Editing Trinity:The Toplanders

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* Smack as '''William''' ([[Trinity:Artilect|artilect]] [[Trinity:Templar|templar]])
* Smack as '''William''' ([[Trinity:Artilect|artilect]] [[Trinity:Templar|templar]])
* Dave-O as '''Shiro Kaze''' ([[Trinity:Moogle|moogle]] [[Trinity:Greasemonkey|greasemonkey]])
* Dave-O as '''Shiro Kaze''' ([[Trinity:Moogle|moogle]] [[Trinity:Greasemonkey|greasemonkey]])
* Nyc as [[Trinity:Toplander_Tiy_Lena|'''Tiy Lena''']] ([[Trinity:Selkie|selkie]] [[Trinity:Assassin|assassin]])
* Nyc as '''Tiy Lena''' ([[Trinity:Selkie|selkie]] [[Trinity:Assassin|assassin]])
* Catface as '''Addison''' ([[Trinity:Human|human]] [[Trinity:Voidchild|voidchild]]/[[Trinity:Trainer|trainer]])
* Catface as '''Addison''' ([[Trinity:Human|human]] [[Trinity:Voidchild|voidchild]]/[[Trinity:Trainer|trainer]])
* ®ß¥!! as '''Uriah Morodov''' ([[Trinity:Human#Tsavashi|human]] [[Trinity:Bard|bard]])
* ®ß¥!! as '''Uriah Morodov''' ([[Trinity:Human#Tsavashi|human]] [[Trinity:Bard|bard]])
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  Wooden Maul, Masterwork (*2)
  Wooden Maul, Masterwork (*2)
  Quarterstaff, Masterwork (*3)
  Quarterstaff, Masterwork (*3)
Natural Potion [Bear's Endurance (2nd @ 3rd)] (ID'd)
  Thin sheet of wood, covered in writing on both sides [language unknown; Divine item] (*5)
  Thin sheet of wood, covered in writing on both sides [language unknown; Divine item] (*5)
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They found and spoke with Angmar, explaining to him everything they had done so far. Angmar was a bit disturbed by all of the information he was dumping on them, but he appeared pleased with their progress. The group wanted materials - specifically, metal from the ship - which Angmar was willing to grant them, considering that the group informed him of their encounter with Shye, with emphasis on the fact that they were carrying metal.
They found and spoke with Angmar, explaining to him everything they had done so far. Angmar was a bit disturbed by all of the information he was dumping on them, but he appeared pleased with their progress. The group wanted materials - specifically, metal from the ship - which Angmar was willing to grant them, considering that the group informed him of their encounter with Shye, with emphasis on the fact that they were carrying metal.
The brothers Kaze spoke with their father, Murasaki, about the construction of a massive vehicle, an idea with which he was incredibly pleased. They informed him that metal would be delivered shortly, and the elder Kaze began work almost immediately on a massive flying ship.
The brothers Kaze spoke with their father about the construction of a massive vehicle, an idea with which he was incredibly pleased. They informed him that metal would be delivered shortly, and the elder Kaze began work almost immediately on a massive flying ship.
The group then went to Germonik, to check on the status of Josef. They found that his "radio tower" had been disassembled, and the barn ripped asunder. Further investigation led to them learning that Josef had fled town, but Volos had not been so lucky - he had apparently been strung up on the north end of town. They also discovered that Bill had been overthrown, by a Nevhonim named Ted. After an almost-confrontation with the Nevhonim (during which Shiro collapsed one of the walls of the main tavern in Germonik), they backed off and told the group what they wanted to hear.
The group then went to Germonik, to check on the status of Josef. They found that his "radio tower" had been disassembled, and the barn ripped asunder. Further investigation led to them learning that Josef had fled town, but Volos had not been so lucky - he had apparently been strung up on the north end of town. They also discovered that Bill had been overthrown, by a Nevhonim named Ted. After an almost-confrontation with the Nevhonim (during which Shiro collapsed one of the walls of the main tavern in Germonik), they backed off and told the group what they wanted to hear.
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==Session 07 - Vapor Trail==
==Session 07 - Vapor Trail==
'''XP:''' 1350 (600 combat, 750 story)
The next session will be taking place on '''Saturday, October 27'''.
The group decided to take the strange creature with them, and go to the Simics, to see if the adu'ja could find out more about the creature. The creature was still alive, but barely hanging onto life.
They headed to Sh'cala, the southern-most adu'jan city, and spoke with the Simics there. The group had questions they wanted the creature to answer, and the Simics managed to get some answers out of the creature via the Blue.
'''Creature's Race and Type:''' unknown race, humanoid
'''Most recent basic goal:''' escape
'''What is it?''' "We call ourselves the ''un'veyar''."
'''Were you attacked, and by what?''' "Yes, horned creatures riding on acid-spitting winged things."
'''Where is metal?''' "Veyar."
'''What about the moonfall?''' "Legends say long time ago, moon fell into the world."
'''Does it know about the horned things?''' "Yes."
'''Does it know about the memento umbra?''' "The what?"
'''Does it want to be Migg's friend?''' "Who is miggs?"
'''Does he know "how to fix this world"?''' "Can't fix, world trapped by pull of big world."
'''Where did it come from?''' "Veyar."
'''When did it come from? How long ago?''' no response.
'''How old is it?''' "17 seasons."
The party was somewhat perplexed by these answers. They decided to head back to the armand, and see if they knew anything more.
Upon finding the armands, there were a good deal of questions. The leader of the armand explained that, long ago, the zerg descended upon the planet. The armands and the myconids hid from the threat, while the ancelari remained on the surface, attempting to fend the creatures off. The armands explained that it was the ancelari who created the mist over the planet, in an effort to slow the zerg advance; however, their efforts were mostly in vain.
In the end, the ancelari were forced underground, fighting the zerg in the many caves and tunnels beneath the planet's surface. Their leaders attempted to get their people off the planet by an unknown means; however, they were only partially successful, and many ancelari were left behind. In a last-ditch effort to destroy the zerg, they attempted to destroy the core of the planet - however, they apparently miscalculated, and only shattered the core, which shattered the entire surface of the planet and greatly weakened the planet's gravity. This resulted in the floating landmasses.
They further explained that the shattering of the planet's core modified the magnetic field of the planet, altering almost all of the metal ore on the surface into the substance the party knew as electrum.
[[Image:Trinity_Toplanders_-_Windcrossed_Isles_Explore_1.JPG|thumb|375px|right|The islands in the east.]]
The armands also explained that they did not always look like they did now; however, having been on "irradiated" ground for so long, their people had gradually but drastically changed from their original form.
The armands also told the group that there were strong currents in the atmosphere of the planet, much like water currents, and that the floating islands they rode on to reach Tai'lyan were caught in one such current.
The group decided to head east, heading off the eastern-most edge of Reldyr'nym, along the air current, "against the wind."
Two months later, the party encountered a new set of floating landmasses; somewhere along the way, the strange creature they had picked up finally passed away. Searching its belongings, they found a beaten metal badge, with some strange markings on it.
They explored the new islands, which were mostly uninhabited.
On the southern-most island, however, they encountered a walled city. All of the group save Shiro and Kuro attempted to find a way into the city, and found a heavy iron gate - complete with two horned beings garbed in plate and armed with halberds - on the southern edge. When they approached, one of the guards asked who they were in Lucavic; after the majority of the group seemed unable to communicate in this, the guard spoke to them in Eastern Common.
Miggs mentioned that they knew Shye, and wanted to see her; the guard recognized the name, and said they could all come in, save Addison. Addison complied, and William accompanied her back to the moogles.
Meanwhile, the rest of the group - Kassian, Uriah, Miggs, Tiy, and Tabby - entered the city. The guard led them to a rather large stone structure in the middle of the city (which was actually more like a walled camp). They were instructed to enter, and told to wait for Shye.
Inside, the group were left in an entryway, with a doorway leading into what looked like a temple. Inside there was an enormous stone statue of Ajora, the head angel of Kolaita, the goddess of healing; the angel was wielding a bastard sword, wearing full plate, and had wings that had the appearance of razor-sharp metal. Set around the statue were two altars, each with three candles, all lit.
After awhile, Shye finally entered, and greeted the group pleasantly. Miggs was interested in what was going on in the temple, so Shye invited them all in, and explained to Miggs that they followed Kolaita, but also paid special attention to Ajora, because the angel was the goddess' protector. Kassian and Tabby refused to enter the room, while Uriah attempted to, but was stunned upon crossing the threshold into the room. Uriah then pushed Kassian into the room, but nothing happened.
The discussion turned to the subject of metal, and Shye took them outside to meet with the city's blacksmith. As they walked, however, Miggs turned on his ''cloak generator'', but attempted to make it look sneaky; Shye was apparently not amused by his antics, however, and was aware that he had actively done it, rather than "accidentally," as he claimed. They continued on to the blacksmith.
They attempted to haggle for some metal, but the blacksmith seemed uninterested.
There was another discussion here, regarding the residents of Fort Drakys (as Shye called it) - they all appeared to be horned, other than Shye. Shye was rather vague on why that was, insisting that many beings had horns, and that it wasn't that unusual.
[[Image:Trinity_Toplanders_-_Veyar_Explore_1.JPG|thumb|375px|left|Is it a moon? Or a space station?]]
The group then decided to leave. They were escorted out.
Regrouping, the party decided to continue heading east.
After a few days, they encountered a strange purple mist. Heading in all directions to determine which way it was, they headed up, where the purple haze seemed to strengthen. After a few hours, they experienced a change in gravity, and were now looking down (what was up, previously) at a strange new environment.
They decided to explore, and flew along the edge of the "continent." They found that there was a lower section (upper, in terms of normal gravity), that they opted to not explore at this time. They continued around, until they were back where they started, they then decided to search the plate in a zig-zag pattern.
Eventually, in the southern mountains, they saw a cave entrance; this was unusual, as they had not yet seen anything of the sort here. Guessing that the outside air was poisonous to mortals, William volunteered to go explore. The cave narrowed into a tunnel, then opened into a wider cavern, with three branches - as well as an electrum lamp in the ceiling.
Exploring further, William encountered more horned beings, who were mining what looked like iron ore. They noticed him, but - being a templar - he was much too fast for them, and he quickly returned to the ''Kamikaze''. The creatures chased him out, but the group crushed two of the three with the ship; the remaining one returned to the depths of the cave.
Un'veyar metal badge
==Session 08 - Dark Side of the Moon==
'''XP:''' 806 (750 story, 56 combat)
Session synopsis coming soon.
'''Session Highlights'''
Entered western wing of mine.
Encountered a bunch of traps.
Kuro scouted ahead, found a bunch of fake miners.
Fight in the corridor.
Loot coming soon.
==Session 09 - Infernoplex==
'''XP:''' 4th - 1975 (500 story, 1000 combat, 475 traps)
    3rd - 2160 (500 story, 1125 combat, 535 traps)
Session synopsis coming soon.
'''Session Highlights'''
Party rested, returned to western wing.
Ambushed by three guys. Looted them.
Attacked by two groups, one of miners and blacksmiths from the west, and two guys from the south.
Kassian died.
Group captured a priest.
Priest fought them on the ship, they killed him, dumped him off at Fort Drakys.
William died.
Group returned to the adu'ja, who revived the pair. They now each owe the adu'ja a favor.
The simics used ''object loresight'' to determine what was up with the priest guy's holy symbol. It came from a place called
  Shar'nal, which isn't on Arcturas (the planet).
Group headed to Edge to deliver iron ore stolen from the mine and to check on Josef.
Group headed to Germonik to check on them. Encountered Ned Riddle, current "leader."
Riddle gave Uriah 20 wooden coins.
Group found out that Riddle is interested in establishing a currency so that they can trade with the artilects for wood.
Group went to Arcturas (the city) to talk to Angmar.
They told Angmar what was going on.
Angmar informed the group that there had been an explosion in Edge, at the electrum processing plant.
Apparently the iron ore the group brought was electrum. But it was definitely iron ore when they started.
Loot coming soon.
==Session 10 - Iron Man==
'''XP:''' ''4th'' - 2100 (1000 story, 1000 combat, 100 social)
    ''3rd'' - 2200 (1000 story, 1088 combat, 112 social)
Session synopsis coming soon.
'''Session Highlights'''
The group headed down to Sh'cala, to see if the adu'ja could identify some of their loot.
Upon arrival, William freaked out, and wrote something down.
Aes'iel agreed to identify their items, and identified most of what the party had.
The party then headed back to the mine.
On the way there, there was knocking on the hatch. William went out to investigate, and there was a guy on top of the ship.
They let him in.
Guy seemed to recognize each of them, and introduced himself as Iz. He spoke with a strange accent.
Iz explained that he had talked with Shye, and had been trapped in temporal stasis since the fall of the Ronkan empire.
Iz explained that Shye was apparently planning on war.
Iz accompanied them to the mine. The group investigated the western mineshaft, but upon attempting to get into the southern
    and eastern mines, found that the doors had been melted, and the openings closed with smooth stone.
When they returned to the ship (parked a mile up), Iz was waiting for them.
The group decided to head north, and Iz decided to accompany them.
They found another continent, this one covered in snow.
Iz insisted on being let outside, so they took a short rest.
Addison followed Iz beyond the mist, and came back before he did - she apparently saw him turn into a dragon.
5 akashic stones (4 in Lucavic, 1 in Ronkan)
==Session 11 - Acoustic Snowfall==
This session will take place on '''December 1, 2007.'''
Also, as of this session, we will be playing in the basement.

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