Editing SoF Exalted/Anima Effects

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= Celestial Exalted =
= Celestial Exalted =
The most powerful of the Exalted, there are only several hundred of them in all of Creation. They are the chosen champions and representatives of the most powerful beings in existence, gifted with a fragment of that power.
The most powerful of the Exalted...
Known also as the Lawgivers, the Solar Exalted are the champions of the Unconquered Sun.
'''Dawn Caste Anima Effect'''
'''Dawn Caste Anima Effect'''
Base AP Cost: 2AP
Activation: 1 FP
Activation Time: Simple Action
Duration: Scene
Modifiers: +1 Horrific (+2 to use Power), +1 Aura of Terror (targets everyone in same zone)
Total AP Cost: 4AP
'''Sample Power Aspect''': Morning's Awful Majesty
The Exalt can trigger its anima banner to appear larger and more threatening, frightening his foes in the process. When triggered, make a Contested Roll (Exalt’s Essence [+ Edge] vs. WIllpower) against all enemies in same zone. Enemies that fail the contest must take a Mental Aspect related to their fear of the Exalt.
'''Base AP Cost''': 2AP
'''Activation''': Fate Point
'''Activation Time''': Simple Action
'''Duration''': Scene
'''Modifiers''': Horrific (+1), Aura of Terror (+1), Potent Terrify (+1), Triggers Anima Banner (-1)
'''Total AP Cost''': 4AP
The Exalt can trigger its anima banner to appear larger and more threatening, frightening his foes in the process. When triggered, make a Contested Roll (Exalt’s Essence +2 [+ Edge] vs. Willpower) against all enemies in same zone. Enemies that fail the contest must take a Mental Aspect related to their fear of the Exalt.
See page 183 of the SoF rulebook for more details.
See page 183 of the SoF rulebook for more details.
'''Zenith Caste Anima Effect'''
'''Zenith Caste Anima Effect'''
''Repel Creature'' (Undead, Demons)
''Repel Creature'' (Undead, Demons)
Base AP Cost: 1
Activation: 1FP
Duration: Instant
Modifiers: +1 Additional Creature Type (Demons), +1 Destructive Repel, +1 Aura*, -1 Once per Scene, +1 Potent Repel
Total AP Cost: 4
'''Sample Power Aspect''': Wrath of Sunshine
The Exalt can trigger its anima banner to fend off the undead, demons, and other creatures of darkness. To Repel a creature, roll the Exalts Affinity as a Block Action (page 260 of SoF rulebook). All undead and demons in the same Zone must roll its Willpower to resist. If it fails, it must leave the Zone or, if that’s not possible, move as far away as possible from the Exalt.
'''Base AP Cost''': 1
See page 169 of the SoF rulebook for more details
'''Activation''': Fate Point
'''Duration''': Instant
'''Night Caste Anima Effect'''
'''Modifiers''': Additional Creature Type (Demons; +1), Destructive Repel (+1), Aura* (+1), Once per Scene (-1), Potent Repel (+1), Triggers Anima Banner (-1)
Base AP Cost: 1
'''Total AP Cost''': 3AP
Activation: 1FP
Activation Time: Free action
Duration: Scene
Modifiers: +2 Cloaked, +1 Muted Anima*
Total AP: 4AP
The Exalt can trigger its anima banner to fend off the undead, demons, and other creatures of darkness. To Repel a creature, roll Essence +2 as a Block Action (page 260 of SoF rulebook). All undead and demons in the same Zone must roll its Willpower to resist. If it fails, it must leave the Zone or, if that’s not possible, move as far away as possible from the Exalt. In addition they take Stress equal to the amount they fail to resist the block by.
The Exalt can manipulate its Anima banner to give him or her a degree of camouflage, making it more difficult to spot the Exalt. This effect applies to both the Exalt and any gear she has on herself. She gets a +4 bonus to avoid being noticed when stationary and a +2 bonus if moving. Unlike other anima effects, this power is designed hide the anima banner form others.  
See page 169 of the SoF rulebook for more details
See page 122 of the SoF rulebook for more information.
'''Twilight Caste Anima Effect'''
'''Twilight Caste Anima Effect'''
Base AP Cost: 3AP
Activation: 1FP
Activation Time: Free Action
Duration: Scene
Modifiers: Insubstantial
Total AP: 4AP
'''Sample Power Aspect''': Cloak of Twilight
The Exalt may channel his or her Anima Banner to provide extra armor (+7AR) for one scene. This armor bonus does not stack with any mundane armor the Exalt may be wearing, but still applies even against those things which might pass through normal armour.
'''Base AP Cost''': 1 AP
'''Activation''': Fate Point
'''Activation Time''': Free Action
'''Duration''': Scene
'''Modifiers''': Insulating (+1), Heavy Compatibility (+2), Triggers Anima Banner (-1)
Total AP: 3AP
The Exalt may channel his or her Anima Banner to provide extra armor (+6AR) for one scene. If wearing armor, this Power instead provides +4 AR that stacks with existing protection.
See page 113 of the SoF rulebook for more information.
See page 113 of the SoF rulebook for more information.
'''Night Caste Anima Effect'''
'''Sample Power Aspect''': Shadowy Veil
'''Base AP Cost''': 1
'''Activation''': Fate Point
'''Activation Time''': Free action
'''Duration''': Scene
'''Modifiers''': Cloaked(+2)
'''Total AP''': 3AP
The Exalt can manipulate its Anima banner to give him or her a degree of camouflage, making it more difficult to spot the Exalt. This effect applies to both the Exalt and any gear she has on herself. She gets a +4 bonus to avoid being noticed when stationary and a +2 bonus if moving.
See page 122 of the SoF rulebook for more information.
'''Eclipse Caste Anima Effect'''
'''Eclipse Caste Anima Effect'''
''Oath Binding''
''Oath Binding''
Base AP Cost: 4AP
Activation: 1 FP
'''Sample Power Aspect''': Arcane Contracts
The Eclipse Caste Anima Effect is different from the rest as it has more of a long-term and complex narrative impact than a immediate and straightforward one. By channeling his Anima Banner, the Exalt can magically bind all parties in an oath or contract to abide by its stipulations. Once done, all those involved in the oath or contract gain the Aspect Sacred Oath (P), which can be invoked or compelled as normal.This permanent aspect  remains until the oath or contract is satisfied (at which point the GM may opt to give a FP as a reward) or until it is broken. If the party breaks the oath or contract, he or she gains the Aspect Cursed (P). How long the Cursed (P) Aspect remains is up to the GM, though he or she might want to wait until a most inopportune time to Compel the character to do something he or she certainly does not want to do (“What? You’re out of fate points? I had no idea...”). Once the GM feels the character has been sufficiently cursed for breaking their oath, the Aspect may be removed.
'''Base AP Cost''': 3AP
'''Activation''': Fate Point
The Eclipse Caste Anima Effect is different from the rest as it has more of a long-term and complex narrative impact than a immediate and straightforward one. By channeling his Anima Banner, the Exalt can magically bind all parties in an oath or contract to abide by its stipulations. Once done, all those involved in the oath or contract gain the Aspect ''Sacred Oath(P)'', which can be invoked or compelled as normal. This permanent aspect  remains until the oath or contract is satisfied (at which point the GM may opt to give a FP as a reward) or until it is broken. If the party breaks the oath or contract, he or she gains the Aspect ''Cursed(P)''. How long the ''Cursed(P)'' Aspect remains is up to the GM, though he or she might want to wait until a most inopportune time to Compel the character to do something he or she certainly does not want to do (“What? You’re out of fate points? I had no idea...”). Once the GM feels the character has been sufficiently cursed for breaking their oath, the Aspect may be removed.
Also, the Eclipses, being the diplomats and messengers of  the Unconquered Sun, are protected by ancient pacts with the Fair folk, demons, and spirits. As a result, Eclipses and their companions may not be attacked by these groups when on legitimate business with those beings. These creatures must honor the code of hospitality unless the Eclipse violates the oath first. Note that this bonus is permanent and constant and does not require any sort of FP expenditure.  
Also, the Eclipses, being the diplomats and messengers of  the Unconquered Sun, are protected by ancient pacts with the Fair folk, demons, and spirits. As a result, Eclipses and their companions may not be attacked by these groups when on legitimate business with those beings. These creatures must honor the code of hospitality unless the Eclipse violates the oath first. Note that this bonus is permanent and constant and does not require any sort of FP expenditure.  
''Notes: Modifiers marked by an asterisk are custom mods or not native to the power in the SoF rulebook. The entirety of the Eclipse caste anima effect is custom made, so comments on its AP cost and balance are welcome. Apparently there is some degree of dissatisfaction over the appropriateness of the Twilight caste anima effect, with some people arguing for a power more thematically fitting. Perhaps it is something we can discuss.''
''Notes: Modifiers marked by an asterisk are custom mods or not native to the power in the SoF rulebook. The entirety of the Eclipse caste anima effect is custom made, so comments on its AP cost and balance are welcome. Apparently there is some degree of dissatisfaction over the appropriateness of the Twilight caste anima effect, with some people arguing for a power more thematically fitting. Perhaps it is something we can discuss.''
Known also as the Stewards, these mighty savages are the champions of Luna.
'''Full Moon Caste Anima Effect'''
'''Full Moon Caste Anima Effect'''
''Augmented Movement + [[SoF_Exalted/New_Advantages#Inhuman_Strength |Inhuman Strength]]*''
'''Sample Power Aspect''': Lunar Vigour
'''Base AP Cost''': 3AP
'''Activation''': Fate Point
'''Activation Time''': Simple Action
'''Duration''': Scene
'''Modifiers''': ''Augmented Movement'': Improved Speed x2 (+2), Strenuous (-1), ''Inhuman Strength'': none, Package: Triggers Anima Banner (-1).
'''Total AP Cost''': 3AP
Lunar power fills your muscles, allowing you to run faster and cover difficult terrain with incredible leaps. You also gain +5 bonus on all Strength-based manuevers and special actions, as well as non-combat conflicts. You are considered one size category larger for the purposes of lifting. You also gain the Aspect ''Inhumanly Strong''.
See pages 117 of the SoF rulebook for more details.
'''Changing Moon Caste Anima Effect'''
'''Changing Moon Caste Anima Effect'''
'''Sample Power Aspect''': Lunar Shroud
'''Base AP Cost''': 1AP
'''Activation''': Fate Point
'''Activation Time''': Free Action
'''Duration''': Scene
'''Modifiers''':  Cloaked (+2), Reflexive (+1), Triggers Anima Banner (-1).
'''Total AP Cost''': 3AP
The area around the lunar is bathed in ever-shifting shadows and silver light, making it difficult to discern the Lunar's exact location, or his identity.  The Lunar gains +4 on rolls to remain unseen if he isn't moving, and +2 to rolls if he is.
See page 122 of the SoF rulebook for more information.
'''No Moon Caste Anima Effect'''
'''No Moon Caste Anima Effect'''
''Imbue Zone''
'''Sample Power Aspect''':
'''Base AP Cost''': 2AP
'''Activation''': Fate Point
'''Activation Time''': Simple Action
'''Duration''': Scene
'''Modifiers''': Second Aspect (+1), Simultaneous Activation (+1) Triggers Anima Banner (-1)
'''Total AP Cost''': 3AP
The No Moon who activates this Power is enveloped in shadows and finds their ability to work Sorcery enhanced.  They gain the Penumbra (P) and Occult Blessing (P) aspects for the rest of the scene, the former makes the Lunar harder to hit, while the latter is an aid to Sorcerous actions.
See the [http://www.voidstar.me/storage/resources/Campaign%20Worksheet%20-%20Eberron%20v1.2.pdf Eberron Setting Conversion] for more details on Imbue Zone.
Also known as the Viziers, the Sidereal Exalted are the champions of the Five Maidens and the keepers of Fate.
'''Chosen of Battles Anima Effects'''
'''Chosen of Journeys Anima Effect'''
''Enhanced Speed''
'''Sample Power Aspect''': Lesser Sign of Mercury
'''Base AP Cost''': 1AP
'''Activation''': Fate Point
'''Activation Time''': Simple Action
'''Duration''': Scene
'''Modifiers''': Metro Class Speed (+2), Expansive Effect (+1), Allies Only (+1) Triggers Anima Banner (-1)
'''Total AP Cost''': 4AP
The Sidereal makes the Lesser Sign of Mercury, bringing forth the power of the Maiden of Journeys for themselves and their allies. This grants the Sidereal and their allies a running speed of 50mph, able to move two additional Zones when using Hustle, and +5 on running/Agility rolls in a chase.
See page 129 of the SoF rulebook for more details.
'''Chosen of Serenity Anima Effect'''
'''Sample Power Aspect''': Lesser Sign of Venus
'''Base AP Cost''': 2AP
'''Activation''': Fate Point
'''Activation Time''': Simple Action
'''Duration''': Scene
'''Modifiers''': Expanded Coverage (+1), Allies Only (+1), Triggers Anima Banner (-1)
'''Total AP Cost''': 3AP
The Sidereal makes the Lesser Sign of Venus, bringing forth the power of the Maiden of Serenity for themselves and their allies. This grants the ''Venus' Blessing(P)'' Aspect to both the Sidereal and every ally within the range of the power, which can be invoked to aid performances, carouse and charm.
See page 118 of the SoF rulebook for more information.
'''Chosen of Battles Anima Effect'''
''Imbue Zone''
'''Sample Power Aspect''': Lesser Sign of Mars
'''Base AP Cost''': 2AP
'''Activation''': Fate Point
'''Activation Time''': Simple Action
'''Duration''': Scene
'''Modifiers''': Expansive Effect (+1), Allies Only (+1) Triggers Anima Banner (-1)
'''Total AP Cost''': 3AP
The Sidereal makes the Lesser Sign of Mars, bringing forth the power of the Maiden of Battles for themselves and their allies. This grants the ''Mars' Blessing(P)'' Aspect to both the Sidereal and every ally within the range of the power, which can be invoked during any defensive roll to protect from harm.
See the [http://www.voidstar.me/storage/resources/Campaign%20Worksheet%20-%20Eberron%20v1.2.pdf Eberron Setting Conversion] for more details on Imbue Zone.
'''Chosen of Secrets Anima Effect'''
'''Sample Power Aspect''': Lesser Sign of Jupiter
'''Base AP Cost''': 1AP
'''Activation''': Fate Point
'''Activation Time''': Simple Action
'''Duration''': Scene
'''Modifiers''': Immunity (+3), Strenuous/Temporary (-1), Expansive Effect (+1), Allies Only (+1), Triggers Anima Banner (-1)
'''Total AP Cost''': 4AP
The Sidereal makes the Lesser Sign of Jupiter, bringing forth the power of the Maiden of Secrets for themselves and their allies. This grants the Sidereal and their allies total immunity to mind reading and control.
See page 171 of the SoF rulebook for more details.
'''Chosen of Endings Anima Effect'''
''Imbue Zone''
'''Sample Power Aspect''': Lesser Sign of Saturn
'''Base AP Cost''': 2AP
'''Activation''': Fate Point
'''Activation Time''': Simple Action
'''Duration''': Scene
'''Modifiers''': Expansive Effect (+1), Allies Only (+1) Triggers Anima Banner (-1)
'''Total AP Cost''': 3AP
The Sidereal makes the Lesser Sign of Saturn, bringing forth the power of the Maiden of Endings for themselves and their allies. This grants the ''Saturn's Blessing(P)'' Aspect to both the Sidereal and every ally within the range of the power, which can be invoked during any attack to help bring an end to things.
See the [http://www.voidstar.me/storage/resources/Campaign%20Worksheet%20-%20Eberron%20v1.2.pdf Eberron Setting Conversion] for more details on Imbue Zone.
=Terrestrial Exalted=
While individually less powerful than the Celestials, the Dragonblooded are much more numerous. When they work together, they can achieve incredible things.
==Anima Flux==
Anima Flux is a unique property of Dragon-Blooded Anima. Contrary to the Anima of other Exalted it is not only visible essence but physically present. This means that the storms and effects caused by Anima Flux inflict harm to everything nearby, both living creatures and inanimate objects.
''Power Attack, Pulse''
'''Sample Power Aspect''': Anima Flux
'''Base AP Cost''': 3
'''Activation''': Fate Point
'''Activation Time''': Free Action
'''Duration''': Scene
'''Modifiers''': Aura (+1), Aura Only(-1), Effortless (+0), Conditional Trigger: Must have suffered Major Consequence on Essence Track (-2)
'''Total AP''': 1AP
Your Anima banner activates, physically mainfesting and damaging everything close by. The exact details of that manifestation depend on your Aspect. This has an Explosive Rating (ExR) of 5 affecting everything in the same zone as you. 
See page 163 of the SoF rulebook for more information.
==Aspect Anima Effects==
'''Air Aspect Anima Effect'''
''Augmented Movement''
'''Sample Power Aspect''': Air Attunement
'''Base AP Cost''': 1
'''Activation''': Fate Point
'''Activation Time''': Free Action
'''Duration''': Scene
'''Modifiers''': Improved Speed (+1), Strenuous(-1), Provided(+2), Triggers Anima Banner (-1)
'''Total AP Cost''': 2
You surround yourself with a swirling vortex of air that greatly enhances your movement abilities.
See page 117 of the SoF rulebook for more information.
'''Earth Aspect Anima Effect'''
''Imbue Armour''
'''Sample Power Aspect''': Earth Attunement
'''Base AP Cost''': 3
'''Activation''': Fate Point
'''Activation Time''': Free Action
'''Duration''': Scene
'''Modifiers''': Armour or clothing Only (-1), Increased Health (+1), Triggers Anima Banner (-1).
'''Total AP Cost''': 2
You drawn the power of the earth into you, becoming more resilient. You gain the Aspect ''Skin of Stone(P)'' which can be invoked for defense rolls. Additionally, add one Physical Stress box.
See page 138 of the SoF rulebook for more information.
'''Fire Aspect Anima Effect'''
''Body Weaponry''
'''Sample Power Aspect''': Fire Attunement
'''Base AP Cost''': 1AP
'''Activation''': Fate Point (1st time used in the scene)
'''Activation Time''': Free Action
'''Duration''': Scene
'''Modifiers''': Armour Penetrating (+1), Improved WR (+1), Retractable (+1), Limitation: Combustible (-1), Triggers Anima Banner (-1)
'''Total AP Cost''': 2
You surround yourself in a nimbus of fire which burns your enemies (WR6), but also sets alight anything combustible it comes into contact with. Once active, you can fan or smother the flames at will for the duration of the scene.
See page 121 of the SoF rulebook for more information.
Alternate Power:
''Power Attack, Pulse''
'''Sample Power Aspect''': Fire Attunement
'''Base AP Cost''': 3
'''Activation''': Fate Point
'''Activation Time''': Free Action
'''Duration''': Scene
'''Modifiers''': Aura (+1), Aura Only(-1), Effortless (+0), Persistent(+2) Limitation: Combustible (-1), Triggers Anima Banner (-1)
'''Total AP''': 3AP
The Anima Effect of a Fire-Aspect has no room for refinement.  When activated the Exalt's Anima envelopes them in an aura of essence-based flames, and anyone in close proximity risks severe burns or even catching fire. (everyone in the same Zone as the Fire-Aspect is subject to a +5 ExR attack every round, and suffer initial stress -3 the round after that).  Unfortunately, this power is also a significant risk to anything combustible in the area.  Note that, for a Fire-Aspect, their Anima Effect and Anima Flux are one and the same. 
See page 163 of the SoF rulebook for more information.
'''Water Aspect Anima Effect'''
''Augmented Movement + Breathless''
'''Sample Power Aspect''': Water Attunement
'''Base AP Cost''': 3AP
'''Activation''': Fate Point
'''Activation Time''': Free Action
'''Duration''': Day
'''Modifiers''': ''Augmented Movement'': Improved Speed (+2), Strenuous (-1). ''Breathless'': Water-breather (-1), Package: Triggers Anima Banner (-1).
'''Total AP Cost''': 2
You attune yourself to the element of water, gaining the ability to breathe and move around in it like a marine creature.
See page 117 and 121 of the SoF rulebook for more information.
'''Wood Aspect Anima Effect'''
'''Sample Power Aspect''': Wood Attunement
'''Base AP Cost''': 1 AP
'''Activation''': Fate Point
'''Chosen of Endings Anima Effects'''
'''Activation Time''': Free Action
'''Duration''': Scene
'''Chosen of Journeys Anima Effects'''
'''Modifiers''': Touch (+1), Lethal Dose (+1), Triggers Anima Banner (-1).
'''Total AP Cost''': 2
'''Chosen of Secrets Anima Effects'''
Channeling the power of Wood, you become poisonous to the touch.
See pages 155 of the SoF rulebook for more information.
'''Chosen of Serenity Anima Effects'''
=Other Powerful Exalted=
=Other Powerful Exalted=
There are other forms of Exalted who are equivalent in power to the Celestials.
Being dark mirrors of the Exalted of the Unconquered Sun, several of the Abyssals's powers are merely sinister analogs of the Solar Exalted powers.
'''Dusk Caste Anima Effect'''
'''Dusk Caste Anima Effect'''
'''Midnight Cast Anima Effect'''
'''Sample Power Aspect''': Grim Visage
'''Base AP Cost''': 2AP
'''Daybreak Cast Anima Effect'''
'''Activation''': Fate Point
'''Activation Time''': Simple Action
'''Day Cast Anima Effect'''
'''Duration''': Scene
'''Modifiers''': Horrific (+1), Aura of Terror (+1), Potent Terrify (+1), Triggers Anima Banner (-1)
'''Total AP Cost''': 4AP
The Exalt can trigger its anima banner to appear larger and more threatening, frightening his foes in the process. When triggered, make a Contested Roll (Exalt’s Essence +2 [+Edge] vs. Willpower) against all enemies in same zone. Enemies that fail the contest must take a Mental Aspect related to their fear of the Exalt.
See page 183 of the SoF rulebook for more details.
'''Midnight Caste Anima Effect'''
''Repel Creature''
'''Sample Power Aspect''': Life Transfer Technique, Vile Display of Darkness
'''Base AP Cost''': 1AP
'''Activation Cost''': Fate Point
'''Activation Time''': Simple Action
'''Modifiers''': Aura* (+1), Once per Scene (-1), Common Creature [Mortals] (+1), Potent Repel (+1), Destructive Repel (+1), Triggers Anima banner (-1)
'''Total AP Cost''': 3AP
The unveiling of the Exalt's banner is a horrifying thing to behold. Roll your Essence +2 to set up the block. Mortals in the same Zone that witness such a vile use of dark powers must roll its Willpower to resist. If they fails, they must immediately retreat from the zone the Abyssal occupies, taking Stress equal to the amount they failed by. Or if it cannot, it must move as far away from you as possible. Once outside of the affected zone, it must overcome the block to get back in (and takes Stress if it fails to do so).
See page 169 of the SoF rulebook for more details
'''Daybreak Caste Anima Effect'''
'''Sample Power Aspect''': Cloak of Daybreak
'''Base AP Cost''': 1 AP
'''Activation''': Fate Point
'''Activation Time''': Free Action
'''Duration''': Scene
'''Modifiers''': Insulating (+1), Heavy Compatibility (+2), Triggers Anima Banner (-1)
'''Total AP''': 3AP
The Exalt may channel his or her Anima Banner to provide extra armor (+6AR) for one scene. This stacks with any armour they may be wearing.
See page 113 of the SoF rulebook for more information.
'''Day Caste Anima Effect'''
'''Sample Power Aspect''': Hidden in Plain Sight
'''Base AP Cost''': 1
'''Activation''': Fate Point
'''Activation Time''': Free action
'''Duration''': Scene
'''Modifiers''': Cloaked(+2)
'''Total AP''': 3AP
The Exalt can manipulate its Anima banner to give him or her a degree of camouflage, making it more difficult to spot the Exalt. This effect applies to both the Exalt and any gear she has on herself. She gets a +4 bonus to avoid being noticed when stationary and a +2 bonus if moving.
See page 122 of the SoF rulebook for more details.
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''Oath Binding''
'''Sample Power Aspect''': Arcane Contracts
'''Base AP Cost''': 3AP
'''Activation''': Fate Point
The Moonshadow Caste Anima Effect is different from the rest as it has more of a long-term and complex narrative impact than a immediate and straightforward one. By channeling his Anima Banner, the Exalt can magically bind all parties in an oath or contract to abide by its stipulations. Once done, all those involved in the oath or contract gain the Aspect ''Sacred Oath(P)'', which can be invoked or compelled as normal. This permanent aspect  remains until the oath or contract is satisfied (at which point the GM may opt to give a FP as a reward) or until it is broken. If the party breaks the oath or contract, he or she gains the Aspect ''Cursed(P)''. How long the ''Cursed(P)'' Aspect remains is up to the GM, though he or she might want to wait until a most inopportune time to Compel the character to do something he or she certainly does not want to do (“What? You’re out of fate points? I had no idea...”). Once the GM feels the character has been sufficiently cursed for breaking their oath, the Aspect may be removed.
Also, the Moonshadows, being the diplomats and messengers of the Deathlords, are protected by ancient pacts with the creatures of death. As a result, Moonshadows and their companions may not be attacked by these groups when on legitimate business with those beings. These creatures must honor the code of hospitality unless the Moonshadow violates the oath first. Note that this bonus is permanent and constant and does not require any sort of FP expenditure.
The Alchemical Exalted are the Exalted native to the machine world of Autochthonia. Their powers are granted to them by the Primordial Autochthon. They are champions of industry and technology.
The Alchemical Exalted have artificial bodies composed of the various Magical Metals, from which they derive their Castes.
'''Orichalcum Caste Anima Effect'''
'''Orichalcum Caste Anima Effect'''
''Imbue Weapon''
'''Soulsteel Caste Anima Effect'''
'''Sample Power Aspects''':
'''Base AP Cost''': 3
'''Activation''': Fate Point
'''Activation Time''': Simple Action
'''Duration''': Scene
'''Modifiers''': Damage-only (-1), Triggers Anima Banner (-1)
'''Total Cost''': 1AP
'''Requires a Power Source'''
'''Starmetal Caste Anima Effect'''
When activated, you gain a persistent Aspect which can be invoked to add +2WR to any weapons wielded by you.
See page 139 of the SoF rulebook for more information.
'''Moonsilver Caste Anima Effect'''
'''Moonsilver Caste Anima Effect'''
''Enhanced Reflexes''
'''Sample Power Aspects''':
'''Base AP Cost''': 3
'''Activation''': Fate Point
'''Activation Time''': Free Action
'''Modifiers''': Triggers Anima Banner (-1)
'''Total Cost''': 2AP
You gain the persistent Aspect ''Enhanced Reflexes(P)''. You may also roll your Agility to defend against ranged attacks from bows and firewands.
See page 130 of the SoF rulebook for more information.
'''Jade Caste Anima Effect'''
'''Jade Caste Anima Effect'''
''[[SoF_Exalted/New_Advantages#Enhanced_Endurance |Enhanced Endurance]]''
'''Sample Power Aspect''': Iron Constitution Technique
'''Base AP Cost''': 2AP
'''Activation''': Fate Point
'''Activation Time''': Free Action
'''Duration''': Scene
'''Modifiers''': Triggers Anima Banner (-1)
'''Requires a Power Source'''
'''Total Cost''': 1AP
You gain the ability to become inhumanly durable, gaining the Aspect ''Enhanced Endurance'' when this power is activated, as well as adding +2 Stress boxes and +3 to other Endurance rolls.
'''Starmetal Caste Anima Effect'''
''Imbue Weapon''
'''Sample Power Aspects''':
'''Base AP Cost''': 3
'''Activation''': Fate Point
'''Activation Time''': Simple Action
'''Duration''': Scene
'''Modifiers''': Triggers Anima Banner (-1)
'''Total Cost''': 2AP
'''Requires a Power Source'''
When activated, you gain a persistent Aspect which may be invoked on rolls to hit and initiative.
See page 139 of the SoF rulebook for more information.
'''Soulsteel Caste Anima Effect'''
'''Sample Power Aspect:'''
'''Base AP Cost''': 2
'''Activation''': Fate Point
'''Activation Time''': Free Action
'''Duration''': Scene
'''Modifiers''': Triggers Anima Banner (-1)
'''Total AP Cost''': 1
'''Requires a Power Source and Affinity Ability'''
When activated, you gain the persistent Aspect ''Aura of Dread(P)'', which can be used to elicit fear.
See page 118 of the SoF rulebook for more information.
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'''Sample Power Aspect''':
'''Akuma Anima Effect'''
'''Base AP Cost''': 2
'''Activation''': Fate Point
'''Green Sun Prince Anima Effect'''
'''Activation Time''': Free Action
'''Duration''': Scene
= Terrestrial Exalted =
'''Modifiers''': Triggers Anima Banner (-1)
While less powerful individually than the Celestials, the Dragonblooded are much more numerous. When they work together, they can achieve incredible things.
'''Total AP Cost''': 1
'''Anima Flux'''
'''Requires a Power Source and Affinity Ability'''
Anima Flux is a unique property of Dragon-Blooded Anima. Contrary to the Anima of other Exalted it is not only visible essence but physically present. This means that the storms and effects caused by Anima Flux inflict harm to everything nearby, both living creatures and inanimate objects.
When triggered, you gain the persistent Aspect ''Aura of Secrecy(P)'', which can be invoked to make people forget you.
'''Aspect Anima Effects'''
See page 118 of the SoF rulebook for more information.
'''Air Aspect Anima Effect'''
'''Earth Aspect Anima Effect'''
Akuma do not have an Anima Effect, they are mortals who have been voluntarily turned into a Demon-Blood. See God-Blooded for more details.
'''Fire Aspect Anima Effect'''
'''Green Sun Princes'''
'''Water Aspect Anima Effect'''
'''Slayer Caste Anima Effect'''
'''Wood Aspect Anima Effect'''
'''Sample Power Aspect''': Terrible Countenance of Malfeas
'''Base AP Cost''': 2AP
'''Activation''': Fate Point
'''Activation Time''': Simple Action
'''Duration''': Scene
'''Modifiers''': Horrific (+1), Aura of Terror (+1), Potent Terrify (+1), Triggers Anima Banner (-1)
'''Total AP Cost''': 4AP
The Exalt can trigger its anima banner to appear larger and more threatening, frightening his foes in the process. When triggered, make a Contested Roll (Exalt’s Essence +2 [+ Edge] vs. Willpower) against all enemies in same zone. Enemies that fail the contest must take a Mental Aspect related to their fear of the Exalt.
See page 183 of the SoF rulebook for more details.
'''Malefactor Caste Anima Effect'''
''Repel Creature'' (Gods, Solar Exalted)
'''Sample Power Aspect''': Wrath of Cecelyne
'''Base AP Cost''': 1
'''Activation''': Fate Point
'''Duration''': Instant
'''Modifiers''': Additional Creature Type (Gods; +1), Destructive Repel (+1), Aura* (+1), Once per Scene (-1), Potent Repel (+1), Triggers Anima Banner (-1)
'''Total AP Cost''': 3AP
The Exalt can trigger its anima banner to fend off Gods, Solar Exalted, and other creatures associated with Holiness. To Repel a creature, roll Essence +2 as a Block Action (page 260 of SoF rulebook). All appropriate creatuers in the same Zone must roll its Willpower to resist. If it fails, it must leave the Zone or, if that’s not possible, move as far away as possible from the Exalt. In addition they take Stress equal to the amount they fail to resist the block by.
See page 169 of the SoF rulebook for more details
'''Defiler Caste Anima Effect'''
'''Sample Power Aspect''': Aegis of She Who Lives In Her Name
'''Base AP Cost''': 1 AP
'''Activation''': Fate Point
'''Activation Time''': Free Action
'''Duration''': Scene
'''Modifiers''': Insulating (+1), Heavy Compatibility (+2), Triggers Anima Banner (-1)
Total AP: 3AP
The Exalt may channel his or her Anima Banner to provide extra armor (+6AR) for one scene. If wearing armor, this Power instead provides +4 AR that stacks with existing protection.
See page 113 of the SoF rulebook for more information.
'''Scourge Caste Anima Effect'''
''Imbue Zone''
'''Sample Power Aspect''': Blessing of Adorjan
'''Base AP Cost''': 2
'''Activation''': Fate Point
'''Activation Time''': Simple Action
'''Duration''': Scene
'''Modifiers''': Centered on Self (+1)
'''Total AP''': 3AP
The Exalt can surround himself with an area of utter silence, granting any Zone he is in the Silence (P) Aspect.  This Power must always affect the Zone the Exalt is in, but it travels with him wherever he goes.
See the [http://www.voidstar.me/storage/resources/Campaign%20Worksheet%20-%20Eberron%20v1.2.pdf Eberron Setting Conversion] for more details on Imbue Zone.
'''Fiend Caste Anima Effect'''
''Oath Binding''
'''Sample Power Aspect''': Arcane Contracts
'''Base AP Cost''': 3AP
'''Activation''': Fate Point
The Fiend Caste Anima Effect is different from the rest as it has more of a long-term and complex narrative impact than a immediate and straightforward one. By channeling his Anima Banner, the Exalt can magically bind all parties in an oath or contract to abide by its stipulations. Once done, all those involved in the oath or contract gain the Aspect ''Sacred Oath(P)'', which can be invoked or compelled as normal. This permanent aspect  remains until the oath or contract is satisfied (at which point the GM may opt to give a FP as a reward) or until it is broken. If the party breaks the oath or contract, he or she gains the Aspect ''Cursed(P)''. How long the ''Cursed(P)'' Aspect remains is up to the GM, though he or she might want to wait until a most inopportune time to Compel the character to do something he or she certainly does not want to do (“What? You’re out of fate points? I had no idea...”). Once the GM feels the character has been sufficiently cursed for breaking their oath, the Aspect may be removed.
Also, the Fiends, being the diplomats and messengers of the Yozi, are protected by ancient pacts with the Fair folk and the Underworld (Gods, however, offer no such immunity). As a result, Eclipses and their companions may not be attacked by these groups when on legitimate business with those beings. These creatures must honor the code of hospitality unless the Eclipse violates the oath first. Note that this bonus is permanent and constant and does not require any sort of FP expenditure.
''Notes: Modifiers marked by an asterisk are custom mods or not native to the power in the SoF rulebook. The entirety of the Eclipse caste anima effect is custom made, so comments on its AP cost and balance are welcome.
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