Editing User:Dakkareth/Custom Charms

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'''Prerequisites:''' Infinite (Ability) Mastery, (Ability) Essence Flow<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Infinite (Ability) Mastery, (Ability) Essence Flow<br>
The Lawgivers' excellence is not limited by their once-mortal spirits. This Charm permanently increases the maximum rating of the chosen Ability by one. Raising the Ability to that level requires the normal expenditure of XP.
The Lawgivers' excellence is not limited by their once-mortal spirits. This Charm permanently increases the maximum rating of the chosen Ability by one. Raising the Ability to that level requires the normal expenditure of XP.
'''Infinite Well of (Ability)'''<br>
'''Cost:''' --; '''Mins:''' (Ability) 5, Ess 5; '''Type:''' Permanent<br>
'''Keywords:''' None<br>
'''Duration:''' Permanent<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Infinite (Ability) Mastery<br>
Within the soul of each Lawgiver a bottomless well of excellence exists. Woe to the enemy who forces them to draw upon it. This Charm enhances its prerequisite in the following way: The duration of Infinite (Ability) Mastery is changed to Indefinite.
'''Lambent Bolt of Annihilation''' (custom version of the canonical charm)<br>
'''Cost:''' --; '''Mins:''' Archery 5, Ess 4; '''Type:''' Permanent<br>
'''Keywords:''' None<br>
'''Duration:''' Permanent<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Essence Arrow Attack<br>
The arrows of the Lawgivers bring down a maelstrom of destruction upon their unrighteous enemies. By spending two additional motes on Essence Arrow Attack the Lawgiver’s arrow detonates in a searing flare as it hits. If an attack enhanced by this Charm successfully strikes its target, then the target is surrounded by a one-time environmental damage effect with a radius of (Essence x 2) yards, Damage (Essence)L and Trauma (Essence). This damage is doubled against structures. If the Solar is caught within the radius of this effect, she is immune to it. By spending two more motes (for a total of four) the explosion can be expanded to a radius of (Essence x 5) yards and the Solar adds half his permanent Essence again to the damage. When employed in Mass Combat every attack enhanced by Lambent Bolt of Annihilation is applied (Essence / 2) times against its target, +1 if the extended radius is used.<br>
At Essence 5+, if the Solar has Compassion 3+, the explosion produced by this Charm will not harm any characters she does not wish it to. <br>
At Archery 6+, the environmental field’s Damage upgrades to (Essence x 2)L. '''Trauma increase? Secondary mode?'''<br>
A second purchase of this Charm, at Archery 7+, Essence 7+ permits the Lawgiver to activate Lambent Bolt of Annihilation for 10m, expanding its radius to (Essence x 50) yards. This benefit upgrades to (Essence x 100) yards at Archery 8+, Essence 8+. In Mass Combat this counts as an effect of mass destruction.
'''Swift Flight of Arrows Discipline'''<br> (or a better name?)
'''Cost:''' 3m; '''Mins:''' Archery 5, Ess 3; '''Type:''' Reflexive<br>
'''Keywords:''' Combo-OK<br>
'''Duration:''' One scene<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Trance of Unhesitating Speed<br>
In the hands of a Lawgiver even a common bow can send out a second flight of arrows while the first one is still in the air. For the duration of this Charm all attacks made with ranged weapons have their Speed reduced by one.
'''Glorious Solar Weaponry'''<br>
'''Glorious Solar Weaponry'''<br>
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'''Master's Subtle Edge'''<br>
'''Master's Subtle Edge'''<br>
'''Cost:''' --; '''Mins:''' Melee 5, Ess 3; '''Type:''' Permanent<br>
'''Cost:''' -- (4m); '''Mins:''' Melee 5, Ess 3; '''Type:''' Permanent<br>
'''Keywords:''' None<br>
'''Keywords:''' None<br>
'''Duration:''' Permanent<br>
'''Duration:''' Permanent<br>
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Those to whom the Lawgivers give death linger not as shades or otherwise defy the natural order. To those already trapped in unliving nightmares the touch of the Sun's Chosen is a blessing. This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite in the following way: Instead of taking back a killing stroke at the last moment the Exalt may also make it into a painless and clean death. The target's soul automatically and without fail proceeds to Lethe. Undead without souls and Hungry Ghosts are permanently laid to rest. Against any effect contesting the working of this Charm the character gains her (Essence) in automatic successes.
Those to whom the Lawgivers give death linger not as shades or otherwise defy the natural order. To those already trapped in unliving nightmares the touch of the Sun's Chosen is a blessing. This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite in the following way: Instead of taking back a killing stroke at the last moment the Exalt may also make it into a painless and clean death. The target's soul automatically and without fail proceeds to Lethe. Undead without souls and Hungry Ghosts are permanently laid to rest. Against any effect contesting the working of this Charm the character gains her (Essence) in automatic successes.
'''Transcendent Sword-Art Understanding'''<br>
'''Transcendent Sword-Art Understanding<br>
'''Cost:''' --; '''Mins:''' Melee 6, Ess 5; '''Type:''' Permanent<br>
'''Cost:''' --; '''Mins:''' Melee 6, Ess 5; '''Type:''' Permanent<br>
'''Keywords:''' None<br>
'''Keywords:''' None<br>
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Nuwa has focused her excellence to a degree that no others can match. Her understanding of the art of the sword far exceeds the limits of what should be possible to one of her age. This Charm permanently increases the maximum Melee rating she can attain by one. Raising the Ability to that level requires the normal expenditure of XP. Furthermore the XP cost of Melee Charms is (in future and retroactively) reduced by one.
Nuwa has focused her excellence to a degree that no others can match. Her understanding of the art of the sword far exceeds the limits of what should be possible to one of her age. This Charm permanently increases the maximum Melee rating she can attain by one. Raising the Ability to that level requires the normal expenditure of XP. Furthermore the XP cost of Melee Charms is (in future and retroactively) reduced by one.
'''Blade-Healing Arts'''<br>
'''Cost:''' --; '''Mins:''' Melee 5, Medicine 5, Ess 4; '''Type:''' Permanent<br>
'''Keywords:''' None<br>
'''Duration:''' Permanent<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Merciful Bodhisattva Attitude, Heart-Breaking Blade, Contagion-Curing Touch<br>
The weapon of the compassionate swordmaster brings healing as easily as injury. Upon making a successful attack for which at least one die of damage would be rolled the character may in Step 8 as a reflexive action trigger any Medicine Charm or Combo she possesses that does not require a dramatic action to employ and apply it to her target. If she wishes she may also negate all damage that her attack would otherwise do in addition to the Medicine Charm effect.
'''Empty Hand Approach'''<br>
'''Cost:''' --; '''Mins:''' Melee 5, Ess 4; '''Type:''' Permanent<br>
'''Keywords:''' None<br>
'''Duration:''' Permanent<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Heart Moves The Blade<br>
When the heart desires subtlety the blade of a swordmaster follows suit. This Charm removes the Obvious keyword of Heart Moves The Blade at will, rendering the Lawgiver's weapon invisible. Essence-users may still feel the principle of separation's approach and defend themselves, but they suffer an external penalty of half the character's permanent Essence. Mortals cannot block such attacks at all and are at a -(Essence) penalty to dodge them.<br>
A second purchase at Ess 5 increases the external penalty to the character's full (Essence) and makes attacks both unblockable and undodgeable to mortals.
'''Unseen Blade Maneuver'''<br>
'''Cost:''' -- (3m); '''Mins:''' Melee 5, Ess 4; '''Type:''' Permanent<br>
'''Keywords:''' (Combo-OK)<br>
'''Duration:''' Permanent<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Empty Hand Approach<br>
The Lawgiver can learn to move her weapon so quickly and so subtly that no defense is possible. This Charm permanently enhances Heart Moves the Blade in the following way: By reflexively spending 3m in Step 1 of attack resolution unless her opponent subsequently scores as many successes as the attack roll on a reflexive (Wits+Awareness) roll the attack becomes unexpected.
To be written:
'''Cut immaterial, notional and metaphysical entities
Permanently destroy spirits/demons/FF/etc
World-Spanning Kata: Range upgrade for HMTB, cost/action at first, then permanent. Up to Creation-wide at Essence 9.
Gilded Champion Refuge: Second purchase - defend other within Move or weapon Reach.
Apply attack to all within Reach.
EotSS+HMTB-> Beauty is in the Eye style transformation
Mobility Charms, anti flurry-breaker
Awareness: upgrade for SAM, trigger on behalf of others, up to using it on attacks on people beyond perception.'''
'''Adamant Soul Fortress'''<br>
'''Cost:''' --; '''Mins:''' Integrity 5, Ess 4; '''Type:''' Permanent<br>
'''Keywords:''' None<br>
'''Duration:''' Permanent<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Elusive Dream Defense<br>
Against corrupting influences the Chosen of the Sun stand armored and prepared like a fortress expecting a siege. This Charm permanently improves Elusive Dream Defense in the following way: When used against a single social attack the character may chose not to create a new, essence-charged Intimacy. In exchange the protection provided is fleeting and does not persist beyond the singular social attack it is invoked against.
'''Truth Shines Like The Sun'''<br>
'''Truth Shines Like The Sun'''<br>
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'''Prerequisites:''' Any Presence Excellency<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Any Presence Excellency<br>
When the Lawgivers speak the truth none may doubt them. Whenever the character speaks the truth (as well as she knows it) and someone attempts to judge or otherwise doubt her truthfulness she may activate this Charm. If she is currently making a social attack, add her Temperance in dice to the roll. Regardless of the success or failure of social attacks conveyed by her words disbelieving their honesty requires resisting Unnatural Mental Influence by spending three points of Willpower. If the Lawgiver is misleading by omission only one point of Willpower needs to be spent. This Charm cannot assert the honesty of words the character considers a lie.
When the Lawgivers speak the truth none may doubt them. Whenever the character speaks the truth (as well as she knows it) and someone attempts to judge or otherwise doubt her truthfulness she may activate this Charm. If she is currently making a social attack, add her Temperance in dice to the roll. Regardless of the success or failure of social attacks conveyed by her words disbelieving their honesty requires resisting Unnatural Mental Influence by spending three points of Willpower. If the Lawgiver is misleading by omission only one point of Willpower needs to be spent. This Charm cannot assert the honesty of words the character considers a lie.
'''Incandescent Solar Glory'''<br>
'''Cost:''' 4m; '''Mins:''' Presence 4, Ess 3; '''Type:''' Simple<br>
'''Keywords:''' Combo-Ok<br>
'''Duration:''' One scene<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' None (or Any Presence Excellency)<br>
No one outshines the sun. Internalizing that simple principle the Lawgiver gives herself an air of impossible perfection, doubling the maximum Mental Defense Value penalty she can inflict based on difference in Appearance. At Essence 5 the duration of this Charm becomes Indefinite. At Essence 6 the Exalt does away with the limit altogether.
'''Infatuation-Gathering Idol Methodology''' (merged from the Performance Charm of the same name, effect unchanged)<br>
'''Cost:''' --; '''Mins:''' Presence 5, Ess 4; '''Type:''' Permanent<br>
'''Keywords:''' Emotion, Illusion, Merged<br>
'''Duration:''' Permanent<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Incandescent Solar Glory<br>
The charismatic soul of the Lawgiver bleeds into every song she sings, every word she reads, every act she plays and every step she takes, making her beautiful. Even if she’s just singing softly to herself, she inspires adulation. Whenever she successfully influences a target with a social attack, that target acquires a positive Intimacy toward her, with an emotional context of the target’s player’s choosing, so long as the target does not choose to reject the social attack by paying Willpower or invoking an appropriate Charm. If the target already has an existing positive Intimacy toward the Solar, then he instead suffers an Illusion effect which causes him to regard the Lawgiver as having twice her true Appearance rating. This unnatural mental influence persists so long as the positive Intimacy does, but may be ignored for one scene by paying a point of Willpower, or broken altogether by paying five points of Willpower at once.
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*Strength from Determination: The Lawgiver may set himself a task he must accomplish. While he works toward completing it the duration of Tireless Sentinel Technique is extended for however long he needs to finish his task or until he abandons it. As the cost of such inhuman determination he loses the ability to recover Willpower through sleep for that time however.
*Strength from Determination: The Lawgiver may set himself a task he must accomplish. While he works toward completing it the duration of Tireless Sentinel Technique is extended for however long he needs to finish his task or until he abandons it. As the cost of such inhuman determination he loses the ability to recover Willpower through sleep for that time however.
*Warden's Constant Vigilance: While Tireless Sentinel Technique is active dull or repetitive work neither tries the Lawgiver's patience nor does it weaken his attentiveness.
*Warden's Constant Vigilance: While Tireless Sentinel Technique is active dull or repetitive work neither tries the Lawgiver's patience nor does it weaken his attentiveness.
'''Indomitable Puissance Transformation'''<br>
'''Cost:''' 2m; '''Mins:''' Resistance 4, Ess 3; '''Type:''' Reflexive (Step 8)<br>
'''Keywords:''' Obvious<br>
'''Duration:''' Instant<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Invincible Essence Reinforcement (x2)<br>
The Lawgivers forge their bodies into mighty weapons, as enduring and invulnerable as the Sun Metal itself. Upon invoking this Charm against an attack that successfully deals Bashing or Lethal damage to the character the number of HL inflicted is reduced to one. This limit applies even to effects that would normally increase the damage in later Steps.<bR>
At Essence 4 this Charm works against Aggravated damage as well.
'''Sun-Scholar's Mastery of Dreams'''<br>
'''Cost:''' 3m; '''Mins:''' Lore 3, Ess 2; '''Type:''' Reflexive<br>
'''Keywords:''' Combo-OK <br>
'''Duration:''' One Day<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Any Lore Excellency<br>
The Lawgiver's mastery extends not merely to the overt manifestations of the Wyld but to the realm of dreams as well, allowing them to be aware of their dreams and shape them as they see fit. Effectively this grants her the Lucid Dreamer merit for the duration of the Charm. This Charm can be triggered even while the character is dreaming, unconscious, comatose, etc.
'''Oneiric Learning Technique'''<br>
'''Oneiric Learning Technique'''<br>
'''Cost:''' --; '''Mins:''' Lore 4, Ess 4; '''Type:''' Permanent<br>
'''Cost:''' --; '''Mins:''' Lore 4, Ess 4; '''Type:''' Permanent<br>
'''Keywords:''' Training <br>
'''Keywords:''' Training <br>
'''Duration:''' Permanent<br>
'''Duration:''' Permanent<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Sun-Scholar's Mastery of Dreams OR Lucid Dreamer Merit OR equivalent<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Lucid Dreamer Merit or equivalent<br>
The Lawgiver's mastery extends not merely to the overt manifestations of the Wyld but to the realm of dreams as well, turning the seeming waste of time that is sleep into a strength. This Charm allows the character to count any period of sleep sufficient to recover Willpower as a full (additional) day of training. The cost of this mental exertion is that the recovery of Willpower is reduced by one to a minimum of zero in every night that is used for training in this way.
The Lawgiver's mastery extends not merely to the overt manifestations of the Wyld but to the realm of dreams as well, turning the seeming waste of time that is sleep into a strength. This Charm allows the character to count any period of sleep sufficient to recover Willpower as a full day of training. The cost of this mental exertion is that the recovery of Willpower is reduced by one to a minimum of zero for every night that is used for training in this way.
'''Dreamscape Training Ground Methodology'''<br>
'''Dreamscape Training Ground Methodology'''<br>
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'''Keywords:''' None <br>
'''Keywords:''' None <br>
'''Duration:''' Permanent<br>
'''Duration:''' Permanent<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Oneiric Learning Technique, Harmonious Academic Method<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Oneiric Learning Technique<br>
As the sun gifts his light to everyone the Lawgivers share their strengths with their allies. The character may extend the benefit of her Oneric Learning Technique to anyone whose dreams she is able to touch (always including her Lunar mate). This creates a shared dream within which all may train together or separately, possibly benefiting from further Charms with the Training keyword.
As the sun gifts his light to everyone the Lawgivers share their strengths with their allies. The character may extend the benefit of her Oneric Learning Technique to anyone whose dreams she is able to touch (always including her Lunar mate). This creates a shared dream within which all may train together or separately, possibly benefiting from further Charms with the Training keyword.
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'''Prerequisites:''' Flawless Diagnosis Technique, Contagion-Curing Touch<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Flawless Diagnosis Technique, Contagion-Curing Touch<br>
The Solar physician sees all. No cause of illness remains hidden, no aspect of it concealed. Her eyes pierce flesh and bone and spirit with ease and can pick out a single cancerous cell among untold trillions of healthy ones. Her ears hear the crackling of synapses and the spurting of glandular secretions. Her nose smells all the numberless properties of healthy and diseased tissue, of invading organisms or toxins. Her heart understands all the afflictions of the psyche, of Essence and spirit. By spending an additional point of Willpower when using Flawless Diagnosis Technique the character automatically arrives at a full, comprehensive and correct diagnosis, learning all she needs in a a flash of transcendent insight. If another effect contests the working of this Charm add twice the character's Permanent Essence to the opposed roll.
The Solar physician sees all. No cause of illness remains hidden, no aspect of it concealed. Her eyes pierce flesh and bone and spirit with ease and can pick out a single cancerous cell among untold trillions of healthy ones. Her ears hear the crackling of synapses and the spurting of glandular secretions. Her nose smells all the numberless properties of healthy and diseased tissue, of invading organisms or toxins. Her heart understands all the afflictions of the psyche, of Essence and spirit. By spending an additional point of Willpower when using Flawless Diagnosis Technique the character automatically arrives at a full, comprehensive and correct diagnosis, learning all she needs in a a flash of transcendent insight. If another effect contests the working of this Charm add twice the character's Permanent Essence to the opposed roll.
'''Divine Sorcerer's Alacrity'''<br>
'''Cost:''' --; '''Mins:''' Occult 5, Ess 4; '''Type:''' Permanent<br>
'''Keywords:''' None<br>
'''Duration:''' Permanent<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Celestial Circle Sorcery<br>
The Lawgivers are unmatched in their mastery of sorcery. Where others might need a few seconds to recover from the ordeal of shaping the Essence of Creation itself to the Solar Exalted this is no more than business as usual. For purposes of the Cast Sorcery action the reaction count of any scene is capped at (8 - Essence).
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At Essence 6 the Exalt surrenders Namadiksha, the gift of names, and becomes nameless and unnameable.<br>
At Essence 6 the Exalt surrenders Namadiksha, the gift of names, and becomes nameless and unnameable.<br>
At Essence 7 the Exalt takes on the final aspect of Nirguna and becomes non-existant in truth. He is no more than a floating cloud of thought and awareness, utterly immune to any attack or damaging effect except those of Social Attacks.
At Essence 7 the Exalt takes on the final aspect of Nirguna and becomes non-existant in truth. He is no more than a floating cloud of thought and awareness, utterly immune to any attack or damaging effect except those of Social Attacks.
'''Cloud Treading Method'''<br>
'''Cost:''' --; '''Mins:''' Athletics 5, Ess 4; '''Type:''' Permanent<br>
'''Keywords:''' --<br>
'''Duration:''' Permanent<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Feather-Foot Style<br>
The sun moves through the sky with infinite ease, why should his Chosen be any different? This Charm permanently upgrades Feather-Foot Style in the following way: The Lawgiver may walk on air, on words, even on a single mote of essence as if they were solid ground under her feet.
'''Divine Flash Step''' (modified version of Godspeed Steps from Scroll of Errata)<br>
'''Cost:''' 1-8m, (1wp); '''Mins:''' Athletics 5, Ess 3; '''Type:''' Reflexive<br>
'''Keywords:''' Combo-OK, Obvious<br>
'''Duration:''' Instant<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Lightning Speed<br>
A Solar need only will himself to move with speed beyond all reckoning. This Charm allows the character to cross extreme distances with a normal Move action. Upon activating this Charm the Solar may travel up to his normal Move multiplied by two in yards for one mote, (Move x 5) for two motes, or (Move x 10) yards for three motes. When using this Charm the Exalt is seen to flash from location to location instantaneously. This is not teleportation — the Solar must actually cross the intervening distance. Should the Lawgiver encounter a barrier that impedes his progress prematurely, he is refunded Essence and Willpower as appropriate to the distance already traveled—for example, if an Essence 5 Solar paid seven motes to traverse a 300 yard long canyon instantly, but discovered a wall of invisible force blocking him after only 80 yards, he would be refunded three motes. This Charm may be activated no more than once per action.<br>
At Essence 4 the Lawgiver gains the option to cover (Move x 20) yards for four motes, or (Move x 40) yards for five  motes.<br>
At Essence 5 she may travel (Move x 60) yards for six motes, (Move x 100) yards for seven motes, and up to (Move x 300) yards by paying eight motes and one Willpower.
'''Striking Sunbeam Dance'''<br>
'''Cost:''' --; '''Mins:''' Athletics 5, Ess 4; '''Type:''' Permanent<br>
'''Keywords:''' None<br>
'''Duration:''' Permanent<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Divine Flash Step, Foe-Vaulting Method<br>
The Lawgivers move as lightning, quicker than the eye can follow with only the thunder in their wake to mark their passing. This Charm permanently upgrades all forms of movement in the following way: Rather than moving normally the Solar may accelerate and decelerate so quickly as to seemingly disappear in one place and reappear at the end of the movement action accompanied by a small thunderclap even without using Divine Flash Step. In addition this Charm permanently upgrades Divine Flash Step in the following ways: By paying two additional motes when activating the Charm the Lawgiver may move like sunlight rather than lightning, faster than thought and without sound or wind to betray her. She may use the incredibly fast movement provided by Divine Flash Step to re-establish surprise with Athletics substituting for Stealth on the roll. In addition DFS may be activated up to (Essence / 2) times per action.
'''Lightning Attack Acceleration''' (an Athletics version of Panoptic Fusion Discipline)<br>
'''Cost:''' -- (+4m); '''Mins:''' Athletics 5, Ess 3; '''Type:''' Permanent<br>
'''Keywords:''' None<br>
'''Duration:''' Permanent<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Lightning Speed<br>
The Chosen of the Sun dance between raindrops and with perfect timing can exploit the smallest of flaws in their enemies' defenses. By spending an additional four motes while activating Lightning Speed the Lawgiver accelerates not only her legs but all movements of her body to extraordinary speeds. Her opponents seem to move in slow motion, making it easy to step around their sluggish defenses and defend against their ponderous attacks. All of the character's attacks are enhanced as though she had just spent three ticks accumulating dice with an Aim action, and her DVs are raised by 1 against all physical attacks of which she is aware. None of these bonuses count as dice added by a Charm. Each tick the Lawgiver spends Aiming while Lightning Attack Acceleration is active converts one die provided by this Charm into an automatic success; by staying her attack for a time and analyzing her opponents' movements she saves her energy for a sudden burst of supernal speed.
'''Light Body Form'''<br>
'''Cost:''' --; '''Mins:''' Athletics 5, Ess 5; '''Type:''' Permanent<br>
'''Keywords:''' None<br>
'''Duration:''' Permanent<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Unparalleled Acumen Meditation<br>
The Solar who learns this Charm permanently transforms her body into a form whose step bears no more weight than a sunbeam, moving with infinite grace. This Charm permanently upgrades Unparalleled Acumen Meditation in the following way: Its duration becomes Permanent, granting its effect at all times without need for committed Essence. In addition whenever an Athletics action is opposed by a perfect effect the Lawgiver accomplishes it perfectly and effortlessly, gaining her Essence in automatic successes on the opposed roll.
'''Shining Chrysanthemum Step''' (from Ever-Cascading Torrent of Glory, prerequisite changed from Racing the Sun to Sunbeam-Pursuing Alacrity)<br>
'''Cost:''' 4m per action, 1wp; '''Mins:''' Athletics 5, Ess 4; '''Type:''' Extra Action<br>
'''Keywords:''' Obvious, Combo-OK<br>
'''Duration:''' Instant<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Sunbeam-Pursuing Alacrity<br>
Just as the light of dawn shimmers and glints off of the beads of morning dew that gathers in flower-petals, so too does the technique named the Shining Chrysanthemum Step seem to shine with radiant light as the Solar acts with impossible grace and speed. This Charm allows the Solar to take a single fully independent action, plus an additional one for every 4 motes he spends, to a maximum of (Essence ÷ 2) additional actions (the initial action granted does not count towards this limit). The Solar cannot take any non-reflexive social or mental actions on an action in which he activates this Charm. This Charm is explicitly allowed to be placed in Combos with Charms of other Abilities.
'''Evanescent Mirage Evasion''' (previously Reverse Transluminal Negation)<br>
'''Cost:''' 7m, 1wp; '''Mins:''' Athletics 5, Ess 5; '''Type:''' Reflexive (Step 10)<br>
'''Keywords:''' Obvious, Combo-OK<br>
'''Duration:''' Instant<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Shining Chrysanthemum Step, Striking Sunbeam Dance<br>
When a Lawgiver is capable of movement faster even than light itself, who can say whether a seemingly successful attack has hit his true form or only an after-image? This Charm is invoked in response to a successful attack. All consequences of the attack, including but not limited to damage and all keyword effects, affect only an after-image of the Lawgiver and not his actual self, effectively negating the attack completely. In addition any activation of Divine Flash Step as part of the same paradoxical evasion maneuver has its cost reduced by two motes to a minimum of zero. If the Lawgiver is prevented from moving as part of his escape (for example by Blockade maneuvers or other effects limiting his movement) Evanescent Mirage Evasion cannot be activated. This constitutes a Flaw of Invulnerability.
'''Strength Carved From Orichalcum''' (based on the version from Torrent of Glory)<br>
'''Cost:''' 6m; '''Mins:''' Athletics 4, Ess 2; '''Type:''' Reflexive<br>
'''Keywords:''' Combo-OK<br>
'''Duration:''' One scene<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Any Athletics Excellency<br>
One could no more extinguish the flames of the sun than diminish the strength of the Solar Exalted. The Solar may ignore up to (Athletics) in penalties on his physical actions from circumstances, environmental effects or imposed by another character’s Charms, or similar supernatural powers. This reduction applies to external penalties first, and then to internal penalties. If such an effect increases or enhances a penalty the Solar suffers, he may apply the reduction to the increased penalty, although this cannot reduce it below its base value.
'''Radiant Emptiness Prana'''<br>
'''Cost:''' 6m, 1wp; '''Mins:''' Athletics 6, Ess 6; '''Type:''' Reflexive<br>
'''Keywords:''' Obvious, Combo-OK<br>
'''Duration:''' 5 Actions<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Evanescent Mirage Evasion<br>
None can match the footwork of a Chosen of the Sun who attains transcendent mastery of movement. He may as well be everywhere and nowhere at once so difficult is it to follow his movements or pin down his position. While this Charm is in effect the character's DVs are increased by 1 (this does not count as an increase by a Charm) and ranged attacks take an external penalty equal to the Solar's permanent Essence. Additionally any attack against the character from an enemy with an engagement range smaller than the Lawgiver's movement rate automatically fails, unless the Solar has on the very same tick taken an action that clearly defines his position relative to the attacker such as a close combat attack against him or a Defend Other action against one of his attacks. The Solar simply moves out of the way of the attack effortlessly letting it strike nothing but air. Restraining the character's movement in such a way that this is impossible or using area effect attacks with a radius greater than the Lawgiver's movement rate void this defense and this counts as a Flaw of Invulnerability. Finally the character gains a discount of (Ess-4) motes to his use of Divine Flash Step while Radiant Emptiness Prana lasts, to a minimum cost of 1m.<br>
With a second purchase at Essence 7 this Charm constitutes a perfect defense against ranged attacks that doesn't hit next to instantly any target the wielder can see (such as essence beams or similar weapons), provides a discount of (Ess-6) motes to Evanescent Mirage Evasion, and guarantees automatic success on any Athletics action relating to movement (+Ess sux if opposed by another Charm).
'''Sunlight Prism Style''' == ''Seven Dragons Dance'' from Cascading Torrent of Glory<br>
'''Kaleidoscopic Mirror Transformation'''<br>
'''Cost:''' -- (+2m); '''Mins:''' Athletics 6, Ess 6; '''Type:''' Permanent<br>
'''Keywords:''' None<br>
'''Duration:''' Permanent<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Sunlight Prism Style<br>
*at +2m Shining Chrysanthemum Step and Seven Dragons Dance create fully separate instances rather than just independent actions
*SCS-created instances may Guard and Move without it counting as action
*instances draw from the same Essence and Willpower pool and share a single health track
*at any time as reflexive (step 2) action an instance can be dismissed (ending the Charm in the case of SDD), causing all attacks directed against it to automatically fail
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*Willpower. The Exalt can train Willpower to a maximum of 6.
*Willpower. The Exalt can train Willpower to a maximum of 6.
*Specialties. The Exalt can train others in specialties for any Ability he can train.
*Specialties. The Exalt can train others in specialties for any Ability he can train.
'''Frozen Sunlight Mask''' (renamed from 'Illegible Solar Pokerface' in Ever-Cascading Torrent of Glory)<br>
'''Cost:''' 5m, 1wp; '''Mins:''' Socialize 3, Ess 2; '''Type:''' Reflexive (Step 2)<br>
'''Keywords:''' Combo-OK, Social<br>
'''Duration:''' One scene<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Any Socialize Excellency<br>
Stifling her passions and dreams with refined restraint, the Solar assumes a mien of calculated dispassion. This Charm protects the Solar from any effect that would discern his Motivations, Virtues, or Intimacies, reveal his goals or motives, or read his mind,  preventing such attempts from revealing any information about the Solar. If another Charm’s effects contest this Charm’s effect, Frozen Sunlight Mask adds the Solar’s Essence in automatic successes to the opposed roll to maintain the effects of this Charm.<br>
A second purchase at Essence 4 changes the duration of the Charm to Indefinite, and at Essence 6 automatically to Permanent.
'''Effortless Brush Mastery'''<br>
'''Cost:''' --; '''Mins:''' Linguistics 5, Ess 4; '''Type:''' Permanent<br>
'''Keywords:''' None<br>
'''Duration:''' Permanent<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Letter-Within-A-Letter Technique, Flawless Brush Discipline<br>
The Lawgivers compose masterpieces and pen works of sublime subtlety with breath-taking ease. This Charm permanently enhances Letter-Within-A-Letter Technique and Flawless Brush Discipline in the following way: Their type changes to Supplemental.
'''Poetic Expression Style''' (modified from Core because the canonical version just plain sucks)<br>
'''Cost:''' 5m; '''Mins:''' Linguistics 4, Ess 3; '''Type:''' Simple<br>
'''Keywords:''' Combo-OK, Social<br>
'''Duration:''' One scene<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Sagacious Reading of Intent<br>
Whether the Solar heroes express their desires in spoken words, in written instructions, or through simple gestures, the world listens. With this Charm the Lawgiver’s body language and gestures become pure poetry, incredibly graceful, eloquent and effective. With a single sultry glance, a subtle turn of the head, the lightest caress or many other aspects of body language, the character can communicate as effectively and completely in a silent instant as he can with a lengthy speech. He can use Performance, Presence, Socialize and other Abilities unhindered by language barriers, and he reduces the Speed of all social combat actions by one while the Charm lasts. Outside of social combat, the character may communicate significant messages instantly.
'''Unspoken Words Commandment Stance''' (or 'the Anasûrimbor Kellhus maneuver')<br>
'''Cost:''' -- (+7m, 1wp); '''Mins:''' Linguistics 5, Ess 4; '''Type:''' Permanent<br>
'''Keywords:''' None<br>
'''Duration:''' Permanent<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Poetic Expression Style, Twisted Words Technique<br>
The glory of the Lawgiver's presence fills the hearts of those around her with joy and admiration. Not serving her wishes and taking every unspoken opinion to heart is unthinkable. This Charm improves Poetic Expression Style in the following way: By spending an additional seven motes and one point of Willpower in addition to the normal effect the Lawgiver may define one Compulsion, Emotion or Belief which will be conveyed by her stance and body language, and rolls (Charisma+Performance). Anyone who looks upon her and whose MDV is less than the successes rolled is affected by the defined influence unless they spend two points of Willpower; this automatic social attack happens only once per scene, unless the Charm is invoked multiple times. Although the effect ends with the scene the memory of experiencing the Solar's presence remains and may influence characters to build intimacies. This Charm may be supplemented by other Linguistics Charm, even if they would normally apply only to the written word. At Essence 6 the duration of this Charm becomes Indefinite.
=Lunar Charmss=
'''Perfect Twin Transformation'''<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Intelligence 6, Ess 6.<br>
Just as Lunar can easily stand in the sky and guide her Chosen in whatever form she choses her Chosen can accomplish similar feats through mastery of their own form. This Knack allows the character to shapechange himself into two separate bodies. These have the following properties:
*They share the same Essence pool and temporary willpower and (without further charm or knack effects) have the same attributes, abilities and Charms.
*They take damage separately; upon reintegration of the death of one the remaining body's Health Levels are the worse of the two, with death of one resulting in incapacitation of the other upon reintegration.
*Shapeshifting and Knack effects can be shared by both instances at no additional cost but Charms have to be activated and paid for separately.
*Though their minds can operate separately, all knowledge they gain is shared between both. Nothing is lost if one of them dies.
*No more than two instances of the same character can exist; At Ess 7 a number of instances up to (lower of Wits and Stamina) can be created.
*Activating this knack costs 6m and one Aggravated health level.
'''assume personalities of people consumed
rebuild self - switch around virtues, add/drop intimacies
custom add-on: change motivation, edit memories (and forget compulsions), even permanently (or extrude into external container)
side-effect of self-modifying knacks: hypervisor style meta-personality
change totem to something from blood library
create new shape in blood library by 'virtual genesis', mixing and matching other forms
change anima to that of something from blood library
possession of people and animals '''
=Martial Arts=
=Martial Arts=
==Fist of the Daystar Style==
'''Guarding Star Tactics'''<br>
'''Cost:''' -- (+4m); '''Mins:''' Martial Arts 6, Ess 6; '''Type:''' Permanent <br>
'''Keywords:''' Obvious, War, Merged<br>
'''Duration:''' Permanent<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Immortal Blade-Deflecting Palm<br>
As the Melee Charm of the same name except as noted above.
'''Shatterer of Worlds'''
Annotation: In mass combat the use of this Charm counts as mass destruction effect (as per Scroll of Kings) if the majority of the targeted unit is within the target area.
'''Divine Finger-Flick Technique'''<br>
'''Cost:''' 1m; '''Mins:''' Martial Arts 5, Ess 4; '''Type:''' Reflexive (Step 1 or 2)<br>
'''Keywords:''' Combo-OK, Obvious<br>
'''Duration:''' Instant (one action)<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Heaven Thunder Hammer<br>
Conventional wisdom and the shinma Nirupadhika state that one must be within reach of something to touch it. The Lawgiver with a flick of his fingers defies both, laughing as he does so. This Charm is invoked in Step 1 of attack resolution to increase the range of an unarmed attack to (Essence x 5) yards. Used in Step 2 of attack resolution it allows Defend Other to benefit another character within (Essence x 5) yards rather than the usual (Dexterity) yards. If increasing his range is unnecessary because the Lawgiver could reach his target normally this Charm instead imposes a -2 penalty to opponent DV due to its divine speed. At Essence 6 the range of this Charm increases to (Essence x 20) yards.
'''Sun and Moon Vigil'''<br>
'''Cost:''' --; '''Mins:''' Martial Arts 5, Ess 3; '''Type:''' Permanent<br>
'''Keywords:''' None<br>
'''Duration:''' Permanent<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Immortal Blade-Deflecting Palm<br>
When Sol's Chosen vow to guard someone's back their vigilance is all-encompassing. Upon learning this Charm the Lawgiver chooses one Intimacy to a person or other concrete object. From that moment on he will always automatically count as having declared a Defend Other action to the benefit of that entity at all times without having to actually take an action or flurry. This Defend Other does not count against the usual maximum of one such action per DV refresh. If the Intimacy is abandoned the Solar may chose a new Intimacy to gain the benefit of this Charm.<br>
If the Intimacy is to the Lawgiver's Lunar mate then in addition the 1m surcharge to use Immortal Blade-Deflecting Palm to defend another does not apply in this case. No effect can impede or prevent the Solar from defending them; against any such effect the Lawgiver adds the rating of the Lunar Bond in automatic successes.
'''Soul-Crushing Strike'''<br>
'''Cost:''' 4m; '''Mins:''' Martial Arts 5, Ess 4; '''Type:''' Reflexive (Step 10)<br>
'''Keywords:''' Obvious<br>
'''Duration:''' Instant<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Orichalcum Fists of Battle<br>
The bloody hands of the Lawgivers crush the flesh of their foes, shatter their bones of their foes, and grind their very souls into dust. This Charm can only be invoked while Orichalcum Fists of Battle is active, upon completion of an attack that destroys a target of spirit nature (gods, elementals, demons, ghosts, ...). The target is then permanently slain as per Ghost-Eating Technique and will never rise again.
'''World-Wielding Mastery'''<br>
'''Cost:''' 3m; '''Mins:''' Martial Arts 4, Ess 2; '''Type:''' Reflexive (Step 10)<br>
'''Keywords:''' (Obvious)<br>
'''Duration:''' One scene<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' Fist of the Daystar Form<br>
As all Creation is for the Lawgivers to rule so all the world is their weapon. While this Charm is active any improvised weapon the Solar uses gains the same weapon stats as his unarmed attacks. At Essence 4 this applies even to objects that would normally never be cable of being grasped or being used as a weapon. At Essence 6 even immaterial things like emotions or ideas may be wielded. Possible additional effects of improvised weapons such as burning flames or concepts of particular significance to the scene are subject to the ST's discretion.
==Crimson Dance of Shadows Style==
==Crimson Dance of Shadows Style==
This little known sister style to the Ebon Shadow Style takes a similar approach in its emphasis on stealth and misdirection and indeed shares many techniques with it. It is not known, whether this style is the result of a different Exalt's deal with Five Days Darkness, an attempted improvement, plagiarism or perhaps a precursor to the much better known Ebon Shadow Style. Below will be noted only those techniques that are markedly different from their equivalents.<br>
This little known sister style to the Ebon Shadow Style takes a similar approach in its emphasis on stealth and misdirection and indeed shares many techniques with it. It is not known, whether this style is the result of a different Exalt's deal with Five Days Darkness, an attempted improvement, plagiarism or perhaps a precursor to the much better known Ebon Shadow Style. Below will be noted only those techniques that are markedly different from their equivalents.<br>
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'''Prerequisites:''' Crimson Dance of Shadows Form
'''Prerequisites:''' Crimson Dance of Shadows Form
This Charm permanently upgrades Flowing Darkness Counterpoint in the following way: It can also be activated in response to a successfully dodged attack (reflexively, Step 9), rendering the Shadow Dancer an invalid target for all further attacks in a flurry if the Reestablish Surprise roll succeeds. The Charm can now be used (Martial Arts rating) times per action.
This Charm permanently upgrades Flowing Darkness Counterpoint in the following way: It can also be activated in response to a successfully dodged attack (reflexively, Step 9), rendering the Shadow Dancer an invalid target for all further attacks in a flurry if the Reestablish Surprise roll succeeds. The Charm can now be used (Martial Arts rating) times per action.
==Silent Sword Ascendant Style==
Having found that no matter how hard she tries none of her mortal or Dragonblooded students can grasp the full meaning of her techniques, Nuwa has consigned herself to lift up their understanding slowly. This martial arts style is the result, no more than a shadow or a reflection of Nuwa's own techniques, but still formidable and above all furthering the understanding of those who learn it.
Weapon readiness -> Weapon enhancement
Defense 1 -> Defense 2
Form Charm (->FFBS, Enlightening)
Mercy -> Damage
Defense -> Counterattack
Strong attack
Pinnacle Charm (->HMTB, Enlightening)
==Sapphire Circle==
'''Summon the Heavenly Portal'''<br>
As the spell of the same name in The White Treatise, except that it can also activate Heavenly Gates as well as Gates of Auspicious Passage.
'''Everlasting Bronze Seal'''<br>
'''Cost:''' 25m<br>
'''Target:''' <br>
Creates an almost indestructible (Hardness 40, 80HL) seal of bronze to close a door, portal or container. This seal can only be undone by the corresponding key that is created in the casting or Sapphire Countermagic. (to be expanded upon)
'''Rain of Shooting Stars'''<br>
'''Cost:''' 30m<br>
'''Target:''' Unit<br>
The caster and optionally a unit under his command no larger than (Essence - 2) in Magnitude is transformed into rays of light (the nature of which corresponds with the nature of their Essence) and gains the ability to fly in formation at high speed (for Solars 250mph during the day, 150mph during the night). The spell lasts until the next Dawn. This spell has special timing rules; casting consists of two Speed 0 Shape Sorcery actions followed by the usual Cast Sorcery.
'''Walking the Starry Path'''<br>
'''Cost:''' 25m<br>
'''Target:''' Up to (Ess) creatures<br>
In casting this spell the sorcerer enters a dreaming trance and reaches out to touch the dream of the person he wants to speak to. Out of the touching dream spheres a neutral area is created where the two can meet and speak to each other. Upon waking the events of the sending are retained with perfect clarity until the next time the subject of the spell goes to sleep, after which the memories fade as normal memories do (or don't). When targeting a being that is not sleeping at the time this spell creates a vivid daydream or hallucination with the same effect. Either way, no matter how long the caster and the subject(s) speak, no more than a moment passes in the outside world. This effect can be used to speed the execution of purely mental tasks such as planning or designing an artifact by a factor of 10.

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