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'''Important note - Versatility Bonus:''' Depending on location, when a new character is being created, certain races may be able to apply a single +1 bonus to an ability of their choice, after rolling their abilities. This bonus reflects that when a particular race constitutes the majority of the population, local heroes of that race are drawn from a broader base and are more likely to have that certain something extra. It also helps the DM by providing incentive for new characters to fit the storyline. Within the Empire, this bonus applies to humans. Within Genasi lands, this bonus applies to genasi. For other lands, please consult the DM. Certain lands may not have any races that receive a versatility bonus.
'''Dwarves''' - (+2 Con, -2 Cha) Of all the races, the dwarves have the longest and most productive relationship with humans. It was through dwarven traders that humans first learned of these lands, and dwarves continue to dominate the river trade from the coast to the ancient mountain citadels in the east. As a result, dwarves have developed a reputation akin to the Jews in historic Europe, for hoarding gold and trading without scruples. The dwarves don't much care. Their merchant ships, caravans, and guildhalls are always well-protected by the best guards that money can buy. And their mountain domain has flourished as a result of trade with the humans. The dwarves of Telkarion do not benefit from a +1 attack bonus against orcs and goblinoids. Their appraise bonus applies to all items, not just stone or metal ones.
'''Dwarves''' - (+2 Con, +2 Str, -2 Dex) Of all the races, the dwarves have the longest and most productive relationship with humans. It was through dwarven traders that humans first learned of these lands, and dwarves continue to dominate the river trade from the coast to the ancient mountain citadels in the east. As a result, dwarves have developed a reputation akin to the Jews in historic Europe, for hoarding gold and trading without scruples. The dwarves don't much care. Their merchant ships, caravans, and guildhalls are always well-protected by the best guards that money can buy. And their mountain domain has flourished as a result of trade with the humans. The dwarves of Telkarion do not benefit from a +1 attack bonus against orcs and goblinoids. Their appraise bonus applies to all items, not just stone or metal ones.
'''Gena Humans''' (attributes vary by elemental affinity) - Most of the homelands of the Gena mages were destroyed in the [[Gena Disaster]]. However, many inhabitants of the outlaying towns and hamlets survived. Some of these peoples became tainted with strange elemental energies that have since passed on their descendants. Any human character may choose to have inherited an elemental-tainted bloodline, acquiring advantages and weaknesses associated with one of the elements. The surviving Gena humans tend to lead secretive lives, doing all that they can to hide their nature. Gena clerics and Gena mages can sometimes be found in borderland communities, continuing on the traditions of their predecessors but fearing punishment if found out by the Empire.
'''Half-Dwarves''' - (+1 Con, +1 Str, -1 Dex, +1 to any inc Con/Str/Dex) Shunned by dwarven society and unwelcome in most human communities, these offspring of dwarf and human are the rarest of races. Never gathering in communities of their own, these lone individuals possess the stocky build and hirsuteness of a dwarf, but are typically as tall as a shorter human (5' to 5 1/2' tall). They have a base land speed of 30' in light or medium armour, but their speed is reduced to 20' by heavy armour. They possess low-light vision, gain a +2 bonus to stability and a +2 bonus on saving throws against poison and to saves against spells and spell-like effects. Their favoured class is fighter.
'''Elves''' (+2 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Int, -2 Wis) - The most commonly encountered and most human-like (at least in appearance) of the fey races. Several human settlements, including [[Wasteward Keep]], have been built on the ruins of ancient elven settlements. Their capricious, magical nature embodies the very spirit of their ever changing and shifting homelands. Elves are generally feared and distrusted, but small, "humanized" elven enclaves exist within Telkarion and a rare elf will integrate into human society for a short time before finding his attention wandering to the next experience in a long life. Half-elven communities will occasionally produce a near-pure elven child who has all of the elven racial traits except for their specialized weapon proficiencies. Elves in the [[Feywilds]] tend to be more chaotic in their temperament than their humanized counterparts. In the [[Feywilds]], communities and allegiances are ever shifting, a reflection of the nature of their inhabitants. Noble houses are interconnected by an ever-shifting web of alliances, favours, debts, and espionage that would boggle a typical human noble. Even within houses it is not uncommon for family members to be plotting for position, often with plans that play out over a century or more. This subterfuge is rarely nefarious in nature, for elves are Good creatures, but Good in a way that is frighteningly alien to the typical human.
'''Gena-Descended Humans''' (attributes vary by elemental affinity) - Most of the homelands of the Gena mages were destroyed in the [[Gena Disaster]]. However, many inhabitants of the outlaying towns and hamlets survived. Some of these peoples became tainted with strange elemental energies that have since passed on their descendants. Any human character may choose to have inherited an elemental-tainted bloodline, acquiring advantages and weaknesses associated with one of the elements. The surviving Gena humans tend to lead secretive lives, doing all that they can to hide their nature. Gena clerics and Gena mages can sometimes be found in borderland communities, continuing on the traditions of their predecessors but fearing punishment if found out by the Empire. 
'''Half-Elves''' (+1 Dex, -1 Con, +1 Int, -1 Wis) - The descendants of mingling between elves and humans, most frequently found in the northern borderlands, but occasionally elsewhere. Those that can pass themselves off as human can live a very normal life. Those who cannot are frequently attracted into the ranks of the rangers, living quite literally on the fringes of human society. Within the ranks of the rangers, their slight affinity for the feywild gives them a better understanding of their prey, and they often earn the respect and admiration of borderlanders who often put more merit on deeds than appearances. Half-elves in Telkarion do not gain the +2 racial bonus to diplomacy and gather information checks that is listed in the Players Handbook.
'''Genasi''' The pureblooded Genasi who have recently emerged from the Wastes boast a stronger taint to their blood than that born by the Gena-descended humans of the Empire. Those who encounter them soon learn to identify their heritage by their peculiar features.
'''Air Genasi''' (+2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Con) - Levitate 1/day, +1 save vs air spells & effects (additional +1 / 5 levels, do not breathe (immune to suffocation, drowning, attacks that require inhalation)
'''Earth Genasi''' (+2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Dex, -2 Cha) - +1 Natural Armour, Pass Without Trace, +1 save vs earth spells & effects(additional +1 / 5 levels)
'''Fire Genasi''' (+2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Wis) - Control Flame 1/day, +1 save vs fire spells & effects(additional +1 / 5 levels) 
'''Water Genasi''' (+2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Cha) - Create Water 1/day, +1 save vs water spells & effects(additional +1 / 5 levels), water breathing, +8 swim.
All Genasi have darkvision 60' and fighter as favoured class
'''Elves''' (+2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Con) - The most commonly encountered and most human-like (at least in appearance) of the fey races. Several human settlements, including [[Wasteward Keep]], have been built on the ruins of ancient elven settlements.  Their capricious, magical nature embodies the very spirit of their ever changing and shifting homelands. Elves are generally feared and distrusted, but small, "humanized" elven enclaves exist within Telkarion and a rare elf will integrate into human society for a short time before finding his attention wandering to the next experience in a long life. Half-elven communities will occasionally produce a near-pure elven child who has all of the elven racial traits except for their specialized weapon proficiencies. Elves in the [[Feywilds]] tend to be more chaotic in their temperament than their humanized counterparts. In the [[Feywilds]], communities and allegiances are ever shifting, a reflection of the nature of their inhabitants. Noble houses are interconnected by an ever-shifting web of alliances, favours, debts, and espionage that would boggle a typical human noble. Even within houses it is not uncommon for family members to be plotting for position, often with plans that play out over a century or more. This subterfuge is rarely nefarious in nature, for elves are Good creatures, but Good in a way that is frighteningly alien to the typical human.
'''Half-Elves''' (+1 Dex, +1 Int, -1 Con, +1 Any inc Dex/Int/Con) - The descendants of mingling between elves and humans, most frequently found in the northern borderlands, but occasionally elsewhere. Those that can pass themselves off as human can live a very normal life. Those who cannot are frequently attracted into the ranks of the rangers, living quite literally on the fringes of human society. Within the ranks of the rangers, their slight affinity for the feywild gives them a better understanding of their prey, and they often earn the respect and admiration of borderlanders who often put more merit on deeds than appearances. Half-elves in Telkarion do not gain the +2 racial bonus to diplomacy and gather information checks that is listed in the Players Handbook.
'''Gnomes''' (+2 Con, +2 Int, -2 Str) - Gnomes inhabit the mountainous lands to the northwest. A market for their more utilitarian contraptions has developed amongst human noble society, and this steady demand has led to regular communication with human lands via dwarven trade caravans. Occasionally an individual gnome or small family will settle in a human city, and their services are much coveted by magic users. However, there are so few gnomes that they are regarded as a curiosity and many humans mistake them as a type of halfling. Gnomes also are commonly encountered in elven settlements of the Feywild, where they are treated as talented pets by indulgent elves. Gnomish communities have frequently been threatened by goblinoid warbands from the south, and thus they retain their racial bonus on attack rolls against kobolds and goblinoids.
'''Gnomes''' (+2 Int, -2 Str) - Gnomes inhabit the mountainous lands to the northwest, but a strong demand for their contraptions has led to regular communication with human lands via dwarven trade caravans. Occasionally an individual gnome or small family will settle in a human city to practice a craft in closer proximity to their customers. However, there are so few gnomes that they are regarded as a curiosity and many humans think of them as a type of halfling. Gnomes also are encountered in the fey lands, where they are often treated as talented pets by indulgent elves, ever curious to see their next creation. Gnomish communities have frequently been threatened by goblinoid warbands from the south, and thus they retain their racial bonus on attack rolls against kobolds and goblinoids.
'''Halflings''' (+2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Str) - The wee folk make up a surprising 10% of the population of Telkarion, but few know it. Their history predates the arrival of humans and their ability to blend into the background has served them just as well since the arrival of the humans as it did when they hid from the fey and goblinoids before that. Halflings are the only race that can be truly said to enjoy an equal footing with humans in the Empire. This is probably due to the fact that they are seen as harmless and child-like, and they are sought after for their mastery of culinary skills. In addition to the racial abilities listed in the Players Handbook, all halflings have a +4 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently, and both are always treated as class skills.  
'''Halflings''' (+2 Dex, -2 Str) - The wee folk make up a surprising 10% of the population of Telkarion, but few know it. Their history predates the arrival of humans and their ability to blend into the background has served them just as well since the arrival of the humans as it did when they hid from the fey and goblinoids before that. Halflings are the only race that can be truly said to enjoy an equal footing with humans in the Empire. This is probably due to the fact that they are seen as harmless and child-like, and they are sought after for their mastery of culinary skills. In addition to the racial abilities listed in the Players Handbook, all halflings have a +4 racial bonus to Hide, and it is always treated as a class skill.  
'''Goblinoids''' - During the Age of the Warring Kingdoms, some of the human kingdoms turned to the goblinoid and other races of the south (various breeds of orcs, goblins , kobolds, etc) for mercenary warriors to fill the ranks of their depleted armies. At first a desperate measure, these mercenary units soon proved invaluable to their employers, delivering frequent victories and striking fear into their enemies. As [[House Telkar]] began to unite the kingdoms into what would eventually become known as the Second (Telkarion) Empire, the most elite goblinoid troops were incorporated into the legion system, becoming the XIIIth Legion, more commonly known as the Goblinoid Legion. Currently stationed on the northwestern borderlands, they continue to prove themselves in defending the realm against fey influences. The legionnaires and their civilian entourage are rarities in the northern lands, where goblinoids are almost never seen. While not entirely accepted, they are respected. Characters may come from these ranks. The frequent wars between the Empire and various goblinoid kingdoms means that very few goblinoids from the Legion make the perilous journey through the southern Empire where they are almost universally feared and despised by locals who have too often been the victims of goblinoid raiding parties. Half-orcs and other mixed human-goblinoid hybrids usually trace their ancestry to the soldiers of the Legion.
'''Goblinoids''' - During the Age of the Warring Kingdoms, some of the human kingdoms turned to the goblinoid and other races of the south (various breeds of orcs, goblins , kobolds, etc) for mercenary warriors to fill the ranks of their depleted armies. At first a desperate measure, these mercenary units soon proved As they began to unite the kingdoms into what would eventually become known as the Second (Telkarion) Empire, these troops were incorporated into the legion system, becoming the XIIIth Legion, more commonly known as the Goblinoid Legion. Currently stationed on the northwestern borderlands, they continue to prove themselves in defending the realm against fey influences. The legionnaires and their civilian entourage are rarities in the northern lands, where goblinoids are almost never seen. While not entirely accepted, they are respected. Characters may come from these ranks. The constant state of war between the Empire and the goblinoid kingdoms means that very few goblinoids from these lands make the perilous journey through the southern Empire where they are almost universally feared and despised by locals who have too often been the victims of goblinoid raiding parties. Half-orcs and other mixed human-goblinoid hybrids usually trace their ancestry to the soldiers of the Legion.
'''Goblins''' - +4 dex, -2 Str, -2 Cha, Small (+1 AC, +1 attack, +4 Hide, -4 Grapple, lift and carry 3/4 standard), Speed 30, darkvision 60', +2 Jump, +8 Climb and can always take 10 on Climb checks, +4 Hide and +4 Move Silently when in forested areas, +1 Natural Armour, Discordant Frenzy special attack, light sensitivity. Possible access to worgs as mounts. Goblins are the backbone of the Goblinoid Legion and are the most common of the monstrous goblinoid races within the Empire.
'''Goblins''' - +2 dex, -2 Int, Small (+1 AC, +1 attack, +4 Hide, -4 Grapple, lift and carry 3/4 standard), Speed 30, darkvision 60', +2 Jump, +8 Climb and can always take 10 on Climb checks, +4 Hide and +4 Move Silently when in forested areas, +1 Natural Armour, Discordant Frenzy special attack, light sensitivity. Favoured Class: Scout. Access to worgs as mounts. Goblins are the backbone of the Goblinoid Legion and are the most common of the monstrous goblinoid races within the Empire.
'''Hobgoblins''' - +2 Dex, +2 Con Speed 30, darkvision 60', +4 move silently, ECL +1. If goblins are the backbone of the Legion, then Hobgoblins are its brain. Hobgoblins and the occasional bugbear, ogre, or orc fill most significant leadership roles, but are found in much smaller numbers than their goblin brethren.
'''Hobgoblins''' - +2 Dex, +2 Con Speed 30, darkvision 60', +4 move silently, ECL +1. Favoured class: Fighter. If goblins are the backbone of the Legion, then Hobgoblins are its brain. Hobgoblins and the occasional bugbear, ogre, or orc fill most significant leadership roles, but are found in much smaller numbers than their goblin brethren.
'''Half-Ogre''' - +4STR, +2CON, -2DEX, -2INT, -2CHA, Extra feat (endurance, great fortitude, or toughness), low-light vision can see twice as far as human in poor illumination,  +2 Intimidate, Listen, Spot, -2 Hide and Move Silently, can use bastard sword and dwarven waraxe one-handed, must buy custom armor, shields, clothing, provisions (consult DM for specifics) at x2 price, medium-sized at 1st and 2nd level but considered giants for magic effects, can't multiclass.
'''Half-Ogre''' - +4STR, +2CON, -2DEX, -2INT, -2CHA, Extra feat (endurance, great fortitude, or toughness), low-light vision can see twice as far as human in poor illumination,  +2 Intimidate, Listen, Spot, -2 Hide and Move Silently, can use bastard sword and dwarven waraxe one-handed, must buy custom armor, shields, clothing, provisions (consult DM for specifics) at x2 price, medium-sized at 1st and 2nd level but considered giants for magic effects, can't multiclass.
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'''Orc''' (+4 Str, -2 Int, -2 Wis, -2 Cha) – Orcs are the barbarians of the goblinoid lands. In contrast to the order and discipline of the other societies, they are undisciplined and almost feral. For this reason, they have never had a significant presence in the Goblinoid Legion – they would be too much of a liability.
'''Orc''' (+4 Str, -2 Int, -2 Wis, -2 Cha) – Orcs are the barbarians of the goblinoid lands. In contrast to the order and discipline of the other societies, they are undisciplined and almost feral. For this reason, they have never had a significant presence in the Goblinoid Legion – they would be too much of a liability.
'''Humans''' – (+2 to any one ability) Humans are the most common race in Telkarion, accounting for roughly 85% of the population. The human struggle for dominance in this land has been a successful one, though not without its challenges. As a result, they tend to be wary of the unknown and very protective of their communities, and treat the fey and goblinoid races that used to inhabit this region with a special degree of suspicion. Humans are also the predominant race in the [[Barony of Lietvev]], the [[Haeloran Kingdom]], and in the lands of the [[Knights of the Wall]], as well as in the distant coast and the continent of [[Berek]] beyond the [[Golden Sea]] where the race originated.
'''Humans''' – Human versatility: humans may apply a single +1 bonus to an ability of their choice, after rolling their abilities. Humans are the most common race in Telkarion, accounting for roughly 85% of the population. The human struggle for dominance in this land has been a successful one, though not without its challenges. As a result, they tend to be wary of the unknown and very protective of their communities, and treat the fey and goblinoid races that used to inhabit this region with a special degree of suspicion. Humans are also the predominant race in the [[Barony of Lietvev]], the [[Haeloran Kingdom]], and in the lands of the [[Knights of the Wall]], as well as in the distant coast and the continent of [[Berek]] beyond the [[Golden Sea]].
'''Other Races''' - Other races may be permitted, with the caveats that the race must be found locally when the new character is created, and the player must provide a compelling argument for how that particular race could fit into the story line.  
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