Editing SGA 2007 Archive

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=Calico Jack and the crew of the ''Rapacious''=
=Calico Jack and the crew of the ''Rapacious''=
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=Space Race 1907=
; Game System
; Game System
: Either [http://www.smithandrobards.com/index.php?cPath=2 Savage Worlds] or [http://bbs.dragonslanding.com/viewforum.php?f=16 The Project Chupa CORE System]
: [http://www.glorantha.com/support/ HeroQuest]
; Pitch
; Pitch
: The major powers of the world are engaged in a race to claim the Moon and its rich mineral resources.  Recent experiments by high altitude balloon, long range giant artillery shells, dirigibles, magnetic rays, and other means have shown that spaceflight can be viable and practical.  Observations of the moon by high altitude and ground based telescopes show the possibility of vast mineral wealth waiting to be exploited by industrious nations.  The first to arrive on the scene will reap huge rewards.
: President Roosevelt has announced his Lunar Initiative, granting vast mining rights to whomever conquers the moon first.  In response, Nikola Tesla, backed financially by Westinghouse, the Astors, and the Rockefellers has created The American Lunar Expedition Company, and aims to send the very first humans to the Moon from his laboratory and launch facility near Colorado Springs.
: The competition is hot on his heels, however.  Tsar Nicholas II of the Russian Empire, eager to stir up Russian patriotic nationalism to distract his citizens from their recent troubles, has put into play his country's considerable wealth and is offering vast riches for success.  So, too has Franz-Joseph I of Austria-Hungary, President Armand Fallières of France, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany, and King Edward VII of Great Britain.
: Can you, as one of the first selected "astro-nauts" survive international intrigue, untested experimental launch vehicles, and the dangers of space to make it to the moon and claim glory for self, company and country?  And make it all the way back home to tell the tale?
: If you succeed, you'll be wealthy, famous, and receive a medal from Teddy Roosevelt himself!
: ''"If there is wealth to and resources to be had up there in outer-space, then by Jingo, it will be brought back to Terra Firma by American hands.  I have every confidence that our American astro-nauts piloting Mister Tesla's space machine will make it to the Moon first.  We will be first because we must be first.  Our pride, our national character, and our future prosperity is at stake.  This Lunar Initiative, recently passed by Congress and signed into law by me, will assure our place in the constellation of civilized nations as a bright star of industrial vigor and democratic virtue."''
: -President Theodore Roosevelt, June, 1905 (Reprinted with permission from The New York Morning Journal, A William Randolph Hearst Company)
; Game Master
; Game Master
: Mark Walters
: Johnzo
; Players
; Players
: 4
; Characters
; Characters
; Date
; Date
: August
: February 26 & March 5, 2007
; Technical Notes
; Technical Notes
: GenreSteampunk, Post-Victorian, Industrial era. (Kerosenepunk?)  I'm interested in any comments anyone would have about this, particularly the viability of the CORE system.
: '''[[User:Johnzo|Johnzo]]:''' I'd like to run a HeroQuest experiment. The "experiment" part of it is to try to run a zero-prep player-driven game.  D&S and 1889 were both heavy prep GM-driven games, so I want an exact change-up from that.
; Recaps
: I'm going to make up / steal some mechanics for shared setting and situation creation and moderation and then use them on the 19th, then get a start at play on the 19th and finish things off on the 26th.
; Player Thoughts
; Additional GM Thoughts
: My instinct for this is to keep the number of players low by SGA standards so that we'll have a shot at coming out with something coherent.  I'd like to cap it at just four players. 
=Vs. Outlaws=
: This is running simultaneously with Faery's Tale, so it'll be a good test of that dual-SGA game thing we've been talking about.
; Game System
: [http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/product.php?productid=16239 Vs. Outlaws]
; Pitch
: This is an itty-bitty little game that is easy to learn at the table. I've been going through bunches of covers from western adventure magazines and I picked half a dozen I found inspiring, either because of the adventure title or because of the art. Help me pick one that will be the cover of our story!
: The link to the covers is [http://www.flickr.com/photos/7941105@N05/tags/western/ here]; the titles are:
: If the HeroQuest experiment fails on the 19th, we can refine & retry it on the 26th or fall back to Dungeons & Savages.
** ''Trigger Trouble''
: Finally, if anyone knows of good collaborative worldbuilding rules, please lemme know about them.  I know of PTA's pitch generation and Burning Empires world-burning and ... whatever the hell it was that Aria Worlds tried to do but didn't.
** ''Gold Loot''
** ''Five Against the Law''
** ''Too Late for a Peaceful Grave''
** ''Pacify Eagle Mesa!''
** ''Royal Gun Flush''
; Game Master
: And if anyone's ever done anything like this before, please also chime in.  I am especially interested in how to code conflict into the situation.
: Sophie
; Players
; Characters
; Date
: Some time in August
; Technical Notes
; Recaps
; Recaps
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=Savage X-Crawl: Inaugural Celebrity Pro-Am Crawl=
=The Mute Minstrel=
; Game System
; Game System
: [http://www.smithandrobards.com/index.php?cPath=2 Savage Worlds] / [http://www.goodman-games.com/preview-XC.php X-Crawl]
: [http://www.firefly-games.com/ Faery's Tale]
; Pitch
; Pitch
: '''Teaser No. 1:'''
: "Jupiter and Juno be praised, their glory sung from each and every mountain!  Good evening and welcome to Empire Sports-1.  In today's top story - the the X-Crawl event everyone has been waiting for is ON!  Adventurer's Guild Spokeswoman Dierdra Epstine today announced that the Guild has finalized negotiations for the Inaugural Celebrity Pro-Am Crawl, to be held this year in downtown San Francisco at the newly remodeled Kimball Civic Center!  The event will feature celebrity sponsored teams of up-and-coming Division IV players looking to make the jump to Division III, and there is already jockying among stars and starlettes for who will be captaining each of the three teams."
: "No word yet on who has been tapped as Dungeon Jockey for this event.  All proceeds will be donated to the Jose Villalobos Institute for the Widows and Children of Foreign Wars."
: "Coming up:  DJ Outrageous Fortune talks takes us behind the scenes of last year's Las Vegas Crawl and reveals some of the unique planning that left no less than 8 Division II adventurers dead or incapacitated, and gave the event the highest ratings of last year's league games.  That and the weather, right after a word from our sponsors!"
: X-CRAWL - fabulous prizes!  Wealth!  A year's supply of furniture wax!  All of these and much, much more can be yours - if you survive!  Of course, you're going to have to kill the monsters to get the treasure, and you aren't the crowd favorite today, and the cameras can be very unforgiving.  But in this game, there are no second takes, and if you die...  you die.
: '''Teaser No. 2:'''
: "... and as of this hour on the status of X-Crawl great Helen "Solar Angel" Tiberius following her petrification in last night's Brinston-Wheeling Crawl Classic."
: "In other X-Crawl news, team captains for the much anticipated Celebrity Pro-Am Crawl were announced by League officials this morning.  Team #1 will be led by celebrity druid Shelly McFurhman, author of "Where are the Trees" and "Global Impact".  Team #2 will be led by Hollywood actor Bradly Epstein, star of box office hits "The Blue Scorpion", "Tavern Times" and "Bullet Wounds" I-III.  And Team #3 will be led by rock star Tony Yang, late of the bands Mary in the Morning and Squeezer.  Quite a lineup for this very special event!"
: "Rumors are flying in the world of Division IV X-Crawl, with hopeful players across the country waiting by their phones, hoping that the may be the lucky ones to receive a call."
: "Coming up on Empire-1 Sports:  this week the Judge's Guild will announce the year's changes to the scoring system.  Our X-Crawl insider Peter Perkins tells you what you can expect, and how it will affect your favorite game.  Jupiter and Juno willing, we'll be right back!"
: '''Teaser No. 3:'''
: "Bikers, brawlers, criminal scum - the Vader Nine gang is all of these things and more.  They are tough, determined, and vicious.  But this is X-Crawl, not a pub fight.  Whether the Vader Nines can propel Tony Yang to victory in the Celebrity Pro-Am Crawl remains to be seen.  Reporting from Hobart, Tasmania, this is Randal Walkin, Empire-1 Sports."
: "Thank you Randal.  With the Inaugural Celebrity Pro-Am Crawl just over a month away, the question on everyone's mind - where IS Brad Epstein?  The Hollywood heartthrob went into seclusion some weeks ago, just after the announcement that he would captain one of the three teams for the celebrity charity event.  Speculation among industry insiders is running wild, but Empire-1 has yet to unravel the mystery of his whereabouts.  A close friend of Epstein, who spoke under conditions of anonymity, has stated that Epstein's plan for the Crawl is "big" and that it will "rock the X-Crawl house."  Fans, both of X-Crawl and of the star himself, can only wait impatiently for news of his return to the limelight."
: "Next up - Empire-1 takes you on a rare visit to the underground kingdom of Zurah'a'zurah for a big game hunt like nothing you have seen before.    Stalking the elusive Umber Hulk - right after these messages."
: '''Teaser No. 4:'''
: "Jupiter and Juno be praised, and long life to the Emperor Ronald I!  This is Empire-1 Sports with this breaking announcement.  The Jose Villalobos Foundation has announced the identity of the Dungeon Jockey for the Inaugural Celebrity Pro-Am Crawl!  It is none other than starlette Carley Danger!  Danger, who is best known for her role in the critically acclaimed "The Romance of Plato", also starred in "The Blue Scorpion" with Crawl team captain Bradley Epstein.  The two shared a tempestuous romance during and following the film, followed by a spectacular public break-up the following year.  Since then their relationship can best be described as "cool", though both have stated publicly that they bear no ill will towards the other.  How this will affect Epstein's chances for victory are unknown.  Epstein, still in seclusion, could not be reached for comment."
: "This has been an Empire-1 Sports network special report!  We now return you to "Sports around the Empire" already in progress!"
; Game Master
; Game Master
: Edmund Metheny
: Cain Young
; Players
; Players
: 6
; Characters
: Allie  (Alicante) "Bantam" Goodwine, Halfling paladin (Sophie)
: Tycho, Gnome barbarian (Peter)
: Frederico "The Saxinator" Rodriquez, Half-elf bard (John R.)
: Grunt, Half-orc sorcerer (Cain)
: Ephraim "Shibboleth" Gilead, Human mage (Mark)
: Sherry "Stalker" Goodwine, Halfling rogue (Laura)
; Date
: August 20 and 27, 2007
; Technical Notes
: The ''Savage Worlds'' rules are modified to reflect some of the special rules from ''Xcrawl'' including awarding bennies as Team Mojo; grandstanding; mugging; Fame; and others (see house rules handout in the Yahoo group Files folder.)
; Recaps
: CUE:  opening bars of "It All Comes Down to the Money" (Terminator X)
: "Jupiter and Juno be praised!  Welcome back to Empire-1 Sports Network's live coverage of the Inaugural Celebrity Pro-Am Crawl here is foggy San Francisco!  Our first team, Bradley's Bruisers, is now taking a brief break following their spectacular victory over a group of hobgoblins!  John?"
: "Yes they are Bill, and what a battle it was, with Ephraim "Shibboleth" Gilead coming to the fore with a spectacular fire blast that literally wilted the hobgoblins where they stood.  It was a beautiful piece of teamwork by Bradley's Bruisers that averted a near disastrous encounter following a surprising error by Frederico "The Saxonator" Rodriguez.  Let's watch the instant replay."
: "OK, here we see the group making its way down the corridor, pausing just short of the intersection.  Now from our perspective we can see the eight burly hobgoblins waiting down the hall for the Bruisers to come around the corner.  But The Saxonator takes a mirror from Brad Epstein, and uses it to peer around the corner.  He sees the hobgoblins, but they clearly do not see him."
: "Things are going pretty well for the Bruisers at this point but here comes the error - Rodriguez is trying to explain to Shibboleth what he saw, but can't seem to get the wizard to understand.  In frustration he raises his voice and...  right there!  The goblins take notice and ready their bows."
: "Not the sort of mistake you would expect from the son of Unlimited Class professional X-Crawlers!  And potentially a deadly one, with the team now forced to deal with the hobgoblins on their terms...  or are they?"
: "Now the team confers - obviously nobody relishes the idea of stepping into the line of fire of all those bows.  But "Bantam" Goodwine and Tycho the Barbarian step to the fore!  They roll into the corridor...  here come the arrows!  Tycho is hit!  But before the hobbs can reload, out steps Gilead!  He conjures an arcane blast, lets fly, and WOW!  The hobbs go up like matchsticks!  A quick and definitive end to what could have been a dangerous encounter for the Bruisers!
: "It has certainly been a day of surprises here, between Gilead's impressive spellcasting, and little "Stalker" Goodwine dropping several opponents who were troubling her larger and stronger teammates - including not one but two ogres - this has already been a first level to remember, and a good start to the Pro-Am Celebrity Crawl."
: "Indeed it has!  But those who watched the pre-game show know that there is a lot more in store for the Bruisers before they can finish off level 1!  Though their combat performance has been good they have yet to rescue even one of the 'Maidens Fair' to complete this level, and DJ Carley Danger has a lot more in store for them before their quest is completed.  One could almost say that their opposition to this point has just been the warm up."
: "Wait a minute!  It looks like the Brawlers are preparing to move on.  Yes!  Yes they are shouldering their gear - "Bantom" Goodwine is uttering a prayer to Fortuna Victrix, and the Brawlers are on the move!  Lets go back to the dungeon where the action is heating up!"
; Player Thoughts
; Additional GM Thoughts
=Spirit of the Century=
; Game System
: [http://www.evilhat.com/?spirit Spirit of the Century]
; Pitch
: You are part of the Century Club, a group that has members that were born January 1st of any century. The club is dedicated to making the world a better place.
; Game Master
: Peter Darley
; Players
: 6
; Characters
; Characters
: Konrad Becker, all-American action tinkerer (Brian)
: The Incredible Indelible Professor Thaddeus Hendershot, genius scientist (Brian J.)
: Ngo Dinh Dien Jean Baptiste "The Crusader", Man of Mystery (Edmund)
: Brother Birkshot Clemensun, Ordo Malleus secret agent kicking ass for the Lord (Aaron)
: Danny Dugan, ace pilot (John R.)
: Andromeda Brixton, woman of a thousand faces (Sophie)
; Date
: August 6, 2007
; Technical Notes
; Recaps
: '''[[User:Mechante Anemone|Mechante Anemone]]:''' We started ''in media res'' in pursuit of a thief who had stolen a precious object from the Century Club premises in Washington, D.C. Most of the group ran after the thief through the zoo (including the polar bears' cage), but I opted to immobilize another suspicious character. After catching both men, we discovered that they were two different thieves trying to steal four (or five) rare jewels: the Eye of the Jaguar, a brooch or clasp stolen from the Century Club, which we recovered; the Fangs of the Jaguar, a pair of earrings stolen from a rich lady at a nearby party, which we returned, and the Heart of the Jaguar, location unknown.
; Player Thoughts
; Additional GM Thoughts
=The Channel Tunnel Hurrah!=
; Game System
: [http://www.forgottenfutures.com/game/index.htm Forgotten Futures]
; Pitch
: It's 1897. Victoria is on the throne, and it is an unparalleled era  for science and technology. Projects that were once dreams are coming  to fruition; chief amongst them is the Channel Tunnel, begun in 1875,  endlessly delayed by politics and inept management, but finally  opened today. The Queen herself has made a rare public appearance to  cut a ribbon at the English end and travelled to France aboard the  Royal Train. Tomorrow she will cut the ribbon to the British side of  the tunnel and dine in Calais with French nobility. Then she will  travel by train back to Dover and then to Windsor. All is bright and  happy, and hopefully this event will improve relations between France  and England...
: The tunnel is the latest marvel of an ingenious age; a railway link  between Dover and Calais. On each shore there are stations and  railway bridges out to artificial islands, where trains enter the  tunnel itself; the bridges are mined and overlooked by the guns of  heavily-armed forts, to guard against invasion through the tunnel.  Ventilation shafts at intervals lead up to small concrete and brick  "islands" supporting tall chimney stacks and warning lights. In mid-Channel, on the Varne bank, a larger artificial island is used for  coaling and watering trains, and to give passengers a welcome break  from the dust and smoke of the tunnel. Eventually a hotel and docks  will be built there.
: The tunnel itself is dug through the bed of the Channel. Each of the  railway lines is carried in a steel pipe, waterproofed with layers of  bitumen and pitch, lined with concrete and brick, and reinforced with  steel hoops. At intervals the pipes are linked by cross-tunnels, just  large enough for a man, which can be used to evacuate a train in an  emergency.
: So what could mar this grand event? What could possibly go wrong?
; Game Master
: John Reiher
; Players
: 6
; Characters
: Clarissa Zinicola, Opera singer (Laura)
: Chloe de Tournay, Inventor and race driver (Sophie)
: Sultan Ikram Imad Zulfiqar, Ex-sultan of Persia (Bryan J.)
: Les leMonde, Abomination hunter (Aaron)
: Konrad Fahrenspiel, Swiss, semi-famous explorer , adventurer, glory-seeker (Mark)
: The Magnificent Mechanical Man (Peter)
; Date
; Date
: July 30, 2007
: February 19, 2007
; Technical Notes
; Technical Notes
Line 263: Line 116:
=PSI Seattle: Paranormal Scene Investigation=
; Game System
; Game System
: [http://www.memento-mori.com/inspectres/ InSpectres]
: [http://www.clintkrause.com/ Wushu: Roanoke]
; Pitch
; Pitch
: With the end of the regular season on such major shows as "Exodus II" and "Roanoke", the SGA broadcasting network is planning its summer season. Network executives have flirted with the idea of mini-series centered around a paranormal investigation firm, perhaps in the light-hearted style of "Ghostbusters" or "Men in Black", although some have suggested going for a darker mood, in the vein of "X-Files" or "Millennium", or the glitz and versatility of "Buffy", "Angel", or a paranormal "Remington Steele". SGA-TV Week will keep you posted as the summer season gets in full swing!
: 1587: A small group of English colonists establish a settlement on Roanoke Island
: [Cue electronic music, soft and ominous.]
: 1590: The colony is found completely abandoned with no trace of the colonists.
: FADE IN: Wide shot of the starry night sky over a mountain range, a small greenish LIGHT flickering in the foothills.
: ANNOUNCER: "They come when you call."
: CUT TO: Broad daylight, medium shot of a group of people in official-looking uniforms and ballistic vests, spread out near a black van and watching a HOUSE from the street, exchanging comments.  A dark blue 1999 Ford Crown Victoria comes to a stop near the van and PHIL MAXELL climbs out of the driver's seat.
: [The music's tempo picks up.]
: MAXELL: "Aaaww, no, not this place again!  You KNOW it's gonna..."
: On cue, the roof of the house explodes like the lid on a faulty pressure cooker.  The AGENTS go sprawling from the shock wave.
: ANNOUNCER: "They face danger every minute."
: CUT TO: Close-up view of a woman's face, with glasses and sensible haircut, frowning in concentration.  The camera pans out to show her sitting at a COMPUTER in a small, cluttered office, with stacks of books and files piled high.
: DR. GARZELLI: "I swear I'm gonna get you, you prick!"
: ANNOUNCER: "They dig in matters humanity was not meant to interfere with."
: CUT TO: Front shot of a beefy man in the same uniform as the earlier team, pulling back his cap and scratching his head.  He's looking down at a wooden STAKE he's holding in his other hand.
: JAKE STERLING: "So you're sure the blood was green?"
: [The music becomes pounding electro pop.]
: CUT TO: Wide shot of a one-way street with CARS parked all along both sides.  The cars start being flung to either side as if a tornado was running down the middle of the street.  The overhead WIRES start crackling with blue bolts of electricity.
: ANNOUNCER: "InSpectres."
: [The music comes to a sudden stop.]
: CUT TO: Medium shot of a darkened cavern, lit by MAXELL's flashlight.  The beam reveals primitive paintings in Native style on the walls.  A noise of rockfall off-camera startles MAXELL.  He turns around rapidly.  The flashlight beam dwindles as if the batteries are dying.
: MAXELL: "Aw, crap, no!"
: He shakes the flashlight.  The beam shrinks to a small yellow point, then disappears.  FADE TO BLACK.
: MAXELL: "Hello?..."
: ANNOUNCER: "Coming this summer to SGA-TV."
: What happened? Find out!
; Game Master
; Game Master
: Sophie
: Edmund Metheny
; Players
; Players
: Edmund, Laura, John Reiher, Cain, Mark, Peter
: 8
; Characters
; Characters
: Phil Maxell, G-Man (Edmund); Viola "VIP" Pettigrew, Conspiracy Theorist (Laura); Jackson "Jackpot" Potter, Legal Eagle (John Reiher); Richard "Ringo" Langley, Computer geek (Cain); Stan Chick, Cult Deprogrammer (Peter); Ernie Snodgrass, EMT (Mark)
: Reverend Ezekiel Parris, Fire-and-Brimstone Preacher (Cain)
: Lady Charity de Warwick, Pirate Hunter (Sophie)
: Haunce Walters, Devious deck hand and opportunist (Mark)
: Miss Emme Merrimoth, Dorset Farmgirl (Laura)
: Braith Madog, Unhangable Loner (Johnzo)
: Paiyn, Runaway Slave Child (Kevin)
: Alice Langston, Feisty Widow (Meg)
: Thomas "the Butcher" Vessel, Redeemed Convict (Taylor)
; Date
; Date
: July 16, 2007
: February 5 & 12, 2007
; Technical Notes
; Technical Notes
: InSpectres is a short, easy little game of paranormal investigation. In it, players create the investigation and clues instead of following the GM's trail of breadcrumbs. Players start the game by creating their franchise, which can range from a small outfit struggling to get started to a bureaucratic government agency to a Goonies-style group of nosy kids. To play, all you need is half-a-dozen six-sided dice and a group of creative gamers.
: This game is intended to be a ''Lost''-style recurring series, with characters drawn from the pool of colonists and local Tribes as needed to accomodate new or occasional players.
; Recaps
; Recaps
: See also the [http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?t=310201 Actual Play thread] on RPGNet.
; Player Thoughts
==Episode 1==
; Additional GM Thoughts
=Roanoke: Grindhouse Edition=
; Game System
: [http://www.memento-mori.com/octane/ octaNe]
; Pitch
: ''Having just seen Grindhouse this weekend, I got to thinking - what if Roanoke was done as a B-grade slasher flick? The result -''
: FADE IN: Medium boom shot of Roanoke colony on the shores of Roanoke island
: VOICEOVER: "They were stranded on hostile shores, a thousand miles from home. Everyone expected them to die.
: CUT TO: Rev. Ezekiel leading prayers in church.
: REV. EZEKIEL (solemnly) : "And they shall know that I am the Lord, and I have not said in vain that I would do this evil unto them."
: VOICEOVER: "But what they DIDN'T KNOW was that THESE Puritans... were PURE SAVAGE FURY!"
: (As Rev. Ezekiel speaks a zombie rises up behind him).
: REV. EZEKIEL: "And thus sayeth the Lord - SMITE WITH THINE HAND..."
: After an overview of the Wushu system and of the Roanoke colony's official history, the GM played the opening credits and music. Throughout the game, he had a soundscape appropriate to the circumstances: falling rain and thunderstorm, crashing surf, marsh birds and frogs, etc.  The primary lighting was provided by candles, with electric lighting behind the GM for easier reading.
: (Ezekiel spins and delivers a punch to the zombie's face, knocking out most of its teeth)
: '''Credits:'''
: ''In 1587 one hundred and seventeen men, women, and children set sail from Plymouth, England to found a new colony on the shores of Chesapeake Bay.  Almost from the moment they set sail their journey was fraught with hazards and delays. Eventually, too late in the year to plant, their food supplies already running dangerously low, they found themselves not where they expected to be, but on desolate Roanoke Island.  The governor of the colony, John Wh:ite, set sail back to England within the month to raise more supplies. When he returned three years later, the colony had vanished. Not one man, woman, or child, nor their remains, nor their tools, clothing, keepsakes, or valuables, was ever found. They had disappeared completely from history, their final fate unknown.''
: (Ezekiel delivers a spinning back kick to the zombie, knocking its head flying. The zombie collapses and Rev. Exekiel straightens his vestments)
: ''This is their story.''
: REV EZEKIEL: "And say - 'alas for evil abominations!'".
: ''This is Roanoke.''
: (Cue Grindhouse music)
: VOICEOVER: "Deadly blades!"
: '''ACT I'''
: CUT TO LADY CHARITY, dressed in slinky faux pirate bustier, holding a cutlass in either hand and killing Spanish pirates by the score
: '''OPENING SCENE:''' England, early morning.  Francis Walsingham is having his breakfast.  A servant brings him breakfast and reminds him of an upcoming meeting with the Queen.  Walsingham thanks the servant, then places a map of Virginia on the table, examining it as he eats a pastry.  Using a magnifying glass he follows the coast north until he comes to a small island marked Roanoke.
: VOICEOVER: "Fast boats!"
: '''SCENE 2:''' August 28.  It's a dark and stormy night on Roanoke, the first rain of the season.  A small black child is running through the forest.  Paiyn jumped off the Tiger when he saw his last chance to escape as the ship left.  He somehow managed to make it across the channel to the island, but he is completely lost.  He saw the ship's boat come back so he ran deep into the forest, terrified.  Now he sees the light of a fire despite the ran.  He approaches, hearing chanting voices and drumbeats; near the fire, he sees a woman dancing.  Suddenly, he feels warm and comforted, as if she was his own mother...  but his instinct tells him that he he stays, he will die.  He flees headlong in the dark.
: CUT TO: BRAITH and PAIYN frantically poling their raft while behind them a giant fin gets closer and closer
: '''SCENE 3:''' Haunce is standing guard n the middle of the night (all the colonists take turns doing this).  He’s come to the conclusion that where there are Puritans, there is secret vice, so he needs to build a still.  He decides to get into the stores to steal a little grain to ferment (the seed grain!)  He announces that he has heard some noise over there and will check it out As he's busy stealing a sack of grain, he has flashback of himself in the stocks while a magistrate reads off a list of petty theft charges against him.  Members of the crowd throw stones, rotten fruit, and offal, while a burly man stripped to the waist lays into his bare back with a lash.  Although he does take the grain, the memory leaves him feeling a little guilty.
: VOICEOVER: "Powers from a realm beyond knowledge!"
: '''SCENE 4:''' Captain de Villaguerra is in a longboat, being rowed ashore by a half-dozen pirates speaking in whispers.  Rodrigo, the leader, whispers to her that they will put her ashore with some supplies, but that they can do no more because Diego has more men loyal to him than she has.  At least it will save her from being hanged, which is what Diego had in mind for her - eventually.  As they near a break in the barrier islands she can hear the roar of the surf and as they go through the “cut” the current becomes quite violent, tossing the longboat about.  Rodrigo curses about mistiming the tide, and the longboat goes over, spilling them all into the sea.  Villaguerra distinctly remembers someone grabbing her ankle - perhaps a crew member? - and then something hits her over the head.  Very distantly she hears two men arguing but she cannot understand the words; it sounds like rapid, fluent Latin.  Then there is a brilliant flash of light.
: CUT TO: SIMON BLACK working on a blade at his forge. He places the red hot metal on his anvil, then pours a strange liquid over the blade, which begins to glow with blue light.
: '''SCENE 5:'''  Ezekiel Parris has been up all night praying.  Events of the last month - the stranding of the colonists, the shortage of food, the discovery that the previous colony was missing, the death of George Howe, and John White’s departure, have severely shaken the colony, and Parris has been praying for guidance.  He meditates on the Crucifixion; he is tormented, however, by the fact that his thoughts keep returning to Mary.  It ultimately ends up with a vision in which Ezekiel is crucified on the wall of the stockade, naked, with Emme turning into Mary Magdalene kneeling beneath him, gazing up at him worshipfully. In a cup, she is catching the blood that drips from his hands and feet, then drinking it.
: VOICEOVER: "Non-stop action!"
: He hears the door to the church open.
: CUT TO: THOMAS VESSEL, soaked in blood, pouncing on a CROATOAN indian and slitting his throat, laughing maniacally the whole time.
: '''SCENE 6:'''  Emme gets up before dawn.  She is washing her face in a basin of water, but the water turns to blood, thick and coppery, staining her hands, face, and clothes.  At the bottom of the basin she finds a gold ring.  She examines it; it is a simple band with the inscription "Forever yours."  It fits her perfectly.  Then she is awakened as something pounds on the door.
: VOICEOVER: "And SEXY hoes!"
: '''SCENE 7:'''  Alice is up early, making breakfast, getting Richard ready for morning services, and generally being a busybody.  Molly is still in bed; Richard says that did not sleep well.  lice goes to question her, and Molly relates a terrible dream she had in which the entire colony was cursed by god.  She dreamed of a coal-black demon looming over the colony, pouring out a great curse upon the colonists.  Then an angel appeared with a scythe, with which she slew all the colonists, throwing them into a giant winepress which crushed them until their blood flowed out covering the entire island.  Alice convince Molly to get up and see Reverend Ezekiel.
: CUT TO: EMME MERRIMOTH and ALICE LANGSTON, in full Puritan garb, each hoeing a row in a field. Several CHILDREN OF JUMLIN burst out of the brush and charge towards them and they use their hoes as quarterstaves, doing acrobatic flips a la Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon to fight them off.
: '''SCENE 8:'''  As people are getting up with dawn, Braith decides it's time to go fishing.  His hook snags onto something, perhaps a branch.  He retrieves it; snagged on the hook is a badly battered jack (a leather mug used by sailors). Looking around he notices some other odd items of flotsam - a few pieces of broken planking, some rags, torn canvas, a bit of rope, and eventually part of the bow of a small boat that seems to have washed up on the mainland shore during the night. As he tries to recover some of the lumber and nails, he finds an unconscious woman!
: VOICEOVER: "It's a black powder EXPLOSION of terror!"
: CUT TO: HAUNCE WALTERS firing his harqubus, filling the screen with powder smoke.
: '''ACT II'''
: CUT TO: BRAITH AND PAIYN running towards the camera with hundreds of SECOTAN indians behind them
: '''SCENE 9:''  Emme checks on the noise at her door, calling; no answer.  She opens the door to find Paiyn lying unconscious on her doorstep.  It appears that he ran headlong into her door!  She wakes him and recognizes the Tiger's cabin boy.  He babbles incoherently about someone trying to burn him.
: CUT TO: REV. EZEKIEL leading prayers in the main square. Everyone is ragged and covered in dirt, and several bodies can be seen scattered around. The group is lit by flames from the burning stockade.
: '''SCENE 10:''' Alice brings Molly to see Reverend Ezekiel and describe her dream. He recognizes a passages from the New testament, Revelations 14:18. He assigns Molly more biblical readings.
: CUT TO: LADY CHARITY, dagger between her teeth, swinging from the rigging of a ship to land on the quarterdeck and engage CAPTAIN DIEGO in a sword fight.
: '''SCENE 11:'' Braith starts a fire to warm the half-drowned woman, and starts pulling nails from the lumber.  Caridad de Villaguerra wakes up, and he asks her how she feels.  Though she is disoriented, she recognizes at his speech and his blond hair that he is English, so she cautiously answers him back in English, asking about her men.  Braith say he saw nothing of them, but then he spots a flock of gulls circling and feeding.  Charity goes to examine it and finds an arm, bloated from a stay in the water.  From the tattoos, she recognizes Rodrigo's left arm.  She can find nothing else of her crew.
: CUT TO: EMME MERRIMOTH in the forest at night. She is backed up against a tree, while from the darkness hundreds of yellow eyes stare at her.
: '''SCENE 12:''' Reverend Ezekiel is officiating, preaching fire and brimstone, when the church door opens!  Emme is bringing a small black child. Molly screams and faints.  Paiyn is clutching Emme fearfully; Haunce, trying to impress Emme with his gallantry, gives up his seat.
: CUT TO: SIMON BLACK, standing on Braith's raft,. with a blacksmith's hammer in each hand, swinging at hundreds of tentacles that are emerging from the water.
: Soon after, Braith arrives with Charity.  Molly, just coming to, faints again. Once revived, she insists that the child has the face of the demon from her dream, while the new woman has the angel's face.
: CUT TO: ALICE LANGSTON opening an old chest found buried in the forest. A golden glow emanates from inside. Behind her a shadowy figure rises, holding a sword.
: '''SCENE 13:'' Lady Charity makes her introduction, announcing that she is Lady Charity de Warwick, captain of the privateer Patience. Some appear skeptical, particularly Braith.  
: CUT TO: HAUNCE WALTERS. One arm has been severed above the elbow, and SIMON BLACK has just finished mounting Haunce's harqubus in its place.
: A cry interrupts the conversation - someone stole grain from the seed stock!  Haunce, who had reported hearing noise during his watch, is questioned.  When he realizes that ten sacks were stolen, he is a bit disoriented -- he had only stolen one. He secretly decides to hoard his one sack of grain, and is quick to blame "the savages."
: HAUNCE: "Groovy"
: Led by Reverend Ezekiel, the colonists organize a search for the grain thief.  Braith removes the manacle from Paiyn's ankle, and the boy finds tracks in the dirt near the granary, corresponding to a man's shod feet.  Braith suggests that Ferdinando came back to steal the grain. But Haunce, trying to distract suspicions, whips the mob into a frenzy about "the thieving savages."  [At Johnzo's suggestion, Mark used the Doom mechanic to ensure that his stolen sack of grain was not found, redirecting suspicion on the Indians.]  He make sure that the angry mob tramples the tracks so that his cannot be identified.  With Haunce's goading, the lynch mob starts departs.  As they arm up, "Lady Charity" makes sure she is well provided with pistols and rapier, her own weapons having mysteriously disappeared in the wreck of the longboat. 
: VOICEOVER: "ROANOKE! ISLAND OF BLOOD! Coming soon to a theater near you! This film is not yet rated."
; Game Master
: Edmund
; Players
: Meg, Laura, Sophie, Michael, Mark, Johnzo, Cain
; Characters
:: Dame Alice, steely-eyed madame (Meg)
:: Emme Merrimoth, sexy wild child (Laura)
:: Lady Charity "Pirate Witch Queen" de Warwick, swashbuckling pirate (Sophie)
:: Simon Black, industrial strength warlock (Michael)
:: "Hotshot" Haunce Walters, Renaissance huckster (Mark)
:: Braith Madog, survivalist loner (Johnzo)
:: Reverend 'Zeke, two-fisted padre (Cain)
; Date
: July 2, 2007
; Technical Notes
; Recaps
; Player Thoughts
; Additional GM Thoughts
=The Blood Boat=
: '''SCENE 14:''' Alice, Molly, and a few women and children are left at the camp. Alice find Molly praying aloud in the church, babbling about impending doom.
; Game System
: Spontaneous Zombie Collaborative ([http://www222.pair.com/sjohn/risus.htm Risus]-based home brew)
; Pitch
: ''The Love Boat'' plus zombies. 
; Game Master
: Manu
; Players
: Laura, Edmund M., Sophie, Mark, John R.
; Characters
:: Captain Basil Silverstone IV (Edmund M.)
:: Nurse Dorothy Wise (Laura)
:: Summer Westgate, debutante against her will (Sophie)
:: Larry the piano man (John R.)
:: the bartender (Mark)
; Date
: June 18, 2007
; Technical Notes
; Recaps
; Player Thoughts
: '''[[User:Mechante Anemone|Mechante Anemone]]:''' Spontaneous Collaborative Zombie Heavenly Fire Palm Strike!
...Or: last night's game rocked on toast.
: We had a, a, I'm trying not to go for the cliché here but it's Risus after all, an Awesome time last nightIt was a rollicking good game where we made use of such sterling abilities as "Loser", "Blaxploitation", "Navy Nurse", "Cruise Ship Captain" and "Rebellious Daughter". Better than that, it really was a very collaborative game. Our GM, Manu, had prepared a very entertaining prologue, but I think most of the story development were thrown in by players (though maybe we were playing right into his hand!)
: '''SCENE 15:''' Paiyn finds intermittent tracks of bare feet, longer and narrower than a human's.  Haunce is steering the mob toward the abandoned Croatoan village on the far side of the island but the tracks lead instead to the edge of the swamp. Then someone realizes that Richard Langston has disappeared! They look for him, find his tracks but they lead to the edge of a pool too shallow to swim in.
: I was really happy to have introduced the Montana Minutemen Militia (MMM) as the non-zombie bad guys.  I also had my dice-induced glory moment when my character, goth unwilling debutante Summer Westgate, went zipping across the Engineering station on a rolling office chair, armed with a shuffleboard stick and a stolen pistol -- and rolled five 6s against the zombies. I declared that my character was being written by Joss Whedon for the scene.
: Reverend Ezekiel and Haunce return to the village to see if Richard turned up at home, while Emme, Charity, and the mob continue to search.
; Additional GM Thoughts
: '''SCENE 16:''' Braith and Paiyn get on the raft to examine this morning's debris and search for bodies -- especially ones with boots.  Braith finds nothing but the bloated arm and a boot sole.
: '''SCENE 17:''' After ascertaining that Richard has not returned home, the Reverend decides to search the houses for stolen grain. Haunce looks nervous, tries to blame the theft on Richard. He manages to stare Ezekiel down, but the Reverend remains suspicious.
; Game System
: [http://www.peginc.com/Games/Savage%20Worlds/50%20Fathoms.htm Savage Worlds] (with Modifications)
; Pitch
: [[image:Incursion.jpg|right|thumb]]
:One night, while you were out camping by yourself, you saw a strange light through the trees. "No, it can't be!" you say to yourself, as you see a saucer shaped space craft hovering over a clearing. Grabbing your digital camera you walk up taking pictures, telling yourself that you'll be famous, be a millionaire, that you're about to make first contact...
:That's when you're hit with a stun ray and pass out. You hazily remember an alien face looking at you speaking an alien language in a comforting manner, then you went to sleep.
:Suddenly you're wide awake, lying naked in a glass tube in a large room with a curving wall. Other people are present, all of whom are in various states of undress. Their skin is a bright fluorescent orange and they are completely hairless as far as you can tell. A quick look confirms that you are the same color and you are also completely hairless, not even eyebrows. A look in some reflective metal shows that you also have a barcode across your forehead.
:Two small grey colored aliens with black, almond shaped eyes hand you an ill-fitting jumper and a large bug hands you a weapon.
:It then buzzes in fractured English: "Quickly! You muzzz help uzz take over the Ardanna Nuu! They don't know that we have wakened you from your zztaziz zleep! Take ziz gun and help uzz be free!"
; Game Master
: John Reiher
; Players
: Laura, Edmund M., Michael Lathrop (both games); Mark, Sophie, Cain (Game 2)
; Characters
:: The Mighty Quinn, a pot growing, pot smoking free thinker, played by Ed Menthey
:: Claire Flemming, a US Park Ranger, played by Laura Morgensten
:: Stephen Rand, a college aged engineering student, out hunting when he was abducted, played by Mike Lathrop
:: The cop, played by Mark
:: The mad scientist, played by Cain
:: David Lister, lazy slob and third-grade technician, played by Sophie
; Date
: May 14 and July 9, 2007
; Technical Notes
: Game Rules and mods are on the [[Incursion]] Wiki page.
; Recaps
::Greetings soft skinned mammalians! I am !gzzbzzzt^zzt!, a merchant, though most people call me "Bug". Do not be afraid, I am not carnivorous, I prefer my protein denatured. My race, the Greezebe are pacifists, so do not worry that I may attack. We prefer to trade and impoverish our enemies.
::My story is a sad one. I was hired by Captain Jat Cragyl to help him sell primitive technology that he had collected. What I didn't know was that he was also selling primitives as well!
: '''SCENE 18:''' Lady Charity takes over the search party. The search for Richard and the mysterious tracks yields nothing, but another colonist goes missing!
::Recently your world lost its Anshani Sentinel, opening your world up to full scale plundering. The crew of the Ardanna Nuu have be chief among the plunderers. At first they only stole items of value from your world, but such speciality goods can either fetch one a handsome price or a miserly sum depending on your skills in bargaining.

: '''SCENE 19:''' It's getting late. Charity asks Emme (as the least suspicious type around) for her hospitality; Paiyn will stay with Braith. Haunce, who by then needs a drink, abandons the idea of hoarding his sack of grain and to fire up the still. He takes his still to a cave and starts assembling it. But then he hears thumping drumming noise coming from all around. He loads his old arquebuse, tiptoes out and nervously sneaks back to the village.
::Captain Cragyl was not the best bargainer. So he decided to partake in the more lucrative trade of slavery. For the past forty standard years, he and his crew have been abducting you Dirters and selling you into slavery.

::I must be honest, such activity is not unique to Cragyl and his crew. I've met other Galactics who claim to be descended from Dirters. Some have names like Lucius, others have names like Hanse or Ito. They claim that their ancestors were abducted from ocean going vessels, island colonies, or from other locations on your world. There are many Galactics in known space with Dirter ancestry.

::But the current story begins when Cragyl began to mistreat the Ardanna Nuu's Greevals. Every Anshani ship has a crew of these small gray humanoids that help maintain the black boxes that run the ship. There is no need to maintain a white box, these wonders of Anshani technology maintain themselves.

::I digress. Not only was Cragyl was engaging in slavery, he was mistreating the Greevals! That is just asking for a mutiny!

::And we did mutiny. The Greevals, myself and the ship's doctor, Ysdrl Urlla. She was a wonder with the autodoc and could repair any wound, or even regrow an entire body for a severed head! (Dirt was one of the worlds we plundered, other worlds, the locals knew about the Ardanna Nuu and crew would be caught in ambushes by the natives to devastating results for the natives.)

::Urlla decided that when we visited Dirt again, she would drop the bio- filters. Luckily the pirate crew was entirely made up of Galactics, so any contagion would only spread amongst them. She hid the bio- filter white box in her secret locker down in Engineering.

::We spent several months abducting Dirters as well as other goods. One of the Dirters showed signs of infection: His nose was red, he had watery eyes, his lungs expelled much mucus when he coughed. I heard him say "Wow, aliens and I've got the flew!" Fly he did into the ship, past the non-existent bio-filters and into the ship. He coughed and wheezed his contagion throughout the ship.

::Within days of of him coming aboard, the weaker crew began to show signs of this disease. Massive quantities of mucus and phlegm formed in their nasal cavities and lungs. They drowned in their own bodily fluids. Other Galactics were more resilient, but in the end, of the forty crew aboard the Ardanna Nuu, only six survived. And they were getting better. Angered, Cragyl strangled Urlla with his own bare hands. He would have killed me as well, but I hid.
::Together with the Greevals, we hatched a plan: We would revive some of the Dirters, arm them and let them kill off the crew. We were able to bypass the locks on five of the stasis tubes and decanted a ragged bunch of Dirters, their skin bright neon orange with a UV glow, all body hair removed and a Ng^gatz slave barcode on their foreheads.

::We clothed them in some coveralls I made in the tailor and armed them with weapons we had been able to secrete in our cabins.

::While they were discussing their fate, two of the crew saw us in the cargo area. One ran back updeck to the rest of the crew and the other tried to confront us.

::The Dirters proved very capable and incinerated him with a hand flamer. I then told them to go after the rest of the crew. While this happened, I and the Greevals took cover. Let the Dirters do what Dirters do best: Kill.

::After the all clear was given, I went updeck and found more dead crew and... Sorrow! The captain's log book incinerated! I had felt a tremor earlier, so I ran to the navigation cube room and... Aiyeeee! All the cubes were scattered about the room! We are lost!

::And even more trouble plagued us! The five Dirters were not chipped as crew! Our only hope was this world the captain had been heading for to retrieve some missing navigation cubes. From the way he talked, finding them would not be a problem, which made me think that he may have marooned a former crew member on this world.

::I took the Dirters for a tour of the ship, I showed them the Tailor, the autodoc and then Food Service and dinning rooms. The large male Dirter was constantly invoking his deity and saying that he hated space. I do not know why.

::The next morning we arrived at our destination, a cold iceball of a world the Dirters promptly named "Hoth".

::We landed and, after leaving two Dirters to guard the ship, we made some clothing using thermal cloth, as it was very cold outside. I had made a cold weather survival suit for myself.
::On the ground we found foot prints of one Galactic and five massive beasts! I fouled my survival suit at that sight! But the Dirters bade me to stay with them while they followed the tracks.

::We stopped when the ground erupted in gout of snow, ice, and ferrocrete. We had found the marooned crew member, one Dakkel Shurnel, armed with a homemade railgun. His story was that he was a lift ball and FTL drive tech that had a falling out with Cragyl over the slavery issue. He felt that opening up trade with Dirt would be more profitable than abducting the locals. Cragyl was a bigot, "Primitives are only good for one thing: Slaves!"

::The Dirters were able to convince Shurnel to join them, and he was able to bypass the security lockout on the crew chipping system. After some fiddling, one of the Dirters (they all look alike) figured out how to use the chipping system and soon the Dirters were all crew. They also worked out how to remove the orange coloration from their skin as well as restore their pelts to their heads using the autodoc.

::Now Dakkel is trying to convince them to travel to the trade world Zemex, it is one of the destinations on the nav cube currently residing on the bridge...
; Player Thoughts
; Additional GM Thoughts
=Mystery Men=
: '''SCENE 20:''' Braith hears a noise outside. He takes his hatchet and goes to check it out -- and finds Haunce standing outside the stockade. Haunce tries to convince Braith that there are people out thereBraith shrugs but lets him in.
; Game System
: [http://www.peginc.com/Games/Savage%20Worlds/Necessary%20Evil.htm Savage Worlds: Necessary Evil]
; Pitch
: '''August 13:''' Since Tuesday the 14th is my birthday on the 13th it will be someone's birthday in Harbor City. Whose Birthday it is, will be up to the playersIt could be a party that the Raven agreed to throw for his niece, the Kestrel, a wild party for The Weltanschuang, or even a suprise party for the Butler!
: I will be giving out bennies to players who make their own life or someone else's miserable, and you will be able to spend a bennie to take narrative control when you make a good roll.
: '''SCENE 21:''' Haunce goes to knock on the Reverend's door.  Ezekiel was having a dream about "consoling the widow Molly" and is unhappy to be disturbed.  Haunce reports "rhythmic pounding noises", says he's sure there are other people on the island although he knows they've thoroughly searched the place.  Ezekiel shooes him off.
: I have plenty of pre-made characters and I will take as many players as show up.
: You are also welcome to make up your own Savage Worlds low-level hero character before hand or the night of the game.
: '''ACT III'''
; Game Master
: Laura
; Players
: 4 to 7
; Characters
: The Butler (Edmund - May 7 & Aug. 13)
: Die Weltenschaung (John Reiher - May 7 & Aug. 13)
: The Doppelganger (Mark - May 7/Brian - Aug. 13)
: The Kestrel (Sophie - May 7 & Aug. 13)
: Terry Cotta the Golem (Jayson R. - Aug. 13)
: The Cowboy (Mark - Aug. 13)
: The Lemur (Peter - Aug. 13)
; Date
: May 7 and August 13, 2007
; Technical Notes
: A new episode in the on-going saga of Harbor City's second-rate supers!
; Recaps
: Teri the Golem has been accused of five murders.  None of the victims were well-loved and no one is crying for them.  The intrepid team discovers there is another golem in Harbor City, but unlike Teri, one without free will.  Who commands the murdering golem? 
; Player Thoughts
; Additional GM Thoughts
=Seven Leagues=
: '''SCENE 22:''' August 29Charity and Alice inspect the village and discuss how to keep track of who is where. They agree to keep a better eye on the roster. Charity evaluates how to improve their defences.
; Game System
: [http://malcontent.sourdust.com/7L/ Seven Leagues]
; Pitch
: ''New York, 1775. The Fable exiles from the Homelands have been their home in the New World colonies for over a century now; but with the Age of Enlightenment and the rebellious spirit sweeping the British colonies, their existence is transformed in frightening ways. The rebels -- the Sons of Liberty, as they call themselves -- are fomenting trouble, and in response British soldiers are deployed everywhere. The Fables fear being discovered -- and now four-and-twenty blackbirds have come to town...''
: This is a one-shot game for Monday, April 2, using the game "Seven Leagues" and the setting from the Vertigo comic book "Fables". Pick an existing Fable or create one of your own, and help Fabletown deal with troubles both internal -- from those pesky blackbirds -- and external -- from that pesky revolution about to happen!
; Game Master
: Sophie Lagacé
; Players
: 4
; Characters
: The Bogeyman (Mark)
: The Headless Horseman (Edmund)
: Molly Whuppie (Laura)
: Thor, down and out on his luck (Cain)
; Date
: April 2 & 16 and June 26, 2007
; Technical Notes
; Recaps
; Player Thoughts
; Additional GM Thoughts
=Mystic Japan=
: '''SCENE 23:''' Braith and Paiyn go fishing.  Braith teaches Paiyn how to repair the nets and sets him to work.  Paiyn shows Braith how to spear fish.
; Game System
: Wushu-influenced homebrew
: '''SCENE 24:''' Haunce and Emme go hunting for meat.  Haunce proudly shoots a 12-point buck and hopes he impressed Emme.  She helps him dress it, while he brags about past exploits.  As they are about to return to the village, they hear a shot in the woods.  Haunce checks his weapons and reloads; then they go check.  They find a dead wolf, shot between the eyes with a lead ball, but just left there.  They clean the kill, take the pelt, and return to the village at dusk.
; Pitch
; Game Master
: Manu Saxena
; Players
: 4
; Characters
: Fighting Bhuddist nun (Laura)
: Clan shinobi (Edmund)
: Widowed samurai lady (Sophie)
: Eccentric herbalist (Evan)
; Date
: March 26, 2007
; Technical Notes
; Recaps
; Player Thoughts
; Additional GM Thoughts
=The Mute Minstrel=
: '''SCENE 25:''' Reverend Ezekiel is reading and preaching from the Book of Job; the church is packed.  A rumour is going around that the newcomers, Paiyn and Charity, are demons.  But people are happy when Braith and Paiyn return with fish, and Emme and Haunce return with meat.
; Game System
: [http://www.firefly-games.com/ Faery's Tale]
; Pitch
; Game Master
: Cain Young
; Players
: 3
; Characters
: Pooka (Edmund)
: Karamel the Brownie (Sophie)
: Sprite (Laura)
; Date
: March 19, 2007
; Technical Notes
; Recaps
; Player Thoughts
; Additional GM Thoughts
=Exodus II=
: Braith questions Alice about the rumours. Haunce overhears Paiyn talking about the drumming and chanting he heard the previous night, questions himHaunce then tells everyone about the wolf that was shot; no one claims the kill.  
; Game System
: [http://www.glorantha.com/support/ HeroQuest]
; Pitch
: Humankind's last hope... or its last battleground.
; Game Master
: Johnzo
; Players
: 6
; Characters
: Inquisitor Ignatius/O Pukepuke (Edmund Metheny)
: Quartermaster Barbara McDougall (Meg)
: Mining Boss Alice 76 (Laura)
: Courier Rokk Razor (Cain)
: Engineer Milton Pointdexter (Mark)
: Crew Boss Supriya Sumitran (Sophie)
; Date
: February 26, March 5, April 23 & 30, May 38, June 4 and July 23, 2007
; Technical Notes
: '''[[User:Johnzo|Johnzo]]:''' I'd like to run a HeroQuest experimentThe "experiment" part of it is to try to run a zero-prep player-driven game.  D&S and 1889 were both heavy prep GM-driven games, so I want an exact change-up from that.
: I'm going to make up / steal some mechanics for shared setting and situation creation and moderation and then use them on the 19th, then get a start at play on the 19th and finish things off on the 26th.
: Braith suspects the Spaniards.  He questions Lady Charity about her ship and whether her men could have shot the wolf.  She says it's possible, but expects that after the wreck of the longboat, their powder would have been wet.
: My instinct for this is to keep the number of players low by SGA standards so that we'll have a shot at coming out with something coherentI'd like to cap it at just four players.   
: '''SCENE 26:''' That night, Haunce sneaks out to check on his still.  In the cave, he is surprised by a large wolf!  He throws the still at the wolf, then whips up his matchlock pistol and shoots him square in the chestBut he sees the wound close instantly!  As the wolf is about to leap, another shot hits the beast in the side of the neck and the wolf falls downHaunce huddles in the back of the cave with his arquebus until down.
: Finally, if anyone knows of good collaborative worldbuilding rules, please lemme know about them.  I know of PTA's pitch generation and Burning Empires world-burning and ... whatever the hell it was that Aria Worlds tried to do but didn't.
: And if anyone's ever done anything like this before, please also chime in.  I am especially interested in how to code conflict into the situation.
* '''Some of the best quotes:'''
; Recaps
** "We'll put an extra pine cone in the soup for you." -- Braith/Johnzo, to the newly arrived Lady Charity.
: See [http://www.story-games.com/codex/index.php?title=Exodus_II the official wiki] for details
; Player Thoughts
; Additional GM Thoughts
=7th Sea=
; Game System
: [http://www.swashbucklingadv.com/ 7th Sea]
; Pitch
; Game Master
: Taylor Leslie
; Players
: 4
; Characters
: Fideli minstrel (Laura)
: Armano, Castillan swordsman (Edmund)
: Ilse, Eisen rogue (Megan)
: Artemise Soulier, Montaigne Rilasciare (Sophie)
; Date
: February 19 & March 5, 2007
; Technical Notes
; Recaps
; Player Thoughts
; Player Thoughts
: '''[[User:Johnzo|Johnzo]]:''' My favorite part was when the Rev. and Haunce faced off over the missing grain. I liked how the conflict dicing allowed the characters to showcase their traits, and I really liked how the players regarded the issue as suspended after the dicing was done. I was worried that it was going to degenerate into more rounds of "well, I can't get him with this skill, maybe I'll try this skill."  Instead, the point was made, the issue put off to another day, and tensions increased.
; Additional GM Thoughts
; Game System
: [http://www.clintkrause.com/ Wushu: Roanoke]
; Pitch
: 1587: A small group of English colonists establish a settlement on Roanoke Island
: 1590: The colony is found completely abandoned with no trace of the colonists.
: I thought the large ensemble worked well, with people patiently waiting through downtime. One thing that might help even more in this regard is aggressive scene framing, where people state their objectives at the front of the scene, and as soon as the scene either denies or confirms those objectives, we move on to another thing. I don't know how that fits with people's gaming tastes, though. And it's not that I think there's a problem, but I'm always in favor of experimenting to try to redline my gaming. :)
: What happened? Find out!
; Game Master
: Edmund Metheny
; Players
: 9
; Characters
: Reverend Ezekiel Parris, Fire-and-Brimstone Preacher (Cain)
: Lady Charity de Warwick, Pirate Hunter (Sophie)
: Haunce Walters, Devious deck hand and opportunist (Mark)
: Miss Emme Merrimoth, Dorset Farmgirl (Laura)
: Braith Madog, Unhangable Loner (Johnzo)
: Paiyn, Runaway Slave Child (Kevin)
: Alice Langston, Feisty Widow (Meg)
: Thomas "the Butcher" Vessel, Redeemed Convict (Taylor)
; Date
: February 5 & 12, March 12, April 9, May 21, June 11, 2007
; Technical Notes
: This game is intended to be a ''Lost''-style recurring series, with characters drawn from the pool of colonists and local Tribes as needed to accomodate new or occasional players.
; Recaps
* See also the [http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?t=310201 Actual Play thread] on RPGNet.
** [http://forum.rpg.net/showpost.php?p=6893629&postcount=2 Episode 1]
** [http://forum.rpg.net/showpost.php?p=6964657&postcount=19 Episode 2]
** [http://forum.rpg.net/showpost.php?p=7043542&postcount=37 Episode 3], continued [http://forum.rpg.net/showpost.php?p=7046500&postcount=41 here]
** [http://forum.rpg.net/showpost.php?p=7184322&postcount=71 Episode 4]
** [http://forum.rpg.net/showpost.php?p=7408017&postcount=89 Episode 5]
** [http://forum.rpg.net/showpost.php?p=7416222&postcount=90 Episode 6], continued [http://forum.rpg.net/showpost.php?p=7416222&postcount=91 here].
; Player Thoughts
: '''[[User:Johnzo|Johnzo]]:''' My favorite part was when the Rev. and Haunce faced off over the missing grain. I liked how the conflict dicing allowed the characters to showcase their traits, and I really liked how the players regarded the issue as suspended after the dicing was done. I was worried that it was going to degenerate into more rounds of "well, I can't get him with this skill, maybe I'll try this skill." Instead, the point was made, the issue put off to another day, and tensions increased.
: I thought the large ensemble worked well, with people patiently waiting through downtime. One thing that might help even more in this regard is aggressive scene framing, where people state their objectives at the front of the scene, and as soon as the scene either denies or confirms those objectives, we move on to another thing. I don't know how that fits with people's gaming tastes, though. And it's not that I think there's a problem, but I'm always in favor of experimenting to try to redline my gaming. :)
: Also on the topic of the big ensemble, it was one of my goals to reduce its effective size by establishing a subunit for Braith to work in. I thought this would be with Haunce, but instead it was with Kev's character, and that strikes me as good and natural.
: Also on the topic of the big ensemble, it was one of my goals to reduce its effective size by establishing a subunit for Braith to work in. I thought this would be with Haunce, but instead it was with Kev's character, and that strikes me as good and natural.
: Like so many of my characters, Braith didn't really reveal himself until actual play started. I'm thinking that instead of "gentle" his Social trait should be "knows he is destined for something special." This makes him somewhat resistant to fear, but also makes him a little cold and fatalistic and weird.
: Like so many of my characters, Braith didn't really reveal himself until actual play started. I'm thinking that instead of "gentle" his Social trait should be "knows he is destined for something special." This makes him somewhat resistant to fear, but also makes him a little cold and fatalistic and weird.  
: I think that Braith's essential struggle will pit his aloof and destined nature against the human connections he'll generate on the island, most notably with the little slave kid, whose name he has still not learned, and with his aborted hatred of the absent Ferdinando. In a way, fostering Kev's character is his way at striking back at Ferdinando. I also want to keep his deference to Haunce, I don't know why, but this feels like an interesting choice.
: I think that Braith's essential struggle will pit his aloof and destined nature against the human connections he'll generate on the island, most notably with the little slave kid, whose name he has still not learned, and with his aborted hatred of the absent Ferdinando. In a way, fostering Kev's character is his way at striking back at Ferdinando. I also want to keep his deference to Haunce, I don't know why, but this feels like an interesting choice.
: Speaking of Haunce, I'm super glad for Mark's desperate attempts to push everyone's buttons. My favorite horror stories are siege tales like Stephen King's "The Mist" or "Battlestar Galactica" where the external horror is balanced by an internal horror of people coming apart under enormous stress. Haunce is the driver of that internal horror right now. I think he's the central character of the tale. What we do with him will be very interesting.
: Speaking of Haunce, I'm super glad for Mark's desperate attempts to push everyone's buttons. My favorite horror stories are siege tales like Stephen King's "The Mist" or "Battlestar Galactica" where the external horror is balanced by an internal horror of people coming apart under enormous stress. Haunce is the driver of that internal horror right now. I think he's the central character of the tale. What we do with him will be very interesting.
: '''Mark:''' My favorite part was hitting the doom button to keep everyone from discovering Haunce's secret. He's so terrified of this, that he'll go to some lengths to protect himself, even though it might spell disaster for others. This makes for an interesting conflict, because he doesn't really want the colony to fail. At heart, he's not a bad guy, he's just weak, and it will be his undoing.
: '''Mark:''' My favorite part was hitting the doom button to keep everyone from discovering Haunce's secret. He's so terrified of this, that he'll go to some lengths to protect himself, even though it might spell disaster for others. This makes for an interesting conflict, because he doesn't really want the colony to fail. At heart, he's not a bad guy, he's just weak, and it will be his undoing.
: Roleplaying is fun :) I'm glad Cain didn't back off when he had the chance. Rev. Parris both scares and fascinates Haunce. Given the chance, Haunce will try to suck up to him because of the influence he weilds in the colony.
: Roleplaying is fun :) I'm glad Cain didn't back off when he had the chance. Rev. Parris both scares and fascinates Haunce. Given the chance, Haunce will try to suck up to him because of the influence he weilds in the colony.
: It would make sense for the others to become involved in the Haunce-Ezekiel conflict. Braith, for example, might develop a distrust of Haunce. Emme might become an ally or an exasperated enemy, depending on how Laura plays her. It would be fun to expand the stand-off.
: It would make sense for the others to become involved in the Haunce-Ezekiel conflict. Braith, for example, might develop a distrust of Haunce. Emme might become an ally or an exasperated enemy, depending on how Laura plays her. It would be fun to expand the stand-off.
: Haunce He's the kind of guy who either ends up being the charismatic leader, or gets locked up in stocks and has rotten vegetables thrown at him. Or both. It's a fine line between greatness and gitness, and "great" men tend to be really just successful or lucky con artists. One only needs to look towards Commodore John Paul Jones in our own history to see an example of that. Or General Benedict Arnold. Or Vice President Aron Burr. Haunce is a bird of their flock, just born into more modest circumstances.
: Haunce He's the kind of guy who either ends up being the charismatic leader, or gets locked up in stocks and has rotten vegetables thrown at him. Or both. It's a fine line between greatness and gitness, and "great" men tend to be really just successful or lucky con artists. One only needs to look towards Commodore John Paul Jones in our own history to see an example of that. Or General Benedict Arnold. Or Vice President Aron Burr. Haunce is a bird of their flock, just born into more modest circumstances.
: Doing this in scenes is really working well, and a nice break from the usual "Okay what's the party's marching order?" kind of roleplaying. As we play (and I'm sure Ed intended this), I'm thinking about what my character would be doing as if this were a movie or a play. I'm imagining cut-scenes, fades, swipes, dramatic music, even camera angles. I might try describing my actions more in those terms next week.
: Doing this in scenes is really working well, and a nice break from the usual "Okay what's the party's marching order?" kind of roleplaying. As we play (and I'm sure Ed intended this), I'm thinking about what my character would be doing as if this were a movie or a play. I'm imagining cut-scenes, fades, swipes, dramatic music, even camera angles. I might try describing my actions more in those terms next week.
: I thought the roleplaying was all great... especially that done by Meg (Alice) and Kevin (Paiyn). It's been a while since I've been in a game that captured everyone's imagination the way this one has.
: I thought the roleplaying was all great... especially that done by Meg (Alice) and Kevin (Paiyn). It's been a while since I've been in a game that captured everyone's imagination the way this one has.
: '''[[User:Mechante Anemone|Mechante Anemone]]:''' I really liked the atmosphere, including the use of environmental sound and candle lighting.
: '''[[User:Mechante Anemone|Mechante Anemone]]:''' I really liked the atmosphere, including the use of environmental sound and candle lighting.
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: John Reiher, AKA [[User:Kedamono|Kedamono]]
: John Reiher, AKA [[User:Kedamono|Kedamono]]
; Players
; Players
: Wanted 6, got 2, but they proved to be enough.
: 6
; Characters
; Characters
::Friedrich Von Trapp: James
::The Barrio Kid: Cain
; Date
; Date
: February 10, 2007
: January 27, 2007
; Technical Notes
; Technical Notes
: This is also a playtest of John's new RPG rules, the Pulp RPG System, so it's double the fun and double the pleasure. There's room for 6 players of all ages, and you'll be creating your characters at the game, just remember, they are kids, between 10 and 15 years old, out in the great outdoors!
: This is also a playtest of John's new RPG rules, the Pulp RPG System, so it's double the fun and double the pleasure. There's room for 6 players of all ages, and you'll be creating your characters at the game, just remember, they are kids, between 10 and 15 years old, out in the great outdoors!
; Recaps
; Recaps
::As playtests go, this one was success... it was the game that came up short. The two testers, Cain and his friend James did a thorough job of questioning my assumptions on how things work in my game. Since this was an alpha test, not a full blown playtest, that was to be expected. The system I used for doing task resolution was, well, clunky. What sounds good on paper, absolutely fails in an actual game play.
::First thing was that the supposedly unkillable monster, the muntant duck, the Polywampus, was dead easy to kill in two rounds of combat, with weapons such as a pellet pistol and even more deadly, a slingslot. That was a shocker, the slingshot was far more deadlier than the pellet gun, in fact, it was deadlier than a heavy pistol that I had defined.
::The fact that it was so simple for the players to kill the critter, points to a major flaw in the rules. It should have been more of a challenge, not a boys day out killing a duck. Even my red shirt NPCs were invulnerable! The polywampus bit one with a critical bite, and then the red shirt made a critical toughness roll and took no damage!
::So in closing, the rules did do what they were supposed to do, but they had unexpected side effects that made the game both deadly and hard to kill people with. I have to redo the rules and change the playtest so that it checks more things from the rules.
::Thanks again to my playtesters!
; Player Thoughts
; Player Thoughts
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=Savage Lorax=
=Savage Lorax=
[[Image:I-Thneed-You-Suess_small.gif|thumb| [http://wiki.rpg.net/images/2/2d/I-Thneed-You-Suess.gif LARGE] ]]
[[Image:I-Thneed-You-Suess_small.gif|frame| [LARGE] ]]
; Game System
; Game System
: [http://www.peginc.com/Games/Savage%20Worlds/Savage%20Worlds.htm Savage Worlds]
: [http://www.peginc.com/Games/Savage%20Worlds/Savage%20Worlds.htm Savage Worlds]
Line 885: Line 380:
: Players will be able to choose a race to play, either Bar-ba-loot, Humming Fish, Swommee Swan, Star-Bellied-Sneech, Who, or Yertle.
: Players will be able to choose a race to play, either Bar-ba-loot, Humming Fish, Swommee Swan, Star-Bellied-Sneech, Who, or Yertle.
; Recaps
; Recaps
==Part 1==
==Part 1:==
: [[User:Shosuro Kando|Shosuro Kando]]:
: [[User:Shosuro Kando|Shosuro Kando]]:
: Marvin MacMalapert, bastard for hire<br>Got a note from the Lorax - he answered by wire<br>The note was quite simple, it said "Please meet me<br>Quite near to the stump of a truffula tree."
: Marvin MacMalapert, bastard for hire<br>Got a note from the Lorax - he answered by wire<br>The note was quite simple, it said "Please meet me<br>Quite near to the stump of a truffula tree."
Line 1,016: Line 511:
: Power stunting rule: Make a raise and you can narrate your result.
: Power stunting rule: Make a raise and you can narrate your result.
; Recaps
; Recaps
==Part 1==
==Part 1:==
: '''[[User:Mechante Anemone|Mechante Anemone]]:''' With five female players, the ladies had a majority and successfully voted in the name "The Five Swell Gals" for the party (after all, the Five Swell Guys weren't all guys.)  Yes, we did notice there were more than five of us -- how about the Seven Sentinels who were really nine?  Yeah, I read way too many Alan Moore comics. :)
: '''[[User:Mechante Anemone|Mechante Anemone]]:''' With five female players, the ladies had a majority and successfully voted in the name "The Five Swell Gals" for the party (after all, the Five Swell Guys weren't all guys.)  Yes, we did notice there were more than five of us -- how about the Seven Sentinels who were really nine?  Yeah, I read way too many Alan Moore comics. :)
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::<blockquote style="background:aliceblue; border:1px solid black; padding:1em"><B>johnzo:</B> Like [[SGA_2006_Archive#The_Voyage_of_the_Olympic|The Voyage of the Olympic]] I'd planned this to be another "Pottery Barn" game where in the first session, the PCs would be induced to break something, and in subsequent sessions, they would have to deal with the fallout of that breakage.  So I was very happy with the Lord of Blood's emergence in Session 1. </blockquote>
::<blockquote style="background:aliceblue; border:1px solid black; padding:1em"><B>johnzo:</B> Like [[SGA_2006_Archive#The_Voyage_of_the_Olympic|The Voyage of the Olympic]] I'd planned this to be another "Pottery Barn" game where in the first session, the PCs would be induced to break something, and in subsequent sessions, they would have to deal with the fallout of that breakage.  So I was very happy with the Lord of Blood's emergence in Session 1. </blockquote>
==Part 2==
==Part 2:==
:'''[[User:Mechante Anemone|Mechante Anemone]]:''' A fierce battle broke out, as Longrinn, Fat Bastard, Mykk, Aaron and a bunch of angry monks tried to prevent the Lord of Blood from getting out of the treasure room.  [http://www.johnzo.com/pic.html?s=_lg&d=2007-against-the-lord-of-blood&i=0&e=jpg Sianica was grabbed by a tentacle and devoured by the LoB!] (on account of player no-show.)  Meanwhile, Sammy explored the abbey for something helpful, Lyle retreated to the library to find the book about the Lord of Blood, and Petunia talked to Young Horace.  
:'''[[User:Mechante Anemone|Mechante Anemone]]:''' A fierce battle broke out, as Longrinn, Fat Bastard, Mykk, Aaron and a bunch of angry monks tried to prevent the Lord of Blood from getting out of the treasure room.  [http://www.johnzo.com/pic.html?s=_lg&d=2007-against-the-lord-of-blood&i=0&e=jpg Sianica was grabbed by a tentacle and devoured by the LoB!] (on account of player no-show.)  Meanwhile, Sammy explored the abbey for something helpful, Lyle retreated to the library to find the book about the Lord of Blood, and Petunia talked to Young Horace.  

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