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== The History of the Keltoi ==
== The History of the Keltoi ==
'''The Keltoi Arrive; Destruction of the Laideann Empire, circa 800-1,000 years ago'''
'''The Keltoi arrive; Destruction of the Laideann Empire'''
The ancient history of the Keltoi tells of the great ships of their ancestors coming ashore at what is now Caenid Bealach (Caenid Bay). From across the seas a great fleet hove to, crudely hewn ships crewed by a young and savage race with pinkish skin and wild red hair. They wear brass and war paint and bear strange designs upon their flesh. They sing harsh war songs and drink heavily. They wish to fight and kill and take the ancient lands from Laideann. This unwashed horde is led by Gwyddno the Dog-Bull, leader of the Sons of the Dawn Tide who wishes to spread his people and his new beliefs to these shores.
The ancient history of the Keltoi tells of the great ships of their ancestors coming ashore at what is now Caenid Bealach (Caenid Bay). From across the seas a great fleet hove to, crudely hewn ships crewed by a young and savage race with pinkish skin and wild red hair. They wear brass and war paint and bear strange designs upon their flesh. They sing harsh war songs and drink heavily. They wish to fight and kill and take the ancient lands from Laideann. This unwashed horde is led by Gwyddno the Dog-Bull, leader of the Sons of the Dawn Tide who wishes to spread his people and his new beliefs to these shores.
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The Keltoi’s gutting and looting of Laideann drove the conquered over the White River where the majority of that race drowned in the swiftly running current. Satisfied that the Laideann had been driven away, the Keltoi split their spoils between their various Thanes and thus began the War of the Long Knives.
The Keltoi’s gutting and looting of Laideann drove the conquered over the White River where the majority of that race drowned in the swiftly running current. Satisfied that the Laideann had been driven away, the Keltoi split their spoils between their various Thanes and thus began the War of the Long Knives.
'''The War of the Long Knives, 500 years ago'''
'''The War of the Long Knives'''
With the unifying threat of the Laideanns gone, the Keltoi began a ferocious inter-clan warring period. Gwyddno's original vision of splitting the clans into roughly equal warbands lead to the Thanes being essentially the same in size, power and influence. For years, none of the Thanes gained a significant advantage. This period lasted about three hundred years and ended with the Keltoi lands expanding to cover almost the entire southern continent. They did not lack for land, and it was unusually fertile, so their population exploded. The only thing keeping them vaguely in check was their constant bloody war, which served to allow the Laideann to grow into seperate nations again, though they were basically slaves of the Keltoi for most of this period with Keltoi Thanes ruling their domains and Laideann men drafted into Keltoi armies to fight their blood foes. The largest clan, Kincaed, was nearest to the Laideann lands and it was they who uncovered the Draoidheil Leabhar in the ruins of the ancient capital. This treasure trove of ancient Laideann wisdom, culture, philosophy, history and alchemy benefitted the the Kincaed clan immeasurably. Speficially, various texts detailed the rituals and signs needed to work a potent alchemical craft, magic. Their druids learned the necessary skills to use this and utilised it to brutal effect. They quickly absorbed the clans near them and put hundreds of Laideann scholar-sorcerers to task at learning this craft as quickly as possible, which had the follow on effect of the Laideann learning real magic, not the conjurer's tricks they had utilised since the destruction of the Empire. This, combined with the liberal use of Laideann mercenaries to bolster their ranks led to clan Kincaed becoming the dominant force on the continent and expanding her borders quickly. Soon there was very little competition as her conquests gained momentum and this had the effect of beginning a new age of the Keltoi; the ''Cinntinn'', or Flourishing.
With the unifying threat of the Laideanns gone, the Keltoi began a ferocious inter-clan warring period. Gwyddno's original vision of splitting the clans into roughly equal warbands lead to the Thanes being essentially the same in size, power and influence. For years, none of the Thanes gained a significant advantage. This period lasted about three hundred years and ended with the Keltoi lands expanding to cover almost the entire southern continent. They did not lack for land, and it was unusually fertile, so their population exploded. The only thing keeping them vaguely in check was their constant bloody war, which served to allow the Laideann to grow into seperate nations again, though they were basically slaves of the Keltoi for most of this period with Keltoi Thanes ruling their domains and Laideann men drafted into Keltoi armies to fight their blood foes. The largest clan, Kincaed, was nearest to the Laideann lands and it was they who uncovered the Draoidheil Leabhar, (magical books) in the ruins of the ancient capital, which detailed the rituals and signs needed to work a potent alchemical craft, magic. Their druids learned the necessary skills to use this and utilised it to brutal effect. They quickly absorbed the clans near them and put hundreds of Laideann scholar-sorcerers to task at learning this craft as quickly as possible. Soon clan Kincaed was the dominant force on the continent and expanded her borders quickly. Soon there was very little competition as her conquests gained momentum and this had the effect of beginning a new age of the Keltoi; the Cinntinn, or Flourishing.
'''The Flourishing, 200 years ago'''
'''The Flourishing'''
The Druids of Clan Kincaed took the surrender of the Clans at Glabhar, the first Kincaed village and landing point of the Keltoi centuries before, now a large town, and future capital of the Republic. As part of the conditions of surrender, a druid from clan Kincaed was sent to every clan leader and he acted as their advisor. At first, the Thanes resented this intrusion, but over the years, began to value the skills and wisdom of the druids. A period of unparalleled peace and prosperity began and the Keltoi began combining their inherent curiosity about the world and their largely rational approach with the arcane texts of the Laideann to begin a cultural, scientific and philosophical renaissance. The Golden Age of the Keltoi had begun and it lasted a hundred years. People from all nations came to their lands to learn and to teach and the sum of the world's knowledge was enriched. This period ended when King Roibeard Kincaed, a man of the older, bloodier days, began amassing a great fleet with the ambitious aim of conquering the globe.
The Druids of Clan Kincaed took the surrender of the clans at Glabhar, the first Kincaed village and landing point of the Keltoi centuries before, now a large town. As part of the conditions of surrender, the Druids sent an advisor to every clan leader who acted as co-Thane. At first, the Thanes resented this intrusion, but over the years, began to value the skills and wisdom of the druids. A period of unparalleled peace and prosperity began and the Keltoi began experimenting...
'''The Age of Conquest'''
If the Flourishing was a Golden Age, then the last hundred years could be considered the Red Age. Millions of people from all races were drawn into Roibeard's and Roibeard's son's and grandson's adventures. The most massive fleet ever constructed headed west to subdue the western continent. Massive tracts of land were taken and retaken and taken again over bloody battles that rages for twenty years. Settlements and fortresses and castles were built and destroyed. When Roibeard died, his son Roibeard the Red Hand simply built another fleet and took back what had been retaken a decade before. This war also lasted twenty years and it seemed that all but the Keltoi were tired of the endless conflict. Countries were ravaged, forests razed and mountains mined. After almost fifty years of almost constant war, Roibeard the Red Hand's son, Roibeard the Bandit-King threw his father into the sea and vowed to continued the conquest. Still, he inherited an empty treasury and a country almost economically destroyed by war. There was little he could do but retire home and try to rebuild. However, true to his name, he constantly raided Laideann territories and drew the ire of the Laideann Trader's League, a powerful group who knew an opportunity when they saw it. Their enormous mercenary army ventured south and conquered huge areas of the Keltoi homelands. Thousands of Keltoi were enslaved or merely murdered. Many believed this was the long-awaited revenge of the ancient Laideann Empire. However, the mercenary army was not fit for rulership and quickly dissolved into quarrelling captains and petty lords. This gave the almost-beaten Keltoi the chance to rally, and rally they did. They pushed the Laideann back to the White River just as they had almost a thousand years before. They knew they could not hold the Laideann lands, however and agreed on a pact; the Laideann would hold everything north and one hundred kilometres south of the White River, while the Keltoi would hold all south of the Stob Bahn Mountains. The hundred kilometre no-man's land was neutral territory which neither held and served as a buffer to both sides.
== Keltoi Spiritualism ==
'''The Republic, 50 years ago-now'''
Rebuilding after the wars of conquest and the Laideann invasion was slow but gradual. The Keltoi Rìoghachd, or kingdom, Clan Kincaed's homeland, was still the largest of the clanholds and this time, extended her influence through trade, not war, which enriched her greatly. There was a smaller renaissance that ended with her becoming the Poblachd, or republic, after her king abdicated. Now the greatest Keltoi
The Keltoi do not formally worship any gods but they have a deep tradition of ancestor worship and revere the forces of nature. They don't worship spirits or totems, rather reflect on such aspects as the aesthetic beauty of nature. Most of their 'gods' and 'demi-gods' are mythical heroes. There are ancient tales of great Keltoi heroes being summoned from the spirit realms to help them in their times of greatest need. Their druids, who aren't religious in the strictest sense act as advisors, magistrates and sages and are greatly respected. There are almost no Keltoi divine casters, those that do exist, follow the druid code.
nation has eschewed her earlier dreams of conquest and has focused towards building a sustainable economy and enlightened social system.
== The Poblachd (Republic) ==
== The Poblachd (Republic) ==
The largest Keltoi area, the seat of clan Kincaed is called ''Poblachd'', or 'The Republic'. For most of its history, it was the dominant ''Keltoi Rìoghachd''. However, recently, from pressure groups in the capital and public opinion polls, the Poblachd has been dissolved and a Republic put in its place. King Cinaed abdicated and was quickly voted back as Ard-shuidhear, or President, Cinaed with very little diminished power but a Senate to answer to.
The largest Keltoi area is called ''The Poblachd'', or 'The Republic'. For most of its history, it was the dominant ''Keltoi Rìoghachd''. However, recently, from pressure groups in the capital and public opinion polls, the Poblachd has been dissolved and a Republic put in its place. King Cinaed abdicated and was quickly voted back as Ard-shuidhear, or President, Cinaed with very little diminished power but a Senate to answer to.
== The Clanholds ==
While the Poblachd is the largest single Keltoi nation, the Clanholds make up a total of ten major and several minor clanlands in the southern area of the continent, making up an area roughly two-and-a-half times the size of the Poblachd. Though they are independent, they have formed a rough union of sorts to compete with the Poblachd and interact with them on a more level footing. They tend to be more traditional and don't make extensive use of clan Kincaed's alchemical magic. There have been intermittent wars and border skirmishes, but they have been largely unsuccessful. The major clanholds are:
'''Clan Uwain''': a stable and agriculturally dominant clanhold, it is also strongly traditional. Ruled by Uwain, who takes the clan's name upon ascention to Archdruid.
'''Clan McLearan''': Called the "Stone Wolves", they are an old clan on the frozen shores of the south, they are regarded as grim and humorless by the other clanholders. They brood in their stone fortresses and raid enemy clans for supplies and gold, as theirs is a poor area.
'''Clan Eilloweth''': living in the low foothills in the west, they are miners and smiths who revere their queen Raignohailt who is said to be immortal.
'''Clan Gowaren''': Claiming to be the descendents of the great heroes of the past, Gowaren are a proud and reckless folk. They terrify their foes by utilising trained battle boars, woad and their claidhmores, and little else.
'''Clan Fiodhar''': The famous Fiodhar whiskey distillery has made this clan a very wealthy one indeed, though they are traditionally relatively wll-to-do anyway. They are very mercantile and tend to prefer trade over war.
== Keltoi Spiritualism ==
The Keltoi do not formally worship any gods but they have a rich and complex tradition of ancestor worship and revere the forces of nature. There are several festivals during the year, such as the Moon Festival, the Oak Festival and Ancestor Reverence Week. They don't worship spirits or totems, rather they reflect on such aspects as the aesthetic beauty of nature and their role in the cosmos. Their 'gods' and 'demi-gods' are mythical heroes. There are ancient tales of great Keltoi heroes being summoned from the spirit realms to help them in their times of greatest need. Their druids, who aren't religious in the strictest sense so much as followers of tradition, act as advisors, magistrates and sages and are greatly respected. There are almost no Keltoi divine casters, those that do exist, follow the druid code.
Keltoi regard those who follow organised religion with some suspicion and while they allow such people in their lands, don't tend to listen to them as a whole.
== Keltoi Nimhelioc (Alchemy) ==
== Keltoi Nimhelioc (Alchemy) ==
The Keltoi have a certain aptitude with magic and the harnessing of it for mechanical purposes. They traditionally utilised flame lances (later developed into alchemical guns) in war, and have great elemental turbines that power their industrial machines. Their alchemical guns are feared and renowned. The three principal cities of the Republic are joined by a train network. Cities are filled with glowlamps and the rich and powerful are protected by guardian constructs. Even the poorest dockworker has glimpsed the mighty and terrifying iron juggernauts that lurk deep beneath the sea. Because their machines are powered by magic, not fossil fuels, Keltoi cities are surprisingly clean and hygienic and if the air is sometimes filled with static, then nobody complains. This wondrous magitech is restricted to the main cities on the east coast, and many a poor or provincial man has never glimpsed such things.
The Keltoi have a certain aptitude with magic and the harnessing of it for mechanical purposes. They utilise flame lances in war, and have great elemental turbines for that power their industrial machines. Their alchemical guns are feared and renowned. The three principal cities of the Republic are joined by a train network. Cities are filled with glowlamps and the rich and powerful are protected by guardian constructs. Even the poorest dockworker has glimpsed the mighty and terrifying iron juggernauts that lurk deep beneath the sea. Because their machines are powered by magic, not fossil fuels, Keltoi cities are surprisingly clean and hygienic and if the air is sometimes filled with static, then nobody complains. This wondrous magitech is restricted to the main cities on the east coast, and many a poor or provincial man has never glimpsed such things.
'''Sample Magitech Devices & Contrivances'''
'''Sample Magitech Devices & Contrivances'''
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'''Flame Lance'''  
'''Flame Lance'''  
These unusual contrivances, originally used by the Teleri, are traditionally utilised by Keltoi soldiers to harass enemy formations. They are 10’long rods made of a glimmering silvery metal. When gripped, they are suffused with a soft ruby light. They can shoot a concentrated beam of light up to 150, dealing 2D6 damage. They have effectively limitless charges and can be fired as many times as the wielder has attacks.  
These unusual contrivances, origionally used by the Teleri, are utilised by Keltoi soldiers to harass enemy formations. They are 10’ long rods made of a glimmering silvery metal. When gripped, they are suffused with a soft ruby light. They can shoot a concentrated beam of light up to 200’, dealing 2D4 damage as a touch attack.  
'''Alchemical Musket'''
'''Alchemical Musket'''
The Keltoi developed these from the flame lances of the Teleri. A long-ranged weapon that utilises percussion caps, the alchemical musket is used in support of the Keltoi frontline warriors.  
A long ranged weapon that utilises percussion caps, the alchemical musket is used in support of the Keltoi frontline warriors.  
'''Iron Juggernaut'''
'''Iron Juggernaut'''
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== Racial Traits ==
== Racial Traits ==
Keltoi are humans and gain the standard human bonuses. They gain 1 extra skill point per level and an extra feat at level one. Keltoi from the Republic consider alchemical guns (firearms) martial weapons, and Keltoi from the Clanlands consider claidhmores (bastard swords) martial weapons.
Keltoi are humans and gain the standard human bonuses. They gain 1 extra skill point per level and an extra feat at level one. They consider alchemical guns (firearms) martial weapons.
== Alignment ==
== Alignment ==
Keltoi cover the entire spectrum of human behaviour. However, very broadly, the average citizen of the Republic might be neutral or lawful neutral. They respect tradition and their clan and kings, and many quarrels are solved in formalised duels.  
Keltoi cover the entire spectrum of human behaviour. However, very broadly, the average citizen of the Republic might be neutral or lawful neutral. They respect tradition and their clan and many quarrels are solved in formalised duels.  
== The Leagues of Druids ==
== The Leagues of Druids ==
Keltoi knowledge rests with the Druids, who acts as arbitrators, loremasters and advisors amongst others. Druids tend to group into small clubs and collectives for their own mutual benefit, though they are not obliged to, and sometimes meet for councils to vote on important matters at the yearly Druidmoot. While technically subservient to the central government, they are given nearly unlimited autonomy in matters pertaining to wizardry and all matters arcane including magical transport, trade, penalties for misuse, registration, membership fees, the importation of tobacco and whiskey, and such.
Keltoi knowledge rests with the Druids, who acts as arbitrators, loremasters and advisors amongst others. Druids tend to group into small clubs and collectives for their own mutual benefit, though they are not obliged to, and sometimes meet for councils to vote on important matters at the yearly Druidmoot. While technically subservient to the central government, they are given nearly unlimited autonomy in matters pertaining to wizardry and all matters arcane including magical transport, trade, penalties for misuse, registration, membership fees, the importation of tobacco and coffe, and such.
The druids are all gentlemanly about everything and vote on everything and generally don't get a lot done, though they do drink a lot of fortified wines and discuss obscure personal philosophies and literature or whatever personal hobby distracts them.
The druids are all terribly British about everything and vote on everything and generally don't get a lot done, though they do drink a lot of fortified wines and discuss obscure personal philosophies and literature or whatever personal hobby distracts them.
Once every 30 months the druids meet the Goliath Shamans on the autumn or spring equinox. The only contact between the Republic and the Goliath tribes is the "councils of the wise". The Shamans have asked their brother druids to keep the knowledge of "the peoples" from the humans as a whole, though recently Goliaths have been spotted in the northern areas as far north as the Laideann city of Port Ceseric.
Once every 30 months the druids meet the Goliath Shamanson the autumn or spring equinox. The only contact between the Republic and the Goliath tribes is the "councils of the wise". The shamans have asked their brother druids to keep the knowledge of "the peoples" from the humans as a whole, though recently Goliaths have been spotted in the northern areas.
The more populous groups of druids include:  
The more populous groups of druids include:  
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The Keltoi have little contact with the Dwarves and their only real contact is in the trade of weapons of war and metals, though they are surprisingly friendly to each other when they do meet.
The Keltoi have little contact with the Dwarves and their only real contact is in the trade of weapons of war and metals.
Few Keltoi know anything accurate about the Goliaths. Due to their inaccessibility, the paucity of resources and their reclusive nature, Keltoi usually ignore their existence. The druids have some contact with them at the Moots, but that is almost the entire extent of their contact.
Few Keltoi know anything accurate about the Goliaths. Due to their inaccessibility, the paucity of resources and their reclusive nature, Keltoi usually ignore their existence. The druids have some contact with them at the Moots, but that is almost the entire extent of their contact.
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The Keltoi see the Northerners as too clever by half. They see their constant political maneouvering as frivolous and uncivilised and tolerate them only because of their strong trade ties. Historically, these two nations have been more or less constantly either at work or antagonistic towards each other. Various invasions northward have met with rare Laideann unity.
The Keltoi see the Northerners as too clever by half. They see their constant political maneouvering as frivolous and uncivilised and tolerate them only because of their strong trade ties. Various invasions northward have met with rare Laideann unity.
'''Summer Islanders'''
'''Summer Islanders'''
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'''Teleri :'''
'''Teleri :'''
The Keltoi have a grudging respect for the Teleri because of their skill in naval warfare and magic. They dearly wish to discover the secret of their enchanted ships and have offered preposterous sums of money to attain it, in order to explore the western hemisphere.  
The Keltoi have a grudging respect for the Teleri because of their skill in naval warfare and magic. They dearly wish to discover the secret of their enchanted ships and have offered preposterous sums of money to attain it, in order to ‘explore’ the western hemisphere.  

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