Editing Voyages Of The Blue Rosie

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*The crew (2) - Though I might make fun of them a lot, I would fight and die beside them before I consider running away.
*The crew (2) - Though I might make fun of them a lot, I would fight and die beside them before I consider running away.
*Godfrey (1) – We are the definition of bad friends. Under any other circumstance, we’d have a blood feud.
*Godfrey (1) – We are the definition of bad friends. Under any other circumstance, we’d have a blood feud.
'''Johan’s Bonds and Relationships:'''
*The Crew (2): “The Cap’n took me in when I lost everything, even after learning what I’d done. I owe my life to her and the crew.”
*Marcel Darche (1): “It’s nice seein my broher again. I can’t help but feel there’s a gap between us now though. Time’ll do that I guess.”
=Rumors and Opportunties=
=Rumors and Opportunties=
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''Captain Demetrius (of Bone Sword)'', Kern pirate captain who has attacked Pira's old ship with his ship of undead
''Captain Demetrius (of Bone Sword)'', Kern pirate captain who has attacked Pira's old ship with his ship of undead
''"The Captain"/"The Cap'n"'' Alcazar, the serious captain of the Blue Rosie
''"The Captain"/"The Cap'n"'' (What's her name again?), the serious captain of the Blue Rosie
''Climaco'', the teenaged red-headed, green-eyed Observer (refugee from Jarzon), who has Psychic Arcana and is friendly with and communicates with Rhy-fen (Rhydan aka “awakened” dolphins); son of the Navy Captain, Captain Ferrin
''Climaco'', the teenaged red-headed, green-eyed Observer (refugee from Jarzon), who has Psychic Arcana and is friendly with and communicates with Rhy-fen (Rhydan aka “awakened” dolphins)
''Marianne'', the courageous brunette Warrior higher-up officer of some sort on the Blue Rosie, probably the Lieutenant?   
''Marianne'', the courageous brunette Warrior higher-up officer of some sort on the Blue Rosie, probably the Lieutenant?   
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''Daisy Jones'', the Blue Rosie's cook, who can see visions in her dreams
''Daisy Jones'', the Blue Rosie's cook, who can see visions in her dreams
''Luonne'', the golden-eyed (“wolf eyes”) shipmate from the forest areas of Aldea, who’s good with a crossbow.
''Matias'', the golden-eyed (“wolf eyes”) brother of Luonne, who's also from the the forest areas--and seems to be a shapeshifter (Lycanthrope/"wolfman")
“Rabble-Rousers” —a group of violent and hot-tempered privateer orphans who are good warriors and have some arcane talents:
“Rabble-Rousers” —a group of violent and hot-tempered privateer orphans who are good warriors and have some arcane talents:
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''Talori'', a mishevous and adventurous Sea Folk woman from the Shatterstar Islands who makes her living as a self proclaimed treasure hunter, which is a polite way of saying theif. Her skin and hair have a light green tint with eyes of a similar shade. Johan and Talori have known each other since childhood and Johan would often skip out on his lessons to go swimming with her in the ocean or explore caves along the coast for treasure.
''Talori'', a mishevous and adventurous Sea Folk woman from the Shatterstar Islands who makes her living as a self proclaimed treasure hunter, which is a polite way of saying theif. Her skin and hair have a light green tint with eyes of a similar shade. Johan and Talori have known each other since childhood and Johan would often skip out on his lessons to go swimming with her in the ocean or explore caves along the coast for treasure.
''Alram (“Anchor”)'': In his early childhood, this Scatterstar native was someone who used to tag along with Johan and Talori when they were children. The “baby” of his large family. Called Anchor due to his habit of being dragged along on Johan’s and Talori childhood treasure hunts. Now works at Sea God’s church.
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'''Finally, subtract the opponent’s armor rating''' from the above Damage, and you get your remaining Damage total. This is the actual Damage the opponent will take.  
'''Finally, subtract the opponent’s armor rating''' from the above Damage, and you get your remaining Damage total. This is the actual Damage the opponent will take.  
==Current Encounter==
===Current Encounter===
Our heroes find themselves involved in the middle of helping Jarold, an Aldin officer,  with a kidnapping crime of a farmer boy, who may have been trying to run away and save a pig.
''''UPDATED''' as of May 5, 2019:
Our heroes have captured the Sorceress and her bodyguards and have taken said enemies to the Wardenhouse to be held and interrogated by the island authority (the Watch) as they traveled along to follow the Shadowpig. After getting some tips from Julinn and Jarold and being healed and prepping for the potential hostile encounters, our heroes continued following the Shadowpig along the path leading to island’s church of the Sea God—where the kidnapped children were being held hostage and where a cult and criminal syndicate may meet them...
They stopped along the brush to watch the scene:
A priest had given a speech to a group of acolytes before returning inside and placing guards at the entrance of the Sea God’s building, and then the acolytes scattered to do their duties amongst the shrines. A young cleric woman with a crescent tiara on her forehead and a rhy-mouse on her shoulder (Estrella, Julinn’s contact within the church) was inspecting the shrines. Meanwhile, Matias and Luonne were having a discussion about waiting for Climaco, who has entered one of the buildings to do some ritual. Matias complained about not being allowed inside the church and on how long Climaco seemed to be taking. Impatient, he discussed with Luonne on who they should ask next and what to do next..
Our heroes discussed their plans, and Johan decided to work with Arvini to fight and distract the guards while Angus and Pira try to warn some allies and find a way into the large church.
Luckily, Johan has made enough of a ruckus to at least attract a few handfuls of guards from inside the large church, giving less guards for Angus and Pira  to deal with.
While Johan and Arvini were distracting the guards, Angus managed to copy the praying symbols to activate the magical mechanisms to open a hidden compartment within the Mood God’s shrine, Angus and Pira snuck into aforementioned secret passageway and met up with Luonne, Matias, and Estrella (the Aldin rhy-mouse cleric/spy, ally of Julinne) along the way. Estrella led them through the library/study and a praying ritual area into the underground cavern “cove” where a few ships were docked, loading and unloading supplies and many children/teen hostages. She also led to them to a holding area nearby where the arcane-talented or Adept children and teens were imprisoned in sleeping cells.
Back with Johan and Arvini, they were dealing with a growing group of guards and gained the attention of the acolytes as well. Johan recognized a few of the acolytes as innocent townsfolk and Luna (the cleric/spy and friend of Estrella) psychically tells him about some of her fellow spies and potential allies within the acolyte crowd. The two tough guards that Johan had dealt with earlier were trying to recover from his forceful Move spell while the other guards either guarded or started approaching Johan and Arvini...
Guard 1:
3d6+4 for Strength (Might)
Guard 2:
3d6+5 for Strength (Might)
Group of other guards = default Warrior Adversary stats in Blue Rose AGE book)
~Past Encounters (enemies captured so far and being held in the Wardenhouse by the Scatterstar Watch): Sorceress, Archer bodyguard assassin, and other bodyguard assassin)
As our heroes searched for clues, Johan also discovered a Shadowspawn pig amongst the herd, alarming it and causing it to try to escape. The pig was a shapeshifting Shadowspawn, and it transformed into a Shadowy boar.
When Arvini managed to hogtie the boar with help from Pira and Johan, Angus noticed several  strangers within the brush on the sides of the path, north of the pig’s barn. There seemed to be patrols changing shifts and the current patrol was a sorceress and what seemed to be her bodyguards.
Suddenly, one of the strangers, a sorceress on horseback, tried to strangle, and twist and snap the neck of the Shadowspawn boar, but was thwarted by Johan and Angus. Jarold ran and leaped out the windows to try and fight the sorceress and her bodyguards. Our heroes soon joined Jarold and are trying to fight or defend against the Sorceress and bodyguards.
The Sorceress has just taken something out of her pouch and was seizing on the ground while her bodyguards are currently still being ambushed by our heroes.
Our heroes ambushed the bodyguards, forcing them to try to hide in the brush. Pira calms the Sorceress’ horse as Angus and Arvini search for the stealthy bodyguards and Johan took out of the poison out of the Sorceress’ mouth using his Water Arcana.
As Arvini and Jarold tried to race to the barn, the bodyguard assassins suddenly started throwing molotov/fire bottle bombs: one at the Sorceress, and the other into to pig’s barn. Julinn, a worker from the pillowhouse, was summoned by Jarold to help protect the pig. She was in the pig’s barn when the fire bomb flew in. Luckily, she and the pig weren’t harmed.
Pira calmed the Sorceress’ horse and rode the horse to where Johan was, trying to find a way to help out in the situation. Meanwhile, Arvini was using a bucket of water, trying to put out the fire in the barn and Johan summoned a rain storm to try to put out the fire for his own location within the brush. Angus saw that the archer bodyguard was notching an arrow to shoot at Jarold, and Angus immediately dove down to attack the archer.
Angus managed to stop the archer from attacking, and Arvini put out the barn fire while Julinn stabbed the bodyguard within the barn.
In the meantime, Johan summoned a rain storm to start putting out the fire within the brush. Pira arrived with the horse to extract the Adept and the Sorceress.
Johan put the Sorceress onto the horse before getting up on the horse himself. Pira steered the horse, weaving the horse through the brush in order to avoid the fires and any potential attacks, towards the beach.
Once there, Johan used his Arcana to levitate stones and shells. As he and Pira rode along the shore, Johan then released his Arcana to aim and throw his prepared rocks and shells towards the brush where the archer was hiding in. The rocks and shells hit the assassin and cut into his armor, causing the archer to fall down in pain.
Jarold managed to heal himself enough to get back to chasing the archer. However, the archer tried to hide within the brush again.
Johan and Pira managed to follow the shoreline and hide next to a fish barn building that was right between the beach and the pig’s barn.
Meanwhile, Arvini and Julinn deal with the bodyguard within the pig’s barn. Angus attacked to distract the bodyguard.  Julinn tripped the bodyguard and hovered over him with her sharp dagger-like sword close to his throat...
Julinn and Arvini worked together to tie the bodyguard assassin and tied the rope to the pigpen’s post while they and Angus talk with the Shadowpig.
The Shadowpig shape-shifted to its more humanoid form and noticed Julinn used to be a type of Shadowfiend just like it. Julinn mentioned she works with the good guys now after a brave warrior had won her heart and helped destroy her Sorcerer master and shifted her allegiance. Julinn, with Arvini’s and Angus’ help, managed to convince the Shadowfiend that it would be better to have freedom and to work with the heroes than deal with a treacherous group that would betray its own. (In the meantime, Arvini also made a positive impression on Julinn who offers a free session at her pillowhouse business.)
Hit Points: 16 (after getting hit by a molotov/fire bottle bomb from one of her bodyguard assassins)
No Armor
Has Sorcery and Arcana spells: Torment or Sorcerer’s Grip, and Scrying
Low Dex
~Bodyguard (against Arvini and Julinn)
Hit Points: 4!!! (after being damaged by Julinn)
Light Armor: 3 AR
Dex: 3 (Def: 13)
Accuracy: 4
3d6+4 to attack
Has something like a Dagger (1d6+1 damage)
~Archer bodyguard (outside in brush)
Hit Points: 9!! (after getting hit by Johan’s rocks and shells attack once again
Light Armor: 3 AR
Dex: 3 (Def: 13)
Bow and Arrow
Previous Encounter:
Currently, as of August 27, 2018.....
After having docked at the island and allowing the Navy healers and Captains aboard the Blue Rosie, our heroes are currently dealing with an corrupted assassin trio who have infiltrated the Navy healer group, and now they must fight them to avoid any more future suffering and deaths.  
After having docked at the island and allowing the Navy healers and Captains aboard the Blue Rosie, our heroes are currently dealing with an corrupted assassin trio who have infiltrated the Navy healer group, and now they must fight them to avoid any more future suffering and deaths.  
Currently, our heroes have managed to destroy two of the three triplets. The third triplet is still alive and has flesh-shaped and mutated yet another fellow Blue Rosie privateer. The male privateer’s mutation has grown, and he is a nine-foot creature. Our heroes and the rest of the crew are now trying to deal with this new opponent and the remaining triplet.
In the meantime, Angus dove into the brute’s mind space and is trying to find a way to free the privateer’s mind with Climaco’s help.
~~Big Mutated Privateer (altered Ogre stats in Blue Rose AGE book)—Now, cured and brought back to being normal Matias (Climaco’s crush).
2 Accuracy (Brawling)
–1 communicAtion
The Shadow Dancer assassin triplets:
6 constitution
All three have Arcane gas bombs that can put people to sleep, or mutate or poison them
-1 dExtErity
2 Fighting (Axes, bludgeons, heAvy blAdes)
–1 intElligEncE
2 pErcEption (hearing, trAcking, smelling)
6 strEngth (intimidAtion, might)
1 WillpoWEr (morAle)
Health: 51
Defense: 10
Armor Rating: Natural 2 (currently 7 when wearing any type of armor)
-Maul (+4) 2d6+9 damage
-Unarmed (+2) 1d6+6 damage
All three Shadow Dancer (fake healer)  assassins  had Arcane gas bombs that can put people to sleep, or mutate or poison people
~~Copycat Flesh-shaper (DEAD)
~~Copycat Flesh-shaper (now copycat Lich)
-Sins: Envy/Sloth
-Sins: Envy/Sloth
-Defense: 11, but with Battle Dance may add +3 to that Defense (or sacrifice 1 or 2 of that bonus to Attack bonus)
-Current Hit Points: DEAD (Arvini and Pira found a bracelet vessel with a locket and symbol charms and a small key. Also, three bombs remaining in pouch.)
-Defense: 12, but with Battle Dance may add +3 to that Defense total (or sacrifice 1 or 2 of that bonus to Attack bonus)
-Armor Rating: 2
-Armor Rating: 2
-Current Hit Points: 25
-Arcana/Sorcery discovered so far: Flesh-shaping and Cold Shaping (copy cat)
-Arcana/Sorcery discovered so far: Flesh-shaping and Cold Shaping (copy cat); Psychic Weapon (looks like Arvini’s sword)
-Unpredictable stats due to being a copycat
-Being a Lich, she has high Arcana roll with the Shaping (3d6+8 for shaping roll)
~~Fake Healer (DEAD; Shapeshifter)
~~Fake Healer
-Sins: Gluttony/Sloth
-Sins: Gluttony/Sloth
-Current Hit Points: 44
-Current Hit Points: 13
-Defense: 11 (unless Battle Dance, see above enemy)
-Defense: 12 (unless Battle Dance, see above enemy)
-Armor Rating: 2
-Armor Rating: 2
-Arcana/Sorcery discovered so far: Sleep; Draw Vitality
-Arcana/Sorcery discovered so far: Sleep; Draw Vitality; Flesh-shaping (Sorcery usage); Torment (attempt); Mind Shaping; Suggestion
~~Possessive mind-space spirit (DEAD)
~~Possessive mind-space spirit
-Sins: Pride/Sloth
-Sins: Pride/Sloth
-Current Hit Points: 26
-Current Hit Points: DEAD (destroyed by teamwork of Angus, Climaco, and Finny)
-Defense: 11?
-Defense: 11
-Armor Rating: 1
-Armor Rating: 1
-Power to possess people  
-Power to possess people  
-Arcana/Sorcery discovered so far: Psychic Domination
-Arcana/Sorcery discovered so far: Psychic Domination
-Has high mental/psychic stats (3d6+7 on a Psychic roll)
[[Category:Blue Rose AGE]]
[[Category:Blue Rose AGE]]

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