Session 189
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[[Chancel_Amyra]]<br> [[Amyra:Chapter_24|Chapter 24]]<br><br> Thank you to Random_Nerd for the session Log<br> <br> <br> Session Start: Thu Dec 02 20:31:04 2010<br> * Now talking in #nobilis<br> [Lazarus] Hey RN<br> [Lazarus] Sorry about missing last session ... Had a nagging feeling that I was supposed to be doing something, but couldn't remember what<br> [Verithe] Hi, RN!<br> * BethE (~BethL@MagicStar-4BF6DF39.hsd1.il.comcast.net) has joined #nobilis<br> [BethE] Evening, all!<br> [Verithe] Hi, Beth!<br> [Lazarus] Hey Beth<br> [Lazarus] Also, is my guess of "apple"<br> [Lazarus] "apples or trees are Imperators" somewhat close?<br> * Angelo (~Angelo@151.68.112.IP) has joined #nobilis<br> [Lazarus] Hey Angelo<br> [BethE] Hi Angelo! *HUG* Thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes. ^^<br> [Angelo] HI!<br> [Verithe] :3<br> [Lazarus] Yay ipad multitasking! This I<br> [Lazarus] RC app no longer disconnects me all the time!<br> * @Angelo (~Angelo@151.68.112.IP) Quit (Ping timeout )<br> [Verithe] ._.<br> * Angelo (~Angelo@93.69.5.IP) has joined #nobilis<br> [Verithe] :D<br> * Verithe sets mode: +o Angelo<br> * @Angelo (~Angelo@93.69.5.IP) Quit (Disintegrated: Ciao picciotti! )<br> [Lazarus] ...<br> [Verithe] :(<br> [Lazarus] (btw can people hear me? I worry about this app not really working right...)<br> [BethE] (I can read you...)<br> [Random_Nerd] Oh, are any of you fans of The Middleman?<br> * Angelo (~Angelo@93.69.5.IP) has joined #nobilis<br> [BethE] Welcome back!<br> [Lazarus] Dunno the middleman.<br> [Angelo] RE Hi all!<br> [Lazarus] Brian has an IC thought about the orchard question, btw.<br> [Angelo] I hate Vodafone! All day without ADSL! :-(<br> [Lazarus] :(<br> [Angelo] really?<br> [Verithe] I don't know of The Middleman and I can't hear anything.<br> [Angelo] me too. Who is the middleman?<br> [Random_Nerd] TV show.<br> [Random_Nerd] Also, a comic.<br> [Random_Nerd] Very funny.<br> [Random_Nerd] On a whim, I statted a character from it up as a Nobilis character.<br> [Angelo] oh. witch one?<br> [BethE] Sensei Ping!<br> [Angelo] Sensei Ping? When we meet him?<br> * @Lazarus (~Laz@MagicStar-5B2992BC.storm.ca) Quit (Connection reset by peer )<br> [BethE] He is a character from The Middleman.<br> * Lazarus (~Laz@MagicStar-5B2992BC.storm.ca) has joined #nobilis<br> [BethE] Welcome back!<br> [Lazarus] Am I back?<br> [BethE] (RN is correcting a post about him in the Nobilis book thread.)<br> [Lazarus] Wifi died, then things went a bit wonky. Seems working now<br> [Angelo] oh, Yep Laz! :-)<br> [Lazarus] Semi watching B5<br> [Lazarus] Rewatching the series, on the last part of season4<br> [Verithe] This Sensei Ping? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LG7cEPFoZm0&feature=related<br> [Random_Nerd] Indeed.<br> [Angelo] well I'm on a crappish connection nowbe<br> [Angelo] brb<br> [Random_Nerd] http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?p=13195883#post13195883<br> [BethE] RN has told me that the shirt thing in that is via Aspect. Theresa will not be using that one...<br> [Lazarus] Shirt thing?<br> [Verithe] For modesty's sake, I understand.<br> [BethE] In the YouTube link above, Sensei Ping gives a loud cry and his shirt rips itself off of his ripped manly upper-torso.<br> [Lazarus] Ah<br> [Lazarus] I wish there were a way for me to write ipad apps. Grr @apple for not having a windows SDK<br> [Random_Nerd] Any questions, while we wait for Knock?<br> [Lazarus] So last time RN gave us some hints? What else happened? I read the log, but can’t quite remember<br> * BethE is now known as Theresa<br> [Theresa] (Brain not work. Tried to type that I was changing my name and nothing keep happening. I realized that I kept trying to change 'BethE' to...'BethE'.)<br> * Knockwood (~chatzilla@MagicStar-BF74FBDE.dhcp.reno.nv.charter.com) has joined #nobilis<br> [Random_Nerd] Dante and Dollphaniel got married in a tasteful ceremony led by a tasteful Elvis impersonator...<br> [Lazarus] (also, I want to know how close my thought of "orchard = creation, not imperator" was ... But I want that conversation IC to talk to the others...)<br> [Random_Nerd] Oh, hey, Knock.<br> [Knockwood] Hi guys, sorry I'm late<br> * Lazarus is now known as Brian<br> * Knockwood is now known as DanteE<br> * Verithe is now known as Kite<br> [Theresa] Hi Knock!<br> [DanteE] want to talk about what we'll do first?<br> [Brian] Brian wants to initiate a conversation first<br> [Brian] From there, dunno<br> [Theresa] (There are tasteful Elvis impersonators?)<br> [DanteE] I mean OOC.<br> [Kite] (They dress like young Elvis, T)<br> [DanteE] (Careful, Theresa, I'm in Reno. :) )<br> [Theresa] (Hey, I'm already married, ain't nothin' Nevada can do to me! ^^ )<br> [Random_Nerd] Well, what does Dante intend to do?<br> [DanteE] I was thinking finding out more about our "past lives"<br> [Theresa] (In my past life, I was an acorn...)<br> [Brian] Brian's conversation is leading into that, of sorts, but it is more history of Creation<br> [DanteE] well, they do dovetail.<br> [DanteE] How about the rest of you?<br> [Kite] Kite is slightly envious of all your past lives.<br> [Theresa] I'm good with that pathway. It may tie toward the Wildlord/Imperators threads we've been hitting too.<br> [DanteE] Kite, doesn't your flock go back thousands of years?<br> [Theresa] Hey, in one of them I was a palm branch of Cleopatra! You can have it!<br> [Kite] My flock?<br> [DanteE] the stymphalian birds<br> [Kite] I go back thousands of years. I don't remember a flock.<br> [Random_Nerd] Oh, while I'm thinking of it, the game next week is cancelled due to final exams.<br> [Kite] (I imagine Kite should actually be saying this, so perhaps imagine there are quotes around those statements.)<br> [Kite] Gotcha, RN<br> [DanteE] ah. Maybe you can tell us about the Young Kudzu Adventures. :)<br> [Brian] I have a final next Thursday as well :)<br> [DanteE] OK<br> [Theresa] But Kudzu isn't shiny, so why would Kite have cared?<br> [DanteE] parts of him are<br> [Kite] Kite didn't pay attention to much of Noble society until recently.<br> [DanteE] remember, he keeps manifesting as part traffic light<br> [Random_Nerd] You know, it's entirely possible that Kite, himself, is older than these "past lives."<br> [DanteE] Anyway... Angelo? What do you think about this path?<br> [Kite] Pre- or Post- EnNoblement?<br> [Random_Nerd] As in "Oh, yeah, I remember my incarnation from back then. It was /me/. Man, I was awesome back then!"<br> [Kite] Haha<br> [DanteE] (Reminds me of a comic's line: "(Dick Clark) found out in a past life he was Dick Clark!")<br> [Theresa] You mean that's not Dick Clark's original body?<br> [Kite] He's just getting envious of everyone else having a past self that is alien to their current selves.<br> [Random_Nerd] So, ready to get started?<br> [DanteE] Sure.<br> [Brian] Sure.<br> [Kite] Yup<br> [Random_Nerd] Oh, before we do.<br> [Random_Nerd] Does anyone have any guesses to register about the questions from last time?<br> [Brian] I sent an email about them!<br> [Brian] Or I thought I did, anyway.<br> [Random_Nerd] To which address?<br> [Brian] But Brian has a thought about the orchard thing, which you will do your GM laugh about, as we banter about IC<br> [DanteE] I saw it, Brian<br> [Random_Nerd] Oh, yes.<br> [Random_Nerd] That one.<br> [Random_Nerd] "Last session's log"?<br> [Brian] Yep<br> [Random_Nerd] Okay, now, let's get started.<br> [Random_Nerd] ____________________START_________________<br> [Brian] "hey guys ... Remember that orchard metaphor that one excrucian used? I think I got something..."<br> [Random_Nerd] As the planning/plotting meeting continues, William returns with several bags of food from Brian's favorite burger place, the one that you guys sent Horse to for food that one time.<br> [Kite] (Oh! I have a picture of how Kite now looks as a Dionyl....)<br> [Brian] (oright, kite's cult!)<br> * @DanteE grabs and passes around the food...<br> [Random_Nerd] (Oh?)<br> [Kite] ( http://siya.deviantart.com/art/Chytosideron-as-Dionyl-186809802 )<br> [DanteE] "Gotta hand it to you, takeout places are getting our orders right now..."<br> [Random_Nerd] (Oh, that will work nicely.)<br> [Brian] "a thief stole an orchard, now who owns the apples? We had been assuming that the apples are estates, but what if they are the Imperators?"<br> [Theresa] (Oh, that is _nice_, V!)<br> [Kite] (Thanks!)<br> [DanteE] (That is nice)<br> [Brian] (awesome, V)<br> [DanteE] "Oh, that thief metaphor. OK, then, who are the other two?"<br> [Theresa] "Cneph and his counterpart?"<br> [Brian] "Cneph is the thief. He stole the orchard - creation - in the eyes of the Excrucians. Who don't seem to exhibit any Estates, by the way..."<br> [Kite] (Grr! Rain! Brb...bringing in laundry)<br> [Angelo] (back!)<br> [DanteE] "Hm... the only Excrucians we've seen with anything like 'estates' stole them..."<br> * Angelo is now known as Ftisk<br> [Brian] "yep. So... Wild lords were still part of the orchard. Excrucians were ... Gardeners?"<br> [Theresa] "Well, we've mostly been dealing with Warmains."<br> [DanteE] "... Alt-Shadows was in a 'Garden'..."<br> [Ftisk] "Yes Dante, but why the orchads = estates work in creation and not outside?"<br> [Brian] "and that could explain the why things exist here..."<br> [DanteE] "Well, wait. If the Orchard was here at the beginning of the calendar, then where did Kudzu come from?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Sam: "Well, we know /that/ one. Outside."<br> [Kite] (Are Kite and Gil still off doing things in the nest?)<br> [Brian] "maybe Cneph didn't take the whole Orchard, but enough that the rest said 'I am a part of that! Let me in!'?"<br> [Theresa] "Or maybe it's like pollination."<br> [Random_Nerd] (Your call. It's implied that the other PCs have been talking this through for a while.)<br> * @Theresa mentally thinks, "Or like weeds."<br> [DanteE] "OK, thinking back to that divination we did when we looked at Kudzu's entry into creation...<br> [Ftisk] "like some trees or like a slice of it?"<br> [Kite] (They're probably done, then.)<br> * @Kite returns.<br> [DanteE] "Didn't he have something-like-Hope when he entered?"<br> [Brian] "this is your domain, T ... In the metaphor, if there were enough out there to create new Imperators, or Estates, but it all entered Creation ... How much plantstuff needs to be there for more plants?"<br> [Brian] (also, this is a very Amber vs Chaos divide it seems...)<br> [Random_Nerd] Gil, as Kite walks in: "So, should I bring in some polished and proper priests, some crazy ranting prophets, or both, for the auditions?"<br> [Kite] "Both. Are there any hybrids?"<br> [Theresa] "It's...estates are like...like chlorophyll for plants. Something they have to have into order to _be_ Imperators but that doesn't mean they're _green_."<br> [Random_Nerd] Gil: "Eh, to some degree. But the extremes tend to get more attention."<br> [Kite] "Oh! Well, extremes all the way, then!"<br> * @Kite twirls happily.<br> [Random_Nerd] Gil: "I assume you can provide divine inspiration if needed?"<br> [Brian] (I hope we are sufficiently amusing to the HG)<br> [Kite] "Is that supposed to be one of those...uhm...innuendos?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Gil: "Oh, you want a /really/ old-fashioned religion?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Sam: "With, like, /swans/ and stuff?"<br> [Kite] "Now you've completely lost me."<br> [Brian] "point to Sam"<br> [Ftisk] "Hey Kite, working on your cult?"<br> [Brian] "a thundering point, even."<br> * Ftisk fly on Gil shoulder<br> [Kite] "Indeed, I am, Ftisk!"<br> [Ftisk] "Fun!" *giggle*<br> [Brian] "the flaw I see in the metaphor this way is ... Apples fall from the tree. Makes more sense for the Imperators to be the trees, no?"<br> [Theresa] (Great, now I'm imagining Kite with swans and getting rude stuff from the swans for wanting to do it with humans...)<br> [Kite] "What do swans have to do with anything?"<br> [Kite] (Haha!)<br> [DanteE] "William, is there something like a Cult of Brian going? The king might get mad..."<br> [Brian] "look up Zeus and Lyta?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Sam: "Like, with Zeus."<br> [Random_Nerd] William: "I try to discourage it. It's really more of an exuberant fan-club."<br> [DanteE] (Leda)<br> [Kite] "Gross! No!"<br> [Theresa] "Gods having sexual relations with humans while the god is in the form of a bird."<br> [Brian] (either way)<br> [Theresa] "How exhuberant? Do you have to check for underwear in Brian's...no, never mind, don't want to know."<br> [Brian] "all the time. The boxers are the more creepy, I think."<br> [Ftisk] "Kite? Are you the inspiration of this myth?"<br> [Theresa] (Kite is not a swan!)<br> [Brian] "same pantheon as your god... Sorta"<br> [Kite] "To my knowledge, I have never mated with Zeus, Lyta or Leda...or any swans or humans."<br> [Random_Nerd] William: "Well, Dominus, if you /want/ to sleep around with your admirers, I do have a list. Two lists, really."<br> [Ftisk] "eh, I like to check for underwear in Dante draw.. ops.. nevermind..."<br> [Ftisk] (but is a bird!)<br> [Random_Nerd] Sam: "Wait, /is/ there a Zeus?"<br> [Ftisk] "2 lists? why 2?<br> [Random_Nerd] William: "Based on Indra, I think."<br> * @Theresa wonders if William has heard of the rule 'Don't stick it in the crazy.'<br> [Kite] "Whether there is or isn't, I didn't sleep with it."<br> [Random_Nerd] William: "Human genders. I'm currently unsure of Dominus Brian's preferences in that regard."<br> [Ftisk] "Kite may want to try both before make a preference? right Kite?"<br> [Brian] "... I am not sure what to say ..."<br> [Random_Nerd] Gil: "Well, I don't have lists yet. Kite doesn't even /have/ any worshippers yet that I'm aware of."<br> [Kite] "Neither appeal to me."<br> [Random_Nerd] Gil: "Good to know. I take it the same applies to dionyl?"<br> [Kite] "Pretty much."<br> [Brian] "perhaps that I am impressed that you drew up two lists. I don't know whether I am more or less impressed you don't know my preferences better than I do"<br> [Random_Nerd] William: "I'm only human, sir."<br> [Ftisk] "Kite is the same as with broccoli? -I don't like them, I don't like them! Well, try them first once before say that you don't like broccoli"<br> [Random_Nerd] William: "I'm... huh. I'm the only human in this /room/."<br> [Theresa] "There are some things it's not polite to inquire from someone who can turn you into subsonic particles, Brian."<br> [Random_Nerd] Gil: "Hey!"<br> [DanteE] "Well...."<br> [Brian] "war mains, no estates. Strategists, no estate. Mimics ... Weird estates. Is there another class of scrunchie?"<br> [Random_Nerd] William: "I'm... uh... okay, fair enough."<br> [Kite] "I...mating has nothing to with broccoli!"<br> [Brian] (quote thread that one!)<br> [Theresa] (Yeah, that one's a quoter.)<br> [Random_Nerd] William: "Well, all types of excrucian /can/ have an Estate, or at least, something that seems to function like one while they're in Creation."<br> [Random_Nerd] William: "They're just... unusual."<br> [Ftisk] "Was a metaphor! And well, wathever. Do as you like!"<br> [DanteE] "We saw one who swiped Freezing, remember."<br> [Brian] "But they don't really have anything unique. Other than mimics, who sometimes think they are not scrunchies."<br> [Random_Nerd] Sam: "Yeah. It's, like, crazy stuff like People I've Set On Fire or You Over There In The Back or whatever."<br> [Random_Nerd] Sam: "Not, like, new /concepts/."<br> [Brian] "whereas wildlords behave more like standard Imperators that we know of. A little crazy sometimes, but who isn't?"<br> [DanteE] (You've read the thread. :) )<br> * Ftisk raise hand<br> [Random_Nerd] (For instance, Scelto of the Provenance has a domain score in the domain of "Scelto of the Provenance")<br> * Ftisk giggle<br> [Brian] "yes Ftisk?"<br> [Random_Nerd] (Coriander Hasp has Persona in "Those who Listen to Coriander Hasp")<br> [Brian] (that one is weird)<br> [Kite] (What are the attributes of Those who Listen to Coriander Hasp?)<br> [Ftisk] "I'm was signing on -not a little crazy- board"<br> [DanteE] (Hm... that means each Ex has their own little Creation within themselves. :) )<br> [Random_Nerd] (Those are all Deceiver estates.)<br> [Brian] (they listen to Coriander Hasp?)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Got it in one!)<br> [Brian] (Deceiver! That is the one that I missed)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Also, I suspect that they're fucked, given that Coriander Hasp seems to be smiling.)<br> [Kite] (:D)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Warmains tend to have stuff like Void or Blight or Hey, Fuck You)<br> [Brian] (a lot have "Die!")<br> [Brian] (sometimes written "Power Word: Kill")<br> [Ftisk] (or some permutation of Die!)<br> [DanteE] (You've got a v3 with art?)<br> [Random_Nerd] (No, but it just seems like he /would/ be, you know?)<br> [Theresa] (Aww, PW:Death is fun, though...)<br> [Random_Nerd] (I don't think Jenna has a v3 with art yet.)<br> [Brian] (is this distinction between Excrucians and Wildlords local to this campaign?)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Which distinction?)<br> [Theresa] (OH, I get how he's smiling.)<br> [Theresa] (It's because Hasp seems to be like a GM. ^^ )<br> [Brian] (whatever there is.)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Well, it's kinda in the book. I mean, Wildlords having come from outside is in the book.)<br> [Theresa] (Excructians want to destroy Creation, Wildlords don't.)<br> [Random_Nerd] (As is them not really being like any of the kinds of Excrucian we know about.)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Is that what you mean?)<br> [Ftisk] (the one we are trying to find!)<br> [Brian] (yeah - you have led us on a question of there being an important distinction between the two, and I am wondering if it is a this campaign type thing)<br> [DanteE] (So, how is a Warmain like a Wildlord? Besides the origin.)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Oh, the "How is a Warmain like a Wildlord" one is specific to this campaign.)<br> [Random_Nerd] (It's connected to stuff like Breach Day and so on that aren't canon.)<br> [Random_Nerd] Sam paces.<br> [Brian] (right. Ok. It is useful to know what parts are this campaign canon, and canon canon.)<br> [Brian] "Sam?"<br> [Random_Nerd] (And anything about Dionyl is this-game-only.)<br> [DanteE] "Anyway, we're trying to figure out the universe. You know, the usual."<br> [Random_Nerd] S: "So, the warmains were acting oddly on that one day, as well as one guy that /could/ be a warmain, and Kudzu."<br> * Ftisk fly to Theresa shoulder<br> [Brian] (which is a shame, because they are so definitive, really. They should be cross-Nobilis.)<br> [DanteE] (Who's the one guy?)<br> [Theresa] "And we haven't been able to get more information from other Wildlords about it." (Did we get anything out of the Council Wildlord about it?)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Sakaroth/Suebi/Caesar.)<br> [Brian] "were any other wild lords acting crazy...er than usual?"<br> [Random_Nerd] (He was very curious about it.)<br> [Kite] "Have you guys asked many Wildlords?"<br> [Random_Nerd] William: "As far as I could tell, they were acting /somewhat/ crazier, but not as dramatically as Kudzu."<br> [Theresa] "It could be that the whole thing with James made the boss...susceptible."<br> [DanteE] "Give us an example?"<br> [Brian] "have you guys talked to the Noble Aide Society about it?"<br> [Brian] (aside:) "by the way, William, can you forward me the lists?"<br> [Random_Nerd] William: "I've checked with a few friends, yes. Hmm. Most stuff we know about Imperator oddities is privileged information..."<br> [Random_Nerd] William nods to Brian.<br> [Random_Nerd] William: "Let's see. There was some weakness of memory, some instances of fascination with dreams, death, and crowns, and some apparent changes of personality or goals. All were temporary, none were all that extreme."<br> [Brian] "what would it make us if Kudzu were an Excrucian of some sort? Oh, William, did any non Wild lords behave that way?"<br> [Ftisk] "is because of James? James that is more linked to outside that normal wildlord's nobles?"<br> [Random_Nerd] William: "Ja Phon, possibly."<br> [DanteE] "Crowns?"<br> [Random_Nerd] William: "But it's hard to tell with him."<br> [Random_Nerd] William: "But you know that better than I do."<br> [Theresa] "Brian, it would make us on the wrong end of a firing squad. But I think the point is that Kudzu _likes_ Creation. It's where he keeps his stuff."<br> [Brian] "which means there is a distinct difference between Wild lords and other Imperators. Susceptibility to Outside... Wait a second... I need to get a link to Shadows."<br> [Kite] "I keep my stuff in Creation too!"<br> [Random_Nerd] Gil: "You know, I've got a theory that the term 'Excrucian' is more of a /political/ one than anything else."<br> [Brian] "calling your enemies bad things is historically a good way to get people behind a war."<br> [DanteE] "Mind letting us hear the conversation, Brian?"<br> [Ftisk] "Well an excru is not *automagically* a bad guy!"<br> * @Theresa absentmindedly hands Brian Shadows' flower.<br> [Random_Nerd] Gil: "I mean, hear me out. The four kinds of Excrucian we know about are nothing like each other. Far, far more different from each other than the different kinds of Imperator."<br> [Brian] "another thought: Creation is a form of cage, no?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Sam: "So says the philosophy of the Wild."<br> [Brian] (praying to Shadows) "can you tell me what you know about Crowns in the upper case sense?"<br> [Theresa] "Imperator is a sign of power-level. Excruciation is both level and political side."<br> [Random_Nerd] Wasp: "You've reached the" Shadows: "Dammit, I told you to take the day off! Brian?"<br> [Theresa] (Brian, you have bad phone manners!)<br> [Ftisk] "So I can one day declare myself an Ecrucian?"<br> [Kite] "Please don't."<br> [Ftisk] "<br> [DanteE] (You haven't yet? :) )<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Like, the summoning ones? Three of them. I've got the first one, the crown of sukka adharma."<br> [Brian] (to S) "yep. I think you might be aware of potential context for the question, but I recall crowns having a thing to do with summoning?"<br> * Ftisk jump high and higher for excitation!<br> [Brian] "what would you say if I told you that Wildlords were trying to get their own Crowns?"<br> [Theresa] (Is Ftisk getting slime all over Theresa's shoulder with the jumping?)<br> [Ftisk] (yes he is Dante's personal excru! :-P )<br> [Random_Nerd] S: "They're, like, a sign of rank. If you get up to a certain level of skill, you can call and stabilize enough of a kind of Outside matter to make a crown."<br> [Brian] (Ftisk as Slimer?)<br> [Ftisk] (yes of course!)<br> * Ftisk is leaving a slime trailing on Theresa shoulder... (ops!)<br> [Ftisk] (snails leave a slime trail Brian)<br> [Kite] "So...are they still in the process of moving in and are trying to call forth their luggage?"<br> [Brian] "so, the Wildlords searching for a Crown ...". "Dante, were you the one with the crown memory?"<br> [Theresa] (Watch out for the tip from the cosmic busboy.)<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "And there's the crowns of the domains, of course."<br> * @Theresa nods. She has a crown around somewhere...<br> [DanteE] "Yeah, I specifically wanted a Crown of Creation material."<br> [Kite] (And suddenly I imagine a horde of live Diskworld pear luggage scuttling in from beyond Creation.)<br> [Kite] (*live pear wood)<br> [Ftisk] "or like family. One emigrate then call dad, mom and start to call aunties and sons and so on 'till the family came all to creation"<br> [Ftisk] "likeish"<br> [Brian] (will ghost the conversation to the others, if possible, using the Amyra Domain). "Dante had a memory of wanting a Crown of Creation, but not like the Jefferson Airplane song"<br> [Theresa] (Lots and lots and lots of legs...)<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Like, I'm just a Baron, so I have a coronet with pearls on it somewhere. Not really my style."<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "A crown made of material of /Creation/?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Like, the /opposite/ of what I have?"<br> [Brian] "assuming that that is a Kudzu memory, then ... The Wildlords were the outside equivalent of summonses, and found themselfes pulled into Creation instead?"<br> [Brian] "yes, the opposite of what you have"<br> [DanteE] "... your crown is Outside material?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Duh. That's the point."<br> [Ftisk] "like he was outside and trying h summoning upside down?"<br> [DanteE] "I thought those were pearl and leaves."<br> [Theresa] (I think my crown has strawberry leaves on it...)<br> [Brian] "the other crown, Dante"<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Well, I /have/ one of those. But you mean the sukka adharma one, right?"<br> [Brian] "yeah, what would you expect the opposite of that to be?"<br> [DanteE] "Oh, right."<br> * @DanteE is trying to remember details about the crown... (RN?)<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "I don't know if there even /are/ summoners Out There, but if there are, I have no real idea what their symbology would be."<br> [Brian] (I remember you thinking you were cheated out of it, or something like that)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Well, the important thing about it would be that it was made of Creation's material, not what /kind/ of material of Creation.)<br> [Random_Nerd] (So, maybe analogous to the first crown of summoning, like Shadows has, rather than the later and more exotic ones.)<br> [Kite] "I can make you a crown of plastic forks and thumbtacks if you want."<br> [DanteE] "Let's see... I remember feeling that I was cheated out of a crown of creation material, and that I'd earned it...<br> [Brian] "I am still a little bit anxious about going outside, but if we ever do that one, we can see about summoning"<br> [Brian] (will relay Dante's more specifics)<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Funky. Tell me if you find more out about that."<br> [DanteE] "That happens when you do that summon/connection thing."<br> [Brian] "we seem to be working on partials here, but it looks like summoning /was/ possible from Outside, and now it isn't."<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Wait, Dante thinks that /he/ has a fetch? Like, already?"<br> [Ftisk] "Theresa! I'm sorry! The slime I forgot each time!"<br> [Brian] "have we always been able to summon here in creation? Sam, William?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Sam: "Dunno."<br> [Random_Nerd] William just shrugs.<br> [Brian] "can you check? I am wondering if it is a thing that got absorbed by Creation"<br> [Random_Nerd] (Oh, and you guys know that, at least according to one warmain-shard you talked to, excrucians /used/ to practice summoning, and something bad happened, and now they don't.)<br> [Brian] "um, it was a memory, Shadows. Don't know exactly what it means"<br> [Theresa] "It's okay, Ftisk. It'll clean out."<br> [Ftisk] "So is Kudzu mr High Summon?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Because if he does, that means one of two things."<br> [Theresa] (They Summoned Lord Entropy. Bad Things Happened.)<br> [DanteE] "You think Summoning got, well, anti-Excruciated?"<br> [Brian] (we do?)<br> * Ftisk lc a cleaning kit<br> [Kite] (Maybe that's where Cneph went...)<br> [Brian] "that is my current thought, Dante..."<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "First, at some point he's /going/ to be initiated into the art, but his counterpart already exists, what with time not being out there and so on."<br> * Ftisk passes the kit to T.<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Or second, that something weird is going on."<br> * @Theresa thanks Ftisk and blots the slime.<br> [DanteE] (#2 is pretty much a given, innit?)<br> [Brian] "I put it to something weird. It is always something weird with us."<br> [Theresa] "When is something weird _not_ going on?" *blots primal metallic snail slime off her shoulder*<br> * Ftisk fly out of range<br> [Random_Nerd] (http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Session_134)<br> [Random_Nerd] ( * Brian prays to Shadows "... dude, we're chatting with a Warmain. Anything you want us to ask him?"<br> [Random_Nerd] [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Why don't they practice summonings?"<br> [Random_Nerd] [Ftisk] (Smart move Brian!)<br> [Random_Nerd] [Brian] "A friend of ours wants to know why you don't practice summonings."<br> [Random_Nerd] * Brian prays to Shadows "I've asked him. I've also got a few other things from him you might be interested in. I'll let you know later."<br> [Random_Nerd] [Random_Nerd] H: "Distasteful. Some of us used to and it ended badly. Really badly."<br> [Random_Nerd] [Brian] "Transporter accident badly?"<br> [Random_Nerd] [Random_Nerd] H: "World War starting because some stupid duke got shot badly."<br> [Random_Nerd] [Brian] "wasn't expecting that"<br> [Random_Nerd] [DanteE] "When was that?"<br> [Random_Nerd] [Random_Nerd] H: "That's not a meaningful question. What with how you bastards are hogging all the time for yourselves."<br> [Random_Nerd] [DanteE] "Ah yeah, forgot."<br> [Random_Nerd] [DanteE] "Is that The War, or a different one, though?"<br> [Random_Nerd] [Theresa] "You have a point there. Although I hear that 500 years went AWOL."<br> [Random_Nerd] [Random_Nerd] H: "The War was going to happen sooner or later. It just may have affected how and when it started.")<br> [Brian] "things from Outside coming in often say they feel they aren't whole ... What if we extend that ... What if there is a shadow-Kudzu Outside still ... That probably implies shadow-uses?"<br> [Theresa] (We _are_ hogging all of the time to ourselves, aren't we...)<br> [DanteE] (Y'know, if something as important as Summoning got 'taken', that would probably start a fight."<br> [Random_Nerd] (That was with Haukr, a warmain-shard who on Breach Day trached down the wife of the Noble he'd tempered with, and tried to make sure she was provided for financially.)<br> [Brian] "things from Outside coming in often say they feel they aren't whole ... What if we extend that ... What if there is a shadow-Kudzu Outside still ... That probably implies shadow-uses?"<br> [DanteE] "Y'know, if something as important as Summoning got 'taken', that would probably start a fight."<br> [DanteE] (Which is very odd behavior for a W-Shard, right?)<br> [Random_Nerd] Gil turns off his bluetooth earpiece and turns to Kite. "Your priests and/or prophets, no preferences on gender?"<br> [Random_Nerd] (Yes, it is. They honor and respect the people they temper with... but not usually like /that/.)<br> [Ftisk] (he tempered)<br> [Brian] "by the way, um, Kite, Ftisk, could the two of you set up a kind of hotline speaker phone to Shadows' place? With his permission, of course, but we seem to confer often."<br> [DanteE] "Thing is, I didn't particularly have an interest in doing my own summoning..."<br> [Kite] "Not particularly, Gil."<br> [Random_Nerd] (It was, at least, an extreme end of the spectrum.)<br> [Kite] "I'm sure we could arrange that, Brian."<br> [Random_Nerd] Gil: "Okay. Now, we need to talk temples. You want a stationary one, right, not a mobile one?"<br> [Ftisk] "Me too"<br> * @DanteE gets up. "Assuming there's an alt-me..."<br> [Random_Nerd] Brian: "Well, if there's a shadow-Kudzu out there, which one came first?"<br> [Brian] "so, if we are a part of a not quite whole Kudzu, what would that mean? Are we not quite whole ourselves?"<br> [Random_Nerd] (Err, Shadows, talking /to/ Brian.)<br> [Ftisk] "uhm.. trans chancel Istant Messaging system pigeon based... uhm.. lets think a bit"<br> * @Kite ponders Gil's question slightly longer than necessary.<br> * @DanteE heads into his office and emerges with a woven-dagger crown.<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Wait, stupid question."<br> [Brian] "I would expect shadow-Kudzu to be the anti-this Kudzu, a split if you will"<br> [Kite] "Y-es. A stationary one is probably best."<br> [DanteE] "Made this right after 'Breach Day'."<br> [Brian] "anything Outside will have always been."<br> [Random_Nerd] Gil: "What style of architecture? Gothic? Greco-roman?"<br> * @DanteE pus on the crown. "What do you think?"<br> [Brian] "pointy"<br> [Kite] "Byzantine."<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Of course, maybe there /used/ to be a fetch for Kudzu, but now there isn't. That works the other way, at least."<br> [Ftisk] "cubist Kite?"<br> [Brian] "um... Huh?"<br> * @DanteE takes off the crown.<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Well, okay. I'm at the first crown, working on the second. If I get any /further/ into this, and I die, I won't reincarnate here. I'll become part of the Lord of the Garden of Silver and Black."<br> [DanteE] "Let's see... Shadows is assuming that the one who wants the crown is a separate entity that currently lives on the other side of the wall...<br> [Brian] "wait, Garden of Silver and Black? Must have missed that one."<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "You know. My fetch."<br> [DanteE] (Part of the _Lord_?)<br> * @DanteE mulls over that hypothesis... (RN, does it fit with what I felt?)<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Or, at least, his domain."<br> [Random_Nerd] (Fit with what you felt when?)<br> [Ftisk] "Part like a shard?"<br> [Brian] "we have been puzzling over a metaphor with orchards and gardens"<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Ooh, tell me. I'm good at riddles."<br> [DanteE] (When I got the hey-where's-my-crown feeling during the last summoning)<br> [Brian] "things from outside often use metaphors like that."<br> [DanteE] "Theresa, what did your alt want?"<br> [Brian] "this precise one is 'if a thief steals an orchard, who owns the apples?' as an explanation for the Valde Bellum"<br> [Random_Nerd] (Well... you remember how Shadows was before he reached his current level, how he kept trying and pushing for that moment of insight that would make him cross the next step of skill?)<br> [Random_Nerd] (The feeling reminds you a bit of that.)<br> [Theresa] "Mine was confused. And wanted to know why I was here."<br> [Brian] (hope I got that spelled right)<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Hmm. That's a tricky one. My answer would be that the apples belong to the man who planted the orchard, regardless of whether it was taken from him later."<br> [Ftisk] "I fell all Conrad and like want to kill all"<br> [Brian] "we are right now sorta figuring that the orchard is creation, with the apples as Imperators, the thief is Cneph, and that would imply the Excrucians are the gardeners ... The keepers, annoyed their trees are gone"<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "But they never owned /Creation/, as far as I know."<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "What about the Wildlords, though?"<br> [Brian] "it doesn't quite map, I admit."<br> [Brian] "but thinking about things that way ... You get to see the Excrucians as having a kind of point."<br> [DanteE] (Wait... yeah they did. We've been figuring Cneph walled off a section of the universe and managed to get all the Estates in it.)<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "But I really don't think Wildlords would want to be owned. I mean, that'd go against everything they believe."<br> [DanteE] (Did I get an idea of when that I-want-a-crown feeling was?)<br> [Brian] "it is a little odd. I kinda figure they were part of the orchard that was left, that had a need to rejoin the rest."<br> [Random_Nerd] (Nope. Not even slightly.)<br> [Ftisk] "they believe here but outside can be different!"<br> [Brian] "or that could perhaps have been the Bad Thing the Excrucians referred to when saying why they don't Summon anymore"<br> [DanteE] (... because there is no 'when' then.)<br> [Theresa] (Okay, found my quote.)<br> [Theresa] "The rich people! That's it, they took my plants!"<br> [Random_Nerd] Sam: "Bastards!"<br> * @Theresa gives Sam a wry look.<br> [Random_Nerd] Sam: "You want I should rough 'em up for you, boss?"<br> [Theresa] "That's what I was remembering with the whole crown thing. That the rich people took my plants and turned me into..someone else."<br> [DanteE] "You want to fight Imperators, Sam?"<br> [Theresa] "Don't worry, Sammy, we'll play with da thugs later."<br> [Random_Nerd] Gilbert returns, carrying a print-out of a picture of the Hagia Sophia. Gil: "Something like this?"<br> [Ftisk] "Uhm I'll be on the game. Maybe I can impress Ophaniel with the fight!" *smile*<br> [DanteE] "'rich people' is a metaphor, here. It means those people who have control of all the stuff, like, say, Estates."<br> [Theresa] (Who _is_ the Imperator of Kill Them and Take Their Stuff?)<br> [Brian] "query: what if we are ... Manifestations, I suppose, of things from Outside?"<br> [Ftisk] "So rich peoples are us in creation"<br> [Brian] "though Wild nobles and non-wild nobles behave alike. Sort of."<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Okay. Then they probably started practicing recently... or... something... dammit, thinking about nontime hurts my brain."<br> [Kite] "Yeah, that works, Gil. Do you think there could be mosaic icons depicting Lord Vulcan and my Familia on the Inside?"<br> [DanteE] (Here's a riddle for you: What keeps everything over there from happening at once?)<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "But /you/ guys are new. And you've got about as much influence in Creation as the Lord of the Garden does Outside, so they'd be about as good as me."<br> [Theresa] (Dante - the bears.)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Dante: What makes you think anything /does/?)<br> [Brian] "um. Is Sequence an Estate? Like things happening in sequence?"<br> [Kite] "Also, I'd like it to be erected in a manner most resembling Assembly."<br> [Random_Nerd] (Maybe they see the world like... I don't know, like Doctor Manhatten does.)<br> [DanteE] (The Lord of the Garden is on par with a Noble?)<br> [Random_Nerd] (Shadows seems to think so.)<br> [DanteE] (Kite: First Church of Lego? :D )<br> [Brian] "you know that this line of thinking and reasoning can only end with one of us going Outside, right?"<br> [Kite] (A Lego Hagia Sophia would be AWESOME!)<br> [Random_Nerd] Gil: "So, byzantine cathedral plus amish barn-raising day?"<br> [DanteE] "Not necessarily...<br> [Ftisk] (kiteLego!)<br> [Kite] "Yes!"<br> [Random_Nerd] William: "Wait, are there amish on Dionyl?"<br> [DanteE] "Don't forget, we have a way of communicating without risking ourselves."<br> [Random_Nerd] Sam and Gil: "Duh."<br> [Brian] "it /has/ to end with one of us going Outside ..."<br> [Ftisk] "MEEE! I like to go!"<br> [Brian] (more emphatically on Brian's part)<br> * @Theresa grins as now Will is outnumbered.<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Well, if this is true... why bother?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "You already /are/ Outside."<br> [Kite] "And I want the people to wear those seer bonnets I had commissioned."<br> [Random_Nerd] Gil: "That'll be fine for folks who don't have blood."<br> [DanteE] "Brian, whoever goes outside would have their brain eaten by the wall and forfeit what they were trying to accomplish...<br> [Kite] "At least, a sect of them."<br> [Brian] "A part of me is. Kinda, sorta, maybe. I want to know what happens when we join. Possibly bad things."<br> [Kite] "Right."<br> [Random_Nerd] Gil: "Just the ones initiated into your mysteries, maybe?"<br> [DanteE] (I meant 'forget', but 'forfeit' also works.)<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Well, for you to join, either you need to die, or he does."<br> [Kite] "My mysteries?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Gil: "We'll come up with some."<br> [Kite] "Oh, okay."<br> [Random_Nerd] Gil: "Think big picture."<br> [Brian] "hm. Possibly true. We don't yet have an outside-suit yet."<br> [DanteE] "We can use Active Writing to talk without risking our brain cells."<br> [Ftisk] "Kite memory can be a good phone!"<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Hmm. Have I told you my theory on how they think, the people out there, without our domains?"<br> [Kite] "Memory of what?"<br> [DanteE] "Ask Shadows if anything happened to the paper."<br> [Theresa] (Obviously Ftisk is either part of the mystery of your mysteries or your evil brother (all religons have them) that wishes to take over your stuff/kill you/eat the sun.)<br> [Brian] "oh, active writing! That way we can communicate when I am outside!"<br> [Theresa] "What is your Theory, Shadows?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Okay, so, imagine you've got no senses. Blind, deaf, no touch, nothing. And you want to get across town."<br> [Ftisk] "But AW Translitter metaphors"<br> [Ftisk] (and I vote for the evil bro)<br> [DanteE] (T: Who's Jehovah or Jesus' evil brother? :) )<br> [Ftisk] (Ftisk?)<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Let's say you know how close you are to being where you want to be. So you try to move your body different ways, and while you don't see or feel anything, you can work out that some movements get you closer."<br> [Theresa] (Dante - uhhh...look, over there, something shiny!)<br> [DanteE] (That's Kite.)<br> [Brian] "I vaguely have the idea that everything is a grey goo out there. No differentiation."<br> [DanteE] "Then what's the Garden?"<br> [Kite] (*is distracted*)<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Now, say you had all the tries you want. That if you run into traffic or something, you can just start over and try again. Eventually, you'd work out how to walk, open doors, drive a car... just by trial and error."<br> [Theresa] (Something shiny and _sharp_.)<br> [Kite] (*is distracted and bleeds*)<br> [Theresa] (*hands over band-aids*)<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "And if you could keep trying at that for a thousand years, eventually you'd work out a way to get to what you want, but you wouldn't understand about walking, or cars, or any of that. You'd just know what series of body motions gets you what you want."<br> [Brian] "oh, that is why we don't have Quantum Computers yet ... Outside has the monopoly on trial and error with no time spent!"<br> [Kite] (*all better!*)<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Finally, imagine that you could skip all the intermediate steps of figuring it out. You know what you want, so the future or whatever hands you this plan, this series of movements, that works. You don't know why or how it works, just that it does."<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "I think that's how they work."<br> [Brian] "quantum computing, then."<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Yeah, pretty much."<br> [Brian] "hm."<br> [DanteE] (Does that mean the prototype QCs are an Ex plot?)<br> [Ftisk] "Sooooo weird!"<br> [Brian] "well, I don't know how to get the information about how to build a suit for traveling safely outside right now..."<br> [Ftisk] (is worth checking these QC)<br> [DanteE] "Brian, if you go outside, your brain will get eaten and nobody's checkbook will balance!"<br> [Brian] "I am Numbers, not math."<br> [DanteE] "You remember the telemetry from Gnomely?"<br> [Kite] "Would you have to build it out of Wall material?"<br> [Brian] "money would become meaningless"<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "I don't know how you'd go about such a thing. I know... initiations. Meditations to touch the non-thoughts of your external counterparts. Not suits."<br> [Brian] "suit can be metaphorical - protect the self, be able to return safely, that kind of thing"<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Why not try doing it my way? If you have a fetch, or one has you, there are ways to contact them, feel them, build connections through them."<br> [Ftisk] "like safety 101 - for Summoners"<br> [Theresa] (I really don't think any of us should go outside to the brain-eaters.)<br> [Brian] "because you don't experience it. Communication barriers exist"<br> [Brian] (I know, it is a surprisingly bad idea, but it would be fun)<br> [Brian] "um, what page is contacting your fetch, again?"<br> [DanteE] (the game's motto, right there.)<br> [Theresa] (Brian - that is such a PC quote.)<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Like, all of them?"<br> [Ftisk] (Ftisk will go if he can)<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "And it's a rough process, but it has its advantages."<br> [Brian] "right. So, want to come over and see what happens when I try?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Like, when I summoned the spirit that animated Ftisk's doll? As near as I can figure, he /already had that ready for me/."<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "He had a spirit that had the property of being able to /do things to distract Ftisk while I sobered up/. Already there, ready to send over."<br> [Ftisk] "Coool!"<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "When it's working, it's working /well/. Your other half has been timelessly preparing to execute the plan that you just thought up."<br> [DanteE] (... because from his POV he'd already asked for it...<br> [Theresa] (Ftisk may just be Universal Constant.)<br> [DanteE] (Because there's no time there.)<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "For my money, that's much more use than just working out a way to bring some space and time and oxygen and geometry along with you."<br> [Brian] (Universal Constant?)<br> [Ftisk] "So DoolP was not the first alley spirit you catch but a selected one! :-) "<br> [Brian] "oh, my Fetch might be able to come up with an idea!"<br> [Kite] "Are you animating a doll, Brian?"<br> [Ftisk] (Universal Costant?)<br> [Brian] "not yet ..."<br> [Ftisk] *l<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Well, you come up with the /ideas/. They just... move towards the goal, you know?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Unless for you, it's the other way around."<br> [Brian] (Brian is so going to break Creation. Some day. I am /sure/ that is his destiny)<br> [Theresa] (A constant that is the same throughout the Universe/Creation/Outside. Like the certain physics or chemistry constants or the number of left socks lost in dryers.)<br> [Ftisk] (hey socks don't have sides)<br> [DanteE] "What exactly are you thinking of doing?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Hey, do you think you're mindlessly and obliviously moving towards a goal that some creature from outside reality has set for you through mystical arts of identity and invocation?"<br> [Brian] "contact and discuss with my fetch. If I have one, he is the anti-me"<br> [Theresa] (Maybe Outside socks have sides.)<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Ooh, that's a good one. I'm going to have to anonymously send that question to Patterns. I bet it'll give him /fits/."<br> [Brian] "um. It is possible? I don't even know why I do half the things I do half of the time"<br> [Theresa] "Shadows, you'll probably just convince him that Luc G. is an Excrucian."<br> [DanteE] "He's surely considered that possibility already."<br> [Kite] "He didn't look like an Excrucian to me."<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "That's exactly what it would feel like, Ibet."<br> [Brian] "heh."<br> * @DanteE looks over the crown he made...<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Oh, hey, how did /you/ guys deal with Patterns, when he started doing his thing?"<br> [Theresa] (Obviously a Mind Control Crown of Eeeeevil!)<br> [Brian] "I told him to stop."<br> [Theresa] "We pulled him out of someone's mind and had a..talk."<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "...that worked?"<br> [Theresa] "Dante was very honest with him."<br> [DanteE] "Made a deal with him to leave us alone."<br> [Brian] "I was somewhat hoping to need to smite him."<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "I just fed his mind-duplicates to my thought-eater until he stopped trying. I didn't even realize it was happening for a good hour and a half."<br> [Kite] "Mind-duplicates?"<br> [Brian] "he was every thought of him."<br> [Theresa] "You have a thought-eater?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "So, like, every time I thought of him for a while, he'd just start to take it over, and then the thought-eater would just eat it, and then I'd forget what I'd been thinking of..."<br> [DanteE] "Are you sure he's not there now?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Drove me /nuts/ until I realized what was going on."<br> [DanteE] "Wait, did your thoughteater do that without prompting?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Yeah. I've trained it to eat anyone's thoughts but mine."<br> [DanteE] "Ah."<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "What do /you/ use?"<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Well, I bet you don't need one as much."<br> [DanteE] "We don't..."<br> [DanteE] (Suddenly I wonder if we shouldn't be doing thought inventories...)<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Well, you don't have to leave your minds open as much, I guess."<br> [Theresa] "I think we fall under the Sanity Crutch manifesto."<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Danger of being a noble. If you open your mind, something might try to crawl in."<br> [Theresa] "But Brian may need one for working toward Outside."<br> [Brian] (midnight. Getting late)<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "At the start, I had summonings go wrong, where the creatures expressed in my /mind/ instead of in the circle. You know, in my mental image of the circle? They couldn't tell the difference, see."<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "So I had to get a guard dog."<br> [DanteE] "Ah yeah, the head did that."<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Yeah, kinda like that."<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "But that was a big one, more than it could handle. Plus, I think when I'm drunk, it's not quite sure which thoughts are mine, because they look a little different."<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "That's weird, though, because if that's true, then the Lord of the Garden is more like me than drunk-me is."<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Anyway, was there anything else?"<br> [DanteE] (Did we make progress on the big mysteries?)<br> [Theresa] (My brain is mush.)<br> [Random_Nerd] Shadows: "Okay. Later, guys. Try not to turn out to be evil puppet-minions of forces beyond our understanding."<br> [Random_Nerd] (Do /you/ think you did?)<br> [DanteE] (Is our thinking we made progress integral to actually making progress?)<br> [DanteE] "Same to you, Shadows."<br> [Brian] "not turning out to being what we think is good."<br> [Random_Nerd] (Well, I mean, do you think you have some idea of what's going on?)<br> [Theresa] (I laugh in the general direction of that thought.)<br> [Brian] (I don't know if my idea is clear - well, it is, but I don't know if it is right. Need to verify.)<br> [DanteE] (Have we ever had a handle of what's been going on?)<br> [Random_Nerd] _______________STOP_____________<br> [Random_Nerd] There's a difference between an idea being clear, and it being right.<br> * Brian is now known as lazarus<br> [Random_Nerd] If you've got an idea of what's going on, then you could be right or wrong. But if you don't even have any theories to test, I doubt much progress has been made.<br> [lazarus] There is<br> * DanteE is now known as Knockwood<br> [Random_Nerd] So, what's your theory?<br> * Theresa is now known as BethE<br> * Kite is now known as Verithe<br> [lazarus] About the nature of the divide between creation and outside: that outside is almost the shadow of creation. It is the complement.<br> [Knockwood] and apparently we all have fetches<br> [Verithe] You all have fetches.<br> [Verithe] There is, so far, no evidence that Kite does.<br> [Knockwood] even those of us who have no interest in summoning.<br> [Random_Nerd] Ftisk, on the other hand, may.<br> [Knockwood] ...<br> [Random_Nerd] Or, at least, something that causes him to act like his tempered identity when a gateway is opened.<br> [lazarus] I like the concept of the wild lords having been split when entering Creation, and having been pulled here because summoning went weird.<br> [lazarus] I hold more to the "grey goo" theory of outside than Shadows': that is, there is no division between stuff, things, and folks. Everyone is the potential for anything.<br> [lazarus] Creation is, basically, the division of self.<br> [Knockwood] if it's all grey goo, then what is the Garden?<br> [lazarus] That is a thing that Brian wants to test out, but doesn't quite know how. Kwd: outside has to interface with creation somehow<br> [BethE] (So..Outside is like the orange goo in Evangelion?)<br> [lazarus] Interacting, in this theory, would necessarily include delineation.<br> [lazarus] (don't remember Eva too well)<br> [Random_Nerd] Did I go too wordy with Shadows explaining his theory on what Outside is like?<br> [Random_Nerd] (Bear in mind, that's just his thoughts on the matter, and not canon)<br> [lazarus] Not too much, really, but some of us would have caught all that from "like quantum computers"<br> [Knockwood] (aha... something else to think about: http://humon.deviantart.com/gallery/?offset=24#/d32c864 )<br> [BethE] (The stuff at the end which was what everyone was turned into when you have no personal space-field.)<br> [lazarus] (his thoughts may be canon, of course)<br> [Random_Nerd] But that's not how /Shadows/ sees it.<br> [lazarus] (but that won't be revealed until canon is revealed)<br> [Random_Nerd] He wouldn't conceptualize it that way, because his background is less techy than Brian's in some ways.<br> [Random_Nerd] So while it's like that, he wouldn't think to say that, because he got there by a different route.<br> [Knockwood] So you figure Kudzu got split when he crossed, and we have fetches because of that, but not necessarily Nobles of non-Wildlords??<br> [lazarus] Kwd: yep. RN: in my mind, the wordy reveals Shadows more than his thoughts<br> [Knockwood] Then where did Shadows' fetch come from?<br> [BethE] Well, Ftisk and Kite are from Earth True-God, so they're kinda limited in the first matter anyhows.<br> [lazarus] He created it by contacting outside,<br> [lazarus] .<br> [Random_Nerd] Or arguably it was already there, depending on how you look at it.<br> [lazarus] Nontime is weirdd<br> [Random_Nerd] Oh, and while the idea of Outside-equivalents is canon, the whole "fetch" terminology isn't.<br> [lazarus] But it is a standard occult terminology<br> [Knockwood] so... Nobles of Wildlords automatically get a fetch, and others who try summoning get a fetch, which appears whenever they try for it because there's no time there?<br> [Random_Nerd] You can see my source material in pages 31 through 34 of Unlikely Flowerings.<br> [lazarus] It always has been when they try for it, I suppose.<br> [lazarus] Retroactive time is awesome<br> [Random_Nerd] But if they weren't going to try for it, it wouldn't have ever been there.<br> [Random_Nerd] It's like... unconditional election, in Calvinism.<br> [Verithe] Depending on which view of that you adhere to.<br> [Random_Nerd] Sure.<br> [BethE] So...either before or someday, we will be connected to Outside and thus have counterparts?<br> [Knockwood] what would that mean if I never try it, though?<br> [BethE] It means that Paradox will come and smack you upside the head.<br> [Random_Nerd] Then we're operating in terms of In Soviet Russia, Outsider forges mythic bond with /you/, Knock.<br> [lazarus] But, arguably, Blades and Courage have fetches, even if Dante doesn't.<br> [Random_Nerd] True, there is that.<br> [Random_Nerd] Like if /Kudzu/ has a fetch.<br> [Knockwood] which goes back to the potential of past lives<br> [lazarus] Thus leading to the interesting question: is there both a numbers-fetch and Brian-fetch<br> [Random_Nerd] Very possibly!<br> [lazarus] ?<br> [Random_Nerd] And they could be different people.<br> [lazarus] And how could we know?<br> [Random_Nerd] Hmm. I wonder how that'd affect things.<br> [lazarus] Rule 0'd?<br> [Random_Nerd] You'd have a Brian-as-part-of-Kudzu fetch, and a Brian-as-student-of-summoning fetch, and there's no reason why they'd be the same person.<br> [lazarus] It would be so cool if it actually worked that way<br> [Random_Nerd] That'd make for weird effects when Brian started to actually practice summoning.<br> [Knockwood] Oh... –REDACTED-?<br> [Random_Nerd] Any suggested victories, defeats, revelations?<br> [lazarus] So either rule 0'd or RN has thought of this before. Either way, he is evil-GM-laughing.<br> [Verithe] Rival fetches!<br> [Random_Nerd] Oh, I don't have to think of stuff before you do. My doppleGM in the Outside has already responded to all of the plans you're going to make with evil counter-schemes.<br> [Random_Nerd] All I have to do is implement them!<br> [lazarus] I don't feel confident asking for any –REDACTED- until any of this is verified - since my project is "learn about this", philosophizing and thinking is planning to learn, but not learning<br> [Knockwood] hm... did we actually get closer to The Truth, or did we start up a wild goose chase?<br> [Random_Nerd] Yes.<br> [BethE] I don't think there's a straight path to the truth.<br> [Random_Nerd] In all seriousness, I think Brian almost has it.<br> [lazarus] I feel // that close. And Brian feels it too. Which is why he is going to try summoning, or contacting outside, either way, which will either lead to an answer or badness.<br> [lazarus] Which is why he wants Shadows nearby - to watch and make sure things don't go poof.<br> [lazarus] Or pif.<br> [Verithe] I don't think just planning my cult actually counts for anything,<br> [lazarus] Or otherwise onomatopoeic.<br> [Random_Nerd] I think if you just think about the stuff you've come up with today, and the questions from last session, you'll get it.<br> [Random_Nerd] Well, I figure that Kite's cult will probably be the next storyline, after this Outside stuff.<br> [Random_Nerd] We're laying the groundwork for it now.<br> [BethE] Well, I shall go off and ponder. Good night, guys and see you in two weeks!<br> [Verithe] Yeah<br> [Knockwood] I like the Lego Temple idea. Rebuilding it can be a sacrament.<br> [lazarus] Gnight Bethy!<br> [Verithe] Take care, Beith!<br> [Knockwood] g'night Beth<br> [Verithe] The I is for snacking on<br> Session Close: Thu Dec 02 23:25:56 2010<br> <br><br>[[Chancel_Amyra]]<br> [[Amyra:Chapter_24|Chapter 24]]
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