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  '''The Anarch'''
  '''The Anarch'''
  '''Active Avaos Trigger'''
  '''Avaos Trigger'''
  '''Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special S  L  G  O Slots'''
  '''Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special Active Slots'''
  1 +0 +0 +2 +2 Chaos Trigger 1 / - / - / - 2
  1 +0 +0 +2 +2 1 2
  2 +1 +0 +3 +3 Sense Chaos 2 / - / - / - 4
  2 +1 +0 +3 +3 2 4
  3 +1 +1 +3 +3 2 / - / - / - 6
  3 +1 +1 +3 +3 2 6
  4 +2 +1 +4 +4 3 / - / - / - 8
  4 +2 +1 +4 +4 3 8
  5 +2 +1 +4 +4 Avaos (Lesser) 3 / 1 / - / - 10
  5 +2 +1 +4 +4 Avaos (Lesser) 3 10
  6 +3 +2 +5 +5 3 / 1 / - / - 12
  6 +3 +2 +5 +5 4 12
  7 +3 +2 +5 +5 3 / 2 / - / - 14
  7 +3 +2 +5 +5 4 14
  8 +4 +2 +6 +6 3 / 2 / - / - 16
  8 +4 +2 +6 +6 5 16
  9 +4 +3 +6 +6 3 / 2 / - / - 18
  9 +4 +3 +6 +6 5 18
  10 +5 +3 +7 +7 Avaos (Greater) 3 / 3 / 1 / - 20
  10 +5 +3 +7 +7 Avaos (Greater) 6 20
  11 +5 +3 +7 +7 3 / 3 / 1 / - 22
  11 +5 +3 +7 +7 6 22
  12 +6/+1 +4 +8 +8 3 / 3 / 2 / - 24
  12 +6/+1 +4 +8 +8 7 24
  13 +6/+1 +4 +8 +8 3 / 3 / 2 / - 26
  13 +6/+1 +4 +8 +8 7 26
  14 +7/+2 +4 +9 +9 3 / 3 / 2 / - 28
  14 +7/+2 +4 +9 +9 8 28
  15 +7/+2 +5 +9 +9 Avaos (Overwhelming) 3 / 3 / 3 / 1 30
  15 +7/+2 +5 +9 +9 Avaos (Overwhelming) 8 30
  16 +8/+3 +5 +10 +10 3 / 3 / 3 / 1 32
  16 +8/+3 +5 +10 +10 9 32
  17 +8/+3 +5 +10 +10 3 / 3 / 3 / 2 34
  17 +8/+3 +5 +10 +10 9 34
  18 +9/+4 +6 +11 +11 3 / 3 / 3 / 2 36
  18 +9/+4 +6 +11 +11 10 36
  19 +9/+4 +6 +11 +11 3 / 3 / 3 / 2 38
  19 +9/+4 +6 +11 +11 10 38
  20 +10/+5 +6 +12 +12 3 / 3 / 3 / 2 40
  20 +10/+5 +6 +12 +12 11 40
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'''Weapons and Armor Proficiency:''' Anarchs are proficient with simple weapons and light armor, but not shields.
'''Weapons and Armor Proficiency:''' Anarchs are proficient with simple weapons and light armor, but not shields.
'''Avaos (Av):''' Avaos are the raw essence of Chaos - fuelled by randomness, the anarch can call upon these abilities.
'''Avaos (Ch):''' Avaos are the raw essence of Chaos - fuelled by randomness, the anarch can call upon these abilities.
Each day, the anarch chooses a number of avaos. These are avaos he chooses to study, and they allow him to call upon Chaotic abilities that are removed from their normal cause or effect. However, in exchange, they are not nearly as powerful as when the anarch uses them in their natural state; Avaos that are used in this manner are Active avaos.
Each day, the anarch chooses a number of avaos. These are avaos he chooses to study, and they allow him to call upon Chaotic abilities that are removed from their normal cause or effect. However, in exchange, they are not nearly as possible as when the anarch uses them in their natural state; Avaos that are used in this manner are Active avaos.
An anarch may use his Active avaos as many times per day as he wishes.
An anarch may use his Active avaos as many times per day as he wishes.
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All anarchs have access to all avaos of the appropriate grade; at 1st level, an anarch only has access to Subtle avaos, but as he progresses, he learns to tap into more powerful aspects of Chaos. At 5th level, he gains access to Lesser avaos; at 10th, he gains access to Greater avaos; and at 15th, he gains access to Overwhelming avaos.
All anarchs have access to all avaos of the appropriate grade; at 1st level, an anarch only has access to Subtle avaos, but as he progresses, he learns to tap into more powerful aspects of Chaos. At 5th level, he gains access to Lesser avaos; at 10th, he gains access to Greater avaos; and at 15th, he gains access to Overwhelming avaos.
Saving throw DCs for avaos is always set based upon the anarch's Charisma.
The anarch must have a Charisma score of 12 or higher to access Subtle avaos; a score of 14 or higher to access Lesser avaos; a score of 16 or higher to access Greater avaos; and a score of 18 or higher to access Overwhelming avaos.
'''Trigger Slots (Ex):''' No matter what avaos the anarch has readied each day, he always has access to Chaos in its natural state.
'''Trigger Slots (Ex):''' No matter what avaos the anarch has readied each day, he always has access to Chaos in its natural state.
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In addition, the anarch may use a Trigger Slot to activate an avao. Using an avao in this manner uses the avao's Precausal activation.
In addition, the anarch may use a Trigger Slot to activate an avao. Using an avao in this manner uses the avao's Precausal activation.
The higher grade the avao, the more difficult it is to trigger. A subtle avao requires only 1 trigger slot to trigger; a lesser avao requires 2 trigger slots; a greater avao requires 4 trigger slots; and an overwhelming avao requires 8 trigger slots.
Note that not all Avaos have a Causal or Precausal use.
Note that not all Avaos have a Causal or Precausal use.
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Using a Trigger Slot is always an immediate action.
Using a Trigger Slot is always an immediate action.
An anarch gains bonus Trigger Slots equal to his Wisdom modifier.
'''Limitless Reaction (Ex):''' Unlike other characters, an anarch is not limited to one immediate action each round. An anarch can continue taking immediate actions until he is out of Trigger Slots.
'''Limitless Reaction (Ex):''' Unlike other characters, an anarch is not limited to one immediate action each round. Instead, an anarch can take any number of immediate actions each round, provided that he expends Trigger Slots to do so (in this way, an anarch can trigger any number of avaos in a round, but only take a single normal immediate action).
'''Chaos Trigger (Ch):''' Whenever the anarch triggers an avao (by expending a Trigger slot), the anarch suffers a cosmetic change with severity roughly equivalent to the grade of avao triggered.
For instance, a Subtle avao being triggered might cause an anarch's hair color to change slightly, or his eye color to change completely.
A Lesser avao might cause his hair to completely change color, or for the coloration of his clothing to change slightly.
A Greater avao might cause his clothing to completely change appearance, or his whole appearance to change slightly (but still the same gender and race).
An Overwhelming avao might cause his appearance to change drastically, possibly even changing apparent race or gender.
These changes offer no actual benefits or penalties; they are merely cosmetic. The effects last 2d6 rounds, after which they go away (if the effect arose due to a Subtle avao), or the effect lessens so as to be similar to an effect due to a less powerful avao (for instance, the side-effects of a Lesser avao would remain for 2d6 rounds, after which time the side-effects would lessen to those of a Subtle avao for 2d6 rounds).
'''Sense Chaos (Ch):''' At 2nd level, the anarch has become attuned to the powers of Chaos, such that he can detect them at will. The anarch gains [[Trinity:Detect_Spells|detect magic]] as a permanent chaotic effect, replacing "magic" with "chaos." The anarch must concentrate to activate this ability, but he can do so at will, and cease using it at will.
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===Subtle Avaos===
===Subtle Avaos===
  '''NAME ACTIVE / CAUSAL ( <=> or => or / ) PRECAUSAL'''
  '''NAME ACTIVE / CAUSAL ( <=> or / ) PRECAUSAL'''
  [[Trinity:Avaos#Chaosflame|Chaosflame]] Hurl a ball of chaotic flame. / Take fire damage. '''<=>''' Become wreathed in flame.
  [[Trinity:Avaos#Chaos_Nova|Chaos Nova]] Deal 1d6 damage in a burst around you. / Die '''<=>''' Deal 1d6/level damage in a burst.
  [[Trinity:Avaos#Deny_Gravity|Deny Gravity]] You float a small distance above the ground. / Fall. '''<=>''' Fall slowly.
  [[Trinity:Avaos#Deny_Gravity|Deny Gravity]] You float a small distance above the ground. / Fall. '''<=>''' Fall slowly.
  Shield]] Ranged attacks sometimes miss. / Get hit. '''<=>''' All attacks sometimes miss.
  [[Trinity:Avaos#Free_Mind|Free Mind]] Gain +4 bonus on Will saves. / Affected by mind-influencing. '''=>''' Gain immunity.
  [[Trinity:Avaos#Free_Mind|Free Mind]] Gain +4 bonus on Will saves. / Affected by mind-influencing. '''=>''' Gain immunity.
[[Trinity:Avaos#Gamble_with_Life|Gamble with
  [[Trinity:Avaos#Luck|Luck]] Gain a limited reroll. / Fail a roll '''<=>''' Gain a reroll.
  Life]] --- / Nearby creature attempts to stabilize. '''=>''' Double the numbers for the attempt.
[[Trinity:Avaos#Gambling_Strike|Gambling Strike]] --- / You attack a creature. '''=>''' Crit or fumble.
[[Trinity:Avaos#Know_Chaos|Know Chaos]] Identify a chaotic item. / ---
  [[Trinity:Avaos#Luck|Luck]] Gain a limited reroll. / Fail a roll. '''<=>''' Gain a reroll.
[[Trinity:Avaos#Random_Spark|Random Spark]] You trigger sparking as though a member of a different force. / ---
  [[Trinity:Avaos#Reciprocity|Reciprocity]] When you take damage, deal some to your attacker. / Take damage to deal damage.
  [[Trinity:Avaos#Reciprocity|Reciprocity]] When you take damage, deal some to your attacker. / Take damage to deal damage.
    / Deal damage, but next attack against you automatically hits.
    / Deal damage, but next attack against you automatically hits.
[[Trinity:Avaos#Shoutout|Shoutout]] Talk when it's not your turn. / Get silenced or muted. '''=>''' Gain a sonic attack.
   Moves]] Gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC. / Affected by an AoE. '''<=>''' Gain Evasion.
   Moves]] Gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC. / Affected by an AoE. '''<=>''' Gain Evasion.
[[Trinity:Avaos#Wild_Surge|Wild Surge]] --- / Be near a Force effect. '''=>''' Randomly increase or decrease that effect's caster level.
===Lesser Avaos===
===Lesser Avaos===
  '''NAME ACTIVE / CAUSAL ( <=> or => or / ) PRECAUSAL'''
  '''NAME ACTIVE / CAUSAL ( <=> or / ) PRECAUSAL'''
[[Trinity:Avaos#Chaos_Nova|Chaos Nova]] Deal 1d6 damage in a burst around you. / Die. '''<=>''' Deal 1d6/level damage in a burst.
  [[Trinity:Avaos#Escape_Bonds|Escape Bonds]] Gain a +4 bonus against touch-based effects. / Grappled or Bound. '''=>''' Gain ''Freedom of Movement''.
  [[Trinity:Avaos#Escape_Bonds|Escape Bonds]] Gain a +4 bonus against touch-based effects. / Grappled or Bound. '''=>''' Gain ''Freedom of Movement''.
Free Your
    Mind Target creature gets +4 on saves against mental influence. / Another creature is affected
  by mind-influencing. '''=>''' That creature becomes immune.
  Strike]] --- / A creature fumbles. '''<=>''' A creature crits.
[[Trinity:Avaos#Ice_Fractal|Ice Fractal]] Freeze the ground in a fractal pattern. / Take cold damage. '''<=>''' Nearby creatures also take cold damage.
Lend Luck Get a luck bonus on saves. / Fail a save. '''<=>''' Others get a bonus on that save.
Reflection Gain a +2 deflection bonus to AC. / Hit by a ray effect. '''=>''' Ray effect instead affects a random target.
Splinter --- / Your weapon is sundered. '''<=>''' Adjacent creature is blinded temporarily.
Surprise Gain sneak attack. / Become flanked. '''=>''' Gain improved uncanny dodge.
Thunderstrike --- / An electricity effect occurs. '''=>''' The effect occurs again.
    Angle Restrictions on moving loosen. / Creature charges you. '''=>''' Free 5-foot step.
Watch the
    Sharp End --- / Disarmed. '''<=>''' Free attack with that weapon.
===Greater Avaos===
'''NAME ACTIVE / CAUSAL ( <=> or => or / ) PRECAUSAL'''
Chaostouch Touch deals Wisdom damage. / Creature reads your mind. '''<=>''' Creature becomes ''confused''.
Chaotic Energy Half of damage you produce is chaotic. / Hit by energy type. '''=>''' Change the energy's type.
    Reversal --- / A creature is healed. '''<=>''' That creature is harmed instead.
    Exchange --- / Conjuration effect. '''<=>''' Random creature nearby blinks out.
Just Chance Target gets no bonuses or maluses to a roll. / ---
Karma Take 10 on all rolls. / Roll a natural 1 now. '''<=>''' Get a natural 20 for later.
Miss the
    Ground --- / Hit the ground from falling. '''=>''' Fly.
[[Trinity:Avaos#My_Time|My Time]] Ignore the initiative order. / Your initiative is changed. '''<=>''' Gain a move action now.
Out of Sight Gain limited invisibility. / Affected by teleportation effect. '''=>''' Go invisible instead.
Spatial Jump Travel through space in a random direction. / Teleport effect. '''=>''' Modify the chances of failure.
Uncertainty --- / Conjuration effect. '''<=>''' Illusion effect.
===Overwhelming Avaos===
'''NAME ACTIVE / CAUSAL ( <=> or => or / ) PRECAUSAL'''
  Effect]] --- / An avao would be triggered. '''=>''' Trigger any avao.
[[Trinity:Avaos#Chaos|Chaos]] As per ''wand of wonder''. / ---
Chasm Split the earth. / Get tripped or bullrushed into a wall. '''=>''' Split the surface of what you fell into.
No Luck Target creature obeys the bell curve. / Critically fail a roll. '''=>''' Take 10 on future roll.
Noncausa Creature becomes a noncauser for a short time. / ---
[[Trinity:Avaos#Ripple_Effect|Ripple Effect]] --- / An avao was triggered last turn. '''=>''' Trigger two avaos this turn.
Weird --- / Affected by something. '''=>''' Randomly suffer a different but related effect.

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