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[[Category:Fate Accelerated]]
== Summary ==
A game wiki using Evil Hat's Fate Accelerated. This Wiki page is for storage and journaling of game material for part two of “The Serpent Wars” — ''Rise of the Dragon'' campaign set in the Vilhon Reach area of the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forgotten_Realms Forgotten Realms].
Map of the Vilhon Reach area found [http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/forgottenrealms/images/a/a9/Vilhon_reach_sourcebook_map.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20151008015040 here]. Wiki article on the Reach [http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Vilhon_Reach here].
*[http://forum.rpg.net/member.php?2505-Phantom-Grunweasel Phantom Grunweasel] playing Anton de Mathesio, a dashing Amnish swordsman
*[http://forum.rpg.net/member.php?58858-Thane-of-Fife Thane of Fife] playing Iraedra, Paladin of Mystra
*[https://forum.rpg.net/member.php?9897-Stormraven Stormraven] playing Sen Terval, half-elf Aglarondan bard
*[https://forum.rpg.net/member.php?62042-roryb roryb], the GM
The campaign will draw upon very few setting sources, allowing for growth and the possibility to change canon. These include:
*TSR 1031, The [http://index.rpg.net/display-entry.phtml?mainid=5042 Forgotten Realms Campaign Set]
*TSR 9510, [http://index.rpg.net/display-entry.phtml?mainid=10103 The Vilhon Reach]
*[http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page Forgotten Realms Wiki]: useful for quick glances, hooks, and seeds; much of this goes beyond the "canon" of our first two sources and much is set into the time period of 3e and 4e editions of the setting
*[http://fate-srd.com/fate-accelerated/get-started Fate Accelerated SRD], our ruleset, for quick reference
House rules will be made as we go. FAE is a flexible ruleset that should be able to handle any needs as-is, though some list of powers and permissions granted by game aspects may be elucidated as required.
==Player Characters==
===Anton de Mathesio===
'''Description.''' House de Mathesio was a rising mercantile house in Amn, owning interests in the shipping trade to Maztica as well as various forests and mines in the country’s interior. However, the scion of the family, Anton, was something of a disappointment to his hardheaded parents. From his earliest years, he was fascinated by stories of magic and enchantment –even though, in magic-fearing Amn, these cautionary stories inevitably ended in tragedy for any who dared to dabble in the forbidden arts.
Anton was always far too wild and restless to learn anything at all of bookkeeping. He had enough natural talent to make a capable swordsman, and his parents were considering sending him to the army on strength of that, when disaster struck. Anton, it was discovered, had been paying a local hedge-witch for lessons in magic and alchemy. The superstitious old woman knew little of the greater arts, and the authorities had more or less turned a blind eye to her practises, but a member of the nobility learning from her was a different matter. Anton’s parents planned to ruin themselves bribing the correct magistrates to allow their son to go free, but Anton had other ideas. He simply slipped away from the family castle one night, planning to make his way to lands further east, where he could finally study magic at will.
Anton is a charming but impractical individual. Besides his passion for magic, he has a generally romantic view of the world, a boundless passion for poetry, and various chivalrous impulses. The truth is that his qualities are not at all suited to the slow and steady study of magic and most potential mentors would reject him out of hand -but perhaps he'll find a way to learn all the same.
'''High Concept.''' ''Dashing Mystic Swordsman''
'''Trouble.''' ''Hot Temper and Bright Eyes''
'''Aspects.''' ''Swift and Nimble Swordplay; Tricks I Don’t Fully Understand; Charming Gallant''
*'''Good (+3).''' Flashy
*'''Fair (+2).''' Clever, Quick
*'''Average (+1).''' Forceful, Sneaky
*'''Mediocre (+0).''' Careful
'''Refresh.''' 3
'''Stress & Consequences.'''
*[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]
*[ 2 ] Mild.
*[ 4 ] Moderate.
*[ 6 ] Severe.
'''Description.''' Iraedra does not know the circumstances of her birth. She was raised a slave in Thay, stolen from whomever her parents were when she was but an infant. Developing an understandable distaste for sorcerers while in that land, she eventually slew her owner when he came home drunk, strangling him. She fled justice and struggled to survive in the wild and among the common people of Thay, growing increasingly incensed at the oppression there. Eventually, she was caught by the authorities, and then rescued by a friendly sorceress from a neighboring realm.
Iraedra spent some time struggling with the idea of decent wizards, and on Midnight's ascension, Iraedra was one of the first to be called to service by the new goddess. She has spent the past ten years training and beginning her calling.
Iraedra is a woman who is still learning. She sees it as her duty to learn what it means to be a paladin even as her goddess is learning what it means to be divine. She is open to new ideas and tends to do her best thinking on her feet, but her uncertainty also leaves her a bit prone to being provoked or confused.
She always carries with her her Trusty Sword (Pinnace) and an old blue scarf gifted her by the sorceress who saved her life. She wears it at her hip, in the fashion of the women of Cormyr; but where they wear purple scarves to show they seek romance, Iraedra wears a blue one for her search for her goddess.
'''High Concept.''' ''Knightly Paladin, seeking to serve Mystra''
'''Trouble.''' ''Restless Devotion''
'''Aspects.''' ''Draw your steel, blackhearts! I'll take you all on!; Mountain of Mystra; pick 1 more''
*'''Good (+3).''' Forceful
*'''Fair (+2).''' Clever, Quick
*'''Average (+1).''' Flashy, Sneaky
*'''Mediocre (+0).''' Careful
'''Refresh.''' 3
'''Stress & Consequences.'''
*[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]
*[ 2 ] Mild.
*[ 4 ] Moderate.
*[ 6 ] Severe.
===Sen Terval===
'''Description.''' Sen is a tall Aglarondan woman of half-elf descent with silver hair and violet eyes. Sen is possessed of the Bardic Gift. Her voice - her music - can have astounding effects on others. This isn't always good. Sen is nearly as agile as her Elven family, and a lot more so than most people would expect. Of course, beyond a certain point, grace like that is often assumed to be a result of training - specifically as a thief or assassin. In part, due to her Elvish heritage, in part, due to her grace, and in part something else entirely, Sen is an archer par excellence.
'''High Concept.''' ''Peripatetic Half-Elf Bard''
'''Trouble.''' ''I'm '''not''' a Harper, dammit!''
'''Aspects.''' ''To Laugh, to Sleep, to Cry; Nimble little minx; A Bow is a stringed instrument, right?''
*'''Good (+3).''' Quick
*'''Fair (+2).''' Clever, Flashy
*'''Average (+1).''' Careful, Sneaky
*'''Mediocre (+0).''' Forceful
'''''The Bardic Gift.''''' Because I'm a Bard, when I'm being Flashy with my music, I get a +2 to Create an Advantage based on some emotional state.
'''Refresh.''' 3
'''Stress & Consequences.'''
*[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]
*[ 2 ] Mild.
*[ 4 ] Moderate.
*[ 6 ] Severe.
'''''Skirmishes Burgeoning on War (Current).''''' Sespech has officially declared war on Nimpeth despite a strategically disadvantaged position. Although Chondath is officially neutral, the number of privateers out of Arrabar's ports have tripled. Hlondeth is at civil war with plague and famine running rampant — a beleaguered Queen Dediana Extaminos also fears the threat of invasion during this time of turmoil for the City of Serpents.
'''''The Cult at Large (Impending).''''' The Cult of the Dragon was dealt a crippling blow, but their nefarious plans are far from completely dashed. If they (or any other agents of evil) should wrest the Stone of Maerth from the Enclave's current protection, they might still lay waste to the region.
==Faces & Places==
===Alborin Tovakh===
''Standing before the paladin, the wizard — nearly equal in height to Iraedra — smiled, his scarred face twisting hideously. "We meet again, servant of Mystra," he said in a low purr. "A small world, for sure. I must commend you on you ur resourcefulness, Lady Iraedra. But you are most assuredly too late..."''
Maniacal Arch-Wizard Leader of the Dragon Cult; Overconfident Zealot with a Plan; Wizard's Staff
*Careful +4; Sneaky +3; Clever & Forceful +2
'''Stress & Consequences.''' Full spread of boxes & consequences
''Half-elf Fervent Servant of Silvanus; Fanatical Right Hand of the Enclave; Former Enclave Legate''
*Flashy +3; Forceful +2; Quick +1
'''''Form of the Bear.''''' Once per session at the cost of a fate point, give yourself Forceful at superb (+5), with mediocre (+0) in all other approaches. Add two extra stress boxes and an extra mild consequence; these go away (and might roll up) when you shed this form. You have ''CLAWS AND FANGS'', ''LARGE AND CLUMSY'', and ''SAVAGE INSTINCTS'' and may not use your regular aspects while in your form.
'''Stress & Consequences.''' 3 boxes and a medium consequence
===Baron Aldorn Thuragar “Foesmasher” of Sespech===
'''''I Shall Destroy the Region Until Glisena Is Avenged! (Impending).''''' No-nonsense Aldorn resides from his citadel in Ormpetarr (recently renamed “Foesmasher Keep”), he has been the ruler of Sespech for the past seven years, following many other unpopular governors of Chondathan descent for centuries. Throwing off the yoke of the empire has made him both immensely popular and unpopular. His defiant rule has attracted representatives of many nations hoping to develop (or destroy) new trade agreements. Tensions with neighboring Chondath and rival, Hlondeth (The City of Serpents), has bred numerous internal complications within the guilds, between merchants, and in court. He still holds regular commons court at regular intervals, hearing the complaints of his locals with as much patience as he can muster.
He is tall and once a well-built warrior with the strength of an ox. Now, his duties and sedentary life have sapped much of his former strength. He is still, nonetheless, imposing and commanding, yet with long vision for the growth of a new separatist state still with some energy. He is dark-haired with a sharp chin, and even sharper eyes. His temper is fierce when roused.
''Imposing Warrior; Fiercely Headstrong Ruler of Sespech''
*Forceful +4; Flashy +3; Quick+2
'''Stress & Consequences.''' Full spread of boxes & consequences
===Baroness Glisena Thuragar of Sespech===
'''''I Must Send Aid To My Father at Any Cost (Current).''''' The beautiful eldest daughter of the Baron. Due to her mother having passed during childbirth to her youngest sibling, she carries the matriarchal title to the Thuragar house and is first to inherit the throne of Sespech. She was courted by Demetrio Extaminos of Hlondeth when it was discovered that Dmetrio had only beguiled her to use as a pawn in his schemes in the region. She has now bonded with Anton.
''Beautiful Baron's Daughter with a Cause; Fiercely Independent Like Her Father; On the Arm of Anton''
*Flashy +2; Quick & Careful +1
'''Stress & Consequences.''' 2 boxes and a mild consequence
===Dmetrio Extaminos====
'''''Vengeance Will Be Mine! (Impending).''''' ''The Extaminos heir was of medium height and build, dressed in dark leather and a shirt of ash gray scales, while a short black cape mantled his shoulders. A short blade with ornamental hilt hung from a gilded baldric at his side. He was not unhandsome, with cunning features and finely chiseled cheek bones. Dark, short-cropped hair came to a sharp widow's peak. But most alarmingly, as he came within closer view, the companions could see the reptilian slits of his pupils amid golden irises. He was of the ruling class of Hlondeth, famous among the realms for being serpent-blooded.''
''Devious Swashbuckling Yuan-ti Princeling; Stylish Beguiler Psion''
*Flashy +3; Quick & Sneaky +2; Careful & Clever +1
The ''City of Serpents'' — this yuan-ti ruled city-state is in full civil war when a failed coup attempt to remove his mother by prince Dmetrio ignites the area.
===Lord Woren===
'''''No Upstart Will Speak To Me Thusly! (Current).''''' The slightly egomaniacal ruler of Nimpeth suffered a slight when he summoned Glisena and company to court when offering her 'aid'. The silver-haired wizard does not forget slights easily.
''Arrogant Arch-Wizard; Ruler of Nimpeth; A Part To Play in the Script''
*+5 Flashy; +3 Careful and Forceful
'''Stress & Consequences.''' Full spread of boxes & consequences
The slave-trading wine-swilling city-state at the mouth of the Nagaflow is made the example by its angered neighbor, Sespech for Glisena's disappearance.
===Revlaun Demplethwist===
'''A Debt for Services Rendered (Current).''' ''One was of ample girth and great mutton chops about his generous jowls and oiled midnight blue hair. He was marked by three painted dots on his forehead -- a man of learning and magic. He played at cards, peering at his companions (each with two dots) through snake-like half-closed eyelids.'' — The merchant lent the aid of Eddy Boneroller, who perished at the hands of paid thugs in helping to protect and provide passage to Glisena and company. For this, he may come calling upon the PCs for a 'favor'.
''Mage-Merchant of Chondath; Machiavellian Mindset''
The home of Glisena, this nation enters a wanton war at its own peril as its leader risks all to avenge a daughter thought dead.

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