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[[File:BughuntersSWADE.logo.png | 650px ]]
Based on the TSR setting Bughunters, these rules are a converion of the favor of that game to the Savage Worlds Adenture Edition (SWADE) with ideas and updates from the Science Fiction Companion (SFC).
Based on the TSR setting of Amazing Engines '''Bughunters''', these rules are a converion of the favor of that game to the Savage Worlds Adenture Edition (SWADE) with ideas and updates from the Science Fiction Companion (SFC).
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[[File:Bughunter.SWADE_Armor2.jpg |400px | right]]
[[File:Bughunter.SWADE_Armor.4.jpg | 400px | right ]]
''Captain Harley set the ship down in the middle of the colony's main street. Somehow he managed not to land on any of the bodies.''</br>
''Captain Harley set the ship down in the middle of the colony's main street. Somehow he managed not to land on any of the bodies.''</br>
''I grabbed my medkit and checked my pistol. West was still vainly trying to raise someone on the radio.''</br>
''I grabbed my medkit and checked my pistol. West was still vainly trying to raise someone on the radio.''</br>
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''Cursing, I took careful aim with my pistol...''</br>
''Cursing, I took careful aim with my pistol...''</br>
Mankind discoved interstellar travel in the late 21st century but found that the average human could not handle the physical and mental stress of Shuttlewarp travel outside of a stasis chamber. They quickly began to exploration of nearby stars, spending first unmanned probes but soon setting up colonies. Along the way they have encounter hostile aliens. This lead to the formation of the United Terran Reconnaissance and Peacekeeping Force (UTRPF or ''utter-puff'') and its clone army almost 30 years ago. Synthetic humans (or synths or synners) are cloned soldiers made from the DNA and brainscans of paid average citizens, enhanced and trained to be sent out to protect human interests as they settle the cosmos.  
Mankind discoved safe interstellar travel in the late 21st century but found that the average human can't handle the physical stress outside of a stasis chamber. Synthetic humans (synths or synners) are cloned from paid average citizens, enhanced and sent out to protect human interests as they settle the cosmos. Along the way they have encounter hostile aliens.
Synners are "born" with all the memories and personality of their hosts, given enhanced attributes, denser skeletons, plastic reinforced organ protection and preprogrammed skills and some of the most advanced weapons and armor around. Only created to serve the UTRPF spawning a human rights movement for them back home on Earth a place they themselves are forbidden from ever setting foot on.  
Synners are "born" with all the memories of their hosts, given enhanced attributes, denser skeletons, plastic reinforced organ protection and preprogrammed skills. Only created to serve the United Terran Reconnaissance and Peacekeeping Force (UTRPF or ''utter-puff'') spawning a human rights movement for them back home on Earth a place they themselves are forbidden from ever setting foot on.  
They are slaves and heroes, envied and looked up to, feared, abused and entrusted with the future of the human race. PCs explore new worlds, pacify (ala exterminate all hostile life forms) them for colonization, perform SAR missions and combat hostiles.
They are slaves and heroes, envied and looked up, fear, abused and entrusted with the future of the human race. PCs explore new worlds, pacify (ala exterminate all hostile life forms) them for colonization, perform SAR missions and combat hostiles.
"Bughunters" are understandably fatalistic. They don’t have much to look forward to in life except another dangerous mission to another dangerous rock to tangle with another dangerous alien life form. Their real reward isn’t their paycheck but the gratitude of the colonists whose lives they save.
Bughunters are understandably fatalistic. They don’t have much to look forward to in life except another dangerous mission to another dangerous rock to tangle with another dangerous alien life form. Their real reward isn’t their paycheck but the gratitude of the colonists whose lives they save.
Welcome to the future of 2179
Welcome to the future of 2179
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Savage Worlds Adventure Edition -Setting Rules (pg. 136-141)
Savage Worlds Adventure Edition -Setting Rules (pg. 136-141)
:'''''Gritty Wounds''''': Whenever a Wild Card takes a Wound, roll on the ''Injury Table'' and apply the results immediately (but roll only once per incident regardless of how many Wounds are actually caused). A hero who takes two Wounds from an attack, for example, rolls once on the Injury Table.  
:'''''Gritty Wounds''''': Whenever a Wild Card takes a Wound, roll on the '''''Injury Table''''' and apply the results immediately (but roll only once per incident regardless of how many Wounds are actually caused). A hero who takes two Wounds from an attack, for example, rolls once on the Injury Table. The standard language of the UT Gov is English for simplisticy sake.
:'''''Multiple Languages''''': as the ''Linguist'' Edge, characters start with their Native tongue at a d8 and 1/2 their Smarts die in other Languages at d6 each. The standard language of the UT Gov is English for simplisticy sake.
:'''''Multiple Languages''''': as the ''Linguist'' Edge, characters start with their Native tongue at a d8 and 1/2 your Smarts die in other Languages at d6 each.
:'''''Wound Cap''''': a wound causes a max of 4 wounds each.
:'''''Wound Cap''''': a wound causes a max of 4 wounds each.
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:'''''Arcane Background (Psionics)''''' (SWADE pg. 37 and pg. 148): Psionics exist in this game setting but this is very rare (the result of Shuttlewarp drive expierences and the Cloning Process to make clone resist to this jump-sickness). See notes below if a character wishes to play one.
:'''''Arcane Background (Psionics)''''' (SWADE pg. 37 and pg. 148): Psionics exist in this game setting but this is very rare (the result of Shuttlewarp drive expierences and the Cloning Process to make clone resist to this jump-sickness). See notes below if a character wishes to play one.
===Character Creation===
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'''''From the introduction of the 'UTRPF Soldior's Handbook of common Tasks'''''':</br>
'''''From the introduction of the 'UTRPF Soldior's Handbook of common Tasks'''''':</br>
''"The UTRPF was established as an elite paramilitary force dedicated to the preservation of human life and human endeavor. As members of its cadre, we have the unique privilege and responsibility of protecting humanity from its enemies on Earth and in space. To a large extent, the future of the race depends upon our performance.''</br>
''"The UTRPF was established as an elite paramilitary force dedicated to the preservation of human life and human endeavor. As members of its cadre, we have the unique privilege and responsibility of protecting humanity from its enemies on Earth and in space. To a large extent, the future of the race depends upon our performance.''</br>
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''"All the knowledge of the human race is at our disposal. We enjoy the most advanced equipment, the most expert Intelligence, the experience of all human history, and the toughest, best trained soldiers in existence. Together, we stand as humanity's mighty shield, and we strike as the race's terrible sword of Justice. You play an essential part within that proud association, trooper."''</br>
''"All the knowledge of the human race is at our disposal. We enjoy the most advanced equipment, the most expert Intelligence, the experience of all human history, and the toughest, best trained soldiers in existence. Together, we stand as humanity's mighty shield, and we strike as the race's terrible sword of Justice. You play an essential part within that proud association, trooper."''</br>
:'''Origin''': Draw a Card from a standard Playing Card Deck. This will get you your basic Donor's origin and determines the basics of what and where your points for things like Attributes, Skills, Edgea and Hindrances can be spent.  
* '''Origin''': Draw a Card from a standard Playing Card Deck. This will get you your basic Donor's origin and determines the basics of what and where your points for things like Attributes, Skills, Edgea and Hindrances can be spent.  
:'''Assign Novice basic Traits, Edges and Hindrances''': as steps SWADE pg. 9-11 (5 points for Attributes, 12 points for Skills, 1 Major and 2 Minor Hindrances) but your Origin can restict where you can spend Skills points and what Human Edges you are allowed. The points you spend from Hindrances are not limited but any Edges must be Novice rank (but see in individual donor notes) and skills that have a Donor Max listed must also be followed.
* '''Assign Traits, Edges and Hindrances''': Based on your doner you determine your basic Traits, Skills, Edge(s) and Hindrances. This are limits in many cases to what skills you can take or Edges allowed and even Hindrances allowed. The points you spend on Hindrances are not limited in most cases but Edges must be Novice rank in many cases (check the individual donor notes) and skills that have a Donor Max listed must also be followed. No matter who or what your donor was you cannot have any Attributes bases less then d4 (before the cloning process).  
:'''Apply Cloning Processs Bonuses and Basic Training''': The process to creating super soldiers means that you gain a +1 die step to Agility and +2 die steps to your Strength and Vigor. Also add +1 to your final Toughness score and gain the edges Alertness, Brawny and Jump Acclimation. Then gain a bonus Edge and Basic Training skills (see below).  
* '''Apply Cloning Processs Bonuses''': The process to creating super soldiers means that you gain a +1 step to Agility and +2 steps to your Strength and Vigor. Also add +1 to your Toughness score and gain the edges Alertness, Brawny and Jump Acclimation. Then gain a bonus Edge (see list)   
:'''Pick a MOS you Qualify for and Apply Bonuses''': After the clone process is done and basic training, synners are assigned a MOS based on their natural talents, skills and background. NOTE that their is one unusual MOS that is fairly uncommon etc. and that is Psionics specialist. This is extremely rare (and only a recent phenomenon discovered with the advent of space travel) so this Background Edge may only be taken by those Donors who have experienced space travel (Colonist or high ranking/rich folk who have been off world; ask your GM) or Clones who have unlocked this ability doing the cloning process. See the Cloning Process and Psionic Specialist under the MOS for more details.   
* '''Pick and MOS you Qualify for and Apply Bonuses''': After the clone process is done, newly 'born' synners are assigned a MOS based on their natural talents, skills and background. NOTE that their is one unusual MOS that is fairly uncommon etc. and that is Psionics specialist. This is extremely rare (and only a recent phenomenon discovered with the advent of space travel) so this Background Edge may only be taken by those Donors who have experienced space travel (Colonist or high ranking/rich folk who have been off world; ask your GM) or Clones who have unlocked this ability doing the cloning process. See the Cloning Process and Psionic Specialist under the MOS for more details.   
:'''Finishing Touches''': Name, rank, background story, etc. but also various affects and additonal details that can be added.
* '''Finishing Touches''': Name, rank, background story, etc. but also various affects and additonal details that can be added.
====Doner Background====
====Doner Background====
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''"I was working in a factory- I say 'I,' because  that's how it seems- and I wasn't really satisfied.  It wasn't so bad a job  the pay and benefits were  pretty good, and you just about had to 'moon '  the CEO to get fired. But the work was less than absorbing; and I had this constant, low-level tension that I might lose a finger, or hand, or some -thing. What was worse, though, was that I'd watch these old guys retire and not know what to do with themselves. Most of them would go  home and die of uselessness within six months to a year. I didn 't want that to be me.''</br>  
''"I was working in a factory- I say 'I,' because  that's how it seems- and I wasn't really satisfied.  It wasn't so bad a job  the pay and benefits were  pretty good, and you just about had to 'moon '  the CEO to get fired. But the work was less than absorbing; and I had this constant, low-level tension that I might lose a finger, or hand, or some -thing. What was worse, though, was that I'd watch these old guys retire and not know what to do with themselves. Most of them would go  home and die of uselessness within six months to a year. I didn 't want that to be me.''</br>  
''"So when I saw the ad asking for clone donors for United Terra's peacekeepers, I signed up. I remember thinking that I'd have a little extra money coming in that way, and at least a version  of myself would get some adventure. That seemed worth any risk from the cloning procedure itself.''</br>   
''"So when I saw the ad asking for clone donors for United Terra's peacekeepers, I signed up. I remember thinking that I'd have a little extra money coming in that way, and at least a version  of myself would get some adventure. That seemed worth any risk from the cloning procedure itself.''</br>   
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====Cloning Process====
====Cloning Process====
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This process takes about a year to vat-grow a subject based on their DNA that are extracted at the beginning of the process by the doner. During this year long process they also implanted with the memories of the Donor through brain copying-transfering to the clone. </br>
This process takes about a year to vat-grow a subject based on their DNA that are extracted at the beginning of the process by the doner. During this year long process they also implanted with the memories of the Donor through brain copying-transfering to the clone. </br>
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These new born bodies not only are they younger version of the donors (in most case very much younger) but they have also been generitically enhanced and have had their bone structure reinforced and made denser and have had bioplastic implants to cover certain vital area of their bodies.  
These new born bodies not only are they younger version of the donors (in most case very much younger) but they have also been generitically enhanced and have had their bone structure reinforced and made denser and have had bioplastic implants to cover certain vital area of their bodies.  
:1.) These process has made them a supersoldiers! Gamewise, add +1 die step to Agility (and a max starting of a d12+1) and +2 die steps to your Strength and Vigor (and a max starting in each of a d12+2). Also add +1 to Toughness and Edges Alertness, Brawny and Jump Acclimation.  
* These process has made them a supersoldiers! Gamewise, add +1 step to Agility (and a max starting of a d12+1) and +2 steps to your Strength and Vigor (and a max starting in each of a d12+2). Also add +1 to Toughness and Edges Alertness, Brawny and Jump Acclimation.  
:2.) Basic Training grants you +4 skill points that can be spent on the follwing skills - Battle, Drive, Electronics, Fighting, Healing, Intimidate, Notice, Repair, Shooting, Stealth, Survival.  
* Basic Training grants you +4 skill points that can be spent on the follwing skills - Battle, Drive, Electronics, Fighting, Healing, Intimidate, Notice, Repair, Shooting, Stealth, Survival.  
:3.) Then gain a bonus Edge of either Combat or Leadership so long as you qualify (Note that for this edge use the '''''Born A Hero''''' setting rule and ignore Rank requirements).
* Then gain a bonus Edge that can include and Combat or Leadership Edge so long as you qualify (Note that for this edge use the '''''Born A Hero''''' setting rule and ignore Rank requirements).
:: '''''Optional -Psionic''''' -If the character wants they can choice the Arcane Background (Psionics) their Bonus Edge and gain a starting skill in Psionics at d6. Your skll level is paid for by  also gaining the Hindrances Anemic (Minor) and Outsider (Minor). These Hindrances can exceed the standard Hindarances (1 Major and 2 Minor).  
:: '''''Optional''''' -If the character wants they can also choice the Arcane Background (Psionics) and start with a skill Psionics d6 as this Bonus Edge. Your skll level is paid for by  also gaining the Hindrances Anemic (Minor) and Outsider (Minor). These Hindrances can exceed the standard Hindarances (1 Major and 2 Minor). If gained during the Donor process the character must have applied these hindrance to their character as part of their background. They don't gain extra hindrance as it where, nore the skill level for free.</br>
::If gained Psionics during the Donor process the character must have applied these hindrance to their character as part of their background. They don't gain extra hindrance as it where, nore the skill level for free. It just counts as their two Minor Hindarnces.
====Military Specialty Occupation (MSO) Training====
====Military Specialty Occupation (MSO) Training====
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After cloning, physical & mental and basic training process the character is assigned an MOS that he or she is most qualified for. There are two branchs within the UTRPF served by Synners - The Navy and Marines. Characters for this game are all in the Marines. </br>
After cloning, physical & mental and basic training process the character is assigned an MOS that he or she is most qualified for. There are two branchs within the UTRPF served by Synners - The Navy and Marines. Characters for this game are all in the Marines. </br>
Note of course that no one in the UTRPF service is a simply a riflemen or just a scout, everyone gets some extra training in what ever field is needed. </br>
Note of course that no one in the UTRPF service is a simply a riflemen or just a scout, everyone gets some extra training in what ever field is needed. </br>
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====Finishing Touches====
====Finishing Touches====
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Chose a name, determine your rank, and personality.
Chose a name, determine your rank, and personality.
===New and Modified Hindrances and Edges===
===New and Modified Hindrances and Edges===
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'''Jump Acclimation''' [Novice, Clone]: the Isler Drive causes several problems for living tissue: terrible nausea, extreme disorientation, and sometimes insanity or even death. These effects often last long after the individual leaves the Isler field. Synners are conditioned through gene-threapy and training to be acclimated against these affect. They greatly extend the time before any possible side effects occuring, add +4 to all resistances checks as well as a -4 from rolls on Isker Field Sickness chart (see '''''Isler Field Sickness''''' below).</br>
'''Jump Acclimation''' [Novice, Clone]: the Isler Drive causes several problems for living tissue: terrible nausea, extreme disorientation, and sometimes insanity. Thse effects often last long after the individual leaves the Isler field. Synners are conditioned through gene-threapy and training to be acclimated against these affect. They double the time before of possible sideeffects occuring, add +4 to all resistance checks and -4 from the Isker Field Sickness chart.</br>
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===Updated Skill Usage===
===Updated Skill Usage===
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===Psionic Updates===
===Psionic Updates===
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While the powers section from SWADE are ok as is, it does not completely reflect how Psionics works in this setting. First and foremost, psionics cannot share their psionic powers with others. The number of powers available is also limited and most involve telepathic like abilites.</br>
While the powers section from SWADE are ok as is, it does not completely reflect how Psionics works in this setting. First and foremost, psionics cannot share their psionic powers with others. The number of powers available is also limited and most involve telepathic like abilites.</br>
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''"The object of this exercise is to familiarize you with the array of standard weapons available to you as troops of the United Terra Reconnaissance and Peacekeeping Force.''</br>
''"The object of this exercise is to familiarize you with the array of standard weapons available to you as troops of the United Terra Reconnaissance and Peacekeeping Force.''</br>
''"All these items should be used with the following strategy in mind: the point is not to die for your planet. Instead it is to make sure the motherless creatures you'll be facing die for their planet. No offense intended.''</br>
''"All these items should be used with the following strategy in mind: the point is not to die for your planet. Instead it is to make sure the motherless creatures you'll be facing die for their planet. No offense intended.''</br>
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-Drill Sergeant Jack Rasiko, UTRPF</br>
-Drill Sergeant Jack Rasiko, UTRPF</br>
Any gear from the SWADE Core except Future items can be purchased with Wealth checks as a personal item of the trooper. Offiers are generally lax when it comes to personal weapons or other items but GM can make the call. </br>
Any gear from the SWADE Core except Future items can be purchased with Wealth checks as a personal item of the trooper. Offiers are generally lacks when it comes to personal weapons or other items but GM can make the call. </br>
The UTRPF provides the troops with all their basic gear and food, sheter, training, medical needs, etc. Wealth bonus/penalty are listed for most to give an idea of an items worth and if the character wants to purchase anything for themselves. Most officers turn a blind eye to light weapon and even the occational drug use but they are not always so 'blind' and might confiscate inappropriate or illegal goods.</br>
The UTRPF provides the troops with all their basic gear and food, sheter, training, medical needs, etc. Wealth bonus/penalty are listed for most to give an idea of an items worth and if the character wants to purchase anything for themselves. Most officers turn a blind eye to light weapon and even the occational drug use but they are not always so 'blind' and might confiscate inappropriate or illegal goods.</br>
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{| class="wikitable" border="0"  
{| class="wikitable" border="0"  
| '''Name''' || '''Armor''' || '''Tough''' || '''Ballistic''' || '''Min Str''' || '''Weight''' || '''Wealth''' || '''Covers'''  
| '''Name''' || '''Armor''' || '''Tough''' || '''Ballistic''' || '''Min Str''' || '''Weight''' || '''Wealth''' || '''Covers'''  
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| Armored Envro Suit || +5 || +1 || -2 || d8 || 18 || -3 || Full Body (-1 Notice with Vision)
| Armored Envro Suit || +5 || +1 || -2 || d8 || 18 || -3 || Full Body (-1 Notice with Vision)
| Tactical Vaccsuit || +4 || 0 || -2 || d8 || 14 || -3 || Full Body (-1 Notice with Vision)
| Tactical Vaccusuit || +4 || 0 || -2 || d8 || 14 || -3 || Full Body (-1 Notice with Vision)
| Armored Vaccsuit || +6 || +1 || -2 || d8 || 24 || -3 || Full Body (-1 Notice with Vision)
| Armored Vaccsuit || +6 || +1 || -2 || d8 || 24 || -3 || Full Body (-1 Notice with Vision)
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'''Infrantry Helm''': Private Secruity and poorer National Military.</br>
'''Infrantry Helm''': Private Secruity and poorer National Military.</br>
'''Light Combat Armor''': Military and private security forces. Provides +2 to Cold, Electrical, Heat and Radiation checks. Can be fully sealed for 6 hours of breathable air (full protection from Diseases, Drowing and Posions). After that filters adding +2 to all inhaled and touch based toxins and posions.</br>
'''Light Combat Armor''': Military and private security forces. Provides +2 to Cold, Electrical, Heat and Radiation checks. Can be fully sealed for 6 hours of breathable air (full protection from Diseases, Drowing and Posions). After that filters adding +2 to all inhaled and touch based toxins and posions.</br>
'''Medium Combat Armor''': Military. As Light Combat armor protections. </br>
'''Medium Combat Armor''': Military. As Light Combat armor protectiona. </br>
'''Enviro-Suit''': Civilian. Provides +4 to Cold, Electrical, Heat and Radiation checks. Provides 18 hours of environmental protection (chemical, toxin, contact). After that filters adding +4 to all inhaled and touch based toxins and posions.  Falling, combat, obsucals etc. can cause tears or rips that can breach the suits. Spot repairs can be made with Adheive Patches (see Standard Gear below) but otherwise user loses protection. </br>
'''Enviro-Suit''': Civilian. Provides +4 to Cold, Electrical, Heat and Radiation checks. Provides 18 hours of environmental protection (chemical, toxin, contact). After that filters adding +4 to all inhaled and touch based toxins and posions.  Falling, combat, obsucals etc. can cause tears or rips that can breach the suits. Spot repairs can be made with Adheive Patches (see Standard Gear below) but otherwise user loses protection. </br>
'''Vaccsuit''': Civilian. Provides 18 hours of full life support and protection from but the most extreme types of Cold, Heat and Radiation (and a +4 vs. these condition). Falling, combat, obsucals etc. can cause tears or rips that can breach the suit. Spot repairs can be made with Adheive Patches (see Standard Gear below) but otherwise user loses protection.</br>
'''Vaccsuit''': Civilian. Provides 18 hours of full life support and protection from but the most extreme types of Cold, Heat and Radiation (and a +4 vs. these condition). Falling, combat, obsucals etc. can cause tears or rips that can breach the suit. Spot repairs can be made with Adheive Patches (see Standard Gear below) but otherwise user loses protection.</br>
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See SWADE Core rulebook for common primative and modern armor, weapon and basic gear.  
See SWADE Core rulebook for common primative and modern armor, weapon and basic gear.  
====Melee Weapons====
====Melee Weapons====
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Future Melee Weapons use the following Mods and costs. </br>  
Future Melee Weapons use the following Mods and costs. </br>  
'''Molecular Blade''': Edged weapons such as daggers or swords can be given a monofilament, “molecular,” or extremely thin edge, making them far sharper than usual. This gives the weapon +2 damage and adds half its damage die type in AP (+2 AP for a d4, +4 AP for a d8, etc.). Molecular blades require no power. Wealth for daggers and short swords (or similar) -2. all others -3</br>
'''Molecular Blade''': Edged weapons such as daggers or swords can be given a monofilament, “molecular,” or extremely thin edge, making them far sharper than usual. This gives the weapon +2 damage and adds half its damage die type in AP (+2 AP for a d4, +4 AP for a d8, etc.). Molecular blades require no power. Wealth for daggers and short swords (or similar) -2. all others -3</br>
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====Personal Firearm/Ranged Weapons====
====Personal Firearm/Ranged Weapons====
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{| class="wikitable" border="0"  
{| class="wikitable" border="0"  
| '''Name''' || '''Range''' || '''Damage''' || '''AP''' || '''ROF''' || '''Shots''' || '''Min Str''' || '''Wt''' || '''Wealth''' || '''Notes'''
| '''Name''' || '''Range''' || '''Damage''' || '''AP''' || '''ROF''' || '''Shots''' || '''Min Str''' || '''Wt''' || '''Wealth''' || '''Notes'''
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| Fusia 'Gorgon' Gyro Rifle  || 30/50/120 || 2d8 || 8 || 1 || 20 || d8 || 16 || -2 || HW, SBT, Two-Handed  
| Fusia 'Gorgon' Gyro Rifle  || 30/50/120 || 2d8 || 8 || 1 || 20 || d8 || 16 || -2 || HW, SBT, Two-Handed  
| M52 Flame Gun || Cone || 3d6 || 0 || 1 || 15 || d6 || 16 || +0 || Fire, Two-Handed
| M52 Flame Gun || Blast || 3d6 || 0 || 1 || 15 || d6 || 16 || +0 || Fire, Two-Handed
| X-A2 'Ignis' Laser Rifle  || 40/80/160 || 2d6 || 2 || 3 || 60 || d6 || 10 || -2 || Cauterization, No Recoil, Snapshot, Two-Handed  
| X-A2 'Ignis' Laser Rifle  || 40/80/160 || 2d6 || 2 || 3 || 60 || d6 || 15 || -2 || Cauterization, No Recoil, Snapshot, Two-Handed  
| X-C5 'Höllenfeuer' Sniper Laser Rifle  || 60/120/240 || 2d10 || 4 || 1 || 20 || d6 || 20 || -2 || Cauterization, No Recoil, Snapshot, Two-Handed
| X-C5 'Höllenfeuer' Sniper Laser Rifle  || 60/120/240 || 2d10 || 4 || 1 || 20 || d6 || 20 || -2 || Cauterization, No Recoil, Snapshot, Two-Handed
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'''1½ handed''': can be used one or two handed. When fired 1 handed suffer a -1 to ''Shooting'' unless you have +1 step over the Min Str required.</br>
'''1½ handed''': can be used one or two handed. When fired 1 handed suffer a -1 to ''Shooting'' unless you have +1 step over the Min Str required.</br>
'''Two-Handed''': requires 2 hands to use. When fired with one hand increase the Min Str by +1 step and suffer a -2 ''Shooting''.</br>
'''Two-Handed''': requires 2 hands to use. When fired with one hand increase the Min Str by +1 step and suffer a -2 ''Shooting''.</br>
'''Cone''': base range 0 and hits everyone in a Cone template for attacking all targets in area.</br>
'''Blast''': base range 0 and a blast template for attacking all targets in area.</br>
'''Varies''': these weapons deal damage and have the AP of the mini-grenade or mortor round that they are firing.</br>
'''Varies''': these weapons deal damage and have the AP of the mini-grenade or mortor round that they are firing.</br>
'''SBT''': Small Burst Template. </br>
'''SBT''': Small Burst Template. </br>
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====Grenades, Explosives and Other Chemicals====
====Grenades, Explosives and Other Chemicals====
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Hand Grenades when thrown range of 5/10/20, using ''Athletics'' skill and all weigh 2lbs each. If shot from a grenade launcher use weapon’s range and change weight to 1lb each. Military grade Mini-Grenades (and GL) are also Caseless allowing the weapon to remain sealed. For Mortor Rounds change name from Grenade to Mortor, increase weight to 6lbs each  and add +2dx damage dice (i.e. a Frag Mortor would deal 5d6 damage). All have an area-of-effect of a LBT if not already. If there is a gas it lingers twice as long. If a mortor round causes damage then add HW if not already. Increase the wealth cost down a additional -2.</br>
Hand Grenades when thrown range of 5/10/20, using ''Athletics'' skill and all weigh 2lbs each. If shot from a grenade launcher use weapon’s range and change weight to 1lb each. Military grade Mini-Grenades (and GL) are also Caseless allowing the weapon to remain sealed. For Mortor Rounds change name from Grenade to Mortor, increase weight to 6lbs each  and add +2dx damage dice (i.e. a Frag Mortor would deal 5d6 damage). All have an area-of-effect of a LBT if not already. If there is a gas it lingers twice as long. If a mortor round causes damage then add HW if not already. Increase the wealth cost down a additional -2 for each.</br>
'''Concussion Grenade''': Damage 2d8, AP 8, LBT. Wealth +2 for 3 grenades</br>
'''Concussion Grenade''': Damage 2d8, AP 8, LBT. Wealth +2 for 3 grenades</br>
'''Frag Grenade''': Damage 3d6, AP 4, MBT, HW. Wealth +1 for 3 grenades</br>
'''Frag Grenade''': Damage 3d6, AP 4, MBT, HW. Wealth +1 for 3 grenades</br>
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'''Mines''': Anti-vehicle mines causes 5d10 damage, AP 20, but are only set off by at least 1,000 pounds of pressure. Anti-personnel mines detect movement and detonate for 4d6 damage in a MBT. Both require a ''Repair'' check to set. Finding a mine requires a ''Notice'' check –4, and removing it is saftely a ''Repair'' check at –2. Wt. 15lbs and Wealth -2 each for anti-vehicle or 5lb for anti-personal, Wealth -1 each. </br>
'''Mines''': Anti-vehicle mines causes 5d10 damage, AP 20, but are only set off by at least 1,000 pounds of pressure. Anti-personnel mines detect movement and detonate for 4d6 damage in a MBT. Both require a ''Repair'' check to set. Finding a mine requires a ''Notice'' check –4, and removing it is saftely a ''Repair'' check at –2. Wt. 15lbs and Wealth -2 each for anti-vehicle or 5lb for anti-personal, Wealth -1 each. </br>
===Standard Gear Carried by UTRPF Ground Troopers===
===Standard Gear===
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These items tend to be carried by most if not all of the troopers in all missions.</br>
These items tend to be carried by most if not all of the troopers in standard missions. Included here are only what infantry troopers might encounter. Other high tech equipment from the SFC (or even the Star Law link) might able around on a case-by-case bases. Ask the GM if your character is thinking on buying something from there or outside the scope of the game </br>
'''Combat Helmet Array''': the standard helmet array worn by UTRPF Marines includes the Tactical Helm Communicator and a Camera Rig which allows the soldiers to communicate with each other and command staff along transmit viedo back to their location within about 5 miles, in optinal conditions. Also includes a FTI Tag (''Friendly Target Identify'') which is a advesive chip allows for the targeting systems and Motion tracks to be indentify friends from foe. In game terms ''Firing into Melee'' with this tag and the ABTS system will not hit a ally even with a Critical Fumble. Weight is neglegable, Wealth -1</br>
'''Mark3 Medium Combat Armor''': As Medium Combat Armor, this is standard issue infranty trooper combat armor worn by most troops in the field. Enhancements include a helmets plastishield visor includes a anti-flare/reflective shield that grants +2 to resisting sudden flashes and eliminates the normal -1 to ''Notice'' for sight of standard medium armor visors. When deployed the vision can provides IR targeting system. Also includes Intergraded Battle-Tac Stealth Camo Pattern Mark I that ads +1 to ''Stealth'' (from computer generated camo pattern display system) and Grip Boots that add +1 to ''Athletics'' when climbing or moving over difficult terrian. Weight 16lbs</br>
'''Shoulder Tac Lamp''': This robust shoulder mounted lamp can project a beam out to 40" (80 yds) that cancels Piitch Black illumination within its beam. Weight 1lb, , Wealth +1</br>
'''Mark5 Light Combat Armor''': As Light Combat Armor, assigned to scouts and other troopers that don't want the extra weight of a medium combat armor (or need to carry other specialized gear). Enhancements include a helmets plastishield visor includes a anti-flare/reflective shield that grants +2 to resisting sudden flashes and eliminates the normal -1 to ''Notice'' for sight of standard medium armor visors. When deployed the vision can provides IR targeting system. Also includes Intergraded Battle-Tac Stealth Camo-Com Pattern Mark I that ads +1 to ''Stealth'' (from computer generated camo pattern display system or Mark II for the Scout Troopers that adds +2 instead) and Grip Boots that add +1 to ''Athletics'' when climbing or moving over difficult terrian. Weight 8lbs)</br>
'''ABTS''' (Asset-Based Targeting System): this weapon scope system allowing for the computer system to indentify possible friendly targets and civilians so as not to fire on them directly. In game terms this ''Firing Into Melee'' will only hit a bystandard on a 1 on the ''Shooting'' dice if using Autofire or a Critical Fumble with ROF 1. Weight is neglegable, Wealth +0</br>
'''Combat Helmet Array''': the standard helmet array worn by UTRPF Marines includes the Tactical Helm Communicator and a Camera Rig which allows the soldiers to communicate with each other and command staff along transmit viedo back to their location within about 5 miles, in optimal conditions. Also includes a FTI Tag (''Friendly Target Identify'') which is a adhesive chip allows for the targeting systems and Motion tracks to be identify friends from foe. In game terms ''Firing into Melee'' with this tag and the ABTS system will not hit a ally even with a Critical Fumble. Weight is negligible, Wealth -1</br>
'''CTS''' (Computer Targeting System) and the '''Smart System''' (as on the M-8L Gatline Smartgun): This comptuer targeting scope grant that weilder a +1 to ''Shooting'' and can elimate up to 2 points of penalties due to range, cover and called shots. These bonuses stack with any other equipment enhancement and Edges. Wt. 1lb, Wealth -1</br>
'''Shoulder Tac Lamp''': This robust shoulder mounted lamp can project a beam out to 40" (80 yds) that cancels Pitch Black illumination within its beam. Weight 1lb, , Wealth +1</br>
'''Load Bearing Web Gear''': this web gear is attached to all UTRPF soldiers armor and allows you to carry up to 6 light item (no more then 2-3lbs) such as a Grenade, an standard ammo Clip (but not a ammo drum) a knife or 3 mini-grenades in each webbing slot. It is a free action to ready a item from this rig. This webbing adds no extra weight It is part of ones armor weight, Wealth +2</br>
'''ABTS''' (Asset-Based Targeting System): this weapon scope system allowing for the computer system to identify possible friendly targets and civilians so as not to fire on them directly. In game terms this ''Firing Into Melee'' will only hit a by standard on a 1 on the ''Shooting'' dice if using Autofire or a Critical Fumble with ROF 1. Weight is negligible, Wealth +0</br>
'''Combat Belt''': part of ones armor, this belt can carry ammo clips and drums, pistol, etc. up to 12lbs. total. Takes an action to Ready a item from the belt. It adds no extra weight, Wealth +2</br>
'''CTS''' (Computer Targeting System) and the '''Smart System''' (as on the M-8L Gatline Smartgun): This computer targeting scope grant that weilder a +1 to ''Shooting'' and can eliminates up to 2 points of penalties due to range, cover and called shots. These bonuses stack with any other equipment enhancement and Edges. Wt. 1lb, Wealth -1</br>
'''Load Bearing Web Gear''': this web gear is attached to all UTRPF soldiers armor and allows you to carry up to 8 light item (no more then 2-3lbs) such as a Grenade, an standard ammo Clip (but not a ammo drum or powercell) a knife or 3 mini-grenades in each webbing slot. It is a free action to ready a item from this rig. This webbing adds no extra weight It is part of ones armor weight, Wealth +2</br>
'''Combat Belt''': part of ones armor, this belt can carry ammo clips and drums, pistol, etc. up to 12lbs. total (2-12 small objects, no more the 6lbs each). Takes an action to Ready a item from the belt. It adds no extra weight, Wealth +2</br>
'''Rucksack''': A military backpack or belt pack that is reistant to tears, heat and cold, and that holds up to 20lbs of gear. It takes an extra Action to ready a weapon from it. Weight 1lbs empty, Wealth +2 </br>
'''Rucksack''': A military backpack or belt pack that is reistant to tears, heat and cold, and that holds up to 20lbs of gear. It takes an extra Action to ready a weapon from it. Weight 1lbs empty, Wealth +2 </br>
'''Long Range Com Rig''': Shoulder mounted rig (think football shoulder pad) with satellite uplink unit, that can route squads radio and vidcam transmits back to command. Range with satellites can be routed planetary wide, otherwise transmit range is around 100 miles. Wt. 5lbs, Wealth -1</br>
'''Long Range Com Rig''': Shoulder mounted rig (think football shoulder pad) with satellite uplink unit, that can route squads radio and vidcam transmits back to command. Range with satellites can be routed planetary wide, otherwise tranmit range is around 100 miles. Wt. 5lbs, Wealth -1</br>
'''Mini-Electronics Repair Kit''': required for electrical systems, computers, etc. Electronic and Repair checks. Can also be used for electrical Hacking and Thievery of locks and security systems. Wt. 5lbs, Wealth +0 </br>
'''Mini-Electronics Repair Kit''': required for electrical systems, computers, etc. Electronic and Repair checks. Can also be used for electrical Hacking and Thievery of locks and security systems. Wt. 5lbs, Wealth +0 </br>
'''Weapon Harness Gimble''': body harness and built in stablizer motor that is attached to a heavy weapon (like the 'Howler'). Negates penalties for recoil (like the Rock-An-Roll Edge). It also allowes an additional +1 to ''Shooting'' when aiming with stablizer. Cannot move to ignore recoil penalties. If the weilder does have the Rock-An-Roll Edge, whent moving the recoil penalty is reduce to -1 each attack. Wt. 10lb, Wealth -1</br>
'''Weapon Harness Gimble''': body harness and built in stablizer motor that is attached to a heavy weapon (like the 'Howler'). Negates penalties for recoil (like the Rock-An-Roll Edge). It also allowes an additional +1 to ''Shooting'' when aiming with stablizer. Cannot move to ignore recoil penalties. If the weilder does have the Rock-An-Roll Edge, whent moving the recoil penalty is reduce to -1 each attack. Wt. 10lb, Wealth -1</br>
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:'''Slaught''': Also known as “onslaught”, it heightens awareness and improves reaction time, but causes Fatigue and eventual neural damage. Taking a dose requires an Action to inject into a subect, and adds Alertness and Quick Edges for 1d5 hours. At the end suffer a level of Fatigue (which last 1d5 hours). Wt. nil, Wealth -1 per dose.
:'''Slaught''': Also known as “onslaught”, it heightens awareness and improves reaction time, but causes Fatigue and eventual neural damage. Taking a dose requires an Action to inject into a subect, and adds Alertness and Quick Edges for 1d5 hours. At the end suffer a level of Fatigue (which last 1d5 hours). Wt. nil, Wealth -1 per dose.
===Standard Combat Load via MOS===
===Standard Combat Load per MOS===
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The following are basic standard load carried by each MOS on a standard mission. There also also z-g Mission load and Vaccum/Hostile Enviro load replacement of most gear in these situations. As Synner Clone Soliders have a minimum Strength of a d8 and the Brawny Edge they carrying load of most is 80lbs. </br>
The following are basic standard load carried by each MOS on a standard mission. There also also z-g Mission load and Vaccum/Hostile Enviro load replacement of most gear in these situations. As Synner Clone Soliders have a minimum Strength of a d8 and the Brawny Edge they carrying load of most is 80lbs. </br>
Note that most Troopers can swap out the Mark3 Medium Combat Armor (16lbs) and the Mark5 Light Combat Armor (10lbs) and/or the M-25a Pulse Rifle with intergal underbarrel M3 Grenade Launcher (19lbs) and Fusia F3m Pulse SMG with intergal underbarrel M3a one-shot Grenade Launcher (10lbs) if they want a heavier/lighter load the a standard set.</br>
Troopers can swap out the Mark3 Medium Combat Armor (16lbs) and the Mark5 Light Combat Armor (8lbs) and/or the M-25a Pulse Rifle with intergal underbarrel M3 Grenade Launcher (19lbs) and Fusia F3m Pulse SMG with intergal underbarrel M3a one-shot Grenade Launcher (10lbs) if they want a heavier/lighter load then standard.  This still requires Officers approval but most do so automatically.</br>
:'''Electronic/Communications Specialist''': Mark3 Medium Combat Armor (this includes a anti-flare/reflective face shield that grants +2 to resistain sudden flashes and elimated the normal -1 to ''Notice'' for sight when the visor is down. When deployed the vision provides IR targeting system. Also Grip Boots add +1 to ''Athletics'' when climbing or moving over difficult terrian. 16lbs) with Helm Array (Tactical Helm Comm, Camera Rig, FTI Tag) and a Shoulder Tac Lamp (1lb), M-25a Pulse Rifle with intergal underbarrel M3 Grenade Launcher (19lbs) with a with a CTS and ABTS Scope (1lb) and two additon fully loaded 100 round standard APHE rounds foe the M-25a (3lbs each/6lbs) and six addition mini-Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. 1lbs each/6lbs), 2 standard Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. 2lbs each/4lbs), Molecular Survival Knife (1lb), Mini-Electronics Repair Kit (5lbs), Long Range Com Rig (5lbs), Load Bearing Web Gear (No extra weight), Combat Belt (No extra weight), Rucksack (1lbs) with at least one set of replacement battle dress uniforms (BDUs), T-shirts, socks, underwear, etc., a towel (4lbs), Personal Basic/Mesh Kit (1lb), basic First Aid Kit (2lbs), 4 days of Ration Packs (1lb each/4lbs), 2 Filter Cantens (0.1lb empty, 4lbs full/8lbs)
:'''Electronic/Communications Specialist''': Mark3 Medium Combat Armor (16lbs) with Helm Array (Tactical Helm Comm, Camera Rig, FTI Tag) and a Shoulder Tac Lamp (1lb), M-25a Pulse Rifle with intergal underbarrel M3 Grenade Launcher (19lbs) with a with a CTS and ABTS Scope (1lb) and two additon fully loaded 100 round standard APHE rounds foe the M-25a (3lbs each/6lbs) and six addition mini-Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. 1lbs each/6lbs), 2 standard Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. 2lbs each/4lbs), Molecular Survival Knife (1lb), Mini-Electronics Repair Kit (5lbs), Long Range Com Rig (5lbs), Load Bearing Web Gear (No extra weight), Combat Belt (No extra weight), Rucksack (1lbs) with at least one set of replacement battle dress uniforms (BDUs), T-shirts, socks, underwear, etc., a towel (4lbs), Personal Basic/Mesh Kit (1lb), basic First Aid Kit (2lbs), 4 days of Ration Packs (1lb each/4lbs), 2 Filter Cantens (0.1lb empty, 4lbs full/8lbs)
:Total Weight load: 80 lbs
:Total Weight load: 80 lbs
:'''Heavy Weapons Specialist''': Mark3 Medium Combat Armor (16lbs) with Helm Array (Tactical Helm Comm, Camera Rig, FTI Tag) and a Shoulder Tac Lamp (1lb), M-8L Gatline Smartgun (26lbs) or the Remi-Gen 'Smasher' Anti-Matheral Gun (25lbs) with a ABTS Scope (1lb) attached to a Weapon Harness Gimble (10lbs) and carrying three additional fully load 200 round drums of standard APHE rounds for the M-8 (6lbs each/18lbs) or four additional 10 round Anti-Material Rounds Clipb 5 each/20lbs), 4 standard Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. 2lbs each/8lbs), Molecular Survival Knife (1lb), Load Bearing Web Gear (No extra weight), Combat Belt (No extra weight), Rucksack (1lbs) with at least one set of replacement battle dress uniforms (BDUs), T-shirts, socks, underwear, etc., a towel (4lbs), Personal Basic/Mesh Kit (1lb), basic First Aid Kit (2lbs), 4 days of Ration Packs (1lb each/4lbs), 2 Filter Cantens (0.1lb empty, 4lbs full/8lbs)
:'''Heavy Weapons Specialist''': Mark3 Medium Combat Armor (this includes a anti-flare/reflective face shield that grants +2 to resistain sudden flashes and elimated the normal -1 to ''Notice'' for sight when the visor is down. When deployed the vision provides IR targeting system. Also Grip Boots add +1 to ''Athletics'' when climbing or moving over difficult terrian. 16lbs) with Helm Array (Tactical Helm Comm, Camera Rig, FTI Tag) and a Shoulder Tac Lamp (1lb), M-8L Gatline Smartgun (26lbs) with a ABTS Scope (1lb) attached to a Weapon Harness Gimble (10lbs) and carrying three additional fully load 200 round drums of standard APHE rounds for the M-8 (6lbs each/18lbs), 4 standard Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. 2lbs each/8lbs), Molecular Survival Knife (1lb), Load Bearing Web Gear (No extra weight), Combat Belt (No extra weight), Rucksack (1lbs) with at least one set of replacement battle dress uniforms (BDUs), T-shirts, socks, underwear, etc., a towel (4lbs), Personal Basic/Mesh Kit (1lb), basic First Aid Kit (2lbs), 4 days of Ration Packs (1lb each/4lbs), 2 Filter Cantens (0.1lb empty, 4lbs full/8lbs)
:Total Weight load: 97 or 98 lbs (any Anti-Material Rifle)
:Total Weight load: 97 lbs
:'''Medic Specialist''': Mark3 Medium Combat Armor (16lbs) with with Helm Array (Tactical Helm Comm, Camera Rig, FTI Tag) and aShoulder Tac Lamp (1lb), M-25a Pulse Rifle with intergal underbarrel M3 Grenade Launcher (19lbs) two additon fully loaded 100 round standard APHE rounds foe the M-25a (3lbs each/6lbs) with a CTS and ABTS Scope (1lb) and six addition mini-Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. 1lbs each/6lbs), 2 standard Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. 2lbs each/4lbs), Molecular Survival Knife (1lb), Load Bearing Web Gear (No extra weight), Combat Belt (No extra weight), Rucksack (1lbs) with at least one set of replacement battle dress uniforms (BDUs), T-shirts, socks, underwear, etc., a towel (4lbs), Personal Basic/Mesh Kit (1lb), Advanced Field Medical Kit (12lbs), 4 days of Ration Packs (1lb each/4lbs), 2 Filter Cantens (0.1lb empty, 4lbs full/8lbs)
:'''Medic Specialist''': Mark3 Medium Combat Armor (this includes a anti-flare/reflective face shield that grants +2 to resistain sudden flashes and elimated the normal -1 to ''Notice'' for sight when the visor is down. When deployed the vision provides IR targeting system. Also Grip Boots add +1 to ''Athletics'' when climbing or moving over difficult terrian. 16lbs) with with Helm Array (Tactical Helm Comm, Camera Rig, FTI Tag) and aShoulder Tac Lamp (1lb), M-25a Pulse Rifle with intergal underbarrel M3 Grenade Launcher (19lbs) two additon fully loaded 100 round standard APHE rounds foe the M-25a (3lbs each/6lbs) with a CTS and ABTS Scope (1lb) and six addition mini-Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. 1lbs each/6lbs), 2 standard Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. 2lbs each/4lbs), Molecular Survival Knife (1lb), Load Bearing Web Gear (No extra weight), Combat Belt (No extra weight), Rucksack (1lbs) with at least one set of replacement battle dress uniforms (BDUs), T-shirts, socks, underwear, etc., a towel (4lbs), Personal Basic/Mesh Kit (1lb), Advanced Field Medical Kit (12lbs), 4 days of Ration Packs (1lb each/4lbs), 2 Filter Cantens (0.1lb empty, 4lbs full/8lbs)
:Total Weight load: 80 lbs
:Total Weight load: 80 lbs
:'''NCO''': Mark3 Medium Combat Armor (16lbs) with with Helm Array (Tactical Helm Comm, Camera Rig, FTI Tag) and a Shoulder Tac Lamp (1lb), M-25a Pulse Rifle with intergal underbarrel M3 Grenade Launcher (19lbs) with a CTS and ABTS Scope (1lb) and two additon fully loaded 100 round standard APHE rounds foe the M-25a (3lbs each/6lbs) and six addition mini-Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. 1lbs each/6lbs), 2 standard Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. 2lbs each/4lbs), Colt Manhunter M7 Auto Pistol (3lbs) amd one additional full ammo clip of Standard Rounds (1lb), Molecular Survival Knife (1lb), Load Bearing Web Gear (No extra weight), Combat Belt (No extra weight), Rucksack (1lbs) with at least one set of replacement battle dress uniforms (BDUs), T-shirts, socks, underwear, etc., a towel (4lbs), Personal Basic/Mesh Kit (1lb), Tactical Pullout Flat-Screen Map (2lbs), Electrobinoculars (2lbs), basic First Aid Kit (2lbs), 4 days of Ration Packs (1lb each/4lbs), 2 Filter Cantens (0.1lb empty, 4lbs full/8lbs)
:'''NCO''': Mark3 Medium Combat Armor (this includes a anti-flare/reflective face shield that grants +2 to resistain sudden flashes and elimated the normal -1 to ''Notice'' for sight when the visor is down. When deployed the vision provides IR targeting system. Also Grip Boots add +1 to ''Athletics'' when climbing or moving over difficult terrian. 16lbs) with with Helm Array (Tactical Helm Comm, Camera Rig, FTI Tag) and a Shoulder Tac Lamp (1lb), M-25a Pulse Rifle with intergal underbarrel M3 Grenade Launcher (19lbs) with a CTS and ABTS Scope (1lb) and two additon fully loaded 100 round standard APHE rounds foe the M-25a (3lbs each/6lbs) and six addition mini-Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. 1lbs each/6lbs), 2 standard Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. 2lbs each/4lbs), Colt Manhunter M7 Auto Pistol (3lbs) amd one additional full ammo clip of Standard Rounds (1lb), Molecular Survival Knife (1lb), Load Bearing Web Gear (No extra weight), Combat Belt (No extra weight), Rucksack (1lbs) with at least one set of replacement battle dress uniforms (BDUs), T-shirts, socks, underwear, etc., a towel (4lbs), Personal Basic/Mesh Kit (1lb), Tactical Pullout Flat-Screen Map (2lbs), Electrobinoculars (2lbs), basic First Aid Kit (2lbs), 4 days of Ration Packs (1lb each/4lbs), 2 Filter Cantens (0.1lb empty, 4lbs full/8lbs)
:Total Weight load: 78 lbs
:Total Weight load: 78 lbs
:'''Riflemen/Combat Engineering Specialist''': Mark3 Medium Combat Armor (16lbs) with with Helm Array (Tactical Helm Comm, Camera Rig, FTI Tag) and a Shoulder Tac Lamp (1lb), M-25a Pulse Rifle with intergal underbarrel M3 Grenade Launcher (19lbs) with a CTS and ABTS Scope (1lb) and two additon fully loaded 100 round standard APHE rounds foe the M-25a (3lbs each/6lbs) and six addition mini-Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. llb each/6lbs), 2 standard Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. 2lbs each/4lbs), Molecular Survival Knife (1lb), 4 pounds of Platics Paste with micro Timers/Remote Detination kits (4lbs), 2 Thermite Burning Bar (1lb each/2lbs), Demolistions Kit (2lbs), Load Bearing Web Gear (No extra weight), Combat Belt (No extra weight), Rucksack (1lbs) with at least one set of replacement battle dress uniforms (BDUs), T-shirts, socks, underwear, etc., a towel (4lbs), Personal Basic/Mesh Kit (1lb), basic First Aid Kit (2lbs), 4 days of Ration Packs (1lb each/4lbs), 2 Filter Cantens (0.1lb empty, 4lbs full/8lbs)
:'''Riflemen/Combat Engineering Specialist''': Mark3 Medium Combat Armor (this includes a anti-flare/reflective face shield that grants +2 to resistain sudden flashes and elimated the normal -1 to ''Notice'' for sight when the visor is down. When deployed the vision provides IR targeting system. Also Grip Boots add +1 to ''Athletics'' when climbing or moving over difficult terrian. 16lbs) with with Helm Array (Tactical Helm Comm, Camera Rig, FTI Tag) and a Shoulder Tac Lamp (1lb), M-25a Pulse Rifle with intergal underbarrel M3 Grenade Launcher (19lbs) with a CTS and ABTS Scope (1lb) and two additon fully loaded 100 round standard APHE rounds foe the M-25a (3lbs each/6lbs) and six addition mini-Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. llb each/6lbs), 2 standard Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. 2lbs each/4lbs), Molecular Survival Knife (1lb), 4 pounds of Platics Paste with micro Timers/Remote Detination kits (4lbs), 2 Thermite Burning Bar (1lb each/2lbs), Demolistions Kit (2lbs), Load Bearing Web Gear (No extra weight), Combat Belt (No extra weight), Rucksack (1lbs) with at least one set of replacement battle dress uniforms (BDUs), T-shirts, socks, underwear, etc., a towel (4lbs), Personal Basic/Mesh Kit (1lb), basic First Aid Kit (2lbs), 4 days of Ration Packs (1lb each/4lbs), 2 Filter Cantens (0.1lb empty, 4lbs full/8lbs)
:Total Weight load: 78 lbs
:Total Weight load: 78 lbs
:'''Scout/Sniper Specialist''': Mark5 Light Combat Armor (8lbs) with upgraded Intergraded Battle-Tac Stealth Camo Pattern Mark II system and Helm Array (Tactical Helm Comm, Camera Rig, FTI Tag) and a Tac Lamp (1lb), Fusia F3m Pulse SMG with intergal underbarrel M3a one-shot Grenade Launcher (10lbs) with a CTS and ABTS Scope (1lb) and one additon fully loaded 80 round standard APHE rounds for the F3m (2lbs) and three addition mini-Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. 1lbs each/3lbs), X-C5 'Höllenfeuer' Sniper Laser Rifle (20lbs) with one additonal Power Cell replacement (5lbs), 2 standard Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. 2lbs each/4lbs), Molecular Survival Knife (1lb), Camo Cloak (3lbs), Load Bearing Web Gear (No extra weight), Combat Belt (No extra weight), Rucksack (1lbs) with at least one set of replacement battle dress uniforms (BDUs), T-shirts, socks, underwear, etc., a towel (4lbs), Personal Basic/Mesh Kit (1lb), basic First Aid Kit (2lbs), 4 days of Ration Packs (1lb each/4lbs), 2 Filter Cantens (0.1lb empty, 4lbs full/8lbs)
:'''Scout/Sniper Specialist''': Mark5 Light Combat Armor (this includes a anti-flare/reflective face shield that grants +2 to resistain sudden flashes and elimated the normal -1 to ''Notice'' for sight when the visor is down. When deployed the vision provides IR targeting system. Also Grip Boots add +1 to ''Athletics'' when climbing or moving over difficult terrian. 8lbs) with with Helm Array (Tactical Helm Comm, Camera Rig, FTI Tag) and a Tac Lamp (1lb), Fusia F3m Pulse SMG with intergal underbarrel M3a one-shot Grenade Launcher (10lbs) with a CTS and ABTS Scope (1lb) and one additon fully loaded 80 round standard APHE rounds for the F3m (2lbs) and three addition mini-Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. 1lbs each/3lbs), X-C5 'Höllenfeuer' Sniper Laser Rifle (20lbs) with one additonal Power Cell replacement (5lbs), 2 standard Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. 2lbs each/4lbs), Molecular Survival Knife (1lb), Camo Cloak (3lbs), Load Bearing Web Gear (No extra weight), Combat Belt (No extra weight), Rucksack (1lbs) with at least one set of replacement battle dress uniforms (BDUs), T-shirts, socks, underwear, etc., a towel (4lbs), Personal Basic/Mesh Kit (1lb), basic First Aid Kit (2lbs), 4 days of Ration Packs (1lb each/4lbs), 2 Filter Cantens (0.1lb empty, 4lbs full/8lbs)
:Total Weight load: 78 lbs
:Total Weight load: 78 lbs
:Optional '''Psionic Specialist''': Mark5 Light Combat Armor (8lbs) with Helm Array (Tactical Helm Comm, Camera Rig, FTI Tag) and a Shoulder Tac Lamp (1lb), Fusia F3m Pulse SMG with intergal underbarrel M3a one-shot Grenade Launcher (10lbs) with a CTS and ABTS Scope (1lb) and two additon fully loaded 80 round standard APHE rounds for the F3m (2lbs each/4lbs) and three addition four mini-Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. 1lbs each/4lbs), 2 standard Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. 2lbs each/4lbs), Colt Manhunter M7 Auto Pistol (3lbs) amd one additional full ammo clip of Standard Rounds (1lb), Molecular Survival Knife (1lb), Load Bearing Web Gear (No extra weight), Combat Belt (No extra weight), Rucksack (1lbs) with at least one set of replacement battle dress uniforms (BDUs), T-shirts, socks, underwear, etc., a towel (4lbs), Personal Basic/Mesh Kit (1lb), basic First Aid Kit (2lbs), 4 days of Ration Packs (1lb each/4lbs), 2 Filter Cantens (0.1lb empty, 4lbs full/8lbs)
:Optional '''Psionic Specialist''': Mark5 Light Combat Armor (this includes a anti-flare/reflective face shield that grants +2 to resistain sudden flashes and elimated the normal -1 to ''Notice'' for sight when the visor is down. When deployed the vision provides IR targeting system. Also Grip Boots add +1 to ''Athletics'' when climbing or moving over difficult terrian. 8lbs) with Helm Array (Tactical Helm Comm, Camera Rig, FTI Tag) and a Shoulder Tac Lamp (1lb), Fusia F3m Pulse SMG with intergal underbarrel M3a one-shot Grenade Launcher (10lbs) with a CTS and ABTS Scope (1lb) and two additon fully loaded 80 round standard APHE rounds for the F3m (2lbs each/4lbs) and three addition four mini-Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. 1lbs each/4lbs), 2 standard Grenades (either Thermal Smoke, Frag or Concution. 2lbs each/4lbs), Colt Manhunter M7 Auto Pistol (3lbs) amd one additional full ammo clip of Standard Rounds (1lb), Molecular Survival Knife (1lb), Load Bearing Web Gear (No extra weight), Combat Belt (No extra weight), Rucksack (1lbs) with at least one set of replacement battle dress uniforms (BDUs), T-shirts, socks, underwear, etc., a towel (4lbs), Personal Basic/Mesh Kit (1lb), basic First Aid Kit (2lbs), 4 days of Ration Packs (1lb each/4lbs), 2 Filter Cantens (0.1lb empty, 4lbs full/8lbs)
:Total Weight Load: 57lbs
:Total Weight Load: 57lbs
Not all mission take place on Earth like settings. For example on Ship Board operations where Command does not want the starship to be damaged troops are restricted to low-g setting SMGs and Rifles or even Pistols, and no explosives or armor piercing. Situations can change but here are some common non-standard loads...</br>
<font size=1>[https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/SWADE.SF.Bughunters Back to the Top]</font size></br>
''"None of these are sleek, stream lined ship like you'd see in those old movies. They're tight; they smell bad; and they don't always work the way they're supposed to. But jumping through hyperspace is a beautiful thing, and it's something no normal human will ever know."''</br>  
''"None of these are sleek, stream lined ship like you'd see in those old movies. They're tight; they smell bad; and they don't always work the way they're supposed to. But jumping through hyperspace is a beautiful thing, and it's something no normal human will ever know."''</br>  
- Star Lieutenant Alison Hawkins, Hyperspace Pilot, UTRPF
- Star Lieutenant Alison Hawkins, Hyperspace Pilot, UTRPF
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I am using the basic vehicle builds and Mods found in my Star Law setting here[https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/SWAE.SF.StarLaw#SFC_UPDATES] so no need to repeat myself. These rules are based on the Science Fiction Companion. Vehicles and Starhips are going to be WELL out of the price range of characters and not really easy to transport to different planets so just ignore costs.  
I am using the basic vehicle builds and Mods found in my Star Law setting here[https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/SWAE.SF.StarLaw#SFC_UPDATES] so no need to repeat myself. These rules are based on the Science Fiction Companion. Vehicles and Starhips are going to be WELL out of the price range of characters and not really easy to transport to different planets so just ignore costs.  
The '''''Drill Spike Drive''''' do not exist in this setting. Instead I am using the '''Isler Shuttlewar Drive'''. These drives work by creates a micro-hyperspace blink warp field that causes a ship to move at faster then light travel, as follows.
In this setting also adding '''Statis Field Sleeping Pods''' as a Mod that can be added to both vehicles and starships (and found in a few medical facilities planet side). For 1 Mod and $50K the vessel can holds 20 passengers whom are keep in the statis pod, basically asleep for the whole jounry. They can be added any number of times up to the vessel's open Mod spaces. Each unit of 20 pods uses om Energy of the vessel per month (30 days) that it is running.  
New Mod entry should read as...
'''''Drill Spike Drive''''' is renamed '''Isler Shuttlewar Drive'''. These drives work by creates a micro-hyperspace blink warp field that causes a ship to move at faster then light travel, as follows.
{| class="wikitable" border="0"
| '''Starship Mods''' || '''Mods''' || '''Cost'''
The Mod entry should read as... </br>
'''Shuttleward Drive Engines (12)''': A standard Shuttlewarp Drive allows a vessel to blink into hyperspace hundreds of times a second to travel at fantastic speeds there. The drive uses half the vessel's Size x the Drive Rating in Energy points each week the vessel remains using the Shuttlewarp. This includes both the drive and the astrogation system required to use it. Minimum size of a vessel for shuttlewarp drives is a 12 but unmanned probs can go down to 6 in size and stll function. Each drive uses a quarter of the vessel's Size in Mods per Drive Rating (the total price, if it matters which it does to UT Gov is $500K x Drives Rating x¼ ship's Size).
| '''Shuttleward Drive Engines (6)''': A standard Shuttlewarp Drive allows a vessel to blink into hyperspace hundreds of times a second to travel at fantastic speeds there. The drive uses half the vessel's Size x the Drive Rating in Energy points each week the vessel remains using the Shuttlewarp. This includes both the drive and the astrogation system required to use it. Minimum size of a vessel for shuttlewarp drives is a 16 but unmanned probs can be as small as Size 8. || ½ Size || $1M x Drives x Size
| '''Statis Field Sleeping Pods (U)''': These add statis tubes that can sustain a human life for years (theoretically) and can be added to both vehicles and starships (and found in a few medical facilities planet side). Each unit holds 20 passengers whom can be keep in statis to protect them from the harmful effects of Shuttlewarp Drives.  Each unit of 20 pods uses one Energy of the vessel per month (30 days) that it is running. || 1 || $50K
A basic Shuttlewarp Drive has a Speed Rating of 1 per Drive and can travel at one lightyear a day Divided by the Ship's Size. So a Shuttlewarp Drive II install into a Laviathan Starcraft makes around 0.05 lightyears a day, while the same drives in a Greater Starship would makes 0.125 lightyears a day.
A basic Shuttlewarp Drive has a Speed Rating of 1 per Drive and can travel at one lightyear a day Divided by the Ship's Size. So a Shuttlewarp Drive 5 install into a Laviathan Starcraft makes around 0.125 lightyears a day, while the same drives in a Great Starship would makes 0.25 lightyears a day.
Vessel's must spend at least one hour to cold-down its Shuttlewarp drive when it returns to normal space for every day spent in in hyperspace before the engines can be reused again.  
Note also there is no stellar build up of pollutants in the Shuttlewarp drives. Ships can spend as long as they want. However they do have to spent a hour to cold down its Shuttlewarp drive when it returns to normal space for every day spent in in hyperspace before the engines can be reused again.  
There is a complication of course (isn't there always?) and that is that traveling in hyperspace is harrazadous to a personal's physical and mental health. Synners (and hench all the players) have an extermely high resistance to these harrazader but normal humans suffer ill effects even for short term skips.
There is a complication of course (isn't there always?) and that is that traveling in hyperspace is harrazadous to a personal's physical and mental health. Synners (and hench all the players) have an extermely high resistance to these harrazader but normal humans suffer ill effects even for short term skips.
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===Vehicle Examples===
===Vehicle Examples===
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'''MVII ''Warthog''-Class ATAPC'''[https://www.artstation.com/marketplace/p/96Nn/apc-concept?utm_campaign=amp&utm_source=organic&utm_medium=author]" A standard UTRPF ATAPC (All-Terrain-Armored-Personnel-Carrier) -commonly pronounced "a-tapsy"- land craft used by the Marines and transported planetside by the KM4 drop ship (or to be moved around the planet quickly as needed) </br>
'''MVII ''Warthog''-Class ATAPC'''[https://www.artstation.com/marketplace/p/96Nn/apc-concept?utm_campaign=amp&utm_source=organic&utm_medium=author]" A standard UTRPF ATAPC (All-Terrain-Armored-Personnel-Carrier) -commonly pronounced "a-tapsy"- land craft used by the Marines and transported planetside by the KM4 drop ship (or to be moved around the planet quickly as needed) </br>
'''Size''' 6 - Heavy, '''Handling''' +0, '''TS''' 45mph, '''Toughness''' 33 (10) Heavy, '''Wounds*''' +1, '''Crew'''  2+12
'''Size''' 6 - Heavy, '''Handling''' +0, '''TS''' 45mph, '''Toughness''' 33 (10/heavy armor), '''Wounds*''' +1, '''Crew'''  2+8, '''Mods''' (7 remaining mostly for storage) -Amphibious (can move at 1/2 its speed with a -1 Handling for its size on the surface of water) (2),  Armor II (+4/Heavy) (2),  Imroved Handling +1 (1), Command Post (allows and officer to monitor troopers via their comms and vidcamm if with range) (2), Off Road (ignore Drive penalities for difficult terrain. Speed reduction from such conditions is on 1.5 instead of 2) (1), Reinforced Chassis II (Toughness +4) (3), Speed 3 (+30mph) (4), Targeting System (ignore 4 range penalties) (1), Weaon Turrent with Linked Weapons (2)</br>
:'''Mods''' (3 remaining mostly for storage; extra ammo. etc): Amphibious (can move at 1/2 its speed with a -1 Handling for its size on the surface of water) (3),  Armor II (+4/Heavy) (2),  Imroved Handling I (1), Command Post (allows and officer to monitor troopers via their comms and vidcamm if with range) (2), Crew Space I (1), Link Weapons (2), Off Road (ignore Drive penalities for difficult terrain. Speed reduction from such conditions is on 1.5 instead of 2) (1), Reinforced Chassis II (Toughness +4) (2), Speed 3 (+30mph) (2), Targeting System (ignore 4 range penalties) (1)</br>
:Twin Linked Turreted Medium Autocannon: Range 100/200/400, Damage 4d8+2, AP 6, ROF 3, Shots 100, HW
::Twin Linked Turreted Medium Autocannon: Range 100/200/400, Damage 4d8+2, AP 6, ROF 3, Shots 100, HW
===Spacecraft Examples===
===Spacecraft Examples===
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'''Alex-Martin KM4 Heavy Dropship'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/327566572903898857/]: This is the standard work-horse of the UTRPF but tends to be piloted and operated by the Navy Corp branch (Clone troopers of course). While not a true Spacecraft they are launched from space and can operate in a vaccum. Note of course their speed in space and in an atmoshpere is different to reflect that</br>
'''Alex-Martin KM4 Heavy Dropship'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/375346950193640248/]: This is the standard work-horse of the UTRPF, piloted and operated by the Navy Corp branch (Clone troopers of course). While not a true Spacecraft they are launched from space and can operate in a vaccum. Note of course their speed in space and in an atmoshpere is different to reflect that</br>
'''Size''' 12 - Great, '''TS''' 2 (700mph), '''Handling''' +1, '''Toughness''' 37 (8), '''Wounds*''' +3, '''Crew''' 2+23, '''Energy''': 5, '''Mods''' (10 remaining; can be used for extra storage or for mods to carry two size 6 craft): AMCM (Anti-Missile Counter Measures are integrated jammers and decoys. They add +2 to ''Piloting'' or ''Electronics'' checks to evade missile attacks) (1), Artificial Intelligence (vehicle’s AI can operate all systems with skill level of d10 in these tasks, but is an “Extra” and does not receive a Wild Die. The AI does not suffer from multi-action penalties if given simultaneous tasks. In combat, the AI acts on the operater’s Action Card. Giving the AI a short verbal command is a free action. AI can also give Support) (1), Atmospheric (the ship to enter planetary atmospheres. This includes heat shielding and additional work to handle the stress and strain of entry. Has 3VTOL take-off and landing capability with reinforced landing struts) (5), Electromagnetic Shielding (Adds +12 to the vehicle’s effective Toughness from EMP missiles) (4), Forward Fixed and Linked Weapon Mount (1), 4 Fixed Missile Launcher (each launcher allows up to four Light or two Heavy missiles to be fired at once) (4) with internal Storage for 24 light and 24 heavy missiles (5), Hanger (can carry one size 6 vehicle within its hold. Special mounting, doors, etc. allows for the vessel to be load or unloaded for 1d6 rounds) (8), Life Support, Short Term (3 days a supplies with an additional 3 days of emgency) (+2), Orbiter (meant mostly to drop into a planets atmosphere and operate in space only limited time. Halve the Space Speed (round down) but count full atmosphere speed, including Speed Mods. Reduce Engergy to Half Size. Most also that the Short Term Life Support Mod) (+5), Reinforce Structure I (+2 Toughness) (2), Sensor Suite, Planetary (functions exactly like the Medium Sensor Suite SFC p. 16 but has a base range of 10K miles) (1), Speed II (+200mph) (4), Targeting System (ignore 4 range penalties) (1)</br>
'''Size''' Great -Size 12, '''TS''' 2 (800mph), '''Handling''' +1, '''Toughness''' 35 (7), '''Crew''' 2+12, '''Energy''' 6</br>
:'''Mods''' (5 remaining; extra gear, equipment, ammo, etc. ): AMCM (Anti-Missile Counter Measures. Add +2 to ''Piloting'' or ''Electronics'' checks to evade missile attacks) (1), Armor I (AP+3) (1), Artificial Intelligence (vehicle’s AI can operate all systems with skill level of d10 in these tasks, but is an “Extra” and does not receive a Wild Die. The AI does not suffer from multi-action penalties if given simultaneous tasks. In combat, the AI acts on the operater’s Action Card. Giving the AI a short verbal command is a free action. AI can also give Support) (1), Atmospheric (the ship to enter planetary atmospheres) (6), Electromagnetic Shielding (Adds +12 to the vehicle’s effective Toughness from EMP missiles) (2), Forward Fixed and Linked Weapon Mount (1), Hanger (carrying a size 6 vehicle within its hold. Special mounting, doors, etc. allows for the vessel to be load or unloaded for 1d6 rounds) (7), Life Support, Short Term (3 days a supplies with an additional 3 days of emgency), Missile Launcher IV (each launcher allows up to four Light or two Heavy missiles to be fired at once) (4) with internal Storage for 24 light and 24 heavy missiles (5), Orbiter (+12), Reinforce Structure II (+4 Toughness) (6), Sensor Suite, Planetary (base range of 10K miles) (1), Speed III (+200mph) (9), Targeting System (ignore 4 range penalties) (1)</br>
:Twin Linked Forward Fixed Medium Autocannon: Range 100/200/400, Damage 4d8+2, AP 6, ROF 3, Shots 100, HW
:Four Forward Mounted Missile Launchers: Range 1,000/2,000/4,000. By Missile Type. ''Light Missiles'' - Damage 5d6, AP 6, Small Burst Template; ''Heavy Missiles'' - Damage 8d6, AP 12, Medium Burst Template
::Twin Linked Forward Fixed Medium Autocannon: Range 100/200/400, Damage 4d8+2, AP 6, ROF 3, Shots 100, HW
::Four Forward Mounted Missile Launchers: Range 1,000/2,000/4,000. By Missile Type. ''Light Missiles'' - Damage 5d6, AP 6, Small Burst Template; ''Heavy Missiles'' - Damage 8d6, AP 12, Medium Burst Template (both are HW)
'''UTRPF ''Katana''-Class Space Interspetor'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/674977062909228303/visual-search/]: Operated by the UTRPF Navy this is a standard light ineterspector starfighter that can also operate within a planet's atmosphere to offer ground support to Marine units.</br>
'''UTRPF ''Katana''-Class Space Interspetor'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/674977062909228303/visual-search/]: Operated by the UTRPF Navy this is a standard light ineterspector starfighter that can also operate within a planet's atmosphere to offer ground support to Marine units.</br>
'''Size''' Tiny -6, '''TS''' 12 (1,200mph), '''Handling''' +3, '''Toughness''' 31 (10), '''Wounds*''' +1, '''Crew''' 1, '''Energy''' 25
'''Size''' Tiny -6, '''TS''' 10 (1,000mph), '''Handling''' +3, '''Toughness''' 31 (10), '''Wounds*''' +1, '''Crew''' 1, '''Energy''' 25, '''Mods''' (0 remaining) -AMCM (Anti-Missile Counter Measures are integrated jammers and decoys. They add +2 to ''Piloting'' or ''Electronics'' checks to evade missile attacks) (1), Armor I (+4) (1), Artificial Intelligence (vehicle’s AI can operate all systems with skill level of d10 in these tasks, but is an “Extra” and does not receive a Wild Die. The AI does not suffer from multi-action penalties if given simultaneous tasks. In combat, the AI acts on the operater’s Action Card. Giving the AI a short verbal command is a free action. AI can also give Support) (1), Atmospheric (the ship to enter planetary atmospheres. This includes heat shielding and additional work to handle the stress and strain of entry. Has VTOL take-off and landing capability with reinforced landing struts) (3),  Electromagnetic Shielding (Adds +12 to the vehicle’s effective Toughness from EMP missiles; see SFC p. 25) (2), Forward Fixed and Linked Weapon Mount (1), 4 Fixed Missile Launcher (each launcher allows up to four Light or two Heavy missiles to be fired at once) (4) with internal Storage for 24 light and 24 heavy missiles (5), Life Support, Short Term (3 days a supplies with an additional 3 days of emgency) (+1), Reinforce Structure I (+2 Toughness) (2), Sensor Suite, Planetary (functions exactly like the Medium Sensor Suite SFC p. 16 but has a base range of 10K miles) (1), Speed IV (+400mph) (4), Targeting System (ignore 4 range penalties) (1)</br>
:'''Mods''' (0 remaining) - AMCM (Anti-Missile Counter Measures. Add +2 to ''Electronics'' or ''Hacking'' checks to evade missile attacks) (1), Armor I (AP+4) (1), Artificial Intelligence (vehicle’s AI can operate all systems with skill level of d10 in these tasks, but is an “Extra” and does not receive a Wild Die. The AI does not suffer from multi-action penalties if given simultaneous tasks. In combat, the AI acts on the operater’s Action Card. Giving the AI a short verbal command is a free action. AI can also give Support) (1), Atmospheric (the ship to enter planetary atmosphere) (3),  Electromagnetic Shielding (Adds +12 to the vehicle’s effective Toughness from EMP missiles) (2), Forward Fixed and Linked Weapon Mount (1), Life Support, Short Term (6 days a supplies with an additional 6 days of emgency) (1), Reinforce Structure I (Tough +4) (2), Sensor Suite, Planetary (base range of 10K miles) (1), Speed VI (+600mph) (6), Targeting System (ignore 4 range penalties) (1)</br>
:Twin Linked Medium Laser Cannon: Range 800/1,600/3,200 (space 8/16/32), Damage 3d10+2, AP 10, ROF 1, Shots 100 (cost one Energy Point to recharge)
::Twin Linked Medium Laser Cannon: Range 800/1,600/3,200 (space 8/16/32), Damage 3d10+2, AP 10, HW, ROF 1, Shots 100 (''Laser cannon linked guns can be recharged with 4 energy point'')
:Four Forward Mounted Missile Launchers: Range 1,000/2,000/4,000 (space 10/20/40). By Missile Type. ''Light Missiles'' - Damage 5d6, AP 6, Small Burst Template; ''Heavy Missiles'' - Damage 8d6, AP 12, Medium Burst Template
::Four Forward Mounted Missile Launchers: Range 1,000/2,000/4,000 (space 10/20/40). By Missile Type. ''Light Missiles'' - Damage 5d6, AP 6, Small Burst Template; ''Heavy Missiles'' - Damage 8d6, AP 12, Medium Burst Template (both HW)
===Intersteller Craft===
===Intersteller Craft===
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'''UTRPF X223A 'Victorious' ''Templar''-Class Light Cruiser'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/367395282075406283/]: This light cuirser is the standard UTRPF troop transport and fighting vessel of the Navy, crewed almost initerly by synner personal. Marine troopers and the crew are fairly crammed in as the ship is stuffed with the Shuttlewarp drive, extra gear and equipment, engines, life support, etc. The standard navy crew of 10 and up to 30 marines. Human officers generally spend their time in statis (an extra for emergencies), leaving the Synners the run of the place. The vessel tends to carry two MVII 'Warthog' ATAPC, two Alex-Martin KM4 Heavy Dropships and two UTRPF 'Katana'-Class Space Interspetor in it dual Hanger bays and the same amount of each in storage (takes on average 2 days per Size of the vessel to ready them)</br>
'''UTRPF X223A 'Victorious' ''Templar''-Class Light Cruiser'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/367395282075406283/]: This light cuirser is the standard UTRPF troop transport and fighting vessel of the Navy, crewed almost initerly by synner personal. Marine troopers and the crew are fairly crammed in as the ship is stuffed with the Shuttlewarp drive, extra gear and equipment, engines, life support, etc. The standard navy crew of 10 and up to 30 marines. Human officers generally spend their time in statis (an extra for emergencies), leaving the Synners the run of the place. The vessel tends to carry two MVII 'Warthog' ATAPC, two Alex-Martin KM4 Heavy Dropships and two UTRPF 'Katana'-Class Space Interspetor in it dual Hanger bays and the same amount of each in storage (takes on average 2 days per Size of the vessel to ready them)</br>
'''Size''' 24 -Garganturan, '''TS''' 5,  '''Handling''' -2, '''Toughness''' 66 (19), '''Wounds*''' +6, '''Crew'''  10+30, '''Energy''' 600
'''Size''' 24 -Garganturan, '''TS''' 5,  '''Handling''' -2, '''Toughness''' 66 (19), '''Wounds*''' +6, '''Crew'''  10+30, '''Energy''' 600, '''Mods''' (13 remeaining; used to store extra gear, spare parts and vehicles) - AMCM (Anti-Missile Counter Measures are integrated jammers and decoys. They add +2 to ''Piloting'' or ''Electronics'' checks to evade missile attacks) (1), Armor I (+4) (2), Artificial Intelligence (ship’s AI can operate all systems— from locomotion to weapons to opening or closing hatches. It has a skill level of d10 in these tasks, but is an “Extra” and does not receive a Wild Die. The AI does not suffer from multi-action penalties if given simultaneous tasks. In combat, the AI acts on the captain’s Action. Giving the AI a short verbal command is a free action. Can also make Support checks) (1),  Electromagnetic Shielding (Adds +6 to the vehicle’s effective Toughness from EMP missiles) (6), Energy Reserves (+300 energy points (6), Fewer Crew (160 less crew due to advanced automation and almost no passenger space) (+40), Fixed Mounted Weapons Systems (5),  Hangers (two internal hangers; can carry a total of twenty size 6 or ten size 8 vessels or vehicles, eight size 10 vessels or four size 12 vessels. Includes tools for replair and maintance of the vessels) (28), Life Support (30 days for standard and 30 days of emgency crew and passengers of fourty; 1.2000 days of supply, and emgency supplies), Linked Weapon Systems (6), Reinforced Structure (+2) (6), Sensor Suite, Galactic (Light, chemical, motion, and other active sensors allow detection of targets up to one light year away with a ''Electronics'' check. Sensors can also detect Shuttlewarp Drive warping out to 5 lightyears with a check, +2 within 1 lightyears; or -2 out to 10 lightyears. Can also aid ''Science'' rolls for planetary data when in orbit. Within 10K miles, the sensors add +2 to the roll. Illumination penalties are ignored. Targets don’t have to be in direct line of sight, but asteroid or powerful energy fields may cause inaccurate or false readings) (2), Shuttlewarp Drive VI (Drive Speed 6, can travel 0.3 lightyears a day. Uses 36 energy per week spent in hyperspace) (36), Speed (+2) (12), Statis Field Sleeping Pods (20 pods, uses 1 energy per month of operation) (1), Stored for 20 light torpedos and 10 heavy torpedos (5), Targeting System (negates 4 range penalties) (1), Torpode Launchers 2 (2)</br>
:'''Mods''' (13 remeaining; used to store extra gear, spare parts and vehicles) - AMCM (Anti-Missile Counter Measures. Add +2 to ''Piloting'' or ''Electronics'' or ''Hacking'' to avoid missile attacks) (1), Armor I (+4) (2), Artificial Intelligence (ship’s AI can operate all systems— from locomotion to weapons to opening or closing hatches. It has a skill level of d10 in these tasks, but is an “Extra” and does not receive a Wild Die. The AI does not suffer from multi-action penalties if given simultaneous tasks. In combat, the AI acts on the captain’s Action. Giving the AI a short verbal command is a free action. Can also make Support checks) (1),  Electromagnetic Shielding (Adds +6 to the vehicle’s effective Toughness from EMP missiles) (6), Energy Reserves I (+300 energy points (6), Fewer Crew (160 less crew due to advanced automation and almost no passenger space) (+40), Fixed Mounted Weapons Systems (5),  Hangers (two internal hangers; can carry a total of twenty size 6 or ten size 8 vessels or vehicles, eight size 10 vessels or four size 12 vessels. Includes tools for replair and maintance of the vessels) (28), Life Support (30 days for standard and 30 days of emgency crew and passengers of fourty; 1.2000 days of supply, and emgency supplies), Linked Weapon Systems (6), Reinforced Structure (+2) (6), Sensor Suite, Galactic (base range 1 lightyear away; +2 rolls within 10K miles) (2), Shuttlewarp Drive III (Drive Speed 3, can travel 0.15 lightyears a day. Uses 36 energy per week spent in hyperspace) (36), Speed II (+2) (12), Statis Field Sleeping Pods (20 pods, uses 1 energy per month of operation) (1), Stored for 20 light torpedos and 10 heavy torpedos (5), Targeting System (negates 4 range penalties) (1), Torpode Launchers 2 (2)</br>
:Four (one each Arc) Duel Linked Fix Light Auto-Cannon Defense Guns: Range 1*, Damage 2d12+2, AP 4, ROF 4, Shoots 200, Reaction Fire  
::Four (one each Arc) Duel Linked Fix Light Auto-Cannon Defense Guns: Range 1*, Damage 2d12+2, AP 4, ROF 4, Shoots 200, Reaction Fire  
:Turreted Duel Linked Heavy Laser Cannon: Range 8/16/32, Damage 4d10+2, AP 15, ROF 1, Shots 100  
::Turreted Duel Linked Heavy Laser Cannon: Range 8/16/32, Damage 4d10+2, AP 15, ROF 1, Shots 100 (''Laser cannon linked guns can be recharged with 4 energy point'')
:Forward Fixed Heavy Mass Driver: Range 10/20/40, Damage 9d10, AP 0, ROF 1, Shots 15  
::Forward Fixed Heavy Mass Driver: Range 10/20/40, Damage 9d10, AP 0, ROF 1, Shots 15  
:Two Forward Fixed Torbedo Launcher: Rabge 12/24/48, Damage by Torpedo Type, ROF 1, Light Torpedo Damage 5d12, AP 50, AOE 1; Heavy Torpedo Damage 8d12, AP 50, AOE 1  
::Two Forward Torbedo Launcher: Rabge 12/24/48, Damage by Torpedo Type, ROF 1, Light Torpedo Damage 5d12, AP 50, AOE 1; Heavy Torpedo Damage 8d12, AP 50, AOE 1  
'''UTS LA13 ''Icarus''-Class Transport'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/87890630218233813/visual-search/]: This is a standard UT Colony Ship that can transport up too 6,000 colonist in statis. The vessel carries four civilian large shuttles landers to transport the pasengers when they wake up down a planet. The crew of 40 only needs 10 'awake' at a time and they take turns with two days 'awake' and six days asleep in statis.</br>
'''Size''' 40 -Levathan, '''TS''' 2, '''Handling''' -4, '''Toughness''' 80 (25), '''Wounds*''' +10, '''Crew''' 40, '''Energy''' 4,000
:'''Mods''' (29 remaining; used to carry serveral ktons of supplies to support the new cononist) - Energy Reserve (+3,200 energy points) (40), Fewer Crew (advanced automatic and space for extra Statis Pods -900 less) (+240), Hangers (two internal hangers; can carry a total of twenty size 6 or ten size 8 vessels or vehicles, eight size 10 vessels or four size 12 vessels. Includes tools for replair and maintance of the vessels) (28), Life Support (30 days for standard and 30 days of emgency crew and passengers of fourty; or 1,200 days of supply, and emgency supplies), Sensor Suite, Planetary (functions exactly like the Sensor Suite (base range of 10K miles) (1), Shuttlewarp Drive II (Drive Speed 2, can travel at 0.05 lightyears a day. Uses 80 energy per week of in hyperspace) (40), Statis Field Sleeping Pods 302 (6,040 pods, uses 302 energy per month of operation) (302)
===Isler Field Sickness===
<font size=1>[https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/SWADE.SF.Bughunters Back to the Top]</font size></br>
Normal Huamans require a Vigor check even with a short time exposer to a Shuttlewarp field (within 1d8 minutes!). Failure of this check causes nausea in the person or one level of ''Fatigue'' (takes 12 hours outside an active Shuttlewarp field to recover. Cannot while Shuttlewarp is active). A Critical Failure on this check requires a roll on the '''''Isler Field Sickness Chart''''' below.
A Synner can suffer these affects after a week but they gain +4 to their Vigor roll (see Jump Acclimation above under New Edges) and suffer the affects as a Critical Fumble as above but this roll on rhw chart is at -4 on the result.
'''UTS LA13 'Icarus' ''Alpha Colony''-Class Transport'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/87890630218233813/visual-search/]: This is a standard UT Colony Ship that can transport up too 6,000 colonist in statis. The vessel carries four civilian large shuttles landers to transport the pasengers when they wake up down a planet. The crew of 40 only needs 10 'awake' at a time and they take turns with two days 'awake' and six days asleep in statis.</br>
'''Size''' 40 -Levathan, '''TS''' 2, '''Handling''' -4, '''Toughness''' 80 (25), '''Wounds*''' +10, '''Crew''' 40, '''Energy''' 4,000, '''Mods''' (29 remaining; used to carry serveral ktons of supplies to support the new cononist) - Energy Reserve (+3,200 energy points) (40), Fewer Crew (advanced automatic and space for extra Statis Pods -900 less) (+240), Hangers (two internal hangers; can carry a total of twenty size 6 or ten size 8 vessels or vehicles, eight size 10 vessels or four size 12 vessels. Includes tools for replair and maintance of the vessels) (28), Life Support (30 days for standard and 30 days of emgency crew and passengers of fourty; or 1,200 days of supply, and emgency supplies), Sensor Suite, Planetary (functions exactly like the Sensor Suite (SFC p. 16 using skill ''Electronics'' or ''Science'') but has a range of 10K miles. It can also detect Shuttlewarp Drive at 1 lghtyear away) (1), Shuttlewarp Drive IV (Drive Speed 4, can travel at 0.1 lightyear a day. Uses 80 energy per week of in hyperspace) (40), Statis Field Sleeping Pods 302 (6,040 pods, uses 302 energy per month of operation) (302)
After spending a 24 hours in an Shuttlewarp field regular humans requires another Vigor roll as above and a Spirits check. Failure of the Vigor roll causes the nausea or one level of ''Fatigue'' (as above and is cumlative). Failing the Spirits check cause mild delusions or hallucinations which cause ''Distraction'' and ''Vulnerable'' (SWADE pg. 100) to the subject. A Critical Fumble roll on either check requires a roll on the '''''Isler Field Sickness Chart''''' below. Each time additional time one must make a roll on this chart their is also a cumlative +1 to the rolls result. 
====Isler Field Sickness====
Normal Huamans require a Vigor check even with a short time exposer to a Shuttlewarp field. Failure of this check causes nausea in the person or one level of 'Fatigue'' (takes 12 hours outside an active Shuttlewarp field to recover. Cannot while Shuttlewarp is active). A Critical Failure on this check requires a roll on the '''''Isler Field Sickness Chart''''' below.
For every day after that requires an additional seperate Vigor and Spirits but now with a cumulative -1 penalty for every 24 hours after the first spent in an active Shuttlwarp field. Any Incapacitation from Fatigue does not cause death BUT a normal human must continue to make these checks every 24 hours they are exposed to the field as they suffer can suffer from the '''''Isler Field Sickness Chart'''''.  
A Synner can suffer these affects after a week but they gain +4 to their Vigor roll (see Jump X) and even a Critical Fumble on this roll does not result in a roll on the sickness chart (but see below).
Synners need these rolls after spending one additional week within an active Shuttlewarp field, and the affects are cumulative as above. But again they still start with a +4 bonus to both checks. Critical Fumble on either of these checks requires a roll on the '''''Isler Field Sickness Chart''''' below. As with normally additional rolls on that chart have a cumulative +1 to the results (but again Synners start with a -4 on the chart results).
After spending a 24 hours in an Shuttlewarp field the subject requires another Vigor roll as above and a Spirits check. Failure of the Vigor roll causes the nausea or one level of ''Fatigue'' (as above and is cumlative). Failing the Spirits check cause mild delusions or hallucinations which cause ''Distraction'' and ''Vulnerable'' (SWADE pg. 100)to the subject. A Critical Fumble roll on either check requires a roll on the '''''Isler Field Sickness Chart''''' below.  
The edge Strong Will helps against both the Vigor and Spirits checks to resist the affects Isler Field Sickness. If taken by a Synner the affects stack (so a base +6 starting to resist) but normal Humans also benifit somewhat with this edge.
For each 24 hours after that requires an additional seperate Vigor and Spirits but now with a cumulative -1 penalty for every 24 hours after the first spent in an active Shuttlwarp field. Any Incapacitation from Fatigue does not cause death BUT a normal human must continue to make these checks every 24 hours they are exposed to the field.  
This is why most Humans (and occasionally Synners) spent the entire  Shuttlewarp trips in a ''Statis Field Sleeping Pods'' (see new SPC mods above). Time spent within these pods provides full immunity to all effects of normal Isler Field Sickness.
Synners need these rolls after spending one additional week within an active Shuttlewarp field, and the affects are cumulative as above. But again they still start with a +4 bonus to both checks. Also they only need to roll on the '''''Isler Field Sickness Chart''''' below if they failed any two checks with a Critical Fumble (keep track for different types).
This is why most Humans (and occasionally Synners) spent Shuttlewarp trips in a XX. Time spent in these pods provides full immunity to '''Isler Field Sickness'''
'''Isler Field Sickness Chart'''
{| class="wikitable" border="0"
| '''1d20''' || '''Results'''
| 1 || xx
<font size=1>[https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/SWADE.SF.Bughunters Back to the Top]</font size></br>
''"Do you know why people hate rats and  roaches? It's a sort of professional competition. The three toughest creatures in existence, the three species that survive even in the wreckage of a holocaust, are cockroaches , rats, and humans. And we 'synners' are the toughest and most despised of them."'' </br>
''"Do you know why people hate rats and  roaches? It's a sort of professional competition. The three toughest creatures in existence, the three species that survive even in the wreckage of a holocaust, are cockroaches , rats, and humans. And we 'synners' are the toughest and most despised of them."'' </br>
- Drill Sergeant Andros Owens, Synthetic Human, United Terra Reconnaissance and Peacekeeping Force (UTRPF)  
- Drill Sergeant Andros Owens, Synthetic Human, United Terra Reconnaissance and Peacekeeping Force (UTRPF)  
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Conglomerated Amalgamated ("ConAm") Mining Industrial
Conglomerated Amalgamated ("ConAm") Mining Industrial
Interstellar Genetic Technologies
Intersteller Genetic Technologies
Cobalt Computer Systems
Cobalt Compture Systems
Biomedical Initiative
Biomedical Initiative
Maxwell Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Maxwell Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Velara Corp
Talyon Cartel Group
Mercer-Glass Mining Consortium
<font size=1>[https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/SWADE.SF.Bughunters Back to the Top]</font size></br>
These creatures have been encountered by the UTRPF soldiers multiple times and in many cases different star system. The Top Brass has been very hush-hush about this but as many of the creatures are inorganic in nature, most troopers believe that there maybe some unknown intelligence somewhere hidden from view and unleashing these monsters throughout Known Space.These are some of the more well known by the troops.
These creatures have been encountered by the UTRPF soldiers multiple times and in many cases different star system. The Top Brass has been very hush-hush about this but as many of the creatures are inorganic in nature, most troopers believe that there maybe some unknown intelligence somewhere hidden from view and unleashing these monsters throughout Known Space.These are some of the more well known by the troops.
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'''Ghouls'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/8936899249199618/visual-search/] or [https://www.artstation.com/artwork/w6qo1O]: are humanoid cybernetic monstrisities that stand well over 7 feet all and have two or four 'arms' each fitteld with a deadly melee or ranged energy projector. They have been encountered by UTRPF troopers are lease recorded three times in three seperate star ships. They are nicknamed Ghouls as the drag off the dead of both there own falling fellows and their vitcims.
'''Ghouls'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/8936899249199618/visual-search/] or [https://www.artstation.com/artwork/w6qo1O]: are humanoid cybernetic monstrisities that stand well over 7 feet all and have two or four 'arms' each fitteld with a deadly melee or ranged energy projector. They have been encountered by UTRPF troopers are lease recorded three times in three seperate star ships. They are nicknamed Ghouls as the drag off the dead of both there own falling fellows and their vitcims.
'''Hell Hornets'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/342906959128493010/visual-search/]: These flying insect like creatures give off an increadably loud buzzing noise when they are excited (or attacking). The implant their embroy's into living hosts through their stringer. If not removed the hatched young bore through the host causing massing blood and tissue last and killing most. They have only been offically sighted on Acee-Two but there are uncomfirmed reports of sightings on other worlds.
'''Hell Hornts'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/342906959128493010/visual-search/]: These flying insect like creatures give off an increadably loud buzzing noise when they are excited (or attacking). The implant their embroy's into living hosts through their stringer. If not removed the hatched young bore through the host causing massing blood and tissue last and killing most. They have only been offically sighted on Acee-Two but there are uncomfirmed reports of sightings on other worlds.
'''Hunter-Stalkers'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/731342426999399327/visual-search/]: an inorganic wolf like thing that will patiently stalk prey for days without making its presence know, only to attack when its victums are most vulnerable. There bodies are armored and resistance to even APHE rounds.
'''Hunter-Stalkers'''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/731342426999399327/visual-search/]: an inorganic wolf like thing that will patiently stalk prey for days without making its presence know, only to attack when its victums are most vulnerable. There bodies are armored and resistance to even APHE rounds.

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