Session 146
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[[Chancel_Amyra]]<br> [[Amyra:Chapter_16|Chapter 16]]<br><br> [INFO] Now logging to [file:///home/angelo/.mozilla/firefox/vkuuxfit.default/chatzilla/logs/irc2.magicstar.net/channels/%23Nobilis.2009-10-23.log].<br> [INFO] Channel view for ``#Nobilis'' opened.<br> =-= User mode for Angelo is now +ix<br> --]| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis<br> =-= No topic for channel #Nobilis<br> =-= Topic for #Nobilis was set by ChanServ on ven 23 ott 2009 03:20:44 CEST<br> *ChanServ* Welcome to the wonderful Amyran Nobilis channel!<br> [Verithe] Hi!<br> [Angelo] Hi Verith<br> [Verithe] ._.<br> [Verithe] :P<br> [Angelo] how do you do?<br> [Verithe] Pretty well. Yourself?<br> [Angelo] pretty sleepish<br> [Verithe] Aww<br> [Angelo] well I awake 2 min ago...<br> [Verithe] Understandable. How many hours did you get?<br> --]| Knockwood (~chatzilla@75.141.252.IP) has joined #Nobilis<br> [Knockwood] Hiyo<br> [Verithe] 'allo!<br> [Angelo] Hi knock!<br> * Angelo hug Knock!<br> [Knockwood] So, how have you guys been?<br> [Verithe] Pretty well. Yourself?<br> [Angelo] Me fine.<br> --]| Random_Nerd (~scree-fic@MagicStar-D88E7E90.hsd1.il.comcast.net) has joined #Nobilis<br> [Random_Nerd] Hey.<br> [Knockwood] Hiya RN<br> [Angelo] HI RN!<br> [Verithe] Hi!<br> --]| BethE (~BethL@MagicStar-D88E7E90.hsd1.il.comcast.net) has joined #Nobilis<br> [BethE] Evening, guys! *HUGS*<br> [Angelo] Hi beth!<br> [Verithe] Hi!<br> [Knockwood] Hiya Beth<br> [Angelo] Question to RN: the mimic are already all int creation and new one don't enter or new Mimic enter creation at any time?<br> [Random_Nerd] Basically, mimics are created in Creation from time to time.<br> [Random_Nerd] It's a thing that the Excrucians can do with a dead Imperator.<br> [Random_Nerd] But they don't live outside and come in, like the other types.<br> [Random_Nerd] They live in Creation.<br> [Angelo] but in the mean time?<br> [Angelo] oh so Mimic always are inside creation<br> [Knockwood] huh... that means Ja Phon can't be a Mimic, he left his marbles outside<br> [Angelo] oh well his craziness is original 100% him then not a cover for Mimicity<br> [Angelo] btw Ja Phon is way cool!<br> [Random_Nerd] Well, let me clarify. A mimic /could/ go outside, if they really wanted to.<br> [Random_Nerd] They're just no more likely to than regular non-Wild Imperators.<br> [Random_Nerd] In other words, it happens basically never.<br> [Angelo] so not really likely<br> [Angelo] jinks RN!<br> [Random_Nerd] That said... he could have gone /out/ as an Imperator, but come /back/ as a mimic.<br> [Random_Nerd] Nothing says that a Mimic that happens to be Outside already wouldn't come in. And Ja Phon would have had a pre-made cover for that.<br> [Angelo] oh well then all is on the other players hand! Right Beth&Knock?<br> [Knockwood] but then his Estates wouldn't quite match, ne?<br> [Angelo] I have a Dollphaniel to hug and cuddle and tickle<br> =-= BethE is now known as Theresa<br> =-= YOU are now known as Ftisk<br> [Theresa] But it's not always known that an Imperator has shown all of their Estates.<br> =-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE<br> =-= Verithe is now known as Chytosid<br> [DanteE] OK, anybody think of what to ask Ja Phon?<br> [Ftisk] uhm... thinking<br> [Theresa] Ask him what he wants?<br> [DanteE] You're not there anymore, Ftisk. :)<br> [DanteE] he wants his marbles back, but we don't know where to find them<br> [Ftisk] well I can share with the others players<br> [Theresa] This isn't as easy as the Peter Pan movie...<br> [Random_Nerd] Does any of them have anything mechanical that can by itself detect sounds? A cell phone, or the like?<br> [Random_Nerd] (Mechanical in a sense that includes electronics, that is.)<br> [Ftisk] hey that was my prayer to Dante!<br> [DanteE] pretty much established that we all have cells<br> [Random_Nerd] Ftisk could speak through a cell-phone.<br> [Ftisk] for the cell phone to be trowed outside his auctoritas!<br> [Theresa] I think Theresa carries a cellphone.<br> [Random_Nerd] Ghost to turn it on, lesser divinations to hear through it, ghosts to speak through it while it's on.<br> [Random_Nerd] Plus, of course, enough Penetration to get through any relevant auctoriti.<br> [Ftisk] roger!<br> [DanteE] which pretty much kills using them, they're in our aucs by default<br> [Random_Nerd] How high Spirit do you guys have?<br> [DanteE] 2<br> [Ftisk] Me too<br> [Random_Nerd] Ftisk would know the answer to that, he's known you guys for a while.<br> [Theresa] 1<br> [Random_Nerd] And you can get a feel for how strong another's Auct is over time.<br> [Ftisk] well If you want to sell tv to me I'm done<br> [Random_Nerd] Okay. Then, Ftisk would need a Domain of no more than 3 to talk through Theresa's cell phone.<br> [Ftisk] I have that!<br> [Ftisk] but, wait<br> [Ftisk] why 3?<br> [Ftisk] will be 2 for penetration + domain level right?<br> [Random_Nerd] 2 for penetration on Theresa's aura, or 3 if she's standing by Dante.<br> [Random_Nerd] Err...<br> [Random_Nerd] 3 or 4.<br> [Random_Nerd] I does math good!<br> [DanteE] wait, Ghosts are 1...<br> [Random_Nerd] But Divs are 2.<br> [Random_Nerd] 2+1 = 3.<br> [Ftisk] and penetration is "paid" by domain?<br> [Ftisk] ok get it!<br> [Random_Nerd] Yeah, it raises the required miracle level.<br> [Random_Nerd] But remember that if it's done with MPs, it need not use the powers-of-two rule.<br> [DanteE] would she feel it, tho?<br> [Random_Nerd] Probably not.<br> [Random_Nerd] Unless she felt it turn on.<br> [DanteE] only time we usually talk about Pen involves attacks...<br> [Ftisk] Ftisk *is* a peculiar Noble instance...:-P<br> [Random_Nerd] But, yes. In general, Ftisk can trivially listen to or talk through any cellular phone that isn't held by a high-Spirit Noble.<br> [Theresa] Ftisk could probably ghost a ring tone.<br> [Random_Nerd] Yeah, if Ftisk wanted to inform her, he could easily do so.<br> [Random_Nerd] I figure that with a ghost miracle, he could do any of the things someone who's pressing the buttons could do.<br> [Random_Nerd] So, are we ready to go?<br> [Ftisk] ok, but I prefer to continue my ongoing _annoyance_ track on DanteE<br> [DanteE] hey!<br> [Ftisk] (Theresa is not a personal fact, I have nothing against you)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Annoying Dante is just more fun.)<br> [Theresa] (No offence taken. :) )<br> [Theresa] (Ready!)<br> [Ftisk] (Hey you must see what I have ready for Dante next night at home base *devilgrin)<br> [Ftisk] and... I'm pronto!<br> [Theresa] (Just be careful...Dante and Shadows might team up. Then again, when Shadows is annoyed, Ftisk gets snail porn.)<br> [Random_Nerd] _________________START________________<br> [DanteE] (no, when Shadows is _drunk_)<br> [Ftisk] (I see Ftisk annoying shadows more just for this!)<br> [Theresa] (Ah, true, when Shadows is drunk. My mistake.)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Now, you'd wanted to propose a high-summoning experiment, I believe.)<br> * Ftisk thinker a bit with the hdd then shrugs and goes to cuddle Dollphaniel a bit<br> [DanteE] (Theresa, you want to lead?)<br> [Random_Nerd] Dollphaniel makes a screeching noise, and tries to skitter away from Ftisk.<br> [Theresa] (So he said that we should look for more of his mind fragments and that we would recognize them? I don't think I can, Dante. I'm across the room from the bone, unless you want to throw it.)<br> * Ftisk stubbornly grasps her and aspect cuddles her<br> [Random_Nerd] The rear side of the room, the way you came, seems to fade out of existence.<br> [Random_Nerd] Dollphaniel plays dead. Also, at that moment, she starts playing elevator-type music.<br> [DanteE] (Let's see, where'd we leave off...)<br> [Ftisk] (Trow Dante trow!)<br> [Ftisk] (you want to ask for the HS experiment: open a conduct to the other side and see if memories return)<br> [DanteE] "We were able to contact the Other Side with help from a High Summoner.<br> [Random_Nerd] (Ja Phon had explained that gods in general do not change, but that he seems to.)<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "Is that where you summoned the little brass man from?"<br> [DanteE] "If you do something similar, you might be able to ... reconnect.<br> [DanteE] "Actually, Ftisk made him... then sent him across the wall. That may be where you saw him."<br> [Theresa] "Tell him about Jeeves and the wasp, Dante."<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon's Mask: "But the Wall is something that is in a place I cannot see. How could its presence or absence affect the other parts of my mind?"<br> [DanteE] "They say you crossed it...<br> * Ftisk hovers toward Sam at eye level. "I want an honest answer: "I unsettle you Sam?"<br> [DanteE] "Which may mean you ... left something behind."<br> [Random_Nerd] Sam: "No more than most Nobles, and less than many."<br> [Random_Nerd] Face: "The distinction between these places is lost to me."<br> [Random_Nerd] Sam: "More than Dante or Theresa. Less than James."<br> [DanteE] "Also, Shadows has a mini menagerie of other-side assistants...<br> * Theresa makes her way back over to Dante, stepping through the circles she drew previously.<br> [Ftisk] "Ohhh this is reassuring"<br> * Ftisk hovers toward William<br> [DanteE] "He was the one who did the summoning that let us communicate."<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon's Face: "I do not understand why people speak as if that were a big deal. Servant, go to the area of the mind where the thought of the brass man was. A bit past there. Grab something living, and bring it here."<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadow-cloaked servant: "I... yes, Ymera."<br> [Random_Nerd] He goes off through the corridor in a part of the room that hasn't vanished.<br> [Random_Nerd] William: "Yes, Dominus?"<br> [Ftisk] "Will, Do you like me?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Sam: "William's just used to Human Nobles."<br> [Random_Nerd] William seems to think for a moment.<br> [DanteE] to the Servant: "Where is that, exactly?"<br> [Random_Nerd] The servant shouts "Over this way."<br> * Ftisk ignore Sam comment<br> [DanteE] "I could go with him..."<br> [Ftisk] (Go DanteE Go!)<br> [Random_Nerd] William: "That's not exactly it, actually. Rather, I am uncertain at times what degree of loyalty to display to you. You are not one of my employers, and so their wishes take priority over yours. But I can serve you in those matters that I do not have reason to believe they would dispute."<br> * DanteE hands the bone to Theresa...<br> [Theresa] "Want me to take the bone? I think you need to draw circles to get back there or the Imperator will forget you and possibly digest you."<br> [Theresa] "Thank you."<br> * Theresa hands over the chalk.<br> [DanteE] (Where's the servant going?)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Through various branchings of the vein-like tunnels. He seems to know where he's going.)<br> * Ftisk invade personal Will space "Ok, but you like _me_?"<br> [DanteE] "Actually I'd better not, I might not come back. Or hit a gland or something."<br> [Theresa] "Earlier, we talked to another Imperator. He too, in a different way, has gone across the Wall and returned, like you did. He found that he had memories missing."<br> [DanteE] (Then again, maybe I can find enlightenment from Ja Phon's pineal gland! :) )<br> [Random_Nerd] William: "The nature of our relationship makes straightforward friendship difficult. You outrank me, significantly, although you are not in command of me. Let me say, rather, that I respect you."<br> [Random_Nerd] The wall behind the face starts to stretch out into a dome-like shape. It fills out the hanging space behind the face almost as if there was a head there.<br> [Theresa] (I recommend the thyroid or hypocampus. Actually, the later controls memory making and retrieval in humans.)<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "What was the nature of the areas of his blindness?"<br> * Ftisk innocent snail face: "uhm... If I ask you to go to bed with me ... do you'll comply?"<br> [Theresa] (*blink*)<br> [Theresa] (You're not as cuddly as Snow, Ftisk. :) )<br> [Ftisk] (but Ftisk really don't want to but is its only relative measure system... ;-P )<br> [Random_Nerd] W: "That is not one of the things my employers are able to ask of me. Similarly, in this I am permitted freedom to make my own decisions with respect to their friends. No, Dominus, I would not."<br> [DanteE] (Be sure to stop if William's brain oozes out an ear.)<br> [Random_Nerd] Dante, the servant of Ja Phon crawls out the end of the vein-like corridor, and into a large... space. The word "space" is very fitting, as the walls and floors are not visible, and you can see stars that seem to hang the usual distance away.<br> [Theresa] (Ftisk needs to get a new measuring system. :) )<br> * Ftisk hugs Will "Ok clear!" then float away<br> [Random_Nerd] The Servant is almost impossible to see, as his dark-covered flesh only stands out where it blocks a star, as he seems to stand on nothing.<br> [Theresa] "He did not know himself. He knew certain areas of himself, such as a need to create a home, the need for followers and trying to determine what Estates he contains."<br> [Theresa] "He knew two names, both the one from this side and the one from the other side. He decided to create a new name for himself as he did not feel that he was either of those two beings anymore."<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "So the bulk of things were hidden from him? He knew his own drives, but not his past?"<br> [DanteE] (Hm... quick question: if I pop out my eye, could I a) see out it, b) control it, and c) not lose it?)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Hmm... how?)<br> [DanteE] (Thinking of having it floats down the corridor after the Servant...)<br> [Ftisk] (well you can control a blade and with a change a moving around one too!)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Not with Aspect, at least.)<br> [DanteE] (Ooh, point!)<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon's Aide: "You might be interested to know that depending on how you define your terms, I may or may not be 'Outside' at the present moment. To the extent that such definitions are meaningful when applied to Ja Phon."<br> [Theresa] "He knew the past of two. Both beings that had existed. Both sets of memories. In an opposite effect from you, he has a surplus and cannot choose between them. So he chooses neither and creates a new path."<br> [Random_Nerd] (That's true. Dante, with a Lesser Change, could make a flying, talking, seeing sword.)<br> [DanteE] (But can I see out it if I remove it, or is that too munchkin]?)<br> [Theresa] (I thought we weren't supposed to miracle?)<br> [Random_Nerd] (That is correct.)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Not unless you have a particular way of doing so. You would not automatically see through it, but I'm sure there are various means that could be used to do so.)<br> [Ftisk] (you can use divination on the blade surrounding to see)<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "A servant of mine told me of this. I'd send him to fetch my thoughts on the matter, but he's busy."<br> [DanteE] (Can we do Divs?)<br> [Random_Nerd] (You can. You are not certain that you /should/.)<br> [Ftisk] (technically Divs are miracles)<br> [Random_Nerd] (But technically using Aspect to listen is one, too.)<br> [DanteE] (OK... can I still see the servant?)<br> [Random_Nerd] (In the distance, yes.)<br> [Theresa] "You mentioned that Jan Ben Jan disappeared from you. Did the other ages as well?"<br> [Random_Nerd] (Or, at least, you can see the absences of stars behind him.)<br> [DanteE] to Servant: "Hold on!"<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "I can still see the first three, yes."<br> [Random_Nerd] Servant: "Yes?"<br> [DanteE] "It's dangerous to go alone! Take this." (Throws the Servant a sword)<br> [Random_Nerd] He catches it.<br> [Random_Nerd] Servant: "You're a bad person, Dominus."<br> [Random_Nerd] He chuckles as he walks on.<br> [DanteE] "I am?"<br> [Theresa] (The _first three_?)<br> [Ftisk] (you are Dante! :-P )<br> [DanteE] (Isn't the first one dead?)<br> [Random_Nerd] (The Imperator of the First Age is dead in the present Age.)<br> [Random_Nerd] (But he's not dead in the First Age.)<br> [DanteE] "Well, wait... there are 3 alive."<br> [Random_Nerd] (Imperators... relate to time differently.)<br> [Theresa] "So you do not see Ananda?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "I do not see his Age. It is not here yet. Do other gods already see it?"<br> [Theresa] "If they do, they do not say. They only see the Imperator and what he chooses to reveal. And what of the Third Age's Imperator?"<br> * DanteE tries a Ghost-Div to see where the sword is...<br> [Random_Nerd] (A...ghost div? Like, the shadowy visual image of a divination?)<br> [Random_Nerd] (What do you see that as doing?)<br> [DanteE] (Mainly I want to see if Ja Phon or the chancel reacts to the 'miracle')<br> [Random_Nerd] (Your mind fills with, rather the information provided by a divination, the words "Divination Here" in your handwriting.)<br> [Random_Nerd] Nothing seems to react.<br> [Random_Nerd] (And technically, this is not a Chancel in the traditional sense.)<br> [DanteE] (OK, I'll try an actual Div.)<br> [Theresa] (I do like the description of the Div.)<br> [DanteE] (Somebody make peace with the Lord of Brainfarts)<br> [Random_Nerd] ("This has been a test of the Emergency Divination System. If this were a real divination, information would follow.")<br> [Theresa] (I see it as a Post-It Note.)<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon seems to be thinking.<br> [Random_Nerd] JP: "Which one?"<br> [Theresa] "You know multiple ones? I, personally, have only met an avatar of the Wildlady."<br> [DanteE] "... there _were_ two...<br> * DanteE motions for the bone.<br> [DanteE] (not a euphemism.)<br> [Theresa] (I thought Dante had moved into the other room?)<br> [Random_Nerd] JP: "There is the Imperator of the Third Age within the Third Age, and the Imperator of the Third Age who is in the Second Age."<br> [Random_Nerd] (He has.)<br> [DanteE] (Oh, so I'm with the servant?)<br> [Random_Nerd] (...aren't you? You're staying at the end of the corridor, I thought.)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Have you come back?)<br> [Theresa] (You had gotten a description of the big spacey room?)<br> [DanteE] (Oh, OK, so I'm in a circle by the hallway entrance.)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Presumably.)<br> [DanteE] "Theresa... ask what happened to Eprot Appeka."<br> [Ftisk] (your blade is with the servant)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Okay, Dante's come back.)<br> [Theresa] "What do you know of Eprot Appeka?"<br> [Random_Nerd] (Are you doing the divination you said you'd do?)<br> [Random_Nerd] Face: "Which one?"<br> [DanteE] (Yes.)<br> [Theresa] "Both."<br> * Ftisk pray to Dante "Oh Inhuman blade that give strength to the brave... Ftisk here! Do you have a cell phone? If you take it outside your auctoritas I can use it to interact with you there! ...Uhm... oh great power of Courage I ask you to stay well! Yes *this* is a nice prayer!"<br> [Random_Nerd] (Okay, Dante. You can feel the servant moving through the stars, but can't actually see without using a Greater Divination, since the sword can't see. You know exactly where the servant is relative to you, though.)<br> [Random_Nerd] (And then you feel an itching at the back of your mind.)<br> [Random_Nerd] (As if someone's praying to you.)<br> [Ftisk] (gleee)<br> [DanteE] (Ftisk?)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Do you "pick up" the prayer?)<br> [Random_Nerd] (You can't tell, without doing so.)<br> [DanteE] (Yes I do, dropping the Div.)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Ftisk!)<br> [Ftisk] (feel free to ignore mee. Serious)<br> [Random_Nerd] (You can pick up the Div again later, if you want.)<br> [DanteE] (Any other servants here?)<br> [Random_Nerd] (None that you've seen any sign of.)<br> [DanteE] to Ftisk: #I could, but I suspect if my phone leaves me it might disappear.#<br> [Random_Nerd] JP: "Neither is currently hidden from me. Neither is within my mind at present, but I could move it over to them. Do you wish me to?"<br> [Ftisk] "Well nevermind Dante, thank a lot!"<br> [Random_Nerd] (William and the Servant both hinted at it, but those servants that aren't directly protected tend to... disappear. The Light has put a certain amount of effort into protecting the current one, but they can't do it to everyone they want.)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Besides... most people, even within the Aides, don't have the mindset to help Ja Phon effectively.)<br> [Theresa] "Yes, please. My family is very interested in the various Ages. The next Age is supposed to be starting soon."<br> [Random_Nerd] JP: "Which one? And do you want me to bring you with me?"<br> [DanteE] to Theresa, quietly: "What exactly happened to Ebrot Appeka is one of the great mysteries...)<br> [DanteE] "And we've kinda met Attaris."<br> [Ftisk] (a shard of it actually)<br> [Theresa] "I would like to eventually know about both but the Third Age who is within the Second Age is interesting. Can you bring both me and my brother Courage who is also in the circle?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "Yes. I will bring that part of my mind to that place. You are Noble, correct?"<br> [Theresa] "Yes, we both are."<br> * Ftisk returns to Dollphaniel... same line of action as before<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "You should be able to bring enough of your own space, time and the like with you, then. Have you seen action in the Spirit World before?"<br> [Theresa] (Look, an RN-kitty! http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/funny-pictures-cat-likes-your-point.jpg )<br> [Random_Nerd] All of you feel a sensation of motion.<br> [Theresa] "No, sir."<br> [DanteE] "Can't say we have..."<br> [Ftisk] (Cute!)<br> [Chytosid] (Haha!)<br> [Random_Nerd] JP: "Don't step outside of my mind. It would be bad."<br> [Theresa] (It didn't steeple its paws, but it's very much like RN when he GMs and says, "Interesting...")<br> [Ftisk] (to Chytosid: whanna share these popcorn?)<br> [Random_Nerd] Both of you feel a sensation of motion, as if the room you're in is moving in directions that you haven't actually been introduced to before.<br> [Chytosid] (Yes, please!)<br> [Random_Nerd] (And sorry it's taking a little while to introduce you. Would you like to show up in Ftisk's scene?)<br> * Theresa blinks.<br> [Chytosid] (I don't mind. If it's easier to finish up the scene with Ja Phon first, I can wait.)<br> [Random_Nerd] You guys then get a feeling as if there was just a camera cut, as if part of the "journey" was trimmed out in the editing room.<br> [Random_Nerd] (It's up to you.)<br> [Chytosid] (I'll wait.)<br> [Random_Nerd] The whitish-pinkish ceiling of the room splits open.<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "Please, untack my face from this wall, and put it on the floor."<br> [Random_Nerd] A reddish glow enters the room from above.<br> [DanteE] "I've got it..."<br> * DanteE draws circles to there...<br> [Random_Nerd] It seems that hovering above you is an immense man, with six wings. He's translucent, rather like a ruby filled with various impurities and flaws, and a light is shining through him from above.<br> [DanteE] (Is it obvious how to pull his face off the wall?)<br> [Random_Nerd] His face is thin, not quite emaciated, but enough that cheekbones like mountains are on display.<br> [Random_Nerd] (It's nailed to the wall with about six nails. Aspect strength could trivially remove them.)<br> * DanteE starts pulling (but keeping) nails.<br> * DanteE moves the face to the center of the room...<br> [Random_Nerd] The hovering angel regards you with eyes of shining ruby. "Who disturbs my labors?"<br> [Random_Nerd] The skinned face of Ja Phon, in Dante's hands, says "We are shadows of what will be, or shadows of what may be. I am Ja Phon, although you know me by a slightly different name."<br> [Ftisk] (I'm sooooo glad to not be here! :-P )<br> [DanteE] "Should I tack your face down?"<br> * Theresa bows. "Plants and my brother, Courage."<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon's warm and rubbery face says: "Yes, so that I can see him properly."<br> * DanteE does so... preferably in existing holes, if there are any.<br> [Random_Nerd] Ruby Angel: "Has Kudzu finally started a Chancel, or are you merely shadows of other times?"<br> [Random_Nerd] (There aren't any, but you're more than strong enough to drive the nails in by hand.)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Oh, and as you pulled them out, the holes they had been in started to heal.)<br> * Theresa smiles. "You've met our Lord? Interesting. We are shadows of different times."<br> [Random_Nerd] The Ruby Angel takes on a facial expression that's slightly similar to the one often seen on the face of Aaron I, King of Amyra.<br> * DanteE takes care to tack Ja Phon's face down properly...<br> [Theresa] (Aww, crap.)<br> [Random_Nerd] Ruby Angel: "I see you only indistinctly. Are you trying to bring comfort to our injured kinsman?"<br> [Random_Nerd] The expression deepens.<br> [Random_Nerd] Ruby Angel: "Or exploiting his sad condition?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "They are my friends, at present."<br> [DanteE] "Trying to help."<br> [DanteE] to Ja Phon: "How's that?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon does not respond.<br> [Theresa] "We are trying to help his condition. We have had experience with someone else who has traveled across the Wall and back. We hope that our experiences with that being will help Lord Ja Phon."<br> [Random_Nerd] Ruby Angel: "One of the Magisters of the Wild has managed to return to his home, in the shadow you inhabit? Was it your Lord Kudzu?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Ruby: "I must tell him that a shadow of him has returned home."<br> [DanteE] "He didn't return..."<br> [Theresa] "No, please! You will hurt him! It was not Kudzu..."<br> [Ftisk] (ask the ruby angel who he is)<br> [Theresa] "One of the Dionyl contains both the memories of his Dionyl self and his Other side self."<br> [DanteE] to Theresa: "If that's Ebrot Appeka, the Excrucians haven't arrived yet."<br> [DanteE] "and there is no Valde Bellum"<br> [Theresa] "But the Wildlords have. And he's an Age. He sees all times."<br> [DanteE] to the Angel: "Do you know someone named Attaris?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Angel: "Another Magister of the Wild, correct? We have met."<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "Do not torment him about things that are outside of his reach. He is, even more than me, one of the tragic figures of the world."<br> [DanteE] "What can you tell us about Attaris?"<br> [Theresa] *to Ja Phon* "I do not wish to cause him pain, no more that I would have wanted Lord Kudzu to be tormented with an untruth about his future."<br> [Random_Nerd] Angel: "Young, at least in this world. Harsh in her temper, but nearly my equal in combat. Like I, she wishes that there were fitting foes to fight, without diminishing the world."<br> [Theresa] (Urk. Great, now I'm imagining Rule 34 and this guy and Attaris...bad me.)<br> [DanteE] (... _How?_ ...)<br> [Random_Nerd] Angel: "I have not known her long, yet I would call her a friend."<br> [DanteE] "What are her Estates?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Angel: "Was it she who found her way back home?"<br> [Random_Nerd] He ignores the question.<br> [Theresa] (Sorry, just the whole 'nearly my equal in combat, like me, foes to fight... It's an Exalted thought, two people who fight each other out of the joy and love of fighting.)<br> [DanteE] to Theresa: "What can we ask, and what should we tell him?"<br> [Theresa] "No, a Dionyl Imperator named Saccaroth. He was taken against his will across the Wall and then came back."<br> [DanteE] (uhoh...)<br> [Theresa] *to Dante* "I don't know what to ask."<br> [Random_Nerd] From the corridor that Dante had briefly entered, the servant of Ja Phon enters the room carrying a squirming being made of living feathers.<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "No! This is not a safe place for humans, even you! Return to your office, and do not come to here until I call you!"<br> [Random_Nerd] The servant breaks into a run into a vein.<br> [Random_Nerd] Angel: "Most curious. And where was the Wild in all this?"<br> * Theresa mentally Arrrrggghhhs...<br> [Random_Nerd] (He sees "The Outside" mainly as "Where those johnny-come-lately Wildlords came from")<br> [Random_Nerd] (Or, to a lesser degree, as a vaguely mysterious place that some academics and magicians are interested in.)<br> [Theresa] "They did not cause it to happen, nor did participate. But I do not know how to explain it without treading into things outside of your view."<br> [DanteE] "A lot has happened during your Age."<br> [Random_Nerd] Angel: "In the shadow you come from, is Lucifer dead?"<br> [Theresa] "No, sir."<br> [DanteE] "No, he's still running Hell."<br> [Random_Nerd] Angel: "Interesting."<br> [Theresa] ( .... *points to the above kitty picture*)<br> [Random_Nerd] Angel: "Are you near the end of my Age?"<br> [DanteE] "Within months."<br> [Random_Nerd] Angel: "Clearly not the same one as the last of my subjects to visit, then."<br> [DanteE] "Hm?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Angel: "The last of those to visit me from my Age. In theirs, Lucifer died rather early."<br> [DanteE] to Theresa: "There are two Third Ages?"<br> [DanteE] to Angel: "What year is it from your point of view?"<br> [Theresa] "It's all quantum, Dante."<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "It's complicated. As I said with the quote that he didn't get, we are not, to him, Visitors From The Future."<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "We are shadowy projections from a place that does not yet exist."<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "Omens, say. Visions."<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "But not all omens agree."<br> * Theresa gives the year, also with the 500 year thing.<br> [Theresa] "Shakespeare quote, sir?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Angel: "I do not fully understand the question. What year is it where?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "Dickens. Although I suppose that explains him not getting it."<br> [DanteE] "The last subject... was that before you met Attaris?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "No. After. Attaris has been in the Age for many hundreds of years."<br> [DanteE] (Actually, my question was to Ebrot)<br> [Random_Nerd] (I thought Theresa had the bone.)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Who has it?)<br> [DanteE] (Theresa.)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Ja Phon doesn't respond, then.)<br> [Theresa] (But does the Angel?)<br> [DanteE] (I was talking to the Ruby Angel, asking if that last subject he mentioned came to him before he met Attaris.)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Oh, to Ebrot. I misread.)<br> [Random_Nerd] (And I typed that wrong. Ebrot said that, not Ja Phon.)<br> [Theresa] (Oh, true, both of them are Angels.)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Tpyo's big sister is visiting.)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Ja Phon is a Lightlord.)<br> [Theresa] (Oh, no, I'm wrong, Ja Phon's not. My mistake.)<br> [Theresa] (Typo's sister...the Brainfart Fairy?)<br> [DanteE] to the Angel: "I was wondering what year it was on the Celestial Calendar."<br> [Random_Nerd] Angel: "Where?"<br> [DanteE] "Where you are."<br> [Random_Nerd] Angel: "I am in many places. Where do you mean?"<br> [Random_Nerd] (In the Spirit World, "What year is it?" can be a complicated question.)<br> [Theresa] "Dante, he's an Age and an Imperator. They're everywhen."<br> [Random_Nerd] (Time is over in that direction, sort of in front and to the left. Right next to Sandwiches. Can't miss him.)<br> [DanteE] "Just trying to get oriented.<br> [DanteE] "Come to think of it, do you know Sakharoth?<br> [Random_Nerd] Angel: "Then let me say 'the second age' at present. The third is within me, rather than the reverse."<br> [Theresa] (Is the Noble of Sandwiches an Earl?)<br> [Random_Nerd] Angel: "A Domination of Dionyl? I've heard of him. Don't know him personally."<br> [Random_Nerd] (Yes. But the Power of Earls is a Duke.)<br> [DanteE] "Or the other 'big names' of our day, Lord Entropy, Ha-Qadosh Berakha, Surolam, and Ananda?"<br> [Theresa] ( :) I love you, dear.)<br> [DanteE] (So, RN is the power of Golden Oldies? :) )<br> [Theresa] (Nah, Snark.)<br> [Random_Nerd] Angel: "Ananda I know. My successor. Keeps to himself. Entropy's a warleader among the Gods of Earth, I think. Don't know the others."<br> [DanteE] "Who is Entropy fighting?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Angel: "The Gods of Earth will always fight, I think. I can't imagine what would stop them."<br> [Theresa] (Other gods. He's a True God, so that would make him...a Young God?)<br> [Theresa] "It is a bit of a nasty habit."<br> [Random_Nerd] (The Old Gods are still alive, at least, some of them.)<br> [DanteE] (Let's see... the 2nd Age ended ~2000 BC, right?)<br> [Theresa] (Just thought of something. In theory, no one now has a Dim Warding.)<br> [Random_Nerd] Angel: "I really do have business to attend to. Don't you have some prophecy from Jan Ben Jan to spout or something?"<br> [Theresa] (Uh, do we?)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Correct. They haven't even been invented in the Second Age.)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Not that you know of.)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Well... hmm. Okay, what did he tell you to say?)<br> [DanteE] to Theresa: "There are things we can tell him..."<br> * Theresa blinks. "We have met Jan Ben Jan and I have paid his price but he did not give a prophecy. Just that I must state that this is the price I have given for knowledge from him." *show hands*<br> [Random_Nerd] The Angel nods, approvingly.<br> [Theresa] *whispers to Dante* "Haven't you watched any time travel movies?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Angel: "Yes, that's his way."<br> [Theresa] "Is there any knowledge that you would give, sir?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "This is not time travel. You are not in 1700 AP or some such nonsense. You are in the Spirit World. You are in the area of the Spirit World governed by Jan ben Jan."<br> [DanteE] "... then what we want to see is the border."<br> [Random_Nerd] Angel: "Which border?"<br> [Theresa] "Ah, thank you for the distinction, sir. I was just unsure what knowledge I could share. Knowledge of a shadow that might not exist ever would probably be of poor fare."<br> [DanteE] "Between Jan ben Jan's section and yours."<br> [Random_Nerd] Angel: "You will have to let Ja Re Phon take you there, then. Although you are my subjects, I have not yet come into my power, and may not move you there."<br> [Random_Nerd] Angel: "Ja Re Phon, have you any prophecy to speak?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "No. I have no wish to trouble the shades of the unquiet dead."<br> [Theresa] ("Don't bet on the third horse. Ever.")<br> [Random_Nerd] Angel: "Very well."<br> [Random_Nerd] (Incidentially, as people in the Second Age and as omens of the future, you're currently in Jan ben Jan's realm in two ways, not just one.)<br> [DanteE] (uhoh, he just told Ebrot that he died)<br> [Theresa] (Hmm, we have the Vision, if he wants something.)<br> [Random_Nerd] (True. That's totally a prophecy.)<br> [Theresa] (Nah, I got the feeling that he was talking about someone else, possibly in the prophecy.)<br> [DanteE] (Come to think of it, there's the report we prepared for the Council as well.)<br> [Theresa] (About the ending of the Third Age?)<br> [DanteE] (About the effects of the Wall, and certain things about the War.)<br> [Theresa] (I get the feeling that 3rd Age dude has had various words on the future, given what he asked about the prophecy. But that may just be my thoughts coloring it.)<br> [Theresa] (What are the other Estates of this dude?)<br> [DanteE] (I'm debating telling him 'odd things happen at age's end. Be careful')<br> [Theresa] (But he's been through an Age Change before. He was around when India croaked.)<br> [Ftisk] (hey is an Ftisk like line)<br> [Theresa] (Or at least when the 2nd age started.)<br> [Random_Nerd] (The Third Age, and two things that don't exist in the world as you know it.)<br> [DanteE] "Oh, almost forgot... what are your Estates, other than the 3rd age?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Angel: "The Third Age, Terae, and the Principle of Division."<br> [DanteE] "... Terae?<br> [Random_Nerd] The angel squints at you, dimming the light from his eyes.<br> [Theresa] "We do have a Vision that our Sister found, if you would like to know it."<br> [Theresa] (Duuuude...no one wants to know that they're going to basically be losing part of their brain...)<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "Terae ARE, as we all know, drifting creatures that cause madness, deformed children, and infected wounds in those who see them."<br> [DanteE] (not _his_ brain...)<br> [Random_Nerd] Angel: "Ah, yes, the prophecy. I do love a good prophecy."<br> [DanteE] "and what Principle of Division, exactly?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "You know, how all things vary only in precise discrete chunks, rather than in a continuous way in which you cannot draw precise distinctions about what the smallest unit of difference is."<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "Everyone knows that."<br> [Theresa] "How would you like the vision presented, sir?"<br> [DanteE] (Uh Oh.)<br> [Random_Nerd] Angel: "You're the creature of omen, you'd know how to best."<br> [Theresa] "This is actually a vision of the past but it may bring about the future." *presents The Vision that Hope had found, with all of the special effects and so forth*<br> [Random_Nerd] Theresa, as you speak the Vision, you feel yourself drawing conceptually closer to the angel. Rather than a translucent outline, he is a tall man with six wings, dressed in armor of red and gold. He bears a long curved sword on his back.<br> [Ftisk] (ohhh)<br> [Random_Nerd] Ebrot Appeka, to Theresa: "Ah, thank you. Hmm. Do you have a cup, or something of the like?"<br> [Theresa] "If I am allowed to create one, yes."<br> [Random_Nerd] Ebrot: "Please do so, and hold it out."<br> * Theresa creates a cup of perfect simpleness, smooth and warm of wood. *hold out*<br> [Theresa] (Dante, if I die, I leave you my ficus.)<br> [Random_Nerd] He pulls a small (by his standards) knife from his belt, and pricks one of his fingers with the tip of it.<br> [Random_Nerd] He then squeezes the immense finger, and lets the blood drip into the cup.<br> * Theresa mentally thinks *Don'tPanicDon'tPanicDon'tPanic*<br> [Random_Nerd] Ebrot Appeka: "Keep it, or give it to Jan, I don't know exactly how these things work. But I know that there's no prophecy for free."<br> [Theresa] "Thank you, sir."<br> [Theresa] (I'm confused...but angel blood....Hope does good visions.)<br> [Random_Nerd] Ebrot: "Am I to bear your message to any particular person, or keep it for myself?"<br> [Theresa] "I do not know who it would be good to be tell. Is it possible to leave it to your discretion?Γ’β¬Β<br> [Theresa] (My brain is mostly gone...)<br> [Random_Nerd] Ebrot: "Very well. I wish you good fortune, envoy of prophecy."<br> [Ftisk] (mine too but I read only)<br> [Random_Nerd] Theresa, you feel Ebrot recede from you, and he returns to looking like a translucent gemstone.<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "There, I think we're done here."<br> [DanteE] "Agreed..."<br> [Theresa] "Good fortune to you as well, Third Age."<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "I wish you..." He sighs.<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "Farewell, old friend. Until we meet again."<br> [Theresa] *whispers* "Dante, can you handle the bone? I don't want to drop this cup..."<br> [Random_Nerd] The Angel nods. "And the same to you, Ja Re Phon."<br> * DanteE carefully takes the bone from Theresa...<br> [Theresa] (Aww...sadImperator...)<br> [Ftisk] (yes yes poor imp)<br> [Random_Nerd] The Angel recedes further, turning into just a bright red spark in the sky. The ceiling of the room then closes up.<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "Well, I suppose that's that. Did you have anything else to talk about? If not, I'd really rather be alone right now."<br> [DanteE] "Well, we could check out that thought your servant found, if it's safe."<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon, loudly: "Servant, you can return the thing to where you got it. I don't need it."<br> [DanteE] "Oh, and do you want back on the wall?"<br> [DanteE] "... you don't?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "It doesn't matter."<br> * Theresa looks sad. "I am sorry that this has distressed you, sir."<br> [DanteE] (that 'you don't' was in response to his saying he doesn't need the thought)<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "Many things do. But I felt almost like my old self there for a moment. That's something, I suppose."<br> * Theresa looks at the cup. "Would this blood help you?"<br> [Random_Nerd] (Ah. He interpreted it as being about where the face is.)<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "I have no idea. Probably not. Give it to Jan ben Jan if you don't want it, I'm sure he'd accept it."<br> [Theresa] "I am very...nervous about the blood of an angel. Bad experiences."<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "Oh?"<br> [DanteE] "Do you feel ... well, more complete?"<br> * DanteE registers that he's acknowledging Theresa even though he has the bone...<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "No. I feel nostalgic. It... it isn't for the things that were lost to me, though. Just... a more human sort of suffering. Loneliness, nostalgia, that sort of thing."<br> [Theresa] (OOps...)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Yeah. He isn't really paying attention to that right now.)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Too preoccupied.)<br> [Theresa] (Well, that's a bit of an improvement.)<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "You're human, you two, aren't you?"<br> [DanteE] "Debatably. We were before becoming Noble."<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "Enjoy it. There are limits to how much a human, even a Noble one, may suffer."<br> [Theresa] "Yes, sir. And a previous encounter with a combination of an angel feather and a rabbit turned...bloody. I lost an arm and we lost part of our city."<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon: "Leave me alone. My servant will be in his rooms, him you may talk to if you wish."<br> [DanteE] "By your leave, then..."<br> [DanteE] "Oh, do you want our flowers?"<br> [Theresa] "Yes, sir. Thank you for talking with us, sir. If it is possible, good luck to you."<br> [Random_Nerd] JP: "Leave them with the servant, he'll know where to put them so I remember you."<br> [Random_Nerd] He closes his eyelids.<br> [Theresa] "Lead the way, Dante..." *walks carefully*<br> * DanteE puts the bone away...<br> [Theresa] (Oh and we should leave the chalk too.)<br> * DanteE goes to find the servant.<br> [Ftisk] (follow the sword )<br> [Random_Nerd] (The servant seems to have left the sword in the starry room, because he had his hands full with the thing made of feathers.)<br> [DanteE] (Well, it's not like I don't have others...)<br> [DanteE] (and I want to check out the thing he found.)<br> [Random_Nerd] (But you remember which way he took to bring you to this room.)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Cut to you guys going to his office?)<br> [DanteE] (Sure)<br> [Theresa] (Sounds good.)<br> [Random_Nerd] Ja Phon's aide is sitting at his desk. The writhing feather-thing is in a glass box with a padlock.<br> [Theresa] "Hello..."<br> [DanteE] "You should probably leave the boss alone for a while, he's feeling ... nostalgic. Or sleeping."<br> [Random_Nerd] Servant: "Don't worry, it doesn't breathe air."<br> * DanteE examines the feather thing...<br> [Random_Nerd] Servant: "Yeah, he told me to leave him alone."<br> [DanteE] "Oh, here's your chalk back."<br> [Random_Nerd] The servant takes it and puts it on his desk.<br> [DanteE] "So, what is this exactly?"<br> [Theresa] (Hmm, kinda reminds me of when Kudzu was 'remembering'.)<br> [Random_Nerd] Servant: "Something else from where he kept the thought of the little brass man. I think it's a creature from Outside."<br> [DanteE] "So, part of his mind is outside?"<br> [Ftisk] (/me interested!!!!!!)<br> [Theresa] "Not as cute as Jeeves, though."<br> [Random_Nerd] Servant: "I would say, rather, that part of Outside is in his mind. Normally the Wall would be in the way, but... it's one of the things that are not in the world as he experiences it."<br> [Random_Nerd] Servant: "Sometimes I wonder if that particular bit was deliberate, if he ripped that part of his world out so he could get back home."<br> [DanteE] (is the Wall in the Spirit World?)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Yes. Mainly there, really.)<br> [Theresa] "Hmm..."<br> [DanteE] "Maybe if we take an image of this to Shadows he can identify it."<br> [Random_Nerd] Servant: "Can you arrange your own way back home, or should I get something set up?"<br> [Ftisk] (you can aspect draw the O.W. being later Dante)<br> [Theresa] "Well, now that we've seen it, we can create an image of it."<br> [Theresa] "We would appreciate a way home, thank you. I hope that this visit has been helpful to your Imperator."<br> [DanteE] (Can we get back home?)<br> [Ftisk] (and Theresa can create a paper with the draw on it)<br> [DanteE] (Oh, and don't forget the flowers)<br> [Random_Nerd] (With the draw?)<br> [DanteE] (to contact us)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Oh, the drawing of what you saw.)<br> [Theresa] "Are miracles out here okay?"<br> [Random_Nerd] (None of you have Gatemaker or anything like that, right?)<br> [Random_Nerd] Servant: "I guess. He usually leaves me this area for myself."<br> [Random_Nerd] Servant: "And it never contains the more distorted parts of his mind."<br> [Ftisk] (we came by a light portal)<br> * Theresa LCs the flowers on his desk.<br> [Random_Nerd] Servant: "Shall I contact the Gatemaker for you?"<br> [DanteE] "If you would."<br> [Random_Nerd] He goes into another room, and comes back with a book. He leafs through it, and finds a picture of a flower.<br> [Random_Nerd] (It's a lot like William's book, but a different edition, and it doesn't have nearly as many marginal notes.)<br> [DanteE] (Earlier or later edition?)<br> [Random_Nerd] Servant: "Gatemaker, I am a member of the Society of Aides. I am the one who the Light hired to care for Ymera Ja Phon in his sad condition"<br> [Random_Nerd] (You'd have to check the spines of both to see.)<br> [Random_Nerd] Servant: "I have those Nobles here which you transported from Locus Kudzu on Earth to my present location. I ask you, in the name of the loyalties we both share, to provide transport home for them as well. Thank you for hearing me."<br> [Random_Nerd] Servant: "If he isn't busy, you should have a gateway soon."<br> [Random_Nerd] (Well, you've seen William's enough times. This is one edition newer.)<br> [Random_Nerd] One of the walls begins to glitter.<br> [DanteE] "Oh, hey, looks like our guys are an edition behind on the big flower book..."<br> [Theresa] "Thank you very much. Is there anything you need before we leave?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Servant: "Looks like he was available."<br> [Random_Nerd] Servant: "Really? Who do you have working for you?"<br> [DanteE] "Samuel and William?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Servant: "Human? Tall, red hair?"<br> [Theresa] "Yep. And Sam's a Dionyl."<br> [DanteE] "But in any case, time to head home..."<br> [Random_Nerd] Servant: "Weird. I had Heraldry with William, and he's... well, he drove the teacher nuts, but he's an expert on the topic. You'd think he'd have a current one."<br> [Random_Nerd] S: "But please go through the gate while it's still there."<br> [Theresa] "Thank you again."<br> [DanteE] "Yell if you need us."<br> * Theresa goes through.<br> * DanteE heads home...<br> [Random_Nerd] (Aaaaand... stop.)<br> [Random_Nerd] ___________STOP_____________<br> [Chytosid] (woo!)<br> [Random_Nerd] Sorry to stretch it a little when people were getting tired, but I wanted to be able to introduce the new PC next session.<br> =-= YOU are now known as Angelo<br> [DanteE] You guys did catch the big reveal, right?"<br> =-= Chytosid is now known as Verithe<br> [Random_Nerd] Which one?<br> [DanteE] Yeah, that's overdue. :)<br> [Theresa] Wiliam is behind in his books?<br> [Angelo] Ja Phon is wall immune?<br> [Angelo] kinda<br> [Angelo] the Ebrot pieces?<br> [Verithe] Freaky!<br> [Random_Nerd] Tpyo has a sister?<br> [DanteE] nope... Ebrot Appeka has two other domains that aren't part of Creation anymore.<br> [DanteE] But you can find some that are close.<br> [Angelo] Mimic!<br> [Random_Nerd] Oh, yes. Yeah, Attaris took over The Third Age, but the other ones died with the original Ebrot.<br> [DanteE] bull's-eye<br> [Angelo] *MIMIC!*<br> [Random_Nerd] But interestingly... not Attaris.<br> [DanteE] ...<br> [Random_Nerd] Hmm?<br> [Angelo] and Ftisk will _die_ for having miss all these interesting things! :-D<br> [DanteE] OK, that is another interpretation. :)<br> =-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood<br> [Random_Nerd] No, no. Attaris is not a Mimic made from Ebrot. She was around before his death.<br> [Angelo] uff was too simple<br> [Theresa] Hmm, I thought of a scenario...<br> [Random_Nerd] But you did draw a meaningful conclusion from the fact that there are existing Estates that closely resemble watered-down versions of his ones.<br> [Verithe] Huh...<br> [Angelo] ... mimic around from the corpse of the dyed Ebrot?<br> [Theresa] Idea: That Ebrot went up against an Excrucian and lost...but before the Scrunchy could take everything, Attaris came by and at least saved the 3rd Age.<br> [Random_Nerd] Mimics are created from the fresh corpses of Imperators.<br> [Knockwood] or... Attaris did what Kudzu did to Azazel<br> [Angelo] ... can work Dante<br> [Random_Nerd] The Excrucians use a "good enough for field work" version of the ritual by which they can turn Imperatos into full Excrucians.<br> [Random_Nerd] You guys would know this.<br> [Knockwood] Y'know what we should do...<br> [Theresa] We are not going to tackle an Imperator and feel her up.<br> [Theresa] At least we aren't. Ftisk might.<br> [Knockwood] write all our wacky theories on index cards and have Ftisk do a Data-Domain Greater Detection of Bullshit on the lot. :)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Now, this doesn't mean she isn't a mimic, technically. If the Excrucians were in Creation beforehand, she could be a mimic of the original Attaris...)<br> [Angelo] I can?<br> [Random_Nerd] You could at least spot inconsistencies like this, if they'd written out what a Mimic is as well.<br> [Random_Nerd] (You just know that she isn't a mimic, specifically, of Ebrot.)<br> [Angelo] well is worth a try then<br> [Knockwood] and then we can all chug Angel-blood smoothies<br> [Angelo] next week do you change from dst?<br> [Random_Nerd] (Oh, and it is technically possible to make a mimic from a /living/ Imperator, if you've already taken at least one of his estates.)<br> [Angelo] Wait. And the result is a imp and a mimic or the mimic is done from the imp?<br> [Random_Nerd] After next week's session.<br> [Random_Nerd] The result is a mimic, made from the Imperator.<br> [Angelo] ok<br> [Knockwood] Wait...<br> [Random_Nerd] It would be more trouble doing it that way, but it would let their "Imperator" keep more of "his" old Estates.<br> [Random_Nerd] Makes it easier for him to fit in.<br> [Knockwood] Mimics may have been invented as part of the War.<br> [Angelo] uhm and will take longer right?<br> [Knockwood] Maybe ... Attaris was a spy and a proto-mimic<br> [Knockwood] Angelo: First Sunday in November is when we switch<br> [Random_Nerd] It is true that the existence of Mimics does not preclude the existence of straight-up traitors.<br> [Knockwood] which I guess would be November 1<br> [Angelo] @Knock I ask because this weekend we switch<br> [Random_Nerd] Any other questions, before I go?<br> [Angelo] none<br> [Verithe] I forgot all about DST.<br> [Knockwood] I'm good for now...<br> [Verithe] Nope.<br> [Theresa] I think I need sleep. Thanks for the good game, guys! :) *HUGS*<br> [Angelo] @V: you'll be affected too right?<br> [Verithe] Sleep well!<br> [Random_Nerd] See you guys next week, then.<br> [Angelo] Bye RN, night Beth<br> [Verithe] I don't think we have dst. But it will effect when I catch up with you guys.<br> [Knockwood] good night RN, Beth<br> [Random_Nerd] G'night.<br> [Angelo] yes, next week I'll have one less our for the game :-(<br> |[-- Random_Nerd has left irc2.magicstar.net (Disintegrated: )<br> |[-- Theresa has left irc2.magicstar.net (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)<br> [Knockwood] well, it should get sorted out next week after that\<br> [Angelo] well, I left. Good session... night K&V<br> [Verithe] Take care, Angelo!<br> [Angelo] yeah, right, the off set will stay for a session only :-)<br> [--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis<br> <br><br>[[Chancel_Amyra]]<br> [[Amyra:Chapter_16|Chapter 16]]
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