Session 177
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[[Chancel_Amyra]]<br> [[Amyra:Chapter_21|Chapter 21]]<br><br> [INFO] Now logging to [file:///C:/Users/Angelo/AppData/Roaming/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/jp1xrpq3.default/chatzilla/logs/irc.magicstar.net/channels/%23Nobilis.2010-08-20.log].<br> [INFO] Channel view for ``#Nobilis'' opened.<br> =-= User mode for Angelo is now +ix<br> --]| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis<br> [Angelo] hi!<br> [BethE] Evening, Angelo! *HUG*<br> [Angelo] oh, everyone is already here! :-)<br> =-= Mode #nobilis +o Angelo by lazarus<br> [lazarus] not quite everyone! :p Still missing kwd.<br> [Angelo] right laz<br> [Random_Nerd] So, the last session we shelved the whole Kite's New Assistant business, with everyone but Kite back in Amyra dealing with other problems.<br> [Random_Nerd] This session can go either before or after the last one, chronologically speaking.<br> [Random_Nerd] Now, what will Kite do with his new lackey?<br> [Verithe] Have we determined payment, yet?<br> [Angelo] (if was Ftisk lackey he will have do a bed test to him :-P )<br> [Random_Nerd] Let's see. I believe the arrangement was that the main payment for Gilbert would take the form of miraculous enhancements to Gilbert himself.<br> [Random_Nerd] Let's see, does Locus Vulcan use money?<br> * Verithe looks at Angelo and shrugs.<br> [Angelo] (yep locus use money)<br> [Verithe] So a salary also, then?<br> [Random_Nerd] Well, you'd be expected to provide him with food, shelter, and whatever a skilled professional would make where he'll be living.<br> [Random_Nerd] It's pretty much assumed by the Aides that any Noble can come up with arbitrary amounts of money with no significant effort.<br> [lazarus] is there any good collaborative "mind-map" websoftware?<br> [Random_Nerd] Hmm.<br> [Random_Nerd] Thinking for –REDACTED-?<br> [Verithe] Sounds do-able.<br> [lazarus] yeah, -REDACTED-.<br> [Angelo] I do with –REDACTED-<br> [Verithe] Kite will build him a nest and pay him in fish...or at least this will be the initial proposal and they can make it more reasonable from there.<br> [Verithe] Aside from that, I don't think Kite has anything left to do in the past except steal a few more shiny bits and snap some photos.<br> [lazarus] last session seemed in-fiction concurrent with Kite finishing negotiations/playing with new servant, to me.<br> [Verithe] Agreed. We can return from frolicking in glitter whenever it is most applicable.<br> [Angelo] (like from the start?) <br> * Verithe nods<br> =-= BethE is now known as Theresa<br> [Theresa] Glitter gets _everywhere_.<br> =-= lazarus is now known as Brian<br> [Brian] Glitter is /impossible/ to clean off<br> =-= YOU are now known as Ftisk<br> --]| Knockwood (~chatzilla@MagicStar-BF74FBDE.dhcp.reno.nv.charter.com) has joined #Nobilis<br> [Knockwood] Hi guys<br> [Verithe] Hi, KW!<br> [Knockwood] sorry I'm late, got held up at work<br> [Ftisk] HIIIIII Knock you are just in time!<br> [Brian] no one knows of good collaborative mind-map software?<br> [Theresa] Hi Knock!<br> =-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE<br> [DanteE] collaborative? Hm...<br> [DanteE] you could use something like FreeMind, and pass the *.mm file back and forth<br> [Ftisk] (free there is freemind but is not collaborative - that I know)<br> [Theresa] I loved a story I heard once of a teacher that used glitter to demonstrate viral contamination. Let his class use glitter before a break and when everyone got back to school a month later, they looked to see the farthest the glitter had gotten. Turns out, for a class in Georgia, the glitter went up to Alaska with one kid who had went up there during break.<br> [Brian] problem with –REDACTED-<br> [Verithe] Haha<br> [Ftisk] we at work sometimes use this one: http://www.mindmeister.com/<br> [Ftisk] we can share an account created ad hoc<br> [DanteE] I've been doing a project on and off with Semantik, but that's Linux-only (and beta)<br> [Random_Nerd] If not for the fact that Google Wave will be going away, I'd be tempted to work out a way to use it.<br> [Random_Nerd] It'd be good for this, since it has a good interface for both the group editing and for using it to look backwards and see the development.<br> [Ftisk] btw we need to backup all gWave data before end of year or lose them<br> [Brian] MindMeister apparently allows each free account 3 mind maps - is that ones they "own" or that they collaborate on? Would be important :p<br> [Ftisk] are 3 max for the free account<br> [DanteE] the comparison page says the free one allows collaboration<br> [Brian] I say we try the free one out. Or, at least, I'm going to :)<br> [Brian] (if need be, I think I can spare the 18$ that it'll take for me to get the academic license :D Going back to school has benefits...)<br> [Theresa] What are you going back for, Laz?<br> [Brian] finishing the 9 classes I need for my degree.<br> [Theresa] Oo, good luck! Degree in what?<br> [Brian] Computer Science.<br> [Brian] I've been out for a few years, but now I'm back :) And the government is lending me money to do so :p<br> [Theresa] Better you than I. :)<br> [Brian] So, from the Supercollider thing, we had the issue with Big Physics. What was his issue there, again? Oh yeah: that we were asking a question to which he didn't have an answer. RN: –REDACTED-?<br> [DanteE] looking now<br> [Random_Nerd] Well, I take it you want to do something about that?<br> [Theresa] I was wondering, Laz. Why do you want the world to know about Amyra?<br> [Brian] RN: –REDACTED-.<br> [Brian] T: I'm not sure. I'm not sure Brian's thought that through.<br> [Brian] I don't think _I've_ thought that through.<br> [Random_Nerd] Well, my point is more... okay, so the situation is as it is. WHat do you want to do about it?<br> [DanteE] Do you want to be known as part of this supercollider project to advance... well, you?<br> [Random_Nerd] Well, Projects kick in when you know what your character wants to do.<br> [DanteE] Do you want scientific papers in the real world with Brian Numerii as a well-regarded co-author?<br> [Brian] I do remember having the idea that Brian wanted to show off his Chancel to the ordinary people, to sort of re-introduce people to the Mythic without causing it, and to get Amyra and the Earth re-integrated.<br> [Brian] (well, re-connected, I suppose)<br> [Brian] allow flow of information and people both ways.<br> [Ftisk] (we can create some deeep galleries to connect the 2)<br> [DanteE] also Excrucians, though.<br> [Ftisk] yep Dante<br> [Theresa] On both the knowledge and the galleries. :)<br> [DanteE] as well as spies, enemies, spammers...<br> [Ftisk] fake kings<br> [Theresa] Maybe Brian will finally develop the way to punch people through the internet.<br> [DanteE] you mean stab people in the face<br> [Random_Nerd] Hmm.<br> [Random_Nerd] Some of those may be separate projects.<br> [Random_Nerd] "Show off Amyra to ordinary people" and "re-introduce people to the Mythic without causing DA."<br> [Brian] I'm currently looking at encoding the Supercollider in terms of –REDACTED-, though. (I agree that the re-introduce to Mythic is a separate Project, and it's perhaps a node –REDACTED-)<br> [DanteE] oh you mean Hope's Visionary Project<br> [Theresa] Yeah, that project...and there's the End of the Third Age project.<br> [DanteE] there's the Saving the World project...<br> [Brian] That's more than just a project :p<br> [DanteE] there's the Figure Shit Out project...<br> [DanteE] HQ gave us that one<br> [Brian] (ssh, that's actually why I want to encode all our Projects - so we have some idea What The Hell Is Really Going On tm)<br> [Verithe] (Imperators are actually trans-dimensional Pokémon and Excrutians are trying to "catch them all")<br> [Ftisk] (nooo, my mind hurt now. Thank you Kite :-( )<br> * Verithe massages Angelo's mind.<br> [Verithe] I'm sorry. :(<br> [Random_Nerd] You see, that one day, all the warmains were acting weird because they all got reeeeaaaaaally drunk.<br> [Brian] and that's where Creation came from?<br> [Brian] that could explain so much.<br> [Ftisk] (tnk Kite)<br> [Theresa] But when will we have our sauna/beach episode where there is nudity, blushing and probably someone getting punched into the next world on the Ash?<br> [Verithe] That's the next Age.<br> [DanteE] we resolved that by writing the rules of Quantum Physics in our conference room<br> [Theresa] Ver - is that because we can't look directly at Ananda and thus it's possible that he's like some beautiful version of Dr. Manhatten?<br> [Brian] Dante: did we cause them to be the actual rules? –REDACTED-<br> [Random_Nerd] ...like Dr. Manhattan how?<br> [Brian] RN: I'm guessing "naked and blue"<br> [Ftisk] @Brian: yes these were put down as actual rules<br> [Verithe] Perhaps?<br> [Theresa] I was going more for the naked, yes.<br> [Theresa] And less with the CGI groin.<br> [DanteE] yep, we did<br> [Random_Nerd] Ah, okay.<br> [Random_Nerd] Yeah. Remember when you kicked String Theory in the goolies?<br> [Random_Nerd] Uh, figuratively speaking.<br> [Theresa] An important point to make, dear.<br> [DanteE] (guessing someone's read http://www.cracked.com/article_18484_the-5-most-pointless-ways-big-budget-movies-blew-millions.html )<br> [DanteE] especially in Nobilis<br> [Brian] Ah right! So, with –REDACTED-<br> [DanteE] of course, that opens up the question of do spirits even _have_ goolies?<br> [Theresa] (Nah, I just watched the movie and figured that it must have been demeaning that they had to go with CGI.)<br> [Theresa] Fertility spirits probably do.<br> [Brian] (IIRC they went with CGI to /reduce/ the size, because otherwise it looked funny)<br> [Theresa] Thought spirits might. They multiply like crazy. But that might be more mitosis or cloning than sex.<br> [DanteE] (Brian: that's probably what he said, or his PR people. :) )<br> [Brian] (the CG people :D)<br> * Verithe imagines that thought spirits look like rabbits.<br> [Random_Nerd] Well, rewriting quantum physics is something you /already/ did.<br> [Random_Nerd] (And Dante: Depends on the spirit.)<br> [Random_Nerd] What do you mean "in parallel"?<br> [Brian] for instance, two of the ways Brian wanted to approach reconnecting Amyra and the Earth is through the supercollider, and the internet. I'm unclear on whether they can both be done at once, or if one has to be finished before the next can be done<br> [Random_Nerd] Hmm.<br> [Theresa] (If they were connected, that would be a weird form of wireless.)<br> [Random_Nerd] Let me reread part of that.<br> [Random_Nerd] As I see it, you can have multiple Projects going at the same time, but not multiple sub-projects leading into the same Project.<br> [Random_Nerd] Hmm.<br> [Random_Nerd] –REDACTED-?<br> [Theresa] Yes, –REDACTED-.<br> [DanteE] Yes... <br> [Brian] Probably –REDACTED-.<br> [Brian] (RN, if you've got a MindMeister account, I can share with you the one I've been musing on, and show what I /think/ she means. Actually, that's true of anyone else, too)<br> [DanteE] Brian: you could export it to another format<br> [Random_Nerd] Let me sign up.<br> [Random_Nerd] One moment.<br> [Ftisk] (mee tooo)<br> [Random_Nerd] Okay, signed up.<br> [DanteE] me too, as Knockwood<br> [Ftisk] me too too<br> [Random_Nerd] I'm signed up as Random Nerd<br> [Brian] my –REDACTED-.<br> [Brian] for instance, Brian can say at this point: –REDACTED-<br> [Random_Nerd] Well, that depends. How broad are Brian's plans for the supercollider?<br> [Random_Nerd] If it's just making it, then that Project was probably a one-stage one.<br> [Random_Nerd] But he may, for instance, have "Make significant discoveries in physics" as the next stage.<br> [Brian] it was pretty much what came up as his first idea on a big way to get Amyra known to Earth, to start the reconnection. So, mostly just having had it built is the important part - well, built with the joint help of Earth and Amyra.<br> [Random_Nerd] Laz, where do you think the supercollider plan goes from here? Is Brian less interested when it's done, or does he have plans for it?<br> [Brian] his plans for it were basically to have it be a big-name thing in the scientific community to encourage, well, the idea that there's other places in the scientific community.<br> [Brian] so, now that it's built, he's basically content to let them have it<br> [Random_Nerd] Okay. Then that Project is probably complete.<br> [DanteE] (trying to find the change-color button...)<br> [DanteE] so, the supercollider thing advanced the reconnection project?<br> [Brian] Dante: yep<br> [Random_Nerd] Yeah, I'll say it did.<br> [Random_Nerd] Let's say that was Stage 1 of the reconnection project.<br> [DanteE] how many stages would this thing have?<br> [Random_Nerd] Stage 2, I think, will be getting the internet connected between Amyra and Earth.<br> [Random_Nerd] Well, let's see.<br> [Brian] (warning: cat-like typing detected)<br> [Ftisk] (cat like typing?)<br> [Brian] (in other words: Boots says hi - he's sitting beside the compy)<br> [Theresa] (Glad you got him back, Laz.)<br> [Verithe] (Ftisk: Something akin to "'[;.pl<br> [Ftisk] (ohhhhhhhhhkey!)<br> [DanteE] (they like to step on keyboards at odd moments. :) )<br> [Ftisk] (mine like to sleep on keyboards)<br> [DanteE] Shouldn't there be a Defenses step, so bad guys don't come through the new connection?<br> [Ftisk] none!<br> [Ftisk] why filter away the fun?!?!<br> [Brian] Dante: Perhaps. If that's a thing that's important to the story, which it might be!<br> [Random_Nerd] Well, –REDACTED-.<br> [Ftisk] is like nonalcoholic beer<br> [Theresa] We can't just have Red hang out at the tunnel opening. He would get bored. His cows would get bored.<br> [Random_Nerd] Hmm.<br> [Random_Nerd] Verithe, what agenda does Kite have?<br> [Random_Nerd] Because it seems to me like the odds are good that your hiring of an Aide could help as a step in that.<br> [Verithe] At the moment, nothing worthy of Destiny. I think I want him to start looking into his past, but I need to get him to care about it first.<br> [Random_Nerd] Oh?<br> [Verithe] Partly because knowing nothing about his past was making it difficult for me to mess with some of the Character Creation bits.<br> [DanteE] There's also the point that Kudzu separated Amyra from the world for a _reason_... <br> [Random_Nerd] Yeah. Not all Chancels are separate in the way that Amyra is.<br> [Ftisk] oh, I believed that Amyra was separated as any other chancel was<br> [Random_Nerd] Well, /many/ Chancels are separated from the world.<br> [Random_Nerd] But it's not universal.<br> [Brian] I thought the default was separate, and that integrating required effort?<br> [Random_Nerd] Hmm..<br> [Random_Nerd] I'd say less extra effort, and more that non-separate chancels are in some ways less useful.<br> [Brian] (and Brian's thinking more like "dedicated plane flights requiring customs checks" and not "Amyra gets put back where it were")<br> [Theresa] (That's good. A country just appearing out of nowhere would freak out a lot of people.)<br> [Theresa] Wait...I forget, but isn't there a rule of don't spread it around about Nobles and the War?<br> [DanteE] It's probably subsumed in the 'Don't harm the innocent' rule<br> [Theresa] As talking Noble stuff is brain-damaging. Or they try to put you away for your own good.<br> [DanteE] Then again... it sounds like what you really want to do is reverse that whole "removed from memory" thing that happened with the enChanceling<br> [Random_Nerd] Well, it isn't actually in Entropy's laws.<br> [Brian] Dante: yes! That's it! Well, partly :)<br> [Brian] well, /mostly/.<br> [Random_Nerd] But, on the other hand, there is the whole thing where Nobles used to rule the Earth directly, until Entropy made all mortal rulers forget about their former masters.<br> [Random_Nerd] Oh?<br> [Brian] make people know about it, and allow people to get to it, but not put it back. So, the remove the remove from memory is a good way of looking at it, no?<br> [Theresa] Did Entropy say why he did so or is it Entropy's Rule 0.5?<br> [Random_Nerd] So, do you want people to see it as a supernatural place?<br> [Random_Nerd] Or what?<br> [Random_Nerd] Entropy generally doesn't explain his motives.<br> [Random_Nerd] I don't believe this was an exception.<br> [Brian] as an exotic place, perhaps, but not really supernatural.<br> [Theresa] Ah, so it was Rule 0.5. "Because I Said So."<br> [Random_Nerd] Do you have some thoughts on how they would see it?<br> [Brian] I'm thinking sort of the same as 1800's viewed America? "The streets are paved with gold!" and all that.<br> [DanteE] if you want the scientific papers to be valid it can't be too supernatural<br> [Brian] people would have things told to them about how things are, but generally write it off as hyperbole, marketing, or the like.<br> [Random_Nerd] So, make it into, like, Wakanda or something?<br> [Brian] sounds good<br> [Random_Nerd] Or, I don't know, the underwater city from Bioshock, if it was public knowledge?<br> [Random_Nerd] Exotic, hard to get to, kinda isolated, but still real?<br> [Brian] yep<br> [Random_Nerd] Okay, that works.<br> [Random_Nerd] Now, hmm. Should we get some in-character stuff going?<br> [Verithe] Yes?<br> [Brian] sounds good :)<br> [Random_Nerd] Okay. Verithe, where did you intend to go with Gilbert?<br> [DanteE] OK<br> [Random_Nerd] (Oh, and just to mention something. You've arranged to pay Gilbert with a combination of miracles and mundane resources, but it's not entirely clear what the Aides as a group are getting out of the deal in this case.)<br> [Verithe] Hmmm...is it alright if we did a brief, off-screen trip to Vulcan and now we're just finishing setting up his away office in Amyra?<br> [Random_Nerd] That's acceptable.<br> [Random_Nerd] What would you have told him about what his primary duties are?<br> [DanteE] (follow Ftisk with a net)<br> [Ftisk] (Dante! :-P )<br> [DanteE] (what, am I wrong?)<br> [Ftisk] (Sure! Follow Ftisk is a high risk job)<br> [Theresa] (You'd just get bigFtisk splitting into a swarm of tinyFtisks to get through the holes of the net.)<br> [DanteE] (and come to think of it... can you prevent Kudzu from screwing with Amyra's physics just for fun?)<br> [Verithe] At the moment, to acquaint himself with the neighborhood. Would Kite have permission from Kudzu's Nobles to get Gil to start a DA Studies class in the university?<br> [Random_Nerd] Presumably.<br> [DanteE] Hm... that would be right up my alley, wouldn't it?<br> [Random_Nerd] Hmm.<br> [Random_Nerd] But what would you want him to teach? How to /treat/ DA, how to /resist/ it, or something else?<br> [Verithe] If so, Kite would probably have him start getting lesson plans together and working towards that end. Also, Kite gave Gil a tin foil hat as a welcoming present.<br> [Verithe] Preferably resistance. <br> [Theresa] (The hat because it's shiny?)<br> [Verithe] (yes. :) )<br> [DanteE] DA 101 is recognizing it and basic avoidance<br> [Random_Nerd] When to look the other way, a bunch of good field-tested rationalizations for weird phenomena, and the like?<br> [DanteE] DA 201 is more advanced resistance techniques<br> [DanteE] DA 401 is what to do for people suffering from it.<br> [Random_Nerd] And more theory, I figure.<br> [Verithe] Yeah.<br> [Random_Nerd] Maybe some low-end shamanism stuff, too.<br> [Verithe] Perhaps, further along, there could be some...yeah, that.<br> [Random_Nerd] Seeing the Mythic in a controlled and deliberate way, and being able to switch back.<br> [Verithe] Right<br> [Random_Nerd] It's established in this game that that's a skill that most people can learn, but it's tricky and takes time.<br> [Random_Nerd] For instance, Sam's decent at it, but William only has the DA-resistance training.<br> [Theresa] Sam having it makes sense.<br> * Verithe nods<br> [Random_Nerd] So, are we ready to go?<br> [Verithe] Yup!<br> [DanteE] in that case Gil will have help from Sam and probably me.<br> [DanteE] sure.<br> =-= Verithe is now known as Kite<br> [Random_Nerd] Okay, this scene takes place after the previous session, when Verithe has returned from Locus Vulcan with his new assistant in tow.<br> [Random_Nerd] Conference room seem good?<br> [DanteE] (Sure.)<br> [Random_Nerd] ____________START________________<br> [Random_Nerd] Gilbert: "Now, I had some questions on how you'd like me to dress and appear while in Amyra."<br> [DanteE] (Now, what has William made with those index cards?)<br> [Theresa] (A card house.)<br> [Random_Nerd] (They're still on the table.)<br> [Kite] "I was looking through some fashion photos just in case you asked!" <br> [Random_Nerd] William: "If you want, I could introduce him to my tailor."<br> [DanteE] "Well, you could use the pollen that Theresa gave Sam..."<br> [Random_Nerd] Sam: "I usually don't use that around town, though."<br> * Kite places photos of ridiculously dressed, but shiny fashion models on the table. Apparently, Kite didn't pay attention to gender.<br> [Random_Nerd] Sam: "Here, most people have some idea who I am."<br> [Random_Nerd] (/How/ ridiculously? Like, how many deci-Gagas?)<br> [Theresa] (If they're shiny, they're probably all Gaga.)<br> [Kite] (There's probably a few reasonable photos in there, but most of them are Gaga-esque.)<br> [Theresa] (Just page after page of Lady Gaga, from as many angles as possible.)<br> [Kite] (Hehe)<br> [DanteE] "OK, first, I'd say it's not really fashion if it doesn't let you see or walk, so scrap a lot of these...<br> [Brian] (she has some not-shiny outfits, too, don't forget. Like a fishnet bodystocking ?_?)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Sure, but no non-ridiculous. She wears that crazy stuff 24-7, from what I've heard.)<br> [Random_Nerd] Gilbert leafs through.<br> [Brian] (she designs that crazy stuff!)<br> [Random_Nerd] G: "Well, one must accommodate oneself to the local styles. William, can your tailor assist me with having some of these made?"<br> [Kite] (There's probably a random suit of armor in there, too.)<br> [Random_Nerd] W: "Ah... not, as such. But I believe I know a costume designer who could." to Ftisk: "He works on your Anchor's show."<br> [DanteE] "Hey, this one has the king."<br> [Ftisk] "Reqally?"<br> [Ftisk] scrap the q<br> [Ftisk] "oh, you must know Gnomely!"<br> [Random_Nerd] Sam: "Yeah, but he doesn't wear that stuff all the time, just for public occasions."<br> [Random_Nerd] (Gilbert is currently wearing jeans, sandals, and a T-shirt. In the parts where his body is exposed, he looks like a walking circulatory system with a swirling red-black mist moving through where his flesh and bones would be.)<br> [Theresa] "I think John said that it is very heavy and not well for keeping cool in."<br> [Ftisk] "oh, do you want to change body shape?"<br> * Ftisk change into a lion<br> [Random_Nerd] Gilbert: "Not at the moment."<br> =-= YOU are now known as lionFtisk<br> [lionFtisk] "meow?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Gilbert: "But perhaps later, if the situation demands it."<br> [lionFtisk] "ok"<br> [Kite] "I have never met a lion that meowed before."<br> =-= YOU are now known as spiderFtisk<br> [spiderFtisk] "me too! ^_^ "<br> [DanteE] "Right now we're basically trying to figure out what to do next. What did Kite tell you about us?"<br> * spiderFtisk weave a tic tac toe board on a corner<br> * Kite blinks.<br> [Random_Nerd] Gilbert: "He and Dominus Ftisk... that reminds me, how do all of you prefer, in terms of honorifics and titles? But he and Ftisk have been spending some time working with you on some joint projects."<br> [Brian] "Just Brian is ok."<br> [Theresa] "Plants or Miss Theresa is fine for now."<br> [spiderFtisk] "Ftisk, without dominus is ok"<br> [Random_Nerd] Gilbert: "Okay."<br> [DanteE] "Dante to me, Lord Dante or Dominus Animus when talking to others."<br> [spiderFtisk] "animus? was courage?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Gilbert: "Chytosideron had told me that he wished me to begin a class training some of your chancelfolk in rudimentary worldsight-control?"<br> [DanteE] (going by a few online dictionaries, for certain values of 'courage')<br> [spiderFtisk] (uhm,... ok)<br> [Theresa] "Yes. It appears that DA may be a bit more prominant than usual and we'd like to have more in-Chancel help in case of emergencies, such as an invasion."<br> * spiderFtisk wistle<br> [Random_Nerd] Gilbert: "So, will I be training police? Military? Emergency services people?"<br> [DanteE] "Speaking of which, what's the latest on that bartender and the visiting doctor?"<br> [Random_Nerd] William: "He should be ready to go home within the week."<br> [Kite] "I was assuming whoever signs up for classes. But it would be a good idea to inform various institutions that the class will be available."<br> [Theresa] "Hmm, we should probably check with Lietenant/Captain (dude that was our military liaison when we went up against the Warmains) to see if the military has anyone they want to throw into the class."<br> [DanteE] "Oh, and we should also check out the report he wrote."<br> [Random_Nerd] William: "He's currently fairly stable in viewing the prosaic, but the doctor thinks it would be best to keep him in a controlled environment until he's had a little more time to re-acclimate himself to the prosaic earth."<br> [Random_Nerd] Gilbert: "Are there any local peculiarities in world-structure that I should be aware of?"<br> [Kite] "We still have to determine payment for Dr. Hatrack, yes?"<br> [spiderFtisk] "The transmogrifier"<br> [Kite] "Or was that going to be services called in later?"<br> [Theresa] "Well, the tunnels and jungles at the edge of the country lead to other worlds. Best to not go into them unless you have a way planned."<br> [Random_Nerd] William: "I believe that the arrangement is that you owe the Society the services of an expert for a comparable length of non-dangerous service."<br> [Random_Nerd] William: "Our visitor's own payment will be dealt with by the Society."<br> [Theresa] "There are also a number of nonhuman Chancelfolk and assistants around the Chancel."<br> [Kite] "Ah, that's right. Thanks, William."<br> [Kite] "And some Tesla ants in the zoo..."<br> [spiderFtisk] "And fish folks! But Kite can't fish them..."<br> * Kite 's face clouds over at the mention of fish folks.<br> [DanteE] "and our Ymera periodically wanders around downtown as a walking building code violation..."<br> [Random_Nerd] G: "Will my own eccentric appearance pose any particular problems?"<br> [Brian] "Probably not."<br> [DanteE] "I doubt it."<br> [Kite] "You should be fine."<br> [spiderFtisk] "look at me! No one ever complaint"<br> [Brian] "Actually, William, can you get that camcorder we have lying around?" /me will film a "Hi, I'm Brian. This is Gilbert, Kite's assistant. Treat him with the respect you would treat the rest of us" thing :D<br> * spiderFtisk throw silk on Gilbert<br> [Random_Nerd] William: "The little one, or the one with the tripod?"<br> [DanteE] (Actually, does Gil's walking-circ-system appearance cause DA?)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Nope. He's weird, but not miraculous.)<br> [Brian] "Um. Either, or. We just need to get a short filmed and then sent out"<br> [Random_Nerd] (At most, contact with him might lead to people being a little shakier if they witness an actual miracle fairly soon after seeing Gil.)<br> [Random_Nerd] William: "I'll fetch the tripod, then. One moment."<br> [Random_Nerd] William strides out.<br> [DanteE] (Careful, people might treat that recording like the Naked Goddess tape)<br> [spiderFtisk] (will be more shaken from the walking circulatory system that scarf guy)<br> [Kite] (That would be fun.)<br> [Theresa] (I get the feeling that Brian's trash gets collected and collated every day already. :) )<br> [DanteE] "While we're at it, how's our PR image?"<br> [Brian] (:p)<br> [Kite] (Toenail clippings are sold for a mint, I'm sure.)<br> [Random_Nerd] William: "Solid. Brian's reputation remains as overwhelmingly positive as ever, and sales of Brian-themed merchandise continue strong. The rest of you are less in the public eye, but are well-regarded by over two thirds of the chancelfolk, and actively hated by less than one in twenty."<br> [Theresa] "Well that's nice."<br> [DanteE] "As long as there's not an anti-Noble rebel group forming, I guess I'm OK with it."<br> [Random_Nerd] William: "Let's see, the medical profession is still working out the best ways to use the transformative device for medical purpose, but it's proved a significant boon for people suffering from a wide variety of chronic illnesses."<br> [Random_Nerd] William: "There's currently debate in the Amyran medical community on the ethics of using it for mere cosmetic body-reshaping."<br> [Random_Nerd] William: "Did you have a preference in that regard?"<br> [Theresa] (I don't know why rebels is making me giggle in my head right now...)<br> [Theresa] "What did they decide about the healing plant?"<br> [DanteE] "Well, cure diseases first... but I suspect Kudzu would be OK with releasing people from the tyranny of form, so I'll give my tentative approval."<br> [Brian] "As long as there's sufficient room or devices that no one with a pressing issue gets bumped for cosmetic, why not allow the cosmetic? I mean, if they want to do it, they want to do it for a reason, yes? Why deny them that?"<br> [spiderFtisk] "Seconded! Form is a prison"<br> [Random_Nerd] W: "Well, part of the issue is that it's not strictly speaking reversible. At most, they could bring someone back to a general approximation of their previous features."<br> === 101Dalmatians Erroneous Nickname: Illegal characters<br> =-= YOU are now known as a101DalmatiansFtisk<br> [Random_Nerd] W: "So, the doctors are trying to figure out what sort of counseling would be necessary to make sure someone was making an informed choice to undergo an irreversible procedure."<br> [Brian] "Ah, that's a different question"<br> [DanteE] "Ftisk, can you fine-tune that... ack. Don' whiz motor oil on anything."<br> [Brian] "Perhaps it could be worked into the PhD psych course here at the university somehow?"<br> [Random_Nerd] W: "Also, there's some reluctance among most of the doctors to use it for people who merely wish to be taller, or skinnier, or the like, as opposed to genuine cases of body dismorphia."<br> [Kite] "Maybe require preparation counseling before use?" <br> [a101DalmatiansFtisk] "Why Danteeeee?"<br> [DanteE] "We don't have maid service, that's why."<br> [Kite] "Why not?"<br> =-= YOU are now known as wetcleaner<br> [wetcleaner] "So Dante you can clean up now"<br> [DanteE] "Ahem. Anyway, can you fine-tune the hospital machine ?"<br> [wetcleaner] "I think yep"<br> =-= YOU are now known as crazyScientisk<br> [Random_Nerd] William: "The medical community has gotten reasonably good at using it for the species-correction operations, or for fixing chronic illnesses, but their control is less precise on the more cosmetic sides of the transformation."<br> [Random_Nerd] William: "Still, I'm sure they'd appreciate the assistance in improving their control."<br> [Random_Nerd] (Okay, I'm running a bit low on brain-juice, and it seems like the rest of you are too. Should we call it a night?)<br> [crazyScientisk] (yep)<br> [Brian] (sure)<br> [DanteE] (Hm...)<br> [Kite] (Sure)<br> [DanteE] (Dang, didn't get to intro my big plot point)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Oh? Want to do that now?)<br> [DanteE] (Doesn't really fit.<br> [Random_Nerd] (Your call.)<br> [DanteE] (Basically, I was going to grab the Kudzu and Shirk cards, put them near each other, and say we need to figure out what goes in the middle...<br> [DanteE] (and possibly where "James' Father" fits in.)<br> [Random_Nerd] (I was wondering when you'd get back to that...)<br> * Kite slips in cards with the names of various fish species written on them.<br> [Random_Nerd] (That reminds me. We haven't seen the clay raccoon in a while.)<br> [crazyScientisk] (super genius to kite!)<br> [Kite] (He's been wanting to do that for a while...)<br> [DanteE] "There's probably some kind of connection... here."<br> [Random_Nerd] ____________STOP_____________________<br> [Random_Nerd] (Ah, never mind. Say when you're done.)<br> [DanteE] (Actually, I kinda did. So we'll say Dante's getting all mopey trying to figure it out until cards saying 'rainbow trout' remind him he's hungry. :) )<br> [Theresa] (Bah, salmon's better!)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Mmm. Trout.)<br> =-= Brian is now known as lazarus<br> =-= Kite is now known as Verithe<br> =-= YOU are now known as Angelo<br> [lazarus] I've gotta go.<br> [DanteE] oyasumi-nasai laz<br> [Angelo] bye laz<br> [Random_Nerd] Later, Laz.<br> [--| lazarus has left #Nobilis<br> [Verithe] night, Laz!<br> All following lines are –REDACTED-<br> [--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis<br> <br><br>[[Chancel_Amyra]]<br> [[Amyra:Chapter_21|Chapter 21]]
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