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'''Sora Goodseller, Priestess of Issaries, Initiate of Yelmalio.''' Female, age 36. Jansholm/Hendriki. Sora Goodseller is a Priestess of Issaries, God of Trade, and her shop serves as a temple to the deity. She is also an initiate of the Sun Dome god Yelmalio; but despite this she is notably friendly towards other Lightbringers. She has a geas from Yelmalio to distrust all Darkness creatures and has a general dislike for trolls. Sora is from the city of Jansholm, in the southern reaches of the Hendriki confederation. She is loyal to Queen Leika, having aided her during her exile in the Holy Country and accompanied her to Clearwine Fort. Sora is a very tall woman with yellow-blonde hair. She is scrupulously honest but has a fiery temper, well known for her colorful insults. Sora has extensive trade contacts with the Holy Country and Balazar. As a result, her stock is both more extensive and more exotic than one would expect.
'''Sora Goodseller, Priestess of Issaries, Initiate of Yelmalio.''' Female, age 36. Jansholm/Hendriki. Sora Goodseller is a Priestess of Issaries, God of Trade, and her shop serves as a temple to the deity. She is also an initiate of the Sun Dome god Yelmalio; but despite this she is notably friendly towards other Lightbringers. She has a geas from Yelmalio to distrust all Darkness creatures and has a general dislike for trolls. Sora is from the city of Jansholm, in the southern reaches of the Hendriki confederation. She is loyal to Queen Leika, having aided her during her exile in the Holy Country and accompanied her to Clearwine Fort. Sora is a very tall woman with yellow-blonde hair. She is scrupulously honest but has a fiery temper, well known for her colorful insults. Sora has extensive trade contacts with the Holy Country and Balazar. As a result, her stock is both more extensive and more exotic than one would expect.
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'''Brudelia Norinel, Initiate of Ernalda Dancer.''' Female,  Age 33. Norinel House. An Esrolian noblewoman, Norinel lives well in a modest but well appointed house in the middle city. She has a servant, Varnyr, and a bodyguard, Calpia, whom Andrasta knows from their shared worship of Babeester Gor. Ivartha first met Brudelia when she was caught up in the siege of Nochet two years ago. For her part in the siege, Ivartha met with the favour of the new queen, Samastina, who had emerged as ruler from a period of bloody strife. So it was that Ivartha helped Brudelia (accompanied by Calpia) to leave Esrolia and come to Sartar. Since then, the woman has lived among beautiful things. She is a beautiful creature herself, with a striking resemblance to the Esrolian Queen, and is an accomplished dancer. But it is a mystery to Ivartha how Brudelia earns her keep.  
'''Brudelia Norinel, Initiate of Ernalda Dancer.''' Female,  Age 33. Norinel House. An Esrolian noblewoman, Norinel lives well in a modest but well appointed house in the middle city. She has a servant, Varnyr, and a bodyguard, Calpia, whom Andrasta knows from their shared worship of Babeester Gor. Ivartha first met Brudelia when she was caught up in the siege of Nochet two years ago. For her part in the siege, Ivartha met with the favour of the new queen, Samastina, who had emerged as ruler from a period of bloody strife. So it was that Ivartha helped Brudelia (accompanied by Calpia) to leave Esrolia and come to Sartar. Since then, the woman has lived among beautiful things. She is a beautiful creature herself, with a striking resemblance to the Esrolian Queen, and is an accomplished dancer. But it is a mystery to Ivartha how Brudelia earns her keep.  
'''Calpia, Initiate of Babeester Gor.''' Female, Age 27, Hulta House. Calpia is Brudelias’s bodyguard, a professional who helped her leave Nochet and was rewarded with a permanent post. She is laconic, sarcastic, aggressive and highly intelligent. As well as being Brudelia’s bodyguard, she acts as her food taster, always taking any food away to be plated up later. She has light blue eyes, dark brown hair and skin, is tall and sturdy, with significant scarring on her left cheek. Defended the uleria Temple alongside Jena when the turkriders attacked Apple Lane.
'''Calpia, Initiate of Babeester Gor.''' Female, Age 27, Hulta House. Calpia is Brudelias’s bodyguard, a professional who helped her leave Nochet and was rewarded with a permanent post. She is laconic, sarcastic, aggressive and highly intelligent. As well as being Brudelia’s bodyguard, she acts as her food taster, always taking any food away to be plated up later. She has light blue eyes, dark brown hair and skin, is tall and sturdy, with significant scarring on her left cheek.
'''Varnyr, Initiate of Ernalda.''' Female, Age 35, Ernaldori Clan. Brudelia’s housekeeper, cook and trusted servant. She has a son, Ernalfor.
'''Varnyr, Initiate of Ernalda.''' Female, Age 35, Ernaldori Clan. Brudelia’s housekeeper, cook and trusted servant. She has a son, Ernalfor.
[[Swan_and_Fox| < < < Back to Main Page]]
===Clan Notables===
===Clan Notables===
'''Aileena, Priestess of Uleria.''' - see below
Aileena, Priestess of Uleria - see below
'''Earth Priestess.''', she speaks to the clan wyter, which resides in a cloak of swan feathers worn by her.  
Earth Priestess, she speaks to the clan wyter, which resides in a cloak of swan feathers worn by her.  
'''Varangost, Chieftain, the clan’s Storm Voice''' and serves as warleader and judge. Probably father of Asborn, the tribe’s High Priest of Orlanth Thunderous?
Chieftain, the clan’s Storm Voice and serves as warleader and judge. Probably father of Asborn, the tribe’s High Priest of Orlanth Thunderous?
[[Swan_and_Fox| < < < Back to Main Page]]
===Apple Lane===
===Apple Lane===
'''Aileena, Priestess of Uleria, Hiording Clan.''' Female, age 34. Aileena is witty and charming, and possessed of great beauty. She is devoted to the powers of Love and Life, and believes that her modest and remote temple has been chosen by the goddess to unite the war-torn and feuding peoples of Dragon Pass. To achieve the Eternal Moment of Allness, Aileena practices the Three Ways of Love: through the Body; through Community; and through Propagation. She casts her Rune magic for hire for anybody except creatures or worshipers of Chaos. She oversees two initiates, Janeera and Thrilla. Aileena is well respected by the Colymar and Malani tribes.
Aileena, Priestess of Uleria. Female, age 34. Hiording clan, Apple Lane. Aileena is witty and charming, and possessed of great beauty. She is devoted to the powers of Love and Life, and believes that her modest and remote temple has been chosen by the goddess to unite the war-torn and feuding peoples of Dragon Pass. To achieve the Eternal Moment of Allness, Aileena practices the Three Ways of Love: through the Body; through Community; and through Propagation. She casts her Rune magic for hire for anybody except creatures or worshipers of Chaos. She oversees two initiates, Janeera and Thrilla. Aileena is well respected by the Colymar and Malani tribes.
Brightflower the Brewer, Initiate of Ernalda, lay member of Issaries. Female, age 24. Varmandi clan. Apple Lane. Brightflower is the daughter of Bulster Brewer and his wife Bertha. Both died in the Great Winter. Her brother Barayo left Apple Lane 15 years ago to be a mercenary in the Holy Country, where he is rumored to be a mercenary captain. With her father, mother, and husband all dead, Brightflower now manages the Tin Inn and serves as the brewer. She is famed for her fruit and barley wines.
'''Brightflower the Brewer, Initiate of Ernalda, lay member of Issaries, Varmandi Clan.''' Female, age 24. Brightflower is the daughter of Bulster Brewer and his wife Bertha. Both died in the Great Winter. Her brother Barayo left Apple Lane 15 years ago to be a mercenary in the Holy Country, where he is rumored to be a mercenary captain. With her father, mother, and husband all dead, Brightflower now manages the Tin Inn and serves as the brewer. She is famed for her fruit and barley wines.
Dronlan Swordsharp. Previous Thane of Apple Lane. Resided in the Thane’s house with his family, killed by the Lunars in 1621.
'''† Dronlan Swordsharp, Hiording Clan (presumed)'''. Previous Thane of Apple Lane. Resided in the Thane’s house with his family, killed by the Lunars in 1621.
Gringle Goodsale was a companion of Prince Tarkalor and received the rights to establish a nearby market. A caravanserai called the Tin Inn was built alongside Gringle’s trade house, popularly called “Gringle’s Pawnshop,” and the hamlet of Apple Lane took shape. After Starbrow’s Rebellion, Gringle found himself deeply in debt to the victorious Fazzur Wideread and received the dubious honor of the right to collect Lunar taxes from the Colymar and Malani tribes. In 1621, Lunars seeking Gringle’s treasures killed the Thane of Apple Lane, burned down the Pawnshop and gave the hamlet to a retired Lunar officer, Percippus.
'''† Gringle Goodsale.''' was a companion of Prince Tarkalor and received the rights to establish a nearby market. A caravanserai called the Tin Inn was built alongside Gringle’s trade house, popularly called “Gringle’s Pawnshop,” and the hamlet of Apple Lane took shape. After Starbrow’s Rebellion, Gringle found himself deeply in debt to the victorious Fazzur Wideread and received the dubious honor of the right to collect Lunar taxes from the Colymar and Malani tribes. In 1621, Lunars seeking Gringle’s treasures killed the Thane of Apple Lane, burned down the Pawnshop and gave the hamlet to a retired Lunar officer, Percippus.
Gooseberry Sprig, Initiate of Eurmal, lay member of Issaries. Male duck, age 33. Aple Lane. Gooseberry Sprig is a self-serving thief and con man. He is also a talented and inexpensive cook, which is why Brightflower has put up with him so far. He’s been at the Tin Inn since the Great Winter and he is surprisingly loyal to Brightflower. Gooseberry is friends with a gourmand satyr named Toro and a music-loving centaur named Sonzog, who occasionally visit Apple Lane; they were once part of a local bandit gang.
'''Gooseberry Sprig, Initiate of Eurmal, lay member of Issaries.''' Male duck, age 33. Gooseberry Sprig is a self-serving thief and con man. He is also a talented and inexpensive cook, which is why Brightflower has put up with him so far. He’s been at the Tin Inn since the Great Winter and he is surprisingly loyal to Brightflower. Gooseberry is friends with a gourmand satyr named Toro and a music-loving centaur named Sonzog, who occasionally visit Apple Lane; they were once part of a local bandit gang. Slew one of the tuskriders with a sling bullet to the base of the spine.
Hendroste Horsemaster, Initiate of Orlanth Adventurous, lay member of Issaries. Male, age 25. Pure Horse People. Apple Lane. Oversees the Horsemaster’s Guild Hall and Residence.  Married to Jeena. Hendroste is a Grazelander who came here two years ago with a string of fine horses, seeking adventure and following a mysterious vision that led him to Apple Lane. Four-year old son Jenestan.
'''Hendroste Horsemaster, Initiate of Orlanth Adventurous, lay member of Issaries, Pure Horse People.''' Male, age 25. Oversees the Horsemaster’s Guild Hall and Residence. Married to Jeena. Hendroste is a Grazelander who came here two years ago with a string of fine horses, seeking adventure and following a mysterious vision that led him to Apple Lane. Four-year old son Jenestan. Was captured by the tuskriders but then exchanged with one of their number.
Janeera, Initiate of Uleria and Initiate of Ernalda. Female, age 21. Ernaldoring clan.
Apple Lane.  
'''Janeera, Initiate of Uleria and Initiate of Ernalda, Ernaldoring clan.''' Female, age 21. Janeera is a great beauty, perhaps the most beautiful woman in the tribe.
Jeena, Initiate of Ernalda. Female, age 24. Hiording clan. Apple Lane. Jeena is the daughter of Mineera and Postal, sister to Vareena. Her first husband was a Varmandi herder, who died three years ago, leaving Jeena with a young son, Jenestan, now four. She married Hendroste last year and is now expecting a second child. Works at the Tin inn serving and as a general helper.
'''Jeena, Initiate of Ernalda, Hiording Clan.''' Female, age 24. Jeena is the daughter of Mineera and Postal, sister to Vareena. Her first husband was a Varmandi herder, who died three years ago, leaving Jeena with a young son, Jenestan, now four. She married Hendroste last year and is now expecting a second child. Works at the Tin inn serving and as a general helper.
Kareena, God-talker of Orlanth Thunderous. Female, age 55. Hiording clan. Caretaker of the Temple to All the Deities at Apple Lane. Kareena is an old woman and still mourns for her ward, a simple girl who died in the Great Winter.
'''Kareena, God-talker of Orlanth Thunderous, Hiording Clan.''' Female, age 55. Caretaker of the Temple to All the Deities at Apple Lane. Kareena is an old woman and still mourns for her ward, a simple girl who died in the Great Winter. She feels she disappointed when the tuskers aattacked Apple Lane, and wishes to make up for it somehow.
Mineera, Initiate of Ernalda. Female, age 46. Tarshite. Apple Lane. Mineera gardens and tends the animals at the Tin Inn. She lives with Postal. Mother of Jeena and Vareena
'''Mineera, Initiate of Ernalda, Tarshite.''' Female, age 46. Mineera gardens and tends the animals at the Tin Inn. She lives with Postal. Mother of Jeena and Vareena
Percippus. Lunar overseer of Apple Lane from 1621. Received protection money from the locals and recruited several soldiers to help defend the hamlet. Fled in 1625 with his household.
'''Percippus, Lunar overseer of Apple Lane from 1621.''' Received protection money from the locals and recruited several soldiers to help defend the hamlet. Fled in 1625 with his household.
Postal, Initiate of Orlanth Thunderous, lay member of Ernalda. Male, age 47. Hiording clan. Apple Lane. Postal works at the Tin Inn as stable hand as well as being noted for his skill at carpentry. He lives with Mineera. father of Jeena and Vareena.
'''Postal, Initiate of Orlanth Thunderous, lay member of Ernalda, Hiording Clan.''' Male, age 47. Postal works at the Tin Inn as stable hand as well as being noted for his skill at carpentry. He lives with Mineera. father of Jeena and Vareena.
Pramble, Initiate of Ernalda and of the Sisters of Inspiration, and lay member of Orlanth. Male, age 76. Boldhome. Apple Lane. Pramble, an elderly poet, lives permanently in the Tin Inn, as he has for the last 20 years. He has a hunched posture and personality, and spends most of his meager income on vellum and ink. Occasionally he works as an extra for the inn when he needs money and when trade allows.
'''Pramble, Initiate of Ernalda and of the Sisters of Inspiration, and lay member of Orlanth, Boldhome.''' Male, age 76. Pramble, an elderly poet, lives permanently in the Tin Inn, as he has for the last 20 years. He has a hunched posture and personality, and spends most of his meager income on vellum and ink. Occasionally he works as an extra for the inn when he needs money and when trade allows.
Squinch “The Greylord”, Proprietor of the Storeroom, Apple Lane. Initiate of both Lhankor Mhy and Issaries. Male, age 51. Hiording clan. The local scholar, also lives at the Tin Inn.
'''Saraskos, initiate of Orlanth and Barntar, farmer'''. Tortured by the tuskriders, Saraskos escaped and brought word of their intent to attack Apple Lane. He is being treated initially in the Uleria Temple by Aileena.
Thrilla, Initiate of Uleria, Initiate of Seven Mothers. Female, age 19. Citizen of Red Fish City.
Apple Lane. Thrilla only recently came to the temple; she is a courtesan from the Lunar Empire who fled Boldhome after the Dragonrise and received Aileena’s protection.
'''Sonzog, centaur, former bandit, associate of Gooseberry Sprig'''. Handsome, past his middle age, the definition of his torso and arms show that he is plainly very strong. Usually with a lyre strapped to his back and carrying a bow and a spear. Seems to be the quiet observant type.
Vareena, Initiate of Ernalda, Female, age 21. Hiording clan. Apple Lane. Works at the Tin inn serving and as a general helper. Daughter of Postal and Mineera, sister to Jeena.
'''Squinch “The Greylord”, Proprietor of the Storeroom, Initiate of both Lhankor Mhy and Issaries, Hiording Clan.''' Male, age 51. Hiording clan. The local scholar, also lives at the Tin Inn.
==Other Colymar Notables==
'''Thrilla, Initiate of Uleria, Initiate of Seven Mothers, Citizen of Red Fish City.''' Female, age 19. Thrilla only recently came to the temple; she is a courtesan from the Lunar Empire who fled Boldhome after the Dragonrise and received Aileena’s protection. A very striking girl, Thrilla moves with otherworldy grace and draws the eye.
Black Growler. This demonic hound originated in the Underworld. It must return to the
Hound Knob each dawn, reappearing each dusk to hunt humans and other mortals.
'''Toro, satyr, former bandit and associate of Gooseberry Sprig'''. Pot-bellied food-lover and bon vivant. Lover of fine wines and women.  
Elves. Green elves patrol the woods around Tarndisi’s Grove. They make sure that no enemies approach the Grove undetected. They do not disturb members of neutral or
friendly cults (Lightbringers, Ernalda, Yelmalio, etc.), but they attack known enemies (Chaos, dwarves, trolls, or those that hunt or cut timber in the Grove).
'''Vareena, Initiate of Ernalda, Hiording Clan.''' Female, age 21. Hiording clan. Works at the Tin inn serving and as a general helper. Daughter of Postal and Mineera, sister to Jeena. Has taken a shine to Andrick. Very good with pigs, even using Ernalda's magic to take control of some of the tuskers during the attack on the Tin Inn, turning the tide of the battle.
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Hippogriffs - A small herd of hippogriffs nests atop Pegasus Plateau. They are sacred to the Pure Horse People and have recently returned after being absent for centuries.
==Other Colymar Notables==
Redeye the Boar. King Penterest fought against High King Tarkalor, Ernalda
grew angry and sent a monstrous semi-divine boar to ravage the region. When the Colymar made peace and offered renewed sacrifices to the goddess, the boar’s rampages diminished, but it remains in Pig Hollow and sometimes lays waste to the fields in the nearby valleys. Redeye is sacred to the Maran Gor cult.
'''Black Growler.''' This demonic hound originated in the Underworld. It must return to the Hound Knob each dawn, reappearing each dusk to hunt humans and other mortals.
'''Elves.''' Green elves patrol the woods around Tarndisi’s Grove. They make sure that no enemies approach the Grove undetected. They do not disturb members of neutral or friendly cults (Lightbringers, Ernalda, Yelmalio, etc.), but they attack known enemies (Chaos, dwarves, trolls, or those that hunt or cut timber in the Grove).
Sarna Ya’qal (Dragonewt Tailed Priest). A band of dragonewts currently lives on Colymar lands, though no-one knows why. They are led by Sarna, though it only speaks to humans through its translator, Slave to Lies.
'''Hippogriffs.''' - A small herd of hippogriffs nests atop Pegasus Plateau. They are sacred to the Pure Horse People and have recently returned after being absent for centuries.
Slave to Lies, Crested Dragonewt. This dragonewt’s jaws and tongue have been surgically altered to make it better at speaking human languages. Sarna Ya’qal uses it as a translator; the tailed priest speaks in Auld Wyrmish, Slave to Lies translates and then translates anything said by the humans
'''Redeye the Boar.''' King Penterest fought against High King Tarkalor, Ernalda grew angry and sent a monstrous semi-divine boar to ravage the region. When the Colymar made peace and offered renewed sacrifices to the goddess, the boar’s rampages diminished, but it remains in Pig Hollow and sometimes lays waste to the fields in the nearby valleys. Redeye is sacred to the Maran Gor cult.
'''Sarna Ya’qal, Dragonewt Tailed Priest.''' A band of dragonewts currently lives on Colymar lands, though no-one knows why. They are led by Sarna, though it only speaks to humans through its translator, Slave to Lies.
Tarndisi the Dryad, Chief Priestess of Aldrya., Female willow dryad, age 900+. She rules the grove that takes her name. She has friendly relations with the Clearwine Earth Temple and accepts offerings from the Ernalda cult. The Shanassee Tree is an ancient sentient redwood tree that dates to the Dawn.  
'''Slave to Lies, Crested Dragonewt.''' This dragonewt’s jaws and tongue have been surgically altered to make it better at speaking human languages. Sarna Ya’qal uses it as a translator; the tailed priest speaks in Auld Wyrmish, Slave to Lies translates and then translates anything said by the humans
'''Tarndisi the Dryad, Chief Priestess of Aldrya.''' Female willow dryad, age 900+. She rules the grove that takes her name. She has friendly relations with the Clearwine Earth Temple and accepts offerings from the Ernalda cult. The Shanassee Tree is an ancient sentient redwood tree that dates to the Dawn.
=Beyond the Colymar=
[[Swan_and_Fox| < < < Back to Main Page]]
Fazzur Wideread.
=Beyond the Colymar=
'''Fazzur Wideread.'''
Kallyr Starbrow.
'''Kallyr Starbrow.'''
[[Swan_and_Fox| < < < Back to Main Page]]
Hiording Clan - This clan of about 800 people inhabits the upper Swanvale. They raise grain in the lowlands and herd cattle and sheep in the Thunder Hills. They were the first outside clan to join the Colymar tribe. The hamlet of Apple Lane—with its market, inn, and Uleria temple—is within their clan lands. Sometimes called the “Swansons” or “Swancloaks,” the members of this clan are descendants of Hiord and Safeela, a swan maiden. He stole her magical wrap, and so she stayed with him for seven years, and their children head the main bloodlines of the clan. The women of the clan receive a cloak of swan feathers at their initiation and wear it whenever they are to be seen by outsiders. The clan Earth priestess speaks to the clan wyter, which resides in a cloak of swan feathers worn by her. The chieftain is the clan’s Storm Voice and serves as warleader and judge.

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