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[[Category:Wicked Pacts]]
[[Category:Wicked Pacts]]
The campaign these pages are being created for is not planned to start until the fall of 2018 at the earliest.
This is a wiki for Supernatural Law, a Wicked Pacts campaign about officers of the law who have the ability to work magic and who investigate crimes related to the supernatural.
This is a wiki for Supernatural Law, a Wicked Pacts campaign about officers of the law who have the ability to work magic and who investigate crimes related to the supernatural.
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But no plan survives an encounter with the player characters. :)
But no plan survives an encounter with the player characters. :)
The game will be set in Boston, the Hub of the Universe. The nickname has additional meanings in the game. Boston stands on an arcane crossroad where paths to many realms other than our own converge. Because of this, events and disturbances of an arcane nature are far more common than in most other large cities, and the number of supernatural visitors and inhabitants higher than usual.
The game will be set in Boston, the Hub of the Universe. The nickname has additional meanings in the game. Boston stands on an arcane crossroad where paths to many realms other than our own converge. Because of this, events and disturbances of an arcane nature are far more common than in most other large cities, and the number of supernatural visitors and inhabitants higher than usual.  
[https://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?834827-Supernatural-Law-(Wicked-Pacts) '''In-Character Thread'''] This is where the game is run.
[https://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?834826-Supernatural-Law-(Wicked-Pacts) '''Out-of-Character Thread'''] This is where all discussion behind the scenes is happening.
[https://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?833403-Development-thread-Supernatural-Law-(Wicked-Pacts) '''Development Thread'''] This is where the character creation & background info is.
[https://bit.ly/1CQjCHC '''Theme music'''] This is the theme music for the campaign.
A placeholder for the theme music for the campaign.
==Player Characters==
==Player Characters==
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==Non Player Characters==
==Non Player Characters==
[[Supernatural_Law:NonPlayerCharacters|Non player characters encountered during the campaign ]]
[[Supernatural_Law:NonPlayerCharacters|Non player characters encountered during the campaign ]]
[[Supernatural_Law:Locations|Notable places in Supernatural Boston ]]
==Game System Related==
==Game System Related==
The campaign cosmology has Devils in addition to Angels and Demons. Anything rules related in the game rules that refer to Demons should be assumed to refer to Devils instead. For example, Demon Blooded bloodline is Devil Blooded instead. Demons in the game are a separate bunch of nasties opposed to both Angels and Devils.
The campaign cosmology has Devils in addition to Angels and Demons. Anything rules related in the game rules that refer to Demons should be assumed to refer to Devils instead. For example, Demon Blooded bloodline is Devil Blooded instead. Demons in the game are a separate bunch of nasties opposed to both Angels and Devils.
The rules have a Tarot mechanic that I do not see working very well in play by post, so I am going to change it to work in the following fashion.
Every character has a Major Arcana that can be chosen freely, ignoring the official rule that says that two characters cannot have the same Major Arcana.
Once per case, each player can invoke their Arcana to do one of the following:
• Automatically break or block a Spell
• Instantly refill a character's Magic Points
• Instantly find a nearby Ley Line or Dead Zone
• Gain a Scene Point
• Ask the GM for a specific effect related to the card (for example, a bonus to Driving for playing The Chariot)
Invoking the Arcana is optional and has a price. If invoked, it causes an Arcana-related complication to the case later on. For example, Invoking Chariot could mean that an accident happens later.
===Scene Points===
Scene Points also have a minor difference since there will be an ongoing thread rather than weekly game sessions. Every character starts with a pool of Scene Points, usually 3. They refresh at the beginning of each new case, and during the case, can be used to do the following:
• Add either +5 to a Skill Test or add an extra d10.
• Instead of rolling an attack's damage, deal maximum damage.
• Reduce incoming damage by half or spend two Scene Points to reduce it to zero.
• Alter a minor aspect of the Scene. (Subject to GM approval.)
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[https://bit.ly/2M0EITo '''Theme music'''] This is the theme music for the mages.
A placeholder for the theme music for the mages.
Since the ability to perform magic is genetic in nature, mages tend to come from families of mages. In case of full blooded mages, nearly all of their family members tend to be mages. Half blooded have more variance. The majority of the family could still be mages. Or the gene could be so weak that it hasn’t surfaced in generations, coming as a complete surprise. Or anything in between.
Since the ability to perform magic is genetic in nature, mages tend to come from families of mages. In case of full blooded mages, nearly all of their family members tend to be mages. Half blooded have more variance. The majority of the family could still be mages. Or the gene could be so weak that it hasn’t surfaced in generations, coming as a complete surprise. Or anything in between.
The powers of the Heavenly and Hellish Hosts are not terribly compatible with beings of our world and the gene giving access to them tends to disappear rapidly. Therefore, for Angel- or Devil-blooded, the most common situation is to have a single parent or grandparent as the source of the gene. Sometimes that person is, in truth, not human at all. The bodies the Hosts use in our world are perfectly capable of breeding with humans, in order to maintain their proxy bloodlines.
The powers of the Hosts are not terribly compatible with beings of our world and the gene giving access to them tends to disappear rapidly. Therefore, for Angel- or Devil-blooded, the most common situation is to have a single parent or grandparent as the source of the gene. Sometimes that person is, in truth, not human at all. The bodies the Hosts use in our world are perfectly capable of breeding, in order to maintain their proxy bloodlines.
A small number of private schools specifically teach the offspring of magical bloodlines. Mainly the children of full blood mages, but also a small number of various kinds of half blooded, and even an occasional werewolf. Whatever schools of magic a mage is versed in, she has been taught either in such a school or in private tuition. Private tutelage is in most cases done by a family member.
A small number of private schools specifically teach the offspring of magical bloodlines. Mainly the children of full blood mages, but also a small number of various kinds of half blooded, and even an occasional werewolf. Whatever schools of magic a mage is versed in, she has been taught either in such a school or in private tuition. Private tutelage is in most cases done by a family member.
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The head of the division is Detective Captain Kiara Graves. A fit, middle aged African American woman who normally wears masculine looking suits to work. She is not a mage herself, but possesses a good academic knowledge of the subject. To hear her tell it, she got involved with a wrong case, got drafted to the OCD, started educating herself and rose through the ranks.
The head of the division is Detective Captain Kiara Graves. A fit, middle aged African American woman who normally wears masculine looking suits to work. She is not a mage herself, but possesses a good academic knowledge of the subject. To hear her tell it, she got involved with a wrong case, got drafted to the OCD, started educating herself and rose through the ranks.
OCD detectives are generally expected to follow and uphold the same laws as the regular officers. There are just more specific and not widely known laws and regulations defining how those laws apply to supernatural beings and powers. Vampiric feeding is not an assault if the vampire is a registered inhabitant and the person fed from did not suffer harm greater than minor blood loss. Love potions are illegal and their creation and possession are crimes. And so on.
But when dealing with supernatural powers and beings, the situation may come that seems to fall outside the normal laws. In such a case, the detectives are expected to use their own judgment. But when doing so, they are encouraged to remember the original, traditional principles that supernatural law enforcers worked by.
[[Supernatural_Law:Peelian_Principles|The Peelian Principles. ]]
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Arclight, the occult task force of the FBI was founded during the Hoover era. They are well funded and provisioned, with their own separate budget and facilities. They deal with federal investigations, and on the occasions when there is overlap with local investigations, they have a reputation for being a bit pushy. On the other hand, sometimes there is a reason to call on them for assistance, for they have superior resources, including specialized laboratories and their own SWAT team specialized in supernatural threats. And on the occasions when their help is asked, they tend to be quite professional.  
Arclight, the occult task force of the FBI was founded during the Hoover era. They are well funded and provisioned, with their own separate budget and facilities. They deal with federal investigations, and on the occasions when there is overlap with local investigations, they have a reputation for being a bit pushy. On the other hand, sometimes there is a reason to call on them for assistance, for they have superior resources, including specialized laboratories and their own SWAT team specialized in supernatural threats. And on the occasions when their help is asked, they tend to be quite professional.  
One thing that is within Arclight’s jurisdiction is suppressing the knowledge about magic. If an ordinary cop gets too curious or an OCD detective uses magic too blatantly, Arclight may step in. Likewise, cases where civilians stumble onto the truth and attempt to go public with it are Arclight's problem and not something OCD detectives need to concern themselves with. On occasion, OCD has nevertheless decided to get involved in such a case before Arclight does. Because Arclight can be very ruthless about it. While they do not go as far as to kill witnesses, they can quite effectively destroy a person's credibility, reputation, career, and life. And will not hesitate to do so.
One thing that is within Arclight’s jurisdiction is suppressing the knowledge about magic. If an ordinary cop gets too curious or and OCD detective uses magic too blatantly, Arclight may step in.
===Criminal mages===
Mages commit crimes just like the ungifted do. They just have a larger variety of potential crimes to commit. Very often, the motivation for crimes committed by mages are the same as for everyone else. Crimes of passion, underhanded ways to make some money, and so on. They just might use their magical powers to commit the crimes. But the mages also have temptations that the ungifted do not. Their motivation can also be to increase their magic powers.
Most mages covet artifacts and grimoires. Items like these are either resource-intensive to create or originate from the Other Side, which makes them difficult to replace, and therefore valuable. Even the more commonplace tools of magic created by Enchanters can be expensive, and where a mundane might steal a smartphone, a mage might try to steal an amulet.
Trespassing is annoyingly common. Some places have high ambient energy or auspicious flows of power that can be useful for certain kinds of magic, especially rituals. Many of these places are within private property, or within an area where performing rituals is not permitted, such as public buildings and graveyards. Younger makes are especially prone to sneaking in to perform secret rituals.
Various materials can be used to boost magic, enchant items or brew potions. Some are relatively commonplace. Others are rare, expensive, highly taxed, heavily regulated, or all of that. Yet others are downright illegal, and so are items and potions made from them. Crimes involving these materials include smuggling, unlawful alchemy and peddling of fake materials.
Proscribed Contact with Other Side is a classic crime where mages summon something dangerous or open a portal to a realm of terror. Other side abounds with powerful and dangerous beings such as Demons, and realms filled with malevolent energies. These crimes are in truth rather uncommon, because most mages are sensible enough to understand that the risks always outweigh the gains. But when these crimes do happen they tend to be bad ones. Bad enough that even planning such is a crime.
Ritual torture and murder are amongst the worst kind of magic-related crimes that the police may have to deal with. Blood and death are powerful ingredients in some kinds of magic. Especially if the blood is mystical in nature, such as the blood of a mage, especially a full blooded mage. Thankfully, this is rare, for most mages are not depraved enough to perform human sacrifice. But the sacrifice of animals used to be legal in the past, and some mages feel that it still should be.
When mages commit crimes, usually only one mage is involved, or a handful of partners in crime. There are no organized crime families in Boston. Mages may be in the employ of organized crime, or a mage may work his way to the leadership of a criminal organization, but an entire extended family or fraternity of mages dedicated to criminal pursuits is something Boston does not have. Not currently. But two such families did terrorize the city in the past. Spielmans and Laskowskis.
During the prohibition era, the families of Spielman and Laskowski were notorious gangsters among the magical community. They did not involve themselves in bootlegging, preferring to avoid clashes with ungifted gangsters, and focused on crimes involving or targeting mages and magic. Smuggling of Other Side materials, unlawful alchemy, extorting mage entrepreneurs. Spielmans and Laskowskis occasionally clashed with both each other and the police force. They kept out of jail through force and corruption, resorting to violence when bribes would not work.
Their infamy ended with prohibition. As corruption diminished, they no longer got advance warnings of raids, and their laboratories and smuggling operations got raided. Bribing judges and juries no longer kept family members out of jail and they ended up behind bars and had their properties confiscated. Gradually, their income and operations dried out and their days as crime lords ended, not with a bang but with a wheeze. Spielmans and Laskowskis still remain in Boston and have a bit of a bad reputation even today, but in truth they are largely legitimate these days.
This is not to say that crime families of mages no longer exist. Some do, in other cities. It is a constant worry for the police department that some might try to establish themselves in Boston, bringing the days of trouble back.
The official story is that OCD and Arclight focus on cult-related crimes, and it is not just a cover story. They often do. And actual cult cases tend to be amongst the worst.
Cult situations tend to turn ugly even when the cult is entirely mundane. Brainwashing, physical and mental abuse, and in the worst cases violent crimes performed by crazed zealots. And things often get even worse when mages and supernatural beings get involved. That is when ritual murders, human sacrifice, and the summoning of monstrosities from distant realms enter the picture.
Gathering cults around them is a time-honored method for villainous mages and supernatural entities. If even a moderately charismatic mundane person can convince other people that he is some sort of messiah, someone who can demonstrate actual supernatural powers has it even easier.
Cults centered on vampires tend to be the most decent ones. Nearly always, the vampire’s motivation for gathering a cult is to use cult members as a larder. These cults normally just follow some mystical mumbo jumbo that involves ritual bloodletting. But blood rites can easily get out of hand, especially if some unhinged members start trying to figure out how they could become like the master.
Conversely, demonic cults are among the worst ones. Demons steal souls and subsist on suffering. Ritual torture and mutilation is nearly always involved. Cult members are desperate, duped, or both, and work to obtain new souls and playthings for their master. These cults tend to be short lived, for their activities not only draw attention, demons have little interest in maintaining them for long. Sooner or later the demon gets tired of playing and liquidates its gains, moving on to start again somewhere else. But if demonic cults are not stopped before that, the end tends to come in a blaze of violence and death.
Angels and Devils love cults and put them to various uses to further their agendas. Propaganda outlets, political pressure groups, spy rings or terrorist cells. They like to have a degree of deniability in their involvement and usually prefer to manipulate the cult leadership rather than having direct control.
Mages have a huge variety of motivations for forming cults, including perfectly mundane ones. Maybe they just like the power and adoration. Maybe they have a philosophy they wish to spread. But even in those cases the mages tend to stage elaborate and very real rituals to maintain the awe of their minions. And these tend to count as unlawful demonstrations of magic in violation of the Edinburgh Treaties that call for the suppression of knowledge about magic.
Then there are the various magic-related motivations. Mages could use their cults as a resource pool, ranging from conning money out of rich dupes to having a cadre of willing sacrifices for proscriped rituals. Or the mage could be fulfilling his pact with some Other Side entity, or trying to contact one. And that can be more or less dangerous depending on the entity. Demonic cults tend to be especially bad when there are actual mages involved in the cult. Cults in contact with Fey tend towards strange and sensual, in fashions ranging from relatively benign to anything but. And then there are always the bogeyman stories about mages trying to contact cosmic horrors long since sealed away, who cause even Angels and Devils to suffer fright and for whom humanity is just a tasty buffet.
===Cosmology, Politics and Supernatural Beings===
===Cosmology, Politics and Supernatural Beings===
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====Angels and Devils====
====Angels and Devils====
[https://bit.ly/2ihnQpF '''Theme music'''] This is the theme music for the angels.
A placeholder for the theme music for the angels.
[https://bit.ly/2FDQzDa '''Theme music'''] This is the theme music for the devils.
A placeholder for the theme music for the devils.
Heavens and Hells are the most powerful realms, and the oldest. It is possible that they have always existed. Among the multitude of Other Side realms, they are the nuclear armed superpowers that no one wants to provoke.
Heavens and Hells are the most powerful realms, and the oldest. It is possible that they have always existed. Among the multitude of Other Side realms, they are the nuclear armed superpowers that no one wants to provoke.
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[https://bit.ly/2ZqiVaK '''Theme music'''] This is the theme music for the demons.
A placeholder for the theme music for the demons.
Some beings you should never enter into pacts with. Demons being the most well-known example. They are notorious soul poachers who subsist on suffering.
Some beings you should never enter into pacts with. Demons being the most well-known example. They are notorious soul poachers who subsist on suffering.
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Everyone takes a dim view of the soul stealing the Demons do, both human authorities and the Hosts. And one time when human police officers might find themselves working with Hell Cops or Agents of Heaven - or even both - is when a powerful demon slips through.
Everyone takes a dim view of the soul stealing the Demons do, both human authorities and the Hosts. And one time when human police officers might find themselves working with Hell Cops or Agents of Heaven - or even both - is when a powerful demon slips through.
[https://bit.ly/198Yu0X '''Theme music'''] This is the theme music for the elementals.
A placeholder for the theme music for the elementals.
Volatile and dangerous beings. Except for earth elementals, who are deeply philosophical and devout pacifists. For a long time, mages used to summon them to do their bidding. Even after the treaties, for the elementals have little society, no government, and no force to represent them. They are, however, self-aware and intelligent. And summoning them away from their native environment causes them physical and mental anguish and robs them of their freedom of action. So it did not take long for the Elemental Rights Movement to form. The summoning of elementals was banned in most parts of Europe after World War II, and in Canada not long after that, but in US an influential lobby group funded by wealthy mages and corporations specializing in arcane or alchemical products has resisted such legislation, citing the damage it would do to US business interests.
Volatile and dangerous beings. Except for earth elementals, who are deeply philosophical and devout pacifists. For a long time, mages used to summon them to do their bidding. Even after the treaties, for the elementals have little society, no government, and no force to represent them. They are, however, self-aware and intelligent. And summoning them away from their native environment causes them physical and mental anguish and robs them of their freedom of action. So it did not take long for the Elemental Rights Movement to form. The summoning of elementals was banned in most parts of Europe after World War II, and in Canada not long after that, but in US an influential lobby group funded by wealthy mages and corporations specializing in arcane or alchemical products has resisted such legislation, citing the damage it would do to US business interests.
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Modern era has brought the third alternative. The Homunculi.
Modern era has brought the third alternative. The Homunculi.
There have always been people who have mixed magic and science. Alchemy, the mixing of magic with chemistry, is the most widespread and well known. But magic has also been combined with other fields of science. Many names have been suggested for different combinations and some, such as technomancy, have caught on. But in common parlance, and somewhat misleadingly, people tend to just add “alchemy” to the name of the field. Mixing biology and magic would be called Bio-Alchemy, and so on.
There have always been people who have mixed magic and science. Alchemy, the mixing of magic with chemistry, is the most widespread and well known. But magic has also been combined with other fields of science. Many names have been suggested for different combinations and some, such as technomancy, have caught on. But in commom parlance, and somewhat misleadingly, people tend to just add “alchemy” to the name of the field. Mixing biology and magic would be called Bio-Alchemy, and so on.
Homunculi are created by Gene-Alchemy. They are half way between Flesh Golems and clones. In effect, a homunculus is a lab-grown human body with just the most basic autonomous functions and no consciousness of its own. Ripe for possession.
Homunculi are created by Gene-Alchemy. They are half way between Flesh Golems and clones. In effect, a homunculus is a lab-grown human body with just the most basic autonomous functions and no consciousness of its own. Ripe for possession.
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[https://bit.ly/2KMjbdi '''Theme music'''] This is the theme music for the vampires.
A placeholder for the theme music for the elementals.
Physically powerful and capable of enduring damage that would kill a human twice over, vampires can still die of injuries other than decapitation and a stake through the heart, although anyone who has faced one can understand where the rumors about their unkillability come from. Vampires also eat food just like anyone else, but they also need a daily diet of fresh blood to keep from wasting away. The blood needs to be from a human and freshly drawn from the veins. Animal blood is useless to a vampire and stored human blood rapidly loses the mystical qualities a vampire needs.
Physically powerful and capable of enduring damage that would kill a human twice over, vampires can still die of injuries other than decapitation and a stake through the heart, although anyone who has faced one can understand where the rumors about their unkillability come from. Vampires also eat food just like anyone else, but they also need a daily diet of fresh blood to keep from wasting away. The blood needs to be from a human and freshly drawn from the veins. Animal blood is useless to a vampire and stored human blood rapidly loses the mystical qualities a vampire needs.
Vampires are also vulnerable to sunlight and certain symbols. Particularly holy symbols. And this does not in any fashion depend on the religious views of a vampire or the person brandishing the symbol. An atheist vampire would be repelled by a Buddhist waving a crucifix. In fact, the symbol does not need to be brandished by anyone. Stepping into a house of worship or a cemetery would be impossible for a vampire. At least a young one, for they build up resistance as they age. A young vampire would suffer burns at sunlight and recoil hissing from the sight of a cross, but an old vampire would merely suffer extreme discomfort at sunlight or within a church.
Vampires are also vulnerable to sunlight and certain symbols. Particularly holy symbols. And this does not in any fashion depend on the religious views of a vampire or the person brandishing the symbol. An atheist vampire would be repelled by a buddhist waving a crucifix. In fact, the symbol does not need to be brandished by anyone. Stepping into a house of worship or a cemetery would be impossible for a vampire. At least a young one, for they build up resistance as they age. A young vampire would suffer burns at sunlight and recoil hissing from the sight of a cross, but an old vampire would merely suffer extreme discomfort at sunlight or within a church.
Vampires do not breed in normal fashion but they can create new vampires by draining a human of blood and then infusing the victim with some of the vampire's own blood - and a hefty amount of the mystical power that courses within a vampire's veins. The process is taxing, but even a single vampire can eventually repopulate their numbers. Despite this, they are rare creatures. Largely because their vulnerabilities make it difficult for vampires to hide if people become aware of them. Yet they cannot live far away from humans either because of their daily need for human blood. A single vampire needs a herd of several hundred humans to feed from without adversely affecting their health. For a long period of history this made vampires solitary creatures, because another vampire in the area meant competition for the blood source. So they lived far apart, either as warlords ruling over a territory and exerting a tribute in blood, or as champions of primitive tribes, protecting their people and being supported by them. The spread of civilization largely brought such arrangements to end. Either vampiric lords and protectors were no longer needed or wanted and they perished in uprisings, or they died defending their territories against more numerous and better armed opponents.
Vampires do not breed in normal fashion but they can create new vampires by draining a human of blood and then infusing the victim with some of the vampire's own blood - and a hefty amount of the mystical power that courses within a vampire's veins. The process is taxing, but even a single vampire can eventually repopulate their numbers. Despite this, they are rare creatures. Largely because their vulnerabilities make it difficult for vampires to hide if people become aware of them. Yet they cannot live far away from humans either because of their daily need for human blood. A single vampire needs a herd of several hundred humans to feed from without adversely affecting their health. For a long period of history this made vampires solitary creatures, because another vampire in the area meant competition for the blood source. So they lived far apart, either as warlords ruling over a territory and exerting a tribute in blood, or as champions of primitive tribes, protecting their people and being supported by them. The spread of civilization largely brought such arrangements to end. Either vampiric lords and protectors were no longer needed or wanted and they perished in uprisings, or they died defending their territories against more numerous and better armed opponents.
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[https://bit.ly/31j15a3 '''Theme music'''] This is the theme music for the werewolves.
A placeholder for the theme music for the elementals.
Werewolves have an easier time passing off as human because although they are capable of turning into fearsome monsters, they look outwardly human. And their vulnerability to silver is not as blatant as the vampiric vulnerabilities. But they have their own dietary needs. Every week, a werewolf must eat copious amounts of raw, freshly killed meat. It does not have to be human flesh, animals work just fine as a food source, but the meat must be unprepared and from a fresh kill. Stored or cooked meat loses its usefulness.
Werewolves have an easier time passing off as human because although they are capable of turning into fearsome monsters, they look outwardly human. And their vulnerability to silver is not as blatant as the vampiric vulnerabilities. But they have their own dietary needs. Every week, a werewolf must eat copious amounts of raw, fresly killed meat. It does not have to be human flesh, animals work just fine as a food source, but the meat must be unprepared and from a fresh kill. Stored or cooked meat loses its usefulness.
Another problem for werewolves is that their change is in part instinctive. Although they can fight the instinct, they feel an urge to turn at stressful situations and when they are physically injured.
Another problem for werewolves is that their change is in part instinctive. Although they can fight the instinct, they feel an urge to turn at stressful situations and when they are physically injured.
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Boston sees an occasional vampire visitor and has three long term residents.
Boston sees an occasional vampire visitor and has three long term residents.
Siobhan is the oldest vampire in Boston. She claims to have been around when the City was still just a frontier town, although back then she was running a traveling brothel in a wagon train. These days she gets by as a high class call girl and feeds on her customers, most of whom are rich visitors to the City. She regularly changes her surname. At the moment, she is going with Dunn. And has a habit of announcing her arrival for her check up visits to the station with a "Dun Dun Dunn!"
Siobhan is the oldesta vampire in Boston. She claims to have been around when the City was still just a frontier town, although back then she was running a traveling brothel in a wagon train. These days she gets by as a high class call girl and feeds on her customers, most of whom are rich visitors to the City. She regularly changes her surname. At the moment, she is going with Dunn. And has a habit of announcing her arrival for her check up visits to the station with a "Dun Dun Dunn!"
Siobhan is a somewhat short redhead. As tends to be with older vampires, her apparent physical age is difficult to pin down. She looks like she might be anything from mature twentysomething to well preserved fortysomething.
Siobhan is a somewhat short redhead. As tends to be with older vampires, her apparent physical age is difficult to pin down. She looks like she might be anything from mature twentysomething to well preserved fortysomething.
Alfred Bloom, the second eldest, arrived in the 1800s from Europe as an industrialist. He claims to be British, and certainly speaks with such an accent, but the truth is that Bloom's original name, history and country of origin are not known to anyone. He still runs his company, even if it is through a proxy acting as the real owner. The company is known for good pay and benefits to the workers, especially healthcare. The company has its own infirmary. There is just the additional condition that everyone has to donate blood regularly to keep the infirmary stocked with the correct blood types.
Alfred Bloom, the second eldest, arrived in the 1800s from Eurpoe as an industrialist. He claims to be British, and certainly speaks with such an accent, but the truth is that Bloom's original name, history and country of origin are not known to anyone. He still runs his company, even if it is through a proxy acting as the real owner. The company is known for goot pay and benefits to the workers, especially healthcare. The company has its own infirmary. There is just the additional condition that everyone has to donate blood regularly to keep the infirmary stocked with the correct blood types.
Joe is the youngest. He still gets a bit twitchy in presence of holy symbols. As he is fond of telling to anyone who listens, he is the sole survivor of the volunteer unit formed close to the end of World War II when Nazis got desperate and started turning the SS troops into vampires in droves, and the Allied command felt they needed their own bunch to counter that. The final battle was epic, Joe tells, bemoaning that he has been geased not to tell about it. And the post war treaties banned vampires and werewolves from military positions because no one wanted to see that shit again, and Joe was let go.
Joe is the youngest. He still gets a bit twitchy in presence of holy symbols. As he is fond of telling to anyone who listens, he is the sole survivor of the volunteer unit formed close to the end of World War II when Nazis got desperate and started turning the SS troops into vampires in droves, and the Allied command felt they needed their own bunch to counter that. The final battle was epic, Joe tells, bemoaning that he has been geased not to tell about it. And the post war treaties banned vampires and werewolves from military positions because no one wanted to see that shit again, and Joe was let go.
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Joe still looks close to his original age of early thirties. As a veteran he has a small pension and government-arranged living quarters in the campus of a federal research facility where the staff sees to his dietary needs.
Joe still looks close to his original age of early thirties. As a veteran he has a small pension and government-arranged living quarters in the campus of a federal research facility where the staff sees to his dietary needs.
Joe is a bit of a problem case. He tends to miss his regular check ins and needs to be reminded, and on occasion he gets reported as missing by his minders. As a rule, he is found drunk somewhere, either hanging out with some winos telling war stories to them, or sitting in a bar telling the same stories to an empty chair. Joe is a peaceful person with a respect for authority though, so he is more of a nuisance than a serious problem.
Joe is a bit of a problem case. He tends to miss his regular check ins and needs to be reminded, and on occasion he gets reported as missing by his minders. As a rule, he is found drunk somewhere, either hanging out some winos telling war stories to them, or sitting in a bar telling the same stories to an empty chair. Joe is a peaceful person with a respect for authority though, so he is more of a nuisance than a serious problem.
Boston sees werewolf visitors more rarely. At least announced visitors. Unannounced visits can be a problem, because if a werewolf from the countryside visits the city, gets into trouble and flees back home, then no matter what he did, his clan will protect him. Although they may never allow him to leave home again.
Boston sees werewolf visitors more rarely. At least announced visitors. Unannounced visits can be a problem, because if a werewolf from the countryside visits the city, gets into trouble and flees back home, then no matter what he did, his clan will protect him. Although they may never allow him to leave home again.
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The Boston region has some of America's oldest cemeteries, with a handful stretching back to the early 1600s and a goodly proportion launching well before the 1900s. The cemeteries also contain a huge number of notables: presidents, poets, war heroes, jurists, academics, athletes, musicians, Benjamin Franklin's parents.
The Boston region has some of America's oldest cemeteries, with a handful stretching back to the early 1600s and a goodly proportion launching well before the 1900s. The cemeteries also contain a huge number of notables: presidents, poets, war heroes, jurists, academics, athletes, musicians, Benjamin Franklin's parents.
And there is one big problem with the cemeteries. They attract ghouls. The ghouls are not native to our world, but something about especially the oldest cemeteries attracts them, and occasionally a pack slips through from the other side. Ghouls are usually not dangerous to living people unless starving or threatened, and prefer to avoid people. But the authorities are not happy about them taking up residence in the graveyards, so periodically they need to be eradicated. And for an ordinary groundskeeper this would be a highly difficult and dangerous job. Ghoul burrows are difficult to find, narrow and filled with traps, and ghouls can be deadly if they attack.
And there is one big problem with the cemeteries. They attract ghouls. The gouls are not native to our world, but something about especially the oldest cemeteries attracts them, and occasionally a pack slips through from the other side. Ghouls are usually not dangerous to living people unless starving or threatened, and prefer to avoid people. But the authorities are not happy about them taking up residence in the graveyards, so periodically they need to be eradicated. And for an ordinary groundskeeper this would be a highly difficult and dangerous job. Ghoul burrows are difficult to find, narrow and filled with traps, and ghouls can be deadly if they attack.
A werewolf, however, makes short work of a pack of ghouls and can literally sniff out their presence. So the Grunwalds make regular circuits of the cemeteries. Often at night when they can work unhindered. This is occasionally a rude surprise for young mages who decide to take advantage of the ambient energies within the old cemeteries for some ritual. The groundskeepers won't allow that either. The smart mages depart peacefully when caught. If they are not smart, the department may get a nightly call to come pick up some very frightened young mages for trespassing.
A werewolf, however, makes short work of a pack of ghouls and can literally sniff out their presence. So the grunwalds make regular circuits of the cemeteries. Often at night when they can work unhindered. This is occasionally a rude surprise for young mages who decide to take advantage of the ambient energies within the old cemeteries for some ritual. The groundskeepers won't allow that either. The smart mages depart peacefully when caught. If they are not smart, the department may get a nightly call to come pick up some very frightened young mages for trespassing.
The Grunwalds rarely cause problems themselves. The family owns a number of artifacts. Collars that prevent transformation. They nicely prevent accidental werewolfing, but are somewhat conspicuous. Although this is not much of a problem for the present day family. They play the part of middle aged metalheads with their like-minded children, which is not far from the actual truth, and dress like a metal band, with lots of leather, chains and spiked studs. The collars do not stand out at all.
The Grunwalds rarely cause problems themselves. The family owns a number of artifacts. Collars that prevent transformation. They nicely prevent accidental werewolfing, but are somewhat conspicuous. Although this is not much of a problem for the present day family. They play the part of middle aged metalheads with their like-minded children, which is not far from the actual truth, and dress like a metal band, with lots of leather, chains and spiked studs. The collars do not stand out at all.
There are very likely unannounced vampires and werewolves in Boston. Recently, Charlestown Mob, a largely Irish organized crime group dating from the prohibition era, has been clashing with a group of Hispanic newcomers calling themselves Red 13. Judging by what has been arriving in the Morgue, Charlestown Mob is wielding at least one vampire, and Red 13 appears to include werewolves.
There are very likely unannounced vampires and werewolves in Boston. Recently, Charlestown Mob, a largely Irish organized crime group dating from the prohibition era, has been clashing with a group of Hispanic newcomers calling themselves Red 13. Judging by what has been arriving in the Morgue, Charlestown Mob is wielding at least one vampire, and Red 13 appears to include werewolves.

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