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== 1 ==
Charles Phipps 07-13-07 12:44 AM
[FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre
Hey folks, the original "Forgotten Freedom" threads have become a bit of an institution here at the Eberron message boards since they're almost as old as the forums themselves. Well, the campaign of the Forgotten Freedom has certainly served us well for a long time.
However, like all good campaigns, it's reached its zenith and it's time to start looking at new horizons. The Forgotten Freedom Vol. 3 will continue on indefinitely as a home for all the zaniness that the forum wishes to fill. However, the Shadows over Cyre is an attempt to explore a slightly more serious take on the setting.
Not quite a PBP, it's instead more of a interactive attempt to generate a setting within a specific location that hopefully will provide people with hopefully plenty of material for their own campaigns and be entertaining for the regular forum goers to read.
As a reflection of this, posters are able to generate their own situations within the context of the setting but will be obligated to bear in mind their affect on everyone else. If you are unfamiliar with the Forgotten Freedom style of freestyle posting then just wait a couple of pages and I'm sure you'll pick it up.
'''Caer Shadowfast'''
'''Population''': est. 1,811
'''Government Type''': Military Dictatorship
'''Legal Code''': Code of Kaius with some nod to local law
'''Religions''': Sovereign Host (80%), Church of the Silver Flame (10%), Other (8%), Secret Dragon Below Cultists (2%)
'''Racial Composition''': Humans (50%), Warforged (20%), Dwarves (10%), Elves and Half-Elves (10%), Shifters (5%), Kalashtar (2%), Changelings (2%), Other (1%)
'''National Composition''': Cyrean 40%, Karrnath 20%, Breland 15%, Aundair 10%, Thrane 10%, 5% Other
'''Soldiers''': 50 Archers, 50 Militia
'''Chief Exports''': Recovered Cyrean Goods, Trade Goods
'''Chief Imports''': Adventurers, Foodstuffs, Iron ore, Weapons
Our setting for this ongoing thread will be Caer Shadowfast, an independent Castle located on the edge of the Mournlands and Breland. Technically within the bounds of Cyre, it is not actually in territory that was part of the Mourning. It is now a trading depot for those hoping to move goods to and from Breland that would normally have passed through Cyre. This had lead to a rather eclectic population for the Castle.
The interior of the Castle is home to small interior Keep community and town of individuals that are both permanent and non-permanent residents. A Sovereign Host church, your typical Inn, and various shops necessary to keep the gears running.
The Castle is also home to a rather shocking number of scavengers that hope to journey into Cyre in order to steal relics of the now deceased civilization. A rather substantial side business exists for catering to those believing they're score vast wealth by braving the Mourning to bring back treasures from the disaster. Unsurprisingly, a good third of these individuals never return upon leaving and most of the rest come back terrified and empty handed.
On occasion, abberations or lesser undead have been known to attack the Castle. Also, there have been warforged scouting parties. Thus far, the Castle has repulsed all the attacks without too much effort.
Map: [http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f350/Willowhugger/godard_castle_town.jpg]
To help preserve the realism, characters are expected to be one of the standardized Eberron races and to have their characters remain within the confines of Levels 1-13. Actual stats are unimportant but this is to measure the kind of power level your character is expected to have.
Please note that high level characters actually may be less preferrable as they tend to just have their power dominate the discussion as opposed to genuine RPGing.
When you introduce your character, please give a couple of paragraphs of biography and a physical description. Sort of like this.
'''Character Name'''
'''Personality Description:'''
This is meant to be a serious work with lots of room for introspection of characters and interacting with the world of Eberron. I.e. a chance to let players refine their relationship with the setting. Certainly, humor IC is appropriate for humorous characters but bizarre behavior will be treated pretty much as you'd expect in our world. Overall, it's only 3 years since the equivalent of World War 1 has ended. There's a slightly morbid sense to the city though its hardly all pervasive.
OOC, people are welcome to mock everyone MST style to their hearts content.
Here's the setting's wiki.
== 2 ==
Charles Phipps 07-13-07 01:31 AM
Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre
''Caer Shadowfast''
''Town Square''
The Karrnathian drummer boy, Nathan, was probably about 14 years old even as many of the citizens of the township found it inappropriate for a boy to play the executioner's drumbeat as the three subjects were lead to gallows the early morning of Arrahday on the 13th day of the month of Nymm. However, the boy had been a drummer boy during the Last War and had seen far worse than this conditions. Adulthood was achieved at 14 in Karrnath whereas it was closer to 16 for boys in other nations.
The military governor of Caer Shadowfast was Colonel Du'Crion, whom many people erroneously referred to as Baron despite the fact that he had no recognition of being raised to that title. Shadowfast existed in a legal gray area that was much like Q'Barra. Prince Oargev and King Boranal had both sent messangers asking the Karrnathian deserters to swear homage to their thrones and bring the wealthy tribute they imposed to their realms. King Kaius had paid no notice of such a small outpost on the other edge of the continent but at least two Warlords had offered 'forgiveness' for the renegades who'd refused to return home.
Many in the city had ambivalent feelings about the Half-Elf. In addition to the usual racism by pure humans to any being that would outlive them by decades, there was the fact that he was a foreigner to the vast majority of them and a good deal of his soldiers were warforged. The Code of Gallifar that guaranteed legal representation at a trial was eschewed in exchange for military tribunal and punishments were usually quite harsh. The Cyreans had nowhere to go but the already overcrowded New Cyre or Sharn where they'd be treated as scum. The rest were willing to trade much of their liberty in exchange for the wealth generated by the trade here.
Days like this called into question their decision.
Colonel Du'Crion: Goodman Dunrick, Velkar Forgerfire, and Tomos No-Surname you have been found guilty of theft in varying degrees.
The Karrnathian soldier sat in a plain wooden throne on a canopy covered stage that was brought out every time they held one of these show trials. Colonel Du'Crion was a surprisingly handsome man that many ladies frequently commented on but his perpetual scowl and aloof nature often made him a figure of fear. The expected masses of undead and impalings that some had feared with a Karrn ruler had never come to pass though.
Goodman Durnick: There was no trial! We have rights as Brelish citizens!
Colonel Du'Crion: This is not Breland. Your crime was to continually shortchange Cyrean customers and to have your assistants steal from your competitors amongst them's bulk stock. This is not to be tolerated.
Goodman Durnick: You have no authority here.
Colonel Du'Crion: Sedition is to be punished by having one's tongue cut out. I suggest you rethink said comments. The punishment is to have him compensate all of his customers to an aforementioned price and the theft. He is also to be flogged.
The baker was then dragged away into the streets before his family to have the whipping delivered while he was stuffed in the stockades. Many of the Mourners taking some small measure of pleasure in watching one of the hateful Brelish tormented.
Colonel Du'Crion: You, Velkar Forgerfire are guilty of being a cutpurse and burglar. You have sold false maps to adventurers seeking wealth in the Mournlands. No doubt sending many on harmless goosechases but endangering other's lives. You have been verified as guilty on countless occasions and have been suggested to have ties to a Thieves' Guild operating here. Do you have anything to say in your defense?
The Dwarf was placed on a stool as he laughed manically to no one in particular.
Colonel Du'Crion: The sentence is death.
Hanging a dwarf was never an easy thing and the fellow managed to stay there for several minutes with his feet wiggling until he was finally throttled where he hung from. It left many of the populous decidedly uncomfortable but the corpse of the dwarf was to be left there as a testament to the 'justice' of Cyre until the body started to rot. A fitting example to the justice of the Code of Kaius. A legal code that would have all the troopers here all impaled as deserters.
Colonel Du'Crion: Tomas No-Surname, you are thirteen years old and you should be lucky you have not hit your fourteenth birthday. You are old enough to know the difference between right and wrong but have engaged in theft of foodstuffs.
The frightened looking freckled boy was one that few didn't sympathize with, though a few dismissed him as yet another Mourner.
Colonel Du'Crion: Because of the remedial nature of your crimes, though in wartime or famine you'd lose your hand, this court will allow you the option of compensating the Bakers you've robbed from and a fine to wasting the state's time. As an orphan and vagabond, you have no viable means to compensate them though in which case a trade will be found to apprentice you too. If none can be found you will be employed in the service of the state.
The boy didn't really understand he was probably going to end up a ditch digger for the next few months.
Colonel Du'Crion: Also give him a wrap on the knuckles with a rod. This court is no dismissed.
Life continued on in the Castle that was little more than twenty minutes ride to the edge of the Mournlands. The Old Gallifar Highway still lead to the Castle and from it with its history being that it had changed hands no less than twenty times in the course of the Last War. As a Castle, that was an abyssmal reputation and those that stayed here often wondered about its security. Especially with the abominations of animal flesh and undead rotting horror that occasionally found their ways towards the battlements.
...but the lure of coin has a way of dulling their proximity to abomination.
Neutral Human Male Rogue 1
Appearance: A sprightly fourteen year old boy that is either wearing a scaled down version of a Karrnathian military uniform or his usual slacks and plain shirt of a normal boy of the citizenry.
Nathan Shadowfast is a not untypical case for orphans in Karrnath. His parents killed by Thranish deserters, Nathan was packed off to a public orphanage where food was extremely tight. Despite being too young to actively enlist, Nathan volunteered to serve as an irregular that many children took in order to escape starvation. Befriending Colonel Du'Crion due to his resemblance to the man's deceased child, Nathan was allowed to become a shoe shiner and later a drummer for the military unit. Thus, he was with them when they took the Cyrean Castle and essentially set up shop in it. The boy is surprisingly experienced for his age as he had to be to survive on the battlefields. While always adopting a severe expression during his 'duties', the boy has actually adapted well to life in the Castle.
He is one of the few sources of information about everything that goes on in the city. Nathan is unwilling to betray 'his unit' but is far more flexible about the law that rules the city than most Karrns.
Cassius Du'Crion
Lawful Neutral Half-Elf Male Fighter 10
Appearance: Cassius Du'Crion is an extraordinarily pretty man with elfin features and long golden hair but the muscular broad shoulders of a human male. His face is deadened and cold with the wear and tear of the Last War having stripped away most of his enjoyment from society. His voice is thick and deep unlike one might expect from a Half-Elf.
Cassius still wears his Karrnath military uniform despite the fact its been removed of most regalia. Most notably is his Order of Rekkenmark ring and sword that many Karrns are shocked by.
Personality: Cassius is an overly serious man that doesn't suffer fools gladly. He is irritated tremendously by the Last War as a subject and seems more than a little bloodthirsty at the prospect of any combat to continue improving his status as a soldier of the Kingdom. His stuffy Karrnathian mannerisms prevent him from allowing anyone in his charge to come under harm and he is an especial defenders of the ladies and small.
Background: Cassius Du'Crion is the product of King Kaius the First with an elfish Handmaiden before he chose to marry an elfish woman. The bastard half-elf enrolled in the army when he was twenty years of age and proceeded to serve with distinction in the Last War for the better part of seventy five years.
Now approaching middle age for a Half-Elf, Cassius Du'Crion took his unit to the edge of Cyrean space and slaughtered the remaining defenders to escape the Mourning. Discovering they were to surrender and appalled by the terms of the treaty, he declared himself Lord of the Castle even as he found himself the master of a large number of Mourners mixed with various other sorts of refugees.
Roughly half of the defenders of the Castle are former members of Cassius' unit and many have brought their families from Karrnath to make their lives here. He is tremendously well respected amongst them but not a terribly inspiring leader. Most believe that he's just waiting for the peace to end so he can do something useful with his life since he has no experience as anything but a soldier.
The 'Colonel' as he is known to the majority of the inhabitants of Caer Shadowfast is the military governor of the town and enforces the Code of Kaius over the town as opposed to the Code of Gallifar. Many privately grumble about the draconian legal system of the town but few have any complaints about the fascist's effectiveness in protecting the town from frequent assault.
Cassius is a known heavy drinker on the weekends and is frequently on the look out for a new mistress since his 'relationships' rarely last long.
rampant 07-13-07 03:21 AM
Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre
Cassius - What's that rumbling?
Nathan - She has really rotten timing.
Cassius - Oh come on! now? She's not due back till tomorrow.
Nathan - Everytime.
Cassius - The woman has no concept of schedule does she?
Nathan - She understands the concept, she justs likes to tick you off.
Cassius - excuse me?
Nathan - Now you can't chew her out for being late.
Cassius - I hate her.
Chaotic nuetral Half-orc Bard (special) 4/Barbarian 4
A free spirit who enjoys tweaking authority figures, Brella has found a special place in Cassius's thoughts. Right between "Oh gods what has" and "done this time?". Whether its starting one of her wild parties that always end up as drunken brawls, flying Cassius's favorite hat from a flagpole, riding into town in the middle of the night on an animated crocodile skeleton, or worst of all smiling that deranged smile that always haunts Cassius's dreams with visions of mayhem, Brella has made Cassius her special project.
Brella is an unremarkable specimen, slight grey pallor, stands a little over 6 feet tall, visible tusks make quite clear the muscular woman in the loose fitting pants and oversized shirt (the sleeves commonly extend about 4 inches past her fingers but this doesn't seem to actually impede her) is at least part orc. Brella's hands have many scars on them, but her face was almost untouched by the last war, except for her eyes. Underneath the levity, the jokes, there is fear and more than a touch of madness.
Brella was a native of Breland and learned how to fight on the streets. Her hands are lethal having crushed warforged on more than one occasion. Also she developed a talent for song. Her "apprentiship" was a brief stint with an older tavern bard, where she learned how to sing, and an odd form of acrobatic dance that she adapted to her own otherwise unsophisticated fighting style. She never learned to cast spells though, something for which Cassius is extremely grateful. During the end days of the war, Brella clashed with Cassius a number of times, while she worked as a scout for the Brellish army. Once she caught them trying to ambush a supply line and set off a rockslide. Another encounter, a few days before the mourning, involved some toothpicks, tape, and several live geese. Neither one will say anymore than this. After the war Brella took over a small brewery, one which regularly makes deliveries the Caer Shadowfast. Since discovering an old foe, Brella has taken to making these deliveries herself. She has since been directly or indirectly responsible for a good 40% of Cassius's bar tab. Ironically its her brews that Cassius favors (whenever she's out of town). To this date she has yet to get a delivery on time (what no one knows is she actually has the beer smuggled in ahead of time and the barrels on her wagons are just for show, again she just likes to push cassius's buttons). Rumors of a relationship between the two are constantly circulated, but completely false. Cassius flies into a rage whenever someone suggests such a thing, and Brella tends to play along and crack jokes. Nathan just laughs until he turns blue.
SilvercatMoonpaw 07-13-07 08:42 AM
Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre
13: Hey, it's Colonel Duck!
Silver: Do you suppose he fights crime in a double-button coat and wide-brimmed hat in his spare time?
Bunny (watching the con man get hanged): Darn, there goes a perfectly good natural selection racket.
Kaizer_Ryu 07-13-07 10:14 AM
Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre
From the grey mists that hung within sight of the castle, a small band emerged, led by a Fox Shifter female. A reflection of the castle's eclectic population, it consisted also of a Half-Elf male druid, a similar looking male Half-Elf Ranger, a Warforged Barbarian, a male Dwarven Artificer, a female Human Dragonmarked (Deneith) Fighter, a male Half-Orc Rogue, and a female Gnome Wizard.
Druid: Think the Colonel will be mad?
Ranger: He'll be in a bad mood regardless, brother.
Artificer: Aye. Lad is a wee bit touched in tha' 'ead.
Fighter: I'm pretty sure it won't help matters that we looted military corpses.
Rogue: :smirk: Pangs of guilt?
Fighter: Pffff. If we didn't, someone else would.
Rogue: Plus, we wouldn't get all the gold.
Barbarian: I wanted to smash more zombies...
Ranger: Does it help that we picked up some grafts?
Barbarian: Yes...but only a little.
Thelia (Shifter): Cut the chit chat. Prying eyes are about.
The Guards opened the gates, most of the group heading for the market place to hoark what they hadn't claimed as Thelia headed for the Colonel's office.
Thelia: Your request, sir.
Pulling out a sack, the clink of metal on metal could be heard as she set it down. Cassius stared at her in barely contained suspicion.
Thelia: As per the agreement, the bodies were not harmed. It was too much to expect my team not to rifle through their pockets, but they were otherwise left as is.
Cassius: ...very well. *hands her a coin purse* Your fee.
Thelia nodded appreciatively and left as Cassius opened the bag and pulled out a ring bearing the symbol of the Karrnathi Army, the details showing them to be members of his unit caught in the Mourning.
Cassius: Mercenary though she may be, she get's the job done.
Thelia Vulpes
True Neutral Female Shifter (Fox, Cliffwalk)
Monk 7/Shadowdancer 2
Thelia's werefox ancestry gives her a slightly more light frame than the typical Shifter, but she is by no means petite. Well muscled and highly nimble, the twenty-something woman's movements are at once graceful and terrifying, the scars peeking out from under her copper hair serving as testament to a life of danger.
The natural distrust of Shifters holds true for only a short while around her, as many perceive her smile to be directed at them. She normally speaks only when necessary, preferring to listen and wait. Her outfits tend to draw the eye downwards, but she is no harlot.
Shrewd, enigmatic, and enticing. These three words describe Thelia in a nutshell. Her animal nature hides an almost uncanny ability to know what the listener wants to hear (uncanny if not for her tendency to listen first and speak last).
Few people aside from her hand picked team of Scavangers know her well. Her greatest desire is not the trinkets she, her team, or any of the other successful adventurers retrieve, but the stories they bring back. Information, especially any related to the cause of the Mourning, is something she craves.
Her mode of dress is not so much a fashion statement as one part of her arsenal. In the heat of battle, or even just when negotiating, the distraction afforded by her wardrobe is always an asset. Needless to say, amidst all the lonely adventurers that pass through, she knows when to flirt to get her way.
Raised by her troupe of Shifter Shadowdancers, she and her "pack" traveled Cyre, performing plays both fictional and historical for the amusement of the crowds. They encountered the devistation of the Last War on a regular basis, but it was not until an unfortunate run in with a Thranish squad led by a fanatical Flamite Paladin that the War really hit home.
Reeling from the loss of several of it's members, the small band was approached by House Phiarlan. Hard pressed to recoup their losses, they had little choice but to accept, working as both entertainers and spies, taking requests against both suspected foreign infiltrators and their own countrymen. The conflicting loyalties to both House and Country strained the troupe, many questioning the wisdom of their activities. When House Thuranni approached the more disgruntled members, effectively suggesting a doublecross, the cohesion finally broke.
It was during this time that the Mourning occured. While most of the troupe attacked each other in a frenzy, Thelia, only recently accepted as an adult, watched in horror as the mist rolled towards them. Seeing the devistation it caused, her grandfather placed her on a horse and ordered her to flee.
And flee she did. She knows not the fate of her family, and speaks little of it. If it is her desire to right this perceived act of cowardess that drives her to dive back into the cursed land of her birth, she shows no sign of it.
She might have ended up just another broken Mourner had fate not intervened once more. After passing the border, Thelia encountered the Valinar massacre of the Cyrean refugees. Knocked from her horse, it was only the raiders interest in her mount that spared her the blade. In her time spent avoiding the Valenar on her way to what would become New Cyre, she swore an oath. Not of vengeance against the Valinar. That was their way. She swore she would never feel so helpless again.
Now, five years hence, she has largely made good on that promise. She is known as one of the best Scavengers in the castle and given at least a modicum of respect from everyone in the trade. The "Colonel" has an uneasy relationship with her, as her mercenary nature tends to shift her loyalty to the side with the most benefit for her. She won't take just any job, she learned long ago that upsetting the wrong person was a death sentence. Many are confounded by her bizzare mix of honor and disloyalty, but there is always a method to the madness.
Lord Kale Fangblade 07-13-07 11:44 AM
Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre
Four booming knocks on the gate echo out in the night, Shaking Guard 1 from his doze, Gaurd two struck a match and lit his hand rolled cigerret.
Guard 1: *leaning over the battlements to see the gate* Who Goes there? friend or Foe?
in the deep darkness, a tall figure stood, his face obscured by a black hood and a black cloak hung about his shoulders. he wore black clothing that consited of trousers, boots, a sash and belt and a waist coat with a white shirt underneath. over this he wore a suit of black Darkweave Breastplate. strapped to his back was a hand and a half sword of beautiful design.
Kael: *Cyran accent* Kael'Thas 'Urdansa, Mercenary.
Guard 1: would that make you a friend or a foe?
Kael: Friend. im here to collect my payment for a bounty in the name of the Colonel.
the gates creak open and Kael steps out into the courtyard, on entrance he's greeted by Gaurd 3, whose rubbing his hands against the biting cold. Kael removes his hood, revealing a young Half-elf. his skin is bone white, with snow white short hair. Beneath his right eye was a curling runic tattoo
his almond shaped eyes are a pale blue colour, they seem cold but somehow lurking within them is a barely contianed hunger.
Guard 3 found him slightly ... unsettling, especially because of the Ethereal breeze that seemed to effect only him.
Guard 3: *glancing at the sack in Kael's hand* ... Bounty?
Kael: A Sorcerrer
Guard 3: thats a rather small sack...
Kael: Part of him.
Guard 3: Oh .. erm, follow me. The Colonel is probably still awake at this hour, lots of paper work see.
Kael: Running anything tends to build up a lot of paper work these days.
Guard 3: Quite... erm, i hope you dont mind me asking but... would you be one of those Magehounds?
Kael: Yes. i am a Magehound, I am trained to Arrest and contain people who break the laws governing magic.
Guard 3: ... And Execute them?
Kael: If the Situation requires it, yes.
They continued in Silence from there on, Guard 3 found somthing unsettling about this man. he could swear he saw him pass through somthing a moment ago....
Colonel Du'Crion looked up from his desk as Kael and the Guard and Kael entered.
Guard 3: This man requested to see you sir.
Colonel Du'Crion: *waveing him away* yes yes
The Guard nodded and left the room, making sure to close the door behind him.
Colonel Du'Crion: Ah Kael, *glances at the Sack* i trust the Offender has been taken care of.
Kael: As you requested The Offender has been taken care of.
Colonel Du'Crion: *anxious* you ermm... made sure they wouldnt rise again i hope.
Kael: Yes, i took the proper precuations when dispensing of the creatures sir.
Kael opened the sack, revealing a chalk pale human face, that was contorted in a scream of agony, revealing vampiric fangs. its blood shot eyes seemed to stare at Colonel.
Colonel Du'Crion: *slightly paler* You can dispose of the... head now, i have no need of proof that the Sorcerrer Mavra and her scourge are delt with.
Kael: as you wish.
The Colonel handed over a pouch that clinked expensively.
Colonel Du'Crion: you'll be staying in town for a bit i take it?
Kael: It would appear so sir
Colonel Du'Crion: Good good
Kael turns to leave's a silently as he came. Colonel Du'Crion breathed a sigh of releif, there was no doubt that his work was perfect, or of the mans skill. but even so, he was unsettling to be about. there was somthing... dark about the man. and if the rumours of his heritage were true....
Kael'Thas Nicodemus Urdansa
Lawful Netrul Half-Elf
Wizard 4/ Warlock 4/ Eldritch therge 3/ Magehound 2
Kael is often, and quite rightly so, considered strange in apperance. his hair and skin are white, and his eyes are pale blue.
his body is slim and lightly build with a well toned and scultped muscels. he moves with an almost predatory and unearthly air, which unsettles people as much as his appearance does.
Kael possesses an Exotic beauty, though most people are put off by the un-natural aura about him.
Kael possesses no scars, but does have a runic tatto beneath his right eye, and similar ones along the outside of his right arm and both legs as well as along his spine.
Kael is quiet, reserved and polite. he always remains calm and controlled no matter what the situation, and his patience is almost inexhaustable.
Kael never lets anyone get too close to him, and if they invade his personal space he draws back. Kael also draws away from other peoples touch, and finds it extremly uncomfortable.
Kael keeps to himself and his studies a lot, but takes to the outside world to earn money and to do his duty as a Magehound. he takes intrusions on his qauters seriously. Kael is unpreturbed by Violence and gore, he fears nothing and is utterly merciless.
Kael never talks about himself, and if someone does ask he merely replies. "I dont want to talk about it". what ever has happened to him, like his age is a mystery. all files on him were destroyed before the wars end.
this doesnt stop rumours circulating about him of course and there are a few facts known about him, the first is that he was in Cyre during the Day of Mourning. and that he disappeard for almost two years before stumbling out of the mournland half-dead and babbling incoherantly.
Since then Kael has worked for various patrons and has continued his duties as a Magehound, collecting bounties and then mercilessly fullfilling them. Rumours whisper of his parentage, though Kael never discusses it, is not exactly mortal. some state that he is part demon. others that his Father was a creature from the Spirit world.
wether any of the rumors about him are true or not, Kael still is unsettling for most people. either because of his reputation, his job or because of his supposed ancestory.
EDIT: Crap, i didn't realise it was Standard Class as well. i should really read things more carefully.
SilvercatMoonpaw 07-13-07 12:18 PM
Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre
Silver: Oooooo, foxgirl. :D
13: Not really.
Silver: Well as close as you can get in this setting. :P
Bunny: Maybe he should start calling himself Kazier_Otaku.
Silver: Well Lord_Kale is still on about creepy people.
Bunny: Hellsing wannabe.
Kamikaze Chicken 07-13-07 12:42 PM
Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre
As morning crept across the horizon the next day, a single cloaked figure walked along the path leading up to the gate. He walked swiftly, almost tirelessly, his right hand held a walking stick made from composites of metal. it looked like his accoutrement had been pieced together as necesary in is travels across the land once known as cyre. He stepped up to the gate and gave it a solid rap with his walking stick.
Cloaked man: I ask Permission to speak with the Colonell.
Guard: hes sleeping, shall I wake him? or would you prefer to wait?
Cloaked man: mutters: I hate waiting....: Wake him, and open the gate i must speak with him immediately.
Guard: very well, but he will not be happy.
Cloaked man: :nodded quietly and re-wrapped his cloak tighter round his left arm.:
A few minutes past and the gate creeked open a mans-length for him to enter. He focused his eyes on the door way the guard pointed him to. As he walked some early morning workers stared. he looked like he had been travelling for quite some time, how ever he did not show any wear or tear from the mournland. he quickly ushered himself inside to the ante chamber where a very brisk, and irritated Colonel was standing in half-dress.
Colonel: You had best have a damn.....
Cloaked man: :cuts him off by dropping a severed warforged head on the desk. "I hope that this is the "pike" you had a bounty out on?"
Colonel: :stares grimly at the head and turns it to inspect the gulra: "indeed it is..... thank you i think....."
Cloaked man: Keep your bounty, but allow me refuge, and space to work. There is more to be done in this.... wasteland. research here could be of great use to me.
Colonel: Done. You will be given space, so long as you abide the law, and continue to..... service the keep properly. Welcome..... what was your name?
Cloaked man: "Just call me... Artifice. That will do." he picked up the mangled head by its eye sockets "May i keep this for my study?"
Colonel: :unnerved slightly: "Certainly Artifice. Ill expect a weekly report... to .... well...
Artifice: To assure my loyalty? Certainly Colonel. Pleasure doing buisiness with you.
and with that Artifice walked out of the ante chamber and into the courtyard grasping a severed warforged head in one hand his walking stick now stashed beneath his cloak.
Artifice: :looking to the head: Welcome home.
Arturo D'Cainith a.k.a. Artifice
Human nuetral Good
Artificer 5/ Renegade MasterMaker 3
Arturo has a dragon mark, how ever in a freak lab accident both his parents were killed, and he lost his left arm. He tried to maintain house business, and carry on his parents work. But his impairment forced him to move to a more diplomatic position in the house. During this time he encountered one of the houses "secret" projects. In the end Arturo dispatched the justice of his house, and killed a Master maker.
In the process Arturo also began his walk down the path aswell, replacing his lost limb with a Battlefist. he tries to hide this from as many as he can. He finds the path he has chosen his way to right the wrongs in the world. he has seperated himself from his house by staging his death in a lab accident similar to his parents. He has taken up the monoker of Artifice, and is now trying to infiltrate the lord of blades' operation in the mounrland. he believes the final secrets needed to master his transformation can be found in the LoB himself. Artifice is harsh and blunt, but good at heart. He intends to set up shop as an artificer, and research his path to power.
Charles Phipps 07-13-07 12:47 PM
Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre
Eh, don't worry about it Kale. We can make some exceptions.
I'm just trying to avoid a proliferation of Warblade/Master of Quack Fu folk here.
(speaking of which, Colonel Duck???)
Very good introductions folk.
BTW, to confirm what one of the folk who PMed me successfully guessed. Yes, you caught me. This is the Keep on the Borderlands.
Originally Posted by Posted in Town Square
Rules for Mourning Scavenging
Article One. All Scavengers must purchase a Charter (cost 50gp per group) for free operation from Caer Shadowfast. These charters must be renewed yearly and be signed by the Governor or the Castellan.
Article Two. Scavengers are expected to aid any travellers in distress to be found in the Mournlands barring they be proved hostile or threatening to the group.
Article Three. Looting from fallen soldiery of Five Nations is forbidden and any recovered items are to be returned to the castle for delivery back to their respected nations.
Article Four. Items clearly belonging to one of the Dragonmarked Houses are to be similarly returned.
Article Five. Weapons recovered from the Mournland may not be sold or proliferated within the Castle limits. They must be registered and peace bonded within castle limits as well. Recovered weapons may, however, be kept for personal use.
Article Six. A ten percent tax is imposed upon all sales of Mournland recovered items within the castle walls. The extra four percent is to go to the benefit of Mournland survivors.
The penalties for breaking these Six Articles will range from confiscation of goods up to and including hanging.
In the middle of the night, there is a great deal more activity to be expected from the populous.
Nathan: Oiye, can you believ that? Who does he think he's going to convince with tha' anyway?
Kael: You don't think it's going to work?
Nathan: Listen, errr....
Kael: Urdansa.
Nathan: If there's one thing I know from my brief time on dis here planet, it's no one comes here to the Mournlands who didnya use to live here or who isn't a crook.
Kael: And which am I?
The boy pauses to look him up and down.
Nathan: You strike me as one of the third type that's in-between.
Kael: And those are?
Nathan: The Mournlands hold a lot a' secrets Mate. The third type of people come here for a simple reason. Cause they have to kill somebody.
Kael: Interesting.
Nathan: Sometimes a lot of someones.
Kael: Yes.
Nathan: Huh. You know, My Karnns juss fine. It's mah common that needs work. I do gotta say, I can't place yerr accent.
Kael: No, you can't.
SilvercatMoonpaw 07-13-07 03:04 PM
Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre
Originally Posted by Charles Phipps (Post 13061014)
(speaking of which, Colonel Duck???)
OOC: Colonel Du'C. :tongue:
rampant 07-13-07 03:30 PM
Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre
Cassius - Nathan?
Nathan - The flagpole sir.
Cassius - I'm wearing my hat Nathan.
Nathan - Yes sir, she's had a new flag done up.
Cassius - Oh no
Nathan - It gets worse sir.
Cassius - ...
Nathan - Its a duck wearing your hat, sir.
Cassius - ...
Nathan - A mallard if I'm not mistaken, on a white background sir.
Cassius - Bartender another round.
Charles Phipps 07-13-07 05:22 PM
Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre
OOC: Oh and I'd like to say Welcome Kamikaze_Chicken.
Now to introduce some more NPCs for everyone's use, starting with one of our local villains. Needless to say, the leader is not your usual walk up and throat slit kind.
Outside the Boar's Head Tavern
Vilcox Campagne was an Aundair merchant whom had made some bad business associations while travelling along the Shadow Trail to Breland. Not a genuinely evil man, he was nevertheless a man that had made a mistake of believing that smuggling wouldn't get him into much trouble. It had gradually grown out of hand that he'd ended up transporting weapons in and out of the city. Forgefire had been caught and executed, which meant that it was now very dangerous to stay in the city. Vilcox had thus gotten his treasury loaded up onto his cart and intended to be out of town tonight.
He was loading his last bags of coin, the copper ones, when he noticed his cart was now surrounded by rotting carcases of the undead. Creatures only allowed to operate in the Karrn quarter.
Gihren: Mister Campagne, you disappoint me. You, of all people, should realize that's very dangerous.
The black uniformed Karrnathian Merchant-Officer was a regular sight to be seen in Caer Shadowfast. As far as Vilcox was concerned, he was one Karrn too many in a city overloaded with them.
Vilcox: Lord Gihren I....I....
Gihren: You were supposed to keep me informed of when our associates are in danger of being caught. Fireforge was a drover known to be very careful. Now you're running away....tut tut tut.
Vilcox: Ple....please...can't we resolve this like civilized beings? I have money, I'll pay....
Gihren: Correction, *I* have money now. Bane?
A man wearing an Emerald Cloak walked up behind Vilcox and jabbed a Keeper's Fang into the back of the man's heart. The Half-Orc assassin wasn't particularly welcome amongst the racist human-centric Karrnathian military but the former mercenary had found employment steady and well paying in the service of the Emerald Claw....even if his god was a bit 'different' than the Corpse worshippers. The corpse of Vilcox bore no trace of violent death even as it looked merely like the fat merchant had dropped over of exertion.
Bane: What now?
Gihren: We leave the coppers and take the rest. Then we have ourselves a drink. Vilcox's strong boxes will help guarantee a continued prosperity for our enterprises in the city.
The undead then proceeded to take their newly acquired horses and carts back towards the Enclave. Few people would ever grow accustomed to seeing the Walking Dead perform manual labor but, then again, few people grew accustomed to seeing warforged do it.
Bane: *shifts uncomfortably* I'm not sure. SHE'S in town.
Gihren: Oh for Vol's sakes man. You're afraid of a Half-Orc BARD?
Bane: You would be too! She's.....touchy.
Gihren rolled his eyes and stepped over the corpse as he muttered something about never taking over the world with this kind of help.
The Boar's Head Tavern
The Boar's Head Tavern wasn't the only drinking establishment in the town of Caer Shadowfast, however, it was the one that most cattered to the strange and unusual. Scavengers, mercenaries, and those just too bizarre to hang out anywhere else tended to frequent the Boar's Head. To even those used to a cosmopolitian atmosphere, the eclectic mixture of customers was enough that initially took people off guard with some individual's races being unable to be identified. The music in the other end was being played by several grossly deformed Cyrean refugees whose brains seemed to be nearly exploding out of their head...but was quite good.
Nathan: The Boar's Head Tavern. You will never find the more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
The tavern took its name from the large Lycanthrope Wereboar's head that had been taken by the current owner wielding a silver plated calvary saber before being stuffed and mounted above the wall. It's clearly inhuman features and unholy gaze caused some people to think twice about causing trouble here. Of course, some didn't mean all by any stretch of the imagination. The wall was also where most of the Head Bounties were placed for specific offenders and abberations.
Strangely, the Governor preferred to drink in this exotic locale of all places even if he got his own private corner to indulge his love of Valenar wine that was a rarity even here. Oddly, few of the regulars seemed to mind the figure's presence as he blended in and didn't talk to anyone except the Bar mistress and the occasional individual passing by.
Cassius: *TTH* Another dark and miserable day as the storms begin outside that will harken another terrible assault from the monsters from the depths. Three years since the terrible war ended inconclusively and my men's honor was sacrificed in the name of political expediency....
Nathan: Really, no lie, A DUCK.
Cassius: *TTH* Nathan approaches me. A poor boy that's yet another victim of the horror that is war. Are we slaves to our urges? To the whims of politicians? To some blind and unknowable force that plays us like a khaz game? The innocent are but short lasting flowers in the face of such evil.
Nathan: Helloooooooo? *waves hand in front of Cassius* Your drink, boss.
Cassius: Oh yes, thank you. *takes his Valenar wine*
Nathan: Your self-narrating again aren't you?
Cassius: :shifty: No.
Nathan: In any case, I'm glad she's here. We were running low on booze.
*Nathan gets himself four seperate pints of beer*
Cassius: Aren't you a bit young for that?
Nathan: Hello! We're Karrns! I was drinking this much before I could walk! In any case, there's some scary customers in addition to Brella's return. The Artificer and the Killer. Both are here for revenge I'm certain. Against who though? Plus, Thelia is back. Rowrrrrr.
Cassius: *TTH* Another strange assortment of murderers and thieves dragged by fate or destiny to this isolated outpost on the borders of oblivion. I knew Thelia and Brella well. The former being sensual and beautiful but ridden by some hidden tragedy. Brella a bright spot of joy and cheer to disguise some inner horror. The other two.....I didn't know them but they smelled of trouble. *he takes a long drink of his wine*
Nathan: You're doing it again.
Cassius: No I'm not. Really. *TTH* Sometime tonight the dainty and feminine goddess who runs this liquor and cigarra smelling joint will reveal herself. She's strong and tough yet...vulnerable. She reminds me so much of my lost Christina. The war has left me unable to love again. Instead, we are but two ships sailing in the night and pass....
One of the patrons squeals as a lovely golden-red haired elf woman with an eyepatch fired a repeating crossbow into the side of the patron's arm as it is shot to the table and it screamed. The feisty bar matron blowing the end of her crossbow.
Mistress "Kelly" Grimwolf: Aiye, yah dat'll teach ya!
Cassius: *TTH* Like a Sun Goddess given life, she elegantly strolled towards me with all the grace of a Warlord's daughter.
Mistress "Kelly" Grimwolf: Eh, yew, Governor. Dat wine doesn't a come cheap. Just cause you own the town and warm me bed...amongst others I point out....doesn't a mean the drinks are on the house.
Cassius: *TTH* She didn't bring up money between us lightly. Times were difficult after the war. I often had to wonder what she had to do to survive on the streets. Of course.
Mistress "Kelly" Grimwolf: Ack! Gods! He's in one of those moods again iddin he?
Nathan: Fraid so, I blame Brella.
New NPCs
Gihren Zabai: http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Gihren_Zabai
Bane: http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Bane
Kelly Grimwulf: http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Matron...ly%22_Grimwolf
Kaizer_Ryu 07-13-07 06:23 PM
Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre
Originally Posted by SilvercatMoonpaw (Post 13060618)
Bunny: Maybe he should start calling himself Kazier_Otaku.
OOC: I do like the sound of that. :D
Bunny: Hellsing wannabe.
OOC: Speaking of which:
:dancin: :cheer: :w00t: :bounce: :cloud9:
:( But I'm already done with it...
Alucard. Is. Too. Awesome. For. Words.
If you're wondering why it took a year and a half to arrive, Jan and Luke discuss this act of horrible torture at the end.
Lord Kale Fangblade 07-13-07 06:33 PM
Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre
Kael enters The Boars head, causing a small silence as everyone glances at the new comer. before turning back to their drinks and revelry.
Kael: *scanning the crowd*(TTH) I can't sense anything overtly dangerous, a few magic aura's but most are minor. even so i best be careful. I'm here on request from the Arch-Mage himself, he would be most Anxious if his Artifact where to be lost again.
Kael approached the bar, and glanced at the woman stationed there.
Kael: (TTH) Ex-Millitary or Ex-Mercenary most likely, probably a Veteran, especially if the Were-Boars head is her handywork. Excuse me my lady, I was wondering how much it would be to purchase one of your rooms for the night?
Mistress "Kelly" Grimwolf: You ain't from 'round 'ere are ya? That'll be two gold.
Kael placed two gold coins into her palm, being extra careful not to make physical contact.
Mistress "Kelly" Grimwolf: Will ya be wantin' a Drink?
Kael: Alcohol? no thank you. I dont drink.
Mistress "Kelly" Grimwolf: Don' drink? what are ya a light weight or somthin'?
Kael: no, i just prefer to keep my wits about me thats all.
Kael rose from the bar and faded into the crowd. "Kelly" Grimwolf shook her head and went back to her job. Forgieners were strange like that.
Kael found an empty table with a clear vantage point to see the whole room from and sat at it.
Removing two books from his belt pouches, he began to read through one, scribbling down notes in the other with a thoughtful expression on his face.
SilvercatMoonpaw 07-13-07 06:47 PM
Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre
Silver: Oh look, the Duck's a Narrator. :rolleyes:
Bunny (wearing a tiny black uniform with a bit too many points on it): I am a necromancer. Fear me.
Kaizer_Ryu 07-14-07 12:27 AM
Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre
OOC: OK, here's a more indepth intro to Thelia's group. Four here, the rest later. I'll do a bigger IC intro than the one above once I'm done.
Coming up with names is hard, so you'll have to excuse the bad pun coming up.
Benjamin Greywood
NG Male Half-Elf
Druid 5/Master of Many Forms 1
Benjamin takes after his Elven mother more than his Human father. Somewhat short, rugged but still lankey, he often gets mistaken for a teenager even though he's almost thirty. His brown hair is kept relatively short, and he bears little outward signs of past wounds
Benjamin ("Ben") arrived with his brother Gerald on a fact finding mission from the Eldeen Reaches at the behest of the Awakened Greatpine Druid Oalian. Thelia's skill and reputation led him to join her group of misfits. Good natured and high spirited, he can be a source of annoyance for the more jaded members. Though, since he is one of their few options for healing within the Mournlands, they tolerate him. Archimedes, his Owl companion, is perpetually by his side, serving as a scout for the group wary of Living Spells and other dangers of the cursed land they search.
Gerald Greywood
LN Male Half-Elf
Ranger 6
Gerald takes after his Human father more than his Elven mother. Tall, powerfully built, and intimidating, he is a commanding presense in any room. His brown hair is kept neatly cropped, a habit held over from his time spent fighting Aundairian forces during the Last War, and he keeps his Kunai close at all times.
Gerald ("Jerry") and his brother Benjamin are seeking answers to the tradgedy that befell Cyre under the direction of the Awakened Greatpine Druid Oalian. To further this end, he has joined with Thelia's group of Scavengers. Slightly older and more level-headed than his brother, he is an excellent tracker and helps the group maintain their bearings within the dead grey mists of the Mournland. His Wolf companion, Sparks, so named for the lightning pattern in his fur, serves as a watchdog for the group.
Zeke a.k.a. #9843-01
CN Warforged
Barbarian 6/Warforged Juggernaut 1
Zeke owes his continued existence to Koram Earthshaper, who found and salvaged him after a Karrnathi Army raid into the Mror Holds went awry. He remembers nothing of his time spent as a soldier and believes he gained sentience thanks to Koram. Koram's enthusiasm and fascination towards Zeke's construct nature have rubbed off on him, convincing him to take the path of the Warforged Juggernaut.
One thing that remains of his former life is a love of battle. He cares little for the day to day struggles of the "squishies", and talk of plotting, intrigue, or even manners bores him immensely.
Koram Earthshaper
CN Male Dwarf
Artificer 6
Being Dwarven, poor, and largely self-taught is not a good recipe for getting House Cannith to take any interest in you. Koram came from a long line of builders, but just didn't have the knack for it. It wasn't until a traveler introduced him to the wonders of Artifice that he found his calling. With his thick fingers unsuitable for fine detail, much of Koram's work is lacking in looks or style, but his work is actually quite good.
When House Cannith rejected his request to study under one of their members, he wondered if he should give it up until he came across Zeke. Repairing the broken down 'forged, and Zeke's subsequent hero worship, changed his mind. He now works with Thelia, looking for lost Cannith technology in the Mournlands and incorporating their designs into his own studies so that he may one day show them up.
Charles Phipps 07-14-07 05:01 AM
Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre
OOC: Very nice characters.
Errr, nevermind.
The side of the walls were covered in the latest news for those amongst the populous of Eberron that could read. While most Brelish could and most Aundair, the Karrns restricted the requirement of education for their officer corps. Most Warforged were illiterate and quite a few Goblinoids amongst other 'lesser' races.
However, what couldn't be learned from the posters was certainly the topic of the local tavern gossip.
The first bit of local news was that six or seven smaller bandit gangs had joined together to form a small army of about two hundred strong, though the numbers could be exaggerated. The gang had managed to destroy one of the local Brelish villages with some sixty-seven dead. The rest were being forced to pay tribute. They were going by the unoriginal name of Blood Claws.
The Brelish army was now posting rewards since they were relying on the superstitions of the Mournland to keep people from looking too closely in the area. An attempt to mobilize the Brelish Army would probably have them disperse into the woodwork until they were done. The Kalashtar had also posted an additional one hundred gold for the Bandit leader, though no one knew why since the silvery folk never concerned themselves with anything but their own business.
There were also a rash of disapearances going on. That was always a problem with the scavengers but some had included young women of the town and that was always a concern for everyone. Tensions were flying high for the Warforged to be blamed, since well....no one liked Warforged except other Warforged. They were easy targets to blame.
Honestly, no one wanted to think about the evidence that someone was taking people deeper into the Mournland for some purpose.
Cassius: I grow honestly weary of this prattling music.
Nathan: What would you like to do? Aside from narrate.
Cassius: I admit, I'm slightly introspective....
Nathan: You sound like a bad Sharn Inquisitive novel half the time!
Cassius: Nathan, do me a favor?
Nathan: What?
Cassius: ZIP IT.
Nathan: But...
Cassius: The best Karrn soliders are indistinguishable from the walking dead. The Walking dead are silent.
Nathan: *Pout*
Kelly: *addressing everyone* Gentlebeings, it is approaching midnight here at the Boar's Tavern and that means that it's time for the Fire Story Hour.
*Her warforged bartender walks over and pours a bit of alcohol into the fire as it swirls*
Cassius: What a waste of good booze.
Nathan: SHHH.
Kelly: We live on the edge of Death Incarnate and each of us has a story to tell. Legend speaks amongst my people that a story of darkness and gloom can keep away the Shadows for the night until the next morrow. With a hundred years of war and the Day of Sorrow....we all have at least one or two.
Nathan: I don't.
*Kelly throws a dagger right above the boy's head as he finally shuts up*
Kelly: Each weary traveller I invite to offer a story forward of how they came to this darkened fireside. The one that is spoken with the most conviction and grandeur as chosen by the audience will gain a reward from my Cabinet of Miracles. The leftover stores of many dead Scavengers that each contains some bit of magic. Tell your story well and know the truth thereof will be felt in your words.
SilvercatMoonpaw 07-14-07 06:04 AM
Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre
Silver: You want something to drive back the darkness and make everyone feel happy? Give Ben and Jerry some cream and some ice.
Bunny: *dances* They're all going to die. They're all going to die!
13: The scene between Nathan and Colonel Duck.
Silver: Hmmmm, women are disappearing. Could it be that they've discovered the "secret of warforged"? ;)
Kaizer_Ryu 07-14-07 01:39 PM
Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre
Melissa D’Deneith
True Neutral Female Human
Fighter 4/Dragonmarked Heir 2
This young red-head is the niece of Baron Breven D'Deneith, and her skill with a blade reflects her upbringing. In combat, she can both direct her comrades and execute orders with ruthless efficiency. Outside of combat, she is strangely laid back, almost to the point that most have a hard time believing she's killed. Beneath the long glove on her left arm lies a Warforged graft to replace the one she lost during the final assault on Cyre, her wound being severe enough to have her shipped back home was the only thing that spared her from the disaster that claimed so many of her friends.
During the last years before the Mourning, she served in both the Brelish and Cyrean armed forces for the Blademarks and gained standing beyond her family connections in her House. Why she is currently with the group she won't say outside of "that's what I was hired to do". As they always do when there is a dearth of information, rumors circulate, ranging from the mundane to the absurd.
Most rumors revolve around her being a spy hired by House Cannith/Tharashk/Sivis/Kundarak for one reason or another, usually related to some secret project or sensitive documentation. The more absurd ones involve her being hired by one of the Cults of the Dragon Below to locate any new or unusual entrances the Khyber, or by Prince Orgave to locate and retrieve the eldrich machine some are desperate enough to believe casue the Mourning, or even by some unknown threat to all Khorvaire that wishes to contact the holder of the last Creation Forge outside house Cannith control, the Lord of Blades.
CN Male Half-Orc
Rogue 3/Master Inquisitive 3
This wily Half-Orc orphan grew up in the slums of Sharn, quickly learning to use the preconceptions of others to his advantage. Observant and intelligent, he relied on his wits to survive, either out-talking any threats or pretending to be too dumb to take responsibility.
In his teenage years, he was able to wander the streets of Sharn proper, marvelling at the towers, soarsleds, and other sights taken for granted there but rarely seen in the poor districts. It was here that he tripped over a book, worn with age and slightly damp. A tale about the exploits of the world famous Master Inquisitive Sherlock Holmes.
Gortuck marvelled at this man, someone so brilliant that he could solve nigh impossible cases with clues almost imperceptible to the normal man, and with minimal, or even non-existent, use of force. Gortuck read and reread the book till the binding fell to pieces, knowing that that's who he wanted to be.
Now, fifteen years later, he has earned a nickname based on that inspiring character. "Sherlock" is the group's brain and usually the voice of reason. Not to mention the wise ass. Hints and stories picked up through his contacts and through trips to the local tavers help him determine locations most likely to have what they're looking for at the time. He admires Thelia's observant nature and Lindsey's brilliance, engaging them or travellers in hours long conversations about whatever topic comes to mind. He considers the Mourning, being one of the greatest mysteries of all time, the ultimate test of his abilities.
Lindsey Baron
NG Female Gnome
Wizard 5/Elemental Savant (Cold) 1
A (very) distant scion of House Sivis, she bear no Mark, but has a talent for magic recognized even among her own people. She originally began her studies in the Library of Korranberg, but became dissillusioned as a staff member when she was repeatedly passed over for promotions because of her lack of family connections. When her required four years of service to the library were up, she moved to Aundair and successfully earned a place in Arcanix.
It was here that she became fasinated with ice. Watching the crystals form and seeing how she could influence them was her favorite past time, and eventually inspired her thesis on the possible mechanics of Dragonshard formation.
Reports of the crystalline formations of the Glass Plateau and the bizzare sights within were irresistable to her. So far, the group has only been to the area a handful of (very brief) times, but she hopes one day to be strong enough and lucky enough to begin a dedicated research project on this fascinating structure.
Charles Phipps 07-14-07 03:02 PM
Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre
Captain Duck: Ahem.
13: Who the Hell are you?
Captain Duck: Duck DODGERS of the 9th and a half CENTURY!
Bunny: loser.
Captain Duck: Gods, I miss Tirmek.
But yeah folks, I think this might be a nice way to introduce your characters and talk about their pasts by sharing a dark story from their pasts.
Boar's Head Tavern
Storytelling was an age old tradition on Eberron with the devastation from the Last War having caused many individuals to turn away from books and the government's versions of events to actually share what was going on in their own words.
Fireside tales like this were something that also were expected of strangers to share to get an idea of where they came from. Not everyone expected you to share YOUR story but certainly you got an impression of a being by WHAT story he chose to share.
Cassius: I'll go first.
Nathan: Should you, as the Governor and all?
Cassius: I am....was....a member of the Karrnath military. An organization that is not necessarily popular with many of you.
There was a large grumble of assent from many of the populous of Kelly's Cantina. The Karrnath military had the reputation of being brutal, sadistic, racist, and fascist practitioners of dark magic. That was their good points.
Brella: Of course, here's how the Karrnath military REALLY was.
Nathan: Guys, ignore the lady with the illusions. She's just trying to drive the Governor insane.
Cassius: And doing a very good job.
Cassius: It begins when I was a mere Captain in the armies of Karrnath. I had devoted my entire life to defeating the enemies of Karrnath. I had witnessed the Great Plague that decimated our entire ranks and the terrible transformation that underwent our forces to win the war.
Nathan: Wow, you're old.
Kelly: Shhhhh.
Cassius: I can still remember how the skies lit up in the air with Airships as we finally built our Glorious Navy to begin the Third Great Assault on the Nation of Cyre. How they seemed to blot out the sun.
Cassius: Cyre was currently under the occupation of Breland at that time. The majority of their government had retreated to the capital. In time, they'd bring in the masses of the Valenar to repulse the Brelish forces. But, right now, the vast hordes of Goblinkind seemed to stretch forever.
Cassius: I was not a Bone Knight but I fought wearing the armor of one who'd saved my life even as my men had offered their lives to fight beyond death for me. I was one of only a few living troopers for miles but it was my place to stand for what Karrnath meant. Not the shadows my men had become.
http://s50.photobucket.com/albums/f3...deadarmy.j pg
Cassius: *pauses* The details of the battle are unimportant. Goblins died by the hundreds. They broke through the ranks on the backs of gigantic House Valadis bred Dire Wolves. The bodies piled up mightily and we were forced back. Just part of the endless dance of retreat and attack in a war where miracles always prevented final victory.
The Governor gets a wistful gaze upon his face.
Nathan: Sir...
Cassius: I remember meeting her on the battlefield and being of the mind that she was an incarnation of Dol Arrah. The Karrns believe in the Sovereign Host despite accusations to the contrary. We just believe in a darker one than the majority of other races follow.
Cassius: But underneath that armor was a woman.
Cassius: She was a mercenary for House Deneith and bore the Mark. The Karrnath treasury had been severely depleted by the Mror Holds leaving our alliance. We were also too proud to employ their warriors before. Nevertheless, we did so now in hopes of laying rest to Cyre and Breland. A treaty existed with Cyre at that time.
The man seemed visibly pained by having to share the next details of his life.
Cassius: Crystania and I did not mince words. The battlefield is a place of blood and death. On such a place there is only one of two things that can happen between a man and a woman. Days turned to months and the months became more than a year's time when she departed our time together. She was debating bearing an heir of both mine and Deneiths. The Dragonmark he might bear or his descendants being a terrible thing that might forever separate him from the Karrn I knew.
Grimwolf: Very few stories involving the Dragonmark Houses and love end well.
Cassius: This is not one of them. I saw Crystania one more time. It was during the Siege of Throneport when the Goblin Hordes had gone all out with Breland's forces to take the former Capital of Galifar. They had no more patience for siege. My bitter, half starved, and dying lot looked no better than the undead beside us.
Nathan: Eeesh.
Cassius: In the end, the Goblins fell into the streets raping and destroying alongside their Brelish soldier associates. I do not claim this is that different from what had happened to other cities. This War made monsters of many. I killed as many of the enemy as possible as I retreated down into the sewers to escape.
He looks ashamed of what he did to survive the brutal conflict there.
Cassius: One of them met me in the sewers and I stabbed deeply through her armor while she was coming up from behind.
He poured out his drink into the fire. It flared briefly.
Cassius: Deneith works for whomever will hire them. I will remember forever the simple look of incomprehension and shock that passed both our eyes. That is what the Last War became for me, forever. An absurdity that had no end to justify it.
rampant 07-14-07 03:25 PM
Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre
Brella - Now you see I almost feel bad about what I slipped in his drink.
Kelly - I don't suppose you're going to help me lug him upstairs.
Brella - Nope, I'm taking him outside. Gonna string him up under the flag.
Cassius - zzz
SilvercatMoonpaw 07-14-07 03:28 PM
Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre
Silver: ………………………………………………So did you bone her on not? :confused:
Crystalforged 07-14-07 05:32 PM
Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre
As Brella is hauling Cassius out the door of the Boar's Head a sudden cry comes up from the battlements outside. A horn bellows out, the warning that the castle is under attack. Moments later burst of fire can be seen erupting from the north gate. Screems of pain sound out and fire can be seen spreading from the gate to some of the nearby buildings.
Brella: (looking in the dirrecion of the flames) Hmph, looks like something out of the Mournland decided to pay a visit. Now THATS timing, the place comes under attack moments after I slip their commander a micky. (shrug) Just bad luck I suppose.
Suddenly a clanking rises up of dozens of metal-shod shoes running across the cobbled street. A company of warforged charges past the Boar's Head, none of them sparing a minute for their commander who is slumped agains the wall, a few even jump over his legs without breaking formation. The whole group rushes towards the north gate. By this point a few of the bars patrons and other adventures are dashing towards the disturbance as well.
Brella however stays were she is watching the commotion. Bursts of flame continue shooting into the air around the north gates and cries of fear and pain can be heard echoing in the darkness. Suddenly a great silver shape materializes out of the air on top of one of the buildings near the disturbance, it resembles a 12ft tall warforged made of glowing silver. It leaps down in the direction of one of the bursts of flame which gutters and dies. A second and a third creature appear in a similar fashion before before all the burst of flame finally gutter out. Several of the building still smolder but a second trumpet blast calls that all is clear. At this Brella begins hauling Cassius away again but before she makes it very far a soot stained warforged aproaches from the the north.
The warforged is quite unusual in that his entire body is covered with shards of multicolored crystal which jut from his plating. The outline of a badge has been carved into his left breast signifying the rank of captian. He makes no attempt at stealth clanking along heavily, he stops just before the pair of them and glances down at Cassius.
Brella: Um...
Warforged: I have no interest in your mortal dealings or "humor" I simply wished to give my report on the disturbance to the commander. As it appears he is in no condition to recieve it I shall simply leave it with one of his subordinates. (walks into the tavern)
Kelly: (seeing the warforged) Oy! Captain Fracture, what's with all the alarms?
Fracture: A group of one dozen living fireballs emerged from the Mournlands and mounted an assult on the Cathedral's north gate. The soldier assigned to lookout duty had fallen asleep at his post and consequently the hostiles were not noticed until they had already reached the gate. The creatures managed to break through the gate and eliminated the breather gaurds in place there. My company mobilized and managed to eliminate the threat before they managed to light more that two building alight. I created a temporary barrier to stand in for the north gate while my comrades attempted to deal with the fires. I came here to report to the commander but it appears that his frail, fleshy form has fallen pray to some form drug or poison.
Nathan: So whatcha do with the lookout?
Fracture: Nothing. It did not seem neccissary to punish him any more for the failings of his weak mortal shell.
Kelly: How bad's the damage round there then?
Fracture: The north gate is largely destroyed, and several home suffered minor damage. There were injuries among my soldiers and the mercenaries which arrived to lend assistance but no casualties of importance.
Random Adventurer: Wait, I though you said the gaurd at the gate was wiped out?!
Fracture: I stand by my statement. Now I must return to my troops. Please convey my report to the commander. (walks out of the tavern)
OOC: Character description shortly
Crystalforged 07-14-07 06:11 PM
Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre
LE male personality psiforged
psion (shaper) 6/Construtor 3
Personality: First and foremost, Fracture is a racist bastard. He has an extremely low opinion of humanoids, frequently refering to the using phrases including (but in no way limited) "meatsack," "fleshbag," "fleshy," or if he's in a good mood, "breather." His view is that warforged are innately supperior in everyway, lacking the the physical needs of food, water, and sleep, as well as their immunity to poison, disease, and even aging itself. He sees it as the destiny of his kind to one day rule over the entire world. Thats not to say he is manuvering to kill off the "fleshies", he figures eventually the humaniods will die out on their own without much help from him and he has plenty of patience.
In day to day interactions Fracture tends to be very tacturn, he often says as little as possible, particularly to breathers. It is common for him to skip over details which he considers "inconsequential". He always acts with icy precision, doing whatever is neccessary to win, often with brutal efficency.
Fracture's first and foremost concern however is the treatment of other warforged. He tries to ensure equal treatment of warforged at every turn. If he is evil, it is only because he will do ANYTHING to advance the interests of his kind.
History: Fracture's first memory is waking up in the mournland at the edge of the glass plateu. He has no idea who he was before this or if he even existed before this. Regardless his skills as a Psion kept him alive in the hostile wilderness. He wandered for many months within the mists though he doesn't often talk about what he did during this time since he doesn't deem it very important.
Ultimately he somehow ended up making his way to Caer Shadowfast where he joined up with the soldiers there. He rapidly rose through the ranks demonstrating impressive leadership potential, with warforged at least, and a mind for tactics in addition to his own respectable skill with the power of the mind.
There tends to be some friction between Cassius and Fracture, mainly because of Fracture's tendancy for insubordination and constantly pointing out the "flaws" humanoids suffer from. Despite this however he is too valuable for Cassius to get rid of and he has never shown any signs of planning a coup. He has not only shaped the warforged he commands into one of the fortress's most deadly fighting forces but also can provide disposable reinforcements through the use of his Astral Construct power and heal his own troops with Psionic Repair Damage.
Fracture tends to have a slightly hands off approach with his soldiers, leaving the majority of their training to subordinates, only taking direct command in combat. Fracture has also been known to disappear for days, nobody knows where he goes, not even Cassius, and Fracture isn't talking.
rampant 07-14-07 06:14 PM
Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre
Cassius - Why am I getting this report now?
Nathan - Well sir it seem more important that we get you off the flagpole first.
Cassius - Where is brella now?
Nathan - She headed back earlier today sir.
Cassius - Doesn't she know the penalty for drugging an official.
Nathan - Unfortunatly She never confessed any such thing to anyone.
Cassius - ahem
Nathan - Well maybe to Kelly, but she'll never talk, And technically there is no law against hanging a soldier on a flagpole if he's off-duty.
Cassius - Couldn't you have had a mage use detect poison or something?
Nathan - Not until you were on the ground, and by then you were up and kicking with no traces of anything in your system.
Cassius - So ...
Nathan - She's gotten off scott free again, and even under the code of Kiaus we got nothing.
Cassius - One more item.
Nathan - Well sir, um we left the duck flag up, because we don't have anything else to fly from the flagpole sir.
Ultimatecalibur 07-14-07 06:42 PM
Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre
As a silver-haired young man enters the Tavern, Kelly and several patrons look over at his hair.
Kelly - Ryan's hair is silver today; so table 9 gets a round a drinks.
<A Cheer raises from Table 9>
Ryan - Sorry for being late, Kelly, but here is your saber back.
Hands over sword.
Kelly - Find anyth'n out?
Ryan - A little. It is a Thranish calvary saber from around the time the Silver Flame's were hunts, But you already knew that. Based on the quality and ornamentation, it belonged to a marshal, at a minimum. I sent a rubbing of the makers mark and the crest on the guard to a weapon historian I trust in Thrane to see if she could identify the maker and possibly the orginal owner. I'll tell you more when I hear back from her.
Ryan Mabel
CG human Bard 6/Master Inquisitive 4
Personality Description: Quiet, puzzle loving, adept listener and triva sponge who hates when people corrupt information.
Appearance: A young mostly non-descript Breland man, except for his medium length hair that changes to a random color every day.
History: Ryan will only say that he grew up in Sharn when asked about his childhood. He does admit that he has done some adventuring in both Xendrik and the Mournland. When asked about how his hair got that way he smiles and says "An accident in some ruins on my last trip to Xendrik".
SilvercatMoonpaw 07-14-07 06:56 PM
Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre
Originally Posted by Crystalforged (Post 13072905)
…he figures eventually the humaniods will die out on their own without much help from him…
Bunny: They do have that tendency.
Kaizer_Ryu 07-14-07 07:28 PM
Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre
Originally Posted by SilvercatMoonpaw (Post 13071824)
Silver: ………………………………………………So did you bone her on not? :confused:
13: :D
Originally Posted by Crystalforged (Post 13072905)
...or if he's in a good mood, "breather."
Kelly: Oy, who be takin' th' next round? Don't be shy.
Thelia: *softly* I'll go.
Most of the patrons turned towards a voice they rarely heard, noticing her for the first time in the shadows of the support beam she leaned against. None had seen her enter, but most of the regulars had stopped trying to make sense of her movements.
She disappeared briefly, reemerging next to the fireplace. It was events like this that explained why she had so few friends, why she commanded at least a begrudging respect, and why so few were willing to hit on her. Shadowdancers were just...creepy. The empassioned yet emotionless way she spoke next didn't help much, either.
Thelia: There once was a little girl who looked upon the world and saw death. The bodies of the invaders who honestly believed what they had come for was theirs to take. The bodies of the defenders who wished to protect their home. The scorched fields, the destroyed forests, the burned villages. Her grandmother once told her to never speak ill of the dead. Each life, friend or foe, that was extinguished returned to the earth from which it had sprung. She would help her elders as they sent these souls to their eternal rest.
There was once a little girl who looked upon the world and saw life. The crowds cheering, the crowds awestruck, the crowds sometimes even heartbroken. The spirit of those she respected as they performed. The elation of bringing a bit of peace back to uncertain times. The sheer terror of her first performance, and the approving roar of the crowd.
Both girls looked out from behind the same eyes. To her, the laws of civilization; compassion, respect, order, altruism, were at war with the law of nature; kill or be killed.
...Nathan, you're drooling.
Nathan: :drool: Oh, sorry. *wipes his face*
Thelia: The weak would perish while the strong survived to create the next generation. That was how she justified the deaths of her countrymen as they struggled to retain their national identity. It was a simplistic view, fit for a child, but couldn't stand up to the harshness of reality.
A holy man arrived one day with his charges, trying to claim a part of the land for his god. With the shining fire he wielded, they came to cleanse the land of evil. When the troupe spotted them, the girl could smell their fear. Why? Why should she fear these men who had come to fight the bandits and monsters that had used the county's chaos for cover? Why was her father telling her to flee?
When her big brother was cut down where he stood, she couldn't understand. He was not evil. He had looked out for her for as long as she could remember, sometimes even more fervently than their parents. He was the one who taught her to hunt, to watch for poisonous plant life, and to dance. When she had fallen ill, he was the one who risked the danger of monsters to find the cure.
And it wasn't just him. Her aunt, who just days ago had brought an audience to tears with her portrayal of Queen Wrella of Aundair's death, was run through for real. Her Great-Grandmother, nearly blind and a source for great wisdom and pride for the troupe, was consumed by that silvery flame. Her father, defending his daughter, took five holy bolts to the chest while ripping apart one of the assailants before he died.
The stench of blood was overpowering as her mother carried her away. One image would remain burned into her memory, though. The leader of the attackers killing her five year old cousin in cold blood. He was not looking for food. He was not defending himself or his men. There was no strategic or political gain from that act. He did it because he could, because he wanted to, and because their presense offended him and his god.
Thelia poured her drink into the fire, staring into the flickering light as something approaching sadness entered her voice.
Thelia: That was the Last War for her. Life made cheap, death made meaningless. That girl is gone now. Only I remain...
As the flames flickered brightly, she calmly returned to her position in the back, taking up her silent vigil once more.
SilvercatMoonpaw 07-14-07 09:00 PM
Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre
OOC: Okay, we feel it is time we tried to join in, not just commentary but as characters actually in the game. We hope we do a good job.
As Thelia slipped back to her place two men stood up. One was a human male with red hair, and other a male half-elf with silvery hair—whether from age or blood no one knew. They were both dressed extremely simply, about like something a cloistered priest might have as all they were allowed with their vow of poverty. They took up positions on either side of the fireplace, waiting until the groans and the boos had died away.
Red hair: Greetings, fellow breathers!
Silver hair: We hope. *significant glance Kael's way*
Red hair: (strikes dramatic storytelling pose) We bring you a tale of star-crossed fate and ancient blood magic. It is a tale filled with the lore of—
He ducks a flying mug.
Bar Patrons: —Aw, stick a dagger in it! —Yeah, we've heard it a hundred times!
Kelly: They're right. You've gotten up here every night since arriving in this town and tried pass off a load of dragon-huey as fact. Well tonight we call your bluff.
The red and silver exchange a glance and a shrug.
Silver hair: Assuming a bluff can be called when there isn't one there?
Kelly: Can the wit, Ari. Unless you two have something else to tell sit back down.
Red hair: But what could be a better story then something with dragons in it?
Both he and Ari moved to sit down again, but someone called out.
Nathan: Hey, Reade, how about what two clowns like you are doing in this hellhole?
This was rewarded with a brief burst of flame that singed Nathan's eyebrows.
"Ari" Male Half-Elf Expert (Religious-related) 3/Dragon Shaman (Silver) 2
"Reade" Male Human Dragonfire Adept 1/Expert (Religious-related) 1
A wisecracking duo of a slightly crazy priest and his apprentice who minister to those who are dissatisfied with all current religions found in the Five Nations. Their religion is based mostly around deities they say are worshipped by the dragons of the world and shown in the stars. Ari is the senior, Reade the junior, though they act very much more like equal partners. When not tending to their modest (read: old, abandoned, and falling down) temple they can be found around town offering "insight" into various facets of people's lives. The fact that people misinterpret this as mocking isn't their fault.
Appearance: They always have on simple brown hooded habits, with crudely carved religious pendants that supposedly represent draconic deities. No one can tell what the symbols are supposed to look like, apparently not even them.
History: Don't ask. Seriously. The one guaranteed way to get them to shut up is to ask.
Charles Phipps 07-14-07 09:57 PM
Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre
Boar's Head
*After Thelia's story*
Cassius was still looking quite angry about the flag pole incident. Usually, he took it in good humor but the fact he'd missed an attack didn't particularly put him in a good mood. Not only did it dress him down in front of his men but a part of him clearly wondered if he couldn't have saved the men who'd died's lives.
Mistress Kelly: The hatred that some in the church bears for people with Lycanthropic blood is something that is difficult for any sane person to understand.
Nathan: I don't see why anyone would hate Mistress Thelia.
Mistress Kelly: That is something that I hope never changes young Nathan. Though I am pleased to see that you have grown through life without learning to hate.
Nathan: I'm afraid that's not true.
Mistress Kelly: You have a story as well?
Nathan: My story isn't as interesting as Mistress Thelia or The Colonel.
Mistress Kelly: Please share though.
Nathan: I grew up in the farmlands of Karrnath. I don't remember much about that time there. I recall they once hanged someone to make the crops grow and my mom had lots of scars on her arms from spilling blood to make prayers.
Mistress Kelly: Errr...
Nathan: Yeah, I know. The Blood of Vol is outlawed in Karrnath now and they're still rooting it out. I don't have no religion. When the gods help me, I'll start to help them.
Thelia: Oh Nathan.
Nathan: The village had been burned down three or four times according to my mum. That's why it was built out of Thatch, to make it easier to rebuild. However, one time a bunch of ugly blokes came and killed everyone. They might have been Thranes or they might have been Brells. Hell, they could have been Karrns because someone forgot the tax money.
Cassius: I believe they were Thranish deserters by your description. The armies rumored cohesion broke down in Karrn territory for many.
Nathan: Eh, it doesn't matter.
Cassius: An odd statement.
Nathan: I've met a lot of folks Colonel. Some of them are very noble like you but they still want to kill each other like there's no tomorrow. Others are complete scum and they're monsers no matter what uniform they wore. Anywho, I eventually got picked up by the army and shoved off into an orphange. We washed uniforms and stuff for the military.
Cassius: A noble pursuit for a young boy to contribute.
Nathan: If you say so Colonel. In the end, we lived under leaky roofs in flea covered beds and there were fires set in the capital every day by Emerald Claw terrorists. No food, poor water, and all the priests were healing the battlefield so sickness was always bad.
Cassius: And?
Nathan: And I decided to join the army and lied about being fourteen. The food wasn't much better but there was a steady supply of it. Though, I can't say that the experience taught me much. I once snuck over enemy lines to scavenge. Both sides looked pretty much the same and were divided by thirty yards in a trench on Dornmas.
Cassius: I see. If you'll excuse me, now I've my faculties, I must go investigate the wall and make sure it's prepared. The Mourning Horrors will sense weakness there and will probably attack it. The men must be ready to repel it until the engineers have restored it.
He gave Kelly a kiss then headed outside to once more take the fight back. He definitely seemed to want to speak more with some of the men though.
[[Shadows over Cyre Transcript]] - [[Shadows over Cyre Transcript 2|Page 2]]

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