Editing Savage X-COM: New Edges

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Requirements: Novice, Fighting d8+<br>
Requirements: Novice, Fighting d8+<br>
You have a natural talent for turning overwhelming force into overwhelming damage. You add half your gang-up bonus (round down) to damage for melee attacks<br>
You have a natural talent for turning overwhelming force into overwhelming damage. You add half your gang-up bonus (round down) to damage for melee attacks<br>
Requirements: Novice, Shooting or Athletics d6+<br>
Requirements: Novice, Shooting or Athletics d6+<br>
You do wonderful, horrible things with flamethrowers. You deal +2 damage with any weapons that deal fire damage, and increase the chance of targets catching fire or spreading fire by 1 on 1d6 (so, for example, a target hit by your Molotov cocktails takes 1d10+2 damage, and they catch fire or spread that fire on a 2+ on a d6 rather than on a 3+).<br>
You do wonderful, horrible things with flamethrowers. You deal +2 damage with any weapons that deal fire damage, and increase the chance of targets catching fire or spreading fire by 1 on 1d6 (so, for example, a target hit by your Molotov cocktails takes 1d10+2 damage, and they catch fire or spread that fire on a 2+ on a d6 rather than on a 3+).<br>
'''Improved Rock and Roll<br>'''
Requirements: Veteran, Rock and Roll<br>
You gain the benefits of Rock and Roll when moving, but not when running.<br>
'''Rapid Reload'''<br>
Requirements: Novice, Shooting d6+<br>
The operative reduces the Reload value of a ranged weapon by 1. Weapons with Reload 1 may be reloaded as a free action with this Edge. A character with this Edge may use Rapid Shot with a weapon if its Reload value has been reduced to a free action.<br>
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This operator has learned how to deal with alien armor, and has an eye for gauging the weak points in their structure, which requires a natural knack at close combat and eye for details. When attacking with a melee weapon, they add 1 to the AP value of their weapon. If they get a raise, they add 2 instead.<br>
This operator has learned how to deal with alien armor, and has an eye for gauging the weak points in their structure, which requires a natural knack at close combat and eye for details. When attacking with a melee weapon, they add 1 to the AP value of their weapon. If they get a raise, they add 2 instead.<br>
==Leadership Edges==
==Leadership Edges==
'''A Few Good Men'''<br>
'''A Few Good Men'''<br>
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Some commanders have an intuitive grasp of strategy and tactics. They also have a keen insight into the minds of their enemies and can easily outmaneuver and outfight more mediocre opponents. Characters with the Art of War Edge are the ones whose quotations end up in the history books. Your character adds +2 to Battle rolls during Mass Battles.<br>
Some commanders have an intuitive grasp of strategy and tactics. They also have a keen insight into the minds of their enemies and can easily outmaneuver and outfight more mediocre opponents. Characters with the Art of War Edge are the ones whose quotations end up in the history books. Your character adds +2 to Battle rolls during Mass Battles.<br>
'''Before Dishonor'''<br>
Before Dishonor<br>
Requirements: Veteran, Battle d10+, Command, Hold the Line, Rank<br>
Requirements: Veteran, Battle d10+, Command, Hold the Line, Rank<br>
The character has led his army to many victories and the men have come to abhor retreat as a stain on their honor. He adds +2 to Spirit rolls when rolling for his troops’ Morale in a Mass Battle<br>
The character has led his army to many victories and the men have come to abhor retreat as a stain on their honor. He adds +2 to Spirit rolls when rolling for his troops’ Morale in a Mass Battle<br>
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The officer has an uncanny knack for knowing when to attack and when to hold back with his troops. Once per Mass Battle, during the Battle Roll Phase, the character may declare a total attack. He must do this before he rolls his Battle die. If he succeeds on his roll and beats his opponent, his enemy loses twice as many tokens.<br>
The officer has an uncanny knack for knowing when to attack and when to hold back with his troops. Once per Mass Battle, during the Battle Roll Phase, the character may declare a total attack. He must do this before he rolls his Battle die. If he succeeds on his roll and beats his opponent, his enemy loses twice as many tokens.<br>
'''Rank (NCO or Officer)'''<br>
'''Rank (NCO or Officer)'''
Requirements: Novice, Smarts d6+<br>
Requirements: Novice, Smarts d6+<br>
Noncommissioned officers and regular officers get to order subordinates around; but are also the ones held responsible for the success or failure of their men and their mission. They know the thrill of watching a plan come together, and the agony of watching one fall apart.<br>
Noncommissioned officers (sergeants and higher) and regular officers (lieutenants and higher) get to order subordinates around; but are also the ones held responsible for the success or failure of their men and their mission. They know the thrill of watching a plan come together, and the agony of watching one fall apart.<br>
While new transfers to X-COM maintain any previous rank they had, that does not typically result in the equivalent authority within X-COM. X-COM commanders put together squads and assign leadership based on their own judgement and the performance of the X-COM operatives (though commissioned officers typically come in as COs). As a relatively new organization, X-COM is still working of bulking up its own internal officers and traditions.<br>
The rank edge represents X-COM operatives who have been tagged for permanent command positions within the Extraterrestrial Combat Unit, and promoted within the organization.<br>
In X-COM, the Rank Edge allows NCOs and officers to command others, but this is a double-edged sword that grants few benefits. To compensate, characters that purchase this Edge get an additional benefit as well. (Non-player characters and those who achieve the rank during play do not get these additional abilities.)<br>
NCOs are the backbone of their units, and must be tougher, stronger, and more resilient than those they lead. Noncoms with the Rank (NCO) Edge add +1 to their base Toughness to reflect their hard-bitten nature.<br>
NCOs are the backbone of their units, and must be tougher, stronger, and more resilient than those they lead. Noncoms with the Rank (NCO) Edge add +1 to their base Toughness to reflect their hard-bitten nature.<br>
Commissioned officers are there to inspire and lead and should definitely concentrate on Leadership Edges as they advance. To help them get there, officers gain an additional benny per game session, that can only be spent to benefit a character under their command (IE, they can use it to allow another character to reroll their skills or make a soak check). Further promotions within X-COM's structure will grant extra bennies to use.<br>
The character’s military rank becomes Sergeant. Further promotions must be earned through play.<br>
Tactical Command: Note that though NCOs and officers may give the orders, tactical control of Extras should still be split up among the players as usual. This ensures everyone gets to play and doesn’t overburden one or two players while the rest slowly wait for their turn. Remember that this is still Savage Worlds, and the action should still be fast and furious.<br>
Commissioned officers are there to inspire and lead and should definitely concentrate on Leadership Edges as they advance. To help them get there, officers gain an additional benny per game session, that can only be spent to benefit a character under their command (IE, they can use it to allow another character to reroll their skills or make a soak check).<br>
==Professional Edges==
Upon taking this Edge, the character’s military rank becomes Lieutenant. Further promotions have to be earned through play. For each rank they obtain beyond Lieutenant, they gain an additional benny to use on their subordinates (IE, a Captain has two, a Major has three, etc.)<br>
Requirements: Novice, Smarts d6+, Academics d6+<br>
Dealing with government services and bureaucracies is always a labyrinthine nightmare, even for the most experience of soldiers. However, the skills of an expert in dealing with bureaucracies are still greatly sought. A character with this edge gains a +2 bonus to Research rolls when interacting with archives in the course of dealing with a bureaucracy (filling out paperwork, dealing with red tape, completing a process, among others), as well as to Academics and Persuasion rolls when dealing with humans in the course of completing a bureaucratic requirement.<br>
Requirements: Novice, Agility d6+, Smarts d6+, Spirit d6+, Strength d8+, Vigor d8+, Fighting d6+, Shooting d6+, Stealth d8+<br>
Commandos tackle the toughest missions on the front, but often operate behind enemy lines with little chance of coming home. They are almost always outnumbered and outgunned so they need to be mentally sharp to stay ahead of the enemy. Commandos add +2 to all Fatigue rolls made against environmental hazards (including cold and heat), sleep deprivation, foot marches, and +2 to all Survival rolls. As much of their work involves getting close to their targets for a silent takedown, they receive a +1 to Stealth rolls and a +1 to Pace. All of these bonuses are cumulative with those derived from other Edges.<br>
'''Crowd Control Specialist'''<br>
Requirement: Novice, Spirit d6<br>
Some X-COM personnel have shown an excellence in dealing with panicked or unruly crowds .A character with this edge can ignore the first 2 points worth of penalties resulting from panicked civilians. They also receive a +1 bonus to all rolls attempting to disperse, control, or calm said panicked civilians.<br>
'''Demo Man'''<br>
Requirements: Novice, Repair d6+<br>
This maniac is intimately familiar with all sorts of explosives, detonators, and booby-traps. He adds +2 to all rolls made to set, disarm, or improvise explosives and booby-traps (but not Notice them). They also increase the damage of planted explosives by one die type, and add +1 damage for each extra charge added. <br>
Requirements: Novice, Smarts d6+, Strength d6+, Vigor d8+, Repair d6+, Athletics d6+<br>
Navy frogmen are highly skilled, tough, and motivated. Their primary job is underwater demolitions. Whether their targets are beach obstacles, mines, or enemy ships, frogmen can defuse, remove, or blow them sky high. When supporting beach landings, they make maps, do hydrographic surveys, and prepare obstacles for demolition so that the beach is clear as possible for the main landing force. They may also find themselves planting explosives on ships at anchor in enemy harbors. Their training is as rigorous as any commando. Athletics rolls for swimming for frogmen are made at +2, and their general Pace is improved by +1. They also gain a +1 to all rolls to set, disarm or improvise explosives and booby traps. These bonuses are cumulative with those offered by other Edges. Creatures with the Aquatic special ability do not get their +2 attack bonus against Frogmen.<br>
'''K9 Handler'''<br>
Requirements: Spirit d6+<br>
The Operator has access to a special forces dog. The K9 companion will be treated as an extra character and will level up when the Operator does. See the NPC section for K9 starting stats and gear.<br>
'''Mechanically Inclined'''<br>
Requirements: Novice, Smarts d6+, Repair d6+<br>
Modern warfare relies on technology. The side that can get the most out of its equipment may have a decisive advantage in battle. You intend to see to it that the winning side is your side. Your character is good with mechanical and electronic devices, and can more easily figure out how to use and repair them. He or she gets a +2 bonus to Remote Operation, Knowledge or Repair rolls required to use, design, troubleshoot, or repair such devices (engines, radio sets, encryption devices, electrical and hydraulic systems, machinery, etc.). When a drone under their command is destroyed, the drone can make a vigor check at -2 to just be critically damaged instead.<br>
Requirements: Vigor d6, Athletics d6, Survival d6<br>
A skilled climber, you are proficient in all forms of free and harnesses mountain ascent. The mountaineer is at home among the craggy peaks and gets +2 to climbing and survival rolls in wilderness regions.  In addition, the mountaineer can ignore any fatigue rolls to avoid altitude sickness.<br>
Requirements: Seasoned, Smarts d8+<br>
The TUUVC allows drone operators to sync up with and control one drone, since most operators can only focus on one at a time. Sufficiently smart and clever operators can rig these controllers to sync up with two drones, and focus on both at the same time. This edge allows operators to control two drones with the TUUVC, though the second drone takes a -1 to its actions.<br>
Requirements: Novice, Vigor d6+, Survival: d6+<br>
Your rough upbringing has taught you how to survive on your own. You can ignore two points of penalties caused by an environmental condition (heat, cold, radiation, etc.)<br>
==Social Edges==
'''Band of Siblings'''<br>
Requirements: Wild Card, Veteran<br>
This group of soldiers has been to Hell and back together. That kind of bond hardens women, and makes them able to better withstand wounds that might otherwise have put them out of action. Gain +1 Toughness for each other team mate with this ability within 6”, to a maximum of +4. If four heroes with the Edge fight together, for instance, they each gain +3 Toughness. <br>
'''I Know a Guy'''<br>
Requirements: Novice, Persuasion d6+, Charismatic<br>
Some people seem to know someone everywhere they go. The contact may not be the most amazingly helpful person— they may even hate the hero for some past slight or money owed. The person known may be well-placed in an organization or just as easily homeless and only know a few possibly helpful rumors. The point is, however, almost anywhere he goes, the hero seems to know someone, and that person usually at least knows something of value or can contact some helpful folks.<br>
Once per session, the player can invoke this Edge to effectively have the Connections Edge with any person or group. Use the rules for Connections to determine if the contact can be reached, and if he will help in any way. If the attempt to contact a particular person fails, the once-per-session use of this Edge is not used up; failures on the Persuasion check to get help still trigger that session’s use of the Edge.<br>
Tactical Command: Note that though NCOs and officers may give the orders, tactical control of Extras should still be split up among the players as usual. This ensures everyone gets to play and doesn’t overburden one or two players while the rest slowly wait for their turn. Remember that this is still Savage Worlds, and the action should still be fast and furious.<br>
==Weird Edges==
Requirements: Spirit d8<br>
Your hero is prone to sudden flashes of insight. You may spend a benny and make a Spirit roll; if successful, you may ask the GM a single, simple question which your character might theoretically know the answer to. The GM must either give you a simple (no more than one sentence) answer or return your benny.<br>

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