Editing SoF Exalted/Powers

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Most Exalted Powers are temporary, Essence-fuelled effects, rather than more permanent, innate abilities. Use of the Passive modifier by Exalts should be rare, except for particular thematic or signature Powers for high-Essence Exalts.
Most Exalted Powers are temporary, Essence-fuelled effects, rather than more permanent, innate abilities. Use of the Passive modifier by Exalts should be rare, except for particular thematic or signature Powers for high-Essence Exalts.
''Design note: Need consideration of crafting Powers''
==Dragon-Blooded Powers==
==Dragon-Blooded Powers==
Dragon-Blooded characters tend to have Powers along the lines of an elemental theme matching their Aspect. Note that this is not a restriction on their Power choices, merely that some Powers are most thematically appropriate for someone playing a character of that Aspect. They reflect the sorts of things a Dragon-Blood of that Aspect will tend to excel at and find the most natural to develop.
''Elemental themes, outline what sorts of powers each Aspect has.''
However, someone playing a Dragon-Blooded should feel free to take Powers from any of the Aspect lists. An Air-Aspect swordsman would be using Fire-Aspect Powers relating to martial skill. A Wood-Aspect martial artist would be using Water-Aspect Powers for unarmed combat.
''Themes: the five elements (literal and metaphorical), teamwork, family/blood ties, soldiers''
==Solar Powers==
Air Aspects are the scholars and assassins of the Dragon-Blooded. Their thematic Powers include:
* Astral Perception (not Touch)
* Chameleon
* Clairsentience
* Echolocation
* Enhanced Reflexes
* Invisibility
* Mindlink
* Power Attack, Ranged (Thrown/conjured weapons)
* Read Emotions
* Read Thoughts
* Sense
* Telekinesis
* Weapon Mastery (Thrown weapons)
Earth Aspects are the craftsmen and generals of the Dragon-Blooded. Their thematic Powers include:
* Awe
* Breathless
* Clairsentience
* Echolocation (target must be touching the earth)
* Emotion Switch
* Enhanced Endurance
* Enhanced Strength
* Imbue Armour
* Imbue Zone (War effects)
* Resistance
* Sleepless
* Transmute Matter or Energy
Fire Aspects are the socialites and soldiers of the Dragon-Blooded. Their thematic Powers include:
* Astral Perception
* Absorption
* Augmented Movement
* Awe
* Enhanced Speed
* Enhanced Reflexes
* Flight
* Imbue Weapon (Melee weapons)
* Influence Thoughts
* Power Attack, Melee
* Wall-Walker
* Weapon Mastery (Melee weapons)
Water Aspects are the sailors and criminals of the Dragon-Blooded. Their thematic Powers include:
* Augmented Movement
* Breathless
* Echolocation (target must be in water)
* Environmental Protection
* Imbue Armour
* Imbue Weapon (Unarmed)
* Insubstantial
* Precognition
* Sense
* X-Ray Vision
* Weapon Mastery (Unarmed)
Water Aspects also have numerous minor powers (such as mimicking someone's handwriting) which can be emulated with [http://voidstar.squarespace.com/home/2011/1/31/strands-of-power-preview-power-tricks.html Power Tricks].
Wood Aspects are the healers and rangers of the Dragon-Blooded. Their thematic Powers include:
* Affliction
* Blessing
* Environmental Protection
* Heal
* Imbue Weapon (Ranged weapons)
* Invisiblity (Telepathic, while playing instruments)
* Mindlink (through performance)
* Poison
* Power Attack, Ranged (Archery and musical manifestations)
* Weapon Mastery (Ranged weapons)
One of the major themes of the Dragon-Blooded is teamwork, family ties and bloodlines and soldiers. Sworn Brotherhoods should take [[SoF_Exalted/New_Advantages#Five-Fold_Elemental_Wheel |Five-Fold Elemental Wheel]] which enhances their Powers when working together.
As per the Power TL table, Dragon-Bloods may not take Super Powers. The only way they can access them is via Celestial Martial Arts. Their PTL is 4.
==Solar Powers==
''Excelling at stuff powers, outline what sorts of powers each Caste has.''
''Themes: light, emotions (particularly awe), holiness, leadership, trans-humanism''
''Themes: light, emotions (particularly awe), holiness, leadership, trans-humanism''
Solars excel at skilled endeavours, and as such they may stack Expert Advantages that cannot usually be purchased more than once.
Furthermore, as the chosen of the Unconquered Sun, they may invoke their Solar-oriented Aspect against creatures of darkness (demons, Fae, etc).
'''Dawn Caste'''
The Dawn Caste are the soldiers, generals and champions of the Unconquered Sun. Their thematic powers include:
'''Eclipse Caste'''
The Eclipse Caste are the bureaucrats, diplomats and courtiers of the Unconquered Sun. Their thematic powers include:
'''Night Caste'''
The Night Caste are the spies, thieves and assassins of the Unconquered Sun. Their thematic powers include:
'''Twilight Caste'''
The Twilight Caste are the scholars and artisans of the Unconquered Sun. Their thematic powers include:
'''Zenith Caste'''
The Zenith Caste are the priests, prophets and mystics of the Unconquered Sun. Their thematic powers include:
As per the PTL table, Solars are capped at World-Class Super Powers, though only an experienced Solar may take them at character creation. Their PTL is 6.
==Lunar Powers==
==Lunar Powers==
''Physical upgrades, shapeshifting, nature-related powers, outline what sorts of powers each Caste has.''
Lunar Powers are primarily focused on shapeshifting, physical boosts, adapatation to the environment, survival, illusions and the protection of others.
''Themes: shapeshifting, adapation, survival, illusions and protection of others''
The keystone Lunar Power is [[SoF_Exalted/New_Advantages#Lunar_Shifting |Lunar Shifting]], which covers all beast transformations. Every Lunar should have this Power. In addition, many take on [[SoF_Exalted/New_Advantages#Deadly_Beastman_Transformation |Deadly Beastman Transformation]]. While these may seem superficially similar to Shapeshifting and Transmogrification, those Powers are the preserve of the hated chimera, those who stray too close to the Wyld.
The keystone Lunar Power is [[SoF_Exalted/New_Advantages#Lunar_Shifting |Lunar Shifting]], which covers all beast transformations. Every Lunar should have this Power. In addition, many take on [[SoF_Exalted/New_Advantages#Deadly_Beastman_Transformation |Deadly Beastman Transformation]]. While these may seem superficially similar to Shapeshifting and Transmogrification, those Powers are the preserve of the hated chimera, those who stray too close to the Wyld.
Those Lunars with a Caste have Moonsilver Tattoos aligning them to their phase of the moon. These are best represented with the Resistance (Mutation) Power, which applies against any attempt to forcible morph or shift them, whether with Sorcery, Wyld shaping or anything else.
Futhermore, there are specific Powers which are thematically appropriate for Lunars based on their Caste. Lunars can pick Powers from any list, these are merely the most appropriate Powers.
'''Changing Moon'''
'''Changing Moon'''
Changing Moons are the diplomats and escorts of the Lunar Exalted. Their thematic Powers tend towards deceit and trickery and include:
* Awe
* Binding (Mesmerism - up to Metro-Class)
* Chameleon
* Emotion Switch
* Illusions
* Invisibility
* Influence Thoughts
* Mind Wipe
* Power Attack, Aura (Social/Mental)
* Repel Creature (Creature of Darkness)
* Terrify
'''Full Moon'''
'''Full Moon'''
Full Moons are the warriors and generals of the Lunar Exalted. Their thematic Powers tend towards might, speed, or untiring endurance and include:
Full Moon Powers tend towards those most useful in combat, both physical upgrades like...
* Armour (up to Metro-Class)
* Augmented Movement
* Binding (Grappling - up to Metro-Class)
* Body Weaponry
* Breathless
* Enhanced Reflexes
* Enhanced Speed (up to Metro-Class)
* Environmental Protection
* Poison
* Power Attack, Melee
* Regeneration (up to Metro-Class)
* Resistance
* Super Agility (Metro-Class only)
* Super Endurance (Metro-Class only)
* Super Strength (Metro-Class only)
* Weapon Mastery
'''No Moon'''
'''No Moon'''
No Moons are the sorcerers and savants of the Lunar Exalted. Their thematic Powers tend towards problem solving and uncanny insight and include:
* Astral Doorway
* Astral Passage
* Astral Perception
* Binding (Spirits - up to Metro-Class)
* Blessing
* Clairsentience
* Echolocation
* Enhanced Reflexes
* Enhanced Senses
* Enhanced Hearing/Sight/Smell
* Invisibility
* Night Vision
* Read Emotions
* Read Thoughts
* Sense
* X-ray Vision
As per the Power TL table, Lunars are capped at Metro-Class Super Powers and may not take World-Class Super Powers. The only way they can access them is with Celestial Martial Arts. Their PTL is 5.
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''Themes: probability control, fate and destiny, teleportation, spiritual awareness, deciet/memory alteration and (last but not least) kung fu''
''Themes: probability control, fate and destiny, teleportation, spiritual awareness, deciet/memory alteration and (last but not least) kung fu''
'''Chosen of Battle'''
The Chosen of Battles are the warriors and generals of the Five-Score Fellowship. Their themes are: Banner, Gauntlet, Quiver, Shield, Spear. Thematic powers include:
* Armor
* Body Weaponry
* Healing
* Imbue Armour (Invisibility to arrows)
* Imbue Weapon
* Influence Thought
* Poison
* Power Attack, Melee
* Power Attack, Ranged
* Summon Creature
* Weapon Mastery
'''Chosen of Endings'''
The Chosen of Endings are the assassins and censors of the Five-Score Fellowship. Their themes are: Crow, Haywain, Rising Smoke, Sword, The Corpse. Thematic powers include:
* Affliction
* Augmented Movement
* Body Weaponry
* Enhanced Reflexes
* Illusion
* Imbue Armor
* Influence Thought
* Invisibility
* Nullify (Undead)
* Power Attack, Melee
* Power Defense
* Precognition
* Regeneration
* Sense
* Sleepless
* Summon Creature
* Super Endurance
* Super Perception
* Super Strength
* Weapon Mastery
'''Chosen of Journeys'''
The Chosen of Journeys are the couriers and spies of the Five-Score Fellowship. Their themes are: Gull, Mast, Messenger, Sail, Survival. Thematic powers include:
* Armor
* Astral Passage
* Augmented Movement
* Breathless
* Enhanced Speed
* Environmental Protection
* Imbue Creature
* Imbue Weapon
* Influence Thoughts (Lunars)
* Leach
* Lifeless
* Power Attack, Ranged
* Precognition
* Sense (Routes/Journeys)
* Sleepless
* Super Agility
'''Chosen of Secrets'''
The Chosen of Secrets are the counselors and sorcerers of the Five-Score Fellowship. Their themes are: Guardians, Key, Mask, Sorcerer, Treasure Trove. Thematic powers include:
* Astral Perception
* Influence Thoughts
* Invisibility
* Leach
* Mind Probe
* Poison
* Postcognition
* Precognition
* Power Attack, Ranged
* Read Emotions
* Read Thoughts
* Sense (Secrets/Obscured/Hidden, Immaterial Spirits/Enchantments)
* Shapeshifting
* Summon Creature (Scholar)
* Teleport Self
'''Chosen of Serenity'''
The Chosen of Serenity are the diplomats and seducers of the Five-Score Fellowship. Their themes are: Ewer, Lovers, Musician, Peacock, Pillar. Thematic powers include:
* Awe (Lust)
* Blessing
* Craft Power Item
* Healing
* Influence Thought
* Mindlink
* Mind Wipe
* Nullify
* Summon Creature
* Teleport Self
As per the Power TL table, Sidereals are capped at Metro-Class Super Powers and may not take World-Class Super Powers. The only way they can access them is with Celestial or Sidereal Martial Arts. Their PTL is 5.
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''Themes: ''
''Themes: ''
'''Day Caste'''
The Day Caste are the spies, thieves and assassins of the Neverborn. Their thematic powers include:
'''Daybreak Caste'''
The Daybreak Caste are the scholars and artisans of the Neverborn. Their thematic powers include:
'''Dusk Caste'''
The Dusk Caste are the soldiers, generals and champions of the Neverborn. Their thematic powers include:
'''Moonshadow Caste'''
The Moonshadow Caste are the bureaucrats, diplomats and courtiers of the Neverborn. Their thematic powers include:
'''Midnight Caste'''
The Midnight Caste are the priests, prophets and mystics of the Neverborn. Their thematic powers include:
As per the PTL table, Abyssals are capped at World-Class Super Powers, though only an experienced Abyssal may take them at character creation. Their PTL is 6.
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''Themes: ''
''Themes: ''
Alchemicals work differently to the other Exalted, and have their own Power Package.
As per the Power TL table, Alchemicals are capped at Metro-Class Super Powers and may not take World-Class Super Powers. Their PTL is 5.
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''Themes: ''
As per the PTL table, Infernals are capped at World-Class Super Powers, though only an experienced Infernal may take them at character creation. Their PTL is 6.
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* Shadowwalkers are the children of the Abyssals. They may learn Terrestrial Martial Arts, but not Terrestrial Circle Sorcery. Instead they may learn Shadowland Necromancy.
* Shadowwalkers are the children of the Abyssals. They may learn Terrestrial Martial Arts, but not Terrestrial Circle Sorcery. Instead they may learn Shadowland Necromancy.
* Grandchosen of the Yozis are the get of the Infernals.
* Grandchosen of the Yozis are the get of the Infernals.
As per the Power TL table, unless otherwise noted, God-Blooded are capped at non-Super Powers and may not take Metro-Class Super Powers or higher. Their PTL is 3.
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Spirits may also learn supernatural martial arts, though many lack the patience and discipline that their study requires. Least or lesser spirits might learn Terrestrial Martial arts. More powerful beings Celestial Martial Arts, and a rare few Sidereal Martial Arts.
Spirits may also learn supernatural martial arts, though many lack the patience and discipline that their study requires. Least or lesser spirits might learn Terrestrial Martial arts. More powerful beings Celestial Martial Arts, and a rare few Sidereal Martial Arts.
Spirits usually have a PTL in the 4-6 range, but 6 is reserved for the most powerful, such as the Incarna. Unlike the Exalted, it is entirely appropriate for spirits to have Powers with the Passive modifier, representing innate properties that are always present.
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Demons exist to further the agendas of the Yozis, and thus the prime determinant of a demon's Powers is the purpose for which it was forged. At the very least, demons will have Lifeless (Immortal) and Insubstantial from the list of Universal Powers, and more powerful demons will have others. In addition, demons will have Powers associated with their purpose.
Demons exist to further the agendas of the Yozis, and thus the prime determinant of a demon's Powers is the purpose for which it was forged. At the very least, demons will have Lifeless (Immortal) and Insubstantial from the list of Universal Powers, and more powerful demons will have others. In addition, demons will have Powers associated with their purpose.
Demons often have Limitations on their Powers relating to their intended purpose and Weaknesses reflecting their nature. This includes susceptibility to summoning for the weaker demons.  
Demons often have Limitations on their Powers relating to their intended purpose and Weaknesses reflecting their nature. This includes susceptibility to summoning for the weaker demons.
All but the most powerful share the following:
* Weakness (Susceptibility to Summon Creature)
* Weakness (Creature of Darkness: Holy powers and artifacts give +4WR)
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Finally, specific elementals have whatever other Powers which are appropriate to their place in the order of Creation. A wood spider might have Binding to represent magically conjured webs and Poison for its deadly bite, for example.
Finally, specific elementals have whatever other Powers which are appropriate to their place in the order of Creation. A wood spider might have Binding to represent magically conjured webs and Poison for its deadly bite, for example.
Limitations on their Powers and Weaknesses upon their persons related to their elemental-aspecting are common to elementals. All elementals share the following:
Limitations on their Powers and Weaknesses upon their persons related to their elemental-aspecting are common to elementals. This includes susceptibility to summoning and vulnerabilities to specific elements:  
* Weakness (Susceptibility to Summon Creature)
* Weakness (Elemental vulnerability - +4WR from opposing element - see below)
* Weakness (Elemental dependency - take Stress on all tracks when removed from their native element for long periods)
Elemental vulnerabilties are as follows:  
* Fire consumes wood.   
* Fire consumes wood.   
* Wood covers earth.   
* Wood covers earth.   
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* Air freezes water.   
* Air freezes water.   
* Water drowns fire.  
* Water drowns fire.  
* So do the elements destroy.
All but the most powerful elementals weaken and eventually die when removed from their associated element.
So do the elements destroy.
Furthermore, all but the most powerful elementals weaken and eventually die when removed from their associated element.
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==Fae Powers==
==Fae Powers==
The Fae or Fair Folk are the beings dwelling beyond the elemental poles. The unshaped Fair Folk who remain beyond the edges of Creation are hostile to all things of constant shape and form; they are Creatures of Darkness.
A great number of Fair Folk, however, have entered the world and taken on shape; they are no longer Creatures of Darkness by default. The vast majority of these beings are inimical to the beings of Creation — hunting down humans and feeding on their hopes and dreams — but some few choose to live among men as either lords or simple citizens. Fair Folk come in two classes: the ruling Nobles, and the subservient Commoners.
The Raksha are divided into four castes:
* Diplomats, who favor the Staff Grace and the virtue of Conviction
* Entertainers, who favor the Cup Grace and the virtue of Compassion
* Warriors, who favor the Sword Grace and the virtue of Valor
* Workers, who favor the Ring Grace and the virtue of Temperance
Noble Raksha belong to two of the four castes, favoring the graces and virtues of both. There is also a fifth Grace, the Heart Grace, which is associated with identity and the trait of Willpower. Graces are differing outlets for the use of Essence and are similar to the suits of tarot. The relevant caste(s) should help inform the sorts of Powers that are appropriate for any given Raksha.
The following Powers are common to all Raksha:
* Environmental Protection (Wyld)
* Leach (Ranged; deals Mental Stress and heals Essence Consequences)
* Lifeless (Immortal - they are not physical beings with mortal concerns like eating, sleeping and breathing)
* Resistance (Wyld/Glamours)
* Resistance (Immunity: Elemental - choose one of Air, Earth, Fire, Water and Wood)
* Sense (Essence and Wyld energy)
They will also tend to manifest a number of other Powers specific to their chosen form, such as Body Weaponry, Flight, Imbue Armour and so on. They may not take Super-Powers. Raksha may learn Terrestrial Martial Arts, but cannot use any form of Sorcery. Instead they may use Wyld Shaping for a similar effect.
All Fae share the following vulnerabilities:
* Weakness (Cannot heal Essence Consequences outside of Wyld-tainted areas)
* Weakness (Weapons wrought from cold iron deal +4WR)
Furthermore, Raksha are alien to Creation, their minds and motives unfathomable even to the Primordials, for they are not the work of the Titans. Upon cementing a static form they incorporate certain tendencies into their personal narrative, tendencies in accord with those Virtues upon which Creation is founded. These take the form of Weaknesses specific to their Virtues.
The most powerful of the Fair Folk are the Unshaped. Unlike the Raksha, the Unshaped are unable to survive within Creation for extended periods of time, each Unshaped is actually a symbiotic cluster of Fair Folk consisting of a single "guiding intelligence" and one or more "subsidiary intelligences" with no true form. They should be treated in a similar way to Spirits.
Fae Commoners have a PTL of 3, with Nobles having a PTL of 4. The Unshaped may have a PTL up to 6.
==Ghost Powers==
==Ghost Powers==
Ghosts are the souls of human beings that linger on after death because of some attachment they have to their prior existence rather than reentering the natural cycle of reincarnation. The denizens of the Underworld are aberrations to the proper course of existence, and they have existed only since the deaths of the Neverborn. It is from the souls of restless Solars that the Neverborn crafted their most greatest and most terrible servants - the Deathlords.
All ghosts have the following core Powers:
* Astral Perception (to see immaterial beings)
* Insubstantial (Materialise)
* Invisibility (while immaterial)
* Leach (Limitation: Blood-drinking; heals Essence Consequences)
* Lifeless (Dead - they are not physical beings with mortal concerns like eating, sleeping and breathing)
* Sense (Essence and their own particular sort of supernatural energy)
In addition they have the following vulnerabilities:
* Weakness (Cannot cross a line of salt)
* Weakness (Cannot heal Essence Consequences outside of Shadowlands or the Underworld)
As with Spirits, particularly powerful ghosts may have other thematically appropriate Powers. Some rare few can also learn Terrestrial or even Celestial Martial Arts and Necromancy is not uncommon.
Ghosts generally have a PTL of 3, but there are exceptions, such as Nephwracks and Deathlords.
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