Editing Temujin The Big

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Temujin is a Haltan native, the big brother to his sisters Temulin and Temuge. This probably explains a lot about his personality. Like all Haltans, he was drafted into military service and ended up in the commandos, where his talent for physicality served him very well as an advance scout for his unit. In all likelihood, he would have served out his term and retired gracefully, had he not run afoul of a particularly formidable Linowan strike team. From the moment the enemy team leader revealed himself as an Exalted sorcerer, Temujin knew that his squad's situation was grim and their continued survival unlikely. Therefore, he did the only responsible thing - he used himself as a decoy to draw the sorcerer's attention while his subordinates fled to get help. He ran and fled, surpassing his own limits of speed and athletic prowess. It was almost good enough. But as the sorcerer's Flying Guillotine wrapped around his neck, he heard a resounding voice in his head and felt a fire ignite in his soul, and the magical razor-sharp chains splintered off the invulnerable flesh of a freshly-minted Solar Exalt. With the balance of power shifted formly in his favor, it didn't take long for Temujin to dispatch the Linowan sorcerer and the rest of his team. As he stood over their cooling bodies, however, he noticed one of his squadmates watching him, the purple-gold of his anima reflected in her terrified eyes. It was then that Temujin realised that even though he had won in a military sense, he had lost in every other way that mattered - to his friends, he was dead, replaced by a terrible, shining Anathema.
With a heavy heart, he forced himself to flee into the jungles, not caring where he went as long as it was away. As luck would have it, he encountered and rescued a wounded baby claw strider, who instantly bonded to him as he nursed it back to health. Temujin found the creature cute, and with the aid of the Sun, he managed to win its loyalty, and even gave her a name; Chloe, the Claw Strider. Man and beast left the jungles of the East behind them, riding down the river provinces and westward through the Southeastern savannahs, until the skyline ofone of the South's cities looms in the distance...
Temujin was abruptly severed from his friends and family following his Exaltation, which probably explains why he feels the need to surround himself with pretty girls. He tends to treat women like possessions or sex objects, molesting them without their permission and treating them like possessions, but oddly enough, he can be very protective of them when they are threatened ("They're MY wenches!"). Though friendly and jovial, he rarely ever opens his heart up to people besides Chloe.
However much Temujin wants to style himself as an amoral hedonist, he still finds himself unconsciously intervening to rescue the defenseless and unfortunate, even when it gets in the way of a conquest. He'll curse and complain after the fact, but he'll still have saved the people he set out to protect.
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* Clothes on girls (do not want)
* Clothes on girls (do not want)
* People being cruel to their inferiors for no good reason
* People trying to limit his freedom
* Girls (yes)
* Girls (yes)
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* To be good to good girls (Righteous Lion Defense)
* To be good to good girls (Righteous Lion Defense)
* To live freely and without restraint (Righteous Lion Defense)
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*Charisma 5
*Charisma 5
*Manipulation 5
*Manipulation 5
*Appearance 4
*Appearance 3
Line 60: Line 51:
*Athletics 5 (Combat Mobility +3)<br>
Athletics 5 (Combat Mobility +3)<br>
*Awareness 5 (Vision +3)<br>
Awareness 5 (Vision +3)<br>
*Dodge 3 (Against Essence Channellers +3)<br>
Dodge 3 (Against Essence Channellers +3)<br>
*Larceny 5 (vs. women +2, vs. Essence Channellers +1)<br>
Larceny 5 (vs. women +2, vs. Essence Channellers +1)<br>
*Stealth 4  (Against Essence Channellers +3)<br>
Stealth 4  (Against Essence Channellers +3)<br>
*Melee 5 (Against Essence Channellers +3)<br>
Melee 5 (Against Essence Channellers +3)<br>
*Archery 5 (Against Essence Channellers +3)<br>
Archery 5 (Against Essence Channellers +3)<br>
*Integrity 5 (Against Essence Channellers +3)<br>
Integrity 5 (Against Essence Channellers +3)<br>
*Presence 5 (Against Essence Channellers +3)<br>
Presence 5 (Against Essence Channellers +3)<br>
*Ride 5 (Females +1, Essence-Users +1, Bareback +1)<br>
Ride 5 (Women +1, Magic Mounts +1, Bareback +1)<br>
*Martial Arts 2 <br>
Martial Arts 2 <br>
*War 4 (When Outnumbered +1, Against Essence Channellers +1)<br>
War 4 (When Outnumbered +1, Against Essence Channellers +1)<br>
*Performance 3 (Oratory +1, Against Women +1, Against Essence Channellers +1)<br>
Performance 3 (Oratory +1, Against Women +1, Against Essence Channellers +1)<br>
*Resistance 4 (In Combat +3)<br>
Resistance 4 (In Combat +3)<br>
*Survival 4 (Steppes +1)<br>
Survival 4 (Steppes +1)<br>
*Investigation 3 (Against Essence Channellers +2, Against Women +1)<br>
Investigation 3 (Against Essence Channellers +2, Against Women +1)<br>
*Lore 1<br>
Lore 1<br>
*Medicine 3 (Against Supernatural Maladies +3)<br>
Medicine 3 (Against Supernatural Maladies +3)<br>
*Occult 2<br>
Occult 2<br>
*Linguistics 1<br>
Linguistics 1<br>
*Socialize 3 (Against Women +1, Against Essence Channellers +1)<br>
Socialize 3 (Against Women +1, Against Essence Channellers +1)<br>
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''(Never lose dodge DV as a result of surprise, though Parry DV can still be lost, +3 dice to detect and avoid hidden/sudden dangers, and to JB rolls)
''(Never lose dodge DV as a result of surprise, though Parry DV can still be lost, +3 dice to detect and avoid hidden/sudden dangers, and to JB rolls)
==Quick Draw 4==
Even when naked, he's ready to rumble at a moment's notice.
''(May draw weapons as a reflexive action)''
==Signature Style 2 (Peerless Skill, Slick Seduction)==
==Signature Style 2 (Peerless Skill, Slick Seduction)==
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Rain of Feathered Death <br>
Rain of Feathered Death <br>
Summoning The Loyal Bow<br>
Summoning The Loyal Bow<br>
*'''There Is No Wind''' (Supplemental, 3/5m) lets him ignore most penalties to his attacks for 3m and extend his range to his line of sight (which is VERY long; he has '''Keen/Unsurpassed Sight Discipline''') for 5m.  
*'''There Is No Wind''' (Supplemental, 3/5m) lets him ignore most penalties to his attacks for 3m and extend his range to his line of sight (which is VERY long; he has '''Keen/Unsurpassed Sight Discipline''') for 5m.  
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One Weapon, Two Blows<br>
One Weapon, Two Blows<br>
Flashing Edge of Dawn (GTMH) <br>
Flashing Edge of Dawn (GTMH) <br>
Peony Blossom Attack <br>
Iron Whirlwind Attack <br>
Call The Blade<br>
Call The Blade<br>
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*Defensively, he has '''Dipping Swallow Defense''' (Reflexive) and '''Bulwark Stance''' (Reflexive), which allow him to ignore all DV penalties for 1 attack (2m) or an action (5m). Both are enhanced by '''Steel Curtain Dance''' (Permanent), which lets him add another weapon's Defense rating to his PDV when using DSD or BS, and '''Gilded Champion Refuge''' (Reflexive) lets him apply his PDV to all willing allies within 5 yards for 1 tick for 2m. For one scene, he can ignore onslaught penalties and reduce the penalties he takes on each of his actions by 1 with '''Fivefold Bulwark Stance''' (Simple 6, 5m, 1w). He also has '''Heavenly Guardian Defense''', which is 4m to perfect parry any attack he can perceive.  
*Defensively, he has '''Dipping Swallow Defense''' (Reflexive) and '''Bulwark Stance''' (Reflexive), which allow him to ignore all DV penalties for 1 attack (2m) or an action (5m). Both are enhanced by '''Steel Curtain Dance''' (Permanent), which lets him add another weapon's Defense rating to his PDV when using DSD or BS, and '''Gilded Champion Refuge''' (Reflexive) lets him apply his PDV to all willing allies within 5 yards for 1 tick for 2m. For one scene, he can ignore onslaught penalties and reduce the penalties he takes on each of his actions by 1 with '''Fivefold Bulwark Stance''' (Simple 6, 5m, 1w). He also has '''Heavenly Guardian Defense''', which is 4m to perfect parry any attack he can perceive.  
*He has '''Call The Blade''' and '''Summon The Loyal Steel''' (Simple, Speed 3), which allow him to summon and banish his sword for 1m apiece. He also has '''Iron Raptor Technique''' (Simple 5), which lets him throw his sword up to 24 yards away and make a normal attack before coming back to him.
*He has '''Call The Blade''' and '''Summon The Loyal Steel''' (Simple, Speed 3), which allow him to summon and banish his sword for 1m apiece. He also has '''Iron Raptor Technique''' (Simple 5), which lets him throw his sword up to 24 yards away and make a normal attack before coming back to him.
*'''Peony Blossom Attack''' (ExAct) lets him attack the same target up to 4 times as a magical full pool flurry for 2m apiece, but is largely obsoleted by '''Iron Whirlwind Attack''', which lets him attack 6 times for only 5m, 1w.
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[Any War Excellency] <br>
[Any War Excellency] <br>
Shining General Puissance (1000CA) <br>
Shining General Puissance (1000CA) <br>
*'''Swift Solar Strategy''' (Permanent) reduces the Speed of his Coordinate Attack / Coordinate Unit actions by 1 , to a minimum of 2.
*'''Swift Solar Strategy''' (Permanent) reduces the Speed of his Coordinate Attack / Coordinate Unit actions by 1 , to a minimum of 2.
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Elusive Dream Defense<br>
Elusive Dream Defense<br>
Righteous Lion Defensex2<br>
Righteous Lion Defense<br>
Unhesitating Dedication<br>
Unhesitating Dedication<br>
[Any Integrity Excellency]<br>
[Any Integrity Excellency]<br>
Invincible Ego Shield (1000CA) <br>
Invincible Ego Shield (1000CA) <br>
*'''Integrity-Protecting Prana''' (Reflexive, 5m, 1w) renders Temujin immune to Shaping effects for 1 day, while '''Destiny-Manifesting Method''' (Permanent) increases the difficulty of Shaping attacks vs him by 2 and reduces the frequency of hostile encounters in the Wyld and in the Underworld by a factor of 10.
*'''Integrity-Protecting Prana''' (Reflexive, 5m, 1w) renders Temujin immune to Shaping effects for 1 day, while '''Destiny-Manifesting Method''' (Permanent) increases the difficulty of Shaping attacks vs him by 2 and reduces the frequency of hostile encounters in the Wyld and in the Underworld by a factor of 10.
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[Any Performance Excellency]<br>
[Any Performance Excellency]<br>
Phantom-Conjuring Performance<br>
Phantom-Conjuring Performance<br>
*'''Heart-Compelling Method''' (Supplemental, 6m) allows Temujin to create any emotion he wants with a Performance attack inflicting UMI that costs 2 WP to resist.  
*'''Heart-Compelling Method''' (Supplemental, 6m) allows Temujin to create any emotion he wants with a Performance attack inflicting UMI that costs 2 WP to resist.  
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[Any Presence Excellency]<br>
[Any Presence Excellency]<br>
Sun And Moon Method (GTMH) <br>
Sun And Moon Method (GTMH) <br>
*'''Hypnotic Tongue Technique'''(Simple 6, 10m 1w) lets Temujin implant a subconscious command into the victim if he touches them and beats their MDV with a (Man+Presence) roll. The UMI lasts for (Charisma) days and the victim can resist for 1 day by paying 1 WP. The influence fades when the Charm ends. '''Glorious Imperative'''(Permanent) removes the need to touch them.  '''Mind Yields To Glory''' (Permanent) makes the effect last for a month.
*'''Hypnotic Tongue Technique'''(Simple 6, 10m 1w) lets Temujin implant a subconscious command into the victim if he touches them and beats their MDV with a (Man+Presence) roll. The UMI lasts for (Charisma) days and the victim can resist for 1 day by paying 1 WP. The influence fades when the Charm ends. '''Glorious Imperative'''(Permanent) removes the need to touch them.  '''Mind Yields To Glory''' (Permanent) makes the effect last for a month.
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Tireless Sentinel Technique (Mirror) <br>
Tireless Sentinel Technique (Mirror) <br>
Sustenance of Inner Glory (100F) <br>
Sustenance of Inner Glory (100F) <br>
*Resistance-wise, he can set his Hardness to 8 against any one attack with '''Durability of Oak Meditation''' (3m, Reflexive) or completely ignore its damage with '''Iron Skin Concentration''' (Reflexive, 2m) if he makes a Sta+Resistance roll with a difficulty of his attacker's Essence (max 6).  
*Resistance-wise, he can set his Hardness to 8 against any one attack with '''Durability of Oak Meditation''' (3m, Reflexive) or completely ignore its damage with '''Iron Skin Concentration''' (Reflexive, 2m) if he makes a Sta+Resistance roll with a difficulty of his attacker's Essence (max 6).  
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First/Second/Third Excellency <br>
First/Second/Third Excellency <br>
Trackless Region Navigation Technique <br>
Friendship with Animals Approach<br>
Friendship with Animals Approach<br>
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Hardship-Surviving Mendicant Spirit<br>
Hardship-Surviving Mendicant Spirit<br>
*In Survival, he can use '''Friendship With Animals Approach''' (Reflexive, 3m) to talk to animals as though they possessed a common language and they won't attack him unless driven by unusual pain or fear.  
*In Survival, he can use '''Friendship With Animals Approach''' (Reflexive, 3m) to talk to animals as though they possessed a common language and they won't attack him unless driven by unusual pain or fear.  
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*With '''Bestial Traits Technique''' (Simple, 10m 2w), he can improve an animal's Str/Dex/Sta/Per by up to 2, improve its Valor up to 4, improve its Ath/Awareness/Resistance/Survival/MA up to his current rating, give it up to its Stamina in extra -1 HLs (with the option of increasing its size by 10% with each one) and improve its Intelligence to a 6-year old child's level. If the animal is his Familiar, he can increase the maximums by 1 each and train it up to adult human intelligence. This requires 5 hours of training in a week.
*With '''Bestial Traits Technique''' (Simple, 10m 2w), he can improve an animal's Str/Dex/Sta/Per by up to 2, improve its Valor up to 4, improve its Ath/Awareness/Resistance/Survival/MA up to his current rating, give it up to its Stamina in extra -1 HLs (with the option of increasing its size by 10% with each one) and improve its Intelligence to a 6-year old child's level. If the animal is his Familiar, he can increase the maximums by 1 each and train it up to adult human intelligence. This requires 5 hours of training in a week.
*Also, he can ignore penalties to Survival rolls imposed on him by his environment for an Indefinite period with '''Hardship-Surviving Mendicant Spirit''' (Reflexive, 10m).
*Also, he can ignore penalties to Survival rolls imposed on him by his environment for an Indefinite period with '''Hardship-Surviving Mendicant Spirit''' (Reflexive, 10m).
*'''Trackless Region Navigation Technique''' (Reflexive, 7m) permits him to lead a group with a Magnitude of his Essence or less over the harshest terrain at a speed of 10 miles/hour, or 20 miles an hour normally, in addition to allowing him to always allow him to succeed on rolls to find his way in the wild, though he must have enough information to at least attempt the roll.
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[Any Investigation Excellency]<br>
[Any Investigation Excellency]<br>
Evidence-Discerning Method<br>
Evidence-Discerning Method<br>
*'''Judge's Ear Technique''' (Reflexive, 3m) allows Temujin to know if anyone is lying or telling half-truths to him. It adds (Essence) autosux to Charm rolloffs.
*'''Judge's Ear Technique''' (Reflexive, 3m) allows Temujin to know if anyone is lying or telling half-truths to him. It adds (Essence) autosux to Charm rolloffs.
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[Any Investigation Excellency]<br>
[Any Investigation Excellency]<br>
Wound-Mending Care Technique<br>
Wound-Mending Care Technique<br>
*'''Flawless Diagnosis Technique''' (Reflexive, 1m) automatically diagnoses all medical conditions in the victim if she has enough information. Spending 5 minutes to examine the patient prevents any error in diagnosis. If her information is incomplete, she knows.
*'''Flawless Diagnosis Technique''' (Reflexive, 1m) automatically diagnoses all medical conditions in the victim if she has enough information. Spending 5 minutes to examine the patient prevents any error in diagnosis. If her information is incomplete, she knows.
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Glorious Temple Body (IM) <br>
Glorious Temple Body (IM) <br>
*'''Graceful Crane Stance''' (Reflexive, 3m) gives him perfect balance for one scene and '''Perfect Poise Stance''' (Permanent) makes activating it no longer count as a Charm activation, and lets him spend 1m to negate all fall damage by catching hold onto something.  
*'''Graceful Crane Stance''' (Reflexive, 3m) gives him perfect balance for one scene and '''Perfect Poise Stance''' (Permanent) makes activating it no longer count as a Charm activation, and lets him spend 1m to negate all fall damage by catching hold onto something.  
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[Any Awareness Excellency]<br>
[Any Awareness Excellency]<br>
Panoptic Fusion Discipline (IM) <br>
Panoptic Fusion Discipline (IM) <br>
*'''Surprise Anticipation Method''' (Reflexive, 1m) enhanced by '''Attentive Courtier Attitude''' (Permanent) allows Temujin to detect any unexpected physical or social attack/danger made against him or others, potentially allowing him to protect others with his Charms.  
*'''Surprise Anticipation Method''' (Reflexive, 1m) enhanced by '''Attentive Courtier Attitude''' (Permanent) allows Temujin to detect any unexpected physical or social attack/danger made against him or others, potentially allowing him to protect others with his Charms.  
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Reed In The Wind (IM) <br>
Reed In The Wind (IM) <br>
*'''Shadow Over Water''' (Reflexive, 1m) removes all penalties to Dodge DV when defending against an attack.
*'''Shadow Over Water''' (Reflexive, 1m) removes all penalties to Dodge DV when defending against an attack.
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Distracting Glory Legerdemain (100F) <br>
Distracting Glory Legerdemain (100F) <br>
*'''Flawlessly Impenetrable Disguise''' (Speed 6 long, 7m) provides a perfect disguise that cannot be seen through by ordinary senses. Supernatural senses have a +4 difficulty penalty. Can't imitate other people. Lasts until Temujin sleeps.  
*'''Flawlessly Impenetrable Disguise''' (Speed 6 long, 7m) provides a perfect disguise that cannot be seen through by ordinary senses. Supernatural senses have a +4 difficulty penalty. Can't imitate other people. Lasts until Temujin sleeps.  
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Mental Invisibility Technique<br>
Mental Invisibility Technique<br>
Invisible Statue Spirit<br>
Invisible Statue Spirit<br>
*'''Easily Overlooked Presence Method''' (Simple, 3m) causes Awareness and Investigation against Temujin to fail unless he's being very obvious or in battle.
*'''Easily Overlooked Presence Method''' (Simple, 3m) causes Awareness and Investigation against Temujin to fail unless he's being very obvious or in battle.
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Impossible Maneuver Execution (100F) <br>
Impossible Maneuver Execution (100F) <br>
Pilot's Steady Hand (100F) <br>
Pilot's Steady Hand (100F) <br>
*'''Master Horseman's Techniques''' (Permanent) let him do the following as nonCharm actions: reflexively spend 1m to stay on his mount / call a loyal mount to his side / learn all a mount's strengths and weaknesses when evaluating them / touch a mount to sustain it for 2 hours (effort does not tire the mount, and it won't suffer minor, incidental injuries), and spend 3m reflexively to prevent a mount from panicking for the rest of the scene.
*'''Master Horseman's Techniques''' (Permanent) let him do the following as nonCharm actions: reflexively spend 1m to stay on his mount / call a loyal mount to his side / learn all a mount's strengths and weaknesses when evaluating them / touch a mount to sustain it for 2 hours (effort does not tire the mount, and it won't suffer minor, incidental injuries), and spend 3m reflexively to prevent a mount from panicking for the rest of the scene.
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Mastery of Small Manners<br>
Mastery of Small Manners<br>
Golden Courtier Infallibility (100F) <br>
Golden Courtier Infallibility (100F) <br>
*'''Wise-Eyed Courtier Method''' (Simple 6 long, 3m 1w) targets a social group with 1+ Magnitude; roll Cha/Man + Socialize, apply external penalty of leader's MDV and half the group's Magnitude. Success makes the group believe something. This is UMI that requires 1 Loyalty to ignore for 1 scene or 6 Loyalty to ignore forever.
*'''Wise-Eyed Courtier Method''' (Simple 6 long, 3m 1w) targets a social group with 1+ Magnitude; roll Cha/Man + Socialize, apply external penalty of leader's MDV and half the group's Magnitude. Success makes the group believe something. This is UMI that requires 1 Loyalty to ignore for 1 scene or 6 Loyalty to ignore forever.
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==Purity of the Breath (Physical Combat Power-Up Combo)==
Flashing Vengeance Draw <br>
First Melee Excellency <br>
Solar Counterattack <br>
Fivefold Bulwark Stance <br>
Dipping Swallow Defense / Heavenly Guardian Defense <br>
Call the Blade <br>
Integrity-Protecting Prana <br>
Majestic Radiant Presence <br>
Invincible Ego Shield <br>
Iron Skin Concentration <br>
Second Resistance Excellency <br>
Graceful Crane Stance <br>
Monkey Leap Technique <br>
Lightning Speed <br>
Foe-Vaulting Method <br>
Surprise Anticipation Method <br>
Panoptic Fusion Discipline <br>
Sagacious Reading of Intent <br>
Pilot's Steady Hand <br>
==The Void of War (General Ranged/Melee Battle-State Combo)==
First Archery Excellency <br>
First Melee Excellency <br>
Solar Counterattack <br>
Dipping Swallow Defense / Heavenly Guardian Defense <br>
Call the Blade <br>
One Weapon, Two Blows <br>
Iron Skin Concentration <br>
Second Resistance Excellency <br>
Surprise Anticipation Method <br>
Reversal of Fortune <br>
Sagacious Reading of Intent <br>
Impossible Maneuver Execution <br>
One Man Cavalry <br>
==Victory of the Wind (Skirmish Combat Archery Attack Combo)==
First Archery Excellency <br>
Accuracy Without Distance <br>
Trance of Unhesitating Speed <br>
Essence Arrow Attack <br>
Rain of Feathered Death  <br>
Dipping Swallow Defense / Heavenly Guardian Defense <br>
Call The Blade <br>
One Weapon, Two Blows <br>
Iron Skin Concentration <br>
Second Resistance Excellency <br>
Thunderbolt Attack Prana <br>
Surprise Anticipation Method <br>
==The Unrighteous Will Fall (Mass Combat Archery  Attack Combo)==
First Archery Excellency <br>
Arrow Storm Technique <br>
Essence Arrow Attack <br>
Rain of Feathered Death  <br>
Dipping Swallow Defense / Heavenly Guardian Defense <br>
Call The Blade <br>
One Weapon, Two Blows <br>
Iron Skin Concentration <br>
Second Resistance Excellency <br>
Thunderbolt Attack Prana <br>
Surprise Anticipation Method <br>
==Victory of the River (Multiattack Melee Attack Combo)==
First Melee Excellency <br>
Hungry Tiger Technique <br>
Iron Whirlwind Attack <br>
Solar Counterattack <br>
Dipping Swallow Defense / Heavenly Guardian Defense <br>
Call The Blade <br>
One Weapon, Two Blows <br>
Iron Skin Concentration <br>
Second Resistance Excellency <br>
Thunderbolt Attack Prana <br>
Surprise Anticipation Method <br>
==Whisper From The Soul (Social Power-Up Combo)==
First Presence Excellency <br>
Irresistible Salesman Spirit <br>
Temptation-Resisting Stance <br>
Majestic Radiant Presence <br>
Surprise Anticipation Method <br>
Solar Counterattack <br>
Dipping Swallow Defense / Heavenly Guardian Defense <br>
Call The Blade <br>
Judge's Ear Technique <br>
Sagacious Reading of Intent <br>
Mastery of Small Manners <br>
==Voice of the Storm (Social Battle-State Combo)==
First Presence Excellency <br>
Terrifying Apparition of Glory <br>
Enemy-Castigating Solar Judgement<br>
First Performance Excellency <br>
Heart-Compelling Method <br>
Surprise Anticipation Method <br>
Solar Counterattack <br>
Dipping Swallow Defense / Heavenly Guardian Defense <br>
Call The Blade <br>
Judge's Ear Technique <br>
Sagacious Reading of Intent <br>
Mastery of Small Manners <br>
==The Heart Speaks (HTT Mindrape Combo)==
Hypnotic Tongue Technique <br>
First Presence Excellency <br>
Terrifying Apparition of Glory <br>
Enemy-Castigating Solar Judgement<br>
Surprise Anticipation Method <br>
Solar Counterattack <br>
Dipping Swallow Defense / Heavenly Guardian Defense <br>
Call The Blade <br>
Sagacious Reading of Intent <br>
Mastery of Small Manners <br>
==Knowing The Rhythm Of The Heart (Social Profiling Combo 1)==
Second Investigation Excellency <br>
Evidence-Discerning Method <br>
Judge's Ear Technique <br>
Consumer-Evaluating Glance <br>
Surprise Anticipation Method <br>
Solar Counterattack <br>
Dipping Swallow Defense / Heavenly Guardian Defense <br>
Call The Blade <br>
Sagacious Reading of Intent <br>
Mastery of Small Manners <br>
==Scrutiny's Sweet Sting (Social Profiling Combo 2)==
Second Investigation Excellency <br>
Courtier's Eye Technique <br>
Judge's Ear Technique <br>
Consumer-Evaluating Glance <br>
Surprise Anticipation Method <br>
Solar Counterattack <br>
Dipping Swallow Defense / Heavenly Guardian Defense <br>
Call The Blade <br>
Sagacious Reading of Intent <br>
Mastery of Small Manners <br>
==Peace of the Kami (General Medicine Combo)==
First Medicine Excellency <br>
Flawless Diagnosis Technique <br>
Contagion-Curing Touch <br>
Instant Treatment Methodology <br>
==Balm of Blessed Restoration (HL-restoring Medicine Combo)==
First Medicine Excellency <br>
Wound-Mending Care Technique <br>
Contagion-Curing Touch <br>
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*Peripheral: 47/47
*Peripheral: 47/47
*Immortal Rider's Advantages: 13/13
*Immortal Rider's Advantages: 13/13
*Chloe's special Peripheral Pool: 0/0 (5 committed)
*Committed to Charms:  
*Skin-Mount Setting Peripheral Pool: 10/10
*Committed to artifacts:  
*Committed to Charms: 0
*Committed to artifacts: 5 (Perfected Boots, Hearthstone Bracers)
*Willpower: 10/10
*Willpower: 10/10
*Anima status: Quiescent
*Anima status: Quiescent
Line 788: Line 595:
*Join Battle: Wits 5 + Awareness 5 + Specialty 3 + Merit 3 = 16
*Join Battle: Wits 5 + Awareness 5 + Specialty 3 + Merit 3 = 16
*Dodge DV: (Dex 5 + Dodge 3 + Essence 3 + Spec 3 + HSBs 3)/2 = 9
*Dodge DV: (Dex 5 + Dodge 3 + Essence 3 + Spec 3)/2 = 7
*Parry DV:
*Lethal Soak: Stamina 4 + Invincible Essence Reinforcement 12 + Silken Armor 5L + Orichalcum Chain Shirt 7L = 28L
*Lethal Soak: Stamina 4 + Invincible Essence Reinforcement 12 = 16L
*Lethal Hardness: Orichalcum Chain Shirt 3 = 3L Hardness
*Lethal Hardness: 0
*Bashing Soak: Stamina 4 + Invincible Essence Reinforcement 12 + Silken Armor 3B + Orichalcum Chain Shirt 5B = 24B
*Bashing Soak: Stamina 4 + Invincible Essence Reinforcement 12 = 16B
*Bashing Hardness: Orichalcum Chain Shirt 3 = 3B Hardness
*Bashing Hardness: 0
*Perfect Straight Sword "Pillow Talk" Speed 3(3) Accuracy 16/19 Damage 10L Parry DV 7/8 Rate 3 Tags P
*Perfect Fighting Gauntlet "Red Right Hand" Punch Speed 5(3) Accuracy 13/16 Damage 12B Parry DV 8/10 Rate 2 Tags M
*Perfect Fighting Gauntlet "Red Right Hand" Clinch Speed 6(3) Accuracy 14/17 Damage 10B Parry DV - Rate 2 Tags C, M, P
*Perfect Lookshy Strongbow "Windforce" Speed 5(3) Accuracy 15/18 Damage 8L Rate 3 Range 325 Tags 2,B
Stats after the slash are when Temujin fights an Essence channeller. Temujin's combat stats are Str 4, Dex 5, Archery/Melee 5 and his Specialty is +3 vs Essence Channellers. He also has Prodigy for Melee and Archery, which give +1 to all rolls involving them. <br>
Glass sword: Speed 3 Acc +5 Dam +6L Defense +2 Rate 3 Tags P <br>
Gauntlet Punch: Speed 5 Acc +2 Dam +8B Defense +5 Rate 2 Tags M <br>
Gauntlet Clinch: Speed 6 Acc +3 Dam +6B Defense - Rate 2 Tags C, M, P <br>
Windforce Bow: Speed 5 Acc +4 Dam +4L Rate 3 Range 325 Tags 2,B (Temujin usually uses target arrows with it) <br>
The orichalcum-and-starmetal hearthstone bracers add +1 to Accuracy and Defense and +2 to Damage (already included in above stats). <br>
*Move: Dex 5 + Glorious Temple Body 3 + Perfected Boots 3 x2 Gem of Perfect Mobility = 22 yards (57/76)
*Move: Dex 5 + Glorious Temple Body 4 = 9 yards
*Dash: Dex 5 + Dash 6 + Glorious Temple Body 3 + Perfected Boots 6 x2 Gem of Perfect Mobility = 40 yards (84/112)
*Dash: Dex 5 + Dash 6 + Glorious Temple Body 4 = 15 yards
**Skin-Mount Setting doubles all walk/run/sprint speeds.
**Lightning Speed adds 8 to each value and Sunbeam-Pursuing Alacrity adds +1 to the multiplier (to a total of x3, or x4 if he spends an extra WP to activate it).<br>
*High Jump: Str 4 + Athletics 8 +3 Glorious Temple Body + Perfected Boots 2 = 34 (51)
Lightning Speed adds 8 to each value and Sunbeam-Pursuing Alacrity doubles the final value (x3 if he spends an extra WP to activate it).<br>
*Long Jump: (Str 4 + Athletics 8 +3 Glorious Temple Body + Perfected Boots 2)x2 = 68 (102)
Perfected Boots add 3 to Move and 6 to Dash. <br>
**Monkey Leap Technique doubles jump distances, shown in brackets. When Monkey Leap Technique is active, Temujin may pay 2m as a reflexive nonCharm action to pursue the enemy.
Monkey Leap Technique permits reflexive jumps at (Str 4 + Athletics 5 + Spec 3 + 2 Perfected Boots)x2 = 28 yard jump vertical and 56 yard jump horizontal.
**Monkey Stone reduces Ath difficulties by 2 and doubles leaping distance (total of triple)
When Monkey Leap Technique is active, Temujin may pay 2m as a reflexive nonCharm action to pursue the enemy.
*Join Debate: Wits 5 + Awareness 5 + Specialty 3 + Merit 3 = 16
*Join Debate: Wits 5 + Awareness 5 + Specialty 3 + Merit 3 = 16
*Dodge MDV: (Willpower 10 + Integrity 5 + Spec 3 + Essence 3)/2 = 11
*Dodge MDV: (Willpower 10 + Integrity 5 + Spec 3 + Essence 3)/2 = 11
*Parry MDV: (Manipulation 5 + Presence 5 + Spec 3 + Silver Tongue 2)/2 =8
*Parry MDV: (Manipulation 5 + Presence + Spec 3 + Silver Tongue 2)/2 =8
*Investigate: Speed 5 Accuracy 8/11  Mental PDV Rate 2
*Performance: Speed 6 Accuracy 8/11 Mental PDV Rate 1
*Presence: Speed 4 Accuracy 11/14 Mental PDV Rate 2
Stats after the slash are when Temujin engages an Essence channeller. Temujin's social combat stats are Charisma 5, Manipulation 5, Appearance 4, Presence 5, Investigation/Performance 3, and his Specialties are +3 vs Essence Channellers. He also has Prodigy for Presence, which gives +1 to all Presence rolls (factored in above), Enchanting Features, which gives +4 dice on social rolls against people who would normally be attracted to him, and Silver Tongue, which gives +2 to all Manipulation rolls involving dishonesty. The last two have not been included. <br>
==Health Levels==
==Health Levels==
*-0x1 -1x6 -2x10 -4x1 Incapacitated
*-0x1 -1x7 -2x12 -4x1 Incapacitated
*(wounds are designated as ''bashing'', '''lethal''' or <strike>aggravated</strike>)
*(wounds are designated as ''bashing'', '''lethal''' or <strike>aggravated</strike>)
Perfect Lookshyan Strongbow (banished with Summoning The Loyal Bow) <br>
Perfect Chiaroscuran glass straight sword
*Enchanted with Air Elemental Empowerment (Lightness) <br>
Perfect Chiaroscuran glass straight sword "Pillow Talk" (banished with Summoning The Loyal Steel) <br>
*Enchanted with Air Elemental Empowerment (Lightness) <br>
The Red Right Hand (Perfect fighting gauntlet) <br>
*Enchanted with Earth Elemental Empowerment (Solidity) <br>
Silken Armor (attuned) <br>
Orichalcum Chain shirt (attuned) <br>
Aegis-Inset amulets <br>
Perfected Boots <br>
Skin-Mount Setting (does not need implantation, A3 version) <br>
*Gem of Perfect Mobility (Set into skin-mount setting) <br>
Ghost-Seeing Shades (A3) <br>
Starmetal-and-Orichalcum Hearthstone Bracers, with 2 Hearthstone settings (A3) <br>
*Monkey Stone <br>
*Glade Stalker's Stone <br>
[[Chloe the Claw Strider]] <br>

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