Session 151
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[[Chancel_Amyra]]<br> [[Amyra:Chapter_17|Chapter 17]]<br><br> [INFO] Now logging to {file:///C:/Users/Angelo/AppData/Roaming/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/jp1xrpq3.default/chatzilla/logs/irc.magicstar.net/channels/%23Nobilis.2009-12-11.log}.<br> [INFO] Channel view for ``#Nobilis'' opened.<br> --}| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis<br> =-= No topic for channel #Nobilis<br> =-= Topic for #Nobilis was set by ChanServ on venerdì 11 dicembre 2009 3.20.22<br> *ChanServ* Welcome to the wonderful Amyran Nobilis channel!<br> {Angelo} HI Verithe<br> {Verithe} beep bop boop beeeeeeep!<br> {Verithe} Which is robot for "Hello!"<br> * Angelo like! ^^<br> {Verithe} ^^<br> --}| lazarus (~Mike_MacM@MagicStar-D89107E9.storm.ca) has joined #Nobilis<br> {lazarus} hey guys.<br> {Angelo} Hi Lazarus<br> {lazarus} My eyes are hurting, I'm tired, and I need to cook (and eat) still. Dunno when I'll be back, but am checking in!<br> {Angelo} Ohhh poor Laz! Solidarity from me<br> {Verithe} ._.<br> {Verithe} I hope your eyeballs feel better.<br> --}| Knockwood (~chatzilla@71.9.100.IP) has joined #Nobilis<br> {Knockwood} Hiyo<br> {Angelo} Hi Knock<br> {Verithe} I had a strange dream last night, so I tried to write it down in the dark so that I wouldn't wake my wife. I'm having trouble reading it...<br> {Verithe} Hi, Knock!<br> {Angelo} Interesting... what was in the dream?<br> --}| Random_Nerd (~scree-fic@98.227.74.IP) has joined #Nobilis<br> {Random_Nerd} Hey.<br> {Knockwood} Hiya RN<br> {Angelo} Hi RN<br> {Verithe} Hi!<br> {Random_Nerd} This session will have to be a bit shorter than usual, as I had a final today, and I'm braindead.<br> {Angelo} Well "In bocca al lupo" for the final<br> {Verithe} In the dream, there was this castle, and in the castle, there was a forbidden section. When I asked what the forbidden section was, I was told that it was "the Answer."<br> {Knockwood} well, there's your problem, you're using your brains for goofy stuff like finals rather than good stuff like Nobilis<br> {Verithe} Which didn't answer anything for me...<br> --}| BethE (~BethL@MagicStar-7F1AE524.hsd1.il.comcast.net) has joined #Nobilis<br> {Verithe} Awww... :(<br> {Knockwood} Room 42?<br> {BethE} Hi guys! Sorry I'm late!<br> {BethE} *HUGS*<br> {Angelo} Hi Beth<br> {Knockwood} Hiya Beth<br> {Verithe} Hi!<br> {BethE} Blargh it's cold here.<br> {Random_Nerd} So... before you talk to Physics, shall we see about bringing Brian into things?<br> {Knockwood} 16 F cold?<br> {BethE} Actually 8.4°F cold.<br> {Angelo} here -1,5°C cold<br> {Verithe} I don't know the temperature here...<br> {Knockwood} we've had lows of 0-2 in town, and minus nearby<br> {Knockwood} Angelo: that's about 29F<br> {BethE} That was what it was when RN took me to work this morning. It's actually warmed up some...it's 18°F now.<br> {Random_Nerd} I'm just sayin', I saw several brass monkeys waiting in line at the vet, crossing their legs and holding things in little styrofoam cups.<br> {Angelo} ohhh! Is relatively warm then here<br> {Angelo} BTW I want to do the big Divination on the cards<br> {Angelo} btw 2 can I suppose that with this new storyset all used point are reset to 0?<br> {Random_Nerd} Okay, to make that work, you're going to have to tell me what you're trying to do, and why you think it will work.<br> {Random_Nerd} Yeah, all MPs are back.<br> {Angelo} ah, and someone have a name for last session?<br> {Random_Nerd} Not me.<br> {Knockwood} we could wait to see what develops<br> {Angelo} "random piece driven from player" have a certain appeal....<br> {Knockwood} oh, you mean the last chapter...<br> {Angelo} yes Knock last one<br> {BethE} Another Noble Visitor? ;)<br> {Knockwood} We do random stuff so you don't have to!<br> {Verithe} Hrmm...<br> {BethE} Snail + Particle Accelerator = WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?<br> {BethE} Hello Dolly?<br> {Angelo} I like Knock title<br> {Random_Nerd} That works.<br> {Knockwood} either that or The Bridge Between ____ and ____<br> {Random_Nerd} Laz, are you AFK?<br> {Verithe} He's making dinner<br> {BethE} Ahhh.<br> {Verithe} He said he didn't know when he'd be back<br> {Verithe} But that he was here.<br> {Angelo} When he connect he (Laz) wrote: lazarus} My eyes are hurting, I'm tired, and I need to cook (and eat) still. Dunno when I'll be back, but am checking in!<br> {Random_Nerd} Ah, okay. Well, we can start without him, I guess.<br> {Random_Nerd} Ready to start?<br> {Verithe} Yup!<br> =-= Verithe is now known as Kite<br> {Angelo} ah, I can add 2 Spirit point?.. Please?<br> =-= BethE is now known as Theresa<br> =-= YOU are now known as Ftisk<br> =-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE<br> {DanteE} Oh yeah, almost forgot...<br> {Random_Nerd} Sprit MPs, or Spirit attribute points?<br> {DanteE} who's adding to their character?<br> {Ftisk} Spirit Attribute points<br> {Random_Nerd} Okay. That'll be six CPs.<br> {Ftisk} ok is all I have ^^<br> {Kite} I think I'd like to add a point to Domain<br> {DanteE} (Yay! Shannon finally put a decent spam-blocker on the Wiki!)<br> {DanteE} I was thinking of a few things... for starters, bumping up Blades so it matches Courage<br> {DanteE} (+1 point)<br> {DanteE} and... well, I was thinking of buying Flight, but after the commute home I was considering changing that to Teleportation<br> {Random_Nerd} They cost the same, unless it's really long-range teleportation.<br> {DanteE} define long range<br> {Random_Nerd} *waves a hand in the air* More than three miles per teleport/round?<br> {Random_Nerd} I figure that either has its own advantages. Flight lets you interact with stuff in mid-air better, teleportation lets you get from point A to point B without people seeing you go from one to the other.<br> {Ftisk} and teleport is instantaneous<br> {Random_Nerd} Let's see, how do you want to build the Gift?<br> {Kite} With Assembly! *eyewaggle*<br> {Random_Nerd} Let's see. Teleportation is a Lesser Change of Movement with included Creation. The Change is to get the movement to have a quality that it can't normally have, that of moving directly from A to B.<br> {Random_Nerd} I assume this is self-only?<br> {DanteE} Well, wait. The book has it for a net cost of -1, as a LC Self<br> {Random_Nerd} Hmm...<br> {DanteE} p 118<br> {Random_Nerd} Let me see how they build it.<br> {Random_Nerd} Amounts to about the same thing, I suppose. Same miracle level.<br> {DanteE} so I can make it Local and increase the range for 1 point each, leaving the cost the same, right?<br> {Random_Nerd} Increase the range with 1 point added to what?<br> {DanteE} either that or Self Only & Automatic<br> {DanteE} ah, Utility?<br> {Random_Nerd} That lets it do more things, not do one thing better.<br> {DanteE} OK, Local & Automatic then. And a side of fries.<br> {Ftisk} (My wife is going to make fries )<br> {Random_Nerd} Well, for it to be Local, you can't do it on a Miracle of Self. So let's base it on Position.<br> {Random_Nerd} So, let's see...<br> {Random_Nerd} 6+1-1-3+1=4. 4 points.<br> {DanteE} oh...<br> {Random_Nerd} And you can't take Nobles with you, nor Anchors not your own.<br> {Theresa} (Reminds me, need to think about a new fry recipe. Coating the cut pieces of potato with spices before baking them in the oven.)<br> {Ftisk} you need penetration for that<br> {Random_Nerd} No. It doesn't work at all. It'd be directly affecting the bodies of Nobles.<br> {DanteE} hm... I'll hold off on that... but I'll still bump up Blades<br> {Random_Nerd} Changing one of their qualities.<br> {Random_Nerd} And the position of a Noble is not part of the domain of Position.<br> {Random_Nerd} Okay, Dante's adding to Blades, Ftisk to Spirit.<br> {Ftisk} So Dante secondary domain at 3 and free point at 8, right?<br> {Random_Nerd} And Kite to Domain.<br> {Ftisk} 10 freepoint for Dante<br> {DanteE} Ftisk: I've got both Domains at 3 now, and 10 points to spare...<br> {Ftisk} right Knock<br> {DanteE} but I was a doofus, forgot going from Simple to Automatic is +2 points<br> {Random_Nerd} And it would be Uncommon for the automatic, multi-person version.<br> {DanteE} Quick question: with Teleport as is, what can I take with me?<br> {Random_Nerd} I'd be tempted to say that teleportation in general, as opposed to flight, would generally be uncommon.<br> {DanteE} Flight is Uncommon<br> {Random_Nerd} That, I could see being Common, regardless of what the book says.<br> {Random_Nerd} If it was just Self Only?<br> {DanteE} Yeah<br> {Random_Nerd} You, any normal clothes, probably any smallish objects you were carrying.<br> {DanteE} (Figures I've been reading The Mutant Experience...)<br> {Random_Nerd} But no people sitting on your back, trucks you happen to be lifting, etc.<br> {Random_Nerd} (And by the book, both forms of Flight are Common.)<br> {Ftisk} No Ftisk sitting on your shoulders?<br> {Random_Nerd} (Just as well, as that's what I'd rule either way.)<br> {DanteE} oops, I was looking at fire breathing<br> {Ftisk} Take a mint then :-P<br> {DanteE} still, gotta love a game where you can be a Dragon for 3 points<br> {Random_Nerd} Heh.<br> {DanteE} (hmmmmm......)<br> {Ftisk} the form is not all!<br> {Kite} Well, when you're working with great, cosmic power...<br> {Random_Nerd} Gotta love a game in which being a dragon qualifies as a mild eccentricity.<br> {Kite} Indeed!<br> {Random_Nerd} Anyway, let's get going, we can do the Gift discussion in parenthesis.<br> {DanteE} plus... you said once I could have a light saber with just a few Change miracles, right?<br> {Random_Nerd} Probably, depending on what exactly you wanted it to do.<br> {Kite} It does the hula<br> {Theresa} His saber has hips?<br> {Random_Nerd} You know, for kids?<br> {Kite} Right!<br> {Random_Nerd} Ready, everyone?<br> {Ftisk} yep!<br> {DanteE} sure<br> {Kite} Yes!<br> {Random_Nerd} ______________START______________<br> * Ftisk throw a web on Dante "Ahahah I catch you!"<br> {Random_Nerd} You're in the conference room, and you've just decided to pray to Physics to try to figure out what's going on.<br> =-= YOU are now known as spider-Ftisk<br> * DanteE de-webs himself...<br> {DanteE} "Actually, come to think of it, there is one other possibility to consider...<br> {spider-Ftisk} "Dante, I fell the time is right to do the divination on the cards... Lets do it!"<br> {Random_Nerd} Imp: "I didn't do it."<br> * spider-Ftisk trow some web on Imp to tease it<br> {DanteE} "Think: represents Numbers, has a ridiculous amount of power, messes with us specifically. Who am I describing?"<br> {Theresa} "We can't keep blaming the Boss for things, Dante."<br> {spider-Ftisk} (giggles)<br> * DanteE writes "The Door" on a card...<br> {Theresa} "Plus, my check on the Chancel showed that he's still kinda sleeping."<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "If Ymera Kudzu were going to do it, would he do it so... inelegantly? I honestly don't know."<br> * DanteE checks to see if 'Physics' has a card...<br> {DanteE} "That, and last time he did something he didn't conceal it."<br> {Theresa} "True. The door should have eaten something if it was from the Boss."<br> * Theresa pats the door gently.<br> {spider-Ftisk} s-Dollphainiel try to snack a card from Dante... quietly<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "You said it was a Noble miracle, right? A big one, but a normal one?"<br> {DanteE} (Dollphaniel eats cards? :) )<br> {DanteE} "Well, a Miracle of Physics."<br> {spider-Ftisk} (no but he will sabotage us)<br> {Theresa} (Maybe she used to be a punch-card computer in another incarnation.)<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "Well, can he do that? You said it was worldwide, so he can't have done it with Realm..."<br> {Theresa} "Good point. He wouldn't have had to be so...imprecise. It's his Chancel."<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "I mean, he is an Imperator, so he could do that... but not with a Noble miracle, could he?"<br> {DanteE} What specifically did I get from the Rite?<br> {spider-Ftisk} s-Gnomely: "But Imperators can do noble miracles, right?"<br> {Kite} "It's best not to think about what Imperators can do."<br> {Theresa} *to Gnomely* "Yes, because the estates are part of that Imperator."<br> {Random_Nerd} It was a Greater Change. It was recent. It was not done as a Word. It was a Change of Physics, Matter, or something like that, something capable of changing the physical properties of material objects in general.<br> {DanteE} and Matter doesn't have a Noble because it's too broad, right?<br> {Random_Nerd} The symbol of Graham's Number was used to mask it, in a way that represents either the miracle itself or the one using it.<br> {Random_Nerd} Well, it could. But it doesn't, at least as far as you know.<br> {Theresa} (Do we know anyone named Graham?)<br> {Random_Nerd} Nor an Imperator, for that matter.<br> {Random_Nerd} Or at least, not one in contact with Earthly Noble society.<br> {DanteE} "It's something that could specifically screw with matter."<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "You'd think he'd do it with Plants or something. Or Realm, of course. As an enchanceled Imperator, he could do something like that without a Word, as I understand it."<br> {Theresa} "Hmm, we should ask Brian for a copy of the table that got the threatening note that Jim mentioned. Might have the same, umm...handwriting?"<br> {DanteE} "Good point, there are several better ways in which he could do it. Not that that really eliminates him..."<br> {Theresa} ('do it with Plants'...William should be getting a stern lift of the eyebrow from me right now...)<br> {Kite} "Is your boss usually this vague with his disapproval?"<br> {DanteE} "He's a Wildlord, he's vague with everything"<br> {lazarus} (ok, guys, I'm back ... but my head has started to split... meep)<br> {Kite} (*e-massages Laz's head*)<br> {Theresa} (Sorry you're feeling bad, Laz. *HUG* And we have your office door.)<br> {spider-Ftisk} (take a bit of paracetamolo Laz)<br> {DanteE} (Want to do your big entrance?)<br> {spider-Ftisk} ( thumbs up for a big entrance!)<br> {Theresa} "His disapproval last time was more...scary. And mind-controlling. Which why I think that this isn't the Boss, even in his sleep, even if he is ticked at us for some reason. It's too...stupid."<br> =-= lazarus is now known as Brian<br> {Brian} (I keep typoing Brian's name as Brain.)<br> {DanteE} (Which of us is Pinky, then?)<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "So, petty, vindictive, powerful on at least a near-divine level... and stupid. This isn't really very reassuring."<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "I'd rather have a smart enemy."<br> {Brian} (*settles in* Ok, I think I'm good ... I have no idea what happened last session, though)<br> {Random_Nerd} (Brian, the next time you walk to your office, you see that someone has stolen your office door.)<br> {Theresa} (Don't worry. Nothing too...upsetting.)<br> {Brian} (...)<br> {Brian} (Realm LDiv of My Office Door?)<br> {Theresa} (It's in the Conference Room! :) )<br> {Random_Nerd} (Your office door is in the conference room.)<br> {Brian} (...)<br> {Theresa} (Have you met Kite?)<br> {Brian} (barely)<br> {Kite} (We're telling it stories!)<br> {DanteE} (It's here on the table)<br> * Brian will pray to the Familia "Why is my office door in the conference room, and not on my door like it normally likes to be?"<br> {spider-Ftisk} (with some pieces changed into metal..and one removed...)<br> {Theresa} *replies back* "It does like being your door. He said so."<br> * Brian to T "... why do I try asking things like this?"<br> * Brian to T "... are you in the Conference room at the moment?"<br> {Theresa} "Yes."<br> * Brian will go to the conference room.<br> {DanteE} "Over here, Brian."<br> * spider-Ftisk throw some web on Brian<br> {Random_Nerd} The door is lying on the table. Part of the surface seems to have been replaced with swearwords in english, french, and german, and suggestions that you do certain anatomical things with your particle accelerator.<br> {Brian} "so... what prompted this state of being?"<br> {DanteE} "Trying to find that out...<br> * Kite opens his mouth...then closes it without saying anything.<br> {DanteE} "Whoever did this did it with a Major Screwage of Physics and/or Matter."<br> {spider-Ftisk} "Yep we are trying"<br> * Brian glances at Ftisk oddly.<br> {DanteE} "They concealed it with Graham's Number."<br> {Brian} (Graham's Number? ... wait, I has a wiki!)<br> * spider-Ftisk give the tongue to Brian<br> {Random_Nerd} (Also, you're Numbers...)<br> {Brian} (I meant me me, not Brian me)<br> {Random_Nerd} (I'm just amused by the idea of Brian going "Huh! A weird number! I will discover it with my magical cosmic powers... of Wikipedia!)<br> {DanteE} (Uhoh... I just thought of another suspect)<br> {Random_Nerd} (The Power of Wikipedia?)<br> {Random_Nerd} (If that's who it is, you're screwed.)<br> {Brian} (ok. Really big number that's an upper bound on a problem of smallest number of elements required to guarantee X event)<br> {Brian} (and Laugh Point to RN)<br> {DanteE} (No, but close. Think: capricious, powerful, represents everything... now, doesn't like us much.)<br> {Random_Nerd} (And given how the masking thing works, that number must either symbolize the miracle, or else the one who did it.)<br> {Theresa} (The Third Age?)<br> {Random_Nerd} (...I did it?)<br> {Theresa} (Well, of course you did it, dear.)<br> {DanteE} (Attaris, yep.)<br> {Random_Nerd} (Lesser Destruction of the Fourth Wall.)<br> {Brian} (and it uses up-arrow notation, that I've been really horrid at figuring out what it means)<br> {DanteE} "The scope of the miracle pretty much redefines overkill.<br> {DanteE} (Just think of each arrow as pointing to 'effing huge')<br> {Brian} (that works :p Sadly, I'm not as well into mathematics as I was when we started this thing. Ah well)<br> {Random_Nerd} (This thing has exponential layers of Knuth arrows.)<br> {Random_Nerd} (It's... really a rather large number.)<br> {Brian} "What was the Miracle? I mean, its scope and effect? Do we know?"<br> {DanteE} "You didn't hit the Tequila particularly hard last night, did you?"<br> {Brian} "Not that I'm aware of"<br> {DanteE} "seems to be Greater Change of Physics."<br> {spider-Ftisk} "The miracle was a Great change to physic law to change to metal the letter"<br> {Theresa} "NO use of a Word."<br> {Theresa} (No, even.)<br> {Brian} "hm."<br> {Brian} "Shall we talk to Physics? Seems like he'd probably know. Seems like he might want to be around here if it's NOT him..."<br> {DanteE} "That's what we were thinking."<br> {spider-Ftisk} "Right to this infringe into his domain too"<br> {Brian} "Well then! Glad we're on the same page. Let's be about it!" *will produce a drawing of Physic's Flower*<br> {Theresa} (We've already got one.)<br> {Brian} (bah! :p)<br> {DanteE} "Who wants to lead?"<br> {spider-Ftisk} (no problem rush Brian :-P )<br> {Theresa} (Dante's got it. Do you want to do the call?)<br> {Brian} "Someone with a better grasp of what's going on should."<br> {spider-Ftisk} "Me! .. urg.. No, not really"<br> {Random_Nerd} William: "As Sam would say... 'not it!' "<br> * spider-Ftisk throw some web on William<br> {Brian} (/me volunteers Dante)<br> {DanteE} "Well, I did the Rite..."<br> {spider-Ftisk} sGnomely take the opportunity to throw web on Ftisk<br> * DanteE plugs the flower into the screen<br> {spider-Ftisk} s-Gnomely "ahah! I catch you! I winnnn!!!!"<br> {Kite} "Oooh!"<br> * DanteE prays to Physics...<br> * Theresa mentally tries to plan what to wear to the General's meeting. What outfit says 'I'm more important than you' when you have no Realm...<br> {spider-Ftisk} (Go with leather.. imp leather... :-P )<br> {Brian} (T: think "Poison Ivy"?)<br> {Random_Nerd} (What do you say, Dante?)<br> {Theresa} (I want to be taken seriously, thank you. :) )<br> {spider-Ftisk} (catwoman?)<br> {Theresa} (I don't think Theresa would dress in leather.)<br> {Kite} (think of a flower you like or admire and fashion yourself after it)<br> {spider-Ftisk} (in plant leather?)<br> {Random_Nerd} The imp walks over and sits on the door.<br> {DanteE} #Physics? Courage, from Chancel Amyra. Something strange has happened which involves you."<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "...okay, what do you want? I'm willing to discuss terms."<br> {DanteE} "Terms?"<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "Truce. Armistice. Whatever."<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "What do you want?"<br> {Theresa} (*facepalm* Why do we keep getting the weird ones?)<br> {Brian} (... that doesn't sound like the Physics who talks with Brian ...)<br> {spider-Ftisk} (we *are* the weird one Theresa!)<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "I'm sorry about the 'Lord Entropy' thing. You win."<br> {DanteE} "We didn't do whatever you're talking about.<br> {DanteE} "What _are_ you talking about?"<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "Then get off this line. I'm on a war footing, here."<br> {DanteE} (Oh, and I'm assuming the dialogue is being repeated to the screen...)<br> {Random_Nerd} (Yeah, I assumed you're ghosting the words out.)<br> {spider-Ftisk} (me too ^^ )<br> {DanteE} "In that case we may have experienced some collateral damage.<br> {DanteE} "Someone did a Major Change of Physics to Brian's office door."<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "Tell me you did not just say that."<br> {Kite} "Is he asking you to lie, Dante?"<br> {Theresa} (That's never a good sign...)<br> {Theresa} "No, Kite, he's expressing disbelief. And hoping that he misheard."<br> {spider-Ftisk} to Kite:"No, he is worried... is a way human based use to express this"<br> {DanteE} "No, I said that. Sometime last night."<br> {Kite} "Oh, right. I forget that expression, sometimes."<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics cusses you out in English, Latin, Angelic, and Joutun.<br> {Random_Nerd} Still cussing.<br> * Kite looks at the languages on the door and frowns.<br> {Random_Nerd} Now it's in the Hell-dialect of Angelic.<br> {DanteE} Any angelic or Jotunn on the door?)<br> {Random_Nerd} Various demonic languages, now.<br> {Random_Nerd} Now back to Latin.<br> {Random_Nerd} Now he stops.<br> {Random_Nerd} (No. Only human languages. English, German, French.)<br> {Theresa} (Did he repeat himself?)<br> {DanteE} "We could do that, but I don't think it'll help. Can you enlighten us?"<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "Somebody, a bit ago, just did a miracle that utterly rearranged my Estate in a subtle but enormously complicated way, and then put everything back the way it was."<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "I have been running myself ragged, trying to figure out what on Earth it did."<br> * Brian starts swearing in several forgotten languages.<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "And you are telling me that it was all to... what, do something to your office door?"<br> {Kite} "Pray him a picture of it!"<br> {Brian} (a Lesser Div of Numbers would be insufficient to tell if something happened there, right? And I suspect that I don't want to use a Greater Div on that yet.)<br> {DanteE} "Looks like it. Someone put brass swearwords on Numbers' office door."<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "Okay, seriously. How are you doing this? Alchemy? An allia?"<br> {Random_Nerd} (A lesser div would only tell you about numbers themselves, not things in the vicinity of numbers, yes.)<br> {DanteE} "... doing what?"<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "This. Whatever 'this' is."<br> {Brian} (But a Greater Div should tell me if something Numbers-wise is frakking with Physics' Estate?)<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "Look, I'm sorry that I was snappish with Brian, but this is serious."<br> {Theresa} "Dante, tell him that Plants is willing to swear on the Ash that it's not us?"<br> {Random_Nerd} (Hmm. It would reveal some forms of 'frakking', but not all.)<br> {DanteE} "Wait, this thing is ongoing?"<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "No, but... look, if it wasn't you, then I've probably got a major Excrucian attack going on against me right now."<br> {spider-Ftisk} (We plug into an ongoing war? ^^ )<br> {Brian} "Didn't I tell you guys about the Mr. Science thing?"<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "Your /office door/, you said?"<br> {DanteE} "Yes indeed..."<br> * Brian will pray to Physics "Specifically the door to my office, not to the general Familia office."<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "Okay, I'm coming over to see this. Where's a Gate to your Chancel?"<br> {DanteE} "Someone screwed with Physics enough to turn parts of it from wood to brass."<br> {DanteE} "Any large city or forest."<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "Okay. I'll head over now."<br> {Random_Nerd} Dante, the tingle of an active prayer goes away.<br> {DanteE} "William, guide him in?"<br> * spider-Ftisk start drawing a "welcome physick" silk banner in a corner<br> {Theresa} "No 'k' at the end, Ftisk. The k implies something else."<br> {Random_Nerd} (Cut to his arrival?)<br> {spider-Ftisk} "Oh, thank you Theresa"<br> {DanteE} (OK by me)<br> * spider-Ftisk corrects the banner"<br> {Brian} (sure)<br> {spider-Ftisk} (yep)<br> {Theresa} (Sounds good.)<br> {Kite} (yes)<br> {Random_Nerd} About two minutes later, you all hear a loud electric hum, and then a tiny hole is punched in one of the walls by something going fast enough that Aspect 3 isn't enough to see what it is.<br> {Random_Nerd} The thing flies to the ground, and then turns into a humanoid shape.<br> * spider-Ftisk throw some web on physic<br> {Theresa} "Does that hurt?"<br> {Random_Nerd} Specifically, the shape of a mid-height and skinny guy wearing what seems to be articulated plate made from solid diamond, and with an unusual rifle across his back.<br> {DanteE} "Ftisk, leave him alone!"<br> {Kite} "Now might not be the appropriate time for a playful webbing..."<br> {Random_Nerd} He reaches up and pulls a crystal lens away from one of his eyes.<br> {spider-Ftisk} ".... ok, never funny never funny only work only work..."<br> {Theresa} (Does he look like Physics?)<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "Sorry about the wall."<br> {Random_Nerd} (You can't tell, with the armor on. Same general build, at least.)<br> {Random_Nerd} (Oh, and as to how he did that? Elemental.)<br> {Theresa} "Ftisk, if Physics is under attack, he is under a lot of stress that being funny won't help with."<br> {Theresa} (Nifty.)<br> {spider-Ftisk} "ohhh right... "<br> * spider-Ftisk pat the armored man "Sorry..."<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "Okay, so that's the door?"<br> {DanteE} "Here's the door. This happened some time last night."<br> {DanteE} "Whoever did it covered their tracks with Graham's Number. Thing is, Numbers doesn't have that kind of power...<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics stares at the door.<br> {DanteE} "No offense, Brian."<br> {Random_Nerd} Remember the cursing earlier? Yeah. That.<br> {Brian} "No offense taken. I /don't/ have that kind of power."<br> {Random_Nerd} Still going...<br> {Random_Nerd} ...and, stop.<br> {DanteE} "That's what he said, only less... elegantly."<br> {Theresa} (Was it longer or shorter than before?)<br> {Random_Nerd} (Longer.)<br> {Theresa} (Hmm.)<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "Clearly, this door does not exist. I couldn't do this, my Imperator /wouldn't/ do this, and I can't think of any other suspects."<br> {Random_Nerd} He looks expectantly at the door, as if waiting for it to vanish.<br> {Theresa} (Does that really work with Nobles? If they don't think it can exist, it doesn’t?)<br> {DanteE} "Can you get anything off the miracle itself?"<br> {Theresa} (And I expect the Door to look back at him.)<br> {spider-Ftisk} (with sad eyes)<br> {Kite} (and a quivering lip)<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "Just the obvious stuff, the stuff you told me. But I didn't really believe it until I saw it."<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "I couldn't even /plan/ a miracle like this, not unless I took weeks."<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "This wasn't done by a human, or by anything that thinks /like/ a human."<br> {Brian} "Why would this need a Greater Change, though?"<br> {spider-Ftisk} "DO you have a corrupt cult? Or your Imperator have one?"<br> {Brian} "I mean, why affect everything just to change this?"<br> {DanteE} "And they did it with_out_ a Word of Command"<br> {Theresa} "Well, we did have a run-in with a certain Noble that rhymes with Slatterns..."<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "No cult that I know of, corrupt or otherwise."<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "There's a Power of Matter?"<br> {Random_Nerd} He reaches over and pats his gun.<br> {DanteE} to Theresa: "He's too paranoid to leave evidence behind."<br> {Theresa} (Oh and did Brian tell us about the table thing that Jim saw?)<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "Where does he live?"<br> {Random_Nerd} (I don't know, did he?)<br> {Brian} (I don't remember this - player knowledge-wise)<br> {Theresa} "No, starts with a P. Paranoid dude, notices when you say his name?"<br> {DanteE} "Not Matter. Begins with P, in english."<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "I don't know who you're talking about. But someone who can do this?"<br> {DanteE} (I think Brian did tell us about Jim getting threats in an odd way.)<br> {Brian} (oh that. Yes)<br> * spider-Ftisk web the word "Patterns " one the doorway to this chamber<br> {DanteE} "We talked to... (points to the web). He communicated via letters in the table....<br> {DanteE} "But he took those away. He's paranoid, he wouldn't leave anything behind."<br> {spider-Ftisk} "And is paranoid.. very paranoid"<br> {Kite} "Did he use such a wasteful miracle to do it?"<br> {DanteE} (He could do that with Ghosts, right?)<br> {Random_Nerd} (Almost all of what Patterns did that you saw was done with Ghosts and Divinations.)<br> {DanteE} "Basically, we didn't do this, and you didn't do this. It would seem to be someone else with considerable power and a connection to either Numbers or you."<br> {Random_Nerd} Writing suddenly appearing on Ftisk's web: "Who did that?"<br> * spider-Ftisk weave "I did this!"<br> {DanteE} "Whoops..."<br> {Random_Nerd} Writing: "Was it Jan ben Jan?"<br> {Theresa} (*resists urge to wiggle her fingers at the web*)<br> * spider-Ftisk "write "Suuuure!"<br> {DanteE} quietly, to Physics: "That's Patterns."<br> {Random_Nerd} Patterns: "I can see it. I didn't notice it before, but I can see it now. Who did that?"<br> {DanteE} "We don't know. We're trying to find out."<br> {Kite} "How peculiar..."<br> * spider-Ftisk weave a pawn "Hi Patterns"<br> {Random_Nerd} Patterns: "If you find out, and you write the answer next to my name, I will remember that you helped me in this."<br> {DanteE} "Can you help?<br> {DanteE} "Someone's stealing your shtick."<br> {Brian} (I'm missing an antecedent in Pattern's "I can see it" sentence. What "it" could he not see before but can now?)<br> {DanteE} (the door)<br> {Random_Nerd} (The writing, specifically.)<br> {Theresa} (The writing on the door, or Ftisk's writing?)<br> {Random_Nerd} (The door. Ftisk's writing he immediately "saw")<br> {Brian} (ok)<br> {Theresa} (Ah. Thank you.)<br> {Random_Nerd} Patterns: "Searching."<br> * Brian will pray to Patterns (Mike is assuming Patterns hasn't materialized) "We're trying to figure out what's going on with that. Apparently a Major Change of reality in some way."<br> {DanteE} to Physics: "What specifically are you fighting?"<br> {Random_Nerd} Patterns: "Whoever did this did not speak of it, or write of it, or record it on a computer, anywhere that was ever outside of an Auctoritas."<br> {Brian} "... oi."<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "I don't know! Whoever did this. When someone does a crazy bullshit miracle of my Estate, I know what's happening."<br> {Brian} (Scrunchie shards have Auct, right?)<br> {Random_Nerd} (Yes.)<br> {Random_Nerd} (Although Strategist ones have to spend MPs to make theirs work.)<br> {DanteE} (Wait, isn't this 'writing of it'?)<br> {Brian} (And it's most likely Strategist if it were Scrunchie)<br> {DanteE} (Aren't Strategists the smart ones?)<br> {Random_Nerd} (This is "it.", as he sees it.)<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "Wait, hold on. He didn't figure any of how to do it out on paper?"<br> {Kite} (It's smart to make the methods look stupid and have your enemies underestimate you)<br> {Brian} "Apparently not."<br> {Random_Nerd} Patterns: "Or never let the paper outside his Auctoritas at any time."<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "That doesn't make any sense. No one's that smart and that dumb."<br> {Theresa} (He ate it?)<br> {DanteE} "That may just mean he _kept_ the paper."<br> {Brian} "Patterns, if he had burned the paper within his Auctoritas, and then let the ashes out, would you be able to discern what was on it, or would the burning ruin that?"<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "Well, then, that's easy. We look for a guy carrying a library around on his back."<br> {Random_Nerd} Patterns: "Only if written characters remained."<br> {Random_Nerd} Patterns: "Or certain sorts of picture."<br> {DanteE} "Hm... Physics, have you ever seen this kind of wood-to-metal miracle before? Maybe on a smaller scale?<br> {Brian} (I've suddenly got the urge to have a pepperoni pizza. I don't know why.)<br> --}| HWSOD (Mibbit@64.59.233.IP) has joined #Nobilis<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "No..."<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "The table. You mentioned the table, at your site. Was that something like this?"<br> {Theresa} (Obviously Brian is being distracted with a ghost LC of the thought of pizza...)<br> {Brian} "I didn't see it myself. It was words carved in, as I understood it." @Jim "Jim, can you easily get to the Watchtower? I'd like you to take a look at something."<br> {spider-Ftisk} (is a strategist then)<br> {Theresa} (Or bring the table!)<br> {Brian} (table's words were erased, weren't they?)<br> {Random_Nerd} Jim: "I'm on-site, but I can drive to the city, and use the Gate you showed me. Give me half an hour."<br> {Brian} "Thanks."<br> {Random_Nerd} (I don't believe they were erased.)<br> {Brian} (no? Am I remembering another one that was, then?)<br> {Random_Nerd} (Not sure. Maybe Patterns' trick?)<br> {Random_Nerd} (He only shows the letters for a bit, and then lets them fade out.)<br> {Brian} (I'm remembering Mr. Science message, which I thought was erased ... or possibly that was forcibly so by the janitorial staff?)<br> {DanteE} "Physics, does the name "Mr. Science" ring a bell?"<br> {DanteE} "or... Patterns, know a 'Mr. Science'?"<br> {Random_Nerd} Patterns: "No."<br> {Theresa} (I didn't think that the Mr. Science thing got erased.)<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "Just makes me think of Mister Wizard."<br> {DanteE} "He was objecting to Brian's supercollider by carving on a table..."<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "Okay, so it's someone who has a problem with supercolliders."<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "Huh. I wonder if he has a problem with railguns."<br> {Theresa} (Only when they're shoved in his posterior?)<br> {Brian} "Or room-temperature superconductors?"<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics takes his odd-looking rifle off his back, and shouts "Come on if you think you're man enough!"<br> {Brian} "hm... would the world break if I tweaked a couple things?" ...<br> * Brian looks askance at Physics.<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "Maybe?"<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "Depends what."<br> {Brian} "Does the world working depend on not having room-temperature superconductors?"<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "Got me some right here."<br> {Brian} "Awesome."<br> {Brian} "Is it reproducible or magic?" *pause* "I mean, mundanely reproducible."<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "Magnetic monopoles, too. And no. Very no."<br> {Brian} "nuts."<br> {Theresa} "Metalic or ceramic?"<br> {DanteE} "The fact that whoever did this screwed with Brian's door means either he can see if from where he is... or he's here."<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "You know what the weirdest thing is? I haven't had the... you know how it feels, when the Excrucians are putting a mojo on your Estate?"<br> {Theresa} "Pain?"<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "Okay... hmm. Well, who's here?"<br> {DanteE} "How long have you been Physics?"<br> * Brian cocks his head ... "well, on the one hand, that's a reason to use a Greater Change. On the other, it's odd to not have the pain in the Domain."<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "Few years. Longer than you guys, not as long as the bird."<br> {Random_Nerd} He waves a hand at Kite.<br> * Kite waves.<br> {DanteE} "... what happened to the last Physics?"<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "Doesn't matter, nothing about this. Family business."<br> * spider-Ftisk pray to Theresa "We know the other in Physic familia"<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics seems to squint.<br> {DanteE} "Are you sure? This may be from someone with good command of Physics. That would be Physics. I wonder if a past Physics that disappeared ... reappeared."<br> {DanteE} "... kinda like Sakharoth."<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "That wall over there, do you need it?"<br> {Brian} "Dante, normally a Mimic 'uses up' that Domain slot."<br> {Brian} "Which wall where?"<br> {Random_Nerd} He waves at the wall that faces the outside wall of the building.<br> {Brian} "It normally keeps the rain out. Other than that, I don't think it's needed. "<br> {spider-Ftisk} "Naaa do what you please with it"<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "I kinda have a crazy idea, but it's in the way.<br> {DanteE} "We can rebuild it<br> {Random_Nerd} He sticks his head out.<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "Say something about particle accelerators. Big ones."<br> {Brian} "Um. We're building the biggest particle accelerator ever, by virtue of it being infinite length?"<br> {Random_Nerd} (Specifically, he sticks it out through the wall.)<br> {DanteE} "Some people are apprehensive about the Large Hadron Collider. Think it'll destroy the world/."<br> {DanteE} "They aren't sure _how_, but they're scared of it."<br> {Theresa} "And we're going to let Ftisk run around in it, going 'Whee.'" *solemn nod*<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "Holy shit, you gotta see this. Go mythic, and look out the window."<br> * Brian will do so<br> * DanteE does so...<br> * Theresa looks.<br> {spider-Ftisk} "RIGHT!"<br> {Random_Nerd} He gets back in.<br> * Kite does so as well.<br> {DanteE} (Come to think of it, did we ever look at the door in Mythic?)<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "Think I'm gonna build a big accelerator. Find the Higgs Boson and everything..."<br> * spider-Ftisk does too<br> {Kite} (Theresa did, I'm pretty sure)<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "Look at the gravity-spirits, the light, stuff like that, and then look in the distance..."<br> {spider-Ftisk} (Yes we talk to the door spirit)<br> * Kite looks in the distance<br> * Brian follows Physics' instructions.<br> {Theresa} (Yep. He wasn't anything out of the ordinary.)<br> * spider-Ftisk too<br> {Random_Nerd} At first, there seems like nothing.<br> {Random_Nerd} Just all the little spirits of motion and gravity and stuff.<br> {Brian} (aw cute widdle spiwwits)<br> {Random_Nerd} Then, like an optical illusion, you see them all outlining a large humanoid shape.<br> {Brian} (oro?)<br> {Random_Nerd} And then you see it. Someone huge is squatting outside the window, looking in.<br> * spider-Ftisk do a lDiv on the space to se if it match some know being<br> {Random_Nerd} (LDiv of what?)<br> {Theresa} (Does it look like a shape like Kudzu?)<br> {Kite} "You guys have a squatter."<br> {Random_Nerd} (No. It's a mythic spirit. Just... a big one.)<br> {spider-Ftisk} (lDiv data to se if someone somewhere know the shape)<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "I think that's... uh... well, in a sense, you were right about it being 'the other physics'."<br> {Brian} "hm?"<br> {Random_Nerd} Physics: "I'm pretty sure that that's, uh... /Physics/. Like, the physical laws of the Earth. Outside your window."<br> {Random_Nerd} _______________STOP_____________________<br> {Brian} damn you with your cliffhangers.<br> {Theresa} O.O<br> =-= Brian is now known as Lazarus<br> {Kite} Dun dun dunnnnnn!<br> =-= YOU are now known as Angelo<br> =-= Kite is now known as Verithe<br> {Lazarus} I'm pretty sure this is all Brian's fault :p<br> {DanteE} urgk.<br> {Random_Nerd} It kinda is.<br> * Angelo like like LIKE Like lIke liKe likE etc etc<br> {Theresa} I was blaming Dante, actually.<br> =-= Theresa is now known as BethE<br> {DanteE} Hey!<br> =-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood<br> {Angelo} I'm on Brian fault too<br> {Lazarus} Brian's the one who wanted to rewrite the "rules" of reality :p<br> {BethE} It's common knowledge that Dante loves to look at things in the Mythic. :)<br> {Angelo} and Dante is my pet "thing" to disturb<br> {Knockwood} you're mixing up 'Mythic' and 'girl's shower'.<br> {Knockwood} Wait, was that out loud? :)<br> {Angelo} lol<br> {BethE} I'm impressed, dear. Good job for being right after your final.<br> {Angelo} great session<br> {Lazarus} so, the question is "why is Physics Spirit here?"<br> {Knockwood} and doesn't Physics control physics?<br> {Angelo} or better why Physic spirit is pissed?<br> {Lazarus} as in, "is he here to watch, to see what happens?" or "To stop it?" or "Just 'cause?" Or possibly even "Because we let him in by encouraging an open border with Earth"?<br> {Random_Nerd} He does. He's lowish-Domain, though.<br> {Knockwood} that means he couldn't have done the door thing<br> {Random_Nerd} Well, not that low. A Duke, I guess.<br> {Angelo} but can be the target for the thing?<br> {Random_Nerd} Still, no extra Domain MPs, so he can't do Words even if he wants to.<br> {Angelo} and When Duke is low?<br> {Knockwood} he's have to have Domain 5 to do the door thing<br> {Random_Nerd} Well, it's low in terms of being able to take your Estate across your knee and spank it like a naughty child.<br> {Knockwood} it was a Greater Change, remember, but not a word.<br> {Random_Nerd} He couldn't even do a Word if he wanted to, is my point. Not that a Word was used.<br> {Knockwood} unless there's a scale thing...<br> {Knockwood} if he's 'big' enough to manipulate the door as a Lesser Change<br> {Random_Nerd} (Basically, as I see it, making immediate world-scale changes in your Estate takes either a Regal, or someone with 8 Domain MPs.)<br> {Knockwood} ... which, if he's really the Physics of the World, is a possibility<br> {Lazarus} I should go check on the cat. BRB.<br> {Random_Nerd} Anyway, I need to go to bed. But good session, guys.<br> {Knockwood} oyasumi-nasai, RN<br> {Angelo} you Barbecued the cat??? O.o<br> {Verithe} Sleep well!<br> {Knockwood} and who's HWSOD?<br> {BethE} Good game and good night, guys! *HUGS*<br> {BethE} Yeah, I was wondering that too.<br> {Angelo} He is Physic spirit in disguise!!!!<br> {Random_Nerd} Relevant GWB quote for the night: "Commoners come in seven kinds."<br> {Angelo} btw night RN<br> {Angelo} night Beth<br> {Lazarus} B.<br> {Lazarus} no cat at the window, but it's significantly less cold and snowy than yesterday.<br> {Knockwood} g'night Beth<br> {Lazarus} g'night guys<br> |{-- Random_Nerd has left irc.magicstar.net (Disintegrated: )<br> |{-- BethE has left irc.magicstar.net (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)<br> {Lazarus} I think I'm going to head out too. g'night guys.<br> {Angelo} Ok, night Laz<br> {Knockwood} same here, I think<br> {Angelo} I go out too<br> {Knockwood} good night all<br> {Angelo} Night all<br> {Lazarus} a la prochaine!<br> {--| Lazarus has left #Nobilis<br> |{-- Knockwood has left irc.magicstar.net (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.5/20091102152451])<br> {--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis<br> <br><br>[[Chancel_Amyra]]<br> [[Amyra:Chapter_17|Chapter 17]]
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