Editing Shadowjack's GURPS House Rules

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In my write-ups, I'll try to make sure to properly source traits that aren't in the core books (whether official or fan-made); in particular, I've adopted many of Reverend P. Kitty's cost adjustments. Meanwhile, below are my own house rules and rulings:
Like any GM who likes to tinker, I've adopted a bunch of house rules. Here are the ones I currently use. Sources include Kromm, Rev. Pee Kitty, and many others posters on the GURPS fora.
==== Appearance ====
General revision of Appearance traits as follows:
Negative appearance as written, plus Very Ugly (-3 reaction) [12 points]. Off-the-Shelf Looks may be applied to negative appearance traits.
== Defining the Numbers ==
In general, I try hard to remind myself to aim for low, or for the center of the bell-curve. An attribute of 10 is perfectly acceptable for a regular person, and just because a character did a stunt once in a story, doesn't mean they can do it reliably all the time! However, I'm not a member of the Cult of Stat Normalization; some characters or real people really ''do'' have attributes that high!
Average and Attractive appearance as written.
The impressiveness traits run Very Attractive (+2 reaction) [8], Impressive (+3) [12], Very Impressive (+4) [16], and Extremely Impressive (+5, and obviously supernatural) [20].  
=== Attributes ===
Because of the bell-curve, attributes of 8-12 are unremarkable, "average" people. Only above or below this range is a character truly noticeable for that attribute. An attribute of 6 or below is handicapped (by human standards, of course), while an attribute of 18 or above is superhuman. (The traditional exemption is Strength, which can go much higher than 18 among top weightlifters.) Remember that advantages and disadvantages are often rolled into attributes, e.g. someone with HT 11 and Very Fit is just as fit as someone with HT 13.
The sexual attractiveness traits run Sexy (+2/+3 reactions) [8], Handsome/Beautiful (+2/+4) [12], Very Handsome/Beautiful (+2/+6) [16], and Transcendent (+2/+8) [20]. All give the -2 jealousy reaction for those with -4 or more in negative reactions to you.  
* '''5 or below''' is crippled, requiring constant help.
* '''6''' is handicapped, barely functional on your own.
* '''7''' stands out as "pretty bad", but is otherwise still low average.
* '''8''' is a natural lack of ability.
* '''9''' is a 10 who is just a little smaller, slower, or lazier.
* '''10''' is dead average. If you don't care or don't know, put 10.
* '''11''' is a 10 who is just a little stronger or faster, or tries harder.
* '''12''' is natural ability.
* '''13''' stands out as "pretty good", but is otherwise still high average.
* '''14''' is noteworthy. People will remember you for this alone.
* '''15''' is renowned. You'll be sought out or avoided because of your ability.
* '''16''' is admitted by the best to be among the best.
* '''17 to 18''' is the realm of myth and legend, almost never seen in real life.
* '''19 or above''' is superhuman.
Androgynous (+0%) may be applied to any of the sexual attractiveness traits. As you appeal sexually to any orientation, you get the higher bonus generally, but the penalty from those who ''dislike'' you is raised to '''-4''' if they have a mere '''-2''' or more in negative reactions.
==== Archaeology ====
=== Skills ===
This is a /TL skill, and is specifically the technical skill of identifying and recovering artifacts. It does not cover more than incidental knowledge of ancient cultures; for that, you'll want Anthropology, History, an appropriate Expert Skill, etc.  
This is for the actual skill number and ability; to measure experience, figure the numbers as if the attribute were 10. Note that combat skills should be a little higher than other skills, because they must perform reliably under stress.
==== Astrobatics ====
* '''8 or below''' – Raw beginner, or a skill long-forgotten.
This is a new Acrobatics variant, for zero-gravity stunts and landings.  
* '''9 or 10''' – Amateurish. Acceptable for a hobby, or something picked up on the side.
* '''11 or 12''' – Routine competence. Acceptable for a primary job skill, or important secondary skills used often.
* '''13 or 14''' – Qualified expertise. Acceptable for stress skills.
* '''15 or 16''' – True expertise. A noted specialist, or skilled under fire.
* '''17 or 18''' – Elite. Better than normal, even in extreme circumstances.
* '''19 or 20''' – Outstanding. World-renowned. Name your own price.
* '''21 or 22''' – Legendary. The best of your generation.
* '''23 or more''' – Superhuman; the realm of myth and legend. You do the impossible easily.
==== Autohypnosis ====
==== Everyday Skills ====
Another use of this skill is in place of Will rolls for using extra effort. You may not use this for extra effort with supernatural powers; for that, use Meditation.
Per Kromm, most people have at least 1 point in:
==== Boating ====
* ''Area Knowledge'', or they seem lost and clueless.
Appropriate Boating specialties can handle large ships as well as smallcraft, in the same way that one can use both Submarine and Shiphandling (Submarine) with subs, or both Pilot (Lighter-Than-Air) and Shiphandling (Airships) with airships.  
* ''Current Affairs'', or they seem out-of-touch.
* ''Housekeeping'', or they need someone to look after their home.
* ''Computer Operation'' at TL8+, or they seem clueless and ignorant.
* and at least one of ''Carousing, Connoisseur, Games, Hobby Skill, Musical Instrument, Singing, Sports, etc.'', or they seem boring.
==== Body Sense ====
Alas, not everybody who drives has Driving, even though they probably ''should''.
This skill applies not only to teleportation, but to any unusual form of movement or transformation: Suddenly turned into a frog? Melded with a wall and just emerged? Picked up and thrown by a whirlwind? Just logged out of cyberspace? Body Sense will help you.  
==== Bombardment ====
==== Adventuring Skills ====
This modifier is compatible with Rapid Fire and recoil modifiers; each of the individual Bombardment attacks is treated as its own rapid fire attack. You may even give an attack ''two'' Rapid Fire modifiers, the first to disperse the area effects, and the second for the bombardments ''within'' those area effects.
Per Kromm, action-hero types should make sure to have skill in the following:
==== Born Commander ====
* ''Carousing, Diplomacy, Fast-Talk, Interrogation, or Interviewing'' to interrogate NPCs.
Born Admiral and Born Tactician are combined in this Talent; simply specialize in a particular type of warfare (Land, Sea, Air, or Space).
* ''Climbing, Hiking, and Stealth'' because a party is only as good at these things as their worst member.
* ''Driving or Riding'' or other setting-appropriate travel skill.
* ''First Aid'' to bandage the wounded.
* ''Gesture'' just in case.
* ''Observation, Scrounging, or Search'' to find clues.
* ''Savoir-Faire or Streetwise'' to get along with folks in your element.  
==== Brakeman ====
* ''Axe/Mace, Broadsword, Knife, Shortsword, or Staff'' for common improvised weapons.
This is a new Crewman variant, for working on trains. Yes, this is a different skill from Driving (Locomotive).
* ''Beam Weapons, Bow, Crossbow, or Guns'' for common ranged weapons.
* ''Boxing, Brawling, or Karate'' for fisticuffs.
* ''Forced Entry'' to kick in doors.
* ''Holdout'' to get your weapons past the guards.
* ''Judo, Sumo, or Wrestling'' for grabbing people.
* ''Throwing'' so you don't fumble.
==== Can't Wear Armor ====
Replace this modifier with a new modifier and two new disadvantages:
''Doesn't Stack'' (-40%), a modifier for Damage Resistance. Your DR doesn't stack with any other source of DR. (This could be thought of as Accessibility: Not While Wearing Armor.)
=== Reaction Modifiers ===
These guidelines apply to Talents, Reputations, and any other reaction modifiers.  
''Cannot Wear Armor'' [-20]: You cannot wear normal armor or protective suits, due to alien body shape, supernatural emissions, or genre conventions. You can still wear breathing masks, eyewears, light clothing with pockets, etc. Custom-made equipment costs ''at least'' +100%, probably much, much more. Use this for animals and monsters.  
* '''±1''' is noticeable, but isn't worth mentioning to others.
* '''±2''' is memorable. Stories about you (or your kind) get around.
* '''±3''' gets you into the record books. People will seek you out or avoid you based on this alone.
* '''±4''' is admitted by the best to be among the best, or admitted by all to be the worst.
* '''±5 or more''' is beyond real life, and into the realm of myth.
''Cannot Wear Anything'' [-40]: You cannot wear ''anything'' – not only armor, but clothing, jewelry, etc. This could be do incorporeality, extremely alien shape or size, or genre conventions. Use this for vehicles and beings without dimension or form.
==== Cartography ====
=== Frequency Rolls ===
This is a /TL skill. To make ''pretty'' maps, apply Artist.
These guidelines apply to self-control rolls, NPC appearance rolls, the recognition rolls for a Reputation, and so on. Note that I often like to flip-flop the descriptors for self-control rolls.
* '''Constantly''' is constant, of course.
* '''Almost Always''' ''(Appears 15-, Self-Control 6-)'' defines the character. You're basically that way all the time; it's noteworthy if you're not.
* '''Quite Often or Sometimes''' ''(Appears 12-, Recognized 10-, Self-Control 9-)'' is an ever-present issue. It comes up every episode or two.
* '''Fairly Often or Occasionally''' ''(Appears 9-, Recognized 7-, Self-Control 12-)'' affects you now and then, but at times it can be overcome, neglected, or forgotten.
* '''Rarely''' ''(Appears 6-, Self-Control 15-)'' is essentially a character quirk or perk that once in a while takes center stage.
=== Language ===
The spoken Language levels are None [0], Broken [1], Conversational [2], and Fluent [3]. "Accented" is meaningless; you ''always'' learn ''some'' sort of accent, and can fake others with skill or experience. If you must be able to consistently fake a specific accent, take the Accent Perk.
The written Language levels are Illiterate [0], Semi-Literate [1], Literate [2], and Educated [3]. I commonly represent an uneducated character by dropping their native written language down a level to Literate.
=== Skills ===
Either to avoid confusion, or to suit my own taste, I use the following name changes:
* ''Anthropology'' for any species other than human is ''Sophantology''.
* ''Environment Suit: NBC Suit'' is instead ''Environment Suit: Hazard Suit''.
* ''Environment Suit: Vacc Suit'' is instead ''Environment Suit: Spacesuit''.
* ''Geology'' for any planet other than the Earth is ''Planetology''.
* ''Linguistics'' for any species other than human is ''Xenolinguistics''.
* ''Psychology (Applied)'' is now a separate skill called ''Social Sense''; see below.
* ''Psychology (Experimental)'' is now simply ''Psychology/TL''; see below.
* ''Sensitivity'', the chi skill, is now ''Hyperawareness'' (to avoid confusion with the advantage related to Empathy).
=== Talents ===
Either to avoid confusion, or to suit my own taste, I use the following name changes:
* ''Empath is now ''Empathetic Soul''.
* ''Intuitive Admiral'' is instead ''Born Admiral''.
* ''Intuitive Statesman'' is instead simply ''Statesman''.
* ''Memetics'' is now ''Natural Memeticist''.
* ''Occultist'' is instead ''Student of the Arcane''.
* ''Poet'' is now ''Soul of a Poet''.
* ''Psientist'' is instead ''Yogi''.
* ''Street Smarts'' is now ''City Smarts''.
== Advantages (Tweaked) ==
=== Affliction ===
…costs [10, +3/level].
=== Allies ===
You and your Allies automatically have a reciprocal Sense of Duty toward each other; this is included in the cost. Unwilling Allies do not, either way. Minions may have Sense of Duty, Fanaticism, Reprogrammable Duty, or something else, but you don't have a Sense of Duty toward them.
==== Friend of a Friend ====
This Ally does not follow you directly, but instead is aligned with one of your ''other'' allies. A FOAF's Frequency of Appearance cannot be higher than that of the controlling Ally. Make a single orll to determine whether both show up; if the FOAF has a lower Frequency of Appearance, it is possible for the controlling Ally to be available but not the FOAF. The FOAF will only follow orders relayed through or approved by the controlling Ally, which gives the controlling Ally veto power over your wishes. An Ally who follows someone else can never be your Minion, but they could be the Minion of the controlling Ally. ''(-20%, or -5% if controlling Ally is your Minion.)''
=== Arm DX ===
…costs [9/level] for one arm, or [12/level] for two arms.
=== Arm ST ===
…costs [3/level] for one arm, [4/level] for two, or [6/level] for three.
=== Binding ===
==== Retractable ====
When launching your binding attack, you may choose to hold onto a line of it. If so, on any later turn, you may use a Ready action to pull a bound subject toward you. Your effective ST is your own ST or your binding ST, whichever is greater. Note that if your subject's hands are free, or if someone else grabs the line, they can pull ''you!'' Releasing the line is a free action on your turn. '(+100%, or +80% if you are always connected to your binding and cannot release it until the subject breaks free.)''
=== Charisma ===
==== Enthrallment ====
This modifier is required to let you learn and use chi-based mood control skills. ''(+100%, plus +5 points more.)''
=== Claim to Hospitality ===
==== Kinship ====
A normal Claim to Hospitality is merely a social club — you may be friends, but your obligation to each other is not especially deep. Blood or kinship relations, on the other hand, may be very strong; both you and they are assumed to have a reciprocal Sense of Duty to each other. ''(+0%.)''
=== Cultural Familiarity ===
This may be as specific as you please; the default penalty depends on how far from known cultures the current one is, normally ranging from -0 to -3.
=== Damage Resistance ===
==== Ablative and Semi-Ablative ====
Cost depends on the ratio of damage to points lost:
* 1:1 ratio ''(-80%)'' As old "Ablative".
* 1:2 ratio ''(-60%)''
* 1:3 ratio ''(-40%)''
* 1:5 ratio ''(-30%)''
* 1:10 ratio ''(-20%)'' As old "Semi-Ablative".
* 1:20 ratio ''(-10%)''
==== Absorption ====
Cost depends on type:
* Enhanced Trait(s) ''(+5% per trait per level)''
* Enhance Any Trait ''(+50% per level)''
* Healing, FP ''(+40%)''
* Healing, HP ''(+40%)''
* Healing, HP & FP ''(+60%)''
The battery's capacity equals DR x Absorption level.
=== Duplication ===
==== Group ====
If you can create more than five dupes, use the modifiers for Ally Groups to determine how many levels to buy. Odd levels of Duplication give no additional value.
=== Enhanced Move ===
==== Second-Nature ====
You have the ability to adjust your speed instantly and make minute course corrections without effort. Calculate your maximum speed and use it as your ''normal'' Move in the appropriate environment for ''all'' purposes; you do not need to make control rolls, take time to accelerate, etc. You cannot sprint any faster. For typical characters, this is only cost effective for Ground Move 30+ or Air/Space Move 120+. ''(+150%)''
=== Extended Lifespan ===
…costs [1/level].
=== High Pain Threshold ===
==== Very High Pain Threshold ====
No shock penalty, and +8 for knockdown, pain, and stun recovery. ''[15 points]''
==== Immunity to Pain ====
Completely ignore knockdown, physical stunning, pain, physical torture, etc. ''[30 points]''
==== Childcare ====
This is a Professional Skill. You may take optional specialization in "Own Children".
==== Children ====
=== Independent Income ===
If your character has children, only take them as Dependents if you want frequent "rescue the baby" plots. Otherwise, consider a Nonhazardous Duty to represent the time and attention they require.  
…has been replaced with ''Time Worked'', below.
If another player character is your child, this is Ward [-1], a quirk to represent the legal obligation you hold toward them.
For characters who ''are'' children, see Parents, below.
=== Innate Attack ===
==== Ammo Select ====
===== AP Ammo =====
For Regular, Large, or Huge Piercing only. When attacking, you can choose to fire an armor-piercing round instead of a normal round. Doing so reduces your damage type by a step, but raises your armor divisor by a step. ''(Example: A 3d pi attack becomes 3d(2) pi-.) (+40%)''
==== Chronic Affliction ====
===== HP Ammo =====
We can expand the Chronic Pain rules to cover a huge variety of chronic disorders:  
For Small, Regular, or Large Piercing only. When attacking, you can choose to fire a hollow-point round instead of a normal round. Doing so increases your damage type by a step, but reduces your armor divisor by a step. ''(Example: A 3d pi attack becomes 3d(0.5) pi+.) (+40%)''
===== Dual-Mode =====
* ''Choking'', for severe asthma: -25 points, interval measured in seconds.
For Regular or Large Piercing only. You may fire AP or HP ammo at will, as above. ''(+80%)''
* ''Coughing/Sneezing'': -5 points, interval measured in hours.
* ''Daze'', for petit mal seizures: -12 points, interval measured in minutes.
* ''Drowsiness'', for narcolepsy: -25 points, interval measured in hours.
* ''Drunkenness'', for certain neural disorders: -5 points, interval measured in hours.
* ''Ecstacy'': -25 points, interval measured in minutes.
* ''Euphoria'': -8 points, interval measured in hours.
* ''Hallucinations'': -12 points, interval measured in minutes.
* ''Heart Attack'': -75 points. Always use the x1 interval cost.
* ''Itching'': -2 points, interval measured in hours.
* ''Nausea'': -8 points, interval measured in hours.
* ''Pain, Moderate'': -5 points, interval measured in hours. (This replaces Mild Chronic Pain.)
* ''Pain, Severe'': -10 points, interval measured in hours. (This replaces Severe Chronic Pain.)
* ''Pain, Terrible'': -15 points, interval measured in hours. (This replaces Agonizing Chronic Pain.)
* ''Pain, Agonizing'': -25 points, interval measured in minutes.
* ''Paralysis'': -40 points, interval measured in hours.
* ''Retching'': -12 points, interval measured in minutes.
* ''Seizures'': -25 points, interval measured in minutes. This is another way to represent Epilepsy, but you can still take that trait instead.
* ''Tipsiness'', for certain neural disorders: -3 points, interval measured in hours.
* ''Unconsciousness'': -50 points. Always use the x1 interval cost.
==== Dual-Mode ====
* ''1 second/minute/hour:'' cost x0.5
For Cutting only, minimum damage 1d-2 or 2 points. You may choose to have your attack do impaling damage instead of cutting. This ''halves'' the basic damage. ''(Example: A 3d cut attack becomes 1d+2 imp.)'' If combined with Melee Attack, ST-Based, your impaling damage is always based off thrust. ''(+15%)''
* ''2 seconds/minutes/hours:'' cost x1
* ''4 seconds/minutes/hours:'' cost x1.5
* ''8 seconds/minutes/hours:'' cost x2
* ''Roll of 6 or less:'' cost x0.5
* ''Roll of 9 or less:'' cost x1
* ''Roll of 12 or less:'' cost x1.5
* ''Roll of 15 or less:'' cost x2
==== Chronic Depression ====
=== Longevity ===
This disadvantage has a self-control number. The reaction penalty is based on the self-control number:
…costs [1].
* sc15-: -1
* sc12-: -2
* sc9-: -3
* sc6-: -4
==== Circus Performance ====
=== Patron ===
A new catch-all skill, covering all sorts of strange carnival acts; specialization is required in a particular act (e.g. Contortionist, Fire Eating, Sword-Swallowing). Generally IQ/A or DX/A.  
A Patron is an unofficial form of influence, handled off the record or under the counter. Many organizations act as a Patron to their members in addition to their formal support; in such case, use your Rank when acting within the organization, and roll for the Patron's influence when dealing with outsiders.  
==== Command ====
==== Command ====
Command (+0%) is a new modifier for Patron. If you own and command an organization yourself (e.g. private corporation, personal army, your own ship), take ''both'' the highest level of Rank in the organization ''and'' the organization as your personal Patron, to represent your ability to use the company's assets for your own private purposes as you wish.  
If you own and command an organization yourself (e.g. your own private corporation or army), take ''both'' the highest level of Rank in the organization ''and'' the organization as your personal Patron. ''(+0%)''
=== Reawakened ===
This advantage specifically exempts you from the requirement for proper instruction to learn new skills; instead, you simply remember them from a past life. You still have to retrain them.
==== Long Life ====
You have lived for a very long time. Instead of remembering skills from a past life, you are remembering skills that you once knew but have not used in ages. ''(+0%)''
=== Regrowth ===
…costs [10].
=== Resistant ===
==== Knockback ====
Common. Instead of resisting at +3 or +8, you divide effective knockback by /3 or /8, rounding down.
=== Signature Gear ===
…cost is relative to average campaign starting wealth:
* up to x1 ''[1 point]''
* up to x2 ''[2 point]''
* up to x5 ''[3 point]''
* up to x20 ''[4 point]''
* up to x100 ''[5 point]''
* per tenfold increase thereafter ''[+1 point more]''
=== Static ===
''Resistible'' is no longer a limitation. Instead: ''Static (Resistible)'' is the first level, with a cost of 15 points; ''Static (Complete)'' is the second level, and is otherwise as written.
=== Striking ST ===
==== Supercharged ====
You can use your strength to tremendous effect! Each level of Striking ST gives +5 to your effective ST for the purpose of calculating thrust/swing damage and throwing distance. Other uses, such as Neck Snap, use your normal Striking ST level. If you have Super-Effort on your Lifting ST, you may pay an extra 1 FP when using it to apply the same rules to your Striking ST for determining throwing distance. ''(+100%)''
=== Talents ===
I don't use Mariner. Instead, use Born Sailor, or Seafarer with the added skills.
=== Terrain Adaptation ===
==== Backwards ====
Requires 360° Vision. You suffer no DX or Move penalties for moving in any direction. Use this to represent radial creatures who can walk or swim in any direction. ''[5 points]''
=== Unaging ===
…costs [5].
=== Unfazeable ===
==== Violence Only (-66%) ====
You are exempt only from Fright Checks for death or violence.
==== Weirdness Only (-66%) ====
You are exempt only from Fright Checks for monsters and strange events.
==== Wonder Only (-66%) ====
You are exempt only from Awe or Confusion Checks for divine beauty, magic, etc.
=== Unkillable ===
==== Mortal ====
For Unkillable 2 or 3 only. You have no special protection against being killed, making normal HT rolls to stay alive as your Hit Points drop below 0. But if you ''do'' die, you come back to life. ''(-20%)''
=== Very Rapid Healing ===
This doubles ''all'' healing rates, including drugs, spells, etc.
=== Warp ===
==== Hyperjump ====
Faster hyperjumps are possible; for speeds up to 1 light-year per minute, this is a -20% limitation. Any faster (up to and including "instantaneous") is -15%.
==== Must Traverse Distance ====
You actually travel to the destination under your own power; you just do it instantly. You cannot warp to anywhere you could not get to normally, given time. Incompatible with Hyperjump. ''(-30%)''
==== Common Sense ====
=== Zeroed ===
This advantage is merely a 1-point Perk. As a GM, I give advice anyway, and at 10 points, the people who really needed Common Sense weren't going to take it anyway…
This is not merely that you have no public identity, but that something actively conspires to keep you from being conclusively identified! (Though this could be something as simple as bureaucratic inertia.) If you are placed on file, the files will be lost.
==== Compulsive Generosity ====
==== Ninja ====
Under the Abstract Wealth rules, reflect the cost of donating to beggars by making an extra purchase every so often:
You have a normal civilian identity, but when you do ninja stunts, magic, superheroic deeds, etc., they mysteriously never connect to you. You never wind up on camera transforming, no one traces your fingerprints, etc. This is the "I want the allure of a secret identity and don't want to be bothered with having to maintain it" advantage. ''(+0%)''
* sc16- (Quirk): a Cheap purchase every four weeks
* sc15-: a Normal purchase every four weeks
* sc12-: a Normal purchase every three weeks
* sc9-: a Normal purchase every two weeks
* sc6-: a Normal purchase every week
==== Compulsive Spending ====
== Advantages (New) ==
Under the Abstract Wealth rules, you always suffer a "tapped out" penalty based on your self-control number:
* sc16-: none
=== Indefatigable ===
* sc15-: -1
You do not lose Fatigue Points through normal exertion. You can sprint indefinitely and fight all day. You can still lose fatigue from starvation, thirst, sleeplessness, etc., and any use of extra effort has its normal costs. You are assumed to recover fatigue normally. ''[30 points]''
* sc12-: -2
* sc9-: -3
* sc6-: -4
==== Computer Operation ====
==== Machine ====
At appropriate tech levels, this may serve as an Influence skill when giving orders to artificial intelligences, i.e. Savoir-Faire (Robots).
Instead of losing fatigue to starvation, extra effort, etc., you lose HT like a machine. ''(-0%)''
==== Cone ====
==== Slow Recharge (variable) ====
This modifier is compatible with Rapid Fire.
You recover fatigue more slowly than usual. Cost is -20% for 1 point per hour, or -60% for 1 point per day.
==== Cultural Familiarity ====
==== Special Recharge ====
Cultural Familiarity penalties may range from -0 to -3, depending on similarity. Go ahead and be specific as you like.
You do not recover fatigue points from rest, but only with special abilities such as Absorption, Leech, Steal Energy, etc. ''(-70%)''
==== Debt ====
Under the Abstract Wealth rules, the cost depends on the type of purchase you must make each month:
* ''Cheap'' [-1]
=== Parents ===
* ''Normal'' [-5]
Your parents (or other childhood guardians) are alive, well, and have good relations with you. ''[2 points]''
* ''Expensive 1'' [-10]
* ''Expensive 2'' [-15]
* ''Expensive 3'' [-20]
For another way to represent a character who's paying off debts, consider simply increasing Time Worked.
For characters who are living with or off of their parents (e.g. minors, hikkikomori), this is equivalent to Patron: Parents (Ordinary Individuals 9-, Minimal Intervention) [3] plus Trivial Obligation: dumb shit my parents make me do [-1].  
==== Default Skills ====
For adults, this is equivalent to Claim to Hospitality 2 (Kinship).  
When calculating skill defaults off of an attribute, the Rule of 14 applies, i.e. if the attribute is higher than 14, treat it as 14 for the purposes of calculating the default.  
Skill defaults off of another skill are calculated normally.
If your character is a minor, and your parent is another player character, treat this as a 0-point feature for you, and a 1-point Quirk for them.  
==== Ditz ====
A new disadvantage, based on Klutz. Same costs, but applies to IQ instead of DX.
==== Doesn't Breathe ====
=== Rush of Pain ===
Most of the various Doesn't Breathe modifiers are split off into their own traits, for cleaner cost scaling. Thus: Doesn't Breathe [20], Gills [10], Gills Only [0], Oxygen Absorption [15], Oxygen Combustion [10], and Oxygen Storage [10 to 18].
Incompatible with High or Low Pain Threshold. You feel pain, but it gives you an intense rush of adrenaline! You are immune to Stun from injury, and the Shock rules are reversed for you, and then some. If you are hit and injured, you receive a bonus on your next turn, rather than a penalty, which may be divided in any way between your combat-oriented Success Rolls and damage rolls. It may not be applied to Defense Rolls. The bonuses may not be saved between turns; they must be used on your next turn or they are lost. You gain no special bonus to resist torture. ''[20 points]''
==== Dropping ====
This skill defaults at -4 from Artillery (Bombs).
==== Elderly ====
=== Sexual Perks ===
New disadvantage, adapted from Third Edition [-1/level, max. 3 levels]. For each level, you have already passed one of the aging thresholds.
Each is 1 point.
==== Enemies ====
==== Cross-Species Impregnation† ====
Remember that Enemies are after you ''specifically''; those acquired due to your job or social standing are just part of the territory, and go away if you change careers. (i.e. Status 8: President comes with paparazzi and lone gunmen, and Social Stigma: Outlaw comes with police and bounty hunters.) The exception is if you are ''especially'' notorious (e.g. Most Wanted), or if one of them is after you for personal reasons.
Prerequisite: Male. You can impregnate females of a specifed other species.  
==== Erotic Art ====
==== Cross-Species Surrogacy† ====
This skill is IQ-based, but defaults to HT. With alien species, Physiology modifiers apply.
Prerequisite: Female. You can carry embryos of a specified other species to term.
==== Espionage/TL ====
==== Easy Childbirth ====
This is a new Expert Skill, akin to Military Science: the understanding of the state and practice of intelligence operations around the world.  
Prerequisite: Female. +3 to all related HT rolls.
==== Exotic Ranged Attack ====
==== Fertility Control ====
This is the Innate Attack skill, renamed for clarity.  
You can control your own fertility level; adjusting hormone levels takes about a day.
==== Expert Skills ====
==== Light Menses ====  
Expert Skills may be used for more than just raw knowledge; they're equivalent to any other knowledge/scientific skill.
Prerequisite: Female. No pain or discomfort during that time of the month/season!
==== Multiorgasmic, or Short Refractory Period ====
+1 reaction in bed.
==== Parthenogenesis ====
Prerequisite: Female. In addition to sexual reproduction, you can voluntarily clone yourself.
==== Reabsorption ====
Prerequisite: Female. You may voluntarily terminate pregnancy with a Will roll, absorbing the early fetus back into the womb.
== Modifiers (New and Tweaked) ==
=== Accessibility ===
==== Personal Health ====
Not available when at or below a certain HP or FP level:
* ≤50% HP ''(-30%)''
* ≤0 HP ''(-20%)''
* ≤-1xHP ''(-10%)''
* ≤-2xHP ''(-5%)''
* ≤75% FP ''(-30%)''
* ≤50% FP ''(-20%)''
* ≤25% FP ''(-10%)''
If the ability is only at half power instead of becoming useless, halve the modifier cost.
=== Armor Divisor ===
Add to the list:
* 100 ''(+300%)''
=== Costs Fatigue ===
…costs (-10%/level, max. -40%). For advantages that would normally remain on indefinitely, "Costs 1 FP per 10 seconds" is -20%, and "Costs 1 FP per second" is -40%.
=== Either/Or ===
For Either/Or limitations, multiply their percentage values together.
== Disadvantages (Tweaked) ==
When referring to "levels" of self-control, treat (15-) as the first level, (12-) as the second, (9-) as the third, and (6-) as the fourth.
=== Chronic Depression ===
Roll self-control whenever you do anything but the bare minimum. You suffer a penalty to all actions equal to the margin of failure; if you roll 6 or more, you can do ''nothing'' useful at all; on a critical failure, you perform some act of self-harm or pointless destruction. You may suffer a -1 per level reaction penalty from and to others.
=== Chronic Pain ===
See ''Chronic Affliction'', below.
=== Codes of Honor ===
In general, codes of honor can be classified as follows:
* ''Trivial [-1 point]:'' An informal, limited, and personal code, e.g. be gentlemanly toward females, spurn chauvinistic males, etc.
* ''Minor [-5 points]:'' An informal code among your peer group, e.g. professional codes of conduct, gang codes of honor. Alternatively, a personal code that can get you into trouble, e.g. "Stays Bought."
* ''Major [-10 points]:'' A formal code among your peer group, or an informal code observed always; this covers any code of honor that could lead to a formal duel, any code of honor that would make you run into fire to save a wounded comrade, and any code of hospitality taken seriously (i.e. to the point of feeding enemies and defending them from attack while they are your guests).
* ''Severe [-15 points]:'' A formal code observed at all times, even to the point of suicidal behavior; this covers the strictest knightly codes.
=== Debt ===
…works differently, due to the ''Abstract Wealth'' rules.
Having a Debt means you must make a purchase each month, to pay off your debt-holder. If you fail to pay the Debt in a month, you have an additional month in which to attempt to pay off both the last month's arrears and this month's normal payment. If you fail to pay, then the Debt is replaced with new disadvantages worth points equal to ''twice'' what the Debt was worth (e.g. reduced Wealth, a Duty, an Enemy).
The cost of this disadvantage depends on the purchase level of the Debt:
* Cheap Debt ''[-1 point]''
* Normal Debt ''[-5 points]''
* Expensive Debt ''[-10 points]'' -1 penalty to buy
* Expensive Debt 2 ''[-15 points]'' -2 penalty to buy
* Expensive Debt 3 ''[-20 points]'' -3 penalty to buy
=== Dependents ===
This is not the only way to represent having a family; if your family doesn't need rescuing, but does need time and attention, you can treat them as a Nonhazardous Duty.
If you have a legal responsibility for another PC (e.g. they're your child), treat this as a Quirk.
=== Enemies ===
Remember that Enemies are after you ''specifically''. Enemies acquired as part of your job (e.g. enemy soldiers) or social standing (e.g. paparazzi, lone nut assassins) aren't usually worth noting, because they come with the territory; if you change careers, they'll go away. However, if you're ''especially'' notorious (e.g. Most Wanted or otherwise top priority), then you may take them as an Enemy.
=== Guilt Complex ===
…has a self-control roll, used for the triggered Chronic Depression effect, first rolled when your friend is hurt.
=== Jealousy ===
…has a self-control roll; roll to go along with a plan proposed by a rival. The reaction penalty is -1 per level.
=== Laziness ===
…has a self-control roll; roll to get off your butt and work. Because I don't use the standard income rules, instead take a -1 per level penalty to job rolls.
=== Lunacy ===
…has a self-control roll, applied to the new moon Laziness; the full moon Will and self-control penalty is -1 per level.
=== Manic-Depressive ===
…has a self-control roll, applied to the triggered Chronic Depression, Overconfidence, and Workaholic effects.
=== Megalomania===
…has a self-control roll; roll to avoid monologuing or otherwise set aside your grand scheme (temporarily, of course).
=== Pacifism ===
Most types of Pacifism are voluntary moral codes, equivalent to Vows; violating your Pacifism only causes a mental breakdown if you also have a Guilt Complex. ''Reluctant Killer'' is a separate disadvantage; see below.
=== Paranoia ===
…has a self-control roll; roll to trust someone (and escape suffering the -4/doubled reaction penalty). The reaction penalty from others is -1 per level.
=== Self-Destruct ===
…costs [-5].
=== Short Lifespan ===
…costs [-5/level].
=== Stubbornness ===
…has a self-control roll; roll to go along with what others want. The reaction penalty from others is -0 at first level, -1 per additional level.
=== Terminal Illness ===
This trait has been eliminated. If you ''must'' die during the campaign, take a Destiny. Otherwise, take whatever physical disadvantage could kill you (e.g. Chronic Heart Condition, a severe Dependency, Elderly 3 and Self-Destruct, etc.), and let the dice fall where they may.
=== Trickster ===
==== Fighter ====
==== Fighter ====
Fighter, a variant of Trickster, same cost and similar effect: You seek challenging battles. You need not kill your foes (unless you also have Bloodlust).
…is a variant for those who crave the excitement of interesting fights; the effects are otherwise the same. You need not kill your foes, unless you also have Bloodlust. ''(+0%)''
==== Fire Direction Controller/TL ====
This is a Professional Skill, used in the real world alongside Artillery and Forward Observer.
==== Fortune-Telling ====
=== Unhealing ===
Specialization is not required, as this skill is all about reading and leading on a mark, rather than actual prediction. The particular props you use are no more than a familiarity penalty.  
==== Fatigue Also ====  
In addition to the normal effects, you cannot recover Fatigue Points naturally. ''(+100%)''
==== Fragmentation ====
==== Fatigue Only ====
This Enhancement has been provisionally revised and expanded to make it possible to model claymore mines, video game danmaku, etc. (This is untested, sorry!) The modifier comes in two forms:
You can heal your Hit Points normally, but no recover Fatigue Points. ''(+0%)''
===== Fragmentation, Burst =====
New Attack Modifier, +50%, requires Bombardment and Follow-Up. When the first attack hits, the fragmentation rolls to hit each target within (5 yards per die of damage) using the Bombardment skill, modified by penalties for range and target size/posture.
''(Example: The default fragmentation in GURPS Basic Set is a cutting attack with Bombardment 14, -5%; Extra Recoil 2, -20%; Follow-Up, cost varies; Fragmentation, Burst, +50%; Rapid Fire 5, +70%. Total modifier: +95%, not counting the Follow-Up cost.)''
=== Workaholic ===
…has a self-control roll; roll to stop working and rest. The reaction penalty from friends and loved ones is -1 per level.  
===== Fragmentation, Directional =====
New Attack Modifier, +50%, requires Bombardment and Rapid Fire. Lay the line of attack as for a Cone. The fragmentation attacks everyone within a 60° arc along that line, out to its maximum range, using the Bombardment skill, modified by penalties for range and target size/posture, and the RoF bonus. Calculate hits for the closer targets first, to see that any fragments that stop cannot move on to hit farther targets.
''(Example: The claymore mine in GURPS High-Tech is a small piercing attack with Bombardment 8, -20%; Fragmentation, Directional, +50%; Increased 1/2D, x5, +10%; Increased MAX, x2, +5%; Rapid Fire 700, +350%. Total modifier: +390%.)''
==== Greed ====
== Disadvantages (New) ==
Under the Abstract Wealth rules, Trivial amounts do not tempt you, but Expensive amounts give a penalty equal to the level of expense (e.g. -2 for Expensive 2).
==== Guilt Complex ====
=== Bad Handwriting ===
This disadvantage has a self-control number.
It takes 2-3 times as long for anyone else to make out your handwriting, and you receive a -1 reaction penalty from anyone who reads your writing and cares about good handwriting. ''[-1 point]''
==== Hazardous Materials ====
This skill is IQ/H and does not require specialization, although those listed may be taken as optional specialties.
==== Hazard Suit ====
=== Cathexsis† ===
This is NBC Suit skill, renamed for better universality. (After all, these days it's called CBRN gear anyway…)
You have a strong emotional bond to a specified object or person. You believe you love them, or that they are lucky for you, and will resist any attempt to separate you from the object of your obsession. The cost depends on the level of obsession:
==== Historical Familiarity ====
* ''Quirk [-1 point]:'' An object you always play with, that girlfriend you always write to or carry photo of. Only inconvenient if you have to go deep cover; you suffer -1 reactions if forced to give it up.
This is a Perk, not a Technique.
* ''Minor [-5 points]:'' A weapon you always carry, that girlfriend you're always bringing over (even to the secret meeting). Can lead to difficulties if your friends don't head you off; -2 to reactions if forced.
* ''Major [-10 points]:'' The subject is conspicuous, inconvenient, and almost more important to you than anything else. You have a -5 reaction to any attempt to break you up, even momentarily.
* ''Severe [-15 points]:'' The subject eats up all your money and time, and you structure your entire life around it. If you have to go from L.A. to the Amazon, you will find a way to bring your special T-Bird. You suffer Chronic Depression or go Berserk if separated from your love.
=== Chronic Affliction† ===
You have an injury, disorder, or illness that causes you severe problems on a regular basis – perhaps even ''constantly''. This disadvantage can represent many kinds of problems.
Roll against the frequency of appearance for your Chronic Affliction once per day. If you roll below this number, you suffer the listed Irritating or Incapacitating effect. The timing of this attack is up to the GM, but it usually occurs during waking hours – you might wake up with it, or it might be set off by stress (fatigue, exertion, etc.) during the day. If the GM rules that the attack occurs while you are trying to sleep, but may suffer penalties for sleep deprivation.
Chronic Affliction attacks endure for a fixed "interval", after which you may attempt a HT roll to recover. If you succeed, you have dealt with your issue… today. If you fail, the attack continues for another interval, after which you may attempt another HT roll. And so on.
Find the point cost of Chronic Affliction by choosing the specific affliction and then multiplying the given cost to reflect the interval and frequency of attacks. The units used for the interval depend on the particular affliction. Drop all fractions.
==== Affliction ====
* Choking (e.g. Asthma) ''[-25 points]'' Interval is measured in seconds.
* Coughing/Sneezing ''[-5 points]'' Interval is measured in hours.
* Daze (e.g. Petit Mal Seizure) ''[-12 points]'' Interval is measured in minutes. You can be woken normally.
* Drowsiness (e.g. Narcolepsy) ''[-25 points]'' If triggered, you fall asleep! You can be woken normally.
* Drunkenness ''[-5 points]'' Not literally drunk, but some neural effect with similar results. Interval is measured in hours.
* Ecstacy ''[-25 points]'' Interval is measured in minutes.
* Euphoria ''[-8 points]'' Interval is measured in hours.
* Hallucinations ''[-12 points]'' Interval is measured in minutes.
* Heart Attack (e.g. Heart Condition) ''[-75 points]'' If triggered, you suffer an attack! Always use the x1 Interval cost.
* Itching ''[-2 points]'' Interval is measured in hours.
* Nausea ''[-8 points]'' Interval is measured in hours.
* Pain, Moderate ''[-5 points]'' Interval is measured in hours. This is the old "Mild Chronic Pain."
* Pain, Severe ''[-10 points]'' Interval is measured in hours. This is the old "Severe Chronic Pain."
* Pain, Terrible ''[-15 points]'' Interval is measured in hours. This is the old "Agonizing Chronic Pain."
* Pain, Agonizing ''[-25 points]'' Interval is measured in minutes.
* Paralysis ''[-40 points]'' Interval is measured in hours.
* Retching ''[-12 points]'' Interval is measured in minutes.
* Seizures ''[-25 points]'' Interval is measured in minutes. This is slightly different from Epilepsy.
* Tipsiness ''[-3 points]'' Not literally drunk, but some neural effect with similar results.  Interval is measured in hours.
* Unconsciousness ''[-50 points]'' If triggered, you fall unconscious! Interval is measured in hours.
==== Interval ====
* 1 second/minute/hour ''{x0.5}''
* 2 seconds/minutes/hours ''{x1}''
* 4 seconds/minutes/hours ''{x1.5}''
* 8 seconds/minutes/hours ''{x2}''
==== Frequency of Appearance ====
* Attack occurs on a roll of 6 or less ''{x0.5}''
* Attack occurs on a roll of 9 or less ''{x1}''
* Attack occurs on a roll of 12 or less ''{x2}''
* Attack occurs on a roll of 15 or less ''{x3}''
=== Ditz ===
You have an uncanny affinity for gross physical blunders. You do not necessarily have a low IQ (you may have up to IQ 13 and still select this trait) but you are more awkward than your IQ would suggest. This disadvantage comes in two levels:
Ditz: Make an IQ roll to get through the day without making a social gaffe, leaving the motor running and the lights on, or mixing up important files. This is rarely life-threatening, but it is inconvenient and often expensive. The GM should be creative in inventing minor torments. You should especially avoid laboratories, records depositories, and televised interviews. ''[-5 points]''
Total Ditz: As above, but in addition, ''any'' failure on an IQ roll or IQ-based skill roll is considered a critical failure for you! ''[-15 points]''
This trait might seem silly, but it need not be. It differs from Absent-Mindedness, in that you remember all right, but got confused, or remembered wrong, or went ahead and did something boneheaded anyway.
=== Elderly ===
For each level of this disadvantage, you have already passed one of the aging thresholds. ''[-1 point per level, max. 3 levels]''
=== Long-Term Effects† ===
Each month you consistently violate Restricted Diet or a similar life support disadvantage (must specify), you accumulate -1 character point toward lowering your HT. You can remove these points slowly by staying clean, again at one month per point, but once a level of HT is lost, it's gone for good. ''[-1 point]''
=== Moron ===
Incompatible with Common Sense. When you (the player) have a clever plan for party action, or a solution to a mystery faced in the adventure, you must make an IQ roll in order for your character to have the same idea! (If your idea could be justified by one of your skills, you may make a skill roll instead.) If the roll fails, then your character has a ''stupid'' idea, instead, and eagerly offers a suggestion that is either obvious or obviously wrong. ''[-10 points]''
=== Procrastinator ===
It's not that you're lazy, really! You have just a little trouble getting ''started''… You must make a self-control roll to start a project on your own; you have -1 to this roll for each day of extra time you have available, or +1 for each day that you're behind schedule. Once you begin, or if someone else forces you to start, you work normally. ''[-5 points*]''
=== Reluctant Killer ===
You are psychological unprepared to kill ''people''. In order to use deadly force against an obvious person whose face is visible to you, you must make a self-control roll at the moment of attacking. You only need to roll once per opponent per fight. ''[-10 points*]''
If you fail this roll, you absolutely cannot fight that particular person. You must retreat, surrender, negotiate, use an absolutely harmless attack (e.g. a sleep spell), switch targets, or even curl up into a ball and scream – ''anything'' but try to hurt them.
If you pass this roll, you may fight, but you still hold back your blows unconsciously. You may not Aim, and you suffer a -2 per level penalty to each attack. Halve the penalty if you cannot see your foe's face and are not in close combat.
No roll is required nor is there a penalty to attack a vehicle or building whose occupants are hidden from you, nor an opponent you do not believe is a person (e.g. an animal, a monster), nor a target you cannot actually see (e.g. indirect fire).
If you ''kill'' a recognizable person, intentionally or accidentally, you must make another self-control roll. If you fail, the result is as for a Phobia: take your margin of failure, add 3d, and look up the result on the Fright Check Table.
If you ''hurt'' someone visibly – bleeding, screaming, etc. – roll at +4. But if they don't appear to be hurt at all, you don't have to roll.
In realistic games, most characters come with some degree of this disadvantage; those with combat training or "killer instinct" may buy it off, calling the corresponding advantage ''Hardened Killer''.
=== Sexual Quirks ===
Each is -1 point.
==== Frigid ====
Prerequisite: Female. You just can't enjoy sex; it's uncomfortable or even ''painful'' if you try. You are immune to seduction. This may cause reaction penalties in certain circumstances.
==== Impotent ====
Prerequisite: Male. The spirit may be willing, but the flesh is weak. This may cause reaction penalties in certain circumstances.
==== Neutered or Sexless ====
You cannot sire or bear children, and are immune to seduction. This may cause reaction penalties in certain circumstances.
==== Sexually Responsive‡ ====
Your lover receives +1 per level to their effective Erotic Arts skill with you, but you also suffer -1 per level to your self-control rolls once your switch is flipped.
== Wealth (Tweaked) ==
I use the Abstract Wealth rules from ''Pyramid 3/44: Alternate GURPS II''. For reference, here is the wealth scale used in those rules, as well as the typical Lifestyle they provide.
* 5 (Homeless) ''[-40 points]'' Lifestyle -2
* 6 (Destitute) ''[-30 points]'' Lifestyle -2 (Equivalent to old "Dead Broke".)
* 7 (Working Poor) ''[-20 points]'' Lifestyle -1
* 8 (Working Class) ''[-15 points]'' Lifestyle -1
* 9 (Tradespeople) ''[-10 points]'' Lifestyle 0
* 10 (Middle Class) ''[0 points]'' Lifestyle 0
* 11 (Comfortable) ''[10 points]'' Lifestyle 1
* 12 (Wealthy) ''[20 points]'' Lifestyle 2
* 13 (Very Wealthy) ''[30 points]'' Lifestyle 3
* 14 (Millionaire) ''[50 points]'' Lifestyle 4 (Equivalent to old "Filthy Rich".)
* 15 (Multimillionaire) ''[75 points]'' Lifestyle 5
* 16 (Billionaire) ''[100 points]'' Lifestyle 6
* 17 (Multibillionaire) ''[125 points]'' Lifestyle 7
* 18 (Megacorporation) ''[150 points]'' Lifestyle 8
* 19 (Small Nation) ''[175 points]'' Lifestyle 8
* 20 (Medium Nation) ''[200 points]'' Lifestyle 8
* 21 (Large Nation) ''[225 points]'' Lifestyle 8
* 22 (Wealthy Nation) ''[250 points]'' Lifestyle 8
* 23 (Multiplanetary Empire) ''[275 points]'' Lifestyle 8
* 24 (Galactic Empire) ''[300 points]'' Lifestyle 8
''Special Cases:''
* If you're always travelling, reduce effective Lifestyle by 1 level.
* Remember that Status or Rank may provide a Lifestyle on their own.
=== Time Worked ===
The default assumption is that you must spend roughly 50 hours per week attending to work and household chores; you cannot use this time for adventuring without consequences. It costs ±1 point to adjust this by ±5% either direction, down to a minimum of 0 hours for 20 points (representing a completely independent income), or up to a maximum of 100 hours for -20 points (representing the necessity to work every day until you drop).
== Skills (Tweaked) ==
=== Archaeology ===
…is a /TL skill. This is specifically the technical skill of safely recovering and preserving artifacts; for knowledge of ancient cultures, use Anthropology, History, an appropriate Expert Skill, etc.
=== Architecture ===
This skill is about buildings as they are used, and not their construction. While you could use this to design a floorplan, to actually develop full blueprints for construction, including foundation, wiring and plumbing, etc., requires Engineer (Civil).
=== Biology ===
…requires specialization by world of origin, e.g. "Terran" for Earth, and any worlds settled and terraformed by Terrans. Individual worlds are familiarities. One could also specialize in Comparative Xenobiology, for vague knowledge of all manner of life and life-like systems.
=== Cartography ===
…is a /TL skill.
=== Combat Art, Combat Sport ===
…are now Average -3 Techniques of their controlling combat skill.
=== Erotic Art ===
…is based off IQ instead of DX, because the most important thing is awareness and understanding of your partner and yourself. However, the skill defaults not to DX-5, but instead HT-5. Erotic Art may count as an Influence skill under the proper conditions.
=== Farming ===
…requires specialization by world of origin, e.g. "Terran" for Earth, and any worlds settled and terraformed by Terrans. Individual worlds are familiarities.
Possible variants include Aquaculture and Beekeeping.
=== Gardening ===
…requires specialization by world of origin, e.g. "Terran" for Earth, and any worlds settled and terraformed by Terrans. Individual worlds are familiarities.
=== Geography ===
…requires specialization by specific planet, e.g. "Earth", "Luna", "Mars".
=== Geology ===
…requires specialization by planetary class or type. In realistic games, I use the Planetary Classification Mailing List's categories.
One variant is ''Hydrology'', the study of a world's oceans, rivers, and other bodies of liquid.
=== Interrogation ===
…is explicitly cinematic. In real life, interrogating a prisoner can involve the use of several skills (including the new skill ''Interviewing'', below), and torture lowers the quality of information gained.
=== Literature ===
…requires specialization. There are two general classes of specialty:
* A limited geographical region (no larger than a small nation) over multiple eras, or the output of a single community. Examples: American South, Irish, Japanese, Algonquin Round Table, Usenet.
* A single era and one of either a broad geographical region, a culture, or an idea. Examples: 20th-Century American, Ottoman Muslim, 18th-Century Novels.
There are variants of this skill for other media: Art History, Cinema, Folklore, Music History, and so on.
=== Mechanic ===
==== Sapper ====
The specialty of using and modifying military barricades, pontoon bridges, etc.
==== Small Appliances ===
The specialty of repairing home appliances: toasters, microwaves, TVs, etc. This overlaps somewhat with Electronics Repair.
=== Metallurgy ===
One variant is Ceramics, for composite materials instead of metals.
=== Meteorology ===
…requires specialization by planetary class or type. In realistic games, I use the Planetary Classification Mailing List's categories.
=== Naturalist ===
…requires specialization by specific planet, e.g. "Earth", "Luna", "Mars".
=== Performance ===
==== Circus Performance† ====
A variant for performance intended more to shock than to amuse or inform. You must specialize by the particular act: Contortionist, Fire Eating, Sword Swallowing, etc.
=== Physician ===
Other medical disciplines are treated as variants of this skill: Dentist, Optometrist, Psychiatrist, etc.
=== Psychology ===
…is a /TL skill. This is specifically the scientific study of the mind, and serves as the mental counterpart to Physiology. A successful roll lets you avoid cross-species penalties for use of any social skill. The equivalent skill for dealing with artificial intelligences is Computer Programming (AI).
=== Survival ===
…requires specialization by planetary class or type. In realistic games, I use the Planetary Classification Mailing List's categories.
=== Weather Sense ===
…requires specialization by specific planet, e.g. "Earth", "Luna", "Mars".
== Skills (New) ==
=== Expert Skills ===
==== Espionage ====
Comparable to Military Science: an understanding of intelligence operations and the capabilities of agents and organizations.
==== Terraforming ====
The practice of reshaping an entire planet to make it more habitable for human and other Terran life. (Other species, of course, have their own specialties.)
=== Interviewing (IQ/A) ===
''Defaults: IQ-5, Body Language-4, Detect Lies-4, Interrogation-3, Intelligence Analysis-5, Intimdation-5, Psychology-4, Social Sense-4.''
The practiced ability to question someone, whether in a formal interview or interrogation, or in a casual social situation. This is the skill of getting someone to admit more useful information than they would normally volunteer, and to piece together what they say into a coherent narrative. You must have already convinced them to talk to you, possibly using some other skill. Each question requires a skill roll and 5 minutes—or 30 minutes, if attempting to hide your interest.
''Modifiers:'' -3 for Low Empathy; -3 if attempting to conceal your interest in a particular subject; +2 for a lengthy interview (one to two hours); +3 if the subject genuinely wants to share information; -3 if you resort to threats, or -6 if you use torture (increased to -4 and -7 if you are Callous).
In a truly voluntary interview, the skill roll is unopposed. Each successful skill roll gathers useful information; on a failure, the subject says nothing of interest to you.
If the subject is trying to conceal information, each roll is a Quick Contest of Interviewing vs. their Preception. If you win, you gather the information you were after, which the interviewee may or may not have wanted you to uncover. If you tie or lose, you learn nothing of interest. If you lose by 5 or more points, the subject realizes he's said too much, and stops talking, ending the interview.
If the subject is actively lying to you, each roll is a Quick Contest of Interviewing vs. their Acting skill. If they win, you learn what they wanted you to believe.
=== Professional Skills ===
==== Animal Husbandry/TL ====
Breeding animals and maintaining stock.
==== Childcare ====
Supervising, feeding, comforting, and teaching young children. You may specialize in your ''own'' kids only.
==== Household Management ====
==== Household Management ====
This is the Professional Skill of a butler, hotelier, steward, or family matriarch: the ability to keep a household or guest quarters provisioned and maintained.
Supervising a household staff or large family, making sure that food is laid in for winter and parties, laundry is done, and all the myriad other tasks. The professional skill of a butler, hotel steward, or family matriarch.
==== Logistics/TL ====
Keeping a group organized and supplied in the field, at sea, or in base.
==== Tradecraft ====
The practical knowledge of a spy: dead-drops, contact and evasions, use of cipher pads and coded signals, identifying assets to approach for recruitment, etc.
== More Quirks ==
Note that many of these are trivial forms of stronger Disadvantages.
; Acceleration Weakness
You are susceptible to the bad effects of extreme acceleration, having -3 to HT rolls to avoid them.
; Addiction†
You are addicted to a drug or behavior, which you must use daily or suffer withdrawal. The drug is cheap, legal, and not especially addictive or incapacitating.
; Alcohol Intolerance
Alcohol "goes right to your head." You become intoxicated much more quickly than normal, having -2 on any HT roll related to drinking.
; Allergy†
You have some sort of allergic reaction to a substance. This is annoying, but rarely dangerous. If exposed to the cause of your allergy, make a HT roll. On a failure, you become miserable and suffer coughing, sneezing, or itching for a number of minutes equal to the margin of failure.
; Angry!
It's not so much that you have a bad temper, it's just that you show it more strongly than most people when you do lose it.
; Anti-Photogenic
You look terrible on camera. Anyone looking at your picture reacts as if your Appearance were one level lower.
; Apathetic
"Whatever." When you have nothing better to do, you'll just go along with others just to go along, or in the hopes of finding something more interesting to do.
; Attentive
You tend to stick to one task until it's done. You get a +1 bonus when working on lengthy tasks, but -3 to ''notice'' any important interruption!
; Awkward†
You cannot use one of your Influence skills in a particular social situation, due to your own nervousness or misunderstanding. ''Examples:'' Sex Appeal when in a public place, Intimidation against women, Diplomacy when the issue of your religion comes up.
; Bad with (Animal)†
You frighten and disturb one particular type of animal.
; Bad with Names
You have a terrible time remembering the names of other people, and connecting them with faces. You remember the ''person'' all right, but have to make an IQ roll to remember their name.
; Bad with (Social Group)†
You are Oblivious (-1 to social skills) when it comes to one ''specific'' social group.
; Belief†
You are a devout believer in a particular religion, political philosophy, atheism, etc.
; Blackouts†
After suffering a specific altered mental state, you often suffer memory loss. At any point more than a day beyond the event you must make a Will+1 roll to remember the basic scheme of events, while any memories which would normally take an IQ roll to recall are unrecoverable short of GM fiat or direct exposure to the cause of those memories. ''Examples:'' when drunk; when Berserk; when suffering Combat Shakes.
; Bowlegged
You are bowlegged. You have -1 to Jumping skill, and may get a -1 reaction from those who think it looks funning.
; Broad-Minded
You get along well with other races and species, and strange looks rarely bother you.
; Busy
You hate to sit around. If nothing's going on, that means it's time to stand up and do something!
; Cannot Float
You always sink in water.
==== Hydrosuit ====
; Careless
This is a new Environment Suit variant, for water-filled suits that allow intrepid Deep One fishnauts to explore on land.
You neglect to take precautions for most things, only bothering when the situation seems particularly important.
==== Hyperawareness ====
; Chauvinistic
This is Sensitivity skill, renamed to avoid confusion with the Sensitive advantage.  
You are always aware of differences in sex, skin color, etc., even if you do not actually react poorly to others. Thin-skinned individuals might occasionally react to you at -1 as a result.  
==== Impudent ====
; Code of Honor†
New disadvantage [-10 points], requiring a self-control number. Check self-control whenever you deal with those of higher Rank or Status to resist the urge to mouth off, ''doubling'' any penalty for having lower Rank or Status.  
You take pride in a set of principles that you follow at all times. ''Examples:'' Insisting on exhibiting "gentlemanly" behavior toward all females; spurning "chauvinistic" behavior from all males.  
==== Interrogation ====
; Cold
This skill is cinematic. For realistic interrogations, use good reactions or an Influence skill to convince the subject to talk to you, Interviewing to conduct the actual interrogation(s), and Criminology or Intelligence Analysis to figure out whether you learned anything useful. Torture assists Intimidation for inducing someone to talk, but it gives a ''penalty'' to the subsequent Interviewing roll due to the victim's distress.
You don't display a lot of care or sensitivity for others' personal feelings, although you understand them well enough.  
==== Interviewing ====
; Completist
New skill: IQ/A, defaulting to IQ-5, Detect Lies-4, Interrogation-3, Intelligence Analysis-6, Psychology-4, or Social Sense-4; Cultural Familiarity penalties apply. This is the practiced ability to question someone, whether in a formal interview or a casual social situation, to get them to admit more than they would knowingly volunteer, and to piece it together into a coherent narrative.
You ''hate'' to leave a job half-done.
==== Kinship ====
; Confident
Kinship (+0%), a new modifier for Claim to Hospitality. A normal claim to hospitality is no more than a friendly professional relationship, but kin relations can be very strong, and so include a reciprocal Sense of Duty. "Blood is thicker than water."
You know your abilities, and don't hesitate to use them or mention them when you know you are handle the situation. (Unlike Overconfident, you actually know how capable you are.)
; Confrontational
You like to argue.
; Congenial
You like company and you work well with others. You always choose group action over individual action.
; Conscientious
You make an effort to obey most laws and rules, and feel uncomfortable when circumstances drive you to break the rules.
; Cruel
You don't hurt people unnecessarily, but when you do have to hurt someone, you just can't resist putting that extra kick in.
; Delusion†
You believe something that simply is not true. This may cause others to consider you insane – and they may be right! However, this delusion does not affect your everyday behavior, and is unlikely to be noticed by casual acquaintances. ''Examples:'' "The Earth is flat." "The Pentagon controls the Boy Scouts and health food stores." "Socks cause disease of the feet.")
==== Languages ====
; Dense
The level names have been renamed for better clarity.  
You're always the last to catch any witty remark or joke, especially one upon you, though you'll laugh with the rest.
For spoken languages, the tiers are None, Broken, Conversational, and Fluent. ("Accented" is a silly name, because everyone has an accent.)
; Dependent (PC)
One of the other PCs is your dependent, and you consider yourself responsible for their general upkeep. You may not necessarily ''like'' them.
For written languages, the tiers are Illiterate, Semi-Literate, Literate, and Educated.  
; Destiny†
This is a ''very'' minor Destiny. This Quirk will cause you a single critical failure when you most need success, and then is removed.
You may revert to your Native spoken language when under great stress or in telepathic contact; to have multiple Native languages is a Perk, "Bilingual".  
; Dishonest Face
You simply look dishonest, unreliable, or generally ''wrong''. This has nothing to do with you reputation among those who know you, or how virtuous you ''really'' are! People who don't know you will tend to pick you if they're looking for a potential criminal or troublemaker – or ''not'' pick you, if they're looking for someone to confide in. You almost always get spot-checked by customs agents and the like.
==== Law-Abiding ====
; Disliked†
This is the Honesty disadvantage, renamed for clarity.  
Some small group, or a particular type of animal, dislikes you, and reacts at -1.
==== Laziness ====
; Dislikes†
This disadvantage has a self-control number. The job penalty is based on the self-control number:
You dislike a particular thing, and avoid it whenever possible. NPCs react at -1 to people they dislike.
* sc16- (Quirk): -1
; Distinctive Feature†
* sc15-: -1
You have a physical feature that makes you stand out in a crowd. This gives -1 to your Disguise and Shadowing skills, and +1 to others' attempts to identify or follow you. ''Examples:'' Albino; brilliant blue hair; a big scar; lots of tattoos; a funny voice; an odd smell.
* sc12-: -2
* sc9-: -3
* sc6-: -4
==== Lifestyle ====
; Distractible
I do not use the Cost of Living rules. Instead, your Lifestyle is automatically determined by your Wealth (if you support yourself) or your Status (if another person, or society in general, provides for you). Look on the appropriate Cost of Living table for the description of what you have.  
You are easily distractible, and don't do well on long-term projects. You are at -1 when rolling to accomplish long tasks.
Reduce effective Wealth/Status by one for nomadic characters, to cover the costs of their vehicles and mounts, and of generally living on the road.
; Dominant
You like to be in charge, and will attempt to take the alpha position if no one else has it.
Reduce effective Wealth/Status by one for characters who are providing for a large family who do not themselves contribute to the household.
; Dreams
You always have vivid and memorable dreams, sometimes real bizarre or perverse ones. This may provoke odd reactions from those who hear about it.  
==== Literature ====
; Dual Identity
This skill requires specialization by period, culture, and/or subject, akin to History or Law. There are also similar variant skills for other artistic media: Art History, Cinema, Folklore, Ludology, Musicology, etc.
Your true identity isn't actually a secret; anyone who wants to learn it can do so. But you keep the two identities firmly separated: You have a code name, you wear a costume and possibly even a mask in your heroic identity, and when you're in your civilian identity you want to be treated "just like everybody else".
==== Logistics/TL ====
; Dull
This is the Professional Skill of maintaining an organization's operational effectiveness in the field, keeping lines of supply and communication only.  
You tend to stick with tried and true methods.
==== Long-Lived ====
; Exposed†
This is a variant of Reawakened, to represent immortal characters who are remembering skills they once had but have not used in ages.  
There's a particular person or small group who knows your secrets. They aren't your enemies, but neither are they friends, and they could expose you if they so wished.
==== Lover ====
; Flirty
A steady romantic relationship with an NPC who is not a Dependent is a [-1] Quirk, built as Sense of Duty (that person) plus Claim to Hospitality 1.  
You tend to get "playful" with the preferred gender(s). The game is more important than the score, though; you're no more or less likely to actually go to bed with someone than anyone else. This may get you a -1 reaction from those who consider your behavior improper.  
If your love is another PC, or your feelings are unrequited, this is merely a normal Sense of Duty.  
; Forgetful
You often forget some of your powers or equipment, and thus fail to use them when they would be a good solution to a problem. This is only a Quirk because it leaves the choice of when to forget a power at the player's discretion, rather than slowing play down with extra dice rolls.
==== Low-Light Vision ====
; Forthright
This is the name for Night Vision with a different baseline than usual, as for different species (e.g. orcs).
You prefer to speak truth, or remain silent rather than lie; you have -1 to rolls to tell falsehood.
==== Lunacy ====
; Habit / Expression†
This disadvantage has a self-control number. The self-control penalty is based on the self-control number:
A saying you always use, a behavior you always exhibit, or an instinctive behavior that you always perform. This is a Quirk because others can use it to identify you. ''Examples:'' Saying 'Jehoshaphat!" or "Bless my collar-button!" constantly; carrying a silver piece that you flip into the air; never sitting with your back to the door; always speaking in third person. This ''might'' be worth a -1 reaction if whatever it is really gets on someone's nerves, but usually it's just distinctive.
* sc15-: -1
; Heavy Menses
* sc12-: -2
You have especially painful and messy menstrual periods, during which you take -1 to most activities due to discomfort, cramping, anemia, mood-swings, etc.
* sc9-: -3
* sc6-: -4
==== Manic-Depressive ====
; Heavy Sleeper
This disadvantage has a self-control number.
You can fall asleep in all but the worst conditions, and can sleep through most disturbances, blissfully unaware. You still suffer ill effects due to poor quality sleep.
==== Mathematics ====
; Hidden Scar†
This skill is IQ/VH and does not require specialization, although those listed may be taken as optional specialties.  
Your body has a noticeable and grotesque flaw, such as a huge scar or severe skin disease, that is normally covered up everyday clothing appropriate to your culture and social station. You lose any benefits of appearance when your flaw is exposed.
==== Mechanic ====
; High Rejection Threshold
One new specialty is Sapper, used to fortify positions and deploy (or sabotage) military equipment such as barricades and barbed wire, prefab bunkers, radio masts, etc. You may use this to lay mines, but not to disarm them.  
You are of an uncommon blood type, or are otherwise unable to accept tissue transplants, cybernetics parts, etc. from most subjects without making a HT roll to see for rejection.
==== Medical Care ====
; Homebody
This is Physician skill, renamed for clarity. (It seems silly to keep telling people "surgeons use Surgery, physicians use Diagosis, and nurses use Physician".)
You greatly prefer the company of your own possessions and family to outsiders; given a choice, you'll return to familiar surroundings, rather than go out and about.
==== Meditation ====
; Horrible Hangovers
Use this skill to enter a trance or use extra effort for any supernatural power use, e.g. prayer, ritual magic, chi skills, etc. For your personal mundane abilities, use Autohypnosis instead.
You suffer an additional -3 to any penalties for excessive drinking the previous evening, and add three hours to hangover duration.
==== Megalomania ====
; Hot Button†
This disadvantage has a self-control number. The reaction modifier is based on the self-control number:  
There's this one specific thing that sets you off, as if you had Bad Temper, with a self-control roll equal to your Will. ''Expressions:'' Accusations of cowardice; criticism of your weight; computer problems.
* sc15-: -1
; Humble
* sc12-: -2
You tend to put the concerns of others, or of the group, before your own.
* sc9-: -3
* sc6-: -4
==== Miserliness ====
; Ignorant†
Under the Abstract Wealth rules, Expensive purchases apply a penalty to the self-control roll equal to the level of expense (e.g. -2 for Expensive 2).
You lack even default knowledge of some common skill that ''should'' be available for your particular background. This is worth a -1 reaction from those in a position to notice and care, as they wonder what's wrong with you that yoo lack such common knowledge.
==== Mutable Appearance ====
; Imaginative
A new [1] Perk: You can ''slowly'' alter your general appearance, over the course of years. This is intended for long-lived gods and youkai who aren't shapeshifters per se, but do appear differently over the centuries.
You are a font of ideas, and are more than willing to share them with others! They may or may not be ''good'' ideas, of course…
==== Natural Memeticist ====
; Immodest
This is the Memetics Talent, renamed to avoid confusion with Memetics skill.  
You have little sense of personal modesty; you often walk around your home naked, talk crudely, etc. You have enough common sense to "fake" modesty around others when it's important, though.  
==== Occultism ====
; Impatient
This is properly either an Expert Skill or a Folklore specialty, and therefore is IQ/H rather than IQ/A.
You have trouble sitting through discomfort and nuisance, but rather want to stand up and ''deal with them'', or else escape.
==== Off-the-Shelf Looks ====
; Incompetence†
This can be applied to negative Appearance, too.
You are ''inept'' at one specific skill. You cannot learn that skill, and your default is at an extra -4. You cannot be incompetent in a single specialty of a skill; if you are incompetent with, for example, Guns, then you are incomptent with ''all'' guns.
==== Pacifism ====
; Irritating†
Reluctant Killer has been split off into its own disadvantage; the others are equivalent to Codes of Honor or Vows. If you also have Guilt Complex or some level of Reluctant Killer, violating your Pacifism can trigger a mental breakdown, during which you must roll Will to offer any sort of violence toward anyone.  
A trivial Odious Personal Habit that only a few people are likely to notice… but it will drive those people ''nuts''.  
==== Paleontology ====
; Late
This is a /TL skill, with no specialization required, although those listed may be taken as optional specialties. This is specifically the technical skill of identifying and recovering fossils. It does not cover more than incidental knowledge of ancient species; for that, you'll want an appropriate Biology specialty or Expert Skill.  
You always show up late.
==== Paranoia ====
; Likes†
This disadvantage has a self-control number.
You like something–a class of objects, an activity, a person, a physical "type", whatever–and will seek it out whenever possible. This is not a compulsion – just a preference. NPCs react at +1 to people they like.
==== Parents ====
If you're actually in love with a particular person, take a Sense of Duty toward them, instead.
Parents [2] shows that your parents (or other childhood guardians) are alive and well and on good terms with you.  
If you're living off your parents as a minor or shut-in, this is built as Patron (Ordinary Individuals, Appear 9-; Minimal Intervention, -50%) [3] plus Trivial Obligation: dumb shit my parents make me do [-1].
; Low Voice
You have trouble making yourself heard over noise; others get -3 to their Hearing roll to hear you.
If you're an independent adult, this is simply Claim to Hospitality 2 (Kinship, -0%) [2].
; Minor Handicap†
You may take most mundane physical disadvantages at Quirk level, e.g. Quirk-level Lame for a "bum knee." Difficulties rarely come up, but are genuinely inconvenient when they do. If you have this kind of handicap, the GM may give you -1 to attribute, skill, or reaction rolls, as appropriate, in situations where it would logically interfere. ''Examples:'' Bad Grip 1 (One Hand Only); Chronic Pain (Rare, Mild); Neurological Disorder; Weak Back.
If your character is a minor, and your parent is another player character, this is a 0-point feature for you.  
; Modest
Aww, you're not ''that'' great. You always avoid praise.
If your character is a parent with children, see Children, above.
; Neat Freak
You have a tendency to organize the things around you, including other people's stuff if you forget.  
==== Patron ====
; Nervous Stomach
There is a 5-point level, for an ordinary person or small organization, intended mainly for juvenile adventures. While in the grand scheme of things your parents or school club are trivial, in your day-to-day life they can have tremendous impact.
You have -3 to HT rolls to avoid illness brought on by rich or spicy food, strong drink, etc.  
==== Place of Power ====
; Neutered / Sexless
Place of Power [1/level, max. 5 levels], a new advantage for use with the Ritual Path Magic rules. You control a consecrated ritual space that has a history or location that grants +level to all energy-gathering rolls. You are entirely familiar with the location and have placed wards upon it at your highest possible skill level against any category of threat that you are aware of. Others can use the space, but they have to get past you, first.  
You are missing sex organs that someone of your species, sex, etc. would normally possess – or perhaps you are a genuinely sexless being that only ''looks'' like someone of a particular type. This might qualify you for reaction penalties, but there are minor benefits; you are immune to seduction, and will never accidentally become a parent. This is more than simple sterility (which is a feature).
==== Planetology ====
; Nosy
This is Geology skill when specializing in planets other than Earth.
You are always poking your nose into corners and everyone else's business. This is likely to result in a small reaction penalty once in a while.
==== Politics ====
; Not a Morning Person
This is the skill of understanding political undercurrents and the art of deal-making, not making speeches; therefore, Voice gives no bonus to this skill.
You're exceedingly irritable and slow to respond before your first cup of coffee in the morning.
==== Psychology ====
; Obligation†
Psychology is explicitly Psychology (Experimental), and is a /TL skill.  
You have some minor, nonhazardous obligation (e.g. a Nonhazardous Duty) that you try your best to pursue, but that can be abandoned if necessary. Note that a job does not qualify, because you receive income from it; an Obligation is unrewarded.
Psychology (Applied) is renamed to Social Sense. When dealing with alien species, your other social skills are capped at your level in that species' Social Sense specialty.
; Obsession†
you have an almost-rational and not especially unusual Obsession, that you justify your actions in pursuit of. ''Example:'' Saving enough money to buy a farm or ship of your own.
==== Radiation Tolerance ====
; Odd Body Shape
This trait is eliminated. Instead, simply use Resistant to Radiation or Immunity to Radiation.  
You have difficult finding clothes that fit well, which increases the cost of your wardrobe.
==== Reluctant Killer ====
; Ouch!
Reluctant Killer has been split off from the other forms of Pacifism. Most people have this at base level.  
When you suffer a minor injury (no more than 1 point of damage, e.g. papercuts, a stubbed toe, a bonk on the head), you must make a Will roll or cry out.
* ''Hardened Killer'' [10]: No penalties or rolls needed; you may kill freely.
This ''is'' compatible with High Pain Threshold.
* ''Desperate Killer'' [5]: self-control 15, -2 penalty.
* ''Reluctant Killer'' [0]: self-control 12, -4 penalty.
* ''Very Reluctant Killer'' [-5]: self-control 9, -6 penalty.
* ''Extremely Reluctant Killer'' [-10]: self-control 6, -8 penalty.
You may buy off the attack penalty as a technique, ''Combat Training'', but the self-control roll and Fright Check rules remain. If you eliminate the penalty entirely, then you may Aim at the target normally.
; Panicky
In a sudden crisis, you tend to waste a lot of effort shouting or flailing about harmlessly until you figure out what's going on and what to do.  
==== Roping ====
; Personality Change†
This is the Binding technique, renamed to avoid confusion with the Binding advantage.  
You suffer from a full-blown mental disadvantage, but only in circumstances that are normally under ''your'' control. ''Examples:'' Bully when you drink too much; Pyromania when you cast Create Fire.
==== Sailor ====
; Picky Eater
This is Seamanship skill, renamed for brevity.
You have very specific tastes and preferences, and aren't shy about letting people know when something isn't up to your standards. This is often good for a -1 reaction from your servers and cooks.  
==== Shyness ====
; Poor Memory
There is a -3 level, Very Severe Shyness [-15].
You have -1 to IQ rolls to remember specific information; it just goes in one ear and out the other.
==== Side Effect ====
; Private
You may also apply the Irritant or Reduced Advantage modifiers with this modifier.  
You may not have any particular Secrets that anyone else would care about, but you still keep your private business to yourself as closely as if it ''were'' secret. ''You'' care, even if no one else does.
==== Skin ====
; Proud
Perks such as Feathers, Fur, and Scales are redundant with DR (Natural), Spines, and any similar traits.  
Individual success, wealth, or social standing concerns your greatly. NPCs with this quirk react at -1 to orders, insults, or social slights.
==== Social Stigma ====
; Quiet
A new type is Outlaw [-15], adapted from Third Edition. Either the police are actively after you, or it's no crime to kill you; in either case, it's also a crime to assist you. -2 reaction from noncriminals, -4 reaction from law enforcement, but occasional +1 reaction from admiring criminals.  
You don't like to talk or horse around much, especially around strangers; your first instinct is never to use words.
==== Soothsaying ====
; Responsive
This skill ''does'' require specialization by method of divination.
You are able to imagine the feelings and motivations of others – and all else being equal, you are inclined to help them.
==== Sophantology ====
; Ritual†
This is Anthropology skill when specializing in non-human sapient species.  
You have a particular ritual or set of practices that you perform with ''scrupulous'' regularity.  
==== Soul of a Poet ====
; Serious
This is Poet Talent, renamed to avoid confusion with Poetry skill.
You don't seek out frivolity or humor, though you're reasonably open to whatever comes along, provided it is appropriate and everyone has finished their chores.
==== Spacesuit ====
; Slacker
This is Vacc Suit skill, renamed for better universality. I like '''''Traveller''''', too, but most people just call them spacesuits.  
If no one's on your case, you're inclined to slack off your work – and you ''never'' volunteer.
==== Stubbornness ====
; Slow Reader
This disadvantage has a self-control number. The reaction penalty is based on the self-control number:
You take about half-again as long to read anything as anyone else would.
* sc15-: -1
; Staid
* sc12-: -2
You are likely to ignore matters that don't immediately affect you.
* sc9-: -3
* sc6-: -4
==== Student of the Arcane ====
; Stalker†
This is Occultist Talent, renamed to avoid confusion with Occultism skill.  
This is a low-value Enemy (Watcher): someone relatively unimportant you stalks you or spies on you. This can be annoying or disturbing, but is rarely more than a minor inconvenience.  
==== Talents ====
; Stereotypical†
Just making this explicit: Talents add to ''attributes'' for the purposes of calculating skill levels and defaults, they do not add to the skill directly. Basically, it's extra IQ or DX or whatever, but only for those skills.
You strongly resemble a particular stereotype of a profession, social group, etc. Even those who should know better tend to pigeon-hole you, and you'll receive a double reaction penalty from those who dislike that group.
==== Techniques ====
; Submissive
Use the "Average" pricing for ALL Techniques, whether Average or Hard. There's no difference now.
You are most comfortable when someone else is in charge, and usually defer to higher authority.  
==== Terminally Ill ====
; Supplement†
This trait is eliminated, except for use in Afflictions, Divine Curses, and the like.  
You require periodic dietary supplements, or special treatments, to remain healthy, but this is a long-term requirement, easily obtained.  
==== Time Worked ====
; Suspicious
Time Worked [±1 point per level, max. ±20 points] replaces Independent Income (and sometimes Debt). By default, you spend an average of 50 hours per week to maintain your lifestyle; this time is unavailable for adventuring without consequences. Each level of Time Worked adjusts this time by ±5% either direction. The minimum is 0 hours for 20 points, for a completely independent income with no obligations; the maximum is 100 hours for -20 points, where practically every waking hour must be devoted to your masters. In a military campaign, ignore this trait for most soldiers or crewmembers, as everyone is on duty all the time.
You distrust most people's motivations. While not full-blown Paranoia, you assume most people are up to no good, but you also assume that it's in a benign or careless way. (In other words, they're not out to get ''you'', personally, it's just the way the system works, so make sure to cover your ass.)
==== Tradecraft ====
; Talkative†
New skill: IQ/A, defaults to IQ-5, Streetwise-3, and Expert Skill: Espionage-3. The professional skill of being a spy: dead-drops, contact and evasion, use of signals and codes, the basics of recruiting assets, etc.  
There's a particular subject that you just can't shut up about if it's brought to your attention.  
==== Understanding Soul ====
; Teetotaler
This is Empath Talent, renamed to avoid confusion with the Empathy advantage.  
You avoid alcoholic beverages, and/or whatever other common social drugs are used in your society.
==== Very Rapid Healing ====
; Trademark†
This advantage doubles ''all'' healing rates, whether natural, supernatural, or technological.
You have a special symbol – something that you leave at the scene of action, as a way of "signing your work." It takes almost no time to leave, cannot be used to trace your identity, and can be overlooked when inconvenient.
==== Wealth ====
; Trusting
Use the Abstract Wealth rules from Pyramid 3/44.
You tend to think the best of people. Without evidence to the contrary, you're inclined to believe what people tell you.
==== Workaholic ====
; Uncongenial
This disadvantage has a self-control number. The added work time and the reaction penalty are based on the self-control number:
You prefer to be alone. You always choose individual action over group action.
* sc15-: -1 penalty, +25% time
; Unusual Biochemistry†
* sc12-: -2 penalty, +50% time
A single common drug doesn't work on your normally; you must use an expensive variant, or you suffer strange side effects.
* sc9-: -3 penalty, +75% time
* sc6-: -4 penalty, +100% time
==== Xenolinguistics ====
; Vain
This is Linguistics when specializing in alien species.  
You pay exceptional attention to your appearance; even a little blemish can make you uncomfortable.  
==== Yogi ====
; Vow†
This is Psientist Talent, renamed because I think "Psientist" sounds really dumb.
You have sworn an oath to do (or not to do) something. It is not particularly troublesome, but you take it seriously. ''Examples:'' Never drink alcohol; treat all ladies with courtesy; pay 10% of your income to your church.

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