The King and the Orphan son.
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'''Michael James Watson''' When she greets Scully the dragons hop up and hover. Staring at it, huffing and puffing territorialy. Scully scowls and snaps at them '''Amber Bronkhorst''' A slight annoyed sigh comes from Alex when she sees this display. She stands between them holding up to hands. One near Scully one near the three dragons. "Alright four of you, Scully, these are three new friends and are staying with us. You three... " Alex frowns thinking they need names. Pointing at them one by one Blue Red and White "Toril, Tandie, Teague, i want you three to behave as well. Your young age is no excuse to not be respectful. Scully is a part of our family." Turning to Scully "And these three very young dragons are our newest addition to the family " She looks at the four of them in a mom-stern look not taking backtalk from either of them. '''Michael James Watson''' The red lands on your shoulder, horse side, and spurts a tiny fire breath. Enough to light a candle. But he seems pretty proud untill Scully starts stomping as iff laughing. '''Amber Bronkhorst''' "Tandie, no need for showing off. Scully be nice no laughing at Tandie. What would you expect a fireball? He is a young one." Rubbin her temples she sighs. "If this was what it was like for mom i should apologize and bring her gifts. " She holds up her arm for the other two to land turning to Scully. "Have you eaten enough? If so i want to look for someone and after that we are going to travel a bit. That means we get to spend tjme with the five of us and by the unicorn you will get along sooner then later." Again a warning mom look she had seen her mother give out at times Alex was difficult. While her animal companions are taunting eachother Alex will dig in her pouch to find the drawn Tarot cards she had made. the one of this location and the ones of Brand and Arlo. Hoping that Arlo can assist her in gaining her deck back. '''Michael James Watson''' Arlo answers, looks around curiously, "Alex...You seem to have gotton away safely enough?" '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex sighs with relief and tries to adjust her hair a bit trying to manage it to look a bit respectable. "Yes i managed to walk away from that shadow concert thing. In the mean time i have regained my own boots, found a bow, not my own. My three little dragons are still with me and Scully has found its way to me as well. " She smiles a bit awkwardly "Are you still in possession of my things? Agrom got them from the pattern right? Is he awake yet?" '''Michael James Watson''' "Duncan and his dragon have flown off into shadow. It isn't quite big enough to not look ridiculous trying to carry him but apparently he is strong enough to manage." "I don't suppose you would mind pulling me through.?" Stepping through he lights a fresh cig and looks around. "Who have you found? They look something like a cross between a renaissance fair and a refugee train. As for your stuff. i have it here. We figured you would call me when you got your wits about you. Karieeena is in the library and is fairly annoyed that the universe conspired to keep the two of you apart. Hannah is in Arden. Apparently she is trying to get someone to approve her membership." He looks closer at the wagons. "Speaking of Arden, Random is fairly annoyed. Duncan isn't answering Trumps and yours were blocked till you called me. Now Arden can manage with Sir Hustas in charge but he's a bit stuffy for most the rangers.. Quartermasters make bad leaders of major Line forces." '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex didn't really wanted to pull him through but saying no would be weird. She knew what she wanted to do for the Abbott wasn't really appreciated. Hearing abiut Duncan though made her chuckle imagining a young green dragon carrying that big guy Duncan. Alex gestures to the caravan. "They are a caravan of the Rose Temple. I was camping here getting my, like you said, wits about me again and they started to camp here." With the news that noone is there for the Rangers Alex's whole attitude changes, fuck her plans the Warden or second warden need to be there. "Well shit i figured Duncan would go back to Arden. If he is jot answering trumps someone should be there. Especially as i heard from Duncan an attack is brewing in the north. " Alex looks at her stuff Arlo has with him. "If you hand me my stuff we can go back. Random is rightfully so annoyed yhat Duncan nor I are there. Eventho Random didn't really want me in this position. " Alex chuckles awkwardly '''Michael James Watson''' He fishes out her equipment, looking at the camp. "Rose Temple? Really? How interesting. Have you been here with them long?" '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex shakes her head "Hmm no not really a week i think. I had surplus on food and gave them, they have plenty of mouth to feed." Taking her stuff she exhales with relieve her own bag with things. She checks if her decks are there she puts her own drawn trumps near them. Her little drawihg book and drawing tools. Bow of course. She doesn't mind the modern thing but it is not her bow. Quiver with her arrows. St least some of those return. And her clothing. She doesn't mind being in the open she just starts to change right there. Nothing people haven't seen before. "So how long in Amber time have i been gone? And has Duncan given any indication where he is off to? " '''Michael James Watson''' "Its been a couple days in Amber but Duncan made a fast retreat into shadow. If he had answered Trumps it wouldn't have been a problem but his trump is warm. That means he is someplace deep; close to chaos or wildly deep in time differances. A person at Rasak's trump is usually warm. Oh, and Gerard is taking care of the Northern Ice problem. Don't fret it. Frankly Random's being a bit if a bitch. The whole beasthold thing annoys him. He spoke to Julian about it. Seems Julian says the problem was handled as far as he is concerned and that the trouble seemed to be with a few shadows trying to end the dribble into their realms. 'Bastards not carrying their own water' he called it. So how are your psuedodragons behaving?" '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex nods listening to Arlo she does look surprised as Arlo calls Random out on being a bit a bitch... Not knowing how to hold herself to that. "Uhm yeah the pseudodragons they are... young and clearly discovering themselves and their position in my area. " She rubs the back of her neck. "So yeah i can imagine Random is annoyed by beasthold and that other shades are not carrying their own water is the problem and had hoped we could have solved that. But i do not particularly feel the urge to babysit other shades holding their end." Having her own things Alex looks more comfortable and stretches. "So Duncan is gone till further notice, the rangers are without warden. War is brewing in the north... and the king is annoyed.... i feel like i should treat very carefully. Am i called back? Are there orders? Not to used on just doing my own thing still... having been a soldier all my life." '''Michael James Watson''' Arlo says, "You have a choice to make. An Amberite choice. By all normal guages you are a young amberite just come into her pattern walking power. Normally Oberon would have let them walk till they returned and asked to be part of the family business. Eric, Corwyn, Deirdre, Caine, Julian, even Gerard, traveled in shadow for 700 years of Amber years before taking on any responsibilities. Julian was given Arden. Gerard and Caine split the Navy. Eric and Corwyn were given competting commands in the Army and told to 'Handle things' in shadow and they did for centuries. Denied a command or a posting Deirdre created the CCC. Evelyn never returned from her first trip into shadow. You had a few months.. It is totally understandable, and probably far wiser, to allow Random to appoint a Second Warden of Arden and allow you to travel shadow for a few centuries. Frankly, its what i advise. " Lighting a cig, clearly chain smoking faster, he talks while looking around, at everything except Alex. He raises a small sigil, a squiggle, that looks slow moving, blue and icey. He looks through it till he stops, staring at the Abbot's vardo wagon. "However, Duncan is Warden. Its in his power to appoint his Second. He picked you. Random isn't removing you. He is giving you the option. Duncan is traveling in shadow and has permission to do so. You can accept the release from Random or accept the appointment from Duncan. Your choice. But make it now." '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex frowing a moment seeing the sigil amd wondering what Arlo is up to now. But she knows better than that she would understand it. She wants to say something but stops, swallows her first words. She studies Arlo a bit longer it might be Alex self but Arlo seems odd.. She clicks her tongue thinking. "He mostly appointed me second warden to train new recruits. To train them to be loyal to Amber, Arden and Duncan. Which i can also do without the rank of second Warden. It is clear King Random does not want me in the position. Even if he does not remove me from it himself. " She looks up at Arlo again taking a cig out she wants to light it the conventional way but then decides to see if she can ask her abyssal.mark... would be some trick. "I will keep serving Amber and Arden as my loyalty will always lay there. But i will do so for now without rank." '''Michael James Watson''' chuckles. Alex sees the Abbot exit her wagong and start walking toward you both. "Keep training Rangers without rank or official standing with them? So how does that work? You hang around ranger bars whispering, ;'Hey buddy, want to learn how to do a left handed judo twist? Hey, buy a girl a drink and I'll tell you why being loyal to Arden is cool. Yo, you a girl forest hopper? Did you know Duncan has the endurance of a stallion? whoa can he throw the hammer to a girl! ' Random doesn't spend a lot of time worrying about who is number two in Arden. He has Azcala pissed as hell at our cousins Alvah, Donovan, Skadi, Vek, and Warrick who seem to have declared war on them all on thier own. He has two siblings picking fights in Azcala; Delwin and Fleece. He has a handful of Azcalan royals hanging around Amber looking for trouble. and thats just his Azcalan troubles. You don't think you are worthy of Second of Arden? Random is plenty happy leaving you in the role if you'll just go the fuck there and do it. Someone has to and Julian is busy. You are the only other member of the Amber Royal family serving with the Rangers. You outrank anyone Random might appoint. But do as you like." The abbot reaches the pair of you, bows slightly to Arlo. "Greetings, Sorceror. I felt your regard. To what so I owe this visit to our humble company? The good lady Alexandra here?" '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Stumped with Arlo his answer she holds up her finger to make a point, lowers it again and bites her lip... This was tough... from following orders to having the position of Second Warden without the First Warden around. As the Abbott reached them Alex just nods quickly and says to Arlo "I'll go home. Talk to the King to discuss his wishes. If he indeed is okey with it, I will remain to train and prepare troops, untill the Commander returns at least. " She then turns to the Abbott inclines her head politely, "Hello again Abbott Dulcia, i was actually about to seek you before my friend here found me." She gestures to Arlo to introduce hinself not knowing how he wishes to be introduced '''Michael James Watson''' She looks at Arlo. "King Arloxedra...Its a surprise...ah.. ah.. Yes.. You are not from that shade, are you? But I recognize....the tales will be interesting after today. I do not even know your rank in the shade Alexanrda comes from but i know many of you can answer me. Abbot Dulcia of the Willobourough Branch of the Rose Temple, Traveling Lodge 4556. I ask in the time honored manner; We seek the Widow's Son and the King of York... Do you know the way?" Arlo sighs, "By the teats of the Unicorn, Alex, I swear you bring the most interesting problems. Ah...A second... I do not know where the Widow's Son is nor where you can find the King of York. Ok, that covers that.. But, I do know where to find the Lord of the Wind and his High Priest. I am Prince Arloxedra, call me Arlo...." '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex turns to Arlo with the brightest smile holding up her hand to make a point. "AH but for interesting problems are always fantastic or at least curious solutions!!! I do not even know who the Widow's Son is or the King of York. Do you have any indication where they might be as in a direction? " She looks then at Arlo and the Abbott back and forth absolutely no clue who they are talking about. "Could i perhaps help them travel towards a point where they could be found?" '''Michael James Watson''' Arlo looks at Alex with a wicked smile,. "You could have gone to your command with no further ado if you hadn't asked that. " The abbot asks, "Ah... what do you mean by knowing the Lord of Wind and the High Priest?" Arlo lights a new cig, "To answer Alex's question, those you seek are that way." He waves the cig eastward. "To answer your question, I had Venki and Fortunadus over for Urala brownies and cigars just yesterday in the Library of Amber. Great guys. Always the best dope. And no, i can't break the boundary for all Tosians by bringing a non-CHAD Tolknorian priest to Amber. Tolknor abides by his oath and so must his disciples. However.... I can probably get Venki to drop in. Hes a talkative little cuss. But really, be sure you want that. He'll bone all your women, half youe men and a fair number of your sheep and goats before he leaves. That is plenty disruptive for an orginized group like your Rose Temple caravan." '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex looks intensly at her own cig still trying to light it with her abyssal mark. She did notice Arlo his wicked grin. "Now why would this hinder me from going back to my command? I can easily help them travel to the east and sfter that trump to Amber. " Hearing Arlo about breaking the boundry for the Abbott and that it is really not allowed Alex tries to fight of her blush which comes up. As that was of course her exact plan. She cough slightly and tries to brush the slight embarrassed look away. Alex looks after a breath to Arlo.... "So. It is not allowed fur us to guide them there? But it is for this Venki for example? " Looking at the Abbott she asks "Why are you looking for the Widow's Son and the King of York?" '''Michael James Watson''' As the Abbott starts Arlo interupts. "The following of Tolknor, which includes the Rose Temple, is deeply steeped in Freemason symbology. The Widow's Son is part of a central myth of the craft of Freemasonry. Tolknor is the King of York they seek. Tolknor's deeply involved in the Amber of his Shade. He was in fact the last king of the Amber of his Shade. He is said to have used his own blood to destroy the pattern to end the war Ko'ob, the High Lord of the Shade Chaos had led against it. Its a very complicated mythology. One best gone over with drinks. '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex laughs "Ah well i see why i won't be leaving soon then. Well the caravan is due to leave tomorrow right, Abbott Dulcia? And although i do not carry strong drinks with me i am curious to hear. " Alex then looks at her unlit cig and her red pseudo dragon and grins. She whispers to it to spit fire again. "So willing to tell it now? Or shall i make an appointment with you in the library back home?" '''Michael James Watson''' The Abbot waves and a table and small food is brought over. Arlo conjures a bottle and glasses pours them full of a dark whickey. He says, " M'lady, this is strong, the Whiskey of Amber. Can you manage it?" She nods, "If I can not manage it then it is worth adding to my legand that i failed to handle it. I believe in the history of the Rose Temples, this is a meeting of great importance. DO I understand you come from the primal Shade, one above the Realms of Lost Amber and the Primal Realm of York?" Arlo nods, "Indeed. Prince Arloxedra, Son of King Eric. My official status is layabout, unofficial librarian and all around busy body. I am a member of the King's inner circle of advisors. Will that do?" The Abbot looks shocked, goes pale. Reaching and taking the drink, sipping, she coughs. "ah.... ah... by the gods... that's strong..." Arlo says, "Let us be clear. I recognize your ranks and titles but I'm not part of that circle. I have to get to your answer the hard way. By answering her.” Turning to Alex, pushing her a drink. “Drink this is will help. I'm a doctor after all. Alex, you ask her why she seeks the Widow's Son and the King of York? Shadow is a set of Infinite possibilities. Tolknor began as a human on an Earth World. His father---well lets just say his father's identity isn't easy to explain at the beginning of the story. Tolknor grew up thinking himself the son of a widow. He was taken from his home world by a piece of potent magic and transported to the realm of Tosa. He was young, had been a professor of philosophy and a high adventure naturalist-Mountain climbing, forest dwelling, extreme condition camping.. suddenly he was on a gamer world, called a Ranger. (AD&D) He traveled with a company of adventurers on that world. The group included Alexandir Kos Korag, Jeremy Lockpick Fairhand, Venki Fairhand, Dolki Fairhand, Peredune,. Beor, Fortunadus Enright, Ko'ob, Zatonic, and a whole host of others, most of whom eventually became part of CHAD. They traveled to hundreds of worlds through a shadow called The Neutral Place or Mac's Bar. I'll take you there sometime. It has portals to millions of adventuring worlds. Tosa, Nickolean, Paradox, Gesheka, Tabletop, Achkoli, New Wall. Among the many worlds was one called Paradox. This Primal Realm of Paradox existed in a Shade dominated a Shade of Amber. A 99.99% Shade. They had experienced the Black Road war. But being a Shade in a set of infinity it did no good for the Amberites in our world to know what happened there. But as it turned out, their Black Road war was just like ours only millennia earlier. In the year of Amber 3000 actually. So 2200 years before it happened in our amber. “ “Some time later after these adventurer became mighty they came into the presence of an artifact called the World Stone in the realm of Tosa. This is a shadow of the Jewel of Judgment. Obviously it has great power and anyone who touches it gain massive amounts of personal powers. They also become the objects of veneration. They are considered gods. There is a religion on Tosa called the Following of the Prime Creation. This is the following of anyone who has touched the World Stone. Now I have talked to a lot of them, including Venki and he makes it clear most of them do not consider themselves gods in actuality but they have millions of followers and extraordinary powers and effect people in many ways. So..if it walks like a duck, quacks like duck, flys like a duck, tastes good with an orange and pepper sauce..then its a duck...You follow so far?” '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex trusts Arlo his advice on taking a drink with the story so she does. She drinks and smokes as she listens to the explenation of Arlo. NOdding now and then that she gets what he is saying. Perhaps not fully understanding but she hears it and stores the info. "Yeah following so far. Is there more?" '''Michael James Watson''' "Is there more A library more.. but take this in short-- “One of these call them godlings, was Ko'Ob and he became High Lord of Chaos in the Chaos of the Shade of Amber we speak of. And he hated Amber. So he pulled all Chaos together and made war on every shadow, one at a time, in groups, till nothing existed in that Shade except the Castle Amber, and the primal Realms of Paradox, York, and a handful of Squiggles-Plymouth, Alexander's Bar and Grill, Boraxia, Felixin, and a lot of smaller ones. All on the 99.99% shade level.” “Now Tolknor is a tricky fuck. He made insanity work for him. He became many things, including a addict of a drug called Rose, that causes madness, inhibition, wildly flexible sexuality, and time travel. When Ko'ob was destroying worlds King Random of Amber made a deal with him. He found a way to save the existence of the shadows Ko'ob killed. In exchange he took the Random of that Shade back in time, had him become his own father. Then he abdicated and let Tolknor become the King of Amber. Tolknor convinced Ko'ob that he would destroy Amber if Ko'ob left all the other realms alone;Paradox, York, etc. Ko'ob agreed. Tolknor bleed on the primal patter and Amber was destroyed. But York lived on. There is more to this tale but this gets us to the Rose Temple. The Rose Temple venerated Tolknor as the Madman and the Warrior, the saver of world. Their main deity. But they worship a bundle of the lesser ones, including Venki, God of Wind and Music. Fortunadus Enright was there when everyone touched the World Stone but refused to himself. He became Venki's High Priest in order to save Venki from madness. The Rose Temple venerate Venki too. “Now, for complicated cosmological reasons Tolknor agreed that none of his peoplee, of York or Tosa, would come to the full realm without permission. As of this date, our Random has allowed CHAD members into Amber. No others from those shades. If one of us brings one of them to Amber, Tolknor himself can come to Amber. Random says no to that for the time being. Once Azcala is dealt with, he may change his mind. He thinks Yorlk might make a good Golden Circle kingdom. If, a big if, Tolknor will bend knee. That is all I know. And.. there is much I don't know and that scares the piss out of me.” '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex listens intently and when Arlo is done with his tale she stays silent for a moment, Arlo not knowing something is very odd. Well more scary. She finnishes her drink and rest her arms on the table. "ah well that explains then, and i see why it is not allowed, I figured if it was a mere slap on the wrist i saw little harm. But if it is to do with deities, and a whole new line of trouble. NO insult to this Tolknor or the others, but when they do reach Amber i am certain with certain powers and knowledge comes alot of trouble as well. " Alex pulls up her shoulders a bit to the Abbott "My apologies, when you said you wanted to travel eventually further, i figured i could do you a favor, but hearing my King to whom i am loyal, does absolutly not aprove at this point i will not do so. Perhaps later as Arlo said. " Then a small chuckle "and i see now what you mean by having asked the question and not being able to return to my duty. Thank you Arlo. So what is next, you continue your travle and search Abbott Dulcia? " '''Michael James Watson''' She smiles, enjoying the strong whiskey, "The search is eternal and doesn't interfere with our lives. Willmington tomorrow. Good Lady, feel free to ravel with us if you are inclind., You as well, Prince Arlo." Arlo bows his head, "Thank you for the offer. Another time perhaps. I am busy in Azcala at the moment. Good weather. I will mention you to Venki and perhaps he will seek you out." He stands, and open a trump, stepping through it quickly. '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex in her turn stands up as well. She smiles to the Abbott. "Well that was a rapid goodbye. But Arlo brought me some news earlier. And i need to return. I have a duty to fulfill. " Holding the little hanger the Abbott had given her few days ago. "And i can of course find you again. To travel together again. I have learned alot and enjoyed our time together greatly." Alex whistles Scully over and makes sure her three pseudodragons are present. She bows to the Abbott. "Thank you," '''Michael James Watson''' "You are welcome at our table and your name will be know throughout the Rose Temple for bringing us as close to the Widow's son as e have enver found. May Venki send warm winds for your journey!" '''Amber Bronkhorst''' Alex inclines her head again. And answers with a warm smile. "And next time i will bring more then only meat to share at your table. I am happy we have met. I hope your travels will bring you all you hope and need for." Alex then takes a step back lays her hand on Scully her neck. Taking her trumpdeck she looks for the courtyard one. Deciding to first get Karieeena who must not be happy of having been split up. And to talk to the King if he has time. With another smile and wave she focusses on her card to step through.
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