Editing Talk:DnD4eCM

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== Excellent utility, some suggestions ==
== Excellent utility, some suggestions ==
I have to agree that that your utility is by far the best rpg tool I have ever used. I would love a couple of add-ons if possible. I don't see this on sourceforge or other code community sites. Taht being said here are my ideas:
Once you start an encounter it would be awesome if it recorded what you do each turn into an encounter log. Number two is can you have an actual hot seat for whose action it is and be able to track interrupts per turn. If you ever play with a warden/bard combo there is a ton of interrupts that can occur. Having it reset them or on a creatures when it comes back around like recharge powers would be cool. And number three is more of a question, I noticed with delay/ready actions I would screw up initive orders by not click next turn and then move to top. With players it would be nice to have move up/move down if I know someone is delaying one round for something instead of taking them out of intitive.
Ditto on add some contact information I would love to send a personal thanks to you. I had my best session of Dming from 20 years experience from your utility. THANKS!
So far, I have been using an excel sheet I designed with a few features to achieve the same purpose. This application is far superior. One can see that the programmer has been using the utility - because the features make sense and are really useable. The screen real estate is also sparingly used, which is good, except maybe on netbooks with only 600 vertical pixels avaibles.
So far, I have been using an excel sheet I designed with a few features to achieve the same purpose. This application is far superior. One can see that the programmer has been using the utility - because the features make sense and are really useable. The screen real estate is also sparingly used, which is good, except maybe on netbooks with only 600 vertical pixels avaibles.
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[[Special:Contributions/|]] 10:25, 21 March 2010 (UTC)
[[Special:Contributions/|]] 10:25, 21 March 2010 (UTC)
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I can probably do that, I'm just worried about overloading the right-click menu.  It'll have to clear the older marks made by the source.  Let me ponder that. -- DarkSir
I can probably do that, I'm just worried about overloading the right-click menu.  It'll have to clear the older marks made by the source.  Let me ponder that. -- DarkSir
Two Bugs; when you reach a milestone, you should not reset your action points to one, as if you had taken an extended rest. Instead, you gain an action point. If you had previously spent your action point, hitting a milestone will seem like you are resetting, but if you haven't spent it, you should have two. I have yet to have a player ever reach two milestones, and have 3 action points, so a means to add just one more action point should do the trick. I experimented with adding 1 to the character's action point entry box in the editor, and it seems to do the trick. You will have 'Action Point' and 'Action Point 1'. A short rest will not affect either, and reducing the value to zero removes it. Hitting a milestone can add 1 to this value, and and extended rest can reset it to zero. - Bartimus
Someone else mentioned this on the rpg.net forums.  I plan to have it ADD action points at some point with a milestone, rather than simply reset them.  This is just a temporary fix.  I've got to work out a few things with REMOVING extra action points during an extended rest.  It shouldn't be a big deal, but I didn't have time to deal with it before this release.  -- DarkSir
Second; death saving throws shouldn't be reset upon gaining consciousness. PHB1 states you die after failing 3 saves 'before resting'. Therefore, you should keep the quantity of failed saves until either a short or extended rest are made. Thanks for the updates, I depend on this program! :) - Bartimus
I'll take a look at that.  Hadn't noticed it, cause I never actually track them that way.  I'll take a look at it and get that in the next release :) -- DarkSir
Suggestion: Add a status end of 'indefinite' or something similar to track long-lasting effects that extend beyond the time of an extended rest (eg. Diseases). This condition will not clear at all automatically, and the condition can only be removed by manual removal. This way you can keep status ailments saved on the party for extended times. - Bartimus
I've located a character import bug, relating to magic items.  Have to track it down.  It doesn't happen often, so it shouldn't be too heavily duplicated, before I get it fixed.  -- DarkSir
I've located a character import bug, relating to magic items.  Have to track it down.  It doesn't happen often, so it shouldn't be too heavily duplicated, before I get it fixed.  -- DarkSir
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* SUGGESTION - Make every window maximizable so that the program can work on netbooks.  As it stands, the only one I noticed is the Statblock View when you hit "Change" in the Statblock Library screen.  You could make the Description area slightly smaller and find a way to condense the stuff on the left and have it just fit on a 600 vertical resolution display.  Not sure about a 574 resolution display though.
* SUGGESTION - Make every window maximizable so that the program can work on netbooks.  As it stands, the only one I noticed is the Statblock View when you hit "Change" in the Statblock Library screen.  You could make the Description area slightly smaller and find a way to condense the stuff on the left and have it just fit on a 600 vertical resolution display.  Not sure about a 574 resolution display though.
Yes, please! The bottom of the window for editing Library entries is always cut off on my netbook, I've had to resort to clicking into the Bloody field and tabbing four times in order to save changes. Also, when deleting multiple entries from the Library, the bottom of the window can get cut off if you are deleting a large number of entries. - VoyRising
I encountered an exception while trying to import a character from Character Builder (the exception is "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"). I'm really not much of a programmer, but based on the details of the exception, I was able to determine it was choking while importing the LootTally section of the CB file XML. The character had a house-ruled piece of equipment, and once I deleted that out of the CB file XML, the import completed successfully. Is this the character import bug you referenced earlier in the 1.7.0 notes? Thanks for the great product. -- HenchmanNo21
It is indeed. -- I'll put out a fix version on Thursday. -- DarkSir
== 1.7.1 release ==
Again, I wish to thank you for all your efforts, DarkSir. However, while you did indeed fix the house-ruled equipment, the bug persists with regard to house-ruled powers. Is there a quick fix for that perchance? :) -- Salen
Is it giving a similar error?  I hadn't tried it with house-ruled powers...  -- DarkSir
Yes, Sir, exact same error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"  -- Salen
Posted a quick fix.  No new version, just redownload it.  Thanks for catching that.  -- DarkSir
- once again, outstanding, thank you so much, and just in time for tonight's adventure!  --  Salen
Nice work! Regarding near-future plans, watch out that you don't actually count Striker bonus-damage designation features as "marks". That's a piece of shorthand that leads to a lot of confusion: somebody with Hunter's Quarry on them is not "marked" in the sense the game rules use the term. Best not to enshrine that mixup in the software! -- SabreCat
Right, if I add the feature to track that at all, it will be in a different section from marks.  -- DarkSir
Error note - Got a bard character with Fey Pact Initiate, took Fey Pact (gained Eyebite). Then also has a Master's Wand of Eyebite, and a Wand of Psychic Ravaging. In each of those cases it gives the character eyebite. I found that it doesn't worry about the one by the feat, but for the two wands, it says Eyebite already exists. And then fails to import the character. So going through the process of elimination, I removed the Wand of Eyebite and kept the rest the same. So items that generate powers that essentially duplicate the same thing (i.e. power) will crash, and will not let you import. Though removing the power does let you import it. - Gorstagg
11/29/2010 - Gorstagg:  I've fixed it so that it will not import the same power multiple times.  Do you think it would be better to import for each instance?  The current change will be in 1.7.2 -- DarkSir
Is there a Checklist of how to set things up on my PC so I can help with the development efforts? - MadDad
I just tried this last night, Monster powers (via RTF Copy/Paste were not showing up - anyone else having that?
Thank you, DarkSir, for the quick update. I can now import a PC from Character Builder with a custom item, but I'm having a different problem: with characters imported in that fashion in version 1.7.1, I can no longer get Compendium entries for powers to launch. The option is still there when I right-click on a power, but when I choose "View Compendium Entry", nothing happens. If I place a PC imported using v1.7.0 in the party list, the Compendium entries launch fine. I looked at the statblocks in the statlibrary.dnd4 file, and they are identical for a PC that I imported using 1.7.0, and the same character imported using 1.7.1 (aside from a slight name change, so the new wouldn't overwrite the old). I downgraded DnD4eCM to v1.7.0, and the PC imported using v1.7.1 still does not launch the Compendium. For the time being, I'll just update PCs in the library by hand, rather than importing them. Thank you so much for the great product -- my game would be so much harder to run without it.  -- HenchmanNo21
HenchmanNo21, that sounds like my fix stopped importing the URLs at all.  Could you look at statlibrary screen for one of those characters and tell me if ANY of the powers have a "URL" entry?  -- DarkSir
Hello Darksir:
Thanks for all the updates, but I am now unable to upload CB files.  Running Win7-64bit and get this error on (almost) all my characters: (See screenshot)
Hmm, can you email me a CB file you're having trouble with?  darksir at dragonpro dot com  -- DarkSir
Any chance the current source code can be linked from here again? I found that very useful. -- mattakaslash
Still loving Combat Manager, liking it the more I use it and I love how often it's updated. It's so nice to use something in such active development! 
Two suggestions/feature requests/whatever.  This might be something for fairly far in the future, or it might already be on the slate for the next version, but I've tried out a number of combat trackers before settling on Combat Manager, and it's the best but there were two really great feature in the first one I tried (Initracker: http://www.incompleteuserna.com/initracker/)  that none of the others, including Combat Manager, seem to have (CM is better in pretty much every other way).  First, if you designated a combatant as having ongoing damage, it would automatically take that damage out at the start of the turn (this is pretty much taken care of in CM with the addition of a reminder at the start of the turn, which is perhaps better anyway).  The second and even more useful feature it has, is tracking of resistances/vulnerabilities/immunities and typed damage.  That is to say when creating a combatant you could put in whatever vulnerabilities/resistances it had, and then when you were entering damage you could designate the type of damage (acid, fire, lighting etc), and it would automatically take into account those resistances/vulnerabilities.  I think if CM had those features it would do pretty much 99% of what I could possibly want from a combat tracker! 
Anyway, thank you again, I really really like CM and can't wait to see what's next! --DrOct
Hi DarkSir, thanks for your reply. The power URL entries are in the statlibrary.dnd4 file for newly imported characters, just as they are for characters imported with v1.7.0. In fact, other than the name of the character (which I changed on the old version so I wouldn't overwrite it), the information between the opening and closing <statblock> tags is identical.
Hope that helps. I'm completely baffled.  -- HenchmanNo21
I just tried one other thing. I had been trying to View Compendium only on powers that initially show in the Powers window. I scrolled down to the bottom of the list, and the View Compendium entries for items that the character has all work. Also, I can view the Compendium entry for one power (Evil Eye of the Vistani), though I get an error from Wizards when the page loads (a problem on their end). That power is the second to last power in the list. I imported another character, and get a similar thing, though with that character, I can view the last two powers in the list (Dark One's Own Luck and Eldritch Rain), as well as all items. A third character allows me to view the last power, and all items. Just figured I'd add to the mystery...  -- HenchmanNo21
And now one more revelation -- I saved an encounter with the three newly-imported characters from the previous message, and one character imported in v1.7.0 (actually the same as one of the non-working characters, with a different name). When I look in the XML of the saved encounter, the <url> fields for powers are empty for the three new characters (except the few powers at the end of the list I could launch and all items), but are populated for the one old character.  -- HenchmanNo21
Just a small thing. When you import a monster from Adventure tools with more that 999 XP value, the XP value shows up as the first digit. (ex. monster worth 2500 XP shows up with only 2 XP.) -- Z
Z, I'm not seeing that issue. I just imported a 1,200 XP monster and it came through OK. Are you in a region that uses a different thousands delimiter (e.g. 1.200 or 1 200 for the above)? That's been known to cause problems like that in Windows apps that haven't been internationalized. -- SabreCat
To fix the issue of the missing digits on exp, you have to set in International and language option (control panel) the thousands delimiter to "," and restart the applications (Adventure tools too) -- Guez
Sorry for the lack of recent update, everyone.  I will be back on top of things at the beginning of November.  My schedule has been crazy lately, as I'm getting married at the end of October.  Preparations for that have kept me pretty busy.  Z, the problem you're seeing is due to a regional setting, and the way that the Monster Builder exports the monster in RTF, with the numeric formatting.  I'm working on a workaround for this.  HenchamnNo21, could you send me the character .dnd4e files for the characters you're having that issue with?  I'd like to see if I can figure out what's happening. -- DarkSir
No problem, DarkSir, and congratulations! Glad to hear from you, and especially that the delay was due to such happy circumstances. It's probably prudent to wait a bit before undertaking much on CM anyway, since it's not certain what WotC is doing next with the CB regarding Essentials and such. -- SabreCat
Congrats, Darksir! I'd be happy to send you the Character Builder files I'm having issues with. Is there an e-mail address to which I should send them? Or is there some other method you'd prefer for me to get them to you? -- HenchmanNo21
HenchmanNo21:  darksir at dragonpro dot com  :)  -- DarkSir
== Turn Progression when current Hits 0 HP ==
If the monster dies while in the middle if it's turn in initiative, he is sent to the "Dead" stack in the list.  While this does shift the initiative list up, it does not initiate the "Start of Turn" actions.  So the recently added "Ongoing Damage Popup" does not get triggered and other effects like a readied action does not get cleared from that characters bar.  One way to possibly fix this, is to have a popup that informs the DM that the monster has died, and instead of moving down to the "Dead" stack immediately, have it move after the DM presses "Next".  This will also give DM's the reminder to perform any actions for the creature that happen after they reach 0 HP.  ~Krewl
I believe I have this lined out with 1.7.2 -- The next turn initiates properly when the active combatant dies mid-turn.  Let's see how that does.  I'll be releasing 1.7.2 hopefully within the day.  -- DarkSir
== Character Builder now web-based tool as of November 16 ==
Will we be able to import the data from CB after it goes web-based? --[[User:Astromath|Astromath]] 02:11, 3 November 2010 (UTC)
WotC issued a notice today that the next release of Character Builder would be entirely web based.  While there are benefits to this, it also means that character files will be saved on your Wizards account.  Initially, there will not be an ability to export character builder files.  So the functionality of the Combat Manager will be reduced for a while, I'm afraid.  Also, they don't sound like they plan to update Monster Builder until they can put out a web based version of IT, either.  -- DarkSir
Well I agree that this decision on their end makes it difficult. At least the current incarnation of it will remain, and at least the manager will allow us to input the characters manually if needed. As far as the monsters, while it may not be updated the program still works at least. So, there's that. -- Gorstagg
Ok, now that the new CB is out, I can get back into dealing with what we have to work with.  I'm going to keep my hopes up that the character export options will be implemented soon.  I have no doubt that the format will change somewhat when it does.  Ah well, we'll deal with that as it comes. -- DarkSir
== Latest Source Code? ==
I'm interested in looking at the source code, but it has apparently vanished since last time I was here.
Is it possible to get a link to the latest source?
[[Special:Contributions/|]] 10:41, 22 November 2010 (UTC)
== Version 1.7.2 ==
It's released.  Only a few bug fixes this time.  Looking at a few things that have been proposed/sent to me.  The online Character Builder has a semi-hidden workaround to let you export a character to a local file.  However, it isn't a complete character file, as it doesn't include the sections that the Combat Manager reads for powers and items.  Hopefully, when they actually add exports, they'll leave those sections in, as I'm sure DnD4eCM isn't the only application that makes use of it. -- DarkSir
Addendum:  I've had several requests to add healing surge tracking.  Here's a screenshot of 1.7.3, which I'll release as soon as I've tested it a bit. I welcome any comments or thoughts.
-- DarkSir
== Second Window Request ==
I love this program it works great. However there is one request I have. Could you add a second window that displays the initiative order, HP %, as well as conditions? so you can display it to the players on a second monitor.
I would second this request.  While the ability to copy the init to a clipboard is available, It would be nice to have the above information updating in real time on a second monitor.
I've been mulling this over, and would like to do it, but I need some input.  How much information do you guys think the window should share?  Personally, as a DM, I don't always tell my players how many combatants there are at the beginning of a fight, or what their opponents are called, for example.  Trying to think of a way to "control" this information a bit.  I'm open to suggestions on this :)  -- DarkSir
From my point of view, I think only combatants who've rolled initiative should display.  Anything that's not in the active list of rolled shouldn't show up.
I think having the monster's names are ok, since it's easy enough for the DM to change the name right before rolling, or during import, or even during the building.
I would display:
*the initiative count
*the % of health for each creature (not the actual HP)
*whether or not it's bloodied
*any conditions currently affecting (both creature and player, of course).
I can't think of anything else I'd display.  Have it populate in a second window, then it could be drug to a second screen for player display.
~ Ktulu
Here's my thought:
A percentage could be a giveaway.  I don't know about you, but my players would look at how much damage was done, figure out how much the percentage they did, and figure out the opponent's HP immediately.  So how about this:  Undamaged, <blank>, Bloodied, and Near Dead?
This would all be in a slightly larger font, of course, so the creature name would be on the left, then the NAMES of any status effects, comma separated, on the right.
Was also thinking about showing 10 or 12 lines.  The first two lines would be the prior two turns, in a lighter grey, the Current combatant in bold black, perhaps with a box around it, then the "On Deck" combatant a bit lighter below, and then the next 6 or 8 combatants again in a lighter grey, though still readable. 
I'll play with it, of course, but that's just what I'm looking at now.
Initiative Window:
I second Ktulu's suggestions.
Also if possible make the font re-sizable, some of my players need their eyes checked heh.
If bloodied put it under conditions, but also turn the Hitpoints into bold red.
Monsters that are in Reserve don't go into the window.
Have a little window on the bottom right where I can type notes as reminders for the players.
For the current combatant, why not use blue, same as the DM init tracker? Also for current combatant have the font for that blow up to 100% more size. The box is a good idea too.
I'd imagine it' look like this (My secondary monitor is 4:3 so not widescreen):
Player 1 Hitpoints
Conditions (including bloodied)
Player 2 Hitpoints
Conditions (including bloodied)
-- Bryan
I think all comments above are good.  a percentage isn't required, was just a thought..  I think having the monster name go red and bold when bloodied is a good enough option.
I would probably format it like this, though
* 13  Player 1  Conditions (marked, bloodied, etc..) along with the specifics (save ends, next turn, etc..)
* 12  Monster 1  Conditions  (marked, bloodied, etc..) along with the specifics (save ends, next turn, etc..)
Good suggestions.  Bear with me a bit, guys.  For the last 5 days, I've been dealing with a busted furnace, and it's taking up most of my extra energy right now.  Plus I'm likely to have to work some overtime to help pay for it, so I may not get much done REAL quick, but I'm toying with it already, so bear with me :) --DarkSir
Merry Christmas guys! Hope you got your furnace sorted out DarkSir! Best of luck!
- Bryan
No pressure, DS!  Perceive our interest for the gratitude that it is!  Your continued work on the builder has helped to greatly improve my combat encounters.  I'll wait with anticipation for any updates that come along.
Hope the floundering furnace was fantastically fixed!  Happy New Year!
All great ideas. I think including a check-box menu at the top of the window with a list of things you can include/exclude from the second screen may be a good idea so the GM can keep some degree of secrecy when they want to. Another idea I had for the second screen was maybe it could list effects that are always active like the +2 to death save throws, or +2 to diplomacy checks, or any other constantly active racial or class ability/powers to help the players keep track of them. I figure it could pull this info from the character sheet when you upload it to the tracker. Hopefully your not freezing without a furnace and happy new years to you all.
~OP Sinner Dragoon.
I '''LOVE''' what you have done so far so I really don't want to make this sound like I'm complaining but I have a handful of points I'd like to make.  First, I think I found a bug.  The "Round" column seems to show the current round for all encounter members.  I think it is meant to work like the app itself where it shows the player/NPC's upcoming turn number.  Secondly, the way you have the one URL "/content" that returns an HTML table makes it really hard to truly customize the layout of the page.  Returning tags that don't imply any format such as divs and lists would allow the css to do all of the formatting/presentation.  This would open the door for people to start designing "skins" for the web app.  Lastly, I have 2 feature requests.  First Request: I would find it handy to at a glance, know when one round was over and the next starting.  I think this could be represented graphically by a small red line between the last and first initiative. (Again, this could be done by css if the tag for the first person had an attribute of "firstplayer" or something.)  Second Request: In my group, I always show the players the NPC's defenses on a whiteboard.  It would be great if I could show these underneath the initiative table.  If there was a way to get that info, perhaps another service like "/attributes", I could use that information elsewhere on the page.  I don't want to sound like I'm just complaining because I'd love to get into the code and make the modifications myself, but I see it's no longer open source.  I have lots of experience doing this kind of stuff, and if you'd be interested in letting me help you out, I'd love to! Thanks again for all your hard work
- Todd
== Online Character Builder ==
DnD4eCM turns out to be compatible with the online character builder, now that they've included the export function. 
Also, if nobody minds, I plan to go through this discussion page and remove bug reports that have been corrected and feature requests that have been fulfilled, so this area is easier to read. 
== Spam on main page ==
Just a heads up, someone inserted some links to online drugs.  I've gome through and removed them, but I wanted to let you know.
:I saw that.  I went back and reverted the page to before the spams (the bastards removed a little bit of content for their junk). --[[User:Knockwood|Lord Knockwood the Mad]] 00:30, 4 January 2011 (UTC)
They did it again.  Can someone check to make sure they didnt remove anything? - Krieger
:Fixed -- DarkSir
DarkSir - Is the latest version of the source available?  I wanted to take a look at something. thanks - Krieger
More drug spam - reverted it again. Seems OK. Please someone double-check though.  - Salen
== Suggestions ==
I would like to request that the initiative rolls be displayed to the left of the status window.  The one with "R", "Name", "Status" as headers.
Next request:  In the new/change window I would like to add "Trap", "Hazard", & "Puzzle" to the drop down box for monster/pc roles.--[[Special:Contributions/|]] 02:22, 4 March 2011 (UTC)
I like the idea of the initiative rolls being displayed. And yes, I had planned on adding better support for Traps and Hazards and the like, but honestly, completely forgot to do it.  Thanks for the reminder :)  -- DarkSir
I have a suggestion for an alternative option for displaying monsters. Currently, you provide the ability to link to the online Compendium entry for player powers. Would it be possible to add the Compendium URL to monster entries (for the overall monster, not individual powers)? That way, for newer creatures that aren't in the offline Monster Builder, we could input a minimum amount of info (defenses, initiative, hitpoints) and then reference the rest of it through the Compendium display. This shouldn't cause a problem with any copyright stuff, as it wouldn't actually extract and store any info from the Compendium, it would just allow you to view a link if you already have a subscription. --VoyRising
== Question ==
Sorry not sure where to ask this, so here goes.  When going from one encounter to another, what is the best way to set up the characters following the previous one - ie, when you prearrange a combat encounter, you cannot take account of the PC's health, or healing surges, these needed to be added in again?  So what is the best way to handle PC's ongoing resources like dailies, surges left etc. 
Hi Ab! I use this simple method: I save an encounter with just the PCs, named it "Group x", where x is the level.
When is time to have an encounter I import the encounter in which I saved the monsters.
When the combat is finished, "End Encounter", then "remove all Monsters", then "Take Short Rest", then I listen to the player for the healing and apply surges, then I save again the encounter "Group X".
When PC level up, or just when a PC changes some numbers for whatever reason (a new magic item, for example), I load from CB again the PCs, then save again in "Group x".
I hope it's clear, bye
== Error - App crashing ==
Every time I run the new version, I get an error. There was no specific error that comes up.  If you need a screenshot, I can provide one if needed.  I do have the 3.5 dot net installed, and this is a newly rebuilt netbook.  Any idea what might be wrong?
-- Krieger
*Update*  Turns out I had a bad .NET install when I rebuilt the netbook.  All is well now.  Thanks -- Krieger
== Bugs / Requests since 1.8 ==
Death Saving throws still not tracked correctly. Number of failed saves should not be reset to zero until a short/extended rest have been taken.
-- Fixed -- DarkSir
Still no ability to track more than 1 Action Point per character.
-- Fixed -- DarkSir
Request for 1 status duration to NOT be cleared when 'end encounter' is selected (name it "persistent" or "permanent" or something similar). Most useful for tracking death penalties and/or diseases etc. Note: the following involves a lot more work, and isn't necessary; Perhaps also add a second effect named "Initial Disease" that doesn't do anything, except create a pop-up box at the end of combat that will require saves from those players that could possibly contract the disease. I'm not a strong supporter of this, but I DO need a persistent effect badly.
-- Done -- DarkSir
I love the new features. Suggestion: toggle the names in the left window to italic, or note when they aren't visible to the players, so we as DM's can see their status too. It would be GREAT if we could save an encounter with the visible status already set to "don't show to players" so when it's imported into the list, the non-visible creatures are already not visible. I can save their status once combat is started, but not in their 'default' state in my saved encounter of baddies.
-- Done (grey lettering, italics wasn't cooperating) -- DarkSir
Really liking the player view. I am seeing a big benefit if I could make an effect invisible to the players, so I can track it from my window, but not let the players know about that particular status effect.
-- Done -- DarkSir
Thanks for all your work thus far! - Bartimus
Enjoying the new features!
One thing I recently noticed that might be useful.  Sometimes it's easy to miss the "bloodied" word displaying. I wonder if it would be more beneficial to have monsters start out with a different color instead of red, and have the fill change to red when bloodied, as well?  Since I use a small netbook, it would help save some room while using the tool.  ~Ktulu
-- Done -- DarkSir
After I updated to 1.8.1 I was no longer able to get the secondary display working in either IE or Firefox.  When I rolled back to 1.8 it worked fine.  Just a heads up in case others are having trouble, as well. ~Ktulu
~ Still loving this program, but I've come across an issue of late with the secondary display.  Following an update to Firefox, the secondary display seems to stop refreshing sometime after round 2ish..  At that time, I'm unable to get the browser connecting to the host again.  Not sure what the cause is, just wanted to comment in case anyone else is having the issue. ~Ktulu
== Version 1.8.1 ==
- Issue with tab order on Statblock Viewer.  Tabbing from the Level goes to the Trait box, tabbing from Senses in the trait box jumps down to Skills, etc.
- Would like to see an XML parse for the Monsters exported from Online Adventure tools.
== Version 1.8.3 ==
Is this project still alive?  Any word on *.monster imports from the online builder?
In process.  Having some issues, but it should be out before Gen Con. -- DarkSir23
Update:  A week before Gen Con.  It's out now, see main page :)
== Test, just a test ==
Hello. And Bye.

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