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__TOC__ == Savage Worlds Along the River Wod == [https://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?778912-IC-and-OOC-quot-Along-the-River-Wod-quot-Savage-Worlds-Mythic-Rus IC and OOC thread] Swashbuckling adventures in the steppes and birch forests of a mythical not-Russia. Characters are Cossacks, (possibly mad) monks, noblemen, halberd -armed Streltsy, serfs, merchants and vagabonds. Gunpowder exists and the world functions something like a fantasy 15-16C Russia. Be warned though, I am no Russianist either in terms of language or history, though I will draw on bits of lingo, folklore and history for flavorful pastiche. Think Russia in place of Germany in the Warhammer world. Tentative background: In defiance of the authority of the Emperor, Vlad the Cruel, the Boyar of Omskovia has settled his soldiers along the great river Wod, seizing land that was once the Emperor’s. Fearing both the revenge of the Emperor’s successors and of the Great Khan’s horde, the Boyar has enticed the wyrm Nogrog to dwell on Night Peak at the centre of his lands. From this perch, the mighty and territorial creature will fly out to vomit all-consuming flame onto any advancing army. But the price for Nogrog’s protection is high. Not only is a levy of gold placed on the land to feed his greed but human slaves must also be seized. A lottery is held to ensure that, if too few criminals are available, the dragon will have human prey. Small numbers of folk flee the dubious safety of the Vovoid to seek freedom further north and east along the great river, settling forest and steppe along its banks. Here though they must contend with new dangers. Villages of tartars and steppe folk, wolves, bears and the haunted ruins of towns ruined by horde invasions of old. The goal of the adventure will be to secure their safety and perhaps even to slay the dragon itself. SAVAGE WORLDS will be used to give a pulpy feel, but will stay in the Novice band to keep things challenging. The adventure would be short (300-400 posts) as the action will move pretty quickly. I tend to get on well with regular (daily-ish) posters but annoy slower players who lose orientation with the (relatively) face pace of posting. Better obviously, to make that clearer now. Currency: basic unit is the Silver Imperial, sometimes called 'silvers' == Map of the River Wod == Scale. 1 hex=50 miles or so. [[File:wod3.png]] == Erzebet, Bojárynja of Gdari == '''Erzebet''' 6'0" 171 lbs. Blonde hair, Grey eyes. '''Background''' Born to privilege, Erzebet was raised to rule, to lead by example. Her father might have preferred a male child, but rather than see their line taken over by a cadet branch - or disappeared into the bloodline of another family - he raised Erzebet to fight, to be strong. And so she is - but strength could not defeat the taxes, or the musters that the Emperor called. With most of their money gone, and all their fighting men, Erzebet is left alone to find her way in the world. Perhaps she'll find luck enough to regain her home. There is, however, something standing in her way. Or at least, trying to. The strongest of the cadet lines was, like her own, bereft of sons. The daughter, though no match for Erzebet in any kind of battle, played politics better. She now resides where Erzebet once dwelt. Morena knows that Erzebet will seek to come back, but her position is not strong enough for large operations. Yet. '''Attributes''' Agl d6 Smrts d4 Spirit d6 Str d8 Vigor d8 '''Derived''' Pace 6 Parry 8 Toughness 7(1 added from armor) Charisma 4 '''Skills''' Fighting d10 Knowledge/Nobility d4 Notice d6 Persuasion d8 (+4) Riding d4 Survival d4 Tracking d4 '''Edges''' Attractive Trademark Weapon/Longsword ''Ангела Меч'' Noble (Rich Included) '''Hindrances''' Code of Honor (Major) Enemy/Morena (Minor) Vow/Never fight with a hunters' weapons (Minor) (Two advances.) '''Gear''' Longsword d10+1 Damage Str+d8 Leather Armor Buckler Backpack Bedroll Blanket 5x Candles Canteen Flint & Steel Whetstone Horse Saddle Clothing Formal Clothing Cash $442 '''Unspent XP''' 3 == Baba Klava , Witch== Baba Klava Agility: d4 Smarts: d10 Spirit: d8 Strength: d4 Vigor: d4 Spellcasting (Sm) d10 Driving (A) Fighting (A) d4 Gambling (Sm) Healing (Sm) d6 Intimidation (Sp) d4 Investigation (Sm) d4 Knowledge (Sm) Magic d4 Geography d4 Wildlife d4 Lockpicking (A) Notice (Sm) d4 Persuasion (Sp) Piloting (A) Repair (Sm) Riding (A) d4 Shooting (A) Stealth (A) d4 Streetwise (Sm) Survival (Sm) d6 Swimming (A) Taunt (Sm) d4 Throwing (A) Tracking (Sm) d4 Elderly Ugly Outsider Beast Bond Beast Master (pet is an Owl, her familiar Sirin) Arcane Background (Magic) Power Points New Power Magic: Power Points: 15 Beast Friend Shape Change Healing Boost/Lower Trait Gear (using prices from the book... though the price for Winter Clothing can't be right in setting) Horse (300): Zoya Saddle (10) Normal Clothing (20) Winterized Bedroll (25) Flint and Steel (3) Lantern (25) Canteen (5) Mortar and Pestle (5?) Shovel (5) Rake (5?) Dagger (25): Str+d4 72 whatevers. == Grigor the Mad , Monk== '''Attributes:''' Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d4 '''Skills:''' Climbing d4, Faith d8, Fighting d10, Notice d4, Stealth d4, Survival d4, Swimming d4, Tracking d4 '''Charisma:''' 0; '''Pace:''' 6; '''Parry:''' 7; '''Toughness:''' 4 ''' Hindrances:''' Delusional (Major), Pacifist (Minor), Poverty '''Edges:''' Adept, Arcane Background (Miracles), Danger Sense, First Strike, Martial Artist '''Powers:''' * '''Deflection:''' Power Points: 2, Range: Touch, Duration: 3 (1/round) * '''Smite:''' Power Points: 2, Range: Touch, Duration: 3 (1/round) '''Gear:''' Thick Hessian robes and furs(+1, Covers torso, arms, legs), Heavy Censer (=Flail)(Str+d8, Parry +1, Reach 1, 2 hands), == Punka, Tsygan== Age: 23 Physical: Short, slim, dark hair and eyes, mixed complexion Attributes: Agility d10 (+2 for nimbleness tests) Smarts d6 Spirit d4 Strength d6 Vigor d4 Traits: Charisma -2 Pace 8 (d10 while running) Parry 5 (+1 when unencumbered) (+1 with staff) Toughness 4 (+1 for torso) Skills: Fighting d6 Climbing d6 +2 Lockpick d6 +2 Stealth d8 (+2 urban only) Notice d6 Driving d6 Survival d4 Repair d4 (excluding guns) Hindrances: Phobia – Claustrophobia (Major) (-4 to all tests in tight/underground spaces) Quirk - Loyalty to whomever he has an "attachment" to Outsider Wanted (minor) Edges: Acrobat Thief Fleet-footed Gear: Staff d6 (10) Dagger d4 (25) Leather +1 (torso only) (50) Normal clothing (20) Backpack (50) Bedroll (25) Canteen (5) Soap (1) Lockpicks (200) Rope x 2 (20) Tsygane panflute (30) mother's gold locket (50) Charcoal eyeliner (10) 3 silver Background: more to come ==Desyatnik (Corporal) Vasily Pavlichenko== Demobbed Streltsy. Red bearded, of indeterminable age, limping badly from an old war wound and partially deaf, Corporal Vasily when not drunk but still stinking of garlic infused Wodka swears that he can hit the eye of a werewolf at forty paces... Maybe... If it's not windy or raining or Sunday, certainly not on a Sunday. *Agility d10 *Smarts d4 *Spirit d8 2 pts *Strength d4 *Vigour d6 *Pace 4" 1d4 run *Parry 6 *Charisma 0 *Toughness 5 '''Edges''' *luck + 1Benny *Trademark weapon Musket Lyudmilla +1 '''Skills=''' *Shooting d10 *Fighting d8 *Intimidation d6 *Notice d4 *Riding d4 *Stealth d6 *Knowledge: Folklore d4 *Knowledge: Tactics d4 *Knowledge: Weather d4 *Repair d4 (Only guns) '''Hindrances''' *Minor habit: Drunk *Minor Hard of hearing *Major Lame '''Equip''' *Arming coat *Military boots *Arming cap *Musket €300 *Bardiche €300 *Vodka *Sack of beetroot *Garlic *Wolfskin. *Flint and steel *30 musket balls *Candle *Bedroll *Whetstone *Backpack *260 kopeks == Mikhail Volkov, Lucky Bastard == A fatherless soldier of fortune and gentleman of the road who claims his mother was a famous witch of the nomadic Koltja - turning into a reindeer, summoning winds and tying them into knots and all that sort of stuff. He doesn't look at all like his alleged people, which he says is because his father was... well, it varies, but usually a passing noble or knight of some grand foreign realm or other. Mikhail doesn't seem to have taken after either of his parents, although, whether due to his sorcerous heritage or arrangements he's made on his own, he does seem to have the Devil's own luck and no one who knows him will bet against him on the flip of a coin. Mikhail is a pale, sinewy man with a toothy grin and wolfish eyes of brown bordering on amber (not for nothing is he named "Wolfsson" - and not ''only'' because he can be a real son of a bitch, either). He dresses in a mixture of well-worn plain garb and outrageous foreign finery, in the manner of mercenaries everywhere, and keeps his thick black hair long and braided, in the manner of no civilized people in these parts. Lately some vile, baseless accusations concerning an unfortunate tour in Imperial service have made it hard for him to find honest employment and, despite his protestations that it's not desertion when your whole unit has been cut down around you so there's nothing left to desert, the Emperor's forces still offer a small bounty for his capture - alive, to be tried and hanged - that has gradually gone up after the several times he's narrowly eluded their grasp... * Bennies: 5 * Wounds: 0 * Fatigue: 0 '''Attributes''' * Agility d10 * Smarts d6 (+2 for Test of Wills) * Spirit d6 (+2 for Test of Wills) * Strength d6 * Vigor d6 '''Derived Statistics''' * Charisma 0 * Pace 6" * Parry 7 (+2 with sword and shield) * Toughness 5 (+1 in armor) '''Hindrances''' * Curious * Vengeful (minor) * Wanted (minor) '''Edges''' * Elan * Luck * Strong Willed '''Skills''' * Fighting d10 * Intimidation d6+2 * Notice d4 * Persuasion d4 * Riding d4 * Shooting d6 * Streetwise d6 * Taunt d6+2 '''Gear''' * Saber (str+d6, +1 Parry, 1-handed), $200 * Buckler (str+d4, +1 Parry, no action to draw), $25 * Pistol (2d6, 5/10/20, AP 1, 2 actions to reload), 150$ * Arming coat and tough boots (+1 armor on torso, arms and legs), $50 * Fine Kurdish kaftan, $30 * Cool hat, $10 * Blanket, $10 * Candles x 2, $2 * Canteen, $5 * Flint and steel, $3 * Knife, 10$ * $5 == Vladimir Zaytsev , Freeman Horseman [?]== * Agility - d8 * Smarts - d8 * Spirit - d6 * Strength - d6 * Vigor - d6 * Charisma - 0 * Pace - 6" * Parry - 6 * Toughness - 5 '''Skills''' * Fighting (Agl) - d8 * Notice (Smarts) - d6 * Riding (Agl) - d8 * Shooting (Agl) - d8 * Stealth (Agl) - d6 * Survival (Smarts) - d8 * Tracking (Smarts) - d8 '''Edge''' Musketeer, Woodsman '''Hindrances''' Code of Honor (Major), Illiterate (Minor), Loyal (Minor) '''Gear''' Kopeks - 2 * Arquebus * 20 shots (w/ Powder) * Hatchet * Arming Coat * Arming Cap * Military Boats * Flint and Steel * Blanket * Waterskin ==Arms and Armour, courtesy of Maximillian Finnmann== ===Ranged Weapons=== Victims Shaken by firearms roll to recover at -1. Any firearm can be loaded with small shot instead of a ball: this gives +2 to hit, decreases the damage die type one step and deals 3 dice of damage at short range, 2 dice at medium and 1 die at long range. (Hard of Hearing is a common hindrance among career gunners...) {| class="wikitable" ! Type !! Damage !! Range !! Notes !! Weight !! Cost |- | Pistol || 2d6 || 5/10/20 || AP 1, 2 actions to reload, 1-handed || 4 lbs. || $150 |- | Arquebus || 2d8 || 8/16/32 || AP 1, 2 actions to reload, -2 attack if used 1-handed || 10 lbs. || $300 |- | Musket || 2d10 || 10/20/40 || AP 2, snapfire penalty, 2 actions to reload, 2-handed || 20 lbs. || $300 |- |colspan="6"| |- | Sling || Str+1d4 || 8/16/32 || takes two hands to load || 1 lbs. || $10 |- | Staff sling || Str+1d8 || 12/24/48 || 2-handed || 2lbs. || $20 |- |colspan="6"| |- | Short bow || Str+1d6 || 12/24/48 || 2-handed || 2 lbs. || $200 |- | Long bow || Str+1d8 || 15/30/60 || snapfire penalty, 2-handed || 3 lbs. || $250 |- |colspan="6"| |- | Light crossbow || 2d6 || 10/20/40 || AP 1, 2 actions to reload, -2 attack if used 1-handed || 8 lbs. || $300 |- | Heavy crossbow || 2d8 || 12/24/48 || AP 2, 3 actions to reload, 2-handed || 12 lbs.|| $400 |} {| class="wikitable" ! Ammunition !! Notes !! Weight !! Cost |- | Shot/balls & powder || || 1/10 || $1 |- |colspan="4"| |- | Arrows || || 1/5 || $2 |- | Light arrows || all ranges extended by half, damage lowered by one die type || 1/6 || $2 |- | Heavy arrows || AP 1 || 1/4 || $3 |- |colspan="4"| |- | Crossbow bolts || || 1/4 || $2 |- | Light bolts || all ranges extended by half, damage lowered by one die type || 1/4 || $2 |- | Heavy bolts || +1 damage || 1/3 || $3 |} ===Melee Weapons=== Using a melee weapon in two hands increases your Strength by one die type for purposes of damage and strength requirements; any weapons not specifically noted as 1- or 2-handed can be used as either. Any melee weapon can be thrown with a range of 2/4/8. Weapons with reach get the benefit of the First Strike edge against attackers with shorter weapons. {| class="wikitable" ! Type !! Damage !! Notes !! Weight !! Cost |- | Club || Str+1d4 || lethal or nonlethal damage at will, 1-handed || 1 lbs. || $2 |- | Cudgel || Str+1d6 || lethal or nonlethal damage at will || 2 lbs. || $5 |- | Staff || Str+1d6 || reach 1", lethal or nonlethal damage at will, 2-handed || 4 lbs. || $10 |- |colspan="6"| |- | Dagger || Str+1d4 || AP 2, thrown 3/6/12 and AP 0, 1-handed || 1 lbs. || $25 |- | Short sword || Str+1d6 || +1 Parry, 1-handed || 3 lbs. || $200 |- | Long sword || Str+1d8 || +1 Parry || 4 lbs. || $300 |- | Great sword || Str+1d10 || +1 Parry, 2-handed || 6 lbs. || $400 |- |colspan="6"| |- | Hatchet || Str+1d6 || +1 damage when you hit with a raise, thrown 3/6/12, 1-handed || 2 lbs. || $100 |- | Axe || Str+1d8 || +1 damage when you hit with a raise || 3 lbs. || $200 |- | Great axe || Str+1d10 || +1 damage when you hit with a raise, 2-handed || 4 lbs. || $300 |- |colspan="6"| |- | Mace || Str+1d8 || AP 2, 1-handed || 3 lbs. || $250 |- | Great mace || Str+1d10 || AP 2, 2-handed || 5 lbs. || $350 |- |colspan="6"| |- | Flail || Str+1d8 || victim's Parry lowered by 1 || 3 lbs. || $250 |- | Great flail || Str+1d10 || victim's Parry lowered by 1, 2-handed || 5 lbs. || $350 |- |colspan="6"| |- | Javelin || Str+1d6 || thrown 4/8/16, 1-handed || 2 lbs. || $75 |- | Spear || Str+1d8 || reach 1", thrown 3/6/12 || 4 lbs. || $150 |- | Pike || Str+1d8 || reach 2", 2-handed || 6 lbs. || $300 |- | Polearm || Str+1d10 || reach 1", 2-handed || 6 lbs. || $300 |} ===Shields=== Hunkering down behind a medium or large shield counts as an action and increases its cover by one step (from light to medium or from medium to heavy). A shield can be sacrificed instead of spending a benny to soak damage; the shield is effectively destroyed and useless until repaired or replaced (both cost the same). '''!!! Greyed out entries are discouraged for purposes of drama and gameplay !!!''' {| class="wikitable" ! Type !! Damage !! Notes !! Weight !! Cost |- | Small shield || Str+1d4 || +1 Parry, no action to draw || 2 lbs. || $25 |- |style="background:#cccccc;"| Medium shield || Str+1d4 || +1 Parry, light cover || 4 lbs. || $100 |- |style="background:#cccccc;"| Large shield || Str+1d4 || +2 Parry, medium cover, -2 to perform and resist Agility tricks || 6 lbs. || $200 |} ===Armor=== Wearing any metal armor gives a -2 penalty on all Stealth rolls (on top of any encumbrance penalties). Any armor can be produced in a reinforced form, using heavier or layered materials to strengthen the most crucial parts of it, which increases its cost by 100% and its weight by 50% and gives it +1 Armor against attacks that hit with a raise. '''!!! Greyed out entries are discouraged for purposes of drama and gameplay !!!''' {| class="wikitable" ! Type !! Armor !! Covers !! Notes !! Weight !! Cost |- | Arming cap || +1 || head || || 2 lbs. || $10 |- | Arming coat || +1 || torso and arms || || 6 lbs. || $40 |- | Military boots || +1 || legs || || 4 lbs. || $10 |- |colspan="6"| |- | Mail hood || +2 || head || -1 Notice || 5 lbs. || $200 |- |style="background-color:#cccccc;"| Mail shirt || +2 || torso ||| TBA || 20 lbs. || $300 |- |style="background-color:#cccccc;"| Mail coat || +2 || torso and arms || TBA || 30 lbs. || $400 |- |style="background-color:#cccccc;"| Mail leggings || +2 || legs || TBA || 15 lbs. || $200 |- |colspan="6"| |- | Open helmet || +3 || head || ignore when hit with a 1 or 6 on the Wild Die || 5 lbs. || $200 |- | Closed helmet || +3 || head || -2 Notice || 7 lbs. || $300 |- |style="background-color:#cccccc;"| Breastplate || +3 || torso || ignore when hit from behind || 15 lbs. || $600 |- |style="background-color:#cccccc;"| Cuirass || +3 || torso || TBA || 25 lbs. || $800 |- |style="background-color:#cccccc;"| Plate arms || +3 || arms || TBA || 15 lbs. || $400 |- |style="background-color:#cccccc;"| Plate legs || +3 || legs || TBA || 18 lbs. || $500 |} [[File:caves.png]]
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