Editing The Viaticus Dynasty

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This is the page for the game cocerning the rise of the Viaticus Dynasty from the ashes, run by the thoroughly evil Cthulhupunk.
This is the page for the game cocnerning the rise of the Viaticus Dynasty from the ashes, run by the glorious Cthulhupunk.
[http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?576650-Rogue-Trader-Viaticus-Invictus IC Thread]<br>
[http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?576650-Rogue-Trader-Viaticus-Invictus IC Thread]
[http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?585780-Rogue-Trader-Viaticus-Invictus-Vol.-II OOC Thread]<br>
[http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?576651-Rogue-Trader-Viaticus-Invictus OOC Thread]
[http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?576651-Rogue-Trader-Viaticus-Invictus '''Old''' OOC Thread]<br>
==The Dynasty==
=The Dynasty=
Once one of the most powerful Rogue Trader Dynasties in the Imperium, the remnants of the broken house now live in a few apartments maintained above the opulent family tomb with the interest of a few ancient investments and holdings. Ever since the last true Rogue Trader of Viaticus was lost in the Warp along with the Dynasty's flagship, the Dynasty has fallen into ruin. Now lacking a voidship of any kind, the planet-bound dynasty lives for the pride of its faded memory.
Once one of the most powerful Rogue Trader Dynasties in the Imperium, the remnants of the broken house now live in a few apartments maintained above the opulent family tomb with the interest of a few ancient investments and holdings. Ever since the last true Rogue Trader of Viaticus was lost in the Warp along with the Dynasty's flagship, the Dynasty has fallen into ruin. Now lacking a voidship of any kind, the planet-bound dynasty lives for the pride of its faded memory.
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A few short months ago, the flagship reappeared above Exaviar's World without a soul aboard. Many took this as a sign of ill-omen, however with a ship again the dynasty has a second chance. The curse of House Viaticus might be at an end.
A few short months ago, the flagship reappeared above Exaviar's World without a soul aboard. Many took this as a sign of ill-omen, however with a ship again the dynasty has a second chance. The curse of House Viaticus might be at an end.
==The Viaticus Demesne Subsector==
=The Viaticus Demesne Subsector=
''See Also: [[Subsector Viaticus]]''
Named for the family that discovered, founded and gerrymandered it into it's current form, the Viaticus Demense shared in the fall of House Viaticus. Once the base of operations for a powerful Rogue Trader Dynasty, it is now a ruined subsector struggling to survive.
Named for the family that discovered, founded and gerrymandered it into it's current form, the Viaticus Demense shared in the fall of House Viaticus. Once the base of operations for a powerful Rogue Trader Dynasty, it is now a ruined subsector struggling to survive.
===Exaviar's World===
==Exaviar's World==
When the Viaticus Demense was settled, Exaviar's World was the largest and most beautiful world capable of supporting human life in the subsector. Now it is a hellish cross between a Hive World and a Forge World where no human could live for more than a minute outside of the artificial environments of the Hives or the massive Forge Cities. The places between the Hives are forests of scrap and seas of sludge, all composed of materials that have no possible use in voidship construction. The sky above is filled with a massive shipyard that over the centuries has eaten the entire planet and still hungers for more.
When the Viaticus Demense was settled, Exaviar's World was the largest and most beautiful world capable of supporting human life in the subsector. Now it is a hellish cross between a Hive World and a Forge World where no human could live for more than a minute outside of the artificial environments of the Hives or the massive Forge Cities. The places between the Hives are forests of scrap and seas of sludge, all composed of materials that have no possible use in voidship construction. The sky above is filled with a massive shipyard that over the centuries has eaten the entire planet and still hungers for more.
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Exaviar's World has two moons: Drustilla and Silva.
Exaviar's World has two moons: Drustilla and Silva.
The larger of Exaviar's World's two moons, it is a polluted ruin of a Hive that has all but been depopulated by centuries of famine and disaster. Only strange degenerate mutants still live in the parts of the underhive that can still support some semblance of human life.
The larger of Exaviar's World's two moons, it is a polluted ruin of a Hive that has all but been depopulated by centuries of famine and disaster. Only strange degenerate mutants still live in the parts of the underhive that can still support some semblance of human life.
The smaller satellite of Exaviar's World, Silva was originally a prison moon until the prisoners led a revolution and took over. Now the moon is self-sufficient, and runs on a feudal society based primarily on servitor-serfs created from the original prison guards and their descendants. Exaviar's World has too many problems of it's own to try and retake the prison.
The smaller satellite of Exaviar's World, Silva was originally a prison moon until the prisoners led a revolution and took over. Now the moon is self-sufficient, and runs on a feudal society based primarily on servitor-serfs created from the original prison guards and their descendants. Exaviar's World has too many problems of it's own to try and retake the prison.
Orgicus is an efficiently-run, bountiful agri-world that has to throw out much of it's yield each year because it cannot get it moved off-world. The chartist captains who ship the food to the other planets in the sector are being preyed on by pirates, and attrition has worn down the fleets. There just aren't enough voidships to move food in the quantities that are needed.
Orgicus is an efficiently-run, bountiful agri-world that has to throw out much of it's yield each year because it cannot get it moved off-world. The chartist captains who ship the food to the other planets in the sector are being preyed on by pirates, and attrition has worn down the fleets. There just aren't enough voidships to move food in the quantities that are needed.
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Of all the pirates, the world are the crew of the Good Omen. Originally a ship in the Viaticus fleet, when Agamemnon XXXIII disappeared the ship and her crew turned pirate. The Good Omen is a very fine craft, and more than a match for anything the subsector can muster. Exaviar's World is pushed to it's limit building it's tithe ships, it doesn't have the capacity to build more transports or warships to deal with the pirates.
Of all the pirates, the world are the crew of the Good Omen. Originally a ship in the Viaticus fleet, when Agamemnon XXXIII disappeared the ship and her crew turned pirate. The Good Omen is a very fine craft, and more than a match for anything the subsector can muster. Exaviar's World is pushed to it's limit building it's tithe ships, it doesn't have the capacity to build more transports or warships to deal with the pirates.
Formica is an Imperial World that declared independence from the Imperpium of Man almost 50 years ago. It didn't bother to inform the Imperium, and as their tithe is only due every 100 years the Imperium hasn't found out yet. Being from a remote and near-forgotten subsector, the people of Formica don't fully understand what they're doing by 'revolting'.
Formica is an Imperial World that declared independence from the Imperpium of Man almost 50 years ago. It didn't bother to inform the Imperium, and as their tithe is only due every 100 years the Imperium hasn't found out yet. Being from a remote and near-forgotten subsector, the people of Formica don't fully understand what they're doing by 'revolting'.
Formica's primary complaints are the inability of the Imperium to properly police shipping routes for piracy, what they see as excessive tithes, and a desire for freedom of religion.
Formica's primary complaints are the inability of the Imperium to properly police shipping routes for piracy, what they see as excessive tithes, and a desire for freedom of religion.
Kelevor is a planet with an extremely large quantity of adamantium, to which the Viaticus Dynasty still has hereditary mining rights to. The mining colony had already been built, and the most profitable period of the mining procedure was about to begin when the planet was overrun by a genestealer cult. Nobody knows what's going on down there anymore.
Kelevor is a planet with an extremely large quantity of adamantium, to which the Viaticus Dynasty still has hereditary mining rights to. The mining colony had already been built, and the most profitable period of the mining procedure was about to begin when the planet was overrun by a genestealer cult. Nobody knows what's going on down there anymore.
Rixis is a primordial jungle hell out of some genetic nightmare. Rixis is teeming with an overabundance of life, all in direct competition with each other for microscopic niches. It is impossible to ever be truly safe on Rixis, for no matter how much you know about the planet and it's many horrors, it is constantly evolving new ones.
Rixis is a primordial jungle hell out of some genetic nightmare. Rixis is teeming with an overabundance of life, all in direct competition with each other for microscopic niches. It is impossible to ever be truly safe on Rixis, for no matter how much you know about the planet and it's many horrors, it is constantly evolving new ones.
There is evidence of an technologically advanced xenos civilization that once lived on Rixis. A research colony was set up to study one of the more promising ruins, but in the centuries of surviving on Rixis the inhabitants 'went native'. The expression is not further defined in the report.
There is evidence of an technologically advanced xenos civilization that once lived on Rixis. A research colony was set up to study one of the more promising ruins, but in the centuries of surviving on Rixis the inhabitants 'went native'. The expression is not further defined in the report.
Volucris is the site of a failed human colony, but is otherwise uninhabited. It is perfectly habitable by humans, although it's cold and has harsh winters.
Volucris is the site of a failed human colony, but is otherwise uninhabited. It is perfectly habitable by humans, although it's cold and has harsh winters.
===New Kaiser===
==New Kaiser==
New Kaiser was once a nominally democratic planet, with an elected Planetary Governor and a Senate. When Agamemnon XXXIII disappeared the resulting political ramifications led to a civil war, which utterly devastated the planet. It has since regressed into a near-feudal state, and has been slow in developing further. New Kaiser is self sufficient, and it's now hereditary Planetary Lord is still loyal to the Imperium.
New Kaiser was once a nominally democratic planet, with an elected Planetary Governor and a Senate. When Agamemnon XXXIII disappeared the resulting political ramifications led to a civil war, which utterly devastated the planet. It has since regressed into a near-feudal state, and has been slow in developing further. New Kaiser is self sufficient, and it's now hereditary Planetary Lord is still loyal to the Imperium.  
== Ships of the Dynasty ==
''See Also: [[Vessels of the Viaticus Dynasty]]''
=== [[Vessels of the Viaticus Dynasty#The Aetherius Aeternus|The Aetherius Aeternus]] ===
=The Ship=
'''Ship Description'''<br>
The first keel laid at the shipyards of Exaviar's World and the flagship of Viaticus Dynasty throughout the House's long history, the Aetherius Aeternus was the dominate naval presence in the subsector until its untimely disappearance two centuries ago. It has been said that this ship is a symbol of the world that spawned it, and that while it was under the charge of House Viaticus no harm would befall Exaviar's World.
'''''Overlord-class Battlecruiser'''''<br>
'''Speed''' 6<br>
'''Maneuver''' +26<br>
'''Detection''' +20<br>
'''Hull Integrity''' 66<br>
'''Armor''' 21 (25 in front arc)<br>
'''Turret Rating''' 2<br>
'''Space''' 68/78<br>
'''Power''' 67/90<br>
'''SP''' 64 + 16 '''(80)'''<br>
'''Machine Spirit''' Ancient and Wise<br>
'''Past Histories''' Wrested From A Spess Hulk<br>
'''Crew Population''' 100<br>
'''Morale''' 97<br>
A mighty battlecruiser, this vessel has seen conflict after conflict, often emerging nigh-unscathed while leaving behind the shattered hulks of pirates, xenos and traitors who would dare lay claim to the subsector. Never defeated in battle, and always appearing in the skies above Exaviar's World when the docks were threatened, it is the subject of countless myths and legends among the people who live in the great Hives below, many of whom see it as something akin to an Imperial Saint.
'''Essential Components (34 Power 36 Space 0 SP)'''<br>
Saturnine Class 4A "Ultra" Drive (+90 Power 14 Space)<br>
Miloslav H-616.b Warp Drive (10 Power 12 Space)<br>
Gellar Field (1 Power 0 Space)<br>
Repulsor Shield Array (8 Power 1 Space)<br>
Ship Master's Bridge (4 Power 3 Space)<br>
Mark 1.r Life Sustainer (4 Power 2 Space)<br>
Voidsmen Quarters (2 Power 4 Space)<br>
BG-15 Assault Scanners (5 Power 0 Space)<br>
Its disappearance shattered the morale of the planet - the rapid decline of the fortunes of House Viaticus after seemed to be but a natural progression of this loss to many - although, in truth, the fortunes of the Dynasty had been dwindling for many decades before... the mission upon which it vanished was a desperate attempt to reverse the decline, in fact. Now that it has reappeared, the Aetherius Aeternus again appears in the skies above Exaviar's World, and a new generation dreams of being selected to crew it.
'''Weapons (29 Power 25 Space 11 SP)'''<br>
'''Prow N/A''' <br>
'''Dorsal''' Bombardment Cannons (5 Power 5 Space 3 SP)<br>
'''Port 1''' Disruption Macrocannon Broadside (6 Power 5 Space 2 SP)<br>
'''Port 2''' Disruption Macrocannon Broadside (6 Power 5 Space 2 SP)<br>
'''Starboard 1''' Disruption Macrocannon Broadside (6 Power 5 Space 2 SP)<br>
'''Starboard 2''' Disruption Macrocannon Broadside (6 Power 5 Space 2 SP)<br>
'''Speed:''' 6, '''Maneuverability:''' +26, '''Detection:''' +20, '''Armour:''' 21, 25 prow, '''Void Shields:''' 2, '''Hull Integrity:''' 66, '''Space:''' 69/78, '''Power:''' 68/90, '''Population:''' 100/100, '''Morale:''' 99/99, '''Turret Rating:''' 2, '''Weapon Capacity:''' Dorsal 1, Prow 1, Port 2, Starboard 2<br>
'''Supplementary Components (4 Power 7 Space 5 SP)'''<br>
'''Objective Points:''' +50 (Exploration, Military), +100 (Creed), +150 (Criminal, Trade)<br>
Armored Prow (0 Power 4 Space 2 SP)<br>
'''Notes:''' +5 to all Navigation and Piloting rolls, +10 to fire guns (+15 against planetary targets), +20 Intimidation against planetary targets, halve the duration of warp travel, roll twice for Warp Encounters every ''three'' days travel and take the lowest.<br>
Teleportarium (1 Power 1 Space 1 SP)<br>
Luxury Passenger Quarters (2 Power 1 Space 1 SP)<br>
Trophy Room (1 Power 1 Space 1 SP)<br>
=== [[Vessels of the Viaticus Dynasty#Vanguard of Justice|Vanguard of Justice]] ===
'''Summarized Effects'''<br>
Once a frigate of House Viaticus under the name ''Good Omens'', captained by a loyal servant of the Dynasty, this ship turned pirate shortly after the disappearance of the ''Aetherius Aeternus''.  Rising to prominence as the leader of a band of pirates, this vessel terrorized the sub-sector for many years.
Exploration Objectives +50 <br>
Ambushed by the newly-regained flagship and captured in a daring boarding action by the new captain, [[Lord-Captain Alexis Nikolaos Viaticus]], it is currently undergoing purification before being brought back into faithful service.  All its former crew were killed due to their servitude to a captain willing to bind a daemon into himself to fight off the vessel's rightful owners.
Military Objectives +50 (+100 on objectives vs planets) <br>
Trade Objectives +150 <br>
Creed Objectives +100 <br>
Criminal Objectives +150 <br>
+5 to all Piloting and Navigation Tests <br>
+10 to BS tests to fire weapons (+15 vs planetary targets) <br>
Halve warp transit times, roll for Happy Fun Encounters every 3 days instead of every 5 <br>
+20 Intimidate vs planets (moustache twirling optional) <br>
+1 Armor (already factored into stats) <br>
+1 Speed (already factored into stats) <br>
+3 Detection (already factored into stats) <br>
+10 all Maneuver checks (already factored into stats) <br>
=== [[Vessels of the Viaticus Dynasty#Righteous Anger|Righteous Anger]] ===
-4 Hull Integrity (already factored into stats) <br>
A destroyer found escorting the pirate vessel ''Good Omens'', this vessel was caught in the same ambush and, while its crew were spared immediate death, it likewise is undergoing purification at the docks of Exaviar's World in case the chaos-taint of its leader-vessel's captain had spread.
Roll twice for Happy Fun Encounters and take worse result <br>
==Command Crew==
=Command Crew=
=== [[Lord-Captain Alexis Nikolaos Viaticus]] ===
== [[Lord-Captain Alexis Nikolaos Viaticus]] ==
Born as the second son of Stavros and Sofia Viaticus thirty-eight years ago, Alexis became a lay brother of the Adeptus Ministorum , until the despair-borne suicide of his elder brother Kyrill twelve years ago. After that, Alexis was torn from a life of worship, forced to take up the mantle of a Trader. It rendered him a bitterly cynical creature at the same time.
Born as the second son of Stavros and Sofia Viaticus thirty-eight years ago, Alexis became a lay brother of the Adeptus Ministorum , until the despair-borne suicide of his elder brother Kyrill twelve years ago. After that, Alexis was torn from a life of worship, forced to take up the mantle of a Trader. It rendered him a bitterly cynical creature at the same time.
For more than half his life, Alexis was surrounded by the trappings of the Adeptus Ministorum - and every time he met his brother, was secretly glad it was not his duty to be the Rogue Trader. Life as a brother of the Ministorum taught him the importance of social networking and sparked a keen interest in the fine art of Imperial oratory.  
For more than half his life, Alexis was surrounded by the trappings of the Adeptus Ministorum - and every time he met his brother, was secretly glad it was not his duty to be the Rogue Trader. Life as a brother of the Ministorum taught him the importance of social networking and sparked a keen interest in the fine art of Imperial oratory.  
During the later years of his tenure with the Adeptus Ministorum, Alexis' aptitude for grandiose speeches and commanding men became more and more obvious. When starving mid-hive rioters threatened the local shrine to the God-Emperor, Alexis' stern rebuke reminded more than two thirds of them of their duties to God-Emperor and Imperium. Those who would not stand down from their intent to desecrate the shrine's stores, uncaring of the sacrilege in their hunger, were met with gun and blade from a quickly-rallied unit of faithful led by Alexis.  
uring the later years of his tenure with the Adeptus Ministorum, Alexis' aptitude for grandiose speeches and commanding men became more and more obvious. When starving mid-hive rioters threatened the local shrine to the God-Emperor, Alexis' stern rebuke reminded more than two thirds of them of their duties to God-Emperor and Imperium. Those who would not stand down from their intent to desecrate the shrine's stores, uncaring of the sacrilege in their hunger, were met with gun and blade from a quickly-rallied unit of faithful led by Alexis.  
Two weeks later, shortly before he would have been allowed off-world to join the never-ending Wars of Faith in His name, Kyrill Viaticus shot himself, chaining his brother to Exaviar's World for the next twelve years.  
Two weeks later, shortly before he would have been allowed off-world to join the never-ending Wars of Faith in His name, Kyrill Viaticus shot himself, chaining his brother to Exaviar's World for the next twelve years.  
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''An imposing man, driven and commanding. Surprising considering how little he wanted the job, before the death of his brother, Kyrill. I'd imagine that I'd get no thanks for killing that wastrel. My lot.'' - Darrius<br><br>
''An imposing man, driven and commanding. Surprising considering how little he wanted the job, before the death of his brother, Kyrill. I'd imagine that I'd get no thanks for killing that wastrel. My lot.'' - Darrius<br><br>
=== [[Enginseer-Prime Quintus Aureleus]] ===
== [[Enginseer-Prime Quintus Aureleus]] ==
Quintus Aureleus (so-called because he was the fifth-named orphan in the month at the housing facility where he grew up) is a somewhat small man, in spite of his augmentation. Reaching barely 1.6 meters at full height, his solid presence might bring to mind a rather thin Squa-err, that is, he's rather short. Nevertheless, he radiates a strong sense of presence and a competence that is matched only by the reality of his capabilities.
Quintus Aureleus (so-called because he was the fifth-named orphan in the month at the housing facility where he grew up) is a somewhat small man, in spite of his augmentation. Reaching barely 1.6 meters at full height, his solid presence might bring to mind a rather thin Squa-err, that is, he's rather short. Nevertheless, he radiates a strong sense of presence and a competence that is matched only by the reality of his capabilities.
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''Quintus Aureleus is an oddity, even among the Tech-Priests of the Mechanicum but very tolerable. His skills are obvious, and I find his social graces a surprising change given his professions usual lacking.'' - Darrius
''Quintus Aureleus is an oddity, even among the Tech-Priests of the Mechanicum but very tolerable. His skills are obvious, and I find his social graces a surprising change given his professions usual lacking.'' - Darrius
===[[Master-at-Arms Kommander Boris Ilyich Yevgeny]]===
== High Factorum (Unnamed as of yet) ==
==[[Master-at-Arms Kommander Boris Ilyich Yevgeny]]==
House Yevgeny is of noble Valhallan stock. Once, they were a loyal vassal family to the Viaticus Dynasty, before the gradual dwindling of the Dynasty's fortunes meant that the Yevgenys were essentially absolved of their oaths to the once-great Rogue Trader house and left to find their own fortune in the galaxy. They chose to take over the defunct radethium mines that they negotiated with House Viaticus for, and as luck would have it, a new seam of the precious mineral was found the moment the ink dried on the Instrument of Transfer.  
House Yevgeny is of noble Valhallan stock. Once, they were a loyal vassal family to the Viaticus Dynasty, before the gradual dwindling of the Dynasty's fortunes meant that the Yevgenys were essentially absolved of their oaths to the once-great Rogue Trader house and left to find their own fortune in the galaxy. They chose to take over the defunct radethium mines that they negotiated with House Viaticus for, and as luck would have it, a new seam of the precious mineral was found the moment the ink dried on the Instrument of Transfer.  
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''Boris, what can be said? He's loyal to the Captain, and his oath. That is more then most. He does his job with admirable enthusiasm, but some of his squad bear watching.'' - Darrius
''Boris, what can be said? He's loyal to the Captain, and his oath. That is more then most. He does his job with admirable enthusiasm, but some of his squad bear watching.'' - Darrius
=== [[Navigator-Primaris Ramirez Sanches Modar de Nueva Rossignol]] ===
== [[Navigator-Primaris Ramirez Sanches Modar de Nueva Rossignol]] ==
A scion of a minor branch of famous Shrouded House of Navis Nobilitae, he was sent out to the world as expendable test subject. If he survives, that's for the glory of the House, if not... well, fate's ways are unpredictable.
A scion of a minor branch of famous Shrouded House of Navis Nobilitae, he was sent out to the world as expendable test subject. If he survives, that's for the glory of the House, if not... well, fate's ways are unpredictable.
He did return, but not in the way everyone expected. He was assigned as junior Navigator to the Giganticus XIII transport; during his first flight, the ship suffered a breach of Gellar field and had to immediately return to Materium.
He did return, but not in the way everyone expected. He was assigned as junior Navigator to the Giganticus XIII transport; during his first flight, the ship suffered a breach of Gellar field and had to immediately return to Materium.
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''"A hardy survivalist, which will come in handy if we ever find ourselves seperated from our ship. If he crashes my ship as he did his last one, I swear to the God-Emperor I will rip out one of his arms and beat him to death with it, or, failing that, nail him to a wall through his third eye."'' - Alexis<br><br>
''"A hardy survivalist, which will come in handy if we ever find ourselves seperated from our ship. If he crashes my ship as he did his last one, I swear to the God-Emperor I will rip out one of his arms and beat him to death with it, or, failing that, nail him to a wall through his third eye."'' - Alexis<br><br>
''"Navigators are a stable and necessary off-shoot of Humanity, and Ramirez is a reliable member of the crew.  Unconfirmed rumors concerning his House make require caution in working with him until his loyalties can be properly tested."'' - Quintus<br><br>
''"Oh, he ugly. And creepy. But Captain say he guide ship through warp and without warp travel, we grow old and die before reaching next system. So... good guy, I guess? Maybe if he can drink, we can be friends. Get drunk, sing Foreskin Song, all is good, yes?"'' - Boris<br><br>
''"Oh, he ugly. And creepy. But Captain say he guide ship through warp and without warp travel, we grow old and die before reaching next system. So... good guy, I guess? Maybe if he can drink, we can be friends. Get drunk, sing Foreskin Song, all is good, yes?"'' - Boris<br><br>
''Being mutants dealing with the warp, as well as survival literally through Hell forms a good deal of kinship between the two, and if Ramirez needs something, the Astropathic commander will bend over backwards to help him.  Being a navigator, his wealth and aduration for a very similar power, and in general less powerful version, is grating with all the scraping and bowing to him while barely giving her the time of day.   
''Being mutants dealing with the warp, as well as survival literally through Hell forms a good deal of kinship between the two, and if Ramirez needs something, the Astropathic commander will bend over backwards to help him.  Being a navigator, his wealth and aduration for a very similar power, and in general less powerful version, is grating with all the scraping and bowing to him while barely giving her the time of day.   
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''Navigators aren't easy to come by, especially for a House barely holding on. You take what you can get, and Rossy is what we have. He'll do, but he also bears watching. That far away look, back to the crash. I wonder if he brought anything back with him?'' - Darrius
''Navigators aren't easy to come by, especially for a House barely holding on. You take what you can get, and Rossy is what we have. He'll do, but he also bears watching. That far away look, back to the crash. I wonder if he brought anything back with him?'' - Darrius
=== [[Choir-Master Telepathica Aeysha Marlith]] ===
== [[Choir-Master Telepathica Aeysha Marlith]] ==
Born on the Imperial world of Vanthek in the Tempus Segmatum, a world well known for it's artists, stark beauty, and being a hotbed for cultist and rectivist activity, leaving horrible things lurking in the dark corners of that world. The Marlith family was a rather well to do artisan family, operating a media empire that churned out penthrift dreadfuls and holo-plays across the sector showing the unusual view point of that uncertain world. Aeysha was the youngest of three children, and was always a bit of the odd one out when family was concerned save for her loving mother that tried to support her in becoming one of the artists in the family's many studios. Of course living on a world full of corruption meant that the Inquisition was all but ever present, and when young Aeysha found she had the gift for witchery the Inquisition wasn't too far behind.  
Born on the Imperial world of Vanthek in the Tempus Segmatum, a world well known for it's artists, stark beauty, and being a hotbed for cultist and rectivist activity, leaving horrible things lurking in the dark corners of that world. The Marlith family was a rather well to do artisan family, operating a media empire that churned out penthrift dreadfuls and holo-plays across the sector showing the unusual view point of that uncertain world. Aeysha was the youngest of three children, and was always a bit of the odd one out when family was concerned save for her loving mother that tried to support her in becoming one of the artists in the family's many studios. Of course living on a world full of corruption meant that the Inquisition was all but ever present, and when young Aeysha found she had the gift for witchery the Inquisition wasn't too far behind.  
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''Psykers. Never been that comfortable around them. A man who makes his living through secrets learns to watch those that can read them through the air. But they have their uses.'' - Darrius
''Psykers. Never been that comfortable around them. A man who makes his living through secrets learns to watch those that can read them through the air. But they have their uses.'' - Darrius
=== [[Seneschal Darrius Viaticus]] ===
== [[Senechal Darrius Viaticus]] ==
Born the fifth son of Laurentine and Septimus Viaticus, two idle nobles who made social climbing their art and passion. Their other children strove to the same level of idleness and wastrel, making Darrius the exception. He stood out with his skill for figures and commerce at a young age, a rare useful personage in a branch of the family tree that was withering.
Born the fifth son of Laurentine and Septimus Viaticus, two idle nobles who made social climbing their art and passion. Their other children strove to the same level of idleness and wastrel, making Darrius the exception. He stood out with his skill for figures and commerce at a young age, a rare useful personage in a branch of the family tree that was withering.
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Darrius is average, just that. Average height, weight, and looks. A common looking man that could blend into a crowd into a Hiver bar, and a Imperial Gala.<br><br>
Darrius is average, just that. Average height, weight, and looks. A common looking man that could blend into a crowd into a Hiver bar, and a Imperial Gala.<br><br>
''"A cousin, twice removed. That makes him both a valueable ally, as I can trust him more than most to have the best interests of House Viaticus at heart. Unfortunately, it also means that he might consider it in the best interests of the House of it were his hand that guided it. I must find a path between paranoia and trust."'' - Alexis<br><br>
''"Darrius appears to have a strong understanding of the value of knowledge.  It is a pity that he was not picked up by the Priesthood of Mars on Exaviar's World and cultivated.  Moreover, going by suggestive rumors, he might have both a ruthless and an ambitious streak, which may cause problems on the vessel."'' - Quintus<br><br>
''"Efficient to a fault, one that has to admire that as well as rising above the temptations dragging down the rest of the family shows serious willpower. Though to deal so callously with them is very surprising and one has to be wary of kin-killers since they violate one of the most sacred bonds there are, what else is he capable of?"'' - Aeysha<br><br>
''"Surpirsingly, my own inquires turned empty on him. Either he's one '''very''' suitable for this job, or he's nobody that gained Lord Captain's trust through nepotism..." - Ramirez
== Bridge Officers ==
=== Bridge Officers ===
'''Esmeralda Astaran, First Officer.'''  The hard-bitten First Officer is a former member of His Holy Navy, dishonourably discharged for striking a superior officer in battle.
'''Esmeralda Astaran, First Officer.'''  The hard-bitten First Officer is a former member of His Holy Navy, dishonourably discharged for striking a superior officer in battle.
What is not mentioned is that in doing so she saved nearly twenty-five thousand crew under her command and the Imperial Navy frigate Siriwan from the orders of their captain. After their captain froze up, paralyzed by indecision, during a battle against the vile Orkoid menace, she relieved him from command and avoided the destruction of the Siriwan and the subsequent looting of the attendant Munitorum supply convoy, outmaneuvering three Brute-class ram-ships.  
What is not mentioned is that in doing so she saved nearly twenty-five thousand crew under her command and the Imperial Navy frigate Siriwan from the orders of their captain. After their captain froze up, paralyzed by indecision, during a battle against the vile Orkoid menace, she relieved him from command and avoided the destruction of the Siriwan and the subsequent looting of the attendant Munitorum supply convoy, outmaneuvering three Brute-class ram-ships.  
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'''Gorol Tridarmo, Master of Etherics.'''  Last scion of the Tridarmo family, who have for centuries provided House Viaticus with Auger-Adepts, this middle-aged man was overjoyed when Alexis himself visited Gorol and his wife in their middle-hive quarters to tell him of his duties. While technically not trained in the use of shipboard augers, Tridarmo is a remarkably fast learner and a skilled organizer, putting his years as a low-level clerk to good use by providing the Lord-Captain with concise, precise summaries of the auger-data collected by his subordinates. Childless despite fifteen years of happy marriage, he and his wife plan to permanently move onto the ship and, maybe, adopt so that the line of Tridarmos can continue to serve House Viaticus, pending the approval of Lord-Captain Alexis.
'''Gorol Tridarmo, Master of Etherics.'''  Last scion of the Tridarmo family, who have for centuries provided House Viaticus with Auger-Adepts, this middle-aged man was overjoyed when Alexis himself visited Gorol and his wife in their middle-hive quarters to tell him of his duties. While technically not trained in the use of shipboard augers, Tridarmo is a remarkably fast learner and a skilled organizer, putting his years as a low-level clerk to good use by providing the Lord-Captain with concise, precise summaries of the auger-data collected by his subordinates. Childless despite fifteen years of happy marriage, he and his wife plan to permanently move onto the ship and, maybe, adopt so that the line of Tridarmos can continue to serve House Viaticus, pending the approval of Lord-Captain Alexis.
=== Priesthood of Mars ===
== Priesthood of Mars ==
'''Olim, Master of the Armoury.''' A tall and imposing mixture of machinery and flesh, this tech-priest catalogs and maintains the weapons on the ship as well as the great shells of the vessel itself. Often called upon, with his fellow priests of the sacred armaments, to repair worn equipment, Olim has a rather low opinion of the on-board military.
'''Olim, Master of the Armoury.''' A tall and imposing mixture of machinery and flesh, this tech-priest catalogs and maintains the weapons on the ship as well as the great shells of the vessel itself. Often called upon, with his fellow priests of the sacred armaments, to repair worn equipment, Olim has a rather low opinion of the on-board military.
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'''Desiree Chastel, Omnissianic Congregator''' The perky tech-priestess who seems utterly unfazed by just about anything thrown at her. Takes responsibility for the team's wargear and like most tech-priests, ends up spending a lot of time talking to the machines she is assigned to look after. Is a close friend of Florence and is frequently found in the apothecarion doing maintenance on the equipment there.
'''Desiree Chastel, Omnissianic Congregator''' The perky tech-priestess who seems utterly unfazed by just about anything thrown at her. Takes responsibility for the team's wargear and like most tech-priests, ends up spending a lot of time talking to the machines she is assigned to look after. Is a close friend of Florence and is frequently found in the apothecarion doing maintenance on the equipment there.
=== Ecclesiarchy ===
== Ecclesiarchy ==
'''Elias Viaticus, Confessor'''.  Second cousin to Alexis and a pious member of the clergy.  While young, his ability to bring the stories of saints and legends alive during his sermons inspires faith in even the most cynical guardsman.  However, his lack of ambition or even understanding of worldly matters means that he will likely never reach a higher post than that of a House priest or (as in this case) a ship's confessor.
'''Elias Viaticus, Confessor'''.  Second cousin to Alexis and a pious member of the clergy.  While young, his ability to bring the stories of saints and legends alive during his sermons inspires faith in even the most cynical guardsman.  However, his lack of ambition or even understanding of worldly matters means that he will likely never reach a higher post than that of a House priest or (as in this case) a ship's confessor.
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'''Malakai Nommo''' Thanks to him, Ramirez return under the Throne's Light with sound mind and soul. This man had a talent to calm down the afraid or enraged people, as well as inspire them to great deeds.
'''Malakai Nommo''' Thanks to him, Ramirez return under the Throne's Light with sound mind and soul. This man had a talent to calm down the afraid or enraged people, as well as inspire them to great deeds.
=== Astropathic Choir ===
== Astropathic Choir ==
'''Davis Rosienada''' The best astropath on the team, a rather old man who seems to keep age at bay by foul language and simple stuborness. Often keeps his white hair long, letting it cover his hollow eyes making him look like a shaggy dog wandering about the ship. Anybody choosing to make fun of this fact usually finds themselves punching themselves in the face a few second latter. He is a bit miffed that Aeysha is the head of the choir despite not being that skilled in singing to the void, but the fact that she can seperate himself from the blunt fools, makes it well worth the trouble.
'''Davis Rosienada''' The best astropath on the team, a rather old man who seems to keep age at bay by foul language and simple stuborness. Often keeps his white hair long, letting it cover his hollow eyes making him look like a shaggy dog wandering about the ship. Anybody choosing to make fun of this fact usually finds themselves punching themselves in the face a few second latter. He is a bit miffed that Aeysha is the head of the choir despite not being that skilled in singing to the void, but the fact that she can seperate himself from the blunt fools, makes it well worth the trouble.
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'''Allegra Paitosia''' Coming from an artistic background like Aeysha, they usually get along fairly well, save for when she is screetching out a message in some foreign Hive Dialect. Sees herself as an artist of the Warp and sings her messages to the stars, much to many of the other choir member's horror. While Davis is the best astropath, Allegra definately has the most range out of the choir able to hit worlds many light years distant from her senior's targets. Unfortunatley often those far flung worlds mostly get a melody or the vaguest of messages drowned out by her own emotions.
'''Allegra Paitosia''' Coming from an artistic background like Aeysha, they usually get along fairly well, save for when she is screetching out a message in some foreign Hive Dialect. Sees herself as an artist of the Warp and sings her messages to the stars, much to many of the other choir member's horror. While Davis is the best astropath, Allegra definately has the most range out of the choir able to hit worlds many light years distant from her senior's targets. Unfortunatley often those far flung worlds mostly get a melody or the vaguest of messages drowned out by her own emotions.
=== Navigators ===
== Navigators ==
'''Lom''' He might seem like a dull and dumb boy, this appearance is deceptive. He's rather smart and inventive, but only in two areas: 1) avoiding studying, work, and the similar chores; 2) getting out of the mess he created thanks to his lack of skills. He isn't, of course, always successful in that.
'''Lom''' He might seem like a dull and dumb boy, this appearance is deceptive. He's rather smart and inventive, but only in two areas: 1) avoiding studying, work, and the similar chores; 2) getting out of the mess he created thanks to his lack of skills. He isn't, of course, always successful in that.
'''Fuchs''' Well, she's a girl who studies hard, and have a good, cheerful personality. On the other hand, she's curious to a fail and talks too much and too fast. This caused her a lot of troubles in the past and Emperor alone knows how much are still waiting to happen.
'''Fuchs''' Well, she's a girl who studies hard, and have a good, cheerful personality. On the other hand, she's curious to a fail and talks too much and too fast. This caused her a lot of troubles in the past and Emperor alone knows how much are still waiting to happen.
=== Warrant Officers ===
== Warrant Officers ==
'''Corporal D'Amage, Master of Ordinance''' The Squad's resident demolitions expert. Prone to cackling and using far more explosive than is required, reasonable, safe or sane. Despite his own lack of faith in the Imperial Creed, has invariably converted his fellow squadmates to worship of the Emperor. At least, everyone suddenly finds some piety when they realise that they're in the same fireteam as him. Has only one eye, and it is rumored that the other one is a grenade for when he invariably decides to go out with a bang.
'''Corporal D'Amage, Master of Ordinance''' The Squad's resident demolitions expert. Prone to cackling and using far more explosive than is required, reasonable, safe or sane. Despite his own lack of faith in the Imperial Creed, has invariably converted his fellow squadmates to worship of the Emperor. At least, everyone suddenly finds some piety when they realise that they're in the same fireteam as him. Has only one eye, and it is rumored that the other one is a grenade for when he invariably decides to go out with a bang.
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'''Dr. Luscinia, Chief Chirurgeon''' The busty, attractive medicae of the Squad. Always found with a pleasant smile on her face, and is deeply concerned for her patients. She has a warm and caring personality, and is the second in command of the Squad when Boris isn't around. She also performs amputations in person with a Ministorum battlepriest's eviscerator, and as of their demobbing, has had more close combat kills than the entire rest of the Platoon combined.
'''Dr. Luscinia, Chief Chirurgeon''' The busty, attractive medicae of the Squad. Always found with a pleasant smile on her face, and is deeply concerned for her patients. She has a warm and caring personality, and is the second in command of the Squad when Boris isn't around. She also performs amputations in person with a Ministorum battlepriest's eviscerator, and as of their demobbing, has had more close combat kills than the entire rest of the Platoon combined.
=== Personal Assistants and Guards ===
== Personal Assistants and Guards ==
'''Annabelle Smith, Personal Aide to the Lord-Captain''' The twenty-something aide to Lord-Captain Lupin is, snarky tongues say, the singlemost deadpan individual on Exaviar's World, someone who would use the same tone of voice describe the details of a thirty-megaton food hauler's cargo to an attack by blood-crazed traitor Astartes. Came into the service of Alexis after he won her work-contract in an extended game of Hexagon Chess with a less-than-legal individual. She, in turn, took it in stride with nothing more than a "Very well" and a rucksack's worth of personal possessions. Now, five years later, she is still very much the same: ever deadpan, entirely lacking a sense of humor and a talented time manager. Physically attractive, but rendered less-than-interesting to the Lord-Captain due to her wooden personality, though still highly valued as an assistant.
'''Annabelle Smith, Personal Aide to the Lord-Captain''' The twenty-something aide to Lord-Captain Lupin is, snarky tongues say, the singlemost deadpan individual on Exaviar's World, someone who would use the same tone of voice describe the details of a thirty-megaton food hauler's cargo to an attack by blood-crazed traitor Astartes. Came into the service of Alexis after he won her work-contract in an extended game of Hexagon Chess with a less-than-legal individual. She, in turn, took it in stride with nothing more than a "Very well" and a rucksack's worth of personal possessions. Now, five years later, she is still very much the same: ever deadpan, entirely lacking a sense of humor and a talented time manager. Physically attractive, but rendered less-than-interesting to the Lord-Captain due to her wooden personality, though still highly valued as an assistant.
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'''Pak Himov''' Ramirez's personal guard. Silent guy; most of the time you'll won't hear his voice at all. The only exception -- during combat he's rather loud, taunting the enemy and shouting commands. He's very proffessional with all sorts of slugthrowers, and prefers them to more powerful weapons.
'''Pak Himov''' Ramirez's personal guard. Silent guy; most of the time you'll won't hear his voice at all. The only exception -- during combat he's rather loud, taunting the enemy and shouting commands. He's very proffessional with all sorts of slugthrowers, and prefers them to more powerful weapons.
'''Adept Crannis''' A survivor from a failing Archive house. He came into Darrius's service by dint of being honest. The rest of the small House were cheating on their payments to House Viaticus, Crannis's were the only accurate payments. Darrius let Crannis survive the assassins and took him in. A quiet man, born into a life of accounting and for the most part content there. While not an attractive man, he has a lust for women and Darrius keeps him supplied. A Senechal always has need of a good scribe, and a honest scribe more then others.
==Monstrous Creatures==
'''Former Arbitrator Thomas Patric''' Every man has his weakness and Thomas's was the drink. His keen detective mind didn't prevent him from loosing his postion, his rank, and what remained at that point of his life. Darrius collected him up from the gutter and put him to work ferreting out trouble makers and traitors. Keeping him out of the bottle, that's a job unto itself.
'''Private Molly Sammus, ret.''' The Imperial Guard sent her across the galaxy to ply her trade, killing. Adept with anything smaller then a Leman Russ she serves as Darrius's bodyguard and murderer. Known as Old Dead Molly to the crew, she likes to wander the decks casting a shadow over the crew.
'''John Sammus''' Old Dead Molly's aren't easy to find. Killers, sure. But not loyal killers. But when you rescue their son's from Imperial prisons and erase what records you can find, that usually helps. John pulls his weight on the ship though with his ability to find a black market deal three decks away. If its illegal, and valuable John can usually track it down. A skill his mother looks on with no small amount of pride at.
===Monstrous Creatures===
'''Catstartes''' is Enginseer Didi's pet kitten. She has white fur and likes curling around the techpriestess' neck. Very fond of backrubs and anchovies, but will disembowel mice in a pinch.
'''Catstartes''' is Enginseer Didi's pet kitten. She has white fur and likes curling around the techpriestess' neck. Very fond of backrubs and anchovies, but will disembowel mice in a pinch.
'''Valnier''' aka Fluffy. A giant mutated albino scrap dragon which terrorized a Yevgeny mining community until Aeysha tamed it. Now it lives on the ship, because that couldn't possibly go wrong.
==Family and Friends==
===The House Viaticus===
'''Lady Bouvardia Viaticus''' Grandmother to Alexis and Darrius. A cagey and shrewd old lady with a talent for manipulation.
===The House Yevgeny===
'''Lady Ekaterina Yevgeny''' Mother to Boris Yevgeny. Widowed.
===The House DeGuile===
'''Lady Millicent DeGuile''' Fiance to Alexis. Heir apparent to the DeGuile Warrant of Trade. Mildly unhinged.
'''Lady Sloan DeGuile''' Aunt to Millicent. Arranged the marriage of Alexis and Millicent with Grandmother Viaticus.
'''Lord-Captain Androkles DeGuile''' Holder of the DeGuile Warrant of Trade and brother to Millicent. Hedonist and homosexual, not necessarily in that order. Not expected to produce an heir.
===Friends and Allies===

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