Session 269
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[[Chancel_Amyra]]<br> [[Amyra:Chapter_37|Chapter 37]]<br><br> =-= User mode for Angelo is now +ix<br> -->| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis<br> =-= Topic for #Nobilis is ``Trick-or-Treason''<br> =-= Topic for #Nobilis was set by Verithe on 16 maggio 2014 03:16:53<br> <Knockwood> actually, some time back I was thinking of what characters to play if RN even does that one-shot goofy Nobilis he mentioned once...<br> <Angelo> Hi guys!<br> <Knockwood> you remember, when I showed you guys that "Rub Some Bacon On It" vid. :) Hiya Angelo<br> <Verithe> Which one-shot goofy?<br> <Verithe> Hi, Angelo!<br> <Knockwood> actually he just mentioned it in passing<br> <Knockwood> come to think of it, it was in context of that video<br> <Verithe> :I<br> -->| lazarus (~mmacmarti@A558EEC7.94DAEB2A.715CAB35.IP) has joined #Nobilis<br> <Knockwood> Hiya laz<br> <lazarus> hey everybody<br> <Verithe> 'Allo!<br> <Knockwood> getting early-summer temps here. Highs in 80s.<br> <lazarus> of course youtube on ios doesn't have a play in background mode :(<br> <lazarus> we're getting about the same here, kwd, although it's about mid-summer weather for us<br> <Knockwood> hm, taking a while to load web pages...<br> <Knockwood> Hello?<br> <Angelo> yes Knock.<br> <Verithe> la~<br> <lazarus> pong<br> <Knockwood> strange that this is working when my desktop isn't loading web pages...<br> <Angelo> firewall magic?<br> <Knockwood> it was working yesterday<br> <Knockwood> ... and my iPad is loading stuff fine. Winblows screwiness.<br> <Verithe> It might just need a close-and-reload in the pants?<br> <Angelo> I second Verithe<br> <Knockwood> yeah. BRB while I reboot.<br> |<-- Knockwood has left irc.magicstar.net (Disintegrated: Knockwood)<br> <lazarus> I have found a way to youtube in the background :) ... listening to one of my favourite let's players play Call of Cthulhu (the TTRPG) with some of his friends. It's surprisingly fun to listen to.<br> <lazarus> (they also did some Paranoia and Burning Wheel)<br> <Verithe> hmmm<br> <Angelo> (would be too distracting 4 me)<br> <lazarus> (look up Kikoskia on YouTube. He's well worth watching if you think you might be interested in watching people play games :p)<br> -->| Knockwood (~Knockwood@MagicStar-D193849F.dhcp.crcy.nv.charter.com) has joined #Nobilis<br> <Knockwood> That fixed it. :)<br> <Verithe> Woo<br> <Angelo> Wb tock-tock on a table<br> <Angelo> and Woo too<br> <lazarus> wb kwd<br> <Knockwood> hm. No RN or Beth<br> <Angelo> isn't that strange?<br> <lazarus> that is weird.<br> <lazarus> although sometimes happens<br> <lazarus> it would be strange to call the game on lack of GM<br> <Angelo> well being there at last moment ever, leave me in the blind at these nuances<br> <Knockwood> well, we could talk about what I mentioned earlier...<br> <Knockwood> goofy Nobilis you might play for a one-shot silly game.<br> <Angelo> well, it/was bound to happen once in 11 years of game<br> <Knockwood> Remember that "Rub Some Bacon On It" vid I showed you?<br> <Angelo> our setting related or general?<br> <Knockwood> and then RN suggested a game in which the Power of Bacon was one of the characters? :p<br> <Angelo> power of rubber chicken!<br> <lazarus> Power of Bacon.<br> -->| Random_Nerd (~Random_Ne@MagicStar-E12F880F.hsd1.il.comcast.net) has joined #Nobilis<br> <lazarus> is that why Bacon has been, well, you know?<br> <Random_Nerd> Aaaargh. Sorry, guys.<br> <lazarus> hey RN :)<br> <Verithe> Maybe I'd bring back Rubidora for that.<br> <Angelo> power of pirates<br> <Random_Nerd> I was frazzled, and lost track of time.<br> <Angelo> Yo RN!<br> <Verithe> Hi, RN!<br> <Random_Nerd> Beth will be here in a moment.<br> <lazarus> Bacon, Rhubarb, and Kale?<br> <Angelo> We were abount to call off the game for lack of GM :-P<br> <Knockwood> Hiya RN<br> -->| BethE (~Random_Ne@MagicStar-E12F880F.hsd1.il.comcast.net) has joined #Nobilis<br> <BethE> Sorry!<br> <Angelo> Hi Beth! *HUG*<br> <BethE> *HUG*<br> <BethE> Hope you guys haven't been waiting too long.<br> <Verithe> Hi, Beth!<br> <lazarus> hey Beth!<br> <Angelo> np, we were thinking of nobles to play alternating these one we have<br> <lazarus> not over long<br> <lazarus> so far, Bacon, Rhubarb, Kale, and Turnip.<br> <lazarus> it's turning into a weird salad.<br> <Angelo> and pirates<br> <Knockwood> (You remember https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=wSReSGe200A , right? :) )<br> <Verithe> Rubidora is Popsicles.<br> <Knockwood> Not just food, though.<br> <Knockwood> Fr'ex, I was thinking I'd let my munchkin tendencies out (more than usual) with the Power of Butt-Kicking!<br> <Knockwood> or, slightly more serious, the Power of Victory.<br> <lazarus> I create Victory!<br> <Knockwood> Looks & plays like an action hero.<br> <lazarus> "ok, your opponent wins without problem"<br> <lazarus> "crap."<br> <Random_Nerd> So, we were in Deep Mythic Stuff.<br> =-= BethE is now known as Theresa<br> <Random_Nerd> Did everyone have a chance to review that section of the book?<br> <lazarus> right<br> =-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE<br> <lazarus> ohshit.<br> =-= Verithe is now known as Kite<br> =-= lazarus is now known as Brian<br> <Angelo> nope-nope<br> <Theresa> We need to have a good connection to the event we're trying to reach. Which, we haven't thought up yet.<br> =-= YOU are now known as Ftisk<br> <Brian> my face to face group just started Dresden Files, so I've been worried about learning those rules. I spaced on the Deep Mythic stuff<br> <DanteE> we were trying to get a hold of our flashback memories...<br> <Kite> The stuff we were working with are okay so long as we know where to go from there, yes?<br> <Brian> yeah, we're at a loss as to how to get there!<br> <DanteE> or, I was. Theresa might help there...<br> <Brian> You are the Crown of Creation! /Jefferson Airplane<br> <Kite> Where were we trying to go again?<br> <Random_Nerd> Okay, so. In the Deep Mythic, everything is made of bacon.<br> <Random_Nerd> Bacon constantly rubs up against bacon.<br> <Kite> This makes Kite sad.<br> <Random_Nerd> This is the engine that drives the universe.<br> <Theresa> (All my flashback was is that the phrase 'Chaos and Old Night' is important to me.)<br> <DanteE> Kite: back to Breach Day to see what happened<br> <Brian> "You want me to eat you?" "Why? Would you rather eat something that didn't want to be eaten?"<br> <Kite> Okay! Any particular part of breach day?<br> <Brian> (specifically, I thought we were wanting to see Ophaniel guarding the thing?)<br> <Theresa> We wanted to be where we can see Oph and/or HBQ fight. We are not going to watch Pattern's' imperator.<br> <DanteE> hm... can we lock on to Ftisk's 'feeling' for Oph?<br> <Ftisk> (again?)<br> <Theresa> We tried that and got Ftisk's version of Oph.<br> <DanteE> ah, right<br> <Ftisk> nod<br> <Kite> That's just the first stop. We can find out where to go from there.<br> <Brian> I think we should totally go Jefferson Airplane with Dante's memory.<br> <Brian> we're already in a 60's acid dream ...<br> <DanteE> OK, look for a yellow submarine.<br> <Ftisk> (can you explain that jefferson airplain reference?)<br> <Theresa> But wasn't Dante's memory just making a crown?<br> <DanteE> not quite, it was _wanting to_ make a crown.<br> <DanteE> or possibly earn one.<br> <Kite> So we were at Ftisks love for Ophaniel. Does Ftisk have concern about Ophaniel having fought with an Excrucian?<br> <Random_Nerd> Shall we take this in-character?<br> <Kite> Might as well.<br> <Ftisk> okiedokie<br> <Theresa> "We need to have a strong connection to where we want to go!"<br> <Brian> (Ftisk: Date's was wanting to make a crown made of creation. One of Jefferson Airplane's songs opens "you are the crown of creation".)<br> <Ftisk> (tnx Brian)<br> <Random_Nerd> _________START____________<br> <DanteE> "Hm... define 'strong connection'."<br> <Kite> (I....thought you were talking about an airplane this whole time.)<br> <Kite> (A very strange airplane)<br> <Ftisk> "I have a strong connection to Ophaniel!"<br> <DanteE> (Was Ophaniel hurt, or just fought with?)<br> <Theresa> (White Rabbit is an awesome song.)<br> <DanteE> "Some... thing fought with Ophaniel then, Ftisk."<br> <Random_Nerd> (Ophaniel was fought, but not severely injured.)<br> <Brian> (Never listen to 60's acid rock when in the Deep Mythic?)<br> <Ftisk> "Oh dear! My Ophaniel!"<br> <Random_Nerd> (ALWAYS listen to 60s acid rock when in the Deep Mythic.)<br> <Theresa> "We need something that is an important or meaningful about the moment that we want to reach, important or meaningful to us. And Ftisk's feelings for Oph takes us to _his_ version of her that is in his head."<br> * Ftisk pout to T.<br> <DanteE> "How is it not important enough to us when it seems to link to everything we're trying to find out?"<br> <DanteE> Describe the scene?<br> <Theresa> "The Deep Mythic doesn't care about _our_ definitions. It has its own rules."<br> <Brian> "Mythic links."<br> <Brian> "Myth-inc links?"<br> <DanteE> (And, actually... from our Aides' POV, we're just sitting around babbling, right?)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Pretty much.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (You might disappear at some point.)<br> <Ftisk> (not too far from reality)<br> <DanteE> (Hm... could ask an aide to bring a souvenir I grabbed...)<br> <Random_Nerd> (But mainly, from their point of view you are having a mystical experience where you totally see the interconnectedness of things and really /look/ at your hands.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (How would you go about asking them?)<br> <Brian> ("Hey, man, could you, like, get that thing?")<br> <DanteE> (That way. :) )<br> <Ftisk> (Create a sign made of blades?)<br> <Random_Nerd> (But that's like... okay, if you're viewing the prosaic universe, you can't just say 'Hey, brick, how's it bricking' and expect a useful response.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (You are much farther from the usual view than border mythic and prosaic are from each other.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (I'm not saying you can't do it. You can. But it's not something /trivial/.")<br> <Theresa> (Did Caesar come out of one of the holes at Breach Day?)<br> <Brian> (You could, for instance, ask one of us Amyra types. Or key into Brian's Miracle to bring us here that gave you a bit of Amyraness)<br> <DanteE> (Aren't they, like, there, making sure we don't jump out a window because we think we can fly? Cuz that totally happens, maaaaan... :p )<br> <Kite> (Kite doesn't think he can fly. He knows it.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Caesar certainly came from /somewhere/ on Breach Day.)<br> <Ftisk> (Ftisk too)<br> <Random_Nerd> (And if that somewhere is the Outside, that narrows it down to some kind of hole.)<br> <DanteE> (One that would have to be 'near' Ophaniel, right?)<br> <Random_Nerd> (...why?)<br> <Theresa> (And the easiest holes to move open or such would be the ones at Earth.)<br> <DanteE> (You're saying something Swiss-cheesed the wall?)<br> <Random_Nerd> (There's seven standard holes.)<br> <Theresa> (It's always had multiple holes.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Lots of littler ones.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (And weird ones like the one in Ja Phon's mind.)<br> <DanteE> (Not much of a wall, then... :p )<br> <Random_Nerd> (And probably other weird stuff you don't know about.)<br> <Theresa> (That's why Imperators stand in front of them and smack whatever sticks its seeing apparatus through.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Yeah. That's why there's a war.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (If keeping the Excrucians out was easy, anyone could do it.)<br> <DanteE> (Wait. This breach was different. Memories came through.)<br> <Ftisk> (so it is all a giant catch the mole game?)<br> <Theresa> (How do we connect that to us, though, Dante?)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Did they? Whose memories?)<br> <Theresa> (Ftisk - sounds like it.)<br> <DanteE> (Kudzu's)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Ah. Yes. That did happen.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Why do you think it happened?)<br> <DanteE> "Kudzu's memories..."<br> <DanteE> (Did Shirk come through then, or was he already here?)<br> <Random_Nerd> (That was later.)<br> <Theresa> (He came in later.)<br> <Ftisk> (no Skirt was later, I believe)<br> <Random_Nerd> (And Entropy let him in.)<br> <Brian> "Memories. Remember the memories?"<br> <Random_Nerd> (Whoa.)<br> <DanteE> "I was trying to remember mine a moment ago..."<br> <Theresa> (Okay, I have an idea.)<br> * DanteE tries to get a hold of the crown memory...<br> <Theresa> (Premise A: We (Amyrans) are part of Kudzu. B: Part of Kudzu's memories came through the Wall. They shouldn't (usually don't) do that. But this is weirdness. So C: We might be able to focus on the part of us that is Kudzu that connects to those memories and hit the Wall that way.)<br> <Random_Nerd> The Crown continues to shine about you, like I totally probably mentioned earlier.<br> <DanteE> (and as a bonus, we might learn more about Kudzu if we go back far enough...)<br> <Theresa> (One movement at a time. We have to get this to work, first.)<br> <DanteE> Describe the crown?<br> <Brian> (T, we have beat metaphysics over the head before in this game through the power of LOGIC! ... LOGIC! is to logic as SCIENCE! is to science)<br> <Random_Nerd> It represents authority, but also connection.<br> <Theresa> (You can't put shiny gears and a pair of goggles on LOGIC!)<br> <Random_Nerd> Crowns are most strongly associate with the Noble achievements of Domain and of High Summoning.<br> <Random_Nerd> But different crowns.<br> <DanteE> (Sure you can. That's the point of LOGIC! as opposed to logic. :) )<br> <Random_Nerd> Nobles adept in Domain wear crowns made in the shapes of the flowers of Creation.<br> <Random_Nerd> Nobles adept in Summoning wear crowns made of various materials of the Outside.<br> <Random_Nerd> You are within the part of reality that relates to what crowns mean.<br> <DanteE> (So wanting a crown of Creation material relates to Summoning from the other side?)<br> <Random_Nerd> Which is why last session I kept spamming random crown facts at you!<br> <Random_Nerd> And yes. I just broke the wall.<br> <Random_Nerd> Deep Mythic.<br> <Random_Nerd> Deal with it.<br> <Theresa> (That does seem to be a theme with this part of the game.)<br> <Random_Nerd> Fourth Walls are for pikers.<br> <DanteE> (T, try your idea IC so we can play along)<br> <Random_Nerd> The issue, then, is one of perspective. You know what crowns mean to those of Creation.<br> <Brian> (RN: <3)<br> <Random_Nerd> What do crowns mean to those Outside?<br> <Random_Nerd> And which crowns mean what?<br> <Theresa> (Well, we know that Summoning is _bad juju_ to Warmain sensibilities.)<br> <Random_Nerd> Aside from Nobles, there's someone else who traditionally wears crowns.<br> <Random_Nerd> Kings.<br> <Theresa> (If it's a mirror, then those who have high ODomain would wear crowns made of Outside, while those who are good at Summoning Creation stuff would wear crowns of Creation stuff.)<br> <Random_Nerd> Yet Shirk wears no crown.<br> <DanteE> Shirk isn't an actual king?<br> <Random_Nerd> Kingship is near the Crown. Sort of... off to the left.<br> <Ftisk> Or we cannot see Skirt one<br> <Theresa> (I thought Kings were below the Crown?)<br> <Random_Nerd> Nope. Off to the left.<br> <Random_Nerd> See?<br> * Random_Nerd points.<br> * Kite wanders to the left.<br> * DanteE checks it out...<br> * Theresa looks in that direction.<br> * Ftisk sprint to the finger to examine it!<br> <Random_Nerd> You currently stand within the Crown.<br> <Random_Nerd> Kingship is over there.<br> <Brian> (Brian attempts to wear a crown of creation flowers)<br> <Random_Nerd> The difference between kings and warlords is legitimacy.<br> <Random_Nerd> A warlord has power because he has taken it.<br> <Theresa> (...)<br> <Random_Nerd> When he dies, chaos is all but inevitable.<br> <DanteE> ... Shirk is trying to gain power by doing... what he's doing, and thereby become an actual king?<br> <Random_Nerd> When a king dies, there is a system within which succession takes place.<br> <Theresa> (A king has lineage. Meaning. He has kept it and passes it on to the people he chooses.)<br> <Random_Nerd> Kings exist within a larger context, that was there before them, and will be there after them.<br> <Theresa> (The King is the Land.)<br> <Random_Nerd> Which raises the question. Are Imperators kings, or warlords? And what of the Excrucians?<br> <DanteE> ah, but 'before' and 'after' are concepts of _this_ side of the wall.<br> <Random_Nerd> When Shirk and his three peers took the title of Kings, was that a boast, a thread, or a goal?<br> <DanteE> all of the above because there's no time there<br> <DanteE> (Game of Thrones of Creation? :p )<br> <Random_Nerd> Is Shirk a king in the context of the Outside? Or in the context of Creation?<br> <Ftisk> but there can be succession outside? isnβt that related to time too?<br> <Theresa> (The Imperators are kings, but also vassals to a bigger one. Excrucians are warlords, trying to take over kingdoms from here. If they can keep them, that adds legitimacy?)<br> <Random_Nerd> Off to the side, the Crown continues to gleam.<br> <DanteE> (we could ask how would they know what a King even is, but that's a whole other loop)<br> * Theresa thinks about her own Domain crown and thinks about it being in her hands.<br> <DanteE> (the crown is an Estate?)<br> <Random_Nerd> Theresa's crown is on her head, as always.<br> <Random_Nerd> If it is within her hands, that is because she has raised her hand to her head.<br> * DanteE takes his crown off and compares it to the crown here<br> <Theresa> "This is mine. I am me. I am also Kudzu. This is his trust in me, my responsibility. This is part of my connection to him and him to me."<br> <Random_Nerd> The crown here is more the idea of crownness.<br> <Random_Nerd> And which of your crowns do you take off?<br> <DanteE> either one<br> <Random_Nerd> When you had your vision, on Breach Day, you made a crown of blades.<br> <Theresa> "I have known a king who is one with their people and their land. I am one with my Plants. I cannot remove this, and none shall remove it from me, save that which is already me, Kudzu."<br> <Random_Nerd> Wearing it, then, did not satisfy the urge you felt.<br> <Random_Nerd> You hold it in your hands now.<br> <Random_Nerd> This was important.<br> <Random_Nerd> But you don't recall why.<br> <Random_Nerd> Only that it was.<br> * DanteE tries the Crown of Courage<br> <Random_Nerd> This one is part of you, but it doesn't seem as much... the object of desire.<br> <Random_Nerd> It's something you have, and are accustomed to having.<br> <Random_Nerd> Not something you coveted, and took.<br> <Random_Nerd> Which raises the question. Why /did/ Kudzu do terrible violence to an angel to take the Estate of Blades, which was once weaponry?<br> <DanteE> (Kudzu _coveted_ Blades, as opposed to needing to take it from Azazel for some reason?)<br> <Random_Nerd> (You think so.)<br> <DanteE> (Aw crap, he is a mimic. We're dead.)<br> <Brian> *Brian considers "home"*<br> <Kite> (Or he just really wanted Blades. The Imperators didn't always get along.)<br> <Random_Nerd> But this is silly. You know why you wanted Blades. You had a dream where you needed a crown made of the matter of creation. So you decided to make a crown of Blades.<br> <Random_Nerd> And you wore it, but it did not satisfy you.<br> <Theresa> (Huh. Kudzu was a CSummoner?)<br> <DanteE> (I suggested that last time around, didn't get a response from RN)<br> <Theresa> (A crown that has nothing attached to it wouldn't satisfy unless you claimed that which the crown is connected to.)<br> <Random_Nerd> If he was, how could you tell?<br> <DanteE> Can I 'follow' Blades back in time?<br> <Random_Nerd> What's time?<br> <DanteE> ah yeah<br> <Random_Nerd> Blades is near the Crown, because you wear a crown of blades.<br> <Random_Nerd> That's /logic/.<br> <Random_Nerd> So it's right over there.<br> <Random_Nerd> Looks sharp!<br> * DanteE examines Blades.<br> <Brian> *is now wearing a smart suit?*<br> <Random_Nerd> It's a knife, that looks like it was made from a broken sword.<br> <Brian> (are more weapons in the vicinity?)<br> <Random_Nerd> The knife is large, but the sword was larger.<br> <Random_Nerd> And you broke it.<br> <Theresa> (Heh. Of course my crown would have strawberry leaves. I'm Plants. Theresa's mental crown probably has those and holly berries and crab apple flowers and dandelions, all twisted with vines and branches that weave in an out of her hair in ways that don't really make sense with where a normal head starts and stops.)<br> <Random_Nerd> There aren't any more weapons. There are things that, as it happens, can hurt people.<br> <Random_Nerd> But there is nothing in the world whose nature is to be a Weapon.<br> <Random_Nerd> You did that.<br> <Random_Nerd> Why did you do that?<br> <Kite> what<br> <Random_Nerd> Not you.<br> <Random_Nerd> Them.<br> <Theresa> (...Weapons got Exed.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (You guys know what happened to Weaponry.)<br> <Theresa> (Oh, that was the Giant's dad.)<br> <Brian> I want to see the things that used to be Weapons, but aren't anymore.<br> <Brian> and, of course, never were.<br> <Random_Nerd> That's here.<br> <DanteE> (Did they get Excruciated? Because the concept of Weapons still exists...)<br> <Random_Nerd> Now they're blades.<br> <Random_Nerd> (But the estate does not.)<br> <Brian> (but guns?)<br> <Brian> (also blades?)<br> <DanteE> (or blunt weapons)<br> * Theresa is thinking about her crown. "This is my crown. This is my authority. I have this authority through Kudzu. Where is my authority in this place?<br> <Random_Nerd> (The concept of people dressed up as ponies for sexual purposes exists, but it doesn't have a Noble.)<br> <Brian> (or does this explain bayonettes?)<br> <Theresa> (..dear, stay out of the Pony threads.)<br> <Random_Nerd> Guns developed after Weapons broke.<br> <Random_Nerd> And Guns are an estate.<br> <Random_Nerd> They're over... there.<br> * Random_Nerd points.<br> <Random_Nerd> But they don't look very interesting.<br> <Brian> Less linked, but I want to take a quick look.<br> * DanteE looks for Bludgeons<br> <Random_Nerd> You don't see any such thing, Dante.<br> <Random_Nerd> Theresa, by her crown, holds both power and authority.<br> <Random_Nerd> The Power of a Noble over their Domain is /legitimate/.<br> <Random_Nerd> The world acknowledges it.<br> <Random_Nerd> An Excrucian, even if wielding a similar power, does not have that.<br> <Random_Nerd> They have power, not authority.<br> <Random_Nerd> Thus, Theresa is midway between Crowns and Kings.<br> <DanteE> When did Kudzu take Blades, relative to his initial appearance?<br> <Random_Nerd> Within a hundred years of it.<br> <Theresa> (Hmm.) <br> <DanteE> (Ack. Either Kudzu attacked Azazel to screw up Weapons, or to divide Weapons into smaller sets.)<br> * Theresa asks of the void, "Where do I come by this authority?"<br> <Random_Nerd> That fact is easily determined.<br> <Random_Nerd> A hundred people died.<br> <Random_Nerd> They're over /there/.<br> <DanteE> (What are they doing?)<br> <Random_Nerd> Being dead.<br> * Theresa looks. "You are of Amyra. It is your sacrifice that gave Kudzumyself authority."<br> <Random_Nerd> Their sacrifice bound Kudzu to Amyra.<br> <Brian> *Brian brings up the memory of Ophaniel talking about O's time on the wall on Breach Day. Focuses on O's words to develop a "place" that is those words*<br> <Random_Nerd> From the point of view of an Imperator, the places they guard on the wall are empty save for themselves.<br> <Random_Nerd> They work within the Spirit world, in the vast slow tides of influence between Imperators.<br> <Theresa> "I am of Amyra and I am bound to Kudzu. You are bound to Kudzu. I am also Kudzu. Did I give Kudzu legitimacy?"<br> <Random_Nerd> It is their home, and it is where they hold the most advantage over the Excrucians.<br> <Random_Nerd> Excrucians are fast, terribly fast.<br> <Random_Nerd> But in the Spirit world, such is irrelevant.<br> <Brian> *Focuses, then, on Ophaniel being a guest in Kudzu's home*<br> <Random_Nerd> Within the more outer spheres of the world, speed matters. That is why the Imperators created creatures like their enemies, creatures that could fight them on their own terms, if they broke through.<br> <DanteE> (Just to check, can we see what Brian's doing?)<br> <Random_Nerd> (To some degree. You are near Blades. Theresa is near the sacrifice.)<br> <Random_Nerd> Brian is drifting elsewhere.<br> <Random_Nerd> Does Kudzu have legitimacy, Theresa?<br> <Random_Nerd> Imperators wear no crowns.<br> <Random_Nerd> They have no successors.<br> <Brian> (this is ... like one of those neat graph viewing applications. Graph, in this case, being of the node and edge type)<br> <Random_Nerd> Those are things of the Noble world.<br> * Kite sighs and considers building a nest.<br> * Ftisk pat Kite<br> <Theresa> (We..are why they are Imperators? We give them legitimacy in Creation?)<br> <Brian> (a wild nest appears?)<br> <Random_Nerd> Brian, the place Ophaniel would guard is a vast, empty place. A tall figure stands there, and its shadow is cast behind it. A thousand other shadows are cast by a thousand other figures, that stand at the edge of the world.<br> <Random_Nerd> The place where their shadows meet and twist together, that is the world you know.<br> * DanteE takes Blades...<br> <Random_Nerd> But when you try to reach beyond it, there is resistance.<br> <Random_Nerd> Blades is within Dante, as always.<br> <Brian> "Hey, you guys, come here"<br> * DanteE floats over to Brian...<br> * Ftisk go to Brian<br> <Brian> (does the tall figure have any discernible features?)<br> <DanteE> (it's Slenderman! :p )<br> <Brian> (or an Enderman?)<br> * Kite flies to Brian<br> <Brian> "This might be the place."<br> <Theresa> (Hmm. An Imperator can have Estates, but can't have Nobles until they enChancle. Once they enChancle, they can have Nobles. The Chanel ties the Imperator to Creation. An Excrucian could have pEstates, but they can't enChancel because they don't have the sacrifice to make that tie and they aren't around long enough in Creation to be able to do the 100 day thing.)<br> <DanteE> (Unless they're a Mimic)<br> <Ftisk> (so the difference is only on the 100 deaths?)<br> <Theresa> (If they were able to, yes, they'd make a Mimic. Unless the Excrucian _wants_ Creation to keep going, which would make them a Wildlord.)<br> <Brian> (T: I think one of the differences is that Excrucians don't want to be tied to Creation)<br> <Random_Nerd> (And Mimics /can/ have Nobles.)<br> <Ftisk> (in your game any big one ca have noble or shards for what matters)<br> <Theresa> (Ftisk - I think so, that tie to Creation. That's the difference between an Imperator and an Excrucian. An Imperator ties themself to Creation, while an Excrucian won't.)<br> <Ftisk> (then we are one and only specie- our roots are common)<br> <Random_Nerd> Not all Imperators enchancel, of course.<br> <Theresa> (Indeed! And they're in the bottom of the Wall.)<br> <DanteE> (Not really. That's Imperators that come from Outside.<br> <DanteE> (That's the difference between a _Wildlord_ and an Excrucian.)<br> <Brian> *Brian will focus on Ophaniel's description of the fight*<br> <Theresa> (True, but they don't usually have Nobles. They don't have legitimacy in Creation. They're just there. Like a warlord. They have power, but no legitimacy.)<br> <Random_Nerd> Brian, you are in her shadow.<br> <Kite> (Do full Excrucians bring in Estate-like things the way Wildlords do?)<br> <Random_Nerd> When you push on, you do not seem to get any closer.<br> <Theresa> (I don't know if they've let any of them in that far.)<br> <DanteE> (If my memory is of proto-Kudzu, that means his whole thing came from a power play)<br> <Random_Nerd> (And, just sayin', there's a sidebar on this.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Page 101.)<br> <Brian> "So, are we in Ophaniel's place? Or are we in Ophaniel-standing-in-for-Kudzu's place?"<br> <Random_Nerd> (That was to Brian.)<br> <Random_Nerd> That must be a very specific place.<br> <Brian> (that's the place I want to find :))<br> <Random_Nerd> Ophaniel is always Ophaniel. But standing in for Kudzu... that is a narrower angle.<br> <DanteE> Standing in _at the Wall_... narrower still?<br> <Random_Nerd> (Psst! Reaching the spirit world takes either a mortal lifetime of effort, or breaking a level 3 auctoritas!)<br> <Random_Nerd> Narrower still. Not as narrow as could be. She has done so multiple times.<br> <DanteE> ... when she was attacked?<br> <Random_Nerd> That happens all the time when you're at the Wall.<br> <DanteE> How many times has she been on the Wall since then?<br> <Random_Nerd> At least a few.<br> <Kite> (We never asked?)<br> <Random_Nerd> Imperators do that.<br> <Brian> "Does someone want to spell us there? I think we're close enough now?"<br> <Random_Nerd> Her more than most.<br> <DanteE> what if we follow HQB, see when they're together?<br> <DanteE> "You sure? Don't want to wind up drained..."<br> <Brian> "I think we know how to focus the Miracle, and I think we have an anchor here. I think."<br> <Brian> "Never been here before."<br> <DanteE> (Waiting for a reply from RN...)<br> <Random_Nerd> (On what?)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Asking what will happen if you do a thing?)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Do it and see.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Although she wasn't with HQB at the time.)<br> * Theresa thinks some more. I make a statement to the void as a mundane action. "I am Always Useful. (Bond 3) Plants must be useful. (Law of Plants) I am Useful! (Passion 3) It would be useful if I could get us all to the Wall to watch the fight on Breech Day between the Angel of the Moon and what came from Outside."<br> <Random_Nerd> (You already know this.)<br> <DanteE> "Hold on, let me check out your placement..."<br> <DanteE> (Whoops, waiting on T now...)<br> <Random_Nerd> (talking with Beth.)<br> <Random_Nerd> Theresa feels good about herself.<br> <Random_Nerd> But does not get any closer to the looming figure of Ophaniel in the distance.<br> <Brian> (do we feel good about T?)<br> <Kite> (I thought we always liked T)<br> <Random_Nerd> (If you guys. Want to get. To the spirit world. You need. A miracle. With at least. Three points. Of penetration.)<br> <Brian> (also, OOC, Brian suggested someone else do this, because he did the one that got us /here/. I believe T was going to do the second?)<br> <Theresa> "I will be useful! I will get us there!" I build a bridge with Domain to the Spirit World. (LCreation, Bond of 3 (I am _always_ useful!)<br> <DanteE> (We figured she was _doing_ that. :p )<br> <Random_Nerd> (Hmm.)<br> <Theresa> (A bridge of plants.) <br> <Random_Nerd> (She was doing a mundane action.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (*points at use of Passion*)<br> <Random_Nerd> The bridge extends through Ophaniel's shadow, to the figure on the horizon.<br> <Ftisk> (Woho)<br> * DanteE heads down the bridge...<br> <Brian> "Thank you T. Let's go!"<br> <Brian> *goes*<br> * Ftisk land on T. shoulder "great work!"<br> * Kite follows<br> <DanteE> "We really need to find a balance between figuring out what to do and _doing_ stuff.<br> * Theresa mutters as she crosses over about how she is Plants, Creation-bless it, and she will be useful and get things done!<br> <Random_Nerd> Being in the spirit world is a little like being in a space ship.<br> <Random_Nerd> In a space ship, you only have as much air and heat and so on as you brought with you.<br> <Random_Nerd> In the Spirit World, you only have as much /time/ and /space/ as you brought with you.<br> <Brian> *hugs T*<br> <DanteE> "And yes, I know I'm the one that wants to plan more often. We need to get to the 'right thing' quicker."<br> <Theresa> "I got distracted. Existing in a way that I am important and yet just a cog in a greater wheel."<br> <Random_Nerd> Which is, let's say, about fifty meters in radius, and about half an hour.<br> <DanteE> "... I know what you mean."<br> <Theresa> "Okay, now, We will follow this bridge to the Angel of the Moon."<br> <Random_Nerd> Beyond that, the world makes no sense. Your primate-brains, even infused with a bit of divinity, can't parse it.<br> <Random_Nerd> It's not black, it's more like a 360 degree blind spot.<br> <DanteE> "Brian, you sure about the time? ... what there is of it ... ow. My brain."<br> * Ftisk amuse myself looking at the far things<br> <Random_Nerd> You are searching for something.<br> <Random_Nerd> You are lost.<br> <Random_Nerd> That means that you are near the Chase and Lost Things.<br> <Random_Nerd> Look! Ophaniel!<br> <Random_Nerd> She rotates.<br> <DanteE> (Ftisk drools.)<br> <Brian> "spinny."<br> <Brian> "Hi Ophaniel!"<br> <Ftisk> (can her hear us?)<br> <Random_Nerd> Yes.<br> <Random_Nerd> (It /really helps/ that you are looking for Ophaniel here.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (She is, like, uniquely easy to find.)<br> <Random_Nerd> Ophaniel spins all around you.<br> <Random_Nerd> The blades make sounds.<br> <Kite> "...."<br> <Random_Nerd> "Nobles." "Kudzu."<br> <Random_Nerd> "Time."<br> <DanteE> "So, how's the Wall?"<br> <Random_Nerd> "Space."<br> <Brian> "We're a little ... out of our element."<br> <Theresa> "Yes. We have come to observe a moment in the past."<br> <Random_Nerd> "Which are you?"<br> <Random_Nerd> "There is no past here."<br> <Ftisk> "Wow! Wow! Wow! Ophaniel you are gorgeous here at work, not that you are not gorgeous ever but here there are less distractions here"<br> <Theresa> "We have come to see you battle an Excrucian on the day that you took Kudzu's place at the Wall. And I am Plants, Theresa."<br> * Ftisk fly around her trying to look at her from all angles at once<br> <DanteE> (Spoilers, T! :) ) <br> <Theresa> (Bah! Ftisk can always find distractions!)<br> <Random_Nerd> (You guys are not with "Ophaniel at the moment when she fought the Excrucian" because that isn't a moment. Ophaniel is, in a sense, /always/ fighting that Excrucian.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (You are with Ophaniel from the perspective of one outside of time.)<br> <Theresa> (River Song can kiss my grass!)<br> <Brian> (T: <3)<br> <Random_Nerd> Time is over /there/.<br> <Random_Nerd> But you can't see it, because it's more than fifty meters away.<br> <Brian> "We wish to observe a moment."<br> <Random_Nerd> All you can see is the rotating blades of Ophaniel.<br> =-= YOU are now known as FtiskWith100eyes<br> <Brian> "Oh, and I'm Numbers, to give a name to an entity."<br> <DanteE> "Or, rather, an event. Dante, Dominus Animus et Gladia."<br> <Random_Nerd> "Provide context. In the world you know, how many times has Kudzu died?"<br> <Theresa> "None. It is still the 3rd Age. The meeting between Excrucians and Imperators has yet to be."<br> <FtiskWith100eyes> "Presentation, right, Hi, one day we will marry, ah, Btw I'm Ftisk"<br> <DanteE> "Good question... he eats himself occasionally..."<br> <Kite> "I am Kite, Lord Vulcan's Noble of Assembly"<br> <Random_Nerd> "Which moment do you wish to find?"<br> <Brian> "The moment we're calling Breach Day."<br> * FtiskWith100eyes droooooooollll<br> <Theresa> "You were fighting something that was prepared to meet a Wildlord."<br> <Random_Nerd> "I am fighting an Excrucian. It is not difficult. He is unprepared. He fumbles."<br> <DanteE> "Near the end of the 3rd age, you, Ha-Qadosh Berakha and (who else?) were hit with a coordinated attack."<br> <Random_Nerd> "In that context, the world has been reshaped."<br> <Brian> (Dr. Manhattan scene?)<br> <Random_Nerd> "It is not force. There /is/ force. That is not what is unique about the context in which I fight an Excrucian who fumbles."<br> <Brian> "What is unique?"<br> <Random_Nerd> "Things are made to be like other things."<br> <Kite> "By....the Excrucian?"<br> <FtiskWith100eyes> (can I become big as Ophaniel?)<br> <Random_Nerd> (No. She is bigger than the amount of space that you guys brought.)<br> <Random_Nerd> Ophaniel: "Feel it."<br> <FtiskWith100eyes> (ack!)<br> <Random_Nerd> "Feel the context in which it is different."<br> * Kite tries to feel it.<br> * Theresa will feel it. (Well, try to, but like the muppet said, there is no try.)<br> * FtiskWith100eyes fell it<br> <Random_Nerd> Imagine... a man opening a door, between air and water. He tries to press out, but water presses in, for water is thicker than air.<br> * DanteE tries to feel it. Also make sure Ftisk isn't trying to feel her. :)<br> <Random_Nerd> Imagine a man trying to fit a USB cable into an Ethernet port.<br> <FtiskWith100eyes> (damn! you found my play Dante!)<br> <Random_Nerd> Imagine a man in a foreign country, trying to get the people there to act like he's used to people acting, but finding himself assimilating.<br> <Random_Nerd> It's kind of like that.<br> <Theresa> (Scary.)<br> <Brian> (kind of like ... all three? The last?)<br> <Theresa> (...Creation is changing the invader?)<br> =-= YOU are now known as OphanielShapeCompatibleCog<br> <Random_Nerd> Like all three.<br> <Brian> "What is the usual feel?"<br> * OphanielShapeCompatibleCog try to integrate in her spinnings circles...<br> <Random_Nerd> You talk about Breach day like it's one unified thing, where there was a great pressure at the Walls, and reality shifted, and Wildlords and Warmains acted oddly.<br> <Random_Nerd> It isn't. In this context, that is obvious.<br> <Random_Nerd> Reality was made to shift. From this, flowed Wildlords and Warmains acting oddly. And from /this/, Warmains pressing into Creation.<br> <Brian> (LOGIC!)<br> <Random_Nerd> But to the extent that causality matters, the pressure didn't cause memories to flow.<br> <Random_Nerd> Memories started to flow, and then the Warmains pushed into Creation.<br> <Random_Nerd> And they flowed in both directions.<br> <Brian> (oh! That makes some sense. Kind of ...)<br> <Theresa> (So people in Outside remembered too.)<br> <Random_Nerd> The Warmain who presses through is /confused/.<br> <Theresa> (So the question is, what made reality shift?)<br> <Random_Nerd> He finds a hostile Angel barring the way. This is not what he expected to find.<br> <Random_Nerd> Whatever made reality shift is beyond what you can see.<br> <OphanielShapeCompatibleCog> (reality shift because I'm trying to integrate in O.! :-P )<br> <DanteE> (Who went out?)<br> <Theresa> (Do we know what he expected to find?)<br> <Brian> (I know at one point I kind of had a hypothesis that Excrucians and Imperators were kind of mirrors of each other, like Fetches, but not really. I haven't found anything compelling to support that though :p But this isn't inconsistent)<br> <Random_Nerd> (All excrucians and all imperators?)<br> <DanteE> (wait, so having it happen at that time was arbitrary?)<br> <Brian> (RN: that's the thing. It doesn't make sense for _all_, because Wildlords and Mimics.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Then which ones?)<br> <DanteE> (Unless this is part of JbJ's prophecies... weren't two of them about Imperators leaving Creation?)<br> <Brian> (Not enough data. Warmains are one of the groups on the Ex side. But ... not enough information.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Jan ben Jans prophecies are /super turbo relevant/ to this.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Some of them, anyway.)<br> <DanteE> (We're seeing the future as well as the past... since there's no time here.)<br> <Brian> (Jan ben Jan's prophecies are relevant to buying ice cream at the corner store.)<br> <Theresa> (Did anyone write down in an easily accessible place what they were? I mostly just remember the thing about Ftisk getting a reason to kill Theresa.)<br> <DanteE> (Including the specific prophecies involving Imperators leaving Creation and not returning)<br> <OphanielShapeCompatibleCog> (sorry, no)<br> =-= YOU are now known as OphCompatibleCog<br> <Random_Nerd> There's another reason why the Excrucian is confused.<br> <Random_Nerd> This is all turning out /backwards/.<br> <DanteE> (On the Wiki. (#1: Barakiel & the Lawbreaker. #2: HQB gets scared and hides. #3: Wildlords go bye-bye. #4: Entropy. #5: Jan ben Jan despairs, cheats, dies))<br> <Brian> ("Entropy"?)<br> <Brian> (what does the Excrucian mean by "backwards", also?)<br> <DanteE> (That was a summary... hang on, looking for the prophecies themselves...)<br> <Random_Nerd> Imagine... hmm.<br> <Random_Nerd> Imagine someone who's pretty good at tackling people in football. And they charge someone who's pretty good at judo.<br> <Theresa> (*WHUMP*?)<br> <Random_Nerd> At that moment where momentum moves around and they find that /they're/ the one hitting the ground...<br> <Random_Nerd> That's how the Excrucian comes across.<br> <Brian> (ah, ok.)<br> <Brian> (that kind of backwards)<br> <Brian> (also, Judo is magic)<br> <DanteE> (Can we see the Ex?)<br> <Random_Nerd> Not really.<br> <Random_Nerd> You can only "see" within Ophaniel.<br> <Random_Nerd> Beyond that, you get impressions.<br> <Random_Nerd> Not images.<br> <Theresa> (Any other impressions from or about the Exc?)<br> <Theresa> (So the Dude was coming in, ready to kick..Kudzu's ass?)<br> <Random_Nerd> He might not have even been expecting a fight.<br> <DanteE> (Bingo: http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Session_217 )<br> <Theresa> (*blink*)<br> <Theresa> (Can we tell what he was expecting?)<br> <Random_Nerd> It certainly wasn't getting turbo-threshed by an angel made of sharp gears.<br> <Random_Nerd> You are very clear on that point.<br> <Theresa> (Well, yes, few beings would expect that.)<br> <DanteE> (Which is why she's here)<br> <DanteE> (OK, JbJ's prophecies:<br> <DanteE> (Jan ben Jan: "The Angel Barakiel will induce the Power of Shadows to summon a Lawbreaker, and will take council with it. From this point on, all his subsequent actions will be outside of morality, truth, and my own sight, and will be dominated by the madness that is a Lawbreaker's price."<br> <Random_Nerd> Imagine... your buddy Jim is drunk. He's confused, and maybe a bit fighty, but you want to get him to calm down and let you get him home.<br> <DanteE> (Jan ben Jan: "Magister Ha Qadosh Berakha will discover something, which I cannot see, that will cause him to call into doubt his own loyalty to Creation. This will cause him to disavow all association with yourself and your associates, to renounce his position on the Council of Four, and to seclude himself. I cannot see who will take his place, which is itself disturbing."<br> <Random_Nerd> And then suddenly, wait, this isn't Jim. This is a tiger. And it's eating your face. This is very much not what you wanted to be happening.<br> <DanteE> (Jan ben Jan: "The Magisters of the Wild will come to believe that if they kill themselves, they will be able to reincarnate outside of reality. One in three will do so, causing the outright destruction of many Estates. They will not succeed in their ambition, for their theory will prove to be entirely backwards."<br> <DanteE> (Jan ben Jan: "Ymera Entropy, Lord of the Earth, will leave Creation and enter the Outside. If he returns, I do not see it. Unlike Berakha, his seat will remain unfilled."<br> <DanteE> ( Jan ben Jan: "The True God Jan ben Jan, lord of the Second Age, will in despair of achieving his goals decide to take the necessary body parts by force, retroactively stealing them from the Nobles and Gods of his age. This will break the rules that he operates by, and remove his abilities of prophecy. Following this, he will attempt to make the divination anyway. The result will be the death of Jan ben Jan, and no usable in<br> <Random_Nerd> (At least two of those are relevant to these issues.)<br> <DanteE> (Is this where Entropy leaves?)<br> <Theresa> (We've seen him since then. We think.)<br> <DanteE> (But, if we're seeing the future...)<br> <OphCompatibleCog> (last time he or a robber impersonating him, take the nobleInABox)<br> <Theresa> (The entirely backwards thing. Would that mean if Excru die Outside, they will reincarnate in Creation?)<br> <Brian> "Ophaniel, have you heard of a time where Wildlords believe they will reincarnate outside Creation?"<br> <DanteE> (Oph's question about Kudzu dying was referring to something that hasn't happened _yet_, wasn't it)<br> <Theresa> (We're seeing at all times.)<br> <Random_Nerd> "I only know of two forms of reincarnation. Mortals who die within Creation, and Nobles and mortals who have reached the pinnacle of High Summoning. Neither, so far as I know, applies to Imperators."<br> <DanteE> (Maybe all this was caused by Entropy leaving)<br> <Brian> "We have a prophecy from Jan ben Jan. *recite about Wildlords*. Anything familiar in there?"<br> <Brian> (I'm thinking Barakiel is relevant here, but Brian isn't)<br> <Random_Nerd> "That makes no sense to me. I do not know why they would believe that."<br> <Theresa> (If Kudzu dies..we'd die too, probably.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (If you were really lucky, and another imperator snapped you up fast, you might not.)<br> <Brian> "Are you aware of the one-in-three-dying thing?"<br> <DanteE> "Have you seen Entropy leaving Creation?"<br> <Kite> (Since we have the prophecy, we could let Kudzu know that it's a bogus theory in advance?)<br> <OphCompatibleCog> (right Kite!)<br> <DanteE> (Part of it may have happened... if it's not coming true, that would mean his Prophecy ability is screwed, which may mean #5 has happened already)<br> <Theresa> (So, if the Excrucians have High CSummoning..when they die, they join with their Creation Fetch.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (What would that look like, from an in-Creation perspective?)<br> <Brian> (That would look like ... Wildlords.)<br> <DanteE> (Warmains and other flooding in.)<br> <DanteE> (The Breach)<br> <DanteE> (For an individual Ex, it may mean they expect smooth sailing to their fetch instead of, say, an angry angel)<br> <Random_Nerd> (That would look a lot like Wildlords.)<br> <Theresa> (The Fetches would already be here, wouldn't they?)<br> <Brian> (... holy fuck ...)<br> <Random_Nerd> (New Imperator-scale things would show up in Creation.)<br> <Brian> "Their theory is entirely backwards."<br> <Brian> "What would summoning from Creation to Outside look like from an in-creation perspective?"<br> <DanteE> "Summoners on their side would reincarnate here.<br> <Brian> "That I don't quite get"<br> <Kite> "Necromancy?"<br> <Theresa> (That could be why Summoning is big taboo now. Previously, lots of Excrucians went into High Summoning, died, merged over here. Now it's banned/taboo, to keep Excrucians over there thinking like Excruc?)<br> <DanteE> "Thing is... why now? What tied this 2-way exodus to that particular day?"<br> <Random_Nerd> Ophaniel "I don't know much of summoning."<br> <DanteE> "... the Age end?"<br> <Brian> "Do you know Barakiel well? What do you know of Barakiel's post-Lawbreaker time?"<br> <Theresa> (There isn't any Time there. Or at the Wall. It's something in Creation that shifted reality.)<br> <DanteE> When is the date Attaris said she would set things in motion for the Age End?<br> <Random_Nerd> Ophaniel: "Barakiel has always been Barakiel."<br> <Theresa> (And Barakiel was after the Breach, but still, time hijinks.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (You've reached that date a while ago. Shit is in the process of going down.)<br> <DanteE> How long ago?<br> <Random_Nerd> (And it wasn't a "it will happen on this day" so much as a "Oh, definitely by that point, I think.")<br> <DanteE> (I wonder if what changed was Attaris.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (More of a "Yeah, in a few weeks I'll start building that swingset" sort of attitude.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Not "At 7:32 PM, on this date, that swingset will spring into being.")<br> <Random_Nerd> (Okay. So, from what you've seen here, the memory shift came first.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (What did it do?)<br> <Theresa> (Sent memory into both sides.)<br> <DanteE> (Reminded folks of life on the other side.)<br> <Theresa> (Was like a pressure lock?)<br> <Kite> (Changed the Excrucian trying to get in?)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Now, you know that it didn't work the way it was supposed to.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (What do you think the Excrucians /wanted/ it to do?)<br> <Brian> (I'm also still too much thinking with causality. The Excrucians who are dead are dead at some point.)<br> <DanteE> (Either drop the Wall or open a new hole?)<br> <Brian> (Who was effected? Wildlords.)<br> <Brian> (something about this newfound link?)<br> <Kite> (Was the Excrucian an Outiside doctor trying to revive a recently-deceased Outside patient?)<br> <Theresa> (Hmm.. Debilitate the Wildlords? Change the minds of the Wildlords..into their Outside selves, who would welcome the Excrucians in with open arms?)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Wildlords, Tempered Warmains, Summoners.)<br> <DanteE> (Activate sleeper agents?)<br> <Brian> (was not expecting a fight.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (What did Caesar do, and why did he do it?)<br> <Brian> (it's after midnight, my mind is slowing down :) I'm trying to keep up still ^_^)<br> <Theresa> (He went home. Because that was what he remembered?)<br> <Random_Nerd> (And various Warmains went to enact some grudge of their Tempered shape.)<br> <DanteE> (Part of him did. He's a Warmain that tempered ... uh...)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Or some other goal of it, for that one shard you talked to.)<br> <Theresa> (The people affected are all beings who have experience in being someone else. Having memories of other beings.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Who went to help the widow of his tempered form out.)<br> <Brian> (Caesar joined with the other part ... huh. Became wildlord?)<br> <Brian> (people who O just told us are affected by reincarnation.)<br> <DanteE> (Memories of other beings that were blocked by the wall)<br> <Random_Nerd> (It was all people who, in one way or another, had memories and selves on both sides of the Wall.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (But it affected Excrucians way more strongly.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Kudzu got a bit weird for a few hours.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Caesar came over and had an identity crisis, and various Warmains flipped out.)<br> <DanteE> (Sorry, 'Kudzu' and 'a _bit_ weird' doesn't compute)<br> <Random_Nerd> (This wasn't what the Excrucians meant to happen.)<br> <Theresa> (They expected the Wildlords to be more effected.)<br> <DanteE> (Did something here also prompt that Warmain to come and talk to us?)<br> <Random_Nerd> (William and Sam prompted him to talk to you.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (You sent them to look for a warmain who acted weird.)<br> <Theresa> (That's also why the Excrucian was confused. It was expecting a debilitated Wildlord, who might be remembering more of Outside and thus be less fighty toward Outsiders?)<br> <Random_Nerd> (And instead, he found himself overwhelmed by Tempered memories, and also, ANGEL IN THE FACE.)<br> <Random_Nerd> (It ended badly.)<br> <Theresa> (Most Angels in Your Face do.)<br> <DanteE> (So, the surprise part was that it wasn't ongoing, and that the breach was quickly closed?)<br> <Random_Nerd> (HQB, in comparison, was in fact somewhat debilitated.)<br> <DanteE> (Or... that it went both ways?)<br> <Random_Nerd> (Or just how strongly both sides went.)<br> <Theresa> (They weren't expecting it to affect them as much/so much, then? And this is probably what causes HQB to freak out from the prophecy.)<br> <Random_Nerd> Imagine... a family in the cold-war-era USSR.<br> <Theresa> (affect themselves. I think.)<br> <Random_Nerd> They send their son to be educated in the West.<br> <DanteE> (That would mean HqB is freaking out _right now._)<br> <Random_Nerd> They want him to learn from the capitalists, and come back to bring their knowledge to Mother Russia.<br> <Random_Nerd> Instead, he realizes how fucking awesome it is not to have to stand in line for soap.<br> <Random_Nerd> And he stays.<br> <Theresa> (And he becomes the Imperator of Soap?)<br> <DanteE> Did we witness the Coming of the Wildlords?<br> <Random_Nerd> You witnessed an attempt to undo it.<br> <Random_Nerd> Which worked just as badly as the first plan.<br> <Brian> (which was to make them in the first place?)<br> <DanteE> (Uhoh... prophecies 2 and 3)<br> <Random_Nerd> Because the Outside is /poor/.<br> <Random_Nerd> It's far lower in Estates and reality than Creation.<br> <Random_Nerd> And every effort they make that doesn't understand that, goes wrong.<br> <Theresa> And if you send someone over here, they want to _stay_. Especially if they have power here.<br> <Brian> (RN: there's a paper in there. Examining the politics of the Cold War through Roleplaying Games?)<br> <DanteE> (Well, they spent all their money on weapons and banquets for Dear Leader.)<br> <Theresa> (Brian - play Demon.)<br> <Random_Nerd> Yep.<br> <Brian> (I have no more time in my schedule for games :P)<br> <DanteE> So... when I got that Crown memory...<br> <Random_Nerd> Imagine... well, not a Warmain, exactly. This was before Warmains.<br> <Random_Nerd> He studies arts analogous to High Summoning.<br> <DanteE> That was Kudzu planning to defect?<br> <Random_Nerd> Eventually, he reaches the peak, and has strong contact with his fetch.<br> <Random_Nerd> And he sees how much better his fetch has it.<br> <Random_Nerd> He knows that all he has to do, to live that life, is die.<br> <Random_Nerd> And then he wakes up in Creation, and that's all he knows. No memories cross the wall.<br> <Random_Nerd> That's Kudzu.<br> <Random_Nerd> __________STOP________________<br> =-= Brian is now known as lazarus<br> <lazarus> :)<br> <OphCompatibleCog> (damn!)<br> <DanteE> and HQB. Who we need to talk to immediately.<br> =-= YOU are now known as Angelo<br> <lazarus> how long has this been in the books, RN?<br> =-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood<br> <Random_Nerd> And every Wildlord.<br> <Theresa> (So, Outside sends the Wildlords over to take over. Doesn't work, Wildlords stay, become part of Creation. Outside sends more into Creation to keep fighting and bring back strays. Doesn't work, Wildlords fight them off ....crap, I'd rather read what RN wrote than think this out.)<br> <Random_Nerd> And that's why Warmains don't practice High Summoning.<br> <Random_Nerd> Because the ones who /did/, aren't Warmains any more.<br> <Knockwood> Thing is, a portion of expatriates are going to miss their old lives... say, one-third?<br> <Theresa> (Could be Mimics.)<br> <lazarus> I'm also reminded of my vague thinking that everyone has a Fetch. This is also vaguely supporting that.<br> =-= Kite is now known as Verithe<br> <Knockwood> I was thinking of JbJ's Wildlord prophecy<br> <lazarus> except that some have merged with their fetches.<br> <Random_Nerd> So, that's where Wildlords came from, and that's what Breach Day was.<br> <Knockwood> those that miss the other side might think dying is the way to go<br> <Verithe> Kite was immune to the Breach Day weirdness.<br> <Knockwood> One question unanswered:<br> <Random_Nerd> Oh, and the reason why you were more able to see this stuff...<br> <Knockwood> what tied it to that day on the timeline?<br> <lazarus> We need to talk to HQB and JbJ.<br> <Random_Nerd> You guys are partly Kudzu. You were in the context of Breach Day.<br> <Knockwood> it could have been any day in history or the future<br> <Random_Nerd> So, you were more in touch with proto-Kudzu's memories.<br> <Random_Nerd> That's not the way they think, remember.<br> <Theresa> All days are the same.<br> =-= Theresa is now known as BethE<br> <lazarus> it happened then 'cause it happened then.<br> <Knockwood> yeah, but from our POV....<br> <Random_Nerd> Yeah.<br> <lazarus> and kind of triggered the events that end the Age.<br> <BethE> Because this is the Age of the Wildlords.<br> <Random_Nerd> And it happened there because that's the place where Creation was primed for the beginnings of a cataclysm.<br> <Knockwood> ... or ... it happened then, because that's the only way us PCs could see it and do something? :D<br> <lazarus> is this an 11-year reveal, or only 6? :p<br> <Random_Nerd> Hmm.<br> <Knockwood> oh... so, was there a similar event at the beginning of the last Age?<br> <lazarus> kwd: the Fall, the War, and the coming of the Wildlords were the turning of the Age, IIRC. So, yeah.<br> <Random_Nerd> The Wildlords came over!<br> <Random_Nerd> And the War started.<br> <Random_Nerd> Oh, can you guess why the War started?<br> <lazarus> "give us our shit back!"<br> <Knockwood> because we stole their people?<br> <Verithe> They want the Wildlords back?<br> <BethE> Come home now or I'll give you something to cry about?<br> <Random_Nerd> Yep.<br> <Random_Nerd> They had this great plan to grow their own Estates in Creation, and then bring them Outside.<br> <Knockwood> I really hope there are up-to-date logs somewhere...<br> <Random_Nerd> And instead, they lost a huge number of people.<br> <lazarus> Payoff. It is worth it.<br> <Verithe> So maybe that's why 1/3 of the Wildlords off themselves? To end the war?<br> <Angelo> We are stealing babies (Wildlords) from outside!!! OMG We are terrible beings!<br> <Random_Nerd> At the comparable weak point at the end of this age, they try to undo it.<br> <Random_Nerd> And Breach Day happened.<br> <BethE> Creation is addictive.<br> <Knockwood> no, no, no, they're coming voluntarily<br> <Random_Nerd> You didn't steal them.<br> <Random_Nerd> You /seduced/ them.<br> <lazarus> we're tramps!<br> <Angelo> RN that is not better<br> <Verithe> We seduced them intentionally, unintentionally or both?<br> <Knockwood> 'seduced' implies active...<br> <Knockwood> they came over, saw we had food--I mean Estates, and stayed.<br> <BethE> Creation Cleavage.<br> <lazarus> on that note<br> <Random_Nerd> Oh, and parts of this are from Breach Day.<br> <lazarus> I'm going to head to bed now. Good night!<br> <Knockwood> g'night laz<br> <Verithe> So should we start warning Wildlords that offing themselves is not the way?<br> <Random_Nerd> And some of the details are about six and a half years old, when Unlikely Floweings came out.<br> <Verithe> G'night, Laz<br> <Angelo> night Laz<br> |<-- lazarus has left irc.magicstar.net (Disintegrated: lazarus)<br> <Random_Nerd> So, was this a Lost-style reveal, or was it worth the build-up?<br> <Knockwood> (thinking)<br> <Verithe> I never watched enough of Lost to compare, but I enjoyed the reveal and build-up.<br> <Angelo> was worth all the time!<br> <Knockwood> How long ago was Breach Day IRL?<br> <Random_Nerd> I'm trying to figure that out right now.<br> <Verithe> Yesteryear<br> <Random_Nerd> My logs don't go back that far.<br> <Knockwood> I'll say worth it. Of course, Dante has to deal with where Blades came from...<br> <Random_Nerd> That was my old hard drive, that died.<br> <Random_Nerd> Oh!<br> <Random_Nerd> And when Dante was sharing minds with the proto-Kudzu, that went both ways.<br> <Random_Nerd> So when he connected that urge for a crown of Creation, with making a crown of Blades...<br> <Random_Nerd> That's why Kudzu stole it from Azazel.<br> <Random_Nerd> So the previous Dante of primordial ages you've been trying to track down all this time... was you.<br> <Knockwood> wait, I'm the reason Kudzu attacked Azazel?<br> <Random_Nerd> Beth says Breach Day was, in real-world time, July 24, 2008.<br> <Random_Nerd> Yep.<br> <Random_Nerd> Okay, and March of that year was when Unlikely Flowerings came out.<br> <Random_Nerd> So it fits.<br> <Knockwood> You might want to stat Azazel up, because we need to talk.<br> <Knockwood> Also Joe Chill, or whoever slashed my eye.<br> <Random_Nerd> Dante doesn't know this yet.<br> <Knockwood> ah yeah. Remind me to firewall that if I screw up, please?<br> <Random_Nerd> Sure.<br> <Knockwood> welp, time to head out.<br> <Random_Nerd> Yep.<br> <Random_Nerd> See you next week.<br> <BethE> I need sleep. Great job, dear.<br> <Angelo> night RN<br> <BethE> Good night!<br> <Knockwood> oh, wait...<br> <Angelo> Night Beth<br> <Verithe> G'night!<br> <BethE> Knock- if you mention maps, I will punch you into the Outside. :)<br> <Knockwood> I finished the logs for the first Chuubo game: http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Chuubo:the_SNURCers<br> <Knockwood> Gotta say, my favorite moment was:<br> <BethE> Ooo, thank you, Knock! Want to have a thread that talks about it?<br> <Random_Nerd> By the way, and make sure to tell Laz this, each of you gets a Revelation for any project vaguely related to this.<br> <Random_Nerd> Only one each.<br> <BethE> (Or could link it in the current Chuubo thread.)<br> <Verithe> Yay!<br> <Random_Nerd> (Per player, I mean.)<br> <Knockwood> "If I'm right, Senko will be plowing into something important any moment now. (WHUMP) Called it."<br> <Random_Nerd> And since this ties into, like, /all the things/, I suspect you can each come up with one.<br> <Knockwood> Hang on...<br> <Verithe> I already have one in mind.<br> <Knockwood> Here's the current one...<br> <BethE> Knock - who said that? Leo?<br> <Knockwood> Beth: Yep. 2nd to last session, near the end.<br> <Knockwood> RN: No problem, my map has "How they found the truth about the past". :)<br> <BethE> It sounded very Leoish.<br> <Random_Nerd> That fits!<br> <Verithe> Senko: "You can't do anything important without plowing into something important."<br> <Verithe> "Which is why you shouldn't do important things."<br> <Verithe> "Leave it to me. I'm a grown up."<br> <Random_Nerd> I love Senko.<br> <Knockwood> Huh... I've had 2 Revelations on that now.<br> <Knockwood> Stone time!<br> <Verithe> I miss playing her.<br> <Random_Nerd> I hear that at some point there will be a Senko novel.<br> <Random_Nerd> I am looking forward to taht.<br> <Knockwood> Ideas for a good Stone for Dante?<br> <Verithe> I look forward to it as well!<br> |<-- BethE has left irc.magicstar.net (Disintegrated: )<br> <Verithe> Which project?<br> <Random_Nerd> Later, all.<br> |<-- Random_Nerd has left irc.magicstar.net (Disintegrated: )<br> <Knockwood> Finding the Truth About the Past<br> <Angelo> I had to go making breakfast for kids, will report on the project that get the revelation next time. ok?<br> <Angelo> damn, too slow!<br> <Knockwood> OK<br> <Knockwood> like I can say that. :p<br> <Verithe> Take care Angelo!<br> <Angelo> well I gtg, cya guys!<br> <Knockwood> cya Angelo<br> <Knockwood> and cya next week V<br> <Verithe> Well, the information that we discovered could be pretty significant to the Meeting.<br> <Verithe> So maybe something related to the meeting?<br> <Verithe> and see you next week, Knock! Take care!<br> <Knockwood> OK, I'll think about that... bye<br> |<-- Knockwood has left irc.magicstar.net (Disintegrated: Knockwood)<br> |<-- Verithe has left irc.magicstar.net (Disintegrated: ChatZilla [Firefox 29.0.1/20140506152807])<br> <--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis<br> <br><br>[[Chancel_Amyra]]<br> [[Amyra:Chapter_37|Chapter 37]]
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