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==Welcome To the Shattered Lands==
==Welcome To the Shattered Lands==
Welcome everyone, if you're on this page hopefully you are one of our lovely gamers taking part in the Shattered Lands role playing game being run by your most favoritest DM ever, Dan.  This page will act as your go-to source for the basics on the setting, updated summaries of the goings on to date in the game world, important players and non-players in the setting, and all you should ever need to know to play and enjoy this game.  Anyone can edit this page by signing up for an account - and I encourage you to make the most of the resource as you can.
Welcome everyone, if you're on this page hopefully you are one of our lovely gamers taking part in the Shattered Lands role playing game being run by your most favoritest DM ever, Dan.  This page will act as your go-to source for the basics on the setting, updated summaries of the goings on to date in the game world, important players and non-players in the setting, and all you should ever need to know to play and enjoy this game.  Anyone can edit this page by signing up for an account - and I encourage you to make the most of the resource as you can.
===Useful Stuff at the top of the page===
Previous Combats:
==The Basics of Dark Sun==
==The Basics of Dark Sun==
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He's the guy in charge.  More later.
He's the guy in charge.  More later.
God-King, Great Divine One, Lord Tectuktitlay, Father of the Jaguar and Keeper of the Feathered Serpent, King of the Two-Moons and the lands of Draj.
Not voiced by David Spade.
A wonderful bit put together by Erik and myself talking about social and economic aspects of Draj. [http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Shattered_Lands/Azteconomics Azteconomics]
===Warrior Culture===
===Warrior Culture===
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====Flowery Wars====
====Flowery Wars====
Are ceremonial games played twice a year (once in honor of each of the two moons).  Real warrior status is to be gained here - victory in these games can mean great prestige and honor - and defeat could mean shame and even exile. 
More on these later
Slaves are not permitted to join the Flowery Wars, only free men can earn an invitation to these events.  Flowery Wars are different from the Arena events in several ways - the first of which is the location.
While Arena fights are held in the Palace of Gladiatorial Conquest amphitheater in the center of Two-Moon City, the Flower War field is an open turf field that sits right outside the gates to the Two-Moon city.
More to come later.
===Crime and Punishment===
===Crime and Punishment===
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===Magic Items and Rewards===
===Magic Items and Rewards===
Anyone familiar with the Dark Sun setting - or anyone having read that primer up above at least - should have noticed by now that magic is not so common.  As such, magic items aren't as easy to find or get access to in Athas.  What this means is that characters will likely receive fewer magical items - and the ones you do receive should be treated as treasures and rare artifacts.  To make up for the fact that you won't be wandering around the wastes like christmas-trees of loot, there are some changes we'll be making.
Anyone familiar with the Dark Sun setting - or anyone having read that primer up above at least - should have noticed by now that magic is not so common.  As such, magic items aren't as easy to find or get access to in Athas.  What this means is that characters will likely receive fewer magical items - and the ones you do receive should be treated as treasures and rare artifacts.  To make up for the fact that you won't be wandering around the wastes like christmas-trees of loot, there are some changes we'll be making.
====Breaking Shit====
If you have a non-metal weapon, it might break.  On a natural 1 - you are in danger.  You can choose to accept the miss - and save your weapon... or reroll the attack.  If you re-roll your attack, your weapon WILL break - but you stand a chance of hitting with the attack.  If you just broke your shiney magical obsidian sword... I'm sorry.  Fixing a broken weapon is usually not worth it - unless it was magical... and that'll probably be something you'll need to either repair yourself (Good luck...) or have someone else repair for a cost (in favors or in cold stinking hard cash).
So there you have it - if you roll a botch, you can save your weapon and miss the attack - or press your luck for a hit and have it break.
====Inherent bonuses====
====Inherent bonuses====
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====Masterwork Stuff====
====Masterwork Stuff====
Masterwork armors and weapons and magical goods of all shapes and sizes basically all have parallels in the game - the big difference will be found in the way you describe your gear and whatnot - metal goods, weapons, and things of that nature will be HARD to get your hands on. If it's light armor - it's probably hides and feathers, and medium and heavy armor is probably carapace, hides, scales and things of that nature.... use your imagination.
Instead of magical armor and the like, it's much more likely that you'll gain access to exquisite works of masterwork armor.  Who wants boring old plate-mail when you can have something far more interesting and badass looking anyway.
====Boons, Favors, and other weird stuff====
====Boons, Favors, and other weird stuff====
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===Use the Character Generator===
===Use the Character Generator===
Looks like we're are pretty much boned as far as a convenient character generator at the moment - so here's the deal, we need a good, cohesive, editable Dark-Sun friendly, beautiful, functional character sheet.  And pretty much, such a thing doesn't exist insofar as I have found.
There's a pretty good character generator available from WotC that I can make available to you, if you don't already have access - AT THIS TIME: There is no support for Dark Sun, reportedly that update will come in October sometime soon, so we'll wait and seeBut if everyone is on the same page on how they are making their characters it'll make things a lot easier on me, which will make things easier on youIf you don't have it, email me, we'll get you sorted.
Do you know where one is? Can you make a pretty one yourself? Let's work together and find or create something we can all benefit from.
So this means, for the meantime, do what you can to make your character in whatever form you find best... and in the meantime, let's find a decent format. 
For you lucky few who decided to have me make your characters (mechanically at least) don't worry your pretty heads about anything above.
===Starting Level and what that Means===
Characters will start at level 6.  They should select the appropriate amount of feats, powers, and whatnots to reflect that.   
Starting at an advanced level has some implications you should remember:
*Starting Loot: Since Dark Sun is lower in magic riches than usual, the following adjustment was made - characters will start with 2 magic items (1 at level 6, and 1 at level 5) and money/favors equivalent to 1000GPYou can use this money in any way you see fit - or keep it - or convert it to favors...
**About Favors - the most probable places to have favors with might be... Templars of Draj, the Commonfolk, the Elven Market, and The Temples
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Off the top of my head I think this group amounts to 8 people, with 4 strikers, 1 or 2 leaders, and 1 or 2 defenders, with maybe a controller.  I'm not worried about balance, because I think it's a fun challenge to design the encounters for the mixed bag.  But as an observation - it looks like this team will be a very hard-hitting, but possibly fragile group.  That's cool - just be mindful of your strengths and weaknesses.   
Off the top of my head I think this group amounts to 8 people, with 4 strikers, 1 or 2 leaders, and 1 or 2 defenders, with maybe a controller.  I'm not worried about balance, because I think it's a fun challenge to design the encounters for the mixed bag.  But as an observation - it looks like this team will be a very hard-hitting, but possibly fragile group.  That's cool - just be mindful of your strengths and weaknesses.   
===Character Sheet===
===Tenative Characters===
There's a blank template Character Sheet to get you started in adding it to the wiki.  How do you do this? Well I'll tell you.
1) Navigate to here: [http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Shattered_Lands/Template_PC Template]
2)Edit the page, select all the text and copy it.  DON'T CUT IT.  Copy it, retards. 
3) Create a page for your character, preferably under the Shattered Lands folder.  This is very easy.  See that URL at the top that says... "http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Shattered_Lands" well if you start typing in that bar and type "http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Shattered_Lands/MY_CHARACTERS_LAME_NAME" it will create a page just like that. 
4) Paste the Template that you copied earlier into the new page that you just created and get busy adding in everything.
5) Be sure to link your newly created page under your character entry below.  You can do this by clicking the "External Link" button in the edit menu and pasting in the URL of the page you just created.
6) Questions? Ask on the Forum!
===Tentative Characters===
These are the mumblings I have heard from the players in the campaign.  Want to put your own up? Then edit below!
These are the mumblings I have heard from the players in the campaign.  Want to put your own up? Then edit below!
This space reserved.
I'm here. I'm desperately reading up on the world of Athas. More to follow. I'm IMing ignornat, so my IMing short hand is weak. I'll get better. back to reading...
bring on the Hannibal!!! (halfling cannibal? hehe.. i crack my self up..)  -Coax
''' 'Teoxihuitle'
Teoxihuitle is an elvish shaman from a strong desert tribe.  As the third daughter of that tribe’s leader, there were no particular expectations placed on her and, for most of her childhood, was given free reign to do as she pleased.  All but running wild, she was allowed to indulge in her natural curiosity, and absorbed any skill or knowledge anyone was willing to teach her. 
This continued until, while still quite young, she was deemed a strong and worthy candidate to learn the ways of a shaman, a position greatly revered within her family’s tribe.  She suddenly found all her previous freedoms revoked, a fact that she resented terribly.  She also struggled with the isolation inherent in shamanism; her nature rebelled at being separated from outside contact for long periods of time.  However, she was ultimately able to reconcile these opposing demands to her own satisfaction (though her teacher, Nahuaque would most certainly disapprove of some of her methods...she has found teonanacatl and oliliuhqui help to either relax or sharpen her senses, and makes good use of both when the occasion calls for it). 
Years later, she returned to her tribe as an accomplished spirit wielder and a skilled healer. Though she often wanders alone, she always manages to find her group during their travels and often aids in their raids and battles. To everyone’s surprise, she recently struck up an unlikely and unconventional rapport with the snake warrior, Coaxoch, and the two of them have proven to be a powerful team.  Her esteem in the eyes of the tribe has been rising, a fact resented by her older siblings, who began to use any means at their disposal to undermine her. Though her calling as a shaman all but demands that she depart for days, perhaps weeks at a time, she was always welcomed eagerly back in the past.  Things had changed greatly when she returned from her latest sprit walk. 
Though normally unconcerned with such a petty thing as politics, Teo quickly became disgusted and angry at such underhandedness; not only did she consider herself directly insulted but, more importantly, her abilities and loyalty were being called into question.  At the limits of her patience, and in a moment of recklessness (helped on by the strange drink supplied to her by Coaxoch after a successful raid) she left.  Though Nahuaque would have chided her on her impulsive reaction to such a "minor" issue,  she vowed not to return until she has honed her powers enough to overwhelm any challenges placed against her, be they political, spiritual, or physical. 
To that end, she has enlisted the aid of Coaxoch who, to her surprise, followed obediently, and demands nothing more from Teo than the communion wafers, of which the secret for preparing them is known only to the shamans.  Teo sometimes wonders if Coax had her own reasons for wanting to leave, but is shrewd enough to take advantage of a good opportunity without questioning it.  The two have made their way to Draj, where the famed fighting arenas stand.  Though she has never been to a city, Teoxihuitle is sure that there can be no better place to start sharpening her skills than in the arena, and is eager to see whether all the whispered talk she has heard about the city-state is justified.
EDIT: It should probably be noted that Teo is grossly under-informed about a few details of Draj.  First and foremost, she believes she is seeking out the Flowery Games, with their chances of glory and status. Instead she is going to find herself in the brutal hell that is the Arena.  The rumors she'd heard of Draj had passed over those minor details.
Standing at 5’10”, she is considered on the small side for an elf (a touchy subject for her).  Her frame is compact and athletic, lean from traveling and running through the desert wastes.  Her skin is tanned to a deep bronze, and she wears light clothing, suited for easy movement and comfort.  Her most noticeable features are the turquoise piercings that adorn the surface of her skin, tracing both collar bones and down the top of her spine.  Her hair has been dreded and braided, for convenience’s sake, though she couldn’t resist the small vanity of adding some blue and white in places.  The large pouch at her waist never leaves her side, and she guards it carefully, almost jealously.
Usually fluid and adaptable, she is also proud by nature, and she takes any serious slight against herself, her race or her tribe very personally.  She is also unaccustomed to being blindly obedient and would resent being ordered about like a common slave.  However, she is willing to ally herself to any individual or group she considers worthy or useful, so long as they treat her with the proper respect.  Being a bit small for her race, she is quite sensitive about her height, and has compensated for it to a marvelous degree.  The larger the individual, the less she allows herself to be intimidated (through sheer force of will).  As such, she doesn’t take kindly to anyone’s attempt to deliberately patronize or strong-arm her due to their size.
She has a strong curiosity, though this should not be confused with naivete.  While she wants to learn all she can about other peoples, cultures, and even magic itself, she approaches everything carefully and methodically, filing away details to be considered later.  One can never be sure, when seeing her sitting alone, staring into the middle distance and muttering to herself, if she is in the midst of a spiritual trance or simply cataloging everything of interest she has seen that day.
Despite enjoying the company of others, the fact that she has spent so much time alone, with no one but Xipil, her spiritual insectuar, for company, means she has picked up a few behavioral tics.  Namely, she has a tendency to hiss or growl if her emotions run away with her (Coax swears that she also heard a purr, once, but Teo will deny it to her dying day).  She also makes frequent use of small doses of the oliliuhqui seed, often used to bring one closer to the spirit world, as she believes it opens her mind and senses to things that many might miss.
====Topher and Aniket====
====Topher and Aniket====
A pair of rogues that work together in deadly unison. Who is their mark in this hostile warrior city? (Half-Elf Ranger/Rogue and Human Rogue? / Strikers)
A pair of rogues that work together in deadly unison. Who is their mark in this hostile warrior city? (Half-Elf and Changeling Rogues? / Strikers)
=====Topher's character:=====
Aureus Haaku Khefrotep Dark Moons (Night Runner tribe) was born to a human mother (a Dune Trader) who trafficked with the Night Runner tribe of elves.  His father was aware of his existence, but remained out of touch.  Aureus' only memory of his father is as a silhouette against the setting sun.  His mother, Rassis Khefrotep, told Aureus stories about both of his lineages, going so far as to give him the elven name Haaku (means Two Daggers... she claimed that Aureus' father suggested the name before departing and never returning), should he choose to try and follow that lineage.  He has never felt truly human or elf, and even as a young boy showed signs of withdrawing into himself.  It's as though he wages an inner battle between his two bloodlines, refusing to get too close to others emotionally for fear of finally embracing a lineage and shunning those close to him who don't fit his potential new life.  He even grew distant from his mother, perhaps echoing a stoicism inherited from his father.
He grew up among trade caravans and nomads, learning games of chance and how to handle a blade along the way.  As he grew into maturity, Aureus began running with the trade caravan scouts, learning about the fierce moods of nature and the harshness of the desert.  He learned techniques for trapping water condensation and for getting a feel for sand shifting beneath his feet from skulking predators as well as fleeing prey.  Eventually he began to lead scouting parties and hunts.  He was also making a name for himself as bladesman (haven't decided what exactly he'll fight with... thinking a pair of kukri-like things... or a sword and dagger), and could hold his own among his peers in sparring matches. 
Time in small towns and settlements intrigued him, and Aureus would often employ natural charm and sleight-of-hand tricks to earn extra money from townsfolk.  Though he ran with Dune Traders, he didn't always live up to their philosophy of honest dealings with friend and stranger alike.  His travels with the caravan took him to small pockets of civilization that hinted at a completely other side of life than he had come to know.  He longed for a change.
The change that came was not what he expected.  The trade caravan he ran with was set upon by Draji slavers.  His mother was cut down in the attack, and many who he had grown up with perished defending themselves. Aureus was among the few that survived the carnage and was taken as a slave to Draj.
In the Draj slave markets, Aureus caught the eye of a merchant looking to bolster his guard ranks.  After a time, Aureus' sleight-of-hand skills, as well as his knowledge of lockpicking and disarming traps came to be recognized by his master.  The merchant-prince began tasking Aureus with delicate jobs dealing with rival merchants or beneficiaries who had neglected to pay back their debts.  He took to maintaining the role of a good natured juggler and practitioner of coin and card tricks as a hanger-on to the merchant-prince, while being a silent assassin against said merchant-prince's enemies.  He came to revel in his dual-life, feeling parallels to his dual heritage, and using the assassination missions as a channel to focus his rage and anger at the attack on his mother's trade caravan. 
He developed a handful of contacts in the shadier parts of the city.  Some were informants, others were literal partners in crime who assisted in his missions.  A few became trusted colleagues who Aureus was able to find time to work with on endeavors of their own.
Eventually, however, Aureus ran afoul of the merchant-prince.  He seduced the merchant-prince's niece and had a night of intoxicated passion with her.  It's not clear what enraged the merchant-prince more, the "ravaging" or the intoxication of his niece, but either way Aureus found himself on the out.  Technically freed by the merchant-prince, his former master pulled strings and has arranged for Aureus to fight for his life in the arena.  The fighting chance for survival is the merchant-prince's way of acknowledging the services Aureus performed for him.
Aureus is constantly torn between two worlds and is always seeking a distraction from that turmoil.  He hasn't yet matured to a point where reconciling the turmoil is an option (but it's approaching), or realizing that he is free to carve his own path.  He's moody (but not in an overtly emo way), and tends to be either jovial and easy going or murderously dark.  This is entirely from how he learned to live and survive.  The shift between the two extremes can be dramatic and instant.  He's as likely to overturn a table in a tavern at the first sign of danger during an otherwise friendly card game as he is to find a moment of humor in the death throes of an enemy.  Did I mention he's Chaotic Neutral?
Aureus in his mid 20s and having a kind of unique look (in Draj, anyways).  He wears trappings of Elven nomads mixed with vaguely Urikite attire (his mother was from Urik), along with various tokens of his travels.  He's lighter skinned than people from Urik, but wears his beard (which has a reddish/copper tinge, hinting at his elven blood) in a similar, clipped and pointed style.  He keeps his head shaved bald and has a small network of tattoos from various cultures adorning the back and sides of his head, neck, and shoulders. 
He wears a saber crafted from the rib-bone of some beast, rumored to be from an archaic age when Athas was covered in seas, as well as a dagger made of the horn of a young kirre... pointed so much as to almost be more a stiletto than dagger.  Various smaller daggers of bone and horn can be seen adorning his person.  His leather armor is a deep purplish-red, being made from the jhakar skin.  The hit-and-run nature of the jhakar is something Aureus takes inspiration from.
=====Aniket's Character=====
Memory. Memory is a curious thing. Remus mused darkly.
When you try to remember something worthwhile, it escapes you. Like an oily Silk Wyrm. You cannot hold on to it enough to focus. It sucks up all your energy in that dark vortex and leaves you broken and bruised. And when you want to forget something terrible, it latches onto your mind, sinking its claws, making deep bloody scars. It never lets you go.
Of the three guards that are circling him right now, the one at the back left is new. Probably a recruit. Remus could tell by the way he handles his spear. The grip was totally wrong. You should never grab so close to the blade end. And also by the faint line of sweat visible above his trembling lips. He didn't expect a chase on rooftops so early in the morning.
That's the one who is useful to him.
"Give it up, assassin," called out the Captain as he readied his shield. "You have been giving us too much trouble. But you're at the end of your road here. Look behind you. No place to run". He cautiously stepped forward. "All those burglaries. And murders! For what? Money? Whores? Trying to make a name among the lowlife criminals? There are other ways to impress your girlfriend, kid."
"How well you know me Captain," Remus said quietly, trying to buy some time, just like the Captain was. His eyes moved to the only other guard- an archer, lining up a careful shot. He clearly did not use a bow at this height- above a palace roof. The wind is strong here. And Remus just knew which way the arrow would go. He smirked.
"Oh I know all about your types," the Captain spat, "You are moths drawn to the fire. You are so desperate for warmth, you don't see you will burn up!" He took another step. He's good.
Remus knew this was the right time. The Captain's shield was Inix bone. Not the best. And he could see where it was cracking. And the oblivious archer aimed at exactly where he wanted, while the recruit with the spear barely stood on his shaky feet. Poor guy was probably afraid of heights.
"But I have no thirst for warmth, Captain," said Remus with a mischievous smile, "Your daughter provided that so readily in her bedroll last night. You know, it's hard to believe she was a virgin until yesterday."
That did the trick. The guard Captain was visibly red, completely falling for the taunt. "You son of a-" he yelled ferociously as he jumped at Remus. Remus was ready. He leaned right, jabbing the sword in his right hand at the weak point of the shield- completely breaking it, and going through. It hit his stomach. And the arrow shot by the guard was embedded on the back of is neck. Lowering the body with his right hand, Remus shot his trusted hand-crossbow with his left. In a moment the archer was down with a bloody stomach. Remus leaped, leaving the sword with the body and landing near the archer, delivering a well placed kick on his jaw. He rolled over to a side. He'd live. Probably.
The recruit was already running towards the ladder. Remus aimed his crossbow. It had already loaded herself. The bolt touched his ankle. Bad miss. He was aiming for the thigh. Lucky he fell down anyway.
Running to him, Remus dragged him up and put him against the wall with one hand at his neck. The left hand aimed the crossbow just between his eyes.
"I'll ask once," Remus chewed the words. That way they sound more scary. "Where. Is. He?"
The recruit broke down, sobbing. That was easy.
"The Arena." he chocked through his tears, "I swear! They want him to fight!" Remus spotted an yellowish flow down his legs. He wet his chainmail.
"Do yourself a favor," Remus said, more quietly this time, "Forget my face. I'd hate to kill you in your sleep." He left him on the wall, and slowly walked towards the body of the Captain. He took out his sword, wiped it on the Captain's tabard and sheathed it.
The Arena. That certainly complicates things. A lot.
'Hold on, my friend. I'm coming,' he murmured, smirking, as he walked towards the ledge of the roof and leaped down.
A lazy, shifty, no-good elf that decided to take her Snake to Draj to get a break from pillaging on the Silt Sea. (Elf Beast Ranger/ Striker)
Coaxoch, (Cow-wah-show-k) - As according to the prophecy of her birth, Coaxoch was born with an affinity for serpents, and affinity which the serpents returned. They named her the "serpent flower", and it was no surprise that she later took a rare and deadly winged viper as her companion. They spent many years perfecting the battle strategy of a warrior with a venomous attack, and over time, she was considered the strongest of her tribe and became heavily relied upon in battle. While most warriors would have relished in the glory, she began to loath the position. Just when the monotony of raiding and pillaging was growing too much for her to stomach, she was given the opportunity to follow a new career pathway...
She had been sent out under the shaman and healer Teoxihuitle with a few other warriors to take down a caravan passing through their hunting grounds. Given the skill level or both herself and the healer, a small party was all that was required. For some reason, this angered the healer. After taking the caravan, Coaxoch found a barrel of 'Ixtapan Ale' among the supplies. Thinking it a great way to get the overreacting healer to relax a bit, they cracked open the barrel and celebrated their victory. While Coaxoch and her warriors were accustomed to celebrating with ale, the healer had no such experience, and proceeded to get fairly intoxicated, after a lengthy discussion, Teo struck a bargain. In return for her services as a body guard and warrior, Coaxoch would receive weekly payments - in the form of the 'communion'. (small biscuit like cookies that have a very special, highly addictive ingredient...yes thats right, she is the stoned meth-head fighter. MMA anyone?)
Coaxoch, (Cow-wah-show-k) - As according to the prophecy of her birth, Coaxoch was born with an affinity for serpents, and affinity which the serpents returned. They named her the "serpent flower", and it was no surprise that she later took a rare and deadly winged viper as her companion. They spent many years perfecting the battle strategy of a warrior with a venomous attack, and over time, she was considered the strongest of her tribe and became heavily relied upon in battle. While most warriors would have relished in the glory, she began to loath the position. Raiding and pillaging became more of a chore than anything else. Finally, when boredom and her perception of being overworked could no longer being ignored, Coaxoch took her flying snake Crowley and slipped away. They made their way to the city of Draj; a land of relative luxury, relaxation and comforts compared to the desert. After doing a little homework, she found a sniveling noble (with a few, very powerful allies to deter enemies) in search of a body guard. With little or no danger of actually having to do anything (so she thinks), she puts her deadly skills for hire - and basically hangs out and enjoys the cuisine with her new 'noble' boss, toying with gladiators to pass the time and make some extra money through her bosses gambling ring.
After making a written agreement on parchment found amongst the caravan, Coaxoch happily follows Teo to whichever dangers they might find, completing trivial tasks or epic battles - knowing that as per their agreement, payment will be delivered twice a week.  
Ps. She has kick ass tattoo's around her neck, arms and leg. Oh, and on her head. Grr.
Most things will be deemed too much effort as far as coax is concerned; she will not bother to help a stranger, or rescue children from sand beasts – unless there is something in it for her, or the task is a direct order of course.  Her laziness might also confuse – going 100 miles out of her way through the desert to avoid a sand beast isn’t that big of a deal (they’re a pain in the ass…), but on the other hand she’d rather slaughter a whole caravan than bother trying to sneak past unseen. It all comes down what is easiest for her at the time... As the highest ranking warrior of her people, she is quite accustomed to making all decisions regarding how she attacks - who, why and where she attacks however, has always been the task of the leaders. This gives Coaxoch a seemingly obedient streak, but only if the person giving the orders is deemed worth following. Any weakling or coward that attempts to order her around would end up missing a limb at least...
Oh, and she likes long jogs on the dunes, and is partial to staring blankly at people for extended periods of time. And be warned: it does not end well for those that harm her snake Crowley…
“Whatever… Got any cookies?"
She is the average athasian elf – tall and wirey. She stands just under 6'6 weighs 190lbs, with wide shoulders and lean muscled frame. Breed from desert raiders, she has well tanned skin and dark hair – not that she ever lets her hair be seen in its natural shade… Coaxoch has a love for coloring her hair, and has settled on a gem like magenta for the time being. Her eyes are ice blue, and stand out in sharp contrast to the many tattoos adorning her body. (She has the Aztec serpent on her head as homage to the bond with her snake Crowley, as well as the bands of a warrior around her arms and thigh. Her prowess earned her the broad tattoo around her neck – signifying her rank with her people.)
Her clothes are sparse to allow for running in the heat of the desert, though she wears a sarong around her waist should the sands ever demand she take cover. Her boots stop below the knee and are made of sand-shark skin.  The many feathers in her hair and around her armor mark each major battle won, though she stopped keeping track lest she start looking like a bird.  Her wrist razors – retractable blades fashioned out of the jaw and ragged teeth of some unfortunate beast that bared its fangs…
A Half-Giant that got in the wrong line and ended up being a Gladiator.  It's working out pretty well though, so she might just continue what works. (Half-Giant Two-Handed Fighter/ Defender)
A Half-Giant that got in the wrong line and ended up being a Gladiator.  It's working out pretty well though, so she might just continue what works. (Half-Giant Two-Handed Fighter/ Defender)
Kabocha – of haar gesin
Backstory - 
Kabocha is a half-giant who was kindly asked to leave her home: by her family. Her crime being the possession of a deadly artifact that she refused to destroy. Although most of her knowledge is muscle-based (for example: she can reason out how fast she has to swing her arms to crush a human's chest cavity), she chooses not to discriminate against other forms of knowledge.
She decided to try to find the purpose of the artifact (hopefully without being killed in the process). Her travels eventually led her to Draj with nobody knowing anything about the “turning paper”. She was “drafted” into the arena while looking for some additional aid in her quest. While in Draj, she has decided not to bring it up on account of local legal recourse.
Personality -
She's a terrible sizest. That is to say, she thinks that anyone significantly smaller than herself leads an unfortunate existence, regardless of their quality of life. In turn, she is jealous of anything significantly larger than herself. She does have a tendency to think smaller things and people need protection, regardless of evidence on the matter. Also, though she tries not to be rude, she speaks especially slowly to smaller people (though others may view this as a display of slowness on her part). She views “common” as a small language and as such prefers the use of giant. Though she understands the need to communicate in the primary language she will utilize giant as often as she can.
She is mostly trusting of smaller people, unless they display unusual cunning, since she believes most of them are not capable of it. She tries to observe as much as she can before a battle so she can dedicate herself to violence during. She doesn't like holding back or holding grudges.
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Matalihutl was born into privilege, personally trained in the Way by Ixtabai the Blind from a young age.  His body and mind were forged into weapons in service to Father and House Tenoch.  He was chosen by his House to serve the templars, as part of their duty to the Father.  He was assigned to assist Chet Olmec, a templar, while that templar executed the will of the Father.  When Matt learned that Chet had been falsely accused of cowardice, he made a choice that would change his life forever.  On the honor of his blood, he took advantage of the distraction of "The Games", ascended the steps of the Father and Master Temple, and made a final appeal to his God for divine Justice . . . .
Matalihutl was born into privilege, personally trained in the Way by Ixtabai the Blind from a young age.  His body and mind were forged into weapons in service to Father and House Tenoch.  He was chosen by his House to serve the templars, as part of their duty to the Father.  He was assigned to assist Chet Olmec, a templar, while that templar executed the will of the Father.  When Matt learned that Chet had been falsely accused of cowardice, he made a choice that would change his life forever.  On the honor of his blood, he took advantage of the distraction of "The Games", ascended the steps of the Father and Master Temple, and made a final appeal to his God for divine Justice . . . .
[[Shattered Lands/matalihutl]]
'''<span style="font-variant:small-caps">Chet Olmec</span>''', Templar of Draj ''
Falsely accused of cowardice in battle by a rival for advancement, Chet Olmec, Templar of Draj, has been cast down into the arena with the dregs. The proud warrior has sworn a horrible and violent revenge on this rival, beginning with multiple stab wounds and ending with a full-body plaster cast to decorate the ruins of his stately manor. First, though, Chet has to fight his way out of squalor, and he's taking the bloodiest route possible.  But, in the Draj tradition, he's going to do it with Showmanship, and by the gods that'll involve fight choreography and flashy sacrifices. "Take 'em alive!" (Human Warlord / Leader)
:(Human Bravura Warlord / Leader / Lawful Good)''
:"Take 'em alive!" 
:John Wayne's diction meets late-night DJ's voice and a hint of Phil Hartman for enunciation, with staccato words and drawn out interjections.
:Falsely accused of cowardice in battle by a rival for advancement, Chet Olmec, Templar of Draj, has been cast down into the arena with the dregs. The proud warrior has sworn a horrible and violent revenge on this rival, beginning with multiple stab wounds and ending with a full-body plaster cast to decorate the ruins of his stately manor. First, though, Chet has to fight his way out of squalor, and he's taking the bloodiest route possible.  But, in the Draj tradition, he's going to do it with Showmanship, and by the gods that'll involve fight choreography and flashy sacrifices.  
''Traditionalists vs. Reformists''
:In court politics, the Templars of Draj are divided into the more numerous but disorganized Traditionalists associated with the Two-Moon Temples and the tight-knit Reformists associated with the Elemental Temples. Chet Olmec is (or was) a rising Traditionalist. His enemy, rival, accuser Lord Hueyibad is amongst the chief Reformists.
:A tall man usually seen either in ostentatious scale armor or the equally ostentatious clothes of Draj nobility, with the large green gem of his Templar status set between the jaws of the jaguar's head at the apex of his feathered warrior headdress. A cahulak, the double pair of four bone blades connected by a long length of rope, is wrapped around his waist ready to be flung far to smash into an approaching foe or held near to tear the flesh of a melee combatant. An obsidian blade hangs at his belt for more...ceremonial...occasions.
:Chet Olmec is the quintessential warrior of Draj: a stalwart believer in the divinity of his god-king and an imaginatively violent fighter. His habit of leaving his defeated opponents alive is not a mercy but rather an acknowledgement that a ritual sacrifice is more intimidating than a death in combat. He is a man of passions: rich loyalty to his friend and ally Matalihutl, dark rage toward his enemies, vibrant zest for dancing the interface between life and death. These passions all combine to fuel a roiling and explosive anger at the sight of Injustice. Not for his personal experience (for that is his honor to avenge) but accompanying his belief that though some may be born slaves, any who stands and fights with honor is a slave no longer, even in death. A radical anger indeed in a slave-holding society, but it is a philosophy derived of that society's violence: If you're willing to fight, you're free. But Chet neither promises nor expects a fair fight.
A Sorcerer bent on revenge and awesomeness. (I forget Sorcerer / Striker)
A Cuddly rabbit that will be eaten by a grue. (Fluffy Rabbit / Sand Shark Bait)
A Wizard bent on revenge and awesomeness. (Controller)
[[Mahzz Drayzen]]
Mahzz is distrustful of those around him, having grown up within the close groupings of a nomadic tribe. He became distant and somewhat single-track minded after raiders razed the only life he had known. He speaks guardedly, and only when he feels when something needs to be said. However, he is very emotional and passionate, so when he speaks, he's generally heard. He also thinks he's an elf, though a little funny looking, knowning nothing of the people of which his parents once belonged. The wizard is young and has a strong but naive sense of doing the right thing.
Pretty average height and build. 5'8" at 150 Lbs. Hair is a dusty greyed color, wavy, but cut short not-quite-shoulder-length, and unkempt/uncombed. His eyes are a Hazel color, sometimes changing slightly with his mood. He wears a long jacket with a hood, baggy pants, and a thin shirt with a deep-cut neckline, and knee-high boots of hide and scale. His clothes are tattered and worn, the colors long faded from the constant travel through the sands of the desert. He wears no jewelry. He does have a satchel for carrying water and other supplies. He wears a longsword on his left hip, and always has his wand with him usually tucked i his belt if not in hand.
Mahzz was born, and raised in a nomad tribe. His parents were poor herdsmen, occasionally negotiating trade with other tribes. They were not originally part of the tribe, but exiles who had found a new home. He was brought up thinking he was just another elf, albeit a bit different looking. His ability was discovered as what the villagers thought was sun-sickness turned out to be the manifestation of his power. Several livestock died mysteriously overnight as a result, and the next day, a charred spot of earth remained where Mahzz had collapsed from the apparent sickness. Nothing ever grew there.
Against his parents wishes, the tribe elder took Mahzz in to train him to control his power, and to protect him from the rest of the tribe. He had trained for several years in secret, only leaving to go on hunts with other tribesmen, also learning the locations of other tribes that were traded with. Mahzz still could not fully control his power, and still plants and soil blackened whenever he trained, though the elder was trying to guide him to the path of preservation.
One day, a group of raiders razed the village, and hauled the survivors off in chains.  Mahzz had been out in the wastes hunting, and returned only to find ashes, the bodies of the fallen, his teacher and mentor displayed as a trophy, his parents carrion for the vermin, and a mark left behind by the raider. From that point, Mahzz had been wandering from tribe to tribe, trying to find those who ravaged his people, wishing to seek revenge.  Most recent rumors indicate the raiders themselves were attacked, and the group was hauled to Draj. Some say to fight in the arena, others said one of the wizards needed new specimens. Mahzz hoped it was the former, and so went and sought a way to get to Draj, hoping to find the murderes there.
Mahzz eventually went with a caravan headed to some areas near the great city-state. However in the late afternoon, a horrible sand storm swept through, separating Mahzz from the caravan, and strewing debris and cargo everywhere. Mahzz was blown against a rock, and blacked out momentarily. When he awoke, the caravan was gone.
Mahzz rose from the ground, coughing up dust and sneezing as the grit settles in his nose. He shook his head, trying right his senses and shake the excess sand from his hair. He looked around at the waste left by the storm. The caravan long lost, and no tracks to be found, Mahzz surveyed the scene hoping to find any remnants to help him on.
Then, remembering, he hurriedly searched his clothes, patting himself down, searching for that ever-important scrap of parchment. His heart sank, and he felt his blood drain, he couldn't find it. Mahzz searched through the dust, scraping sand, fingers starting to bleed at his zealous, frantic, hopeless search for that last bit of hope.
Muttering to himself, "Damn the raiders, Damn the god-kings, damn this whole blasted world!" Mahzz lets his rage build, letting power fill him. The land near him blackened, feeding his power. Finally, in frustration, the young wizard cursed and shrieked to the sky, and expelled his power, sending an energy bolt into the dunes, blasting sand, and generally making a further mess of things.
Breathless, the young wizard dropped to his knees, his rage expended. He saw movement out the corner of his eyes. He coughed once in the newly dust filled air, and scrambled over to a small scrap of parchment unearthed in the blast: A scrap of parchment with the sigil of a raider group. The raiders that Mahzz so hungered to wreak vengeance upon.
Mahzz gingerly tucked the scrap into his robes and slowly rose to his feet again, still a little shaken from the careless and emotional release of power. With a quirky half-grin on his face, he started off, one foot in front of the other. His legs drove him onward, the will of his tribe drove him onward. The suns hung low in the sky as he lumbered onward in the last direction he felt the caravan went. The air stirred, and the dust cleared. Looming on the horizon, silhouetted against the dusk sky was a city. Draj.
Mahzz spent a full month in the city, resorting to stealth and thievery to survive, keeping his other abilities out of sight. He still could not control his powers enough to prevent draining energy from the environment around him. The elder had been trying to teach him how to preserve the life forces, but the lectures had not sunken in. Rumors of new participants of the arena depicting the marks of the raiders had coerced Mahzz to allow himself to get caught stealing. He put up a fight, hoping to convince the guards to toss him in the arena. He used a dagger he filched, and managed to slash one of the guards ears. The guard backpeddled, ear useless, dazed from the attack. The other guard threw a sack over Mahzz's head, but not before taking a few cuts himself. They knocked Mahzz out, tossed him in chains, and started to haul him off. A passing merchant noted the feisty, combative thief and suggested letting him get it beat out of him in the arena. The guards looked at each other, and took the bagged miscreant to the arena.
Mahzz was tossed in a cell along with several other unsavory looking characters. His sack is still tied over his head, cursing in elven, muffled by the bag, wondering why he thought that was a good idea.
[[Cha'Ka Chkit]]
[[File:ExampleThriKreen1.jpg]] [[File:Wlidshape(1).jpg]]
Thri-Kreen, "Last of his Clutch", Elemental Priest, predator druid
'''Appearance''': Red rusty chitin with strange engraved "tattoos" (used as a ritual book), Green eyes, Age: 5 (too bad thri-kreen only live till 30)
'''Background''': Since hatching, Cha'Ka and his clutch-mates were terrors of the wastes. They'd act more like a pack of savage animals then a tribe. Brutally eating lost travelers and the weak. Wearing their hides as trophies and as warnings. Until one day his clutch was rounded up, tossed in cages and sold to a merchant. The merchant used them as food, trinkets and medicine (to cure anything from baldness and erectile dysfunction).  Cha'ka escaped (Taking the merchant's left arm & eye)and traveled alone in the wastes till he was half dead. Thats when he started to commune with the Elemental Spirits and granted strange abilities. (3 years later) When he awoke from the vision quest... he was soaked in blood standing in the middle of a holding pen at the gladiatorial arena.
'''Personality''': Clutch is family. Family is life. All else is food and tools for the Clutch. Tends to act more like an animal then a common Thri-Kreen (sometimes a junkyard dog, sometimes a family pet).  Prefers to be in an animal form then his "2 legged" form and hates using the Common language (That he learned while in captivity).
==Player Aids==
==Player Aids==
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Do you know any music that we should be listening to while we play around in the desert lands of Athas and the Aztecky themed Draj?  If so, why not let us all know about it!
Do you know any music that we should be listening to while we play around in the desert lands of Athas and the Aztecky themed Draj?  If so, why not let us all know about it!
Here is an awesome link - but sadly i can't find the song anywhere but youtube. I think its from crouching tiger? maybe?      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irfzs57h5OY
Puscifer! specifically the songs: Indigo children, The undertaker- renholder mix, and REV 22:20.
Apocolypto soundtrack (kat you rock... )
===Artists of Note===
===Artists of Note===
Our own Mia and Rhieley and Topher are all really swell artists, and I really recommend you hound them like hounds for your own artwork ... although I'd also refer you to the section about BRIBERY above as well.  Still, there are a lot of good artists that have taken stabs at capturing the world of Athas and its settings - and their art will definitely help you get your crodlu in a tizzy.
Our own Mia and Rhieley are both really swell artists, and I really recommend you hound them like hounds for your own artwork ... although I'd also refer you to the section about BRIBERY above as well.  Still, there are a lot of good artists that have taken stabs at capturing the world of Athas and its settings - and their art will definitely help you get your crodlu in a tizzy.
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Here we can list our favorite Dark Sun related books - or books that you think relate well to the setting. Share!
Here we can list our favorite Dark Sun related books - or books that you think relate well to the setting. Share!
"Aztec" (Gary Jennings)
"Aztec" (Gary Jennings) -
Good literary description of massive sacrifices and general adventure in Aztec society. Disregard the last fourth of the book with Cortes, aside from the doom and gloom feeling.
"Khartoum: The Ultimate Imperial Adventure" (Michael Asher) -
A great description of desert conditions and how you shouldn't travel for pleasure. Ignore the Nile River and pretend the boats are half-giant bearers or desert schooners or whatever Dark Sun has.

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