''' |- |} ---- =Coon (barbarian/dark elf)= Dark elves and barbarians alike revile coons, as do members of most other races. They have no place in the society of their own people, and are forced to make their way in the world any way they can. Very few organizations (usually underground organizations) or individuals accept coons, as they tend to be extremely violent, untrustworthy and unpredictable. The term “coon” comes from barbarians, who named this racial group after a slender cat native to the northern mountains. Known for its thick fur and rather smallish size compared to the leopards and tigers of the north, barbarians consider the coon as a rather weak breed, and as an easy hunt. Compared to other barbarians, most Coons are smaller and more slender, making them roughly the size of an average human. '''Coon Racial Traits''' * Abilities: +1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Constitution, -3 Charisma. Coons are physically capable but suffer from being ostracized by virtually all of society and tend get a negative reaction no matter what. * Classes: Coons can become rogues, warriors, and shadow knights. * Favored Class: Rogue. When determining whether a multiclass coon takes an experience point penalty, his or her rogue levels do not count. * Language: Coons begin with 4 ranks in Language: Common. * Size: As Medium-size creatures, coons have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. * Skills: Coons receive Sneak as a class skill regardless of their actual class(es). * Speed: Coon base land speed is 30 feet. * Vision: Coons have infravision. =Fierud (erudite/wood elf)= ''aka: Erud’Dal, Erud Elf'' Fierud is the name given to this mixed race by the erudites, but most people refer to erudite and elf half-breeds as erud’dal or an erud elf. It is most common for fierud to grow up and live in Kelethin, Qeynos or Freeport. They are welcome in Erudin, but it is rare that an erudite stays in Erudin while in a mixed relationship, especially with the uncouth Fier’Dal. Fierud are very rarely found in Paineel, except when visiting. Fierud have the option of following most of the paths open to their parent races, with some learning the way of a druid in Surefall Glade, or serving as a cleric of Prexus in Erudin. Still, fierud are very rare, due to the natural distaste that the more wild elves and more refined humans have for each other. '''Fierud Racial Traits''' * Abilities: -2 Strength, +1 Dexterity, -1 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +1 Wisdom. Fieruds are slightly frail, but maintain some of the intellectual prowess of their erudite heritage. * Classes: Fieruds can become bards, clerics, druids, paladins, rangers, or shadow knights. * Favored Class: Cleric and druid. When determining whether a multiclass fierud takes an experience point penalty, his or her cleric and druid levels do not count. * Language: Fieruds begin with 4 ranks in Language: Common and either 4 ranks in Language: Erudite or 4 ranks in Language: Elven. * Size: As Medium-size creatures, fieruds have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. * Skills: Fieruds receive Survival as a class skill, regardless of their actual class(es). They also begin with 4 bonus ranks in Survival, or they begin with 4 bonus ranks in any Knowledge skill. * Speed: Fierud base land speed is 30 feet. * Vision: Fieruds have normal vision. =Fenling (barbarian/high elf)= The fenlings are quite rare in Norrath, but the comeliness of high elves sometimes attracts the burly northmen. Fenlings are sure of themselves and eager to tell others what to do, but chafe under social norms or rules that they deem to be inadequate. High elves have no love for fenlings and usually treat them with pity and derision. The failures of the parentage of fenlings is far more important than the elven blood they share. In Halas the fenling usually fight as beastlords or warriors, sometimes as rogues, but the shamans do not accept their kind. The churches of Qeynos and Freeport welcome fenlings as paladins and sometimes as clerics, due to their confident personality. '''Fenling Racial Traits''' * Abilities: -1 Dexterity, +1 Constitution, +1 Wisdom. Fenlings are hardy and insightful, but large enough to not be very nimble. * Classes: Fenlings can become beastlords, clerics, paladins, rogues, or warriors. * Favored Class: Beastlord and paladin. When determining whether a multiclass fenling takes an experience point penalty, his or her beastlord and paladin levels do not count. * Language: Fenlings begin with 4 ranks in Language: Common and either 4 ranks in Language: Barbarian or 4 ranks in Language: Elven. * Size: As Medium-size creatures, fenlings have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. * Speed: Fenling base land speed is 30 feet. * Vision: Fenlings have infravision. =Half Dark (human/dark elf)= ''aka: Half Man, Ayr’Dal'' Half darks are only slightly less common than half elves, and are found especially in and around Freeport. The Freeport Militia as well as the Dismal Rage boast a number of half darks as members. Some choose to focus on their dark elf heritage, but just as many vow to stand firmly against Neriak, allowing for some to join one of the churches in Qeynos or Freeport, though rarely in positions of authority. In Neriak half darks are referred to as half men, and are treated with little more than tolerance in the Foreign Quarter and the Commons. Occasionally a half dark can be found in the Tower of the Spurned, or serving in the Indigo Brotherhood, but most half darks are prevented from integrating into Neriak society. Those who live in Neriak for any length of time only do so thanks to being more bloodthirsty and crafty than the natives. In Faydwer, few have any tolerance for half darks or let them live – most see only the Teir’Dal. Half darks tend to be far more creative and flexible than dark elves, but represent some of the most vicious aspects of humanity with ease. Rarely, half darks will be raised such that they throw off the curse of their elven heritage and live virtuous, honorable lives. Most half darks are prone to seriousness and brooding, over-thinking situations and strategizing with practiced skill. Sometimes accused of being passionless, half darks are just as often respected for brilliance. '''Half Dark Racial Traits''' * Abilities: +1 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence, -1 Wisdom, -1 Charisma. Half darks are agile and intelligent, but are reckless and arrogant. * Classes: Half darks can become clerics, enchanters, hexblades, magicians, necromancers, paladins, rogues, shadow knights, warriors, or wizards. * Favored Class: Rogue and warrior. When determining whether a multiclass half dark takes an experience point penalty, his or her rogue and warrior levels do not count. * Language: Half darks begin with 4 ranks in Language: Common * Size: As Medium-size creatures, half darks have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. * Skills: Half darks get 4 extra skill points at 1st level and receive Sneak as a class skill regardless of their actual class(es). * Speed: Half dark base land speed is 30 feet. * Vision: Half darks have infravision. =Half Elf (human/wood elf)= ''aka: Half Man, Ayr’Dal'' Half Elves are more welcome among humans than elves; high elves especially view the mingling of human and elven blood as distasteful. Thus, half elves are found most commonly in human cities and settlements, although some stay within the society of the wood elves. Many half elves become wanderers, especially those born in elven cities and towns. Because of this tradition, most human-elven half-breeds are of wood elven parentage, earning this group the generic term of “half elf”. Half elves are more adventurous than most elves, and experiment with creative forms of acceptable rebellion. They tend to wear revealing and fashionable clothing, and pay far more attention to their hair and style than a wood elf ever would. '''Half Elf Racial Traits''' * Abilities: +1 Dexterity, -1 Wisdom. Half elves are slightly more reckless and agile than their human ancestors. * Classes: Half elves can become bards, druids, paladins, rangers, rogues, shadow knights, or warriors. * Favored Class: Bard and druid. When determining whether a multiclass half elf takes an experience point penalty, his or her bard and druid levels do not count. * Language: Half elves begin with 4 ranks in Language: Common and 4 ranks in Language: Elven * Size: As Medium-size creatures, half elves have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. * Skills: Half elves get 4 extra skill points at 1st level. * Speed: Half elf base land speed is 30 feet. * Vision: Half elves have infravision. =Half High (human/high elf)= ''aka: Half Man, Ayr’Dal'' Half highs are only somewhat accepted in Felwithe, and treated as well as any half elf in Kelethin, Freeport, and Qeynos, though the evil guilds of the human cities see half highs as all elf, and eagerly hunt them down. In Felwithe the half highs are usually called half men, and actually serve in some facilities throughout the city, though not as clerics. In the human cities, they tend to focus more on the occupations of the high elves, and are only rarely found serving as bards, druids, or rangers. In Qeynos a large portion of the enchanter’s guild is half high and a number of half highs have been accepted into the hexblade order. Half highs are skilled at dealing with others, and due to their heritage, are far more accepting and humble than high elves. Though elven society looks down on them, half highs who can find a place for themselves in the human cities are usually very popular. '''Half High Racial Traits''' * Abilities: -2 Strength, -1 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence, +1 Wisdom, +1 Charisma. Half highs are less powerful than some races, but retain the insight and grace of their elven heritage. * Classes: Half highs can become bards, clerics, druids, enchanters, hexblades, magicians, paladins, rangers, or wizards. * Favored Class: Enchanter and cleric. When determining whether a multiclass half high takes an experience point penalty, his or her enchanter and cleric levels do not count. * Language: Half highs begin with 4 ranks in Language: Common and 4 ranks in Language: Elven * Size: As Medium-size creatures, half highs have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. * Skills: Half highs get 4 extra skill points at 1st level. * Speed: Half high base land speed is 30 feet. * Vision: Half highs have infravision. =Koadarud (erudite/high elf)= ''aka: Erud’Dal, Erud Elf'' Koadaruds, or erud elves, are just as haughty and proud of their heritage as either erudites or high elves. While the high elves look down on all intermingling of elf and human blood, the society of the erudites is comfortable to most high elves, and koadaruds can usually find a niche for themselves in high elven society. In Erud, koadaruds are a curiosity to some, but because of the high emphasis on studiousness and intelligence in the city, few discriminate against a koadarud who can prove herself as a scholar. There have been a number of koadarud poets of note. Koadaruds are sometimes referred to as erud’dal or erud elves by non-erudites. They tend to be highly devoted to the magical arts and generally unconcerned with religion or warfare. Some of the best librarians and magical researchers are koadarud. '''Koadarud Racial Traits''' * Abilities: -2 Strength, -1 Dexterity, -1 Constitution, +3 Intelligence, +1 Wisdom, +1 Charisma. Koadaruds are physically limited, but excel in all mental activities. * Classes: Koadaruds can become clerics, enchanters, hexblades, magicians, paladins, or wizards. * Favored Class: Enchanter, magician, and wizard. When determining whether a multiclass koadarud takes an experience point penalty, his or her arcane caster levels do not count. * Language: Koadaruds begin with 4 ranks in Language: Common, 4 ranks in Language: Erudite, and 4 ranks in Language: Elven * Size: As Medium-size creatures, koadaruds have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. * Skills: Koadaruds begin with 2 bonus ranks in any Knowledge skill. * Speed: Koadarud base land speed is 30 feet. * Vision: Koadaruds have normal vision. =Teirud (erudite/dark elf)= ''aka: Erud’Dal, Erud Elf'' Teiruds are rare, but usually are the result of dark ties to necromantic research made between Paineel and Neriak. Teiruds are tremendously focused on besting their rivals in the realm of magic and research. Rarely do they attempt to fit in among the more physical worlds, but some who have no evil bent have made a life for themselves outside of the halls of the Dead or the heretical conflux. Cunning in their deceptiveness, teiruds however possess all of the hubris of their parent races and rarely ingratiate themselves with others. The teirud are the only mixed race who are reasonably tolerated in Neriak and Paineel, depending on their religion and focus. However, they can be found among the human cities, Erudin, Neriak, and Paineel in equally rare numbers. Only the Bloodsabres and Dismal Rage accept the teirud enough to allow them to follow the path of a cleric outside of Paineel. Usually non-erudites refer to teirud as erud’dal or erud elves. It is uncommon that teirud choose to follow a path other than necromancy, as usually teirud are born only among the most evil of unions, and they are generally born showing great capacity for necromancy. '''Teirud Racial Traits''' * Abilities: -2 Strength, -1 Constitution, +4 Intelligence, +1 Wisdom, -2 Charisma. Teiruds are physically limited, but excel in all mental activities almost as much as erudites. * Classes: Teiruds can become clerics, enchanters, hexblades, magicians, necromancers, paladins, shadow knights, or wizards. * Favored Class: Necromancer. When determining whether a multiclass teirud takes an experience point penalty, his or her necromancer levels do not count. * Language: Teiruds begin with 4 ranks in Language: Common, 4 ranks in Language: Erudite, and 4 ranks in Language: Dark Speech * Size: As Medium-size creatures, teiruds have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. * Skills: Teiruds receive Sneak as a class skill regardless of their actual class(es), and begin with 4 bonus ranks in any Knowledge skill. * Speed: Teirud base land speed is 30 feet. * Vision: Teiruds have infravision. =Wolfling (barbarian/wood elf)= Wolflings are the only mixed race that the barbarians in Halas accept socially. Wolflings tend to gravitate to the path of a beastlord in the North, but sometimes serve as rogues. In Kelethin they make eager warriors, partially because they’re bigger than everyone else, but they also can be found serving as rangers due to their personalities. Occasionally a wolfling may take up the life of a bard or rogue in Kelethin, but wolfling druids are very rare. Wolflings are alert and physically capable, very active and ready for action, but impatient and rash. They are more wild in their nature than civilization usually tolerates, so wolflings become nomads and naturalists far more often than any other half-breed. '''Wolfling Racial Traits''' * Abilities: +2 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Constitution, -1 Intelligence, -1 Wisdom, -1 Charisma. Wolflings are very physically capable, but care little for intellectual pursuits. * Classes: Wolflings can become bards, beastlords, druids, rangers, rogues, and warriors. * Favored Class: Beastlord and ranger. When determining whether a multiclass wolfling takes an experience point penalty, his or her beastlord and ranger levels do not count. * Language: Wolflings begin with 4 ranks in Language: Common and either 4 ranks in Language: Barbarian or 4 ranks in Language: Elven. * Size: As Medium-size creatures, wolflings have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. * Skills: Wolflings receive Survival as a class skill regardless of their actual class(es), and begin with 4 bonus ranks in this skill. * Speed: Wolfling base land speed is 30 feet. * Vision: Wolflings have infravision. ---- Back to [[Norrathians: Races|Races]] Back to [[Norrathians:Setting_Details|Setting Details]] [[EQrpg: Norrathians]]
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