Editing TheStarsAreRight:CarlNote7a

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* [[TheStarsAreRight:RedlandJack|Return to Redland Jack's page]]
=='''After the Meeting continued'''==
=='''After the Meeting continued'''==
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“Yes they do – but so far at least, *almost* everything I’ve had a chance to see used the same basic stuff.”  He laughs once.  “Of course, that isn’t to say there isn’t more out there.  I’ve seen examples even here on Earth of effects that didn’t use any measurable amounts of the three forces directly.  But if we must make assumptions, and we assume that if something is to work *here*, then it interacts with us using the forces that are the building-blocks *here*, well, that seems something that will be right most of the time.” He shrugs.
“Yes they do – but so far at least, *almost* everything I’ve had a chance to see used the same basic stuff.”  He laughs once.  “Of course, that isn’t to say there isn’t more out there.  I’ve seen examples even here on Earth of effects that didn’t use any measurable amounts of the three forces directly.  But if we must make assumptions, and we assume that if something is to work *here*, then it interacts with us using the forces that are the building-blocks *here*, well, that seems something that will be right most of the time.” He shrugs.
=='''A New Topic'''==
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"Now if I could just get the Pharaoh to teach me that teleport spell..."
"Now if I could just get the Pharaoh to teach me that teleport spell..."
Carl sighs.  “I’m sorry, Jack.  I know it seems that we never do the things that are important to you – at least not until everything else is done.  Which it never is. 
“All right.  Think through this with me.  I’m trying not to put the ikons or our new friends in harm’s way by combining missions; Russia is likely to be quite enough ugliness, thank you.  But let’s consider some options for a moment.
“Option one:  The original plan.  Rail from here to Geneva, then to Rome, then take the ship to Odessa, then rail north.  The main advantage to this itinerary is that the voyage by ship bypasses most of the dangers and potential interruptions we might face getting to Russia.”  He spreads his hands.  “I am assuming that our journey is quite official, and that the Russian government knows we are coming, so that we can be met in Odessa and given proper escort from there.  That makes the whole trip about as safe as it can be, given the times and the nature of our mission.
“Option two: we bypass Rome.  My goal in going to Rome was both to learn what’s gone on there and to show you all a few things, but really there is no pressing need at the moment.  If we miss Rome, we could either take rail from Geneva to Venice, then by ship as before – or we could take the train directly from Geneva, to Vienna, then Warsaw, then to Kiev – or to St. Petersburg directly, if politics demands it.  No ships, but no chance of poking at the Brotherhood either, hmm?”  He smiles.  “On the other hand, if we’re passing through Austria we have another chance to meet the other candidate for Auda’s Consort in Vienna.
“Option three: we devote some time and energy into investigating the Yugoslavian ley nexus.  In this case, we would probably rail from Geneva to Zagreb, then overland from there.  We could possibly continue to the sea shore and take ship from there as in Option One.  No telling what we will find at the nexus; perhaps nothing at all, perhaps big trouble.  I’m hesitant to bring our precious cargo anywhere near this.
“Option four:  we devote time and energy into investigating the Romanian Place of Birth.  Again, in this case, we’d rail from Geneva, most likely to Belgrade.  Given what Mister Becker said, a meeting with the Brotherhood is more likely here; I definitely need to talk to him again before we go anywhere.  Afterwards, we either move north to Kiev by way of Budapest, or down the Danube to the Black Sea coast and over water to Odessa.  Neither of these are particularly convenient.  This is probably the worst idea, from the perspective of keeping our guests safe.”
Carl stops.  “One side benefit of the water voyage is that we pass by Anaphi, and could make a brief detour to the Sanctuary for some answers.  That’s not a bad thing.”  He leans back.
“Now, did I miss anything important?  Or is this where you remind me that dealing with the Brotherhood is probably more pressing than being an art courier?”
"Well, you know me. If you guys all decided that the best course of action was to go meet with the Brotherhood, I'd probably argue that," he mimics himself in an oafish way, "'You guys are all fools. We need to get this valuable painting to Russia, ASAP.'"
He pauses for a moment.
"That being said, I won't pretend that I have any specific interest in our current course of action. However, if you think that this is the optimal course of action, I'd be foolish not to defer to your greater experience, particularly in regards to implementing your vision for protecting the world.
"I can't help but think that New York is where we need to be, but I could be in danger of conflating (to some degree) what is important to me personally with what is important generally. It's also assuredly the case that, while I've never been in full possession of the facts, due to recent events, I'm more disadvantaged than I have been in some time.  As such, my ability to make good decisions is somewhat compromised.
"I do wonder if it would be advisable to ask the rest of the crew what they would like to do. They may have no particular preference, or, even if they do, you may want to overrule them, but it might help foster team spirit by making everyone feel included. (On the other hand, it might just bog us down uselesslly).
"All that is to say that, while I'd probably prefer the other options (it's my understanding that I have some stake in this Auda thing), if option one is your preference, we should probably stick with that....
"Oh, right, I almost forgot. I just wanted to mention that dealing with the Brotherhood is considerably more important than being some glorified Pony Express for a fancy painting."
He grins.  “Of course.  And I forgot to mention Option five:  That we take rail to Cluj in Romania, and look for the Brotherhood at Hauptmann’s old place.
“In almost any other circumstance, I would either send the painting on with Becker’s pair while we did something else.  But, not only do I believe we can get some useful aid from Becker, but I do think that learning the state of things in Russia is important; and my personal history with some of the Court might be the best way to get into what is otherwise a closed border.  Plus, China and Japan are rising concerns and Russia is the only other significant player in the far East right now.
“So we need to get whatever we can out of Cecil Becker before we go:  Brotherhood locations and strengths, anything he has on Russia – and Japan and China too.  I’m not sure whether Boris’ absence is a good thing or a bad one.
“If you were in New York right now, what would you do?”
"I'd see if Laura wanted to come back with us. I'd check in with my sources to see if there is any word on Donal (Okay, sources might be overstating the matter... I'd check in with my source). If not, I'd contact the Dark Pharaoh to see if I could generate a lead. If not, I'd contact Pentheus and see if they could help me out.
"I'd contact Ms. Caine and see if there was anything that she could clue me in on as to the source of my memory issues. I'd also try to pick up my trail and see if I could figure out where I went and what I'd done.
"I'd want to look into the upcoming incursion and see what, if anything, can be discerned. Is it being generated naturally or artificially?. Is there some way to stop or mitigate it? Can we learn something that would be incidentally useful to us?
"I'd probably check in to see what Pentheus was doing. Apparently the field test went well. What is their next course of action? Should we be doing anything?
"You had mentioned something about New Jersey. Maybe we could check in on that."
“Good.”  He nods.  “We can do something about some of those things even from here of course.  For some of the others, how much time would you need?
“Miss Laura,” he continues, checking it off on one finger, “is in France, not here.  We’ll see her on the way.
“Donal, presumably, is in New York, or has been.  Your source may confirm this, yes?
“Miss Caine is of course in New York, and would probably enjoy hearing from you regardless.  Why not call?  If there is an inestigation to arrange, she is certainly capable; that way, when you do appear, much of the legwork is already done.
“My best resource to look into the incursion is at the Sanctuary, which would entail a side trip while sailing past Greece.  Assuming we’re on the ship.”  He tips his head slyly.
“Pentheus, of course, you could visit in New York, or call, or wire.  Or all three.  But talk to Henrik before you go – he stayed behind in South Dakota to see to the cleanup there, and can probably fill you in with a lot of details I cannot.
“And as for New Jersey – the site was selected and primed, I met with the Fae emissaries, we discussed briefly plans and next steps, and I left them to set things up to their own satisfaction.  I do need to return there periodically to continue the work and help things along, but it’s only been ten days.  I don’t want to stick my nose in too far, you see.”  He chuckles.
“If we delay here in London for two more days, I can give you twenty four hours in New York.  Three days, and I could even come along.  Would that suffice?”
"With Laura, I figured it might be helpful to have her around when trying to locate Donal. If I/we were to leave from here, that would clearly preclude bringing her along, but if the alternative would be to not go at all, that'd be a small price to pay. We can always see if she wants to come along at a later time.
"While it's been awhile since we heard any information about Donal, the last we knew, we believe he was doing something with Pentheus in New York. My source (and there's no secrecy here. I requested some assistance on this matter from the Fae when I was in Los Angeles) will hopefully have some information on this matter. If not, as I say, I can escalate matters with other possible sources of information.
"With Ms. Caine, as you say, I could call, but it seems like it might be a bit awkward. Of course, perhaps less so than just showing up. Hmmm.
"Am I still in the good graces of Pentheus? Unfortunately, my memories regarding them are pretty spotty. I mostly recall what I was planning in regards to them while I was on the train trip back from Los Angeles to New York. It leaves my knowledge pertaining Pentheus quite incomplete. Anyhow, if they are still feeling well-disposed towards me, I figured they might be a good source of information about the incursion. Whether they'd want to share, I don't know. Like always, I could check with the Dark Pharaoh, but my impression is that he might not be averse to the upcoming incursion.
"As to going to the Sanctuary, that's Tibet, right? I think there's a reasonable chance that I can't get in there. Not that that is a big deal. If everyone else felt like it was a worthwhile excursion, I certainly wouldn't object.
"So anyway, yeah, if there's any chance I could sneak back to New York for a bit, at any point, I'd be most happy to do so, and the more the merrier."
[ 150 posts on this one thread – wow! ]
“There is a portal in the Midlands, about four hours by rail north of here, that connects to one in Massachusetts, about four hours by rail from New York.  I have one more day trip to make here in England, plus two meetings in London, so I have at least a day less time than you do, if we delay.  If you were to go, now would be the best time – I could join you in two days if I were needed.  But it would have to be a brief trip, no open-ended investigations, you see.
“As far as Pentheus is concerned, I believe you are still in good aroma there.  The field test in South Dakota went very well by their lights, despite a couple of unexpected turns and a lost man.  Do talk to Henrik – he was there for the whole thing, even the parts I missed.” 
Redland is silent for some time, thinking.
"You know, as much as I want to get back to New York, it might be best if I didn't go alone. Something obviously went wrong for me last time I was there by myself. Perhaps the wisest course of action is to wait until the entire group is ready to make the trip. After all, waiting a little while (probably) won't hurt anything. I don't know ... I guess I'll have to think about it, even though the window is closing. I need to start making good decisions."
“I know you want to go, Jack,” Carl replies, “and I’ve seen already that you really like to do things on your own.  I’d just hate to have something – anything – happen to you when we’re already committed elsewhere.  That’s when these things usually happen, don’t they? “  He shrugs. 
“So it’s not about good or bad decisions, just timing.  Sticking to one’s guns, I believe the saying goes.  We have Russia to plan for.
“Speaking of which – do you know any foreign languages?”
"Sadly for the current venture, I don't know any Russian. I mean, they do have some good probability theory guys there, but that hasn't proven to be a sufficient incentive to learn the language, since, if need be, I can just muddle through the math and infer the relevance.
"Considering English as my home language, I would say that on the foreign language front I have:
"Fluency/Near-fluency in German
"Reading level comprehension in Greek and Latin.
"Oh. I've also started to pick up some American ... by osmosis."
Carl laughs.  “Touchee. 
“It’s good you have German, traveling in Europe.  For Russia, French might possibly have been more useful, at least in and around Court, and English of course.  But that’s only if we get to court.  If we’re traveling in ecclesiastical circles, it’s harder to predict.
“But mostly I asked just for the information.  It’s always good to be able to understand the people around you, even – especially – if you’re not part of the active conversation.  I had some Spanish and German in school, and in the past ten years have picked up quite a lot of French, as well as bits and pieces of Italian, Latin, Russian and Arabic.
“None of which is going to help either of us if we’re out in the Hungarian countryside, or lost in Romania somewhere.”  He smiles.
"The German I picked up from living there.
"I snagged some Greek because I wanted to read The Odyssey in its original language.
"The Latin was a necessity, because it's hard to be truly pretentious if you don't drop into your conversation some random, unnecessary, Latin terms from time to time.
"I'm undoubtedly a bit narcissistic, because when I'm outside the active flow of a conversation, I have a tendency to let my mind wander to something like the positive and negative aspects of the system of voting for politicians or somesuch.... Of course, given that we're going to be on a boat pretty soon, I won't need to worry about conversing too much, since fish are notoriously close-mouthed."
“I wouldn’t worry about that; you’ll have all of us to talk to after all.
“Hey, you have Greek!  Is it all Classical Greek, or are you able to read more recent stuff?  Byzantine, say?  That might be very handy if we’re talking to Cyrillic monks about 9th or 10th century ikons.”
"Yeah, but unless you guys find things like, 'Ugghhhh' or 'Where's the bucket?' to be scintillating conversation...
"Er, anyway, not to be too disparaging, but I don't think the Greeks have written anything in a couple thousand years that anyone would want to read. So, unfortunately, we may have to chalk that up to another not-so-useful skill."
‘Oh Jack  You *are* disparaging, aren’t you?  And you disparage yourself worst of all.  There are quite a few important texts that exist only in Greek editions, which are quite relevant to us at the moment.
“In any case, being able to read the markings on the ikons might just be a significant advantage.  Have you ever looked at an ikon, either Greek or Russian?  I’m going to go look for a book for you, if I can find one.  They’re complex works, and understanding that complexity is a good thing.”
"Of course I've looked at an ikon before ... that one earlier this morning ... er, that's about it ...
"It won't shock you to learn that they were not in my usual areas of interest. I'd be happy to take a stab at it. Most of my reading in Greek has been plays, philosophy, and histories."
“All right.”  Carl seems pleased.  “I’ll look for something here in London then; and in any case there are some art plates at the Estate which I can show you.  Really I don’t know much about it myself, but I have seen and read enough to know that both the writing and the symbolism are rich fields that tell quite a bit about the origins of the ikons and the people who made them.
“Understand – these are paintings, right?  They do have text on them sometimes, but it’s not sentences and paragraphs.  A letter or two, to indicate a word or phrase –a sort of shorthand.  And each one – and where it is placed – means something.  Here.”
Carl scribbles on a scrap of paper.  It looks something like this:
    __    __
* IC * XC *
“This is one I’ve seen on a lot of ikons, so I know what it means.  ‘Iesus Christos’.  Jesus Christ.  It’s usually floating over the baby’s head, near a halo.  Get the idea?”
"Ah. Well, I do like puzzles, although I definitely have greater facility with numbers, letters, and words, than I do with symbols or images. Looks like this might be a little of the former and a little of the latter, so I'll see what I can do.
"Are we just curious about the origins of the ikons or is there some advantage to be gained from the knowledge?"
“Possibly both; until we get there, we may not know.  In any case, it’s another tool in our toolbox, and that’s always good.  Personally, I would love to know why these ikons display such dramatic properties and others don’t, but that may not turn out to be relevant to the mission at hand.  As far as that mission is concerned, the ikons are keys to get us inside of locked borders.
“I anticipate, however, a rather interesting conversation with the owners, once we arrive.”  He smiles.
"I was under the impression that you could mimic the dramatic properties, is that not true? Or is it more to the point that you could mimic the properties, but the methods you would use are not the ones that are apparent in the 'true' ikons."
Carl pauses.  “That’s an interesting question.  I realize, now that you mention it, that I have never done a close examination of the deep inner structure of either of the two ikons.  I don’t know how they do what they do.”  He looks at Jack, thoughtful.  “You’re right, however.  I believe the Kings could, if needed, make something that behaves like the weeping Madonna ikon.  I don’t think I could do it alone, at least not in any way that would ensure it came out like I wanted.  But even if we could make such a thing – we haven’t done so.
“There have been many things that have acquired wondrous behavior since the change in the weather began a few years ago.  Most appear to be spontaneous.  The ikon I have, however, was weeping before the change.  I don’t know about Becker’s.”
Carl raises his eyebrows.  “Perhaps I am reluctant to dissect what appears to be a natural miracle.  Hmm.”
"Well, you know, anything I can do to destroy the sense of wonder and mystery in the world...
"I recall you saying earlier that the Outsider 'magic' was of the same essential 'type' as what you employ. If these ikons are an entirely different phenomenon, that might be of considerable interest (as well as potentially making atheists like myself look foolish)."
“True – though the fact that a phenomenon is measurable doesn’t have to make it less wondrous.
“I’m not sure it is correct or safe to say that Outsider magic is the same as ours.  I can say that some Outsiders make use of the same basic energies as we can, at least when they’re here – but who is to say they aren’t using other forms elsewhere, or even in addition?  Forms we cannot detect or measure?  And sometimes what seems miraculous may not even be active magic – or even an action at all.  For example, your Dark Pharaoh is said to be able to describe the past, or far-away events in the present, or even future happenings, with great accuracy sometimes.  Some of the texts in our library imply that this is not because the Pharaoh can see the past and future as we think of seeing – but merely that It exists outside of time, dwelling at once in all times, past and present, and so merely reports what It sees during other extrusions into our world.  D’you see?”
"That the Dark Pharaoh can see into the past seems plausible. It seems strange, but I clearly don't understand the powers he possesses. However,  even given what I've seen, I have a hard time believing that anyone (or anything) can see the future. I take these' views of possible futures' to be just (potentially sophisticated) projections of what the individual believes is likely to occur. Anything beyond that (while conceivably, I supppose, true), challenges my fundamental beliefs about the world so thoroughly that, even were I to be convinced that it was logically true, might be too much for me to 'believe,' thus pushing me into a crisis of rationality..."
“Ah!”  Carl leans forward.  “The engine we have, in Tibet, does exactly that.  We speak of the ‘negotiated future’, we can look at trends – often quite detailed – based upon what we know to be true, what we believe to be true, and what we want to propose … but it is subject to change, and as a future draws nearer to the present, it becomes clearer and more immutable.  That engine, amazing as it is, exists entirely within the world, and within Time.
“Contrariwise, we have the case of the Pharaoh, in some form.  Consider, if you will, our world as a closed environment.  Even time is a part of that environment – another dimension, if you will, as Einstein might propose.  Time being biased entropy-wise, only an entity existing entirely outside the environment might reasonably be able to lie along the timewise direction and see it all at once.  It’s a bit mind-boggling, but makes sense if you think of it in a simplistic way: that Time itself is multi-dimensional, with alternate futures being in different futureward ‘directions’, and all possible versions existing at once somehow.”  He blinks, smiling, and continues.  “Consciousness and will – and perhaps it is only these – steer paths along and between these entropies – not creating futures so much as deciding on a membership.  Do you see?  I haven’t really thought this through so concretely before, but it makes a sort of sense – given the things that the Kings can do, especially the King of Fate….
“In an environment like that, something large and Outside might ‘see’ all possible futures, but we limited mortals would still be free to choose and act … and the Pharaoh could give us visions of the future that were true, but still never came to be!
The conversation continues on, but this is all that was noted.

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