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'''Agility''' is 10 plus the character's stealth, acrobatics, quickness or flying ability level, whichever is greater. If the character does not have one of those abilities, his agility is 10. Agility is the difficulty of ''normal'' attacks which should be physically avoided or blocked. If a character has 2 levels of acrobatics and 3 levels of quickness, then his agility is 13. If he is targeted by a normal attack and the attacker's roll is 13 or more, then attack is successful. (If the roll is 12 or less the attack fails fails.)
'''Agility''' is 10 plus the character's stealth, acrobatics, quickness or flying ability level, whichever is greater. Agility is the difficulty of ''normal'' attacks which should be physically avoided or blocked. If a character has 2 levels of acrobatics and 3 levels of quickness, then his agility is 13. If he is targeted by a normal attack and the attacker's roll is 13 or more, then attack is successful. (If the roll is 12 or less the attack fails fails.)
'''Intelligence''' is 10 plus the character's detection, command, healing or craftsmanship ability level, whichever is greater. If the character does not have one of those abilities, his intelligence is 10. Intelligence is the difficulty of actions like deception, persuasion, intimidation, mind reading and mind control. These are called ''psychic'' attacks regardless of whether their power is psychological or supernatural.  
'''Intelligence''' is 10 plus the character's detection, command, healing or craftsmanship ability level, whichever is greater. Intelligence is the difficulty of actions like deception, persuasion, intimidation, mind reading and mind control. These are called ''psychic'' attacks regardless of whether their power is psychological or supernatural.  
'''Strength''' is 10 plus the character's wrestling or swimming ability level, whichever is greater. If the character does not have one of those abilities, his strength is 7 plus his toughness. This is the difficulty of ''force'' attacks that should be resisted physically, but not by moving out of the way or parrying the attack.
'''Strength''' is 7 plus the character's toughness, 10 plus the character's wrestling ability or 10 plus the character's swimming ability, whichever is greater. This is the difficulty of ''force'' attacks that should be resisted physically, but not by moving out of the way or parrying the attack.
Strength can be used to estimate how much weight a character can carry or lift.
Strength can be used to estimate how much weight a character can carry or lift.
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'''Engage''' is a bonus action which an attacker can use before a close range attack. The attacker adds 2 to his close range attack rolls until the end of his current turn, but the attacker's agility is reduced by 2 until the beginning of his next turn. Lowering the attacker's agility may encourage enemies to target the attacker instead of his allies.
'''Engage''' is a bonus action which an attacker can use before a close range attack. The attacker adds 2 to his close range attack rolls until the end of his current turn, but the attacker's agility is reduced by 2 until the beginning of his next turn. Lowering the attacker's agility may encourage enemies to target the attacker instead of his allies.
'''Take cover''' is a bonus action which a character can use before performing any other actions on his turn. A character can only take cover if there is some kind of cover, like a hill, a wall or a large box to hide behind. While the character is in cover, his agility is increased by 2, but he subtracts 2 from all of his rolls. The character can remain in cover as long as he wants and leave cover whenever he wants, but he cannot evade, use close range attacks, distract, surprise or intimidate from cover.
'''Take cover''' is a bonus action which an attacker can use before a long range attack. A character can only use this action if there is some kind of cover, like a hill, a wall or a large box to hide behind. The attacker subtracts 2 from his long range attack rolls until the end of his current turn, but the attacker's agility is increased by 2 until the beginning of his next turn.
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'''Toughness''' ability level is a character's maximum hit points. Characters without toughness may not perform actions during encounters. An average person without armor has 3 toughness. Less toughness could represent fragility or lack of determination. A child or elderly person might have only 2 toughness. More toughness could represent armor, endurance or size. A big person without armor or conditioning might have 4 toughness. The average horse could have 6 toughness, and the average elephant might have 10 toughness. Training and experience could give a character 1 or 2 more levels of toughness, and heavy armor might give a character 2 more levels of toughness, so a big, heavily armored veteran warrior could have 8 toughness.
'''Toughness''' ability level is a character's maximum hit points, and represents armor, size or other damage-resisting traits. Characters who are big, physically fit, armored or highly motivated usually have 4 or more toughness. A cop who stays in shape and wears light body armor would have at least 4 toughness while a large, highly trained, veteran medieval warrior in heavy body armor could have 8 toughness. A child or elderly person may have only 2 toughness. The average horse might have 6 toughness. A war elephant with light body armor would have at least 10 toughness. Some characters might have only 1 toughness because they are particularly fragile or because they are unmotivated and give up as soon as they are injured. Characters without toughness may not perform actions during encounters.
===Attack Abilities===
===Attack Abilities===
'''Shooting''' is used to perform a powerful long range normal attack against one character.  
'''Shooting''' is used to perform a powerful long range normal attack against one character. Make a shooting roll against the target's agility. If the attack is successful, it causes 2 damage. If the attack is automatically successful it causes 5 damage instead of 3 damage.
Shooting could represent guns, bows, throwing spears or powers that damage an enemy from a distance.
Make a shooting roll against the target's agility. If the attack is successful, it causes 2 damage.  
If the attack is automatically successful it causes 5 damage instead of 3 damage.
When an injured character uses this attack he delays himself until the end of his next turn.
When an injured character uses this attack he delays himself until the end of his next turn.
'''Blasting''' is used to attack multiple opponents simultaneously.  
'''Blasting''' is used to attack multiple opponents simultaneously. The blasting attack is a long range normal attack which targets up to three separate enemies. A character cannot target a single target more than once with the same blasting attack. Make a blasting roll against the agility of each target. Each target successfully attacked receives 1 damage.  
Blasting could represent explosive or spraying attacks like grenades, a submachine gun or breathing fire.
The blasting attack is a long range normal attack which targets up to three separate enemies.  
A character cannot target a single target more than once with the same blasting attack.  
Make a blasting roll against the agility of each target.  
Each target successfully attacked receives 1 damage.  
When an injured character uses this attack he delays himself until the end of his next turn.
When an injured character uses this attack he delays himself until the end of his next turn.
'''Knockout''' is used to perform an extremely devastating close range normal attack against a single target.
'''Knockout''' is used to perform an extremely devastating knockout attack.
Knockout could represent a powerful bludgeoning weapon, deadly assassination techniques, fast-acting venom or a very large character simply crushing his enemies.
This is a close range normal attack against a single target.
If the attacker is healthy, the attack causes 4 damage.  
If the attacker is healthy, the attack causes 4 damage. If the attacker is injured, it causes 2 damage.
If the attacker is injured, it causes 2 damage.
When a character does a knockout attack he delays himself until the end of his next turn.
When a character does a knockout attack he delays himself until the end of his next turn.
Knockout ability level can also be added to basic attack rolls if no other abilities have been added to them.
Knockout ability level can also be added to basic attack rolls if no other abilities have been added to them.
'''Fighting''' ability level can be used to make basic attack rolls.  
'''Fighting''' ability level can be used to make basic attack rolls. If the attacker is healthy he can do two basic attacks as a single action, using his fighting ability level for both rolls.
If the attacker is healthy he can do two basic attacks as a single action, using his fighting ability level for both rolls.
Fighting could represent prowess with swords, other close range weapons, natural weapons or powerful striking martial arts.
'''Wrestling''' ability level can be added to make basic attack and hold rolls.  
'''Wrestling''' ability level can be added to make basic attack and hold rolls. Holds using wrestling ability cause 1 damage when the attacker is healthy.
Holds using wrestling ability cause 1 damage when the attacker is healthy and not delayed.
Wrestling holds could represent chokes, locks and throws or a mixture of grappling and striking techniques.
Normally delayed characters cannot perform actions, but when a character with wrestling ability is healthy and delayed, he can use wrestling to hold a character who has successfully held him since his last turn. This hold while delayed causes no damage.
===Stalking Abilities===
===Stalking Abilities===
'''Stealth''' helps a character go first in combat by sneaking around.  
'''Stealth''' helps a character go first in combat by sneaking around. Add 2 times the character's stealth ability to initiative rolls. If a character has 3 levels of stealth ability and rolls 17 with his initiative die, then his initiative is 23 (17 plus 6.)
Stealth could represent camouflage, moving silently, hiding in shadows or slinking close to the ground.
Add 2 times the highest stealth ability level of any character in an initiative group to that group's initiative roll. If an initiative group has a character with 3 levels of stealth and another character with 1 level of stealth, add 6 to the group's initiative roll.
'''Detection''' helps a character go first in combat by detecting enemies who are sneaking around.  
'''Detection''' helps a character go first in combat by detecting enemies who are sneaking around. Add 10 times the character's detection ability to initiative rolls. If a character has 5 levels of detection ability and rolls 8 with his initiative die, then his initiative is 58 (8 plus 50.)
Detection could represent alertness, perception, keen senses or tracking skills.
Add 10 times the highest detection ability level of any character in an initiative group to that group's initiative roll. If an initiative group has a character with 5 levels of detection and another character with 3 levels of detection, add 50 to the group's initiative roll.
A character can use this ability to make hold rolls.
A character can use this ability to make hold rolls.
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'''Acrobatics''' is used to get up, across, or over three-dimensional structures and obstacles like ropes, nets, ledges, ladders, fences, trees and cliffs.
'''Acrobatics''' is used to get up, across, or over three-dimensional structures and obstacles like ropes, nets, ledges, ladders, fences, trees and cliffs.
Acrobatics could represent good balance, climbing, or jumping or an aptitude for maneuvering around obstacles. It can also represent using equipment which helps a character do those things.
'''Quickness''' is used for movement on relatively level ground.
'''Quickness''' is used for movement on relatively level ground.
Quickness could represent combat footwork, sprinting speed, or being able to keep moving without getting exhausted.
'''Flying''' is used to move through the air when there is room to fly. (There is usually room to fly outdoors but not indoors.) A character with no flying ability cannot fly, and cannot get flying ability without a good explanation for why he can fly now when he could not fly before.
'''Flying''' is used to move through the air when there is room to fly. (There is usually room to fly outdoors but not indoors.) A character with no flying ability cannot fly, and cannot get flying ability without a good explanation for why he can fly now when he could not fly before.
Flying could represent wings, a jetpack or other means of defying gravity.
When a flying character evades or uses a long range attack, he cannot be attacked with a close range attack until his next turn, unless the attacker can also fly.
When a flying character evades or uses a long range attack, he cannot be attacked with a close range attack until his next turn, unless the attacker can also fly.
'''Swimming''' is used to move in water. A character without this ability does not know how to swim.
'''Swimming''' is used to move in water. A character without this ability does not know how to swim. Most land-dwelling species can only develop one or two levels of swimming ability without special equipment.
One or two levels of swimming could represent trained human ability and natural talent.
Higher levels of the ability could represent special equipment for maneuvering in water (like fins) or a streamlined body more suited for swimming.
When a character is in water, add his swimming ability to his agility and close range attack rolls in addition to the ability levels normally added to agility and attack rolls.
When a character is in water, add his swimming ability to his agility and close range attack rolls in addition to the ability levels normally added to agility and attack rolls.
In deep water, characters who use swimming ability to evade cannot be attacked with long range attacks or characters who do not have swimming ability.
In deep water, characters who use swimming ability to evade cannot be attacked with long range attacks or characters who do not have swimming ability.
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===Support Abilities===
===Support Abilities===
'''Healing''' allows a character to try to revive incapacitated characters and heal injured characters.  
'''Healing''' allows a character to try to revive incapacitated characters and heal injured characters. A character cannot heal himself with this ability. The difficulty of reviving an incapacitated character is 10. The difficulty of healing an injured character is 10. After being successfully revived a character is still injured, and has only one hit point. After being successfully healed a character is barely healthy, with 1 hit point more than half of his maximum hit points (rounded down.)
Healing ability could represent emergency medicine training, fast-acting potions, or miraculous healing powers.
A character cannot heal himself with this ability. The difficulty of reviving an incapacitated character is 10. The difficulty of healing an injured character is 10. After being successfully revived a character is still injured, and has only one hit point. After being successfully healed a character is barely healthy, with 1 hit point more than half of his maximum hit points (rounded down.)
'''Craftsmanship''' is an ability which allows a character to maintain and improve his allies' equipment.  
'''Craftsmanship''' is an ability which allows a character to maintain and improve his allies' equipment. For each level of this ability, a character can give a traveling companion a temporary +1 bonus to an ability which is already at least level 1. He cannot give a second temporary bonus to an ability which has a temporary bonus from himself or someone else. The bonus lasts until he removes it or they are no longer traveling companions. He cannot remove or add bonuses during an encounter. He must make a success roll to add a temporary bonus in a hurry (usually difficulty 10.) If the roll fails he cannot use that temporary bonus until he is no longer in a hurry.
This ability could represent traditional crafts like woodcarving and blacksmithing mastery or high technology like auto mechanics, electrical engineering and robotics.
For each level of this ability, a character can give a traveling companion a temporary +1 bonus to an ability which is already at least level 1. He cannot give a second temporary bonus to an ability which has a temporary bonus from himself or someone else. The bonus lasts until he removes it or they are no longer traveling companions. He cannot remove or add bonuses during an encounter. He must make a success roll to add a temporary bonus in a hurry (usually difficulty 10.) If the roll fails he cannot use that temporary bonus until he is no longer in a hurry.
'''Command''' is an ability that provides a character with one or two minions.
'''Command''' is an ability that provides a character with one or two minions whose total ability level is no greater than the character's command ability level. These followers cannot have command ability. A character 4 command could have 1 minion with 4 total ability levels, 2 minions with 2 total ability levels each, or a minion with 1 toughness and another minion with 3 total ability levels. For example:
Command could represent charisma to attract followers, rank that provides you with underlings, or teaching ability and students.
The total CP of these minions is no greater than the character's command ability level, and they cannot have command ability.  
A character 4 command could have 1 minion with 4 total ability levels, 2 minions with 2 total ability levels each, or a minion with 1 toughness and another minion with 3 total ability levels. For example:

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