Something Borrowed Something Blue
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'''Michael James Watson''' Rumor of the wedding runs wild and the CCC members, bouncing off the Nobles as the word spreads around the city. Anger rises in many quarters and the diplomatic corp becomes nervous. Just before dawn Alex receives a trump call. Looking blearily up the contact opens unbidden. Bleys says, βI'm pulling you through. Nightgown and all. If you sleep in the buff I will provide for modesty on arrival. There has been a change of plans.β Giving Alex a minute to grab stuff she is pulled through in moments. Her foot is grabbed by a waking Karieeena who arrives in her arming shift. Brand and Fres are in the nave of a small church. It is dark and lit with candles. Out a window she sees the coming light over the ocean. Dawn coming in the Church of the Unicorn in the Tombs on Kolvir. Standing with them are Asher, Rinaldo, and Fiona. To one side stand Random and Vialle with Martin. Benedict, Gerard, and Delwin speak with a military man, rigid backed, tight black hair, in ornate armor of bronze and black. From the trump she recognizes Hamilton, a rare presence in Amber. Flora and Llewella speak across a trump to Sea View Gardens where food is being passed through and set up on tables. Alex sees on the small alter a long silver sword racing with pattern inscriptions On it a pair of red mithril rings. Vance, Vander, Dalt, and Macsen stand speaking, holding cups of steaming coffee. Arloxedra, Jurt, a scary looking Azcalan woman, and Despil stand on an alcove looking over a pair of books. Arloxedra wears the attire of a Priest of the Unicorn. Bleys says, as he hands Alex coffee, He pulls a bottle of brandy and spikes his coffee, offering a slug in hers. Alex realizes she is wearing the outfit she planned to wear to the service. Karieena is just realizing she is wearing the white shift of a novitiate of the Church of the Unicorn. She looks unamused. βOne large grenade could issue in a Republic in Amber if someone was inclined. There was a rash of diplomatic requests from Golden Circle kingdoms that were going to amount to civil war. Brand has a crap-ton of arrest warrants spanning a million worlds and his being available so publicly, out of the castle, was going to be a problem. The black head rag may signal his standing death sentence but a wedding screams how hollow a punishment that is. When the Ambassador to Amber from Thelusia says that if Brand leaves the city walls that they will break their Golden Circle membership, well... Brightedge is part of the defensive wall but sticklers say its outside the city. So...surprise, a morning wedding.β '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex looks just confused, but having pulled out of bed in her earlier days in the military as well she just stands and accepts whatever news is being brought over from Bleys. Perhaps she does have a bit of a blank stare on her face but she does take in the info. As Bleys offers her coffee she keeps the mug extended to Bleys to accept the offered Brandy in the coffee. She has the feeling she needs it. Happy she wore the dress at least as she knows mom does care for appearance. To bad she could not have asked to change her hair back to red before the wedding. As she wanted to join the red headed clan. After her first sips of coffee she finally waves or inclines her head or greets those present and who ever had noticed her. Turning her attention back to Bleys she then nods. ".... politics... of course. People got pissy. I get it. Well smart choice to move the wedding.. where is my mom? Does she need help?" '''Michael James Watson''' Bleys notes the hand to her hair, "Something about your hair? Oh, she's over there with Asher, Rinaldo, and Fiona. Whatever you do, don't sign anything today. Bad precedent. " Bleys looks over at Llewella and Flora, "Help? Alex you are new to our flock so I'll give you this piece of advice. If Flora or Llewella say to you'There is so much to do' Do yourself a favor and take a long walk in shadow. " Bleys looks to Karieena, "No offense meant, Elite. But this is a family affair. The guards are outside. If someone in here decides to draw blades your protection would not slow them in the slightest. Check in with Commander Gavno outside. The Kolvir Musketeers are taking this event's security seriously." Karieena looks to Alex. '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex nods to Karieeena "It is fine, Bleys is right it's a family thing i guess. I might not feel like a full member either being the new one, but yeah they are my parents. If blades are drawn i'll give you a shout. For now i am sure you can help out the security." Noticing Dalt she smiles and before Karieeena leaves she says "Heh good to see Dalt is back. Wonder if Duncan will.be." She then turns to Bleys again running unconsciously another hand through her hair she smiles a bit awkward. "Nothing with the hair just didn't have time to have it done. Was considering changing back to my natural color. I know mom had it changed close after my birth. Join the redheads hear they have more fun." To the last she adds a wink. With a serious note Alex shrugs "Well i was asking more if mom needed help. I am not asking Llewella or Flora... i know what it is like to run errands for Flora.." She looks jnowing to Bleys. "I've been a castle guard and an elite." She leans in a bit closer in a hushed tone she speaks. "And i know not to get invited by Fiona to go on a trip since she is the ambassador to Regor." Straightening up again she looks around again. "I'll go check with mom if i can do anything for her. Thank you for pulling me through and the coffee. Have the feeling this day is far from done after the wedding." '''Michael James Watson''' Bleys says, "I can fix the hair. The ensorcelment on it is passive, and minor, meant to walk through the pattern nad not fade. But its knotted tightly. And.. ohhh its Brand's work. Tricky. Its linked to the Fire mark. You can remove it yourself...its linked to limited shapechange. Tricky. after that... i have a few hairdo spells from my theater days." '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex smiles at Bleys. "Thank you but at a day as today i am not going to try and remove any of dad his tricky spells. I wouldn't know how anyway. Know nothing of those kind of thingd." She holds her coffee mug with two hands and takes another sip. Just before sip she mutters. "Not that i can control the mark." She then sips coffee. '''Michael James Watson''' "I doubt Brand can conrtol it.. ITs a....." He stops mid sentence.."I would have lost that bet. Julian and Donovan arriving together in Amber" '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex frowns at Bleys as he stops... she lets him notice with an annoyed look on her otherwise smiling face. She then gives a nod and continues. "Ah well i am sure stranger things have happened. I am going to see if i can be there for mom. I hope we have time soon to talk. When you are perhaps less distracted." She gives a sweet little smile and nod. Alex then plans the shortest and less encounterful route to where her parents brothers and Fiona is. And at the same time she looks, she hopefully scans around if perhaps Duncan returned as well. '''Michael James Watson''' Brand raises a hand as the dragons take wing. The red lands on his hand, the blue hisses lightning, the white flies over near Random and settles in a basket filled with flower petals planned for the service.. Rinaldo says," A pleasure to meet you formally..Rinaldo, king of Kashra. Come visit sometime. I'll throw a feast." Asher adds,"Watch him. He'll convince you selling your dragons is a good thing." '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex smiles at her dragons but only after a serious mom look with the words "Please behave." Seeing the blue hiss lightning she sighs seeing the white one drop down in the basket of flowers Alex groans. "Ah well thats what you get for brining young ones to a wedding." She then inclines her head to Rinaldo "Yes good to formally meet you. We've seen eachother at the tomb meeting ofcourse... Alexandra, your youngest sister..." She adds as title. " oh and nowadays second warden of Arden. And thank you. I am sure when i can get some time away from Arden i'll visit." An eyebrow raised to Asher with a smile. "Hm i doubt i could get them far enough away from me to be sold. Not that i would want to get rid of them. We bonded pretty quickly." Alex then inclines her head to Fiona if she is still with this group. Not really knowing what to say to her she just leaves it at that. ((I guess Alex didn't had alot of interaction as Elite or guard with Fiona.)) Then turning to Brand and Fres she smiles. "Anything i can do? I see alot is already taken care of." '''Michael James Watson''' Rinaldo reaches to put a hand on Fres's belly, "Maybe not my youngest sister, eh step mom?" Fres scowls "Don't even joke about that here. The pattern might decide my preventative measures and Brand's shape shifting is in the way of its whims. We are all puppets in its strings after all." Brand nods, "Well, we'll keep giving the pattern a chance to change things...oh.... oh damn.....Shit, piss, and industrial waste, this whole day just got wildly out of hand." Looking to the door at new arrivals. BRand says, "ok, we have 5 seconds to elope. Nothign fancy, say the Chappel in the Castle, just you, me, Luke, Asher, Alexandra, and whoever is on duty there. Random will be mad but he will understand. Oh shit... Fiona just bolted....Bleys...Don't you fucking dare..." Looking to the door a trio is framed in the dawning light. All eyes turn to them. '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex looks shocked at Rinaldo then at Fres hearing that it was a joke her face turns to a smile but then quickly to a frown.. "Wait... does that... was i an accident?" She had not fully finnished her sentence when Brand starts to cuss. Spinning on her heels she makes a little jerking motion with her arm to where normally her bow hangs so she can let it slide in her hand... but of course she has no bow. Seeing the trio Alex frowns, thinks. And then realizes who the reason is for this commotion. With a hand outstretched she calls for her dragons hoping they sense the need to listen this time. She does automatically do the elite guard thing protecting the royals. It is after all pretty hardcoded in her system. So she moves in front of the little group she was standing with. Whispering to them behind her "If you want to leave, we have to now." '''Michael James Watson''' Brand sighs, "Too late." The dragons come and rest on Alex, uncertain of the need. '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex looks at her dragons and lets them sit on her shoulder and neck making for an easier get away if needed. Then hearing her father say too late. Alex turns to him and looks at the rest. Figuring there was little she could do anyway and she is not even an elite anymore she straightens her dress and decides that not being to experienced in politics she moves next to one of her brothers. The one tha tis closest and hopes as the little sister she can hide half behind them. '''Michael James Watson''' The trio walks up, slowly, many eyes upon them. Brand steps out in front of Fres though she stretches out in her place. Rinaldo and Asher stand beside Alex Brand says, "Mother. What a surprise." She says, "Yes, it is certainly a surprise when a mother attends her son's wedding. Though i was excluded from the last three, why would I be here today? When did Fifi go? Will she be back in time for the nuptials? I had not heard but Fres, will King Random be enjoying prima nocta or was that just a party thing for the two of you.?" Fres says, "It amazes me Clarissa that you were queen for less then a hundred years and yet most of the really ugly scandals involve you. And you seem eager to talk about such rumors you have nothing to do with. Ive been in Amber for 5000 years. You were just one of Oberon's whims. Now, behave. " She smiles daggers, "You lived here so long and never found a crown? Even the scullery maid wore to coronet for a time. I know, the coronet connects all of us there Queens of Amber. Including the blind fish and the kitchen help." '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex knows better then to move at this point. moving or making a sound would give notice. But she does look at her mother who so skillfully places her insults. A new respect, on top of the already high esteem she has for her mother, is added. She is just happy she doesn't stand alone on the side and even if she doesn't know her brothers that well they are at least together as a family. Alex mostly keeps her eyes on her mother and now and then looks for hints from her brothers or father if she needs to do something. If drinks are being served or arranged somewhere Alex will try and get some over there to hopefully release some tension '''Michael James Watson''' Clarissa smiles as drinks arrive, though Flora and Llewella did not bring them their selves. Taking the glass Clarissa says, "Well Brand, it is nice to see your children all in one place. Rinaldo, always a pleasure.. Asher, its been ages since you visited Regor.. and....Alexandra...Don't hold it against your father or mother that they have neglected to bring you to visit the lands of Imperial Regor. You have palaces and lands there waiting. Do not be blinded and think Amber is the only land you can find family in" '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex plasters on her most pleasant smile she can muster. figuring this is a game of verbal stabbing, weaving and parrying. She inclines her head to Clarissa ever so politely and correctly. "Oh there is nothing to hold against my parents. In fact i have of course been told about Regor, and about my partial ancestry there. It is naturally somewhere on my list to do to visit, though since the discovery of my direct family, many more things have been added to my dance card. But i am certain in time i will get to it. Cannot turn a cold shoulder to my current responsibilities of course. " Alex herself has made sure she has a glass as well to have something in her hands to keep them still. She takes a quick sip. "Either way it is a pleasure to meet you, i have read so much about you." '''Michael James Watson''' "Your mother is proud of her living in the shadow of a great lady. She wishes you to be such a pale thing. In Regor you will shine as great jewel instead of as a lapdog poodle. But shadow needs such creatures" '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Looking with pride to her mother she then turns her slightly more fake smile to her grandmother the Tsarina. "Hm so far the example i have been shown of such great jewels. Is not to be desired. Cold and frigid things only there to catch the eye and outshine those of importance or interest. And to be fair. great shiny jewels tend to be a bit tacky.. " A slow sip as she needs to keep her calm and allowing anyone to step in if she goes to far. "Again thank you for the offer, but as one raised in shadows. I believe i appreciate the light which hits me more then one that has always been on display to be looked at. " '''Michael James Watson''' She leans in, her own smile wide. "Some jewels are brighter then others, and some less tacky. But the jewels of Regor are not trinkets for rings and coronets. Amber does not value its jewels. It hid them beneath the overbearing lord of the realm. But he sleeps now. In Regor we treasure our Jewels. Once Great Oberon sought us out so that he might learn how to value his jewels but the skill was not in him. He let them squabble and make war. Turned my children against me and against the land of their births." She smiles at Rinaldo, then Asher, "You each owe for the blood. The Priests of Dikost knew you the moments of your birth. And they knew to moment of your sister's death. Her body regrows in Dikost and you each have a bed waiting should death take you. You are known to the Tiger and in the Halls of Life. Come and seek out your homeland." Brand says, "Alright, that's enough. They know, now Random has invited you to sit with him. Mydoris, be a good lad and escort her?" He quietly leads her to the front. Watching her go, till out of ear shot. He turns to Alexi, "What the Fuck, Alexi? You brought her to Amber?" He shrugs, " She was going to come either way. That idiot mystic keeps whispering from her cloister. Its all I could do to keep her from bringing a formal entorage of a thousand. I did you a fucking favor brother. Damn, Vance gave me the eye. Asher, Rinaldo, Alexandra, I'm your uncle Alexi. I am not as crazy as the rest of the family. I live at Vulsara. Come see me some time." '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Keeping her face in the same smile though the challenge of this game of verbal jousting was by now bringing a twinkle in Alex her eyes. "Jewels without purpose, sounds like useless distractions to me." Wanting to continue she then hears her father and with a slight added smirk Alex nods to her father and steps back to her brothers. As Alexi introduces himself she smile a bit more genuinely. "Pleasure to meet you. I might... have lots of things on my to do list." Alex then steps.closer to her mother whispering to her. "Do you need anything? Can i get you anything before we start?" Even if it is an impromptu wedding she still takes her maid of honor thing seriously. '''Michael James Watson''' She whispers, "I don't suppose you have an tranquilizer gun handy?" '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex chuckles soft and shakes her head. "Sorry no. Its in my other bag." Alex strokes her hand along her mothers face with a smile. And continues to whisper "You look beautiful mom."
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