Session 197
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[[Chancel_Amyra]]<br> [[Amyra:Chapter_26|Chapter 26]]<br><br> [INFO] Now logging to «file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Angelo/Dati%20applicazioni/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/demuhaee.default/chatzilla/logs/irc2.magicstar.net/channels/%23Nobilis.2011-02-18.log».<br> [INFO] Channel view for ``#Nobilis'' opened.<br> =-= User mode for Angelo is now +ix<br> --»| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis<br> «Random_Nerd» Okay, so shall we open with you guys doing a pre-Council prep session in the Grove?<br> «Lazarus» Beth: exams went pretty ok. RN: had asked Sam and William to pass the word around the Aides that we were setting a meeting for those who seemed affected by this shirking of duty<br> «Angelo» HI!<br> «BethE» Hi Angelo! *HUG*<br> «Knockwood» Hiya Angelo<br> «Verithe» Hi!<br> «Lazarus» hey Angelo!<br> «Lazarus» ooo, robo-snail!<br> «Angelo» @Laz: :-P<br> «Random_Nerd» Ah. Well, the most affected estates were Duty, Courage, and Hounds.<br> «Knockwood» I wanted Duty to check the pom for miraculous effects long before we talk to the council...<br> «BethE» (Angelo - I had just shared the picture of the snail you passed to me.)<br> «Random_Nerd» Okay, so let's check the list of those in the Grove.<br> «Angelo» (brava Beth)<br> «Random_Nerd» Duty, because this was his show. Consequences, because he set it up. Mike Cook and Gwendolyn.<br> «Random_Nerd» Do you want your Aides there?<br> «Knockwood» And it occurred to me what may be happening...<br> «Verithe» Gil can sit out. He should be busy with other stuff.<br> «Random_Nerd» *nod* We'll have Gil be with your priests.<br> «Random_Nerd» Or, arguably, your /other/ priests.<br> «Knockwood» Possibly Shadows<br> «Angelo» Dollphaniel is here, scheming and all<br> «Random_Nerd» Shadows... hmm. Consequences would advise against it.<br> «Random_Nerd» He tries to keep Shadows and Entropy from being in the same room whenever possible.<br> «BethE» Hee.<br> «Angelo» ohhhh<br> «Random_Nerd» Ready to start?<br> «Verithe» Kite asks Dollphaniel if her squirrel shoes are working out.<br> «Knockwood» ah... OK, that also eliminates gaius<br> «Knockwood» Gaius<br> «Angelo» ready like a mechanical snail!<br> «Random_Nerd» Hmm. But he's seen as much of it as anyone...<br> «Lazarus» I suppose I'm ready.<br> =-= Lazarus is now known as Brian<br> «Knockwood» can we bring a magic screen like the one in the conference room? :)<br> =-= BethE is now known as Theresa<br> «Random_Nerd» Quick show of hands. Gaius, yes or no?<br> =-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE<br> «Verithe» But didn't Gaius say Entropy didn't want him around?<br> =-= Verithe is now known as Kite<br> «Angelo» Gaius yes: the more the merrier!<br> «Brian» Yes to Gaius<br> «Random_Nerd» Okay.<br> «DanteE» We can always tell Gaius who else is coming<br> «DanteE» and let him decide<br> «Random_Nerd» ________________START________________<br> «Theresa» I think no Gaius but we at least mention him as a witness. That way, it's Entropy's call about bringing him in...or the Council on whether they want to piss off Entropy.<br> «Angelo» @V: we are at the groove meeting not at the entropy lead one<br> «DanteE» groove meeting? Did you bring Kite's disco ball? :D<br> =-= YOU are now known as squidTisk<br> «Kite» Which disco ball. He has 20<br> «Random_Nerd» The diplomacy grove is more crowded than it's been in a while. Two nondescript Nobles from Locus Barakiel sit at a table. One of them is smoking, so that one's probably Consequences, and the one drinking coffee is probably Duty.<br> «Kite» thousand<br> «squidTisk» (sure Kite disco ball and some cubes)<br> «Kite» 20 thousand.<br> «Random_Nerd» Gaius, encountered in the Grove and not in his own palace, seems huge and out of place.<br> «Random_Nerd» His empty suit of armor looms over everyone else there.<br> * Theresa checks on the Grove trees to make sure that the smoking doesn't hurt them, thank you very much. (And also on the Acorn. Last thing we need is the Acorn and Consequences getting into a bar brawl.)<br> «Random_Nerd» Mike lounges on a blanket that Sam spread out on the grass.<br> «Kite» (Kite will no longer be paying attention due to "Ooh! Shiny!")<br> «Random_Nerd» Gwendolyn the Excitable Dog stares at Gaius, trying to decide whether to run away from him or sniff him.<br> «Kite» (Though a suit of armor is fun to pay attention to as well...)<br> «DanteE» "We should have more coffee urns coming in a few minutes..."<br> «Brian» "I guess this is it? At least, if it's a cross-Estate attack, it's reasonably well contained?"<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "So, I've got this set up pretty well, I think. Entropy may be late, but I don't think that will /hurt/ us."<br> «DanteE» "Well, that's just it...<br> «DanteE» "We know the guys who's basically calling us out is nicknamed Shirk."<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "I've arranged this so we'll just have the Four and some of their assistants and clerks, rather than the whole court you usually get when the Council is meeting."<br> «DanteE» "Which sounds like some kind of anti-Duty."<br> «Random_Nerd» Duty nods, and lifts his coffee cup to Dante.<br> «Theresa» "Ah, less witnesses."<br> «DanteE» "But we can check that.<br> «DanteE» "Mike says Gwen here was recently affected by whatever-it-is/<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "So, we describe what we've seen..."<br> «Random_Nerd» Duty looks at Gwendolyn.<br> «Random_Nerd» D: "Hmm."<br> «DanteE» "Duty, can you sense anything about her with respect to Duty??"<br> «Random_Nerd» Duty: "Checking..."<br> * DanteE tries to hold her still...<br> «Random_Nerd» Gwendolyn barks excitedly.<br> «Random_Nerd» Duty: "As near as I can tell, Duty was not forcibly removed from her. Rather, she suddenly experienced a mindset that made Duty irrelevant to her."<br> «DanteE» (BTW, I'm getting snowed on considerably, so there's a slight chance of a disconnect.)<br> «DanteE» "... sort of an anti-Duty?"<br> «Random_Nerd» Duty: "But it doesn't look like a Noble or Excrucian miracle. Almost more like an Imperator's doing. If we didn't already know who did this, I'd suspect one of our enemies within Creation was responsible."<br> «Theresa» (I wish you no power outages, Knock.)<br> «DanteE» "Hm...<br> «Random_Nerd» Mike: "But who would be our mutual enemy? I don't even /know/ any of you."<br> «Random_Nerd» Gaius nods at that.<br> «DanteE» "There's always the chance that that's true..."<br> «Random_Nerd» Gaius: "Mimic."<br> «Random_Nerd» Everyone looks at him.<br> «Random_Nerd» Gaius: "They can do that, can't they?"<br> «Kite» "To be honest, I don't know much about Mimics."<br> «DanteE» "Possible...<br> «Theresa» "True. An Imperator who wishes to destroy Creation, instead of protecting it. Our Imperator was suspected of such. Perhaps because of his Wildlord background."<br> «squidTisk» "Maybe..."<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "As far as I can know, there is no metaphysical distinction between a Mimic and an Imperator other than their loyalties, and that their estates are severed from the world."<br> «DanteE» "But we need to be extremely careful, because random accusations would weaken us considerably."<br> * Kite shivers.<br> «Random_Nerd» Gaius: "Now that is interesting. Those of you from Barakiel, is your Imperator suspected?"<br> «Theresa» (Stupid question..how can we tell a Mimic's estates are severed?)<br> * Theresa chokes on her tea.<br> «Random_Nerd» Duty and Consequences just nod.<br> «DanteE» (Reminds me... who was talking to the Maple? He mentioned the Grail right before he was interrupted.)<br> «Random_Nerd» Mike: "And my father has been AWOL from the War for some time..."<br> «Random_Nerd» Gaius: "Maybe the choice of targets wasn't as random as it would seem. It seems that all of us are in some way suspect."<br> «DanteE» "AWOL from the War? You figured out who he was?"<br> «Random_Nerd» (You met him, briefly, Dante.)<br> «DanteE» (Oh, Hounds?)<br> «Random_Nerd» (Yeah.)<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "Hmm."<br> «Kite» "Which...er....makes me suspect someone I don't wish to involve in any conversation..."<br> «Theresa» (Night was a Noble who talked to the Maple.)<br> «DanteE» "Sam, is there a Power of Suspicion, or something similar?"<br> «DanteE» (and who are Shirk's cohorts?)<br> «Random_Nerd» (Night, Electricity and Copper, and Bone were part of a cabal of Nobles who were searching for deep-cover Mimics.)<br> «Theresa» "*cough*Patterns*cough*"<br> «Random_Nerd» (Bone is dead, of course.)<br> «Theresa» (And Bone just died.)<br> «DanteE» "Power of Suspicion, not a suspicious Power."<br> * Kite significantly gestures at Theresa's coughing.<br> «Random_Nerd» Mike: "Who?"<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "Just... don't ask."<br> «Brian» "Um... Patterns might actually be able to help us. Fuck."<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "Trust me."<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "You raise a decent point. If there /is/ a subtle and far-reaching attack on Noble society, he's one of those I'd expect to notice."<br> «DanteE» "We did talk to him..."<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "But it's better to leave him out of this today. He's too much of a wild card."<br> «Random_Nerd» C: "What did he say?"<br> «Theresa» "We...got him to stay out of our Chancel. He trusts Dante."<br> «DanteE» "Accused us of treachery, threatened to have us killed, that sort of thing."<br> «Random_Nerd» C: "Oh, the usual."<br> «Random_Nerd» (Oh, quick question. Would any of you have been sending HQB reports on your further investigations into Outside?)<br> «DanteE» (probably, inasmuch as we're doing anything)<br> «squidTisk» (Ftisk send report? be serious he will never do that!)<br> «Theresa» (Yes. You don't pass around the paperwork when dealing with a Councilmember.)<br> «Random_Nerd» (Okay.)<br> «DanteE» (Probably dictating them to William, assuming he isn't gibbering.)<br> «Brian» (Brian doesn’t believe he has anything worth reporting yet.)<br> «Kite» (Kite is oblivious to this assignment!)<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "Okay, so, let's see. Berakha, you from Amyra and Vulcan have some pull with him. Entropy still has some fondness for Barakiel. Ananda will probably follow Entropy. Surolam is a bit of a swing vote, but should at least have no fondess for such forms of assault."<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "Does anyone else have any pull with any Council-members?"<br> «DanteE» "I'd like to be able to say more definitively what's going on..."<br> «Random_Nerd» Gaius: "I think Entropy doesn't like me. Not sure why."<br> * DanteE puts our improvised shadow-maker thing on the table.<br> «Theresa» "Does giving up bodyparts to Jan Ben Jan count?"<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "Well, that gives you credibility, given that some of our info comes from him."<br> «Random_Nerd» He stands and paces.<br> «DanteE» (Do we know IC that the barkeep's thing was from JbJ?)<br> «Random_Nerd» (For certain, no, but you're pretty confident.)<br> «Brian» (/know/, no, but about 98.96% sure)<br> «Random_Nerd» (It was a lot like a message that you know for sure /was/ from him.)<br> «DanteE» "Sam, think you can get Voice here?"<br> «Random_Nerd» (Inducing sudden fits of prophecy and glossolalia are one of his schticks.)<br> «Random_Nerd» Sam: "I don't know. He isn't a usual Aides contractor."<br> «Kite» "I think the Voice only goes where it wants to go."<br> «Random_Nerd» Sam: "Kite, do you have any way of getting in touch with him?"<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "Besides, that thing sounded unpredictable. We want things to go as smoothly here as possible."<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "We have evidence even without it."<br> «Kite» "Talk to him alone in a dark room, I guess. I can go give it a try."<br> «DanteE» "I just remember the function of the old Court Jesters."<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "Entropy used to have one of those, I heard."<br> «Random_Nerd» C: "Didn't last long."<br> «Random_Nerd» C: "Okay, I think we're as ready as we're going to be."<br> * DanteE hands Kite a woven-dagger sculpture made to create a very dark shadow underneath its center.<br> «Random_Nerd» Gaius: "I just want to get this over with and go back to training my people."<br> * Kite looks at the sculpture.<br> «DanteE» "Might as well give it a shot. I'm not the Church-of-Dante type, but I may still have a job for him/"<br> «Kite» "Alright."<br> «DanteE» to Gaius: "How is that going? Still having trouble with Shirkers?<br> «Random_Nerd» Gaius: "I am hoping that, in light of what we have learned, I will be able to devise a more effective approach."<br> * Kite heads off to the closest dark room...perhaps a mini-mart bathroom?<br> «Random_Nerd» Gaius: "Cook has been telling me of his successes in keeping those subject to it in contact with solid and reliable citizens."<br> «Random_Nerd» G: "I plan to implement some of his methods with my people."<br> «Random_Nerd» Gwen barks excitedly. Not excited at anything in particular. Just, in general.<br> «DanteE» "Although... the fact that it's appearing both on Earth and Dionyl may be a clue."<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "Don't worry about the timing. As long as I go first, we'll be fine."<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "I always arrive for appointments just on time."<br> «Random_Nerd» (You find one, Kite.)<br> * Kite locks the door and turns off the lights in the bathroom before placing the sculpture in the sink.<br> * Theresa will play fetch with Gwen!<br> «Kite» "To the Voice who spoke to me before, it is I, Chytosideron."<br> * DanteE looks over notes with William...<br> «Random_Nerd» In a dark corner, eyes gleam faintly.<br> «Random_Nerd» Voice: "I have taken other employment. While I still view you fondly, I had a need that required fulfilling."<br> «Random_Nerd» Voice: "I have found another who is fitting me into a larger scheme of purpose, and who has use for my talents."<br> «DanteE» (uhoh)<br> «Kite» "I understand. My friend Dante wishes to make you an offer."<br> «Kite» "Also, I assume, to give you this."<br> «Random_Nerd» Voice: "My loyalties are already declared to another."<br> * Kite indicates the sculpture.<br> «Random_Nerd» Voice: "It is well made. I will accept this gift."<br> «Random_Nerd» The dark spot under the sculpture lightens.<br> «Theresa» (Burn...then again, you gets dumped, rebound...)<br> «Random_Nerd» Voice: "There may be an opportunity for me to work with Dante in the future, if my duties allow. My new master trusts him, for reasons I do not fully understand."<br> «Random_Nerd» Voice: "Tell him that, and that I accepted his gift."<br> «squidTisk» (He work for patterns?)<br> «DanteE» (hmmmm....)<br> «Kite» "I will let him know. I am sure he will be pleased to hear it."<br> «Random_Nerd» The eyes dim and fade out.<br> «Theresa» (Patterns? I can so totally see that.)<br> «DanteE» (Or... Shirk.)<br> «squidTisk» (Shirk trust you Dante?)<br> * Kite returns to the grove.<br> «DanteE» (He's planning to act through me, going by the barkeep.)<br> «Random_Nerd» The sculpture is still there. The shadow at the bottom of it, however, is gone.<br> * Kite takes the sculpture as well, then.<br> «DanteE» (Then again, it's possible that's part of what we got from my new Stone.)<br> «Random_Nerd» Mike: "Any luck?"<br> «Kite» "I'm sorry, Dante, but the Voice says it already accepted other employment."<br> «DanteE» "Damn."<br> «Kite» "However, he says his Master trusts you and that he may work with you in the future."<br> =-= YOU are now known as dogTisk<br> «Kite» "Also, he likes and accepts your gift."<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "Did he say who his master was?"<br> * Kite returns the now-shadowless sculpture to Dante.<br> «Theresa» (Huh...maybe he works for Shadows.)<br> «Kite» "Er...unfortunately, he did not."<br> «DanteE» "Hm. There are a few possibilities, including Mr. Paranoid."<br> «Random_Nerd» Gaius: "Reassuring."<br> «DanteE» to Consequences: "I let Him in my head."<br> «dogTisk» "I bet 5 bucks on Patterns"<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "On /purpose/?"<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "I would have never even thought to try that."<br> «DanteE» "Yes. To show him that at least one Noble wasn't plotting against him."<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "Well done."<br> «dogTisk» "and worked! "<br> «Brian» "Surprisingly."<br> «Random_Nerd» Duty finishes his coffee.<br> «DanteE» "Anyone Mortal may want to either leave or brace yourself..."<br> «Theresa» "Dante's honesty is one of his strongest traits."<br> «Kite» "I just hope that we don't have to start trying to plot against him. That would be a pain."<br> «Random_Nerd» Sam nods at Dante.<br> «Random_Nerd» Sam, to Brian: "Anything else, boss?"<br> «Brian» "Not that I can think of at the moment."<br> «Random_Nerd» Sam: "Okay. I'll get back to the active writing geomancy project..."<br> «Random_Nerd» He looks at Gaius.<br> «Random_Nerd» Sam: "You /are/ Active Writing, aren't you?"<br> «Random_Nerd» Gaius: "As far as I can determine, yes."<br> «Random_Nerd» Sam: "Some time later, if you have the time, I may have some questions for you."<br> «Theresa» (You are, like, sooooo cool!)<br> «Random_Nerd» Gaius shrugs, but doesn't respond.<br> «Random_Nerd» Sam scurries off.<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "Okay, everyone ready?"<br> «DanteE» (William's staying?)<br> «Random_Nerd» Mike, Duty, and Gaius nod."<br> «Random_Nerd» William: "Will my services be needed?"<br> * Kite nods.<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences, to William: "Politics-wise, I've got this."<br> «DanteE» "Maybe. Are you ready to see the Lord of the World, though?"<br> «Random_Nerd» William waits for a confirmation from the Amyran contingent.<br> «Random_Nerd» William: "I got reasonably high marks in my Not Looking Directly At Ananda class."<br> «Theresa» "I think you should be scarce, William. Your fiancée would be ticked if we damage you before the wedding."<br> =-= YOU are now known as squidTisk<br> «DanteE» "You'd be the star of the big board back in the office..."<br> «Random_Nerd» William nods, and seems to relax.<br> «Theresa» (What were Sam's marks in that?)<br> * squidTisk call Gnomely<br> «Random_Nerd» William: "I will wait here for your return, then."<br> «squidTisk» "I want Gnomely with us... I had a request for bloody hands"<br> «Random_Nerd» Gnomely: "On my way."<br> «DanteE» (uhoh)<br> «Brian» "yarr. Here we go! Anchors aweigh!"<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences becomes absolutely motionless.<br> «squidTisk» (lol what could ever go wrong?)<br> «Random_Nerd» Gaius: "Do you wish me to provide transportation?"<br> «DanteE» (Never say that!)<br> «squidTisk» ah, Dante, please wear that"<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "No... that shouldn't be necessary. It might be less alarming if I do it."<br> «Brian» (Brian now wishes that he could turn the DanteMobile into a DanteShip)<br> «DanteE» (Ftisk can)<br> «Random_Nerd» (Another function of his Show Up At Any Appointment On Time Gift.)<br> * squidTisk give to Dante a robe with on the front and on the back the text -Ftisk property, keep your hands off him!!!-<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "Everyone, just, don't resist me when I do this, and we should be there just in time."<br> «Random_Nerd» Gnomely shows up.<br> «DanteE» "No thanks, Ftisk, I get enough odd looks as is..."<br> «squidTisk» "Hey! Was to keep at bay Lord Entropy from you!"<br> «DanteE» "Uh, Entropy isn't female today, is he? She?"<br> «Theresa» "The last time, Ftisk, Dante gave his clothes away. You wouldn't want him to have to give up your robe, right?"<br> * squidTisk run and hug tightly Gnomely<br> «Random_Nerd» (Does anyone resist Consequences' -REDACTED- People Who Have An Appointment?)<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "We'll see»"<br> «Brian» (... that is an awesome – REDACTED-. No resisting here)<br> «squidTisk» (-no, no resistance-)<br> «DanteE» (I'm OK with it)<br> «squidTisk» "and Theresa... you are right... so no robe for D."<br> «Kite» whispers to Ftisk: "For the time being, maybe you should replace the L-word with the F-word...or maybe anything else."<br> «Theresa» (I'm good.)<br> «Random_Nerd» You all appear in a normal-looking conference room. It looks quite a bit like the one in the clocktower, actually.<br> «squidTisk» "uhm... this is so uncool Kite"<br> «Kite» (no resisting!)<br> «Random_Nerd» On the other side of the table are a tall humanoid figure made of roughly hammered silver, the skull of a steer with black horns and glowing eyesockets, and... well, Ananda.<br> «Random_Nerd» The fourth chair is empty.<br> «Kite» "Then make it cool! Say, 'I cool you, Dante!'"<br> «Brian» *doesn't look directly at Ananda. Remembers it being weird*<br> «Random_Nerd» Ha-Qadosh Berakha, Who Right Now Looks Like A Fancy Cow Skull: "Welcome."<br> «squidTisk» "Uhm... well. erm... whatever "<br> «Theresa» (I like that title!)<br> * squidTisk wave a lot of tentacle to all<br> «Brian» (I wonder what achievements he needed to gain it)<br> «DanteE» (Did everybody fill out a Form 27B/6?)<br> * Theresa is really hoping that we are not currently _within_ Entropy's brain...mind...whatever.<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "As I did not witness any of the events involved here, I will not have much to say. But I do wish to thank you for having the time to meet us and discuss this rather novel threat to the world."<br> «Theresa» "Greetings, Sir."<br> «DanteE» "Morning. Or... whatever."<br> «squidTisk» "Good morning!!!"<br> «Random_Nerd» (Now, on the one hand, everyone on your side of the table needs to explain everything they saw and heard. But on the other, that would be pretty dull.)<br> «Brian» *Gives an appropriate piratey greeting ("Avast!" maybe?)*<br> «Random_Nerd» (So, shall we cut ahead to right after you all spend two hours doing that?)<br> «squidTisk» (Avast isn't an antivirus?)<br> «Brian» (Sounds good.)<br> «Kite» (Sounds expedient and appropriate.)<br> «squidTisk» (Sure RN!)<br> «Random_Nerd» (It's both!)<br> «DanteE» (Good idea.)<br> «Brian» (Avast is an AV, but it comes from a maritime word that means something I can't quite remember)<br> «squidTisk» (Ok, then Avast is a maritime antivirus ^_^ )<br> «Random_Nerd» Surolam stares intently at all of you. He hasn't actually said a word, but he's been watching the whole time.<br> «Random_Nerd» (And, yes, I know that Nobilis 3rd Surolam is female. Mine isn't.)<br> «Theresa» (I am okay with the –REDACTED- of the Exposition.)<br> * Theresa is more concerned with no visible Entropy than being eyeballed by Surolam.<br> «DanteE» (Did they ever say where ol' bloody-hands is?)<br> «Random_Nerd» HQB: "I do think this merits serious consideration. Some of these have been reliable information-gathering agents in the past."<br> «Random_Nerd» (No, just that he'll be late.)<br> «Brian» (Imperators can choose their gender, in my books)<br> «Random_Nerd» Ananda: "I must ask, what do you expect us to do about this?"<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "We would not presume to dictate policy, Ymera. We merely thought that this attack on Earth and Dionyl was sufficiently novel and encompassing that we had a responsibility to bring it to your attention."<br> «Brian» "Especially since it involves the Four Kings"<br> «Theresa» "This is mostly a sharing of information. Also that as it was connected to a prophecy, it might needed to be brought to larger attention."<br> «Random_Nerd» HQB: "But the enemy... am I correct in believing that he is not even in Creation at this time?"<br> «DanteE» "And it may be the starting volley in Whatever Ends the Age."<br> «Random_Nerd» Surolam: "Why?"<br> «DanteE» (Did we tell them about Attaris' thing?)<br> «Random_Nerd» (Did you?)<br> «Brian» (Brian would have if no one else did)<br> «Random_Nerd» (I know you told HQB.)<br> «Random_Nerd» (But I'm not sure about the others.)<br> «Theresa» (Who was the 'why' to?)<br> «Random_Nerd» (To Dante.)<br> «DanteE» "It coincides roughly with when Attaris said those would start. And before you ask... she didn't tell us what, only when."<br> «Random_Nerd» HQB: "Are there any signs of her involvement? Or of the involvement of more conventional Excrucians?"<br> «Random_Nerd» (It's unclear whether he's saying that Shirk is an unconventional Excrucian, or Attaris is.)<br> «DanteE» "Isn't Attaris involved by default?"<br> «Random_Nerd» HQB: "With this, though, the influence of Shirk."<br> «Theresa» "It may be that the changes we have seen in visiting Warmains may be a sign of the coming Age."<br> «Random_Nerd» HQB: "Ah, yes. That is an interesting phenomenon, is it not?"<br> «Random_Nerd» The skull turns to look at Gaius.<br> «Random_Nerd» Gaius: "I am not a Warmain. I have arranged it that this is the case."<br> «Random_Nerd» HQB: "Pardon me if that doesn't fill me with utter reassurance."<br> «Brian» (These guys creep me out, always. And Brian, too, but still)<br> «Random_Nerd» Ananda: "Enough, Berakha. Gaius Julius Caesar is our guest."<br> «Theresa» (*chibiTheresa cheers Ananda!*)<br> «Random_Nerd» Surolam: "Novelties. We now live an age of novelties, omens, monsters."<br> «Theresa» (Hope Ftisk doesn't break out the whoopie cushion...)<br> «Random_Nerd» Surolam: "Worse than the last Age's ending, even."<br> «Kite» "Worse?"<br> «Random_Nerd» HQB: "Worse? The Excrucians killed dozens of Imperators, even some of the Angels, and nearly stormed the gates of Heaven."<br> «squidTisk» (whoopie cuscion?)<br> «Random_Nerd» Surolam: "Yes, yes. But that was a brief and relatively self-contained affair."<br> «Random_Nerd» His joints creak.<br> «Random_Nerd» Surolam: "This? This is /messy/."<br> «DanteE» (Who were the other 3 kings again?)<br> «Random_Nerd» (Failure, Treason, and Shame.)<br> «Random_Nerd» (They have other names too, of course.)\<br> «Brian» (do they have an order?)<br> «squidTisk» (3kings: Elvis, Berry and Homer Simpson)<br> «Theresa» (Ftisk - a rubber bladder that when you sit on it, it makes a farting noise. It is called a novelty gag.)<br> «DanteE» (Ftisk: then where do Chuck Norris and Bruce Campbell fit?)<br> «Brian» (... by the way ... from last Age to this one is War. Guesses for this one being Famine, Pestilence, or Death?)<br> «Random_Nerd» (You've heard reference to Shirk as the first, but not to the order of the rest.)<br> «Random_Nerd» (Well, Ananda is the Imperator of Murder...)<br> «squidTisk» "Well, these are new times but don't mean that anything is an enemy, look at me I'm on creation side, why Gauis must be a undercover warmain?"<br> «Theresa» (Well, I can see two of the next Kings influencing this meeting and the fourth can come from that.)<br> «Random_Nerd» Ananda: "That would truly be a novel creature, would it not?"<br> «Theresa» (We _did_ explain about Ftisk, right?)<br> «squidTisk» (I don't, explanation are for wimps! :-P )<br> «Random_Nerd» Ananda: "I find it easier to believe that a Warmain would side with us, than that one would be that... indirect."<br> «Brian» (I don't think so...?)<br> «DanteE» (We probably did at some point...)<br> «Random_Nerd» Gaius: "I have /said/, I am not a..."<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences shoots him a "Dude, did you just contradict the Lord of Infinite Murder?" look.<br> «Random_Nerd» Gaius stops.<br> * squidTisk pat Gaius<br> «Brian» (aside, to Gaius, quietly) "Everyone screws up their first Council meeting ..."<br> «Random_Nerd» At the back of the room, the door opens.<br> «Theresa» (Wait...how can we tell Consequences' looks?)<br> * squidTisk look at the door<br> «Brian» (Bond: My looks tell a story)<br> «Random_Nerd» (You can't make out his individual features, but can see what he /does/.)<br> «Theresa» (Is there a charade movement that means 'Dude, Dude, _DUDE_!')<br> «Random_Nerd» A big, slightly sweaty man in an ill-fitting suit walks in. His beard is red, and slightly scraggly. His face and nose are red and flushed. And his hands, of course, are red and dripping with blood.<br> «Random_Nerd» Entropy: "Ah, yes. I would have been here sooner, but I had business to attend to."<br> «Theresa» (Aspect 3 straight face)<br> «Random_Nerd» Entropy: "I understand that this was a meeting to discuss what to do about Sueridus, correct?"<br> * Kite tries to look indistinct.<br> «Random_Nerd» HQB: "Yes. He seems to be engaging in some form of..."<br> «DanteE» "He's coming, apparently."<br> «Random_Nerd» Entropy: "Don't worry about it! I've already taken care of things."<br> «Random_Nerd» Surolam: "Entropy, this was a decision for the..."<br> * Theresa blinks. Blink blink.<br> «Random_Nerd» Ananda, to Surolam: "SILENCE."<br> «Brian» "May I inquire as to what and how?"<br> * squidTisk boldly stay between him and Dante *Dante is _MINE!_*<br> «DanteE» "Huh?"<br> «Random_Nerd» Entropy opens the door again.<br> «Brian» (and will I regret asking?)<br> «Random_Nerd» A man walks in. Well, it looks somewhat like a man dressed in garments of purplish and greenish shades of brown.<br> «squidTisk» "Wow! How???"<br> * Theresa will back away from the figure...<br> «Random_Nerd» The edges of his garments and outline seem indistinct, as if they're some kind of optical illusion.<br> «Brian» (what about his eyes?)<br> «Random_Nerd» Entropy: "Everyone! May I announce our newest guest, Sueridus Gaut, King of the First Tainted Domain!"<br> * squidTisk look to stars in his eyes<br> «Random_Nerd» His eyes are empty sockets, but in their depths, stars drift.<br> «DanteE» ( O_O @_@ )<br> «Brian» "May I please be excused?"<br> «Random_Nerd» Entropy: "I have chosen to offer him diplomatic immunity, as suits a visiting head of state!"<br> * squidTisk sqeeeeee<br> «Random_Nerd» Entropy, to Brian: "No, you may not!"<br> «Random_Nerd» Entropy: "Are there any objections?"<br> «Random_Nerd» HQB: "Yes!"<br> «Random_Nerd» Surolam: "Assuredly!"<br> «Random_Nerd» Entropy: "No? Good!"<br> «Theresa» "By the _Ash_..."<br> «Random_Nerd» Surolam: "Now, see here. Ananda has not voted for you. You stand one to two."<br> «Theresa» (And have we ever heard of the First Tainted Domain?)<br> «Random_Nerd» HQB: "I cast my vote against this decision."<br> «Random_Nerd» Surolam: "As do I."<br> «Random_Nerd» Ananda: "I vote in favor."<br> «Random_Nerd» Two heads, one of bone and one of silver, turn to look at him, and then immediately back away.<br> «Brian» (ok, I now know what the next Age change will cause: the breaking of the Council.)<br> «Random_Nerd» Entropy: "So it's settled!"<br> «Kite» "What happens in the case of a tie?"<br> «Brian» (mutters) "fuck."<br> «Brian» "Status quo, Kite."<br> «Random_Nerd» Entropy, to Kite: "Whatever I want to!"<br> «squidTisk» toB: "Later Brian, later"<br> «Random_Nerd» Surolam: "Now, that's not quite..."<br> «Random_Nerd» Ananda, to Surolam: "Silence."<br> «Random_Nerd» Entropy: "So, are there any other matters?"<br> * Kite shuffles nervously.<br> «Theresa» "I think we were just leaving, Sir."<br> «Random_Nerd» Shirk just stands there, looking vaguely smug in an indefinable way.<br> «squidTisk» "Yes, why he was attaching Dante Estate?"<br> «Random_Nerd» Entropy slaps Shirk on the back, sending little droplets of blood to splatter the nearby wall.<br> «Random_Nerd» Entropy: "I have asked! And he has explained to me that these little effects were merely an uncontrollable effect of his proximity!"<br> «Theresa» "He was around us?"<br> «Brian» "That's what I was thinking, actually."<br> «Random_Nerd» Entropy: "So, since there's nothing he can do about it, I've decided that he bears no guilt for it, and may not be attacked on that account!"<br> «Random_Nerd» Shirk: "Yes, that is what we agreed."<br> * squidTisk motion to Gnomely to come further<br> «Random_Nerd» Entropy: "So, I have chosen to open my Chancel to him. He and I will be working very closely together, I think."<br> «Kite» "I guess that makes sense..."<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences is remaining utterly still.<br> «squidTisk» "There is another thing I want to ask Lord Entropy"<br> «Random_Nerd» Entropy: "So, if that's all you're here about..."<br> «Random_Nerd» Entropy: "Yes, snail?"<br> * squidTisk gesture toward Gnomely<br> «squidTisk» "He is full of locust at the moment, but them have don't eat him to date... isn't time to remove them? .. Please?"<br> «Random_Nerd» Duty continues to grit his teeth, until one of the frontward molars /snaps/ with a very unpleasant sound. Little bits of his tooth fly onto the table.<br> «Random_Nerd» Duty coughs, trying to avoid swallowing bits of his shattered tooth.<br> * Kite is startled by the snapping tooth.<br> «Random_Nerd» Entropy: "Who are you talking about, again?"<br> «Brian» (that sounds like an Anime trope)<br> «Brian» (also, is Entropy acting weird to anyone else here?)<br> «Random_Nerd» Entropy: "Oh, the little brass man. I never put any locusts in there. Sleight of hand, my friend! So there's no need for me to remove the locusts that are clearly not there!"<br> «Random_Nerd» (Incidentially, you did check, and there were locusts.)<br> «Theresa» (Yeah and there's a bridge he'd like to sell you...)<br> «Random_Nerd» (Weird for Entropy?)<br> «Brian» (last time he didn't seem so ... shirky)<br> «Theresa» (Oh yes, RN, get Ftisk to call Entropy a liar To His Face.)<br> «Random_Nerd» Entropy: "So, if that's the last issue before us, all of you can just GO HOME!"<br> «squidTisk» "But, you deem suit to put locusts in Gnomely torso *point to the torso* and that where there!"<br> * squidTisk look at the torso with the sight<br> «Random_Nerd» Everyone who does not take a Serious wound level or counter with a miracle appears in the Grove.<br> «Random_Nerd» (Does anyone do so?)<br> «squidTisk» (I take the wound)<br> «Brian» (I wish to be not at the Council meeting)<br> * Theresa blinks at the Grove.<br> «DanteE» (I'm probably too shocked to resist...)<br> «Brian» "fuck. fuckfuckfuckfuckityfuckity ... HORSE!"<br> «squidTisk» (we have a fake entropy?)<br> «Random_Nerd» Ftisk, you sit at a table with Ananda and Entropy staring intently at you, and HQB and Surolam exchanging worried glances.<br> * Kite is glad to not be in the council meeting any more.<br> «Theresa» "By the Ash, what the high holy _fuck_ was _that_?!??"<br> «Random_Nerd» Entropy: "Oh, are you still HERE, little creature?"<br> «Kite» "Ftisk?"<br> «Theresa» "And where's...oh crap, Ftisk stayed. Fire in the hole..."<br> «Kite» "Uhm....guys?"<br> «squidTisk» (the sight what show of Gnomely torso? are there locusts?)<br> «Random_Nerd» (Yep.)<br> «Brian» "horse. horsehorsehorsehorsehorsehorsehorse."<br> «Random_Nerd» Shirk smiles at Ftisk.<br> «squidTisk» "But, look, locust here?, Don't see them?"<br> «DanteE» "There are a few possibilities as to what happened, most of which are very very bad."<br> «Kite» "Can we get back?"<br> «Brian» "one of the other Kings /is/ Treachery."<br> «Theresa» "And Failure."<br> «Theresa» (Is Brian summoning Horse?)<br> «Random_Nerd» Shirk: "Let me make you a gift, little creature. Any insects that may be within your little friend... why, I imagine they'll just forget what they're doing there and wander out on their own. If they were there, which they aren't."<br> «Random_Nerd» Entropy looks uncertain for a moment.<br> «Random_Nerd» Then he sneers.<br> «DanteE» (How can you tell?)<br> «Random_Nerd» He puts an arm around Shirk's shoulder.<br> «Brian» (look up Alan Alda's trivia on IMDB) "I am going to say something, that I really really don't want to say. I am foreseeing that the Council will break, and this will herald ... well, madness, at least, and worst case, the fall of Earth."<br> «Random_Nerd» Entropy: "Good one, old chum. Good one."<br> «squidTisk» "Ohhhh, thank you my lord." I think I have to go now"<br> «Random_Nerd» Entropy and Shirk walk out the back door.<br> «squidTisk» (mamma mia!)<br> «Random_Nerd» HQB shoots Ftisk an almost panicked glance.<br> «Random_Nerd» It's hard to look panicked when you're a cow skull, but he pulls it off.<br> «Theresa» (I don't want those in the Council members! Or Amyra! Or me!)<br> «Random_Nerd» Ftisk, do you stop resisting the movement?<br> * squidTisk start to walk out, but when Entropy and the other one exit turn 180° an return HQB<br> * Kite flies off to find Sam.<br> «Random_Nerd» Gaius: "I believe that I need to prepare my army."<br> «squidTisk» *whispering *"He is not entropy"<br> «Random_Nerd» Gaius: "It looks as though there may be war."<br> «DanteE» "So do we."<br> «Brian» "This is ... Creation-class Not Good."<br> «squidTisk» (and now I stop resist the movement)<br> «Random_Nerd» The world ceases to exist for a moment and is recreated as a world that does not contain Gaius.<br> «Brian» "DAMNIT. I WISH he'd stop doing that!"<br> «Random_Nerd» (Ftisk, what do you do?)<br> «DanteE» "Domination, Brian.:<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "I have never seem Berakha frightened like that. Or at all. Ever."<br> «Theresa» "We need to tell Kudzu...."<br> «squidTisk» (what?)<br> «Theresa» "And we don't even know what Anada looked like."<br> «Random_Nerd» Mike: "So... all of that wasn't normal, then?"<br> «Brian» "That, Mike, was perfectly normal."<br> «DanteE» "With Entropy? No. Not in the least."<br> «Random_Nerd» Ftisk appears in the Grove.<br> «Brian» "Except for the fact that ... Ftisk is still alive. That isn't normal."<br> «DanteE» "Ftisk, what happened?"<br> «Random_Nerd» Duty: "Why did Ananda just /let/ him do it? No, more! He /helped/ him!"<br> * squidTisk wave to all "HIIII!!!!"<br> * Kite is still looking for Sam.<br> «Brian» *Summons Sam*<br> «Random_Nerd» Duty: "Ananda is a traitor. The Earth is ruled by traitors!"<br> «squidTisk» (is there Gnomely?)<br> «Random_Nerd» Sam is there next to Brian.<br> «Random_Nerd» Gnomely is with Ftisk.<br> «Brian» "Sam, we have an issue."<br> * squidTisk look inside Gnomely<br> «Random_Nerd» Sam: "How bad?"<br> «DanteE» "Surolam and Berakha were speaking against Entropy."<br> «Random_Nerd» The locusts are still there, but they seem... sickly. Like they're just tired and depressed.<br> «Brian» "Entropy invited Shirk into Creation"<br> «Random_Nerd» Sam: "Oh."<br> «Random_Nerd» Sam faints.<br> «Theresa» "Look...could it be possible that he's been influenced? I mean, the other Kings...Treason, Failure and Shame..."<br> «Brian» "and Ananda did not vote against him."<br> * Kite returns.<br> * DanteE pulls a bug out of Gnomely...<br> * Theresa wafts air toward Sam.<br> «Brian» "Sam, wake up. We need you."<br> «Kite» "Guys, have you seen....FTISK!"<br> * Kite pecks at Ftisk.<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "Entropy doesn't get swayed by corrupting influences! He /is/ the corrupting influence that taints the world!"<br> «Kite» "Stop almost dying!"<br> «squidTisk» "Entropy friend offered to remove locusts. I believe Entropy is a fake or a traitor and I whispered to HQB that Entropy is a fake"<br> * DanteE does a Witchhunt Rite on the bug.<br> «Theresa» (William is still there?)<br> «squidTisk» (bug?)<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "And I suppose I had a faint bit of pride that /our/ evil world-blighting dictator was at least /better at it/ than theirs were..."<br> «Random_Nerd» William goes to Sam's side.<br> «Theresa» (A locust.)<br> «DanteE» (I pulled a locust out of Gnomely just now.)<br> «Random_Nerd» The locusts have not been affected by a Noble miracle.<br> «Theresa» (Thumbs up to Consequences.)<br> «Random_Nerd» The locust just lets you take it out, without struggling in any way.<br> «DanteE» (Yeah they were. Entropy created them. I'm looking for Entropy.)<br> «Brian» "Squish it."<br> «Random_Nerd» (Ah, that probably /would/ give you a connection. What are you trying to do?)<br> «Theresa» "It's so sad and pathetic. Don't kill it just for that."<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "I need to come up with a list of Imperators that will be on our side if there's a civil war on Earth."<br> «DanteE» (Figure out where Entropy is. I'm betting he's not in that room.)<br> «Random_Nerd» C: "Shit. /Is/ there an Our Side? Everyone here, are we on the same side?"<br> «Brian» "That's what we need Sam and William for."<br> «Theresa» (He might not be there now. He left with Shirk.)<br> «Brian» "The Aides can help us."<br> «Kite» "Ophaniel?"<br> «squidTisk» "He is a fake! A Fake or brain washed"<br> «Random_Nerd» Mike: "I'm on whatever side doesn't have the thing with no eyes on it."<br> «squidTisk» washed even<br> «DanteE» to Mike: "If you mean the skull, he's on our side."<br> «Random_Nerd» Entropy is in his Chancel, Locus Entropy or as it's sometimes known, the Evil World.<br> «Brian» "Amyra's Nobles are firmly on the side of Us."<br> «Random_Nerd» Mike: "No, the brown and green one."<br> «DanteE» (Is that where we just were?)<br> «Kite» "The one where the fishfolk are from?"<br> «Brian» "Shirk? He is on the side that is Not Us."<br> «Random_Nerd» Sam starts to come to.<br> «Brian» (is Sam ok? If not, what level of –REDACTED- miracle will make him ok?)<br> «Random_Nerd» (No, they just used a random office that nobody was using at the time.)<br> «Random_Nerd» (Sam fainted, but is conscious again, if a little out of it.)<br> «DanteE» (Can I get a picture of what Entropy looks like right now?)<br> «squidTisk» "Vulcan nobles are on the same side that Dante, right Kite?"<br> «Random_Nerd» (You can use a –REDACTED- miracle to make him completely ready and refreshed.)<br> * Kite stops pecking Ftisk.<br> «Brian» "Sam, William, we need your help. The Aides should be able to get word around. We're afraid of an Imperial Civil War on Earth - and possibly beyond - and we need to know who is likely to be on our side."<br> «Kite» "Of course!"<br> «Brian» (–REDACTED- is easy. Done.)<br> «Random_Nerd» William: "I'll tell the Society."<br> «Random_Nerd» Sam catches his breath, and relaxes.<br> «Brian» "I will gladly take responsibility for whatever payment the Society needs. I am sure I don't need to remind you of the need to be discreet."<br> «Kite» "Should we take Papa Legba up on his offer, now?"<br> «Theresa» (Old chum. He used the term old chum. Entropy is secretly Adam West.)<br> «Random_Nerd» Sam: "If this is our side... who's on theirs? Just Entropy, Ananda, and Shirk?"<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "Isn't that /enough/?"<br> «Brian» "At least."<br> «DanteE» "and the three other Kings."<br> «Random_Nerd» (No, no. In that appearance, Entropy was played by Brian Blessed.)<br> «Kite» "Mimics?"<br> «Brian» "There will be others who side with Entropy, either because they fear him, or because they view him as rightful ruler."<br> «DanteE» "Going by this, Entropy is home.<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "Is this even the Excrucians doing this? Or just some crazy plan Entropy and Shirk cooked up?"<br> * squidTisk try to remove Locusts from Gnomely "Hold still a bit Gnomely, I want to remove them"<br> «Brian» "Gaius is possibly on our side. I don't trust him entirely, but he seems genuinely anti-Entropy."<br> «squidTisk» "Isn't Shirk an excrucian?"<br> «Theresa» "I don't know whose side to count Ananda on besides his won."<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "Sure, but Entropy's an Imperator..."<br> «Brian» "Duty, Consequences ... you and Shadows are on our side, I trust?"<br> «Brian» "I have some ideas that may need Shadows' help. Probably will, actually."<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "I believe I can speak for all of Locus Barakiel."<br> «DanteE» (So, everyone's running around panicking?)<br> «Random_Nerd» (Pretty much. Pacing, fretting, etc.)<br> «squidTisk» (too busy trying to remove locust to panicking that will come later)<br> «Brian» (No, Brian's coming up with another stupid plan.)<br> «Random_Nerd» Ftisk, you easily remove the locusts, which don't really seem to care.<br> «Kite» "Should we tell Martyrs?"<br> «Random_Nerd» One of them stares up at you with sleepy bug eyes.<br> «Brian» "What do we know of the King Treachery, by the way?"<br> * DanteE yells, for the first time in ages: *STOP!*<br> * squidTisk create a box<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "Let me think... there's a verse for him."<br> «DanteE» beat...<br> * squidTisk put the locust in the box with some piece of hardware to feed<br> * DanteE calm: "Panicking and screaming will do nothing."<br> «Theresa» (Man...I'm imagining a sad depressed locust...that's just sad...)<br> «squidTisk» (yep)<br> «Theresa» "Makes us feel better, but I see your point."<br> «DanteE» "We need to focus.<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "Dreams before duty, the truths of one's heart over the truths of the world, and death to the one that keeps you from what you are entitled to."<br> «squidTisk» *shouting* "Who want locusts?"<br> «Brian» "That's why I'm coming up with actions, here, Dante. Preliminary cautionary measures."<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "I don't know about the other two."<br> «DanteE» "We know nothing except that the one who claimed to be Entropy appeared with the one who claimed to be Shirk."<br> «Kite» "Feed them to the fish people!"<br> «Brian» "Death to the one that keeps you from what you are entitled to? Sound like Entropy to anyone else?"<br> «squidTisk» "Cool idea Kite!"<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "I need to report to my lord. At once."<br> «DanteE» to Brian: "That would mean he needs to _survive_ in order to avoid disaster."<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "Duty, are you okay?"<br> «Random_Nerd» Duty: "The tooth... will regrow, in time."<br> «Brian» "Consequences, of course. You have permission from Amyra to take your leave."<br> «Theresa» "Do you need anything for your teeth, Duty?"<br> «Random_Nerd» Duty: "I do not heal as fast as some, but I am Noble."<br> «Kite» "I can have a dentist assemble a new one in, if you like."<br> «DanteE» (and it's worth noting that Gaius is the Truth of the Name, which may be the Truth of One's Heart)<br> «squidTisk» (Dante can you raise Duty courage so he feel less the pain?)<br> «Random_Nerd» (You noticed that too?)<br> * DanteE tries to zap-heal Duty's teeth.<br> «Random_Nerd» Duty waves a hand at Dante.<br> «Random_Nerd» Duty: "Leave it. It will help me to remember not to let my emotions get the better of me in such circumstances."<br> «Theresa» (And Entropy is the Truth of the World. His word is law.)<br> «Brian» (Gaius is Treachery, and doesn't know it?)<br> «Random_Nerd» Duty wipes some of the blood away from his lower lip.<br> «Brian» (or does know it?)<br> «DanteE» "I want to know exactly who we're dealing with."<br> «Brian» (Either would be Bad.)<br> * DanteE collects the locusts...<br> «Random_Nerd» (But if he is, who's he betraying? You, or them?)<br> «squidTisk» "ohhh, sad locust are sooo cuuute..."<br> «Brian» (does it matter?)<br> «Random_Nerd» Sam: "They really are."<br> «Random_Nerd» Sam: "That's mildly disconcerting."<br> «Kite» (Me! Oh, woe is my tiny cult!)<br> «squidTisk» (sure it matter)<br> «DanteE» "Yes. And they're a Creation of Entropy, and probably near and dear to his black heart."<br> «Random_Nerd» Mike: "So... just to confirm, the world is ending? Probably?"<br> «squidTisk» "Can be used as an Entrpoy-o-meter?"<br> «Brian» "At this point, only a possibility."<br> «Kite» "The World is at least changing."<br> «DanteE» "Let's find out."<br> «Kite» "Significantly."<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "Duty, can you open a gate to home?"<br> «Brian» "Though ... actually, you may advance that a bit. Since we're on time for a civil war when the change is supposed to be ... crap."<br> «Theresa» "I have a headache. Either they're betraying us or we're being treacherous...ow."<br> «DanteE» "William... who got Luc?"<br> «Random_Nerd» Duty nods, and cuts a hole in the air with a vaguely waved hand.<br> «squidTisk» (we are green Nobles nerver discard something (locust) we recycle them! ^_^ )<br> «Random_Nerd» William: "I don't know if he's settled, but I heard that he was thinking of taking a position with Horrible Things."<br> «DanteE» "How oddly appropriate."<br> «Kite» to Theresa: "Is it....is it /that/ sort of headache?"<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences: "Sorry to run, but we have to report to home."<br> «Random_Nerd» They pass through the portal.<br> «Kite» "Good luck, Consequences. Duty."<br> «Brian» "Let us know if you need anything"<br> «squidTisk» "Take care!"<br> «Random_Nerd» (And as for why Consequences couldn't use his Gift to go home, well, he doesn't have an appointment to see anyone there for hours.)<br> «DanteE» "Consequences, remember to separate what happened from what we're guessing."<br> «DanteE» "In fact, stick to what happened when you tell Barakiel."<br> «Random_Nerd» Consequences, passing through the gate, to Dante: "This isn't my first time at the rodeo, son..."<br> «DanteE» "It is at this one!"<br> «Theresa» Kite - "What do you mean 'one of those'?" * has two ideas what it could be*<br> «Brian» (to Shadows) "You will shortly get some disconcerting news, I suspect. Though, as always, what appears to have happened may not actually be what happened. But I will probably need your help with some Outside work shortly, if you're willing."<br> «Theresa» *to Dante* "And we need to tell Kudzu. And warn the city in case he goes stomping about again."<br> «Kite» "The 'Ouch! My Assembly!' kind. Is there any other?"<br> «Random_Nerd» Shadows: "Okay. And whatever news it is, I'm sure Consequences will take care of it."<br> «Kite» "Though, I guess for you it might be, 'Ouch! My Trees!'"<br> «Random_Nerd» (Only Brian heard Shadows.)<br> «Brian» (that's kinda different)<br> «Random_Nerd» (Prayer-com.)<br> «Theresa» "Oh. Not what I was thinking. No, it's not that kind o headache. It's the 'I am dealing with beings who like to think twisty thoughts that I can't tell are coming or going."<br> «Kite» "Ah."<br> «squidTisk» "Right, we need to tell Vulcan too, Kite"<br> «Random_Nerd» (So, mind if we stop here for the night?)<br> «Kite» "Right, Ftisk."<br> «DanteE» "Ftisk, can you put together a video recording of what happened in there?"<br> «Brian» (sure)<br> «squidTisk» "Sure!"<br> «Kite» (Good time. Good place.)<br> «squidTisk» (is ok RN)<br> «DanteE» (OK.)<br> «Random_Nerd» ___________STOP______________________<br> =-= Brian is now known as lazarus<br> «Random_Nerd» So, thoughts?<br> =-= YOU are now known as Angelo<br> «lazarus» I'm either right or fear-mongering.<br> «lazarus» If I'm right, I wonder how long you've had it planned.<br> «DanteE» looks like you're setting up the endgame<br> «Angelo» shouting to RN: You are crazy! ...I like that!<br> «Random_Nerd» I was starting to lay groundwork for this... let me see.<br> =-= Theresa is now known as BethE<br> =-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood<br> «Random_Nerd» Beginning of 2007, I think. <br> =-= Kite is now known as Verithe<br> «BethE» You are incredibly awesome, dear. *smooch*<br> «lazarus» if I'm wrong ... I wonder if that'll mean that Brian will cause the Civil War. Which would be suitable.<br> «lazarus» 4 years waiting for the payout :D<br> «BethE» Where, if you can remember, in the storyline»?<br> «Angelo» who haven't caused covil war?<br> «Random_Nerd» I'm not sure. But I know it has to be a bit after that, because some of this was inspired by the Society of Flowers stuff.<br> «Knockwood» And let's not forget Destiny. We may need it.<br> «Random_Nerd» So, who has a Project relating to Noble society or politics?<br> «Knockwood» I might get –REDACTED- toward 'Dante,. Defender of the Universe'<br> «lazarus» Not me. Sadly.<br> «Angelo» not me... :-(<br> «BethE» Don't think so.<br> «Angelo» wait bed Ophaniel count?<br> «Random_Nerd» Mmm... no.<br> «Knockwood» and/or 'Deal with Shirk'<br> «lazarus» I do have something about learning more about Outside.<br> «Random_Nerd» Oh, yes, Deal With Shirk counts.<br> «Angelo» sigh! But Ftisk had the brass to stay at the council...<br> «Random_Nerd» Or anything about Entropy.<br> «Random_Nerd» Actually... yeah.<br> «lazarus» But mine isn't really about Excrucians, but more about other stuff.<br> «Random_Nerd» I'll call this a –REDACTED- for that. You impressed both Surolam and HQB. Word /will/ get to Ophaniel, sooner or later.<br> «Knockwood» who?<br> «Random_Nerd» Ftisk.<br> «Angelo» wow!!! Super!!!<br> «lazarus» by the way, if we needed to, could we "close the borders" of Amyra? Like, no in or out?<br> «Random_Nerd» Yes.<br> «Knockwood» What do I get? I've got 3 whole branches that may benefit<br> «Random_Nerd» Which ones are these?<br> «Random_Nerd» Strategy is your map, right?<br> «lazarus» closing the borders will actually likely undo some of what Brian has been working toward, but may become necessary for the protection of the Chancelfolk.<br> «Knockwood» Yep. Figure out the great mysteries, Deal with the Age End, and Dante, Defender of the Universe. :)<br> «Random_Nerd» Okay. You have Deal with Shirk as the current branch of your Deal with the Age Project, yes?<br> «Random_Nerd» This counts as a R–REDACTED- for that, I'll say.<br> «Knockwood» as a branch, sure<br> «Knockwood» –REDACTED-?<br> «Random_Nerd» Yep.<br> «Knockwood» Ooh, –REDACTED- <br> «Random_Nerd» And for a benchmark, this is the sort of things that count as –REDACTED-.<br> «Knockwood» + the –REDACTED- <br> «Random_Nerd» So, anything you guys /didn't/ like about this one?<br> «Angelo» wow –REDACTED- are _big_<br> «Knockwood» All Hell breaking loose counts as a –REDACTED-, gotcha. :)<br> «Verithe» It was a very good –REDACTED-.<br> «BethE» I don't think I didn't like it but that was quite the revelations.<br> «Angelo» yep, One thing, I expected to have Ftisk maimed a bit not to escape so untouched...<br> «Verithe» Kite is happy that Ftisk survived.<br> «Knockwood» He is! Psychologically.<br> «Angelo» me too<br> «BethE» It was very brave of him to risk himself for Gnomely.<br> «lazarus» This was a great session.<br> «lazarus» I don't think there was anything I didn't like.<br> «Knockwood» We'll be studying this one carefully once Angelo posts it.<br> «Angelo» yes, I'll give it the top priority<br> «Knockwood» What was that bit about Alan Alda's trivia, tho?<br> «Angelo» Beth: thank you, Ftisk _care_ for Gnomely and can't stand to have him with locusts and .. really he can't stand to avoid the L word<br> «Random_Nerd» Oh, and just for the record, there is a reason that Entropy did this, it wasn't just a Sweeps Week kind of surprise that came out of nowhere.<br> «BethE» There's just so many reasons that this could be happening!<br> «Knockwood» Hm. You may have just revealed a plot point.<br> «lazarus» Horse is Alan Alda's (possibly Donald Sutherland, actually) favourite curse word.<br> «Random_Nerd» Oh?<br> «Knockwood» (Nice timing, an Orbit gum ad was just playing in the background. :) )<br> «Random_Nerd» What plot point?<br> «Knockwood» "there's a reason that _Entropy_ did this"<br> «lazarus» RN will just go "well, I called him Entropy in the session, no sense in muddying the waters now"<br> «lazarus» and do his GM thing.<br> «Angelo» so a least he was not brainwashed, I think<br> «Random_Nerd» Oh, that.<br> «Random_Nerd» Yeah, I didn't mean for there to be doubt as to whether that was Entropy.<br> «Random_Nerd» If it wasn't, HQB and Surolam would have been able to tell.<br> «Knockwood» Then that _is_ Entropy?<br> «lazarus» Hence Brian being damn sure that Civil War is brewing.<br> «Random_Nerd» If it wasn't, the whole Council would have to be in on it.<br> «Verithe» Hrmm...<br> «Knockwood» (which kills my little thing with the locusts...)<br> «lazarus» (when dealing with Treacherous forces from outside Creation, it's always good to double-check)<br> «Angelo» Then why and weaving the locust in that way?<br> «BethE» Because they don't get to do what they do best?<br> «Knockwood» Then again, why didn't he remember putting them in?<br> «Random_Nerd» I'm not saying he wasn't brainwashed or corrupted or anything.<br> «Random_Nerd» Just that it wasn't, like, Physics playing a prank.<br> «Verithe» Or he could have lied.<br> «Random_Nerd» http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?p=13539556<br> «Random_Nerd» Duh.<br> «lazarus» I can foreshadow when I GM ... about three weeks from hence realtime. I haven't run a multi-year campaign, but I doubt I would be able to do it as adeptly as you can, RN.<br> «BethE» Yeah, RN does the planning stuff ahead through years of real time much much better than I do. I'm lucky to keep people named the same.<br> «Knockwood» well, considering the game's been going for almost 6 years<br> «Random_Nerd» Eh, coming up with overly elaborate plans is a hobby for me.<br> «Random_Nerd» And since I don't do the pre-arranged storyline thing, I have to spend my planning time on /something/ with this game.<br> «Angelo» yes, my respects to you grow that much!<br> «lazarus» I can't remember names for the life of me. There's a lot of "that guy" in my games. At least with L5R, referring to people by their family name is in-setting ;)<br> «Random_Nerd» I get that too. I swear, for a good minute and a half I couldn't remember Mike's name at the beginning of this.<br> «lazarus» that's one I don't forget. It's my (first) name!<br> «Random_Nerd» (And, to be fair, four years ago I didn't know /exactly/ where I was going with this. But that was when I started working on it.)<br> «lazarus» (it's easier to foreshadow _something_ when you don't know what it is, I've found)<br> «Knockwood» Well, I suppose it's better that the game occupies your time rather than planning political coups... :)<br> «Random_Nerd» Anyway, great session, guys.<br> «Random_Nerd» The way you guys worked with this made all the planning worthwhile.<br> «Angelo» eh, I realize that creation can end _before_ I win Ophaniel!!! :-(<br> «lazarus» Brian's totally going to cause a civil war. It's going to be epic.<br> «Angelo» Well Brian will have Ftisk support :-P<br> «lazarus» in many, many ways, planning to prevent - or at least survive - a civil war looks like causing one ;)<br> «Knockwood» and Dante is actively trying to put together a real coalition<br> «BethE» Well, you can always tell Ophan the whole 'we're gonna die, wanna have sex' trope?<br> «Verithe» Would an Angel buy that?<br> * Angelo scribbles this with a marker on Ftisk to do list<br> «Knockwood» Of course, part of next session may involve Dante poring over Ftisk's video like that scene in Blade Runner...<br> «Angelo» yep we will dissect every word of this session log<br> «BethE» You mean not like 'to the back...and to the left....to the back...and to the left..."<br> «Knockwood» that's JFK<br> «lazarus» Blade Runner uses mirrors!<br> «Random_Nerd» Anyway, guys, I must go.<br> «Random_Nerd» Good gaming with you.<br> «Angelo» night RN! Take care!<br> |«-- Random_Nerd has left irc2.magicstar.net (Disintegrated: )<br> «BethE» Good game! Good night, everyone! *HUG*<br> «Knockwood» g'nigh!<br> «Angelo» Night Beth! *HUG*<br> «Verithe» Good night!<br> «Knockwood» Can't type as usual!<br> «lazarus» g'night everyone!<br> |«-- lazarus has left irc2.magicstar.net (Disintegrated: lazarus)<br> «Angelo» you know what will be nice? <br> «Verithe» What?<br> «Angelo» to find the session RN plant the this in the game<br> «Knockwood» if you say kissing while the world explodes...<br> |«-- BethE has left irc2.magicstar.net (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)<br> «Angelo» lol Knock! I’m not Ftisk .. but is a good Idea for Ftisk :-P<br> «Knockwood» see ya next week, Angelo, Verithe<br> «Angelo» Night Knock!<br> «Verithe» Take care, Knock!<br> |«-- Knockwood has left irc2.magicstar.net (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.13/20101203075014])<br> «Angelo» I go too. Night Verithe. Ciao.<br> «Verithe» Take care, Angelo<br> «Verithe» !<br> |«-- Verithe has left irc2.magicstar.net (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.13/20101203075014])<br> «--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis<br> <br><br>[[Chancel_Amyra]]<br> [[Amyra:Chapter_26|Chapter 26]]
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