Session 150
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[[Chancel_Amyra]]<br> [[Amyra:Chapter_16|Chapter 16]] [[Amyra:Chapter_17|Chapter 17]]<br><br> [INFO] Now logging to {file:///home/angelo/.mozilla/firefox/vkuuxfit.default/chatzilla/logs/irc2.magicstar.net/channels/%23Nobilis.2009-12-04.log}.<br> [INFO] Channel view for ``#Nobilis'' opened.<br> --}| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis<br> =-= No topic for channel #Nobilis<br> =-= Topic for #Nobilis was set by ChanServ on ven 04 dic 2009 03:20:19 CET<br> *ChanServ* Welcome to the wonderful Amyran Nobilis channel!<br> {Angelo} Hi Verithe, RN!<br> {Random_Nerd} Hey.<br> {Angelo} Everything's fine?<br> {Random_Nerd} Law is getting into crazy-inducing territory...<br> {Random_Nerd} But that's expected at this time of the semester.<br> {Angelo} And... you have time to game?<br> {Random_Nerd} Eh. A few hours a week of distraction is helpful.<br> {Random_Nerd} Keeps me from going nuts.<br> {Random_Nerd} Although if I have you guys get jumped by the nobles of Torts, Contracts, and Criminal Law...<br> {Angelo} Well. Then I feel no remorses on stealing your study time. :-P<br> {Random_Nerd} Yeah. I have a week until the first final, I'll be putting in plenty of hours on that.<br> {Random_Nerd} And, hey, I save some time by not going out drinking now.<br> {Angelo} (cheerleader mode on: Go RN GO!. cheerleader mode off)<br> {Random_Nerd} And do you know what the topic of the last case of the semester is? Explosion-induced mink cannibalism!<br> {Angelo} btw I will like to make in game that Ftisk show Dollphaniell his dolls collection in his special hiding at his place and then rant a bit on the doll being no more that a mere shadow of her now and that Gnomely _must_ not know nothing of all this. But otherwise take this for done offscreen<br> --}| lazarus (~Mike_MacM@MagicStar-8476D14.storm.ca) has joined #Nobilis<br> {Angelo} ohhh what a nice case subject!<br> {Angelo} Hu Laz!<br> {Random_Nerd} Okay. I'll take it as given that Ftisk has done so.<br> {Angelo} ehm Hi Laz!<br> --}| BethE (~BethL@MagicStar-7F1AE524.hsd1.il.comcast.net) has joined #Nobilis<br> {BethE} Evening, guys! *HUGS*<br> {Angelo} Hi wife of a crazy law student!!<br> {lazarus} hey guys; I'm feeling tired and sick tonight, so I'm thinking of calling it a night and heading to bed shortly ... which, sadly, means that I'll have to skip this week :(.<br> {Random_Nerd} Well, it'll be a shame to miss you, but sick's sick.<br> {Angelo} well do what you feel is better for you Laz<br> {BethE} He is indeed crazy. :) And Laz, sick is sick. You need to take care of yourself1<br> {lazarus} I've been having some chest congestion and sneezing fits the past couple days. Plus not being able to sleep, and when I do finally sleep, I wake up all sweaty x_x<br> {Verithe} Sorry! I was distracted by horrible cakes.<br> {BethE} You read Cake Wrecks too?<br> {Angelo} Oh, poor Laz! :-(<br> {Verithe} Yes.<br> {Random_Nerd} Chest colds can be nasty.<br> {BethE} Yeah, bronchitis and pneumonia aren't worth getting.<br> {lazarus} not sure if it really is anything or not, and it seems to be leaving if it were.<br> --}| Knockwood (~chatzilla@71.9.20.IP) has joined #Nobilis<br> {Knockwood} Hi guys<br> {Verithe} A departing chest cold is good. D:<br> {Angelo} Cake Hi Knock!<br> {Verithe} Hi, Knock!<br> {Knockwood} ...Cake?<br> {Random_Nerd} Hey, Knock.<br> {BethE} Hi Knock!<br> {Angelo} no a word already in the text box.. nevermind cake<br> {Verithe} But the cake is delicious...if horribly decorated.<br> {Knockwood} (must ... not ... do ... 'Cake is a lie' ... joke ...)<br> {Angelo} but is your cake then , a slice go to your pet spider?<br> {lazarus} http://www.reapermini.com/LegionofJusticeandCaeke !!!<br> {Random_Nerd} (Good. That way, I don't have to feed you to the cannibalistic mink.)<br> {BethE} (Oh, no, not the mink story...)<br> {lazarus} (my brother's getting me the hedgehog mini, and the platy mini for christmas :D)<br> {Verithe} Actually, our pet spider went missing. D:<br> {Random_Nerd} That's a shame. What kind of spider is it?<br> {Verithe} We think a bird may have eaten her...or she got knocked down by the wind.<br> {Angelo} O.o someone stole it!<br> {Verithe} A joro-gumo (Nephila clavata)<br> {Random_Nerd} It's always rough when a pet just vanishes.<br> {Verithe} I've got pictures... :)<br> {BethE} Man, sorry to hear that, Ver.<br> {lazarus} anyway. Heading off; 'night, and I'll see you all next week. (KW: 'm feeling sick and exhausted)<br> * Random_Nerd looks up the species.<br> {Random_Nerd} Pretty spider type.<br> {BethE} Night, Laz! *HUG*<br> {--| lazarus has left #Nobilis<br> {Random_Nerd} That's the kind that they used the web from to make that spider-silk fabric, right?<br> {Verithe} http://siya.deviantart.com/art/Joro-gumo-141636427<br> {Verithe} I've heard of them being milked for silk before, ja.<br> {Random_Nerd} http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2009/09/spider-silk/<br> {Verithe} She came with the apartment, so it's not really a huge loss...but we still kinda miss her. :(<br> {Random_Nerd} Yeah. I can see that.<br> {Random_Nerd} Pretty animal. I like the yellow bands on her legs.<br> {Verithe} Yeah.<br> {Knockwood} ... hm. Something like that came at me and I'd be inclined to grab something heavy and pound it into a smear.<br> {Angelo} my reaction too<br> {Random_Nerd} Eh. I like spiders.<br> {Random_Nerd} They leave me alone, and I leave them alone.<br> {Verithe} She mostly kept to herself, which is why we liked her so much.<br> {Random_Nerd} Besides, anything that eats mosquitoes and soy aphids is okay in my book.<br> {Verithe} And stinkbugs. Stinkbugs were everywhere this year. She caught a ton of 'em.<br> {Knockwood} ... OK, that is a good thing<br> {Verithe} I've seen that article on the Madagascar spiders! It's crazy-cool!<br> {Random_Nerd} So, anyway, are you guys ready to start?<br> {Verithe} Yup! :)<br> =-= Verithe is now known as Kite<br> {Angelo} yuppity yup!<br> =-= YOU are now known as Ftisk<br> =-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE<br> =-= BethE is now known as Theresa<br> {Random_Nerd} So, let's have this be a day or so later. Angelo's told me what Ftisk was up to in the meantime, what about the rest of you?<br> {Random_Nerd} (And a shame that Laz isn't here, the newest LHC problem would give a good hook for the Mister Science thing.)<br> {DanteE} looking into the girl with the blue eyes, while making sure the stack of index cards is 'complete'<br> {Kite} I've been exploring Amyra, likely. Maybe checking out a few factories.<br> {Random_Nerd} ____START___<br> {DanteE} oh... and also keeping a close watch on my new Imp<br> {Random_Nerd} Okay. The girl with the blue eyes has been tested for her vision, and in spite of the odd look, her sight doesn't seem to be impaired other than some slight nearsightedness. Indeed, the doctors are trying to figure out why her color vision isn't affected. One of the Strange Arm guys has volunteered to be examined in parallel with her, for another example of odd pupilless eyes.<br> {Theresa} (You know those shock collars don't work on imps...)<br> {Theresa} (He might just like the shocks.)<br> {Ftisk} (DanteE, can I ask to annoy Dante with Gnomely? Please? Pretty please?)<br> {DanteE} (... sure ...)<br> {Ftisk} (me do happy dance!)<br> {Random_Nerd} William walks into Dante's office, carrying two or three old-smelling books, and one newer one.<br> {Random_Nerd} (How do you want to annoy Dante with Gnomely?)<br> {Ftisk} (is last night at Dante place with Gnomely that choose to return to stay with Ftisk)<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "These were the best books I could find on demon-training."<br> * DanteE tries to identify the smell... (sulphur?)<br> {Random_Nerd} (No, old books, maintained imperfectly.)<br> {Random_Nerd} (They smell like a library stacks.)<br> {Random_Nerd} (Also, you can tell from the smell that one of the two is on vellum, rather than wood paper.)<br> * DanteE Ghost-Realms the smell away<br> {Theresa} (Mmm, old book smell...)<br> {Random_Nerd} The newer book, "Demon-wrangling for new Nobles" seems to be printed within the last year, and the cover design is close enough to the "X For Dummies" books that if it were published in the mainstream, there'd probably be some sort of lawsuit.<br> * Ftisk is somewhere playing with Dollphaniel and Gnomely, all embodied as spider playing "cath the others in my big spiderweb!"<br> {Random_Nerd} (Oh, and the cover of that one is in Angelic, not english.)<br> * Theresa sits in her Conservatory, concentrating on the Chancel. She asks the Chancel to tell her of problems that Lesson and the Bureau could handle. (Realm LDiv.)<br> {Random_Nerd} Dollphaniel sits at her corner of the web and schemes.<br> {DanteE} (Who's the author?)<br> {DanteE} (and what about the other two books?)<br> {Theresa} (Luc. He's the author of half of the books in Nobilis.)<br> {Random_Nerd} (You don't recognize the author's name, but according to a blurb on the cover he's an anchor to a Power of Hell.)<br> * Ftisk run around in haphazard curves seeking to catch Gnomely and emitting a "*giglle* weeeeeeeeeee *cuckle giggle*"<br> {Random_Nerd} (Of the other two books, one is written in Latin, and the other in French. They're both grimories for summoning demons. Each has several bookmarks stuck in it.)<br> {Random_Nerd} (The newer one has no such bookmarks.)<br> {DanteE} "Thank you, William...<br> {DanteE} to the Imp: "You are NOT to hurt anyone, or damage anything, understood?"<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "These two are mainly about mortal magic to conjure demons, but there are some sections on how to manage them that you might find useful. This one... I can't read Angelic, but I've heard that it's supposed to be relatively useful. It's written from a Hell perspective, though, so it may advocate techniques that you wouldn't agree with."<br> {Random_Nerd} Imp: *nod nod nod*<br> {Random_Nerd} Imp: *stops nodding* "What about food?"<br> * DanteE skims the 'for Dummies' book...<br> {DanteE} "We'll give you food."<br> {DanteE} "William, anything else untoward happen today?"<br> {Random_Nerd} (Theresa, you get a long mental list of problems in Amyra. Some of them, like the transformed people and the "scared straight" thing, the Bureau is already doing. Most of them, it isn't.)<br> {Kite} (Or make him get a part time job to pay for all those Happy Meals)<br> {Random_Nerd} The Dummies book focuses mainly on training demons to perform various tasks. There's a second on training them to track and pursue humans, animals, or others, a section on using them to torment the damned, a second on using them as servants, and so on.<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "...by which standards, sir?"<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "I find that I have difficulty judging such things, recently."<br> {Random_Nerd} (And on the "sir" bit he uses a bit of the "Stephen Fry as Jeeves" voice.)<br> {DanteE} "Well, you know the Age is ending, and things are starting to Happen. Those standards.<br> {DanteE} "Come to think of it... are there any Unanswered Questions that are 'close' to what we're looking into? Maybe we can clear a few off the ... uh ... board?"<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "Someone seems to have transformed part of the surface of Numbers' office door into brass letters, does that count?"<br> * Theresa writes each one down carefully on a notepad. She thanks the Chancel and then takes a look at the list. Is there anything that jumps out as needing to be taken care of soon that hasn't been taken care of?<br> {DanteE} "... Patterns?"<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "I assumed it wasn't his own work, as it's mostly a bunch of rude words."<br> * DanteE checks out the door.<br> {Theresa} (Mr. Science!)<br> {Theresa} (Or your imp...)<br> {DanteE} (the Imp would use nails, not brass...)<br> {Ftisk} (Or the imp _is_ Mr. Science!)<br> {Random_Nerd} (A few references to the collider project, a lot of swearwords, and some suggestions that he perform sexual acts that give the vague impression that the writer isn't particularly familiar with human anatomy.)<br> {Theresa} (Don't let Ftisk see the sexual act suggestions or he will be curious and ask for demonstrations...)<br> * DanteE fires off a Realm-Div of Who Did This?<br> {Ftisk} (True!)<br> {Random_Nerd} (Lesser Div, or Greater?)<br> {Random_Nerd} (And are you using the Witchhunt Rite?)<br> {DanteE} (Forgot about that!)<br> * DanteE examines the writing with The Sight...<br> {Random_Nerd} (It lets you use your spirit to add to the miracle level or penetration of miracles.)<br> * Kite returns, holding a piece of broken glass in his beak.<br> {DanteE} "Morning, Kite..."<br> {DanteE} (come to think of it, the writing and Kite are both new...)<br> {Random_Nerd} The Sight does show something, actually. It seems that the door was partially transmuted through a Greater Change of Physics that briefly altered the laws of chemistry in such a way that that door, in particular, would partially transmute to brass.<br> {DanteE} (Physics? Uhoh...)<br> {Random_Nerd} It seems a very awkward way to do it, like it was done by a Noble on his very first day, but who had a large amount of spare power.<br> {Ftisk} (mimic?)<br> {Random_Nerd} Doing such a miracle would take either a special Gift, the actions of a Domain's-Regal, or the use of a Word.<br> {DanteE} (hm... that counts against Physics, unless he had a liaison with the Power of Tequila.)<br> * Kite looks at Dante as if wanting to say good morning, but not wanting to lose his precious piece of glass.<br> {DanteE} "This was a miracle, William... of Physics."<br> {Theresa} (I'm a regal...but I didn't do it.)<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "As in your former guest?"<br> {DanteE} "So it seems... but let me check."<br> {Theresa} (Could it be done in a way to mess with what flower would show?)<br> {DanteE} Witchhunt rite on the door.<br> {Random_Nerd} The caster of the miracle has used a symbol to mask their own presence. Rather than a flower, they used Graham's Number.<br> {Random_Nerd} (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graham%27s_number)<br> {DanteE} "Using a theoretical number to mask it...<br> {Random_Nerd} (You can also tell, by the strength of the traces, that the one who used the miracle did not use a Word to invoke it.)<br> {DanteE} "William... is there a way for a power to tell if he's being 'imitated' by someone?"<br> * DanteE checks out Kite's glass...<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "Hmm. Not a generally applicable one."<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "Good morning, sir. I wished to ask... by which name do you wish me to call you?"<br> {Kite} ('tis normal glass...maybe a little dirty from sitting on the side of the road)<br> * Kite shifts to human form and takes the glass out of his mouth.<br> {DanteE} "This was a miracle of Physics masked by a number, with evidence of great power haphazardly used. Either Brian's been hitting the sauce pretty heavily or we've got an imposter...<br> =-= YOU are now known as spider-Ftisk<br> {Random_Nerd} (Spider-Ftisk, Spider-ftisk, does whatever a spider... isk?)<br> {spider-Ftisk} (lol!!!)<br> {Kite} (hehe)<br> {Random_Nerd} (Have you brought your anchors with you?)<br> * spider-Ftisk crawl in the room with the other nobles while staying on the ceiling<br> {Random_Nerd} (That, to Ftisk.)<br> {spider-Ftisk} (yeah, Spider-Gnomely and Spider-Dollphaniel)<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "I mean, I know you're going by 'Kite' to your fellow Nobles, but I didn't wish to presume."<br> {spider-Ftisk} (ops S-Doll is not my anchor)<br> {Random_Nerd} (Oh, true.)<br> {Random_Nerd} (Everyone with Aspect 1 or better can tell that there are three giant mechanical spiders on the ceiling.)<br> {Random_Nerd} (William, specifically, can not.)<br> * Kite blinks at William.<br> {Kite} "Whichever one you feel is appropriate."<br> {DanteE} "William, you don't have arachnophobia, do you?"<br> * spider-Ftisk advance silently over William head...<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "Not particularly, why?"<br> {DanteE} "Look up."<br> * spider-Ftisk jump over him "Booo!"<br> {Random_Nerd} William glances up.<br> {spider-Ftisk} (him= Will)<br> {Random_Nerd} William tries very hard to retain his composure.<br> {Random_Nerd} His leap backwards is really quite small, all things considered.<br> {DanteE} "It's Ftisk screwing with you."<br> {Random_Nerd} William, flailing in the air and just managing not to fall over: "Ah... can I change my answer?"<br> * spider-Ftisk giggle uncontrollably<br> {DanteE} (OK, but then we won't know what to get you for Christmas... :) )<br> {spider-Ftisk} "Hi guys! I miss something?"<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "Physics hijinks."<br> {Kite} "You missed miraculous sabotage...I think."<br> {spider-Ftisk} spider-Gnomely: facepalm at Will Reaction to Ftisk<br> * spider-Ftisk "oooohhhh"<br> {DanteE} "Hm...<br> {DanteE} "Anyone know where Message is?"<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "So, he used a huge amount of force?"<br> {Kite} "Message?"<br> * spider-Ftisk shake head<br> {DanteE} "Yes, this is a Change of Physics."<br> {spider-Ftisk} s-Gnomely: "Why do you think him can be the one that do this? For his excrucian roots?"<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "Are we in any danger?"<br> * Kite gasps!<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "And by 'we' I suppose I mean 'I'."<br> {Kite} "Excrucians!?"<br> {DanteE} "I'm just checking. But one, we haven't heard from him in a while, and two, this might make us suspect our allies, which means it could be a form of trap."<br> {Random_Nerd} William, still nervous from the spider thing, glances over his shoulder as if the Excrucians might be lurking there.<br> {DanteE} (Where's Theresa?)<br> {Theresa} (Her Conservatory.)<br> * spider-Ftisk levitate to regain the ceiling<br> {Random_Nerd} (Oh, and Theresa, in terms of preventing potential loss of life, the biggest thing on the list that Lesson and the Bureau might be able to help with would be lecturing the Amyran military on how to react to miraculous threats.)<br> {DanteE} (Run like a bitch while praying to us?)<br> {Random_Nerd} (That would be it, yes.)<br> {Theresa} (That's while praying to us, _sir_.)<br> {Random_Nerd} (And also a lot of stuff on what sort of details would be important to include in their prayers, how to try to recognize the different sorts of Excrucians and Nobles, that kind of thing.)<br> * DanteE calls Theresa...<br> * Theresa thinks that that is a great idea and is about to do another Realm Div when interrupted. "Hello?"<br> {Random_Nerd} (Oh, and some stuff on how to handle lesser threats, ogres and nimblejacks and so on.)<br> {DanteE} "Theresa... looks like somebody screwed with Brian's door with a Change of Physics. Can you do your spotter thing and see if everyone miraculous is accounted for?"<br> * Kite puts the piece of glass in his pocket and examines the brass on the door.<br> {Theresa} "It was definitely Physics? And not some other thing that looks like Physics in a funny moustache? Okay, I'll check." *activate Noble Realm Spotter*<br> {Random_Nerd} The brass is a little thinner than the wood, but not like it was inlaid. Rather, it seems that in transforming from the wood to a metal alloy, a bit of volume was lost due to the higher density.<br> {DanteE} "Well, the _miracle_ was of Physics."<br> * Kite attempts to pry a letter off the door.<br> {Random_Nerd} (It was definitely a miracle that changed the laws of physics as they applied to the door. It could have been a miracle of Matter, technically, or something like that. But there isn't a Noble of Matter.)<br> {Theresa} (Matter doesn't matter?)<br> {DanteE} (rimshot)<br> {Kite} (hehe)<br> {Random_Nerd} The wood and the brass are fused together.<br> * Kite frowns<br> {Random_Nerd} Not as if it was glued on, but like... say, take a steel rod, and wave a magic wand to turn half of it to gold. The gold and the steel are still part of the same object.<br> {Random_Nerd} (Theresa, nothing weird on the Spotter, except that Kudzu isn't buried so deep, he's closer to the surface than he was.)<br> {DanteE} What's the text of the message?<br> {Theresa} "Sorry, Dante, everyone's present, accounted for and scrubbed nicely. Oh and the boss may be slowly waking up. But I'm willing to bet he's not a morning person, so don't go blaring about."<br> {Theresa} (Brian - your mother. Go center yourself in a one point system. Etc.)<br> {DanteE} (Increase your potential energy onto this lathe-like object and experience torque?)<br> {Random_Nerd} (Yeah. Imagine if a robot tried to make up a sexual insult.)<br> {Random_Nerd} (The general strokes are right, but it just seems... off.0<br> {Random_Nerd} (It isn't signed, though.)<br> {Kite} "Is Shadows drunk again?"<br> {Theresa} (Shadows has been a teenage boy. He could insult better than this.)<br> {DanteE} "OK, let's analyze this. This was done by changing the wood in the door to brass, but not accounting for density. Whoever did it masked it with Graham's Number, whatever that is. And these insults seem to indicate an ... unfamiliarity with humanity."<br> {Random_Nerd} (And a lot of it is just random cursewords in english, french, and german.)<br> {DanteE} (Where's Sam, BTW?)<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "So, a non-human noble?"<br> {spider-Ftisk} (German is not good for course word. Better use Italian)<br> {Random_Nerd} (In his house, taking a sick day.)<br> {Theresa} (Probably as far away from us as possible.)<br> * Kite coughs meaningfully.<br> {DanteE} (Well, Ftisk, anyway... :))<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "I'm pretty sure it wasn't you, sir."<br> {Kite} "Thank you."<br> {Theresa} (A _bad_ nonhuman noble. Unlike the two who are currently visiting.)<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "And /reasonably/ certain it wasn't Dominus Ftisk."<br> {spider-Ftisk} (why? from Ftisk? *innocent look*)<br> {DanteE} "Yeah, look at the curse words. Whoever did this knows the words, but doesn't know the _tune_, to paraphrase twain."<br> {Theresa} (Knows the words but not the motions?)<br> {DanteE} (er, Mark Twain)<br> {DanteE} "Physics started out human, right?"<br> {spider-Ftisk} "Is not my opera! I will have used better insults that these"<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "The current one did, yes. I'm not certain about earlier ones."<br> {DanteE} "... would any earlier ones be around?"<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "Not with miraculous powers, at least."<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "But I can look into that if you want."<br> {DanteE} (and, of course, Numbers isn't actually _here_...)<br> {DanteE} "Well, let's try the direct approach. William, you have Physics' flower?"<br> {Theresa} (Let's not give Numbers any extra...numbers. We don't need cloned Brians. The cheeseburger industry couldn't handle it.)<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "I have a drawing of both of them, in my office. Shall I fetch them, while you call Theresa?"<br> {DanteE} "Good idea."<br> {spider-Ftisk} "Can be the corrupt cult doing? They had a corrupt copy of Brian last time "<br> * spider-Ftisk silk a spider web with a italic B inside<br> * Kite applauds Ftisk. "Now write 'SOME PIG'."<br> * spider-Ftisk "sure!"<br> * spider-Ftisk start silking then stop in the middle "Why Kite?"<br> * Kite shrugs.<br> {Kite} "It was a good book."<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "This is going to be a long list, isn't it?"<br> {Random_Nerd} {DanteE} "Then again ... this is sort of an attack. A lame one, but an attack.<br> {Random_Nerd} {@Random_Nerd} William: "Then the question becomes... how many enemies do we have who're really lame?"<br> {DanteE} Theresa, you say anything?<br> {DanteE} Well, I was just about to suggest having the Justice League assemble....<br> {Random_Nerd} (Oh, and you know what? I'm declaring this to be a new story arc.)<br> {Random_Nerd} (Hmm. Last one was a bit on the long side, wasn't it?)<br> {DanteE} (Yeah, long and random)<br> {DanteE} (... so we get another Char Point?)<br> {Random_Nerd} (Yeah, okay. Two CPs for Dante and Theresa, four for Ftisk and Kite since they're still catching up.)<br> <br> * NEW Story arc begin here! *<br> <br> {spider-Ftisk} (and with a lose think to do.. Shadows ask us a favor in last session)<br> {DanteE} (One sec...)<br> {Kite} (Woo!)<br> {spider-Ftisk} (Weeeeeeeeee Woooohhhhoooooooo!!!!)<br> {Random_Nerd} (I think we can handle that and the Mister Science plotline in the same one.)<br> {DanteE} (Heh... I've got 11 points piled up.)<br> {Random_Nerd} (Spend them!)<br> {DanteE} (muahhahhahhah....)<br> {spider-Ftisk} (ok I purchase become noble muchkin)<br> * DanteE calls together the League of More-than-Gentlemen.<br> {Random_Nerd} (Greater Creation of Munchkinness, Automatic When Appropriate, 7 penetration, full flexibility?)<br> {spider-Ftisk} (sure!)<br> {DanteE} (That's mean the Valde Bellum's over, ne? :) )<br> {Theresa} (Before she leaves, Theresa will do a Realm LDiv of the top two generals who will work the best with Lesson.))<br> {DanteE} (Right after the 'Kick Cneph in the junk' storyline)<br> {Random_Nerd} (You get their names.)<br> {Random_Nerd} (So, cut to the conference room?)<br> {DanteE} (me or Theresa?)<br> {Random_Nerd} (Theresa.)<br> {DanteE} (Right... though I've got the door removed and on the table, and the index cards on the other end...)<br> {Theresa} (Theresa will leave a note with her secretary to contact both of them, telling them that Theresa, Plant's Regal, would like to speak with them at her earliest convenience. Thank you.)<br> {Random_Nerd} (Okay.)<br> {Theresa} (*poof*)<br> * Theresa looks at Brian's door on the way there. "Whoever it is does not know how the human body bends. I've seen bad fanfiction that knew better than this..."<br> * spider-Ftisk weave a spider pawn "Hi Theresa"<br> {Random_Nerd} (Is it wrong that I'll be amused when Laz comes back and finds that his door is missing?)<br> * Theresa blinks at Ftisk. "We can make you a parlor, if you want, Ftisk." *smile*<br> {Kite} "First order of business when we find the person is to have them read bad fanfiction, then?"<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "I think that's forbidden by Entropy's Law."<br> {DanteE} "All right, here's what I got from the Witchhunt rite... (tells them)<br> {Kite} "Pity..."<br> * spider-Ftisk :-P to Theresa<br> {DanteE} "And a quick analysis... (blah blah blah)<br> {DanteE} "Now, two things. One... Theresa, could you replace Brian's door?"<br> {DanteE} "We'll give him his key when he returns from... I guess the accelerator site."<br> {Theresa} "The hinges would be wood and there wouldn't be a lock, but yes."<br> {DanteE} "Oh, just use these hinges..."<br> {DanteE} "OK... now, we've _met_ Physics. Is he a 'suspect', or not?"<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "I looked it up, and the Power of Physics' current flower is the mondara."<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "And he's on file as a Duke, not a Regal. But he might have developed further and not told anyone, I suppose."<br> {spider-Ftisk} "We can ask and see how he reacts"<br> * Kite plucks a feather out and tries to cut a letter free from the door.<br> {Random_Nerd} The wood is sturdy, but the feather is sharp. You cut one out.<br> {spider-Ftisk} "is your gift in use Kite?"<br> {DanteE} "Actually, Theresa, can you get any more info from this door?"<br> * Kite pockets the letter. "Hmm?"<br> * Theresa puts a hand on the door. She looks at the Spirit of the Door. "Hello. I would like to ask you some questions."<br> {spider-Ftisk} (new Nobilis flaw: kleptomaniac)<br> {Random_Nerd} Door: "Owwie!"<br> * Theresa heals the place that was cut out. "There, how's that?"<br> {Random_Nerd} Door: "I'm a door!"<br> * Kite looks innocently at the fascinating nothing in particular.<br> {Random_Nerd} Door: "Where's my doorway?"<br> {Theresa} (What does it say that I'm a Noble of things that have about the IQ (if lucky) of a newborn? Oh well, if they were smarter, they wouldn't be food.)<br> {Theresa} "I'm going to be putting you back there in a moment. Do you know what happened to your front?"<br> {Random_Nerd} Door: "Shiny!"<br> * Kite nods in agreement.<br> {Theresa} "Yep, shiny. Do you know who did it?"<br> {Random_Nerd} Door: "...shiny?"<br> {DanteE} (Oh... couldn't Ftisk do a Div of the text?)<br> {Random_Nerd} (Yeah, depending on what he was looking for.)<br> {spider-Ftisk} (maybe can help if you change the door adding a bit of intelligence )<br> {DanteE} (Yeah, but do you _want_ a smart door?)<br> {Theresa} (Yeah, but it was done at a distance. It was a long shot of a question.)<br> {spider-Ftisk} (yesss so she can open and close automatically - start trek like)<br> {Theresa} "Do you want the shiny bits removed?"<br> {Kite} (Ftisk might, but it's Brian's door)<br> {Random_Nerd} (Basically, someone changed the way all of atomic physics worked all around the Earth, for one moment, to make this door have letters turn to brass.)<br> {spider-Ftisk} (all around Earth? not locally?)<br> {Random_Nerd} (Yeah.)<br> {Theresa} (Wow.)<br> {DanteE} (Wait... it's a _Greater_ Change?)<br> {Random_Nerd} (Yeah.)<br> {Random_Nerd} (That's why you could spot it.)<br> {DanteE} (and you said a Word was _not_ involved?)<br> {Kite} (Huh.)<br> {Random_Nerd} (A lesser change wouldn't have showed to the Sight without use of the Witchhunt Rite.)<br> {spider-Ftisk} (I believe the true Phisic will _never_ be so incompetend)<br> {Random_Nerd} (And, yes. A Word was not involved.)<br> {Random_Nerd} (If it was, it would have had an effect on the strength of the traces you looked at with the Rite.)<br> {DanteE} (That means whoever did this has level 5 in the relevant power)<br> {spider-Ftisk} (someone with domain 5)<br> {Theresa} (Yeah, for the real Physics, this would be like hitting a fly with an atom bomb.)<br> {Random_Nerd} (Or else a relevant Gift.)<br> {Random_Nerd} (So, in a way, it was a very sophisticated miracle. Just figuring out how to tinker with physics in such a way as to affect only this one door, and not turn the world to cheese, would be almost unknowably hard.)<br> {Random_Nerd} (But in another way, it was a very stupid miracle.)<br> {spider-Ftisk} (right can be any noble-like being with the right gift. can be someone using a focus?)<br> {Random_Nerd} (Yeah.)<br> {Random_Nerd} Door, to Theresa: "My shiny bits! Doors with shiny on them are /important/."<br> {DanteE} (Then again, doesn't cloaking it with a number imply a level of familiarity with Miracle-working?)<br> {spider-Ftisk} "Well, I believe was the corrupt cult"<br> {Random_Nerd} (Yeah. Most "right-off-the-miraculous-turnip-truck" nobles wouldn't try that at all, let alone with a nonstandard symbol.)<br> {DanteE} "If it's our cult, where's Physics involved?"<br> * spider-Ftisk silk a "corrupt cult is the answer" web on all the ceiling right side<br> {Theresa} "Well, if you keep the shiny bits, we can't hang you back in your doorway until we have found who did this to you."<br> {Random_Nerd} (Ftisk, do you want a corrupt cult of your own for Christmas?)<br> {Kite} "Is Physics a friend?"<br> {spider-Ftisk} (yes plese!)<br> {Random_Nerd} Door: "My shiny bits! My doorway!"<br> {Random_Nerd} Door: "Mine!"<br> {DanteE} "We did invite him to a party early on."<br> {DanteE} "We should be on somewhat good terms unless the dip went bad."<br> {spider-Ftisk} "He came entropy dressed"<br> {Kite} "Then, perhaps, this may be an attempt to make him your enemy?"<br> {Kite} "Dressed as Entropy?"<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "Just so I'm clear. The person who did this, used a miracle that could have turned the entire planet to salt, and he used that to write incoherent insults on the door?"<br> {Theresa} "Yes, William."<br> {DanteE} "So it seems. This was the highest-power Miracle they know of.<br> {spider-Ftisk} lDiv Data on the text to extract a coherent message<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "Huh. It'd be terrifying if it wasn't so stupid."<br> {Random_Nerd} The closest to a coherent message you can get is "You are a bad person, and I don't like you, because you are trying to build a large particle accelerator."<br> {Random_Nerd} "Na na na boo boo."<br> {spider-Ftisk} "The message say : repeat above lines"<br> {DanteE} "OK... does this look like the work of Physics at all?"<br> * Theresa reassures the door that she won't put a different door in his doorway.<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "Unless he suddenly got a boost in miraculous power /and/ got a good whack with the Crazy Stick, I vote no."<br> {DanteE} "I'm thinking no. He was 'together' enough to spook us by impersonating entropy. This is just lame."<br> {spider-Ftisk} "Is this approximate execution that drive me to the cult. They have access to some power and to excrucian but they are human scale being and their execution is on that scale"<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "Hmm... and speaking of crazy, I think we can rule out Patterns, too. If he could do this sort of thing casually, he wouldn't have held it back until now."<br> {DanteE} "and yet, the particle accelerator is involved...<br> {DanteE} "... wait ... not _our_ Cult."<br> {Theresa} (The Abhorrent Crazy Stick...we've added another to the arsenal..)<br> {Kite} "I suggest talking to him, then. A global change of Physics may have caught his attention. Being masked by a number is..."<br> {spider-Ftisk} "A way to lead to Brian"<br> {Kite} "...well, he may jump to some conclusions that are not beneficial for Brian."<br> {DanteE} "That, though... who does anything with Graham's Number? I hadn't heard of it."<br> {Kite} "Right."<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "What's that?"<br> {DanteE} "Effing huge, basically."<br> {DanteE} "Going by Wikipedia."<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "Well, okay, let's think this through. For a symbol to work, it has to either represent the miracle itself, or represent the person using it."<br> {DanteE} "... This doesn't do anything with Graham's Number."<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "I suppose it /could/ represent the miracle. It was a rather big miracle. But that doesn't sound quite right."<br> {spider-Ftisk} "can be a really small domain?"<br> {Theresa} "Graham's Number is bigger than the universe. It couldd represent Outside?"<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "Huh. That could work."<br> {DanteE} "But Kite<br> {spider-Ftisk} "So can lead to excrucian or high summoning at work"<br> {Kite} "Yes?"<br> {DanteE} "has a point... Physics is either involved or heard about this."<br> {DanteE} "Let's talk to him."<br> {spider-Ftisk} "Will you have the flower?"<br> * Theresa hands one to William.<br> * spider-Ftisk quietly make a web to catch s-Dophaniel and s-Gnomely and win the game<br> {spider-Ftisk} (aspect 2 quiet)<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "It might be better for one of you to pray, so you can go two-way with it."<br> {DanteE} "Let's see, who hit it off with him when he was here?"<br> {Theresa} (Uhhh...)<br> {DanteE} (um, Hope and/or Brian)<br> {spider-Ftisk} (great! :-( )<br> {Random_Nerd} (Let's call it a night here.)<br> {Kite} (Alright)<br> {spider-Ftisk} (ok!)<br> {Random_Nerd} (It seems a good place to stop, and I could see that conversation taking a while.)<br> {Random_Nerd} _________________________STOP______________________<br> {DanteE} (OK... Hey, you! You're a night! :) )<br> =-= YOU are now known as Angelo<br> =-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood<br> =-= Kite is now known as Verithe<br> =-= Theresa is now known as BethE<br> {Angelo} Good game guys<br> {Random_Nerd} Okay, now. Who wants to register their guess as to who or what "Mister Science" is.<br> {Angelo} and receiving CP is always sweet<br> {BethE} Well, is it someone we already know?<br> {Random_Nerd} And rule zero doesn't apply, since I already know exactly what it is.<br> {Random_Nerd} Maybe!<br> {Knockwood} the result of an unholy alliance between our respective Corrupt Cults.<br> {Angelo} for me Mr. Science is cult connected<br> {Knockwood} Either that, or Physics + Tequila.<br> {Random_Nerd} Heh.<br> {Angelo} uhm...<br> {Verithe} The cult Numbers sounds likely to me.<br> {Random_Nerd} If he did make Regal, it'd only be 4 MPs, which would be big but not /huge/ for a prank.<br> {Angelo} after Shadow alcohol incident is possible...<br> {Verithe} Though a New Player, wouldn't be surprising, either.<br> {Verithe} (NPC player...)<br> {Angelo} are you pointing the finger against yourself Verithe?<br> {Angelo} ah<br> {BethE} It could be an Attack on Physics via a corrupt cult of his, trying to get Brian to smack Physics around.<br> {Knockwood} We never said that Brian was talking with Physics when planning or building the accelerator...<br> {Random_Nerd} Hmm. Is this sort of thing, the weird little mystery, the sort of plot you guys like?<br> {Knockwood} If there's resentment brewing and someone picked up on it...<br> {Verithe} Yes!<br> {Angelo} YESSSSSS!<br> {BethE} I like it. :)<br> {Angelo} but mixed with some big big mystery<br> {Knockwood} This could work. Then again, as PCs, we'll be trying to 'fix' things by beating the crap out of it... :)<br> {Random_Nerd} But of course!<br> {Random_Nerd} You, too, can solve your problems with excessive but precisely targeted force.<br> {Angelo} on getting an outside domain...<br> {Angelo} GWB pg 200 colum2 section one less that last is applicable?<br> {Knockwood} (and, damn, I didn't realize I had 11 points piled up...)<br> {Angelo} and Knok, use them!<br> {Random_Nerd} One moment, checking the chart.<br> {Knockwood} (well, 9 before today)<br> {Knockwood} Angelo: Warmain Foci?<br> {Angelo} near: forging Ftisk with an outside excru as Warmain do on inside Noble<br> {Random_Nerd} Yes, I'm going to rule that you could do it.<br> {Knockwood} if you've got a dead Noble you can eat his heart<br> * Angelo do happy dance!<br> {Random_Nerd} You'd need to kill an Excucian, and then do an Aspect 4 miracle, and beforehand you'd need to do some research on how Warmains do it.<br> {Random_Nerd} But it's not something that only Warmains /can/ do.<br> {Knockwood} ...aaaaaand now I'm really wondering what he's planning... :)<br> {Random_Nerd} It's something only Warmains /would want to/ do.<br> {Angelo} @Knok: gain an outer side domain, simple!<br> {Random_Nerd} And, yes, it would give Ftisk a decent understanding of the Outside.<br> {Angelo} I made a char with possible path to this.. this is one of the lower risk action<br> {Verithe} Does "Understanding of the Outside" mean "the crazies"?<br> {Random_Nerd} ...maybe?<br> {Knockwood} oh, he's already got that... :)<br> {Verithe} True... :)<br> * Angelo whistle<br> * Angelo look innocently<br> * Angelo look near angelic even :-P<br> {Random_Nerd} Oh, note that it would not, in and of itself, give Ftisk a domain from Outside.<br> {Angelo} btw finished 3th Buffy season. Angel say byebye<br> {Random_Nerd} Warmains don't have Domains unless they took a Focus from someone.<br> {Angelo} ah, well but will increase Ftisk knowledge of outside... is a positive result! :-)<br> {Random_Nerd} But I could see it justifying the taking of Warmain-style Gifts, just like Warmains can take Noble-style Gifts.<br> {Random_Nerd} And, yes, it certainly would give a better understanding of Outside.<br> {Verithe} Does this mean you're going to start Angel's spin-off, Angelo?<br> {Angelo} lol<br> {Knockwood} BTW, any ideas on what to do with my pile of points?<br> {Angelo} no I don't think<br> {Angelo} take HS?<br> {Random_Nerd} Greater Creation of Pudding, Automatic When Appropriate.<br> {Verithe} Jump in them and throw them in the air.<br> {Knockwood} sell 'em on eBay?<br> {Random_Nerd} Hmm. Maybe buy more Realm? You've been using it more, lately.<br> {Angelo} you can gear Dante toward excru ass kicking<br> {Random_Nerd} Or you could get an Aspect-miracle-based fighting gift, like we talked about once.<br> {Angelo} you now courage... blade let them to this<br> {Knockwood} oh yeah, Cosmic Kung Fu. :)<br> {Angelo} lend even<br> {Angelo} KnockLee<br> {Knockwood} or, for that matter a Dragon Slave.<br> {Angelo} a dragon _ride_<br> {Knockwood} but then I'd be left behind if we try something more cerebral.<br> {Angelo} don't overestimate us :-P<br> {Random_Nerd} 11 could give a full-on Marsiglio's Claw.<br> {Verithe} Which would be appropriate for Blades<br> {Knockwood} Got it! Greater Creation of Clue!<br> {Random_Nerd} Sadly, the Estate of Clues was excruciated.<br> {Verithe} Miss Scarlet in the Lounge...<br> {Random_Nerd} Explains a lot, doesn't it?<br> {BethE} SO no one has a clue?<br> {Verithe} Aww....D:<br> {Knockwood} right around the birth of the web?<br> {Knockwood} I could probably get pull-Blades-out-of-air...<br> {Knockwood} or even Elemental-Blades<br> {Random_Nerd} Really, you could get "Blades automatically appear when they would be handy, /wherever/ they would be handy, as long as it isn't inside a Noble." and still have points to spare.<br> {Verithe} Or Blade Elementals?<br> {Knockwood} Verithe: Imagine a being entirely made of sharp metal edges, whose voice is various tones from them clashing and rubbing together, looking at you and saying "Yeah. Fuck with me NOW."<br> {Verithe} Hehe<br> {Random_Nerd} Let's see... Lesser Change of Blades /w included Creation, 6. Penetration 0. Simple, -1. Local Only -1. Limited Selection -2. Common (by virtue of house rule that Gifts based on miracles of your own domain or realm always count as common) +0.<br> {Random_Nerd} 2 points to summon blade elementals at will.<br> {Knockwood} ooh.<br> {Knockwood} Actually, I was thinking of this scene:<br> {Angelo} in the change can be included a preservation too right?<br> {Knockwood} Imagine... I'm confronted by a group armed with Blades. Swords, switchvlades, whatever/<br> {Random_Nerd} Yeah, that can be included.<br> {Knockwood} (Hiya Tpyo!)<br> {Random_Nerd} (Now I'm imagining SwitchVlads. Tiny, retractable vampires. Press the button, and flick! Vampire.)<br> {Knockwood} I make a mystic gesture, the blades pop out of their hands, come to my hand... and merge into one BIG blade.<br> {Knockwood} Then I ask them nicely to cooperate. :)<br> {Random_Nerd} Yep. Two character points, and with Limited flexibility you could either make the blades out of nowhere or use existing ones.<br> {Knockwood} of course, as a firm believer in Murphy's Law, I can't help but think whatever I buy will never be used.<br> {BethE} (Would they be sparkly vampires?)<br> {Random_Nerd} Then pick something that will be useful for everything!<br> {Angelo} you can buy immortal<br> {Random_Nerd} Save a couple more points, and get Worldbreaker's hand!<br> {Knockwood} hm...<br> {Knockwood} anyone have any other ideas? I'm open to suggestions.<br> {Random_Nerd} Or, heck... Lesser Creation of Anything: 4. Simple, -1. Local Only, -1. All Imaginable Uses, +1. Uncommon, +1. Affects all domains: *3. 12 points.<br> {Angelo} run with a flea circus and travel the Worlds-tree<br> {Knockwood} (What I need is, Spot Wild Goose Chase, auto when appropriate)<br> {Random_Nerd} And with that, you can, as a simple miracle, create anything that can be created with a Lesser Creation.<br> {Random_Nerd} Dogs, ninjas, songs, goats, whatever.<br> {Angelo} spider-Ftisk replicas<br> {Knockwood} Would I be able to get that last one? Or just a way to spot when we've got something wrong?<br> {Random_Nerd} Hmm...<br> {Random_Nerd} Eh. That'd be problematic from a game-running perspective.<br> {Angelo} I don't think RN have a prefixed adventure for us.. so wrong is very relative<br> {Random_Nerd} It'd lead to just sitting around tossing out ideas until the Gift says one's right.<br> {Knockwood} oh... Ftisk's Data Domain.<br> {Knockwood} Ftisk can get that your-Domain-helps-you advantage<br> {Random_Nerd} Not in a "find out what's right" way.<br> {Random_Nerd} Just in terms of spotting contradictions.<br> {Knockwood} Then when we go off on a goofy tangent it'll beep.<br> {Angelo} my domain knows only what the other remembers or is written somewhere. And other not include autorictas-having being<br> {Verithe} But...sometimes helping the Easter Bunny hide eggs does save the Emperor's life!<br> {Knockwood} Maybe I can buy 'Save Point'. :)<br> {Angelo} great creation of setting bakup?<br> {Random_Nerd} Heh.<br> {Random_Nerd} Well, anyway, I'm logging out.<br> {Random_Nerd} Think about what you want to get.<br> {Knockwood} oyasumi-nasai RN<br> {Random_Nerd} If you can't think of anything else, just buy Aspect. You can always find a use for Aspect.<br> {Angelo} Night RN!<br> {Angelo} or domain<br> {BethE} Good night, guys! Good game! *HUGS*<br> {Angelo} Nigth Beth!<br> |{-- Random_Nerd has left irc2.magicstar.net (Disintegrated: )<br> {Verithe} Night!<br> {Knockwood} g'night Beth<br> {Angelo} Well I'm against gift that make our life as player easier<br> |{-- BethE has left irc2.magicstar.net (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)<br> {Knockwood} against it?<br> {Angelo} Ftisk Data domain is only by RN interpretation that can spot contradiction in facts. My version comprehend just knowledge<br> {Angelo} and you see Rn permitting this use (spot contradiction) -} we use it to ease our efforts<br> {Verithe} Basically, so long as the fun of the challenge remains.<br> {Angelo} then I'm willing to trade Data to an outside estate. (Is on my chart)<br> {Angelo} right. I can see your point Knock but then the risk is to transform all in a boring experience<br> {Knockwood} hm...<br> {Angelo} thing of doom godmode<br> {Angelo} and then why play that game in goodmode?<br> {Knockwood} well, maybe that thing I'm trying with the index cards will point us in a new direction, which would have its own challenges<br> {Knockwood} or, obligate us to 'fix' something that we got wrong earlier, which again has its own challenges<br> {Angelo} I hope so, and you are giving RN so much time to prepare that I believe that some thing must be ready for us in that direction<br> {Angelo} well fix is relative<br> {Angelo} in the setting there is no *one right solution* to anything<br> {Knockwood} could just get Immortal and/or Aspect<br> {Angelo} well Immortal say: I'm not interested in physical struggles. I'll always win<br> {Angelo} but against excru abhorrent weapons<br> {Angelo} where the match is open<br> {Knockwood} point<br> {Angelo} then I seee that your domains are 3 and 4.<br> {Knockwood} 3 and 2<br> {Angelo} right. you can also choose to raise them<br> {Knockwood} very true... tho I feel bad that I can think of more to do with my secondary than my primary<br> {Angelo} well then blade is "simpler" to find use that courage<br> {Angelo} also you can help your self thinking in courage spirit perspective<br> {Knockwood} it helps that it's a tangible thing<br> {Angelo} right. But trying to see the courage spirit in anything can help you discover more usage for courage<br> {Knockwood} ... good point ... hmm...<br> {Angelo} also having it a 4 will let you have automatic creation of courage<br> {Angelo} then you can go on a full Ftisk machinery creation spree :-P<br> {Knockwood} heh<br> {Knockwood} That's it, some kind of counter to Ftisk's drive-me-nuts efforts. :D<br> {Knockwood} Greater Preservation of Marbles. Got it!<br> {Angelo} but Ftisk is fun for you to suffer/"sustain"?<br> {Angelo} then why ease the pain?<br> {Angelo} (and I put a ryme in the lines too :-P )<br> {Knockwood} Ftisk is ... unique, Angelo. :)<br> * Angelo bow graciously<br> {Knockwood} well... see you guys next week<br> {Angelo} Good night!<br> {Angelo} Well, I too disconnect now. Bye boys!<br> |{-- Knockwood has left irc2.magicstar.net (Connection reset by peer)<br> {Verithe} Take care!<br> {--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis<br> <br><br>[[Chancel_Amyra]]<br> [[Amyra:Chapter_16|Chapter 16]] [[Amyra:Chapter_17|Chapter 17]]
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