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"You should feel no conflict within yourself, you are my daughter and as such it is your destiny to rule. Alexis Viaticus and the rest of the corpse-grovelling fools sought only to restrain your power and ambition because they feared what you were capable, and rightly so for their puny empires of glass could never withstand your full might unleashed. I would be only too happy to answer all of your questions. Where shall I begin?"
"You should feel no conflict within yourself, you are my daughter and as such it is your destiny to rule. Alexis Viaticus and the rest of the corpse-grovelling fools sought only to restrain your power and ambition because they feared what you were capable, and rightly so for their puny empires of glass could never withstand your full might unleashed. I would be only too happy to answer all of your questions. Where shall I begin?"
Nodding at her father, Aeysha says, "Well I think starting with how you became the phenomenal warlord you are now, and how you managed to meet and romance my mother. Other than that, where ever you'd like to start..."
"That's a long story, but I suppose I have time to tell it. Of course, you'll know this all already by the time you get to this point the long way."
He takes his hands off the controls and just lets the ship drift.
"Where the beginning is depends on how much you know. I don't know if you know this, Aeysha, but I'm immortal. You will be too one day, in point of fact. So my story is a long one. You're aware I'm sure of the Horus Inadequacy, where the fool Horus failed to seize what was right in front of him. After that humiliating defeat most of what remained of the free humans retreated into the Eye, where the coward loyalists still feared to go. Some of us, however, stayed in Imperial space and made sure they knew their voidships were never safe. I spent millennia plying the void, fighting out of bitterness of the loss of our beautiful dream of a free mankind. Then one day, on a raid that could have been like any one of hundreds of thousands of similar raids I have conducted over my long life, I met your mother. She hated me at first, of course considering the context that's understandable. I was raiding the ship she was on. Actually when we met for the very first time I was cutting a man in half with a chain-sword. Not a man she knew well, but still not a favorable impression. She asked me to stop killing people so I did, which I don't think she really expected. We fell in love, but when she became pregnant with you I knew I had to leave. My presence would be too dangerous to the child. The galaxy has no place for the daughter of a Chaos Space Marine. So I decided to make one. All your life, Aeysha, I have been shaping this sector, preparing it to become the base of a new empire that will crush the Imperium of Man. And it's all for you my daughter. I did it all so that one day I might come back and give it all to you. Instead destiny brought you here even faster than I could have hoped for. Everything has gone exactly according to my plan from the very beginning."
Listening to his story, Aeysha listens in total silence, not wanting to spoil the moment, and listen about his exploits across the galaxy, how they met and the like. Things started to come into focus, especially the way her adopted father always looked at her rather uncertain, the fencing lessons, the extensive ancient history, and star ship toys for her. The looks, the slightly disappointing looks, and the unfortunate looks she got while at the boarding school before being singled out by the Inquisition, being pulled off to get her eyes burnt out. She wasn't immune to sentimentality, and as she keeps muddling over the facts of her history over and over, her eyes started to water, not having the tear ducts clear enough to properly cry. She tries to stifle it since it is not proper for a captain to cry, regardless from the source of it, but it was such a phenomenal blow to learn all of this from her father, knowing that he has no real reason to do so. She was silent for a long time there before saying, "I'm... actually glad that I was brought here and learned about my history, and my destiny in this sector. I wish to follow you to my destiny, though I am uncertain about the next step. I was brought into this sector after seeing the... Emperor's slight, which was horrible before being attached to an Imperial Guard unit fighting against some daemonic world just outside of the sector, Hildern that proved to be the death of a majority of my unit and our transport. I had to gather the men and managed to have us survive until another ship found us, taking us off towards this sector. I have one more question... was that your forces or some independent cult of heretics? It is just an event that shaped far too much of my current views on things, and I simply wish to know how much I need to reevaluate my morals." She comments rather meekly, it is about to scare away a small cute animal she simply wishes to watch a little longer, only the roles are reversed if anything. She is teetering over a precipice and wants to fall into the arms of a calm, caring father, but holding on to the last few strands of faith she had left from the siege of Hildern.
"I played no part in what brought you here. To be honest, I had hoped to have conquered far more territory before I turned it over to you. When you came here on your own, however, I knew it was a sign from the True Gods of Mankind that it was time for your to grasp hold of your fate. I was perhaps being overprotective, but even I could not stand in the way of your eventual destiny. One day, Aeysha, you shall become even greater than me. If mankind will one day be united in a true Imperium of passion and glory, you will be the God-Empress. Remember this all when you return to your proper place in the timeline. Remember your birthright, what you are owed. The galaxy is yours if you have but the strength to take it."
Aeysha was honestly still shocked at all of the information coming to her, and driving her further into heresy, which is surprising since she is a captain in a Chaos fleet, it's hard to get more heretical than that. Eventually she lets out a breath she didn't realize she was holding in, to say, "Yes. I can see that as I look out there, the odd raider arriving once in a while from out of the warp, the rest of 'my' fleet I take it?" A little bit of a question in it. "I do desire to make you proud and be a good Empress for humanity that has lost it's way. I... I have seen the soul of the Emperor when I was sanctioned, it was not a beacon of pride and defiance against the wide universe, but the lingering throws of a sorrowful old man. It is so... depressing looking at the Imperium, I want to make humanity important again, bring back it's former glory."
She nods and heads up to the cockpit, "I have the will and spiritual fortitude to claim countless words as my own, organize the ignorant masses into a grand society, and become a beacon of something humanity has not had in centuries: hope." Putting a hand on her father's massive shoulder, Aeysha says, "I am willing to push myself to what ever limit I can to make this dream come true, but I want it to be on my terms, and I wish to remain in control of all my facilities, for if you don't have that, you have nothing. I want to be like you, a vision of physical perfection, unchanging as the stars themselves, and able to lay low any that would dare think themselves capable of subjegating me." Aeysha states proudly, "And... I want to see again... Will you be able to aid me in this endeavour father and what must my role in it be?"
"I would be honored to return to you what the corpse god stole. When we arrive at my ship I'll have my genetors clone you some fresh eyes. When the procedure is complete I'll see what I can do about restoring you to your proper time. Warp temporal distortions are a delicate tool that your future self is using as a sledgehammer. She has no idea the damage she could accidentally cause."
Letting a satisfied sigh, Aeysha tries to give him a hug, the best she can despite him being much bigger than her arms could wrap about. "Thank you. I guess it is going to have to come in steps, and have to wait for the... more impressive implants," She says tapping the back of Bosque's armor. "But I do agree, I have no idea what would drive me to try something so risky and unreasonable. I'm going to have to make sure that she hasn't killed the rest of my men while I'm here, as well as prepare for my ascension into the ranks of the Super Human Space Marines like you and your kin," She says with an enthusiastic sigh. "Until then, I await with baited breath for this young madien to transform into a statuesque goddess of war and wytchcraft..."
The lander docks at Victorious Judgement and your father shows you to the geneatorium.
"Again?" the genetor asks, when your father tells him what do to "You should go easier on your eyes. Delicate organs. Successive clone generations leads to degradation in the material. We can only do this 84 more times before there is some loss in sight quality. Seems like a lot, but as an immortal you'll blow through all that in no time"
"She gets it," says Lord Kaerathi "Just perform the procedure."
"At once, my lord, of course."
You are administered an anesthetic and go under almost immediately. You wake up to a blindingly bright light. You can barely stand to keep your new eyes open from more then a few seconds.
"You should be experiencing sensitivity. It will pass. Try to get at least a half century's use out of these ones."
She asks a few more things about the conversion, if the only reason that she is the daughter of a genetically altered Space Marine, woudl that mean she would have to age a bit more into it, and the like, wanting to see a pic capture about how she looked after the alterations. Regardless she goes to the genetorium willingly to let them work on her to improve her, make her able to operate much better out there in the universe, less broken, more whole. Of course the sensation of it was overwhelming after years of being blind, reaching out with her psyonics trying to get a bead on what was going on, though it was rough with the new neural input but those sensations of pain are more than welcome after being in the dark for so long.
Nodding at the magos, Aeysha simply says, "Don't worry, I'll make sure they last from here on out..." She says with a slight smile. "I want a mirror, I need to look at the new ones..." She says gesturing to what she saw was a table next to her. She waits until they are ready, until she shields her eyes from the harsh surgical lights to look at her own reflection taking in the pain as well as the visual input, and though she can only see herself for a few seconds, it was worth it. Her pupils were huge, but she could see the brown eyes there, set into fully repaired sockets that were the most beautiful thing she has ever seen, laughing a bit at it, "Wonderful..."
"Don't look directly at any stars for a few days while you break them in. The eyes are an extremely delicate organ and connected to the brain. We cannot clone you a new brain, despite my promising research in that field, so me mindful."
Letting out a long sigh, "A few more days of darkness and only the howls of the damned to keep me company then..." She says pulling out a pair of dark glasses to hide her eyes from the sensitive light. "Don't worry, I have no intention of burning this pair out any time soon." She comments sliding off the operating table, her astropathic senses taking over once again, despite her desire to look through her eyes once again. Despite this she is ready to continue in her mission to make the most of this, very strange temporal displacement, turning to the Magos says, "I would not be too rushed after all, doing the impossible in creating a female space marine. Speaking of which... do you happen to have your notes about that procedure handy on a datapad for posterity? I have a great desire to inspect my own ascension to my current state in every instance, so if you please my dear Magos..." She says holding out an expecting gaunthleted hand, the other resting upon the hilt of her sword, not actively threatening but letting him know it is there.
"I am flattered, M'Lady that you think so highly of my work to confuse me with Magos Phayzarus. I could no more create a female Space Marine than navigate a voidship. My expertise is in human anatomy."
Letting out a slight huff, "Yes," is all she can say a bit embarased at being wrong about the identity of the magos that made her who she was. a few weeks ago. Instead she simply nods, "Very well, I shall leave you to your further duties..." She comments dismissively, before heading out of the medicae deck towards her father's location, sending out short telepathic pings to gauge where he is before moving inside, to see what the next course of their invasion plan will be, if he is already wish his other commanders, she will sit down not drawing too much attention to herself to listen to what is going on. If not will ask what the next step shall be on their total dominion over the sector.
Aeysha doesn't have to go far to locate her father, finding him waiting for her outside of the medical bay door.
"Still adjusting to the new eyes? Just give them time. Now let's get you back to your time before we accidentally erase all of history."
"Yes, it's not like I can't manage well enough without them, but to actually see something with your own eyes..." Aeysha says with a slight laugh, she turns over and says, "But yes. I did manage to see some of my other selve's notes, said something about being exposed to the warp again would reverse it, so I just... need to be teleported somewhere from the Aetherius to somewhere. Fairly easy to do I would think." She remains silent for a moment before reaching over to hug him the best she can, "I.. I am definitely glad to meet you and learn where I came from. No matter what may come for me, I am glad that We've had this moment..." She says taking a step back and ready to head back to her own time.
"Be safe, daughter. I'll see you soon, from my perspective at the least."
Victorious Judgement launches another lander, with Aeysha inside and she docks with the Aeternus. You could go straight to the teleportium like you said you would. That's certainly an option.
For the long trip back, Aeysha contemplates her own future, or at least if this is her future, and plans to at least change this in one way or another. First thing, is not taking up a Halo Device, which is obviously the sources of her alternate timeline's mental derogation. Regardless, she did not want to betray the good captain, but she didn't want to execute her newly discovered father, there is a strange desire to just have him out there in the universe. Not to mention she saw her physical form in the statue and it was magnificent, if she could become a mighty Space Marine, something absolutely impossible according to the Imperium, btu she knows is possible with enough time and resources. Not to mention immortality would be quite a perk. But she was not going to abandon her captain just for that reason alone, once back on board, she goes on to read all she can about the history up to this point, especially what caused her to ascend to the rank of the Dark Astartes, if it was being the child of one, or strictly this grand Heretek's design? Once she has gotten everything she could under her belt, she moves back down to the Teleportarium. "Etherics officer, I wish to be transported to my father's ship. I have just found something he is going to want to see." She says getting on the pad getting ready for her journey back in time, waiting to be sent back in time in a million pieces as the energy coalesces around her, she feels the embrace of the warp, and it is rather disarming.
She saw several images of her possible futures, ranging from being a loyal comrade to the Viacitus line, to dying alone in Exoiar World's slums a blind old witch woman. Though one that showed the most resonance was her striding through the Eternity Gate to devour the soul of the Emperor before kicking him off to rest control of the Imperium from a molding old corpse to a new God-Empress.

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