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== Exploration ==
== Exploration ==
=== Random Encounters - Minarcil Area ===
=== Random Encounters ===
==== Minarcil - Snowy Forest ====
==== Minarcil - Snowy Forest ====
Line 281: Line 281:
| 19-20 || 1 ochre jelly
| 19-20 || 1 ochre jelly
=== Random Encounters - Capathes Area ===
==== Jungle ====
A 40% chance of a random encounter per hex per day.
{| border="1" style="text-align:left; margin:1em"
! d20 !! Description
| 1-2 || Storm (Lightning)
| 3 || 1 Tobongo
| 4 || 1 Tyrannosaurus
| 5-6 || 1 Giant Anaconda
| 7-8 || Cyclops tribe (1 tyrant, 1d3+1 followers)
| 9 || Grimstalker troupe (1d3+2)
| 10 || Weaverworm plus Orc worshipers (3d3)
| 11 || Zomok
| 12 || Imperial Forest Dragon
| 13 || Willow Dusk
| 14 || Alraune
| 15 || Sard
| ||
| ||
| ||
==== Plains ====
==== Swamp ====
==== Mountains (Top) ====
==== Mountains (Underside) ====
=== Random Scenery ===
=== Random Scenery ===
Line 426: Line 382:
| 16 || - || Large bog. Waste a day.
| 16 || - || Large bog. Waste a day.
| 17 || ||
| 18 || ||
| 19 || ||
| 20 || ||
Line 454: Line 402:
==== Jungle ====
== Rak's Festival ==
{| border="1" style="text-align:left; margin:1em"
Note: 700 XP each
! d20 !! Perception !! Description
Order: Pie Eating, Archery, Paintball, Sneaking, Drinking, Greased Pig, Knowledge
| 1 || - || A small, swift river.
| 2 || - || A large, slow river. Reroll encounter.
| 3 || 20 || Mosquito infested pond. 1d3 rounds of mosquito swarm if pond is disturbed. Can also roll Survival or Knowledge Nature.
| 4 || 20 || Rotten tree. DC 20 reflex save or take 3d6 damage from fall.
| 5 || 20 || Dense undergrowth. Reroll encounter and double travel time through this hex.
| 6 || - || [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/traps-hazards-and-special-terrains/hazards/environmental-hazards/treacherous-hillside-cr-1 Steep slope.] Acrobatics checks or lose 1 hour.
| 7 || ||
| 8 || ||
| 9 || ||
| 10 || ||
| 11 || ||
| 12 || ||
| 13 || ||
| 14 || ||
| 15 || ||
| 16 || ||
| 17 || ||
| 18 || ||
| 19 || ||
| 20 || ||
{| border="1" style="text-align:left; margin:1em"
=== Preparation ===
! d100 !! Description
| ||
| ||
| ||
==== Temperate Forest ====
1 week before the festival, there are several things remaining to be sorted out.
Arbitrate the argument over the size of pies.
{| border="1" style="text-align:left; margin:1em"
Arbitrate an argument over which weapons to use in the archery contest (mainly either a longbow, a MW longbow, a shortbow or personal weapons). No one is offering up a small-sized MW longbow though, so the party will have to find or make one.
! d20 !! Perception !! Description
| 1 || - || An unusually large, hollow tree. Roll below and reroll encounter.
| 2 || - || A clearing. Roll below.
| 3 || 20 || Assassin vine. (Can roll Survival or Knowledge Nature as well.)
| 4 || 20 || Pseudodragon nest. Shy. (1d4 pseudodragons.)
| 5 || 15 || Ape nest. Agressive, but won't pursue for long. (Alpha male, 4d3 females, 4d3 children)
| 6 || 15 || Abandoned tree house. Roll below.
| 7 || 15 || Large Grig community along a small river. Wary. (100+ individuals.)
| 8 || - || Small lake. Reroll encounter.
| 9 || 20 || Nymph's abode. Wary.
| 10 || ||
| 11 || ||
| 12 || ||
| 13 || ||
| 14 || ||
| 15 || ||
| 16 || ||
| 17 || ||
| 18 || ||
| 19 || ||
| 20 || ||
{| border="1" style="text-align:left; margin:1em"
Decide which kind of pies to serve. Meat pies are more appropriate in honor of Rak, but there's a shortage of meat (+1 to pie eating rolls, but needs a good hunt [Survival skill challenge]). The local fruits don't make for great pies especially without a good source of sugar (-1 to pie eating rolls). Fish would work fine but it's a bit more expensive since they'll have to get some extra from the local fishermen's guild considering how much they've already bought for the following feast (they need 1000gp worth of fish, payable from kingdom funds, though the king himself won't pay it).
! d100 !! Description
| ||
| ||
| ||
==== Mountainous (Top) ====
To collect meat, the party will have to organize a hunt. There's 30 hunters available, averaging +2 Survival. Each group can make one check per day (5 days available for hunting). DC 10 to collect 1 person's worth of food, +1 per 2 over. Meat makes up about 1/3 of the collected food. There's a -1 penalty if they go in 10 or more groups and a -2 penalty if they go in 20 or more groups. The bakers need meat for about 100 people, which is a bit more than the hunters can handle.
==== Mountainous (Underside) ====
There's some debate about changing the paintball fight (with slingshots) to a game of ribbon tag.
=== Creepy Jungle ===
There's an argument over which drinks to serve at the drinking contest. There's a short beer that most people don't think makes for a good spectacle (DC 10), a fortified ale (DC 14) and some dwarven brandy (DC 18).
==== Used Creepy Events ====
Decide which order to host the events. Each event lasts 1 hour. There's an hour break for cleaning up and setting out tables. Then there is a feast and, once night falls, the grand hunt.
{| border="1" style="text-align:left; margin:1em"
Last year, some wizard used ''obscuring mist'' in the sneaking contest. Some people want to ban all magic in that contest. Some people want to ban all magic in all the contests. Others say that magic is just another skill and if it improves your ability to hide, it should be fair. Others will settle for a compromise and just ban a few spells that are obviously too good for particular contests (obscuring mist and invisibility)
! Description
| A wolf howls in the distance but it's cut off mid-howl. You hear nothing else, not even insects chirping.
| The moon through the trees makes a very convincing pair of eyes staring down on you. Its gaze seems to follow you as you continue to walk. It blinks as something passes overhead.
| A very large panther lands in front of you. It bolts past you as if you weren't there. It had no eyes.
| Your reflection in the water has three glowing eyes. When you move away, you realize it was just a trick of the light.
==== Used Creepy Treasures ====
An ankheg will interrupt preparations if the party doesn't find it first.
{| border="1" style="text-align:left; margin:1em"
=== Pie Eating Contest ===
! Description
| You hear someone talking indistinctly, but there's no one there. (After some investigation) it seems like there's a wand caught in a tree and the wind is somehow setting it off. [Wand of Ghost Sound with 2d20 charges left.]
| You find a half buried skull. In its eye sockets are two clear gems. The reflections make it look as if the skull is watching you. A centipede crawls out from under one of the gems as you watch. [Two 10k gp diamonds.]
| The trees ahead have glowing yellow and white eyes all along the trunks and limbs that look like grasping claws. (Upon closer inspection) the eyes turn out to be gold coins that the trees grew around. [7777 gp in gold and platinum.]
| A hollow tree is run through with a variety of swords and spears. Most are rusted through, but one is in good shape. Whatever was inside the tree is no longer there. [Tormented Edge]
| You notice a skeleton flying through a clearing above you, no just hovering or maybe hanging, though there's nothing to hang from. (Upon closer inspection) it's neck is caught between two immovable rods.
==== Random Creepy Events ====
Note: Two size categories (two prizes). Pies served in rounds.
{| border="1" style="text-align:left; margin:1em"
You have 5 minutes (50 rounds) to eat as many pies as possible. Possibly, the organizers have prepared appropriate sized pies, otherwise Small characters are only eating 1/2 what the rolls would suggest. After each pie, roll a Fort save (DC 10) or a Will save (DC 12).
! d12 !! Description
* -1 for each pie you've already eaten
* -5 if you tried to eat the pie in a single round
| 1 || A wolf howls in the distance but it's cut off mid-howl. The wind picks up briefly, then you hear nothing else, not even insects chirping. [2 Flying Polyps]
* -2 if you tried to eat the pie in two rounds
* +0 if you tried to eat the pie in three rounds
| 2 || A large ring of mushrooms dance and sway in a non-existent wind. [12 Phycomid, 3 Mi-Go]
* +2 if you tried to eat the pie in five rounds
* +5 if you tried to eat the pie in one minute
| 3 || You suddenly notice that the knots and holes in the trees make them look like they're screaming. All of them.
On a failed roll, you manage to eat that pie, but:
| 4 || The trees here are growing in disturbing spirals and helices.
* After your first failure, you are sickened. Double the times for the above penalties and take a -2 penalty to the rolls. This wears off with 1 minute of rest (but you're still counted as having failed once).
* After your second failure, you are nauseated. Triple the times and take a -5 penalty to the rolls. This becomes sickened after 10 minutes, and wears off after about another two hours. (Just long enough to affect the next event.)
| 5 || A swarm of gnats and flies ahead of you are flying in strange patterns. You can almost make out letters, numbers and other symbols in the air. They disperse before you can get a good look. [2 Bloodhaze Mosquito Swarms]
* After your third failure, you throw up and are disqualified. Any conditions will go away in 1 minute if you throw up.
| 6 || The jungle is dead quiet. Your footsteps echo back much more and much more loudly than it seems like they should.
| 7 || You see a large deer ahead. It raises its head from another deer carcass to reveal a wide, blood-soaked grin full of serrated teeth. It bolts into the jungle before you can ready your weapons. [1 Wendigo]
| 8 || A small bird lands on a branch ahead of you. It sees you and lets out a deep, bone-shaking scream before flying away. The silence is much heavier now. [2 Roc]
| 9 || A red liquid oozes from under the dead leaves with each step. Upon closer inspection, it seems to just be mud. It does have an iron smell though. [4 Blood Pudding]
| 10 || All around you, worms begin fleeing the ground. All different kinds dig up to the surface and crawl away, apparently away from you. (Perception 20: You can feel something moving underground, something large.) [1 Purple Worm]
| 11 || This section of the jungle seems to be perfectly normal. (Survival 20: There are signs that a large predator lives nearby.) [1 Mythic Advanced Dire Bear, 6 Redcaps]
| 12 ||
==== Random Creepy Treasures ====
==== Opponents ====
{| border="1" style="text-align:left; margin:1em"
Opponents do the following:
! d8 !! Description
* Roll at +7. Eats every other round (+5 - pies) until first fail, then every 6 rounds (+5 - pies), then every 30 rounds (+7 - pies) if he has at least a +0 to the roll.
* Roll at +6. Tries to eat as fast as possible: every round (+1 - pies), every 2 rounds (-1 - pies) and every 3 rounds (-4 - pies).  
| 1 || You find a ring in the mud. It's still on a finger. The rest of the body is nowhere to be found. [Ring of Transposition]
* Roll at +5. Eats a pie every 3 rounds (+5 - pies) until first fail, then every 20 rounds (+8 - pies), then quits.
* Roll at +5. Eats a pie every 5 rounds (+7 - pies), then every 20 rounds (+8 - pies), then every 30 rounds (+5 - pies).
| 2 || Behind a small mound, you find a skeleton holding a potion. Whoever it was appears to have died while trying to get the stopper out. [Potion of Protection from Chaos]
* Roll at -1. Eats as slow as possible: 10 rounds (+4 - pies), 20 rounds (+2 - pies), then stops.
* Most people that didn't eat too fast manages at least 2 pies without getting sick. Several people manage 7. Several make themselves sick.
| 3 || In a hollow stump, you find a scroll. You can't tell what material it's made of and the symbols on it seem to move under your gaze. Make a Will save if trying to decipher (no real effect).
| 4 || You find a discarded pouch made of some unidentifiable material. Inside, you find three transparent mushrooms full of a strange, blue liquid. [3 Potions, Cure Major + Barkskin+4 + 1 Dex Dmg.]
| 5 || Some distance away, the terrain seems to be changing before your eyes. The last remains of some old ruins seems to be dissolving into a new hill. [1 Pleroma Aeon (not interested in the characters), Demon Armor in the ruins, Celestial Armor and healing spring in the hill]
| 6 || In a shallow cave, you find a large number of old corpses. It looks as if they killed each other. The entire cave has a strange reddish tinge. [Bloodletting Kukri, 1 Derghodaemon]
| 7 || On a rock, you find a single platinum coin. [A pugwampi rogue follows the party.]
| 8 || A strange, blue humanoid pulls something out of an old cairn and stashes it in a chest, which it then stows on its back. [1 mercane. Will trade magic items. Will plane shift if attacked.]
== Rak's Festival ==
==== Prize ====
Note: 700 XP each
A small bowl that will cast ''abstemiousness'' 1/day (CL 1), worth 400 gp.
Order: Pie Eating, Archery, Paintball, Sneaking, Drinking, Greased Pig, Knowledge
=== Archery Contest ===
=== Preparation ===
Note: Personal, non-magic weapons. Longbow provided. No guns.
1 week before the festival, there are several things remaining to be sorted out.
Everyone gets 3 shots each round against an AC of -1 (a Small inanimate object, assuming you spend a full round aiming). Any success is worth 1 point. A success by 5 is worth 2 points. A success by 10 is worth 5 points. A success by 15 or more is worth 10 points. On a roll of a natural 20, you get at least 5 points regardless of what your total was (but you can get more if your total was high enough). On a roll of a natural 1, you can't get more than 1 point.
* 30 feet - +0 to attack
* 70 feet - +0 to attack (-2 if shortbow)
* 125 feet - -2 to attack (-4 if shortbow)
* 210 feet - -6 to attack (-8 if shortbow)
Arbitrate the argument over the size of pies.
==== Opponents ====
Arbitrate an argument over which weapons to use in the archery contest (mainly either a longbow, a MW longbow, a shortbow or personal weapons). No one is offering up a small-sized MW longbow though, so the party will have to find or make one.
Opponents have no special tactics
* +4 to attack (has a MW bow if personal weapons are allowed)
Decide which kind of pies to serve. Meat pies are more appropriate in honor of Rak, but there's a shortage of meat (+1 to pie eating rolls, but needs a good hunt [Survival skill challenge]). The local fruits don't make for great pies especially without a good source of sugar (-1 to pie eating rolls). Fish would work fine but it's a bit more expensive since they'll have to get some extra from the local fishermen's guild considering how much they've already bought for the following feast (they need 1000gp worth of fish, payable from kingdom funds, though the king himself won't pay it).
* +3 to attack, plus Point Blank Shot (+1 at 30 feet)
* +3 to attack
* +2 to attack
* -1 to attack (can borrow a MW bow)
With a +0, the average score is 48. With a +2, 59. With a +4, 70. The overall average is around 54.
To collect meat, the party will have to organize a hunt. There's 30 hunters available, averaging +2 Survival. Each group can make one check per day (5 days available for hunting). DC 10 to collect 1 person's worth of food, +1 per 2 over. Meat makes up about 1/3 of the collected food. There's a -1 penalty if they go in 10 or more groups and a -2 penalty if they go in 20 or more groups. The bakers need meat for about 100 people, which is a bit more than the hunters can handle.
==== Prize ====
There's some debate about changing the paintball fight (with slingshots) to a game of ribbon tag.
A mask that casts ''hide from animals'' 1/day (CL 1), worth 400 gp.
There's an argument over which drinks to serve at the drinking contest. There's a short beer that most people don't think makes for a good spectacle (DC 10), a fortified ale (DC 14) and some dwarven brandy (DC 18).
=== Paintball / Ribbon Tag ===
Decide which order to host the events. Each event lasts 1 hour. There's an hour break for cleaning up and setting out tables. Then there is a feast and, once night falls, the grand hunt.
Note: Using slingshots.
Last year, some wizard used ''obscuring mist'' in the sneaking contest. Some people want to ban all magic in that contest. Some people want to ban all magic in all the contests. Others say that magic is just another skill and if it improves your ability to hide, it should be fair. Others will settle for a compromise and just ban a few spells that are obviously too good for particular contests (obscuring mist and invisibility)
Participants get one minute to hide within the designated area. They then must either shoot opponents with their slingshots (ranged touch, 1 non-lethal damage except on crits) or steal their ribbon (a melee touch attack or the steal maneuver). Last one standing wins. (If it goes too quickly, winners can move on to a second round.)
An ankheg will interrupt preparations if the party doesn't find it first.
==== Opponents ====
=== Pie Eating Contest ===
Opponents have no special tactics, though some are more aggressive than others.
* A halfling with +6 stealth, 12 touch AC, 9 CMD, +3 ranged, +0 melee, -2 CMB
* A human with +1 stealth, 11 touch AC, 14 CMD, +2 ranged, +4 melee, +3 CMB
* A goblin with +9 stealth, 12 touch AC, 9 CMD, +3 ranged, +0 melee, -2 CMB
* An elf with +8 stealth, 13 touch AC, 16 CMD, +7 ranged, +3 melee, +3 CMB (has the acrobatic dodge feat with a +6 acrobatics check and 5 uses)
* A gnome with +6 stealth, 14 touch AC, 12 CMD, +3 ranged, +1 melee, -1 CMB (will use ghost sound and prestidigitation once each)
Note: Two size categories (two prizes). Pies served in rounds.
For a second round, use the same stats at +1. Change a couple of the races around.
You have 5 minutes (50 rounds) to eat as many pies as possible. Possibly, the organizers have prepared appropriate sized pies, otherwise Small characters are only eating 1/2 what the rolls would suggest. After each pie, roll a Fort save (DC 10) or a Will save (DC 12).
==== Prize ====
* -1 for each pie you've already eaten
* -5 if you tried to eat the pie in a single round
* -2 if you tried to eat the pie in two rounds
* +0 if you tried to eat the pie in three rounds
* +2 if you tried to eat the pie in five rounds
* +5 if you tried to eat the pie in one minute
On a failed roll, you manage to eat that pie, but:
A necklace that gives +2 Perception, worth 400 gp.
* After your first failure, you are sickened. Double the times for the above penalties and take a -2 penalty to the rolls. This wears off with 1 minute of rest (but you're still counted as having failed once).
* After your second failure, you are nauseated. Triple the times and take a -5 penalty to the rolls. This becomes sickened after 10 minutes, and wears off after about another two hours. (Just long enough to affect the next event.)
* After your third failure, you throw up and are disqualified. Any conditions will go away in 1 minute if you throw up.
==== Opponents ====
=== Drinking Contest ===
Opponents do the following:
Note: Fortified ale (DC 14)
* Roll at +7. Eats every other round (+5 - pies) until first fail, then every 6 rounds (+5 - pies), then every 30 rounds (+7 - pies) if he has at least a +0 to the roll.
* Roll at +6. Tries to eat as fast as possible: every round (+1 - pies), every 2 rounds (-1 - pies) and every 3 rounds (-4 - pies).
* Roll at +5. Eats a pie every 3 rounds (+5 - pies) until first fail, then every 20 rounds (+8 - pies), then quits.
* Roll at +5. Eats a pie every 5 rounds (+7 - pies), then every 20 rounds (+8 - pies), then every 30 rounds (+5 - pies).
* Roll at -1. Eats as slow as possible: 10 rounds (+4 - pies), 20 rounds (+2 - pies), then stops.
* Most people that didn't eat too fast manages at least 2 pies without getting sick. Several people manage 7. Several make themselves sick.
==== Prize ====
Take as many drinks as you can until you give, pass out or puke.
A small bowl that will cast ''abstemiousness'' 1/day (CL 1), worth 400 gp.
You can drink 1 + CON MOD drinks with no effect. After that, it's a Fort save (DC depends on the drink) + 2 per drink past the limit. Fail by 5 or more and pass out. Fail by less than 5 and become nauseated, then sickened (-2 on all checks and saves), then throw up. Sickened and nauseated last 1 hour per drink over the limit. Unconsciousness lasts for 1 hour. If you're forcibly woken before then, you're sickened for 1 hour per drink over the limit.
=== Archery Contest ===
==== Opponents ====
Note: Personal, non-magic weapons. Longbow provided. No guns.
* CON +3, Fort +6
* CON +2, Fort +4
Everyone gets 3 shots each round against an AC of -1 (a Small inanimate object, assuming you spend a full round aiming). Any success is worth 1 point. A success by 5 is worth 2 points. A success by 10 is worth 5 points. A success by 15 or more is worth 10 points. On a roll of a natural 20, you get at least 5 points regardless of what your total was (but you can get more if your total was high enough). On a roll of a natural 1, you can't get more than 1 point.
* CON +2, Fort +3
* 30 feet - +0 to attack
* CON +0, Fort +1
* 70 feet - +0 to attack (-2 if shortbow)
* CON -1, Fort -1
* 125 feet - -2 to attack (-4 if shortbow)
* 210 feet - -6 to attack (-8 if shortbow)
==== Opponents ====
Opponents have no special tactics
* +4 to attack (has a MW bow if personal weapons are allowed)
* +3 to attack, plus Point Blank Shot (+1 at 30 feet)
* +3 to attack
* +2 to attack
* -1 to attack (can borrow a MW bow)
With a +0, the average score is 48. With a +2, 59. With a +4, 70. The overall average is around 54.
==== Prize ====
==== Prize ====
A mask that casts ''hide from animals'' 1/day (CL 1), worth 400 gp.
A stein that can cast ''purify food and water'' up to twice per day (CL 1), worth 400 gp.
=== Paintball / Ribbon Tag ===
=== Sneaking Contest ===
Note: Using slingshots.
Several people are intently watching a path through the woods. Try to sneak past them and collect the ribbons placed around the area.
Participants get one minute to hide within the designated area. They then must either shoot opponents with their slingshots (ranged touch, 1 non-lethal damage except on crits) or steal their ribbon (a melee touch attack or the steal maneuver). Last one standing wins. (If it goes too quickly, winners can move on to a second round.)
All the watchers have +5 Perception.
==== Opponents ====
==== Opponents ====
Opponents have no special tactics, though some are more aggressive than others.
* Goblin Fighter, Stealth +9
* A halfling with +6 stealth, 12 touch AC, 9 CMD, +3 ranged, +0 melee, -2 CMB
* Human Rogue, Stealth +6
* A human with +1 stealth, 11 touch AC, 14 CMD, +2 ranged, +4 melee, +3 CMB
* Elf Ranger, Stealth +5
* A goblin with +9 stealth, 12 touch AC, 9 CMD, +3 ranged, +0 melee, -2 CMB
* Halfling Commoner, Stealth +3
* An elf with +8 stealth, 13 touch AC, 16 CMD, +7 ranged, +3 melee, +3 CMB (has the acrobatic dodge feat with a +6 acrobatics check and 5 uses)
* Dwarf Wizard, Stealth +0 (knows ''obscuring mist'' and ''reduce person'' [+5])
* A gnome with +6 stealth, 14 touch AC, 12 CMD, +3 ranged, +1 melee, -1 CMB (will use ghost sound and prestidigitation once each)
For a second round, use the same stats at +1. Change a couple of the races around.
==== Prize ====
==== Prize ====
A cloak that gives +2 stealth, worth 400 gp.
A necklace that gives +2 Perception, worth 400 gp.
=== Knowledge Contest ===
=== Drinking Contest ===
Recite details on a variety of beasts based on pictures and hides. Participants are invited into the lodge one at a time. The judges listen to them and give them a score based on how extensive their knowledge is. You can try and bluff, but the judges know their stuff and aren't easily fooled.
Note: Fortified ale (DC 14)
1 point for beating the DC, +1 for each 5 points over.
Take as many drinks as you can until you give, pass out or puke.
* Krenshar Pelt (Arcana DC 13 [+2 for id by just a pelt], can be made untrained)
* Water Naga Painting (Dungeoneering DC 17)
* Gourd Leshy Sculpture (Nature DC 11, can be made untrained)
* Tengu Painting (Local DC 10, can be made untrained)
* Salt Mephit Statue (Planes DC 13)
You can drink 1 + CON MOD drinks with no effect. After that, it's a Fort save (DC depends on the drink) + 2 per drink past the limit. Fail by 5 or more and pass out. Fail by less than 5 and become nauseated, then sickened (-2 on all checks and saves), then throw up. Sickened and nauseated last 1 hour per drink over the limit. Unconsciousness lasts for 1 hour. If you're forcibly woken before then, you're sickened for 1 hour per drink over the limit.
To bluff, you must first pass the base DC on the original check (to at least know the creature's name) and then roll a bluff check at the listed DC + 10. 1 point for beating the DC, +1 for each 5 points over. The judges will roll their Sense Motive (+4) and if they beat your Bluff you don't get the extra points and you get -1 point.
==== Opponents ====
==== Opponents ====
* CON +3, Fort +6
* Human Bard, +7 Nature, +4 others
* CON +2, Fort +4
* Dwarf Cleric, +6 Planes, +5 Arcana, +2 Int
* CON +2, Fort +3
* Halfling Ranger, +5 Nature, +5 Dungeoneering, +1 Int
* CON +0, Fort +1
* Half-Orc Fighter, +4 Dungeoneering, +0 Int
* CON -1, Fort -1
* Human Commoner, +1 Local, -1 Int
==== Prize ====
==== Prize ====
A stein that can cast ''purify food and water'' up to twice per day (CL 1), worth 400 gp.
A magnifying glass that casts ''identify'' (CL 1) once per day, worth 400 gp.
=== Sneaking Contest ===
=== Greased Pig Contest ===
Several people are intently watching a path through the woods. Try to sneak past them and collect the ribbons placed around the area.
See how many rounds it takes to tie up a greased pig. Rope is provided. The pig has a -1 CMB, 10 CMD (14 vs trip) and +1 Escape Artist but the grease provides a +10 bonus to escape grapples. The pig will take AoOs (bite +1, 1d4) which apply penalties to CMB checks. Time is called after 3 minutes. There are 3 pigs that are rotated to provide a fair contest.
All the watchers have +5 Perception.
Harming the pig is forbidden, as is effecting it magically.
==== Opponents ====
==== Opponents ====
* Goblin Fighter, Stealth +9
* Dwarf Fighter, +4 CMB, 15 CMD, 18 AC
* Human Rogue, Stealth +6
* Human Monk, +2 CMB (Improved Grapple), 17 CMD, 15 AC
* Elf Ranger, Stealth +5
* Gnome Alchemist, -1 CMB, 11 CMD, 17 AC (knows ''enlarge person'' +1 CMB, 12 CMD, 15 AC)
* Halfling Commoner, Stealth +3
* Half-Elf Ranger, +4 CMB, 16 CMD, 15 AC
* Dwarf Wizard, Stealth +0 (knows ''obscuring mist'' and ''reduce person'' [+5])
* Human Commoner, +2 CMB, 14 CMD, 14 AC
==== Prize ====
==== Prize ====
A cloak that gives +2 stealth, worth 400 gp.
The three pigs. There are people that will buy them for 400 gp.
=== Knowledge Contest ===
=== Grand Hunt ===
Recite details on a variety of beasts based on pictures and hides. Participants are invited into the lodge one at a time. The judges listen to them and give them a score based on how extensive their knowledge is. You can try and bluff, but the judges know their stuff and aren't easily fooled.
== Creatures ==
1 point for beating the DC, +1 for each 5 points over.
<div style="border:1px solid black; padding:3px; margin:3px">
=== World Tree Spiderling ===
* Krenshar Pelt (Arcana DC 13 [+2 for id by just a pelt], can be made untrained)
* Water Naga Painting (Dungeoneering DC 17)
* Gourd Leshy Sculpture (Nature DC 11, can be made untrained)
|appearance=A large spider like creature apparently made of vines
* Tengu Painting (Local DC 10, can be made untrained)
* Salt Mephit Statue (Planes DC 13)
To bluff, you must first pass the base DC on the original check (to at least know the creature's name) and then roll a bluff check at the listed DC + 10. 1 point for beating the DC, +1 for each 5 points over. The judges will roll their Sense Motive (+4) and if they beat your Bluff you don't get the extra points and you get -1 point.
==== Opponents ====
|senses=Low light vision
|move-speeds=40 ft, climb 20 ft
* Human Bard, +7 Nature, +4 others
* Dwarf Cleric, +6 Planes, +5 Arcana, +2 Int
* Halfling Ranger, +5 Nature, +5 Dungeoneering, +1 Int
* Half-Orc Fighter, +4 Dungeoneering, +0 Int
* Human Commoner, +1 Local, -1 Int
==== Prize ====
A magnifying glass that casts ''identify'' (CL 1) once per day, worth 400 gp.
=== Greased Pig Contest ===
See how many rounds it takes to tie up a greased pig. Rope is provided. The pig has a -1 CMB, 10 CMD (14 vs trip) and +1 Escape Artist but the grease provides a +10 bonus to escape grapples. The pig will take AoOs (bite +1, 1d4) which apply penalties to CMB checks. Time is called after 3 minutes. There are 3 pigs that are rotated to provide a fair contest.
Harming the pig is forbidden, as is effecting it magically.
==== Opponents ====
|ac-breakdown=-1 size, +2 dex, +7 natural, +4 armor
|def-abilities=SR 22, mage armor
* Dwarf Fighter, +4 CMB, 15 CMD, 18 AC
|dr=20/cold iron
* Human Monk, +2 CMB (Improved Grapple), 17 CMD, 15 AC
|immunities=mind-affecting, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stun
* Gnome Alchemist, -1 CMB, 11 CMD, 17 AC (knows ''enlarge person'' +1 CMB, 12 CMD, 15 AC)
|melee-list=bite +21 (1d8+9 plus Dispelling Bite), claw +16 (1d6+4)
* Half-Elf Ranger, +4 CMB, 16 CMD, 15 AC
|space=10 ft.
* Human Commoner, +2 CMB, 14 CMD, 14 AC
|reach=10 ft.
|special-attacks=Dispelling bite, enhanced bite
|cmb=+17 (+2 Disarm, +2 Sunder, +4 Trip)
|skills=Stealth +21, Acrobatics +18, Disable Device +18
|feats=Combat Expertise, Power Attack, Combat Reflexes, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Improved Sunder, Greater Trip, Weapon Focus (Bite)
|special-abilities='''Dispelling bite (Ex)''' - A creature hit must make a Will save (DC 23). On a failure ongoing spell effects on that creature are dispelled and the creature loses the ability to use spells or supernatural abilities for 1d2 rounds. Sundered magic items must make a reflex save or be suppressed for 1d4 rounds.
==== Prize ====
'''Enhanced Bite (Su)''' - A spiderling's bite counts as a +4 weapon.
The three pigs. There are people that will buy them for 400 gp.
'''Mage Armor (Su)''' - Spiderlings produce a constant ''mage armor'' effect.
=== Grand Hunt ===
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== Creatures ==
=== Overfed Spiderling ===
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=== Tin-Infused Snow Leopard ===
|name=Tin-Infused Snow Leopard
|appearance=A large cat with a metallic sheen to its coat
|appearance=A huge, well-fed spider like creature apparently made of vines
|senses=Low light vision, scent
|senses=Low light vision
|move-speeds=40 ft, climb 20 ft
|move-speeds=40 ft, climb 20 ft
|hd=4d8+8 plus 4
|ac-breakdown=+5 Dex, +3 Natural
|ac-breakdown=-2 size, +3 dex, +10 natural, +4 armor
|def-abilities=Light Fortification, Resist Cold 10
|def-abilities=SR 26, mage armor
|dr=20/cold iron
|immunities=mind-affecting, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stun
|melee-list=2 claw +8 (1d4+1), bite +8 (1d6+1)
|melee-list=bite +26 (2d6+10 plus Dispelling Bite), 2 claw +21 (1d8+5)
|space=5 ft.
|space=15 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|reach=15 ft.
|special-attacks=pounce, rake (2 claws +8, 1d4+1)
|special-attacks=Dispelling bite, Enhanced bite, Force webs
|cmb=+23 (+2 Disarm, +2 Sunder, +4 Overrun, +4 Trip)
|cmd=19 (23 vs. Trip)
|skills=Acrobatics +5 (+13 balancing), Climb +13, Stealth +13
|skills=Stealth +28, Acrobatics +25, Disable Device +25
|feats=Skill Focus (Perception), Toughness, Weapon Finesse
|feats=Combat Expertise, Power Attack, Combat Reflexes, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Improved Sunder, Greater Trip, Weapon Focus (Bite), Sundering Strike, Improved Overrun, Greater Overrun
|special-abilities='''Dispelling bite (Ex)''' - A creature hit must make a Will save (DC 28). On a failure ongoing spell effects on that creature are dispelled and the creature loses the ability to use spells or supernatural abilities for 1d2 rounds. Sundered magic items must make a Reflex save or be suppressed for 1d4 rounds.
'''Enhanced Bite (Su)''' - A spiderling's bite counts as a +4 weapon.
'''Force Webs (Su)''' - A spiderling can spray flexible strands of sticky, invisible force at a single Medium or smaller target up to 20 feet away. A successful Reflex save (DC 28) lets the target avoid the webs; failure means the creature is entangled (-2 attack, -4 Dex, half move speed). Force webs are immune to all damage and most spells, including ''dispel magic''. A force web dissolves after 1d4 hours.
'''Mage Armor (Su)''' - Spiderlings produce a constant ''mage armor'' effect.
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=== Tin-Infused Young Advanced Ankheg ===
=== World Tree Humanoid ===
|name=Tin-Infused Medium Ankheg
|appearance=A smaller than usual Ankheg with an odd metalic sheen
|appearance=A humanoid creature made up of massed vines
|type=Magical Beast
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft., Low-light vision, Tremorsense 60 ft.
|senses=Low light vision
|move-speeds=30 ft., Burrow 20 ft.
|move-speeds=30 ft
|hd=3d10+9 plus 3
|ac-breakdown=+4 Dex, +9 Natural
|ac-breakdown=+7 dex, +5 natural, +4 armor, +1 dodge
|def-abilities=Light Fortification, Resist Cold 10
|def-abilities=SR 24, mage armor
|dr=20/cold iron
|immunities=mind-affecting, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stun
|melee-list=bite +3 (1d8 plus 1d4 acid and grab)
|melee-list=bite +22 (1d6+8 plus Dispelling Bite), claw +17 (1d4+3)
|space=5 ft.
|space=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|special-attacks=Spit Acid
|special-attacks=Dispelling bite, Enhanced bite, Force webs
|cmb=+21 (+2 Disarm, +2 Sunder, +2 Trip)
|cmd=20 (28 vs. trip)
|skills=Climb +13
|skills=Stealth +28, Acrobatics +25, Disable Device +25
|feats=Skill Focus (Perception), Toughness
|feats=Combat Expertise, Power Attack, Combat Reflexes, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Improved Sunder, Agile Maneuvers, Weapon Focus (Bite), Dodge, Step Up
|special-abilities='''Spit Acid (Ex)''' - Once every 6 hours, an ankheg can spit a 30 ft. line of acid. Creatures struck take 4d4 points of acid damage (Reflex DC 14 halves). Afterwards, the ankheg loses its acid damage bonus to its bite. It uses this when wounded (half hp) or frustrated (fails multiple grabs).
|special-abilities='''Dispelling bite (Ex)''' - A creature hit must make a Will save (DC 21). On a failure ongoing spell effects on that creature are dispelled and the creature loses the ability to use spells or supernatural abilities for 1d2 rounds. Sundered magic items must make a Reflex save or be suppressed for 1d4 rounds.
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'''Enhanced Bite (Su)''' - A spiderling's bite counts as a +4 weapon.
=== Copper-Infused Young Ankheg ===
'''Force Webs (Su)''' - A spiderling can spray flexible strands of sticky, invisible force at a single Medium or smaller target up to 20 feet away. A successful Reflex save (DC 21) lets the target avoid the webs; failure means the creature is entangled (-2 attack, -4 Dex, half move speed). Force webs are immune to all damage and most spells, including ''dispel magic''. A force web dissolves after 1d4 hours.
|name=Copper-Infused Medium Ankheg
|appearance=A smaller than usual Ankheg with an odd metalic sheen
'''Mage Armor (Su)''' - Spiderlings produce a constant ''mage armor'' effect.
|type=Magical Beast
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft., Low-light vision, Tremorsense 60 ft.
|move-speeds=30 ft., Burrow 20 ft.
|hd=3d10+3 plus 3
|ac-breakdown=(+2 Dex, +8 Natural)
|def-abilities=Light Fortification, Resist Fire 10
|melee-list=bite +4 (1d8+1 plus 1d4 acid and grab)
|space=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|special-attacks=Spit Acid
|cmd=16 (24 vs. trip)
|feats=Skill Focus (Perception), Toughness
|special-abilities='''Spit Acid (Ex)''' - Once every 6 hours, an ankheg can spit a 30 ft. line of acid. Creatures struck take 4d4 points of acid damage (Reflex DC 12 halves). Afterwards, the ankheg loses its acid damage bonus to its bite. It uses this when wounded (half hp) or frustrated (fails multiple grabs).
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=== World Tree Spiderling ===
=== World Tree Rhino ===
|appearance=A large spider like creature apparently made of vines
|appearance=A rhino shaped creature made up of massed vines
|xp=38,400 XP
|senses=Low light vision
|senses=Low light vision
|move-speeds=40 ft, climb 20 ft
|move-speeds=40 ft
|ac-breakdown=-1 size, +2 dex, +7 natural, +4 armor
|ac-breakdown=+3 dex, +4 deflection, +12 natural
|def-abilities=SR 22, mage armor
|def-abilities=SR 25, mage armor
|dr=20/cold iron
|dr=20/cold iron
|immunities=mind-affecting, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stun
|immunities=mind-affecting, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stun
|melee-list=bite +21 (1d8+9 plus Dispelling Bite), claw +16 (1d6+4)
|melee-list=gore +24 (1d8+9), bite +24 (1d8+9 plus dispelling bite)
|space=10 ft.
|space=10 ft.
|reach=10 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|special-attacks=Dispelling bite, enhanced bite
|special-attacks=Dispelling bite, Enhanced bite, powerful charge (gore, 2d8+18)
|cmb=+17 (+2 Disarm, +2 Sunder, +4 Trip)
|cmb=+19 (+2 bull rush)
|cmd=32 (+2 trip)
|skills=Stealth +21, Acrobatics +18, Disable Device +18
|skills=Survival +28
|feats=Combat Expertise, Power Attack, Combat Reflexes, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Improved Sunder, Greater Trip, Weapon Focus (Bite)
|feats=Power Attack (-4/+8), Improved Bull Rush, Greater Bull Rush, Minotaur's Charge
|special-abilities='''Dispelling bite (Ex)''' - A creature hit must make a Will save (DC 23). On a failure ongoing spell effects on that creature are dispelled and the creature loses the ability to use spells or supernatural abilities for 1d2 rounds. Sundered magic items must make a reflex save or be suppressed for 1d4 rounds.
|special-abilities='''Dispelling bite (Ex)''' - A creature hit must make a Will save (DC 21). On a failure ongoing spell effects on that creature are dispelled and the creature loses the ability to use spells or supernatural abilities for 1d2 rounds. Sundered magic items must make a Reflex save or be suppressed for 1d4 rounds.
'''Enhanced Bite (Su)''' - A spiderling's bite counts as a +4 weapon.
'''Enhanced Bite (Su)''' - A rhino's bite counts as a +4 weapon.
'''Mage Armor (Su)''' - Spiderlings produce a constant ''mage armor'' effect.
'''Enhanced Horn (Su)''' - A rhino's horn counts as a +4 weapon.
'''Mage Armor (Su)''' - Rhinos produce a constant ''mage armor'' effect.
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=== Overfed Spiderling ===
=== World Tree Humanoid ===
|appearance=A huge, well-fed spider like creature apparently made of vines
|appearance=A humanoid creature made up of massed vines
|senses=Low light vision
|senses=Low light vision
|move-speeds=40 ft, climb 20 ft
|move-speeds=30 ft
|ac-breakdown=-2 size, +3 dex, +10 natural, +4 armor
|ac-breakdown=+7 dex, +5 natural, +4 armor, +1 dodge
|def-abilities=SR 26, mage armor
|def-abilities=SR 24, mage armor
|dr=20/cold iron
|dr=20/cold iron
|immunities=mind-affecting, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stun
|immunities=mind-affecting, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stun
|melee-list=bite +26 (2d6+10 plus Dispelling Bite), 2 claw +21 (1d8+5)
|melee-list=bite +22 (1d6+8 plus Dispelling Bite), claw +17 (1d4+3)
|space=15 ft.
|space=5 ft.
|reach=15 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|special-attacks=Dispelling bite, Enhanced bite, Force webs
|special-attacks=Dispelling bite, Enhanced bite, Force webs
|cmb=+23 (+2 Disarm, +2 Sunder, +4 Overrun, +4 Trip)
|cmb=+21 (+2 Disarm, +2 Sunder, +2 Trip)
|skills=Stealth +28, Acrobatics +25, Disable Device +25
|skills=Stealth +28, Acrobatics +25, Disable Device +25
|feats=Combat Expertise, Power Attack, Combat Reflexes, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Improved Sunder, Greater Trip, Weapon Focus (Bite), Sundering Strike, Improved Overrun, Greater Overrun
|feats=Combat Expertise, Power Attack, Combat Reflexes, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Improved Sunder, Agile Maneuvers, Weapon Focus (Bite), Dodge, Step Up
|special-abilities='''Dispelling bite (Ex)''' - A creature hit must make a Will save (DC 28). On a failure ongoing spell effects on that creature are dispelled and the creature loses the ability to use spells or supernatural abilities for 1d2 rounds. Sundered magic items must make a Reflex save or be suppressed for 1d4 rounds.
|special-abilities='''Dispelling bite (Ex)''' - A creature hit must make a Will save (DC 21). On a failure ongoing spell effects on that creature are dispelled and the creature loses the ability to use spells or supernatural abilities for 1d2 rounds. Sundered magic items must make a Reflex save or be suppressed for 1d4 rounds.
'''Enhanced Bite (Su)''' - A spiderling's bite counts as a +4 weapon.
'''Enhanced Bite (Su)''' - A spiderling's bite counts as a +4 weapon.
'''Force Webs (Su)''' - A spiderling can spray flexible strands of sticky, invisible force at a single Medium or smaller target up to 20 feet away. A successful Reflex save (DC 28) lets the target avoid the webs; failure means the creature is entangled (-2 attack, -4 Dex, half move speed). Force webs are immune to all damage and most spells, including ''dispel magic''. A force web dissolves after 1d4 hours.
'''Force Webs (Su)''' - A spiderling can spray flexible strands of sticky, invisible force at a single Medium or smaller target up to 20 feet away. A successful Reflex save (DC 21) lets the target avoid the webs; failure means the creature is entangled (-2 attack, -4 Dex, half move speed). Force webs are immune to all damage and most spells, including ''dispel magic''. A force web dissolves after 1d4 hours.
'''Mage Armor (Su)''' - Spiderlings produce a constant ''mage armor'' effect.
'''Mage Armor (Su)''' - Spiderlings produce a constant ''mage armor'' effect.
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=== World Tree Humanoid ===
=== Nahum the Inferno ===
|appearance=A humanoid creature made up of massed vines
|appearance=A great puddle of living liquid fire
|cr=19 MR 2
|senses=Low light vision
|senses=Blindsight 120 ft
|move-speeds=30 ft
|move-speeds=20 ft, climb 20 ft
|ac-breakdown=+7 dex, +5 natural, +4 armor, +1 dodge
|ac-breakdown=+4 natural, -1 dex, -4 size
|def-abilities=SR 24, mage armor
|def-abilities=Energy Resist 15, Block Attack, Second Save
|dr=20/cold iron
|immunities=mind-affecting, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stun
|immunities=fire, piercing*, slashing*
|melee-list=bite +22 (1d6+8 plus Dispelling Bite), claw +17 (1d4+3)
|melee-list=slam +26 (2d6+13 plus burn plus grab)
|space=5 ft.
|space=20 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|reach=20 ft.
|special-attacks=Dispelling bite, Enhanced bite, Force webs
|special-attacks=Ooze Toss
|cmb=+21 (+2 Disarm, +2 Sunder, +2 Trip)
|cmb=+34 (+38 grapple)
|skills=Stealth +28, Acrobatics +25, Disable Device +25
|feats=Combat Expertise, Power Attack, Combat Reflexes, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Improved Sunder, Agile Maneuvers, Weapon Focus (Bite), Dodge, Step Up
|treasure=67,000 gp
|special-abilities='''Dispelling bite (Ex)''' - A creature hit must make a Will save (DC 21). On a failure ongoing spell effects on that creature are dispelled and the creature loses the ability to use spells or supernatural abilities for 1d2 rounds. Sundered magic items must make a Reflex save or be suppressed for 1d4 rounds.
|special-abilities='''Burn (Ex)''' - 2d10 to all creatures within 20 feet and to any creature that attacks with a natural or non-reach melee weapon.
'''Enhanced Bite (Su)''' - A spiderling's bite counts as a +4 weapon.
'''Flare (Ex)''' - (Used when at half hp.) Raise burn to 5d10 at the cost of 2 hp per round. All creatures within sight must make a Reflex save (DC 34) or be blinded for the duration. Those that make the save are dazzled instead. Save DC is Con based.
'''Force Webs (Su)''' - A spiderling can spray flexible strands of sticky, invisible force at a single Medium or smaller target up to 20 feet away. A successful Reflex save (DC 21) lets the target avoid the webs; failure means the creature is entangled (-2 attack, -4 Dex, half move speed). Force webs are immune to all damage and most spells, including ''dispel magic''. A force web dissolves after 1d4 hours.
'''Ooze Toss (Ex)''' - Does burn damage as a 30 ft burst at up to 100 ft range.
'''Block Attack (Ex)''' - Once per round, when hit by a melee or ranged attack, roll at +26. If that exceeds the attack, it does no damage as if it missed.
'''Second Save (Ex)''' - Reroll save versus an ongoing effect as a free action at the beginning of each turn.
'''Mage Armor (Su)''' - Spiderlings produce a constant ''mage armor'' effect.
'''Near-immunity to Piercing and Slashing (Ex)''' - All piercing and slashing damage is reduced to at most 1 damage (after DR).
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=== World Tree Rhino ===
=== Kobold Guard ===
|name=Kobold Guard - Fighter 2
|appearance=A rhino shaped creature made up of massed vines
|appearance=Armed with an axe, an alchemist's fire and a tanglefoot bag
|xp=38,400 XP
|type=Humanoid (Reptilian)
|senses=Low light vision
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft. (Light Sensitivity)
|move-speeds=40 ft
|move-speeds=20 ft
|will=+0 (+1 vs fear)
|ac-breakdown=+3 dex, +4 deflection, +12 natural
|ac-breakdown=+2 dex, +1 shield, +1 size, +1 natural, +1 dodge, +4 armor
|def-abilities=SR 25, mage armor
|dr=20/cold iron
|immunities=mind-affecting, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stun
|melee-list=gore +24 (1d8+9), bite +24 (1d8+9 plus dispelling bite)
|melee-list=handaxe +6 (1d4-2 20/x3 slashing)
|space=10 ft.
|space=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|special-attacks=Dispelling bite, Enhanced bite, powerful charge (gore, 2d8+18)
|cmb=+19 (+2 bull rush)
|cmd=32 (+2 trip)
|skills=Survival +28
|skills=Stealth +7
|feats=Power Attack (-3/+6), Improved Bull Rush, Greater Bull Rush, Minotaur's Charge
|feats=Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Handaxe), Dodge
|treasure=MW small hide, handaxe, buckler, alchemist's fire, tanglefoot bag
|special-abilities='''Dispelling bite (Ex)''' - A creature hit must make a Will save (DC 21). On a failure ongoing spell effects on that creature are dispelled and the creature loses the ability to use spells or supernatural abilities for 1d2 rounds. Sundered magic items must make a Reflex save or be suppressed for 1d4 rounds.
'''Enhanced Bite (Su)''' - A rhino's bite counts as a +4 weapon.
'''Enhanced Horn (Su)''' - A rhino's horn counts as a +4 weapon.
'''Mage Armor (Su)''' - Rhinos produce a constant ''mage armor'' effect.
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=== Kobold Elite Guard ===
=== World Tree Spitter ===
|name=Kobold Elite Guard - Fighter 6
|appearance=A strange creature made up of massed vines
|appearance=Armed with a spiked chain and two alchemist's fire
|type=Humanoid (Reptilian)
|senses=Low light vision
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft. (Light Sensitivity)
|move-speeds=30 ft
|move-speeds=30 ft
|will=+5 (+2 vs fear)
|dex=18 (+2 from belt)
|ac-breakdown=+8 dex, +4 deflection, +5 natural
|ac-breakdown=+7 armor, +5 dex, +1 size, +1 natural, +1 dodge
|def-abilities=SR 21, mage armor
|dr=20/cold iron
|immunities=mind-affecting, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stun
|melee-list=spit +19 (4d4+4 acid plus dispelling spit), 2 claws +8 (1d4+1)
|melee-list=spiked chain +15/+10 (1d6+3 20/x2 piercing, disarm, trip)
|space=5 ft.
|space=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|special-attacks=Dispelling spit, Enhanced spit
|cmb=+4 (+5 with chain)
|skills=+26 Stealth
|skills=Stealth +13, Acrobatics +6
|feats=Point blank shot, Precise shot, Agile Maneuvers
|feats=Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Spiked Chain), Dodge, Combat Reflexes, Exotic Weapon Prof., Weapon Specialization (Spiked Chain), Stand Still
|treasure=+1 mithral breastplate, +1 spiked chain, belt of incredible dexterity +2, cloak of resistance +2, alchemist's fire x2, potion of CMW x2, potion of shield of faith +4
|special-abilities='''Dispelling Spit (Ex)''' - A creature hit must make a Will save (DC 21). On a failure ongoing spell effects on that creature are dispelled and the creature loses the ability to use spells or supernatural abilities for 1d2 rounds. Sundered magic items must make a Reflex save or be suppressed for 1d4 rounds.
'''Enhanced Spit(Su)''' - This thing's spit counts as a +4 ranged weapon.
'''Mage Armor (Su)''' - This thing produces a constant ''mage armor'' effect.
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=== Kobold Cleric ===
=== Nahum the Inferno ===
|name=Kobold Cleric - Cleric 6
|appearance=A great puddle of living liquid fire
|cr=19 MR 2
|type=Humanoid (Reptilian)
|senses=Blindsight 120 ft
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft. (Light Sensitivity)
|move-speeds=20 ft, climb 20 ft
|move-speeds=30 ft
|ac-breakdown=+4 natural, -1 dex, -4 size
|ac-breakdown=+4 armor, +1 dex, +1 size, +1 natural, +2 deflection
|def-abilities=Energy Resist 15, Block Attack, Second Save
|immunities=fire, piercing*, slashing*
|melee-list=slam +26 (2d6+13 plus burn plus grab)
|space=20 ft.
|space=5 ft.
|reach=20 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|special-attacks=Ooze Toss
|spell-like=Copy cat 6/day, Dragonbreath (4d6, 15 ft cone, acid) 1/day, stabilize, bane, bless, CLW x2, CMW x2, aid, invisibility, CSW, invisibility purge, deeper darkness
|cmb=+34 (+38 grapple)
|skills=Heal +12, Sense Motive +12, Survival +9
|feats=Brew Potion, Combat Casting, Defensive Combat Training
|treasure=67,000 gp
|treasure=+1 studded leather, amulet of natural armor +1, ring of protection +2, wand of CMW (50 charges)
|special-abilities='''Burn (Ex)''' - 2d10 to all creatures within 20 feet and to any creature that attacks with a natural or non-reach melee weapon.
'''Flare (Ex)''' - (Used when at half hp.) Raise burn to 5d10 at the cost of 2 hp per round. All creatures within sight must make a Reflex save (DC 34) or be blinded for the duration. Those that make the save are dazzled instead. Save DC is Con based.
'''Ooze Toss (Ex)''' - Does burn damage as a 30 ft burst at up to 100 ft range.
'''Block Attack (Ex)''' - Once per round, when hit by a melee or ranged attack, roll at +26. If that exceeds the attack, it does no damage as if it missed.
'''Second Save (Ex)''' - Reroll save versus an ongoing effect as a free action at the beginning of each turn.
'''Near-immunity to Piercing and Slashing (Ex)''' - All piercing and slashing damage is reduced to at most 1 damage (after DR).
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=== Kobold Guard ===
=== Young Gelationous Cube ===
|name=Kobold Guard - Fighter 2
|name=Young Gelatinous Cube
|appearance=Armed with an axe, an alchemist's fire and a tanglefoot bag
|appearance=It looks like a cube of clear gelatin 5 foot to a side, but you can see some debris floating inside.
|type=Humanoid (Reptilian)
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft. (Light Sensitivity)
|senses=Blindsight 60 ft.
|move-speeds=20 ft
|move-speeds=15 ft.
|will=+0 (+1 vs fear)
|ac-breakdown=+2 dex, +1 shield, +1 size, +1 natural, +1 dodge, +4 armor
|ac-breakdown=-3 dex
|immunities=electricity, ooze traits
|melee-list=handaxe +6 (1d4-2 20/x3 slashing)
|melee-list=slam +1 (1d4-2 bashing plus 1d4 acid)
|space=5 ft.
|space=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|special-attacks=engulf, paralysis
|skills=Stealth +7
|feats=Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Handaxe), Dodge
|treasure=MW small hide, handaxe, buckler, alchemist's fire, tanglefoot bag
|treasure=Various coins and gems worth 550 gp (the second one also has a +1 light steel shield)
|special-abilities='''Acid (Ex)''' - A gelatinous cube's acid does not harm metal or stone.
'''Engulf (Ex)''' - Although it moves slowly, a gelatinous cube can simply engulf Medium or smaller creatures in its path as a standard action. It cannot make a slam attack during a round in which it engulfs. The gelatinous cube merely has to move over the opponents, affecting as many as it can cover. Opponents can make attacks of opportunity against the cube, but if they do so they are not entitled to a saving throw. Those who do not attempt attacks of opportunity can attempt a DC 10 Reflex save to avoid being engulfed—on a success, they are pushed back or aside (opponent's choice) as the cube moves forward. Engulfed creatures are subject to the cube's paralysis and acid, gain the pinned condition, are in danger of suffocating, and are trapped within its body until they are no longer pinned. The save DC is Strength-based.
'''Paralysis (Ex)''' - A gelatinous cube secretes an anesthetizing slime. A target hit by a cube's melee or engulf attack must succeed on a DC 18 Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 3d6 rounds. The cube can automatically engulf a paralyzed opponent. The save DC is Constitution-based.
'''Transparent (Ex)''' - Due to its lack of coloration, a gelatinous cube is difficult to discern. A DC 15 Perception check is required to notice a motionless gelatinous cube. Any creature that fails to notice a gelatinous cube and walks into it is automatically engulfed.
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<div style="border:1px solid black; padding:3px; margin:3px">
=== Kobold Elite Guard ===
=== Creeper ===
|name=Kobold Elite Guard - Fighter 6
|appearance=Armed with a spiked chain and two alchemist's fire
|appearance=A strange green-skinned creature scuttles forward on four short legs. It wears what appears to be a horrified expression.
|type=Humanoid (Reptilian)
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft. (Light Sensitivity)
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft.
|move-speeds=30 ft
|move-speeds=30 ft.
|will=+5 (+2 vs fear)
|dex=18 (+2 from belt)
|ac-breakdown=+7 armor, +5 dex, +1 size, +1 natural, +1 dodge
|ac-breakdown=+3 dex, +2 natural
|melee-list=spiked chain +15/+10 (1d6+3 20/x2 piercing, disarm, trip)
|melee-list=slam +2 (1d4-1 bashing)
|space=5 ft.
|space=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|cmb=+4 (+5 with chain)
|skills=Stealth +13, Acrobatics +6
|skills=Stealth +12,
|feats=Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Spiked Chain), Dodge, Combat Reflexes, Exotic Weapon Prof., Weapon Specialization (Spiked Chain), Stand Still
|feats=Skill Focus (Stealth), Run, Step Up
|treasure=+1 mithral breastplate, +1 spiked chain, belt of incredible dexterity +2, cloak of resistance +2, alchemist's fire x2, potion of CMW x2, potion of shield of faith +4
|organization=solitary or hatchlings (1d4 young creepers)
|special-abilities='''Immunity to Electricity (Ex)''' A creeper struck by electricity takes no damage and instead adds 1 point of damage to its explosion attack for each 3 points of damage that would have been done.
'''Explosion (Ex)''' A creeper can cause itself to explode like a fireball. This attack does 5d6 damage plus any extra from electricity to everyone within 30 ft. (DC 15 Ref for half) and destroys the creeper. To use this attack, the creeper must take a standard action one round, and a full round action the next. Creatures nearby can hear a hissing sound once the creeper starts its attack (DC 10 Perception). It can choose to discontinue its attack at any point. Any creature killed by a creeper's explosion must make a DC 15 Fort save. If they fail, 1d4 new creepers will grow out of the corpse over the next 48 hours. A remove disease spell can prevent this.
|description=Creepers are fortunately rare aberrations that reproduce by planting spores in fresh corpses. Rather than wait for a corpse like most such creatures, creepers make their own by detonating themselves near other creatures. They prefer to sneak up on their targets, although they are capable runners if their target tries to flee.
<div style="border:1px solid black; padding:3px; margin:3px">
Creepers have no arms and are incapable of manipulating their environment besides the craters left from their explosions. They feed off of plants and minerals, building up a reserve of volatile chemicals. If a creeper is killed before it can explode, these chemicals can be extracted (DC 14 Dungeoneering or Survival check to not ruin half). This provides a kegs-worth of compounds that are very similar to gunpowder once dried.
=== Kobold Cleric ===
|name=Kobold Cleric - Cleric 6
! Dungeoneering
! Lore
{{!}} DC 14
{{!}} This is a creeper, an aberration that kills its victims by detonating itself.
{{!}} DC 19
{{!}} Creepers reproduce by spores implanted in the corpses of their victims. It takes about 48 hours for new creepers to grow. A remove disease spell can stop this.
{{!}} DC 24
{{!}} The volatile chemicals a creeper uses can be extracted if it can be killed before it explodes. These chemicals react with electricity while the creeper is still alive though, making the resulting explosion even stronger.
<div style="border:1px solid black; padding:3px; margin:3px">
=== Martite Devil ===
|appearance=This small, red-scaled, armed serpent's eyes glitters with both fear and hatred.
|type=Humanoid (Reptilian)
|type=Outsider (Devil, Extraplanar, Evil, Lawful)
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft. (Light Sensitivity)
|senses=See in darkness, Darkvision 60 ft.
|move-speeds=30 ft
|move-speeds=20 ft., climb 20 ft.
|ac-breakdown=+4 armor, +1 dex, +1 size, +1 natural, +2 deflection
|ac-breakdown=+1 size, +2 Dex, +1 natural
|def-abilities=resist acid 10, resist cold 10
|dr=5/silver or good
|melee-list=claws +2 (1d3-1)
|space=5 ft.
|space=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|spell-like=Copy cat 6/day, Dragonbreath (4d6, 15 ft cone, acid) 1/day, stabilize, bane, bless, CLW x2, CMW x2, aid, invisibility, CSW, invisibility purge, deeper darkness
|spell-like=3/day flare, 3/day ray of fire
|skills=Heal +12, Sense Motive +12, Survival +9
|skills=Sense Motive +5, Diplomacy +3, Bluff +6
|feats=Brew Potion, Combat Casting, Defensive Combat Training
|feats=Weapon Finesse
|treasure=+1 studded leather, amulet of natural armor +1, ring of protection +2, wand of CMW (50 charges)
|environment=Demonic Realms
|organization=solitary, squad (1 advanced martite and 1d6 martites)
|special-abilities='''See in Darkness (Su)''' A martite can see even in magical darkness.
|description=Martite are devils that once rose above the ranks of the Lemure, but have since been demoted. They have few natural abilities and little chance for advancement without mortal help, though sometimes a particularly strong one will gather a small troop of others to boss around.
! Planes
! Lore
{{!}} DC 11
{{!}} This is a martite, a very low rank devil.
{{!}} DC 16
{{!}} Martites aren't terribly bright, but they are perceptive and can and will try to deal. Like all devils, they will follow the letter of any agreements, but like all devils they seek personal gain through such deals.
{{!}} DC 21
{{!}} Like most devils, they are fairly resilient physically. Unlike most other devils, that's almost all they have going for them. They are still capable of a few magic cantrips.
<div style="border:1px solid black; padding:3px; margin:3px">
<div style="border:1px solid black; padding:3px; margin:3px">
=== Reproma ===
=== Young Gelationous Cube ===
|name=Young Gelatinous Cube
|appearance=It looks like a cube of clear gelatin 5 foot to a side, but you can see some debris floating inside.
|appearance=Thick vines hang off the tree. They seem to twitch and sway even when there's no wind.
|senses=Blindsight 60 ft.
|senses=tremorsense, Perception +4
|move-speeds=15 ft.
|move-speeds=0 ft.
|ac-breakdown=-3 dex
|ac-breakdown=-1 Dex, +3 natural
|immunities=electricity, ooze traits
|melee-list=slam +1 (1d4-2 bashing plus 1d4 acid)
|melee-list=4 tentacles +1 (1d4+1)
|space=5 ft.
|space=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|special-attacks=engulf, paralysis
|special-attacks=Constrict (1d4+1), Grab (tentacle)
|cmb=+1 (+5 grapple)
|cmd=10 (can't be tripped)
|treasure=Various coins and gems worth 550 gp (the second one also has a +1 light steel shield)
|environment=any forest
|special-abilities='''Acid (Ex)''' - A gelatinous cube's acid does not harm metal or stone.
|special-abilities='''Constrict (Ex):''' Do an extra 1d4+1 damage on a successful grapple check.
'''Engulf (Ex)''' - Although it moves slowly, a gelatinous cube can simply engulf Medium or smaller creatures in its path as a standard action. It cannot make a slam attack during a round in which it engulfs. The gelatinous cube merely has to move over the opponents, affecting as many as it can cover. Opponents can make attacks of opportunity against the cube, but if they do so they are not entitled to a saving throw. Those who do not attempt attacks of opportunity can attempt a DC 10 Reflex save to avoid being engulfed—on a success, they are pushed back or aside (opponent's choice) as the cube moves forward. Engulfed creatures are subject to the cube's paralysis and acid, gain the pinned condition, are in danger of suffocating, and are trapped within its body until they are no longer pinned. The save DC is Strength-based.
'''Grab (Ex):''' If a reproma hits with its tentacle attacks, it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action.
|description=Reproma are vines that grow up trees, then hang down along the branches. When they sense movement nearby, they lash out attempting to grab and crush the target. Anything they succeed in killing eventually becomes fertilizer for the plant. While they normally feed on rats, squirrels or the like, they are mindless and simply attack anything that comes near. If there are multiple creatures nearby, they split their attacks evenly.  
'''Paralysis (Ex)''' - A gelatinous cube secretes an anesthetizing slime. A target hit by a cube's melee or engulf attack must succeed on a DC 18 Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 3d6 rounds. The cube can automatically engulf a paralyzed opponent. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Reproma look like many other vines until they start to move. Roll a Perception, Knowledge (Nature) or Survival (DC 18) to notice it beforehand.
'''Transparent (Ex)''' - Due to its lack of coloration, a gelatinous cube is difficult to discern. A DC 15 Perception check is required to notice a motionless gelatinous cube. Any creature that fails to notice a gelatinous cube and walks into it is automatically engulfed.
! Nature
! Lore
{{!}} DC 11
{{!}} This is a reproma. It's simply a plant that attacks anything that moves.
{{!}} DC 16
{{!}} Reproma are stationary, so they rely on their ability to grab their targets and squeeze them to capture prey. They are mindless though, so they will attack anything that triggers their tremorsense.
{{!}} DC 21
{{!}} Reproma normally feed on small animals, but they try to kill them quickly, so while their ability to grab larger prey is fairly limited, it still hurts if they actually hit or grab you.
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<div style="border:1px solid black; padding:3px; margin:3px">
=== Goblin Assassin - Spleenstabber ===
=== Creeper ===
|name=Spleenstabber, goblin ninja 5
|appearance=A strange green-skinned creature scuttles forward on four short legs. It wears what appears to be a horrified expression.
|type=Humanoid (Goblinoid)
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft.
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft.
|move-speeds=30 ft.
|move-speeds=35 ft.
|ac-breakdown=+3 dex, +2 natural
|ac-breakdown=+5 dex, +2 armor, +1 size
|melee-list=slam +2 (1d4-1 bashing)
|melee-list=MW rapier +11 (1d4-2/18 + 3d6 sneak attack)
|space=5 ft.
|space=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|skills=Stealth +12,
|skills=Acrobatics +13, Bluff +8, Climb +8, Disable Device +13, Disguise +8, Escape Artist +13, Perception +9, Stealth +17, Use Magic Device +10
|feats=Skill Focus (Stealth), Run, Step Up
|feats=Fleet, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (rapier)
|treasure=MW rapier, MW leather, 1 use Dimension Door smoke bomb
|organization=solitary or hatchlings (1d4 young creepers)
|special-abilities='''Immunity to Electricity (Ex)''' A creeper struck by electricity takes no damage and instead adds 1 point of damage to its explosion attack for each 3 points of damage that would have been done.
|special-abilities=Fast Stealth, Vanishing Trick, Ki 2 pts
'''Explosion (Ex)''' A creeper can cause itself to explode like a fireball. This attack does 5d6 damage plus any extra from electricity to everyone within 30 ft. (DC 15 Ref for half) and destroys the creeper. To use this attack, the creeper must take a standard action one round, and a full round action the next. Creatures nearby can hear a hissing sound once the creeper starts its attack (DC 10 Perception). It can choose to discontinue its attack at any point. Any creature killed by a creeper's explosion must make a DC 15 Fort save. If they fail, 1d4 new creepers will grow out of the corpse over the next 48 hours. A remove disease spell can prevent this.
|description=Creepers are fortunately rare aberrations that reproduce by planting spores in fresh corpses. Rather than wait for a corpse like most such creatures, creepers make their own by detonating themselves near other creatures. They prefer to sneak up on their targets, although they are capable runners if their target tries to flee.
Creepers have no arms and are incapable of manipulating their environment besides the craters left from their explosions. They feed off of plants and minerals, building up a reserve of volatile chemicals. If a creeper is killed before it can explode, these chemicals can be extracted (DC 14 Dungeoneering or Survival check to not ruin half). This provides a kegs-worth of compounds that are very similar to gunpowder once dried.
! Dungeoneering
! Lore
{{!}} DC 14
{{!}} This is a creeper, an aberration that kills its victims by detonating itself.
{{!}} DC 19
{{!}} Creepers reproduce by spores implanted in the corpses of their victims. It takes about 48 hours for new creepers to grow. A remove disease spell can stop this.
{{!}} DC 24
{{!}} The volatile chemicals a creeper uses can be extracted if it can be killed before it explodes. These chemicals react with electricity while the creeper is still alive though, making the resulting explosion even stronger.
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<div style="border:1px solid black; padding:3px; margin:3px">
=== Martite Devil ===
=== Goblin Wizard - Foeblaster ===
|name=Foeblaster, goblin wizard 10
|appearance=This small, red-scaled, armed serpent's eyes glitters with both fear and hatred.
|type=Outsider (Devil, Extraplanar, Evil, Lawful)
|type=Humanoid (Goblinoid)
|senses=See in darkness, Darkvision 60 ft.
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft.
|move-speeds=20 ft., climb 20 ft.
|move-speeds=30 ft.
|ac-breakdown=+1 size, +2 Dex, +1 natural
|ac-breakdown=+3 dex, +3 natural armor, +2 deflection, +1 size
|def-abilities=resist acid 10, resist cold 10
|dr=5/silver or good
|melee-list=claws +2 (1d3-1)
|melee-list=+9 ranged
|space=5 ft.
|space=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|spell-like=3/day flare, 3/day ray of fire
|skills=Sense Motive +5, Diplomacy +3, Bluff +6
|skills=Swim +8, Stealth +24, Spellcraft +16, Linguistics +16
|feats=Weapon Finesse
|feats=Combat Casting, Enlarge Spell, Eschew Materials, Improved Counterspell, Improved Initiative, Maximize Spell, Point-Blank Shot, Scribe Scroll
|treasure=Amulet of natural armor +3 (bonded), Cloak of resistance +2, Ring of protection +2, Staff of fire
|environment=Demonic Realms
|organization=solitary, squad (1 advanced martite and 1d6 martites)
|special-abilities='''See in Darkness (Su)''' A martite can see even in magical darkness.
|description=Martite are devils that once rose above the ranks of the Lemure, but have since been demoted. They have few natural abilities and little chance for advancement without mortal help, though sometimes a particularly strong one will gather a small troop of others to boss around.
1 - Alarm<br/>
1 - Burning Hands<br/>
! Planes
1 - Color Spray<br/>
! Lore
1 - Magic Missile<br/>
1 - Obscuring Mist<br/>
{{!}} DC 11
1 - Shield<br/>
{{!}} This is a martite, a very low rank devil.
1 - Silent Image<br/>
2 - Flaming Sphere<br/>
{{!}} DC 16
2 - Hypnotic Pattern<br/>
{{!}} Martites aren't terribly bright, but they are perceptive and can and will try to deal. Like all devils, they will follow the letter of any agreements, but like all devils they seek personal gain through such deals.
2 - Invisibility<br/>
2 - Minor Image<br/>
{{!}} DC 21
2 - Mirror Image<br/>
{{!}} Like most devils, they are fairly resilient physically. Unlike most other devils, that's almost all they have going for them. They are still capable of a few magic cantrips.
2 - See Invisibility<br/>
3 - Dispel<br/>
3 - Fireball<br/>
3 - Illusory Script<br/>
3 - Invisibility Sphere<br/>
4 - Fire Shield<br/>
4 - Illusory Wall<br/>
4 - Wall of Fire<br/>
5 - Cone of Cold (fire)<br/>
5 - Persistent Image
<div style="border:1px solid black; padding:3px; margin:3px">
<div style="border:1px solid black; padding:3px; margin:3px">
=== Reproma ===
=== Goblin Chief - Toechopper ===
|name=Toechopper, goblin fighter 3
|appearance=Thick vines hang off the tree. They seem to twitch and sway even when there's no wind.
|type=Humanoid (Goblinoid)
|senses=tremorsense, Perception +4
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft.
|move-speeds=0 ft.
|move-speeds=30 ft.
|will=+2 (+3 vs fear)
|ac-breakdown=-1 Dex, +3 natural
|ac-breakdown=+3 dex, +4 armor, +1 size, +1 dodge, +1 shield
|melee-list=4 tentacles +1 (1d4+1)
|melee-list=MW longsword +6 (1d6+1, 19-20/x2 slashing)
|space=5 ft.
|space=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|special-attacks=Constrict (1d4+1), Grab (tentacle)
|cmb=+1 (+5 grapple)
|cmb=+3 (+4 grapple)
|cmd=10 (can't be tripped)
|cmd=17 (18 to break a grapple)
|skills=Acrobatics +3, Climb +5, Intimidate +3, Survival +5,
|feats=Weapon Focus (longsword), Dodge, Combat Reflexes, Stand Still
|treasure=longsword, chain shirt, wooden shield, potion of CLW, armbands of the brawler
|environment=any forest
|special-abilities='''Constrict (Ex):''' Do an extra 1d4+1 damage on a successful grapple check.
'''Grab (Ex):''' If a reproma hits with its tentacle attacks, it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action.
|description=Reproma are vines that grow up trees, then hang down along the branches. When they sense movement nearby, they lash out attempting to grab and crush the target. Anything they succeed in killing eventually becomes fertilizer for the plant. While they normally feed on rats, squirrels or the like, they are mindless and simply attack anything that comes near. If there are multiple creatures nearby, they split their attacks evenly.
Reproma look like many other vines until they start to move. Roll a Perception, Knowledge (Nature) or Survival (DC 18) to notice it beforehand.
! Nature
! Lore
{{!}} DC 11
{{!}} This is a reproma. It's simply a plant that attacks anything that moves.
{{!}} DC 16
{{!}} Reproma are stationary, so they rely on their ability to grab their targets and squeeze them to capture prey. They are mindless though, so they will attack anything that triggers their tremorsense.
{{!}} DC 21
{{!}} Reproma normally feed on small animals, but they try to kill them quickly, so while their ability to grab larger prey is fairly limited, it still hurts if they actually hit or grab you.
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<div style="border:1px solid black; padding:3px; margin:3px">
=== Goblin Assassin - Spleenstabber ===
=== Goblin Assassin 7 ===
|name=Spleenstabber, goblin ninja 5
|name=Goblin slayer 7
|type=Humanoid (Goblinoid)
|type=Humanoid (Goblinoid)
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft.
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft.
|move-speeds=35 ft.
|move-speeds=30 ft.
|ac-breakdown=+5 dex, +2 armor, +1 size
|ac-breakdown=+5 dex, +4 armor, +1 natural, +1 dodge, +1 size
|melee-list=MW rapier +11 (1d4-2/18 + 3d6 sneak attack)
|melee-list=+15/+10 kukri (1d3+1 plus 2d6 sneak attack, 18)
|space=5 ft.
|space=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|special-attacks=favored enemy human/dwarf +2 (move action), stalker
|skills=Acrobatics +13, Bluff +8, Climb +8, Disable Device +13, Disguise +8, Escape Artist +13, Perception +9, Stealth +17, Use Magic Device +10
|skills=Acrobatics +15, Climb +10, Disguise +8, Escape Artist +15, Stealth +23,
|feats=Fleet, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (rapier)
|feats=Agile Maneuvers, Dodge, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Kukri), Fast Stealth, Camouflage, Slow Reactions, Surprise Attack
|treasure=MW rapier, MW leather, 1 use Dimension Door smoke bomb
|treasure=+1 kukri, +1 leaf armor, amulet of natural armor +1
|special-abilities=Fast Stealth, Vanishing Trick, Ki 2 pts
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<div style="border:1px solid black; padding:3px; margin:3px">
=== Goblin Wizard - Foeblaster ===
=== Goblin Assassin 9 ===
|name=Foeblaster, goblin wizard 10
|name=Goblin slayer 9
|type=Humanoid (Goblinoid)
|type=Humanoid (Goblinoid)
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft.
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft.
|move-speeds=30 ft.
|move-speeds=30 ft.
|ac-breakdown=+3 dex, +3 natural armor, +2 deflection, +1 size
|ac-breakdown=+5 dex, +4 armor, +1 natural, +1 deflection, +1 dodge, +1 size
|melee-list=+9 ranged
|melee-list=+17/+12 rapier (1d4+2 plus 3d6 sneak attack, 18)
|space=5 ft.
|space=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|special-attacks=favored enemy human/dwarf +2 (move action), stalker
|skills=Swim +8, Stealth +24, Spellcraft +16, Linguistics +16
|skills=Acrobatics +17, Climb +13, Disguise +10, Escape Artist +17, Stealth +25,
|feats=Combat Casting, Enlarge Spell, Eschew Materials, Improved Counterspell, Improved Initiative, Maximize Spell, Point-Blank Shot, Scribe Scroll
|feats=Agile Maneuvers, Dodge, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Rapier), Fast Stealth, Camouflage, Slow Reactions, Surprise Attack, Slowing Strike, Lunge
|treasure=Amulet of natural armor +3 (bonded), Cloak of resistance +2, Ring of protection +2, Staff of fire
|treasure=+1 adamantine rapier, +1 leaf armor, amulet of natural armor +1, ring of protection +1
1 - Alarm<br/>
1 - Burning Hands<br/>
1 - Color Spray<br/>
1 - Magic Missile<br/>
<div style="border:1px solid black; padding:3px; margin:3px">
1 - Obscuring Mist<br/>
1 - Shield<br/>
=== Goblin Cleric - Dogkicker ===
1 - Silent Image<br/>
2 - Flaming Sphere<br/>
2 - Hypnotic Pattern<br/>
2 - Invisibility<br/>
2 - Minor Image<br/>
2 - Mirror Image<br/>
2 - See Invisibility<br/>
3 - Dispel<br/>
3 - Fireball<br/>
3 - Illusory Script<br/>
3 - Invisibility Sphere<br/>
4 - Fire Shield<br/>
4 - Illusory Wall<br/>
4 - Wall of Fire<br/>
5 - Cone of Cold (fire)<br/>
5 - Persistent Image
<div style="border:1px solid black; padding:3px; margin:3px">
=== Goblin Chief - Toechopper ===
|name=Toechopper, goblin fighter 3
|name=Dogkicker, goblin cleric 1
|type=Humanoid (Goblinoid)
|type=Humanoid (Goblinoid)
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft.
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft.
|move-speeds=30 ft.
|move-speeds=30 ft.
|will=+2 (+3 vs fear)
|ac-breakdown=+3 dex, +4 armor, +1 size, +1 dodge, +1 shield
|ac-breakdown=+3 dex, +1 armor, +1 size, +1 shield
|melee-list=MW longsword +6 (1d6+1, 19-20/x2 slashing)
|melee-list=longsword +0 (1d6-2, 19-20/x2 slashing)
|space=5 ft.
|space=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|special-attacks=bleeding touch 4/day, channel energy 6/day
|spell-like=Bleed at-will, Cure Light Wounds 2/day, Battle Rage 4/day, Savage Maw 1/day
|cmb=+3 (+4 grapple)
|cmd=17 (18 to break a grapple)
|skills=Acrobatics +3, Climb +5, Intimidate +3, Survival +5,
|skills=Heal +5, Spellcraft +4,
|feats=Weapon Focus (longsword), Dodge, Combat Reflexes, Stand Still
|feats=Extra Channel
|treasure=longsword, chain shirt, wooden shield, potion of CLW, armbands of the brawler
|special-abilities='''Aura (Ex)''' Detects as lawful evil.
'''Channel Energy (Su)''' Standard action for 30 foot burst of negative energy dealing 1d6 damage. Will save DC 11 for half.
'''Battle Rage (Sp)''' Standard action touch grants +1 damage for 1 round.
'''Bleeding Touch (Sp)''' Melee touch attack for 1d6 damage.
'''Cure Light Wounds (Spell)''' Touch heals 1d8+1, can be exchanged for inflict and deal 1d8+1 negative energy damage.
'''Savage Maw (Spell)''' Gain a bite attack for 1 minute (-6 to hit, 1d4-2 damage).
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=== Goblin Assassin 7 ===
=== Goblin Swordsman L3 ===
|name=Goblin slayer 7
|name=Goblin fighter 3
|type=Humanoid (Goblinoid)
|type=Humanoid (Goblinoid)
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft.
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft.
|move-speeds=30 ft.
|move-speeds=30 ft. (run)
|will=+1 (+2 vs fear)
|ac-breakdown=+5 dex, +4 armor, +1 natural, +1 dodge, +1 size
|ac-breakdown=+2 dex, +5 armor, +1 size, +1 dodge, +3 shield
|melee-list=+15/+10 kukri (1d3+1 plus 2d6 sneak attack, 18)
|melee-list=MW longsword +6 (1d6, 19-20/x2 slashing)
|space=5 ft.
|space=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|special-attacks=favored enemy human/dwarf +2 (move action), stalker
|skills=Acrobatics +15, Climb +10, Disguise +8, Escape Artist +15, Stealth +23,
|skills=Acrobatics -1, Climb +0, Survival +4, Stealth +6,
|feats=Agile Maneuvers, Dodge, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Kukri), Fast Stealth, Camouflage, Slow Reactions, Surprise Attack
|feats=Weapon Focus (longsword), Dodge, Run, Shield Focus
|treasure=+1 kukri, +1 leaf armor, amulet of natural armor +1
|treasure=MW longsword, scale mail, MW heavy steel shield, potion of CLW
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=== Goblin Shieldsman L5 ===
=== Goblin Assassin 9 ===
|name=Goblin slayer 9
|name=Goblin fighter 5
|type=Humanoid (Goblinoid)
|type=Humanoid (Goblinoid)
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft.
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft.
|move-speeds=30 ft.
|move-speeds=20 ft.
|will=+4 (+5 vs fear)
|ac-breakdown=+5 dex, +4 armor, +1 natural, +1 deflection, +1 dodge, +1 size
|ac-breakdown=+9 armor, +2 dex, +5 shield, +1 dodge, +1 size
|def-abilities=stand still
|melee-list=+17/+12 rapier (1d4+2 plus 3d6 sneak attack, 18)
|melee-list=longsword +7 (1d6+3, 19-20/x2 slashing)
|space=5 ft.
|space=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|special-attacks=favored enemy human/dwarf +2 (move action), stalker
|skills=Acrobatics +17, Climb +13, Disguise +10, Escape Artist +17, Stealth +25,
|feats=Agile Maneuvers, Dodge, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Rapier), Fast Stealth, Camouflage, Slow Reactions, Surprise Attack, Slowing Strike, Lunge
|feats=Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Init, Iron Will, Shield Focus, Stand Still
|treasure=+1 adamantine rapier, +1 leaf armor, amulet of natural armor +1, ring of protection +1
|treasure=longsword, plate mail, tower shield
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=== Goblin Cleric - Dogkicker ===
=== Goblin Archer L5 ===
|name=Dogkicker, goblin cleric 1
|name=Goblin fighter 5
|type=Humanoid (Goblinoid)
|type=Humanoid (Goblinoid)
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft.
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft.
|move-speeds=30 ft.
|move-speeds=30 ft.  
|will=+2 (+3 vs fear)
|ac-breakdown=+3 dex, +1 armor, +1 size, +1 shield
|ac-breakdown=+3 armor, +5 dex, +1 dodge, +1 size
|melee-list=longsword +0 (1d6-2, 19-20/x2 slashing)
|melee-list=longbow +13 (1d6, x3)
|space=5 ft.
|space=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|special-attacks=bleeding touch 4/day, channel energy 6/day
|spell-like=Bleed at-will, Cure Light Wounds 2/day, Battle Rage 4/day, Savage Maw 1/day
|skills=Heal +5, Spellcraft +4,
|feats=Extra Channel
|feats=Deadly Aim, Dodge, Point-blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus Longbow
|treasure=longbow, studded leather
|special-abilities='''Aura (Ex)''' Detects as lawful evil.
'''Channel Energy (Su)''' Standard action for 30 foot burst of negative energy dealing 1d6 damage. Will save DC 11 for half.
'''Battle Rage (Sp)''' Standard action touch grants +1 damage for 1 round.
'''Bleeding Touch (Sp)''' Melee touch attack for 1d6 damage.
'''Cure Light Wounds (Spell)''' Touch heals 1d8+1, can be exchanged for inflict and deal 1d8+1 negative energy damage.
'''Savage Maw (Spell)''' Gain a bite attack for 1 minute (-6 to hit, 1d4-2 damage).
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=== Goblin Swordsman L3 ===
=== Goblin Cleric L3 ===
|name=Goblin fighter 3
|name=Goblin cleric 3
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|type=Humanoid (Goblinoid)
|type=Humanoid (Goblinoid)
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft.
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft.
|move-speeds=30 ft. (run)
|move-speeds=30 ft.
|will=+1 (+2 vs fear)
|ac-breakdown=+2 dex, +5 armor, +1 size, +1 dodge, +3 shield
|ac-breakdown=+1 dex, +5 armor, +1 size
|melee-list=MW longsword +6 (1d6, 19-20/x2 slashing)
|melee-list=Heavy mace +1 (1d6-2, 20/x2 bashing)
|space=5 ft.
|space=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|spell-like=3/day channel negative energy (2d6, DC 11), command (DC 13), CLW, cause fear (DC 12), bless, spiritual weapon, summon monster II
|skills=Acrobatics -1, Climb +0, Survival +4, Stealth +6,
|skills=Acrobatics -3, Climb -5, Survival +3, Stealth +9,
|feats=Weapon Focus (longsword), Dodge, Run, Shield Focus
|feats=Combat Casting, Spell Focus (Enchantment)
|treasure=MW longsword, scale mail, MW heavy steel shield, potion of CLW
|treasure=heavy mace, scale mail, 2 potions of CLW, 1 alchemist fire
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=== Goblin Shieldsman L5 ===
=== Goblin Warpriest L3 ===
|name=Goblin fighter 5
|name=Goblin warpriest 3
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|senses=Darkvision 60 ft.
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft.
|move-speeds=20 ft.
|move-speeds=20 ft.
|will=+4 (+5 vs fear)
|ac-breakdown=+9 armor, +2 dex, +5 shield, +1 dodge, +1 size
|ac-breakdown=+2 dex, +6 armor, +1 dodge, +1 size, +1 shield
|def-abilities=stand still
|melee-list=longsword +7 (1d6+3, 19-20/x2 slashing)
|melee-list=Longsword +5 (1d6+1, 19/x2)
|space=5 ft.
|space=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|spell-like=divine favor (+1 atk/dmg), entropic shield (20% ranged miss), shield of faith (+2 ac), cure light wounds (1d8+3)
|skills=Stealth +10,
|feats=Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Init, Iron Will, Shield Focus, Stand Still
|feats=Weapon Focus (Longsword), Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Combat Casting (+8)
|treasure=longsword, plate mail, tower shield
|treasure=longsword, chainmail, light steel shield
|description=Can cast two spells on self as swift actions with fervor. Will cast divine favor at beginning of fight. Will use entropic shield if taking ranged damage. Will cast shield of faith if divine favor wears off and in melee. Otherwise attacks with sword and stays in group.
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=== Goblin Archer L5 ===
=== Goblin Sorcerer L3 ===
|name=Goblin fighter 5
|name=Goblin sorcerer 3
|type=Humanoid (Goblinoid)
|type=Humanoid (Goblinoid)
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft.
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft.
|move-speeds=30 ft.  
|move-speeds=30 ft.
|will=+2 (+3 vs fear)
|ac-breakdown=+3 armor, +5 dex, +1 dodge, +1 size
|ac-breakdown=+2 dex, +1 size
|melee-list=longbow +13 (1d6, x3)
|melee-list=quarterstaff +0 (1d4-2, 20/x2 bashing)
|space=5 ft.
|space=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|spell-like=3/day Elemental ray, acid splash, daze (DC 10), flare (DC 10), penumbra, ray of frost, grease (DC 11), enlarge person, acid hands (DC 11)
|skills=Acrobatics -1, Climb -5, Survival +2, Stealth +7,
|feats=Deadly Aim, Dodge, Point-blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus Longbow
|feats=Point-blank shot, Precise shot
|treasure=longbow, studded leather
|treasure=quarterstaff, 2 potions of CLW
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=== Goblin Notes ===
=== Goblin Cleric L3 ===
* Blacksmith apprentices - Light hammer +3 (1d3+1 / x2)
* Blacksmith - Light hammer +4 (1d3+2 / x2), -1 AC
|name=Goblin cleric 3
* Miners - Light pick +2 (1d3 / x4)
* Others - Shortsword +2 (1d4 / 19-20)
|type=Humanoid (Goblinoid)
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft.
|move-speeds=30 ft.
|ac-breakdown=+1 dex, +5 armor, +1 size
|melee-list=Heavy mace +1 (1d6-2, 20/x2 bashing)
|space=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|spell-like=3/day channel negative energy (2d6, DC 11), command (DC 13), CLW, cause fear (DC 12), bless, spiritual weapon, summon monster II
|skills=Acrobatics -3, Climb -5, Survival +3, Stealth +9,
|feats=Combat Casting, Spell Focus (Enchantment)
|treasure=heavy mace, scale mail, 2 potions of CLW, 1 alchemist fire
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=== Goblin Warpriest L3 ===
|name=Goblin warpriest 3
|type=Humanoid (Goblinoid)
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft.
|move-speeds=20 ft.
|ac-breakdown=+2 dex, +6 armor, +1 dodge, +1 size, +1 shield
|melee-list=Longsword +5 (1d6+1, 19/x2)
|space=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|spell-like=divine favor (+1 atk/dmg), entropic shield (20% ranged miss), shield of faith (+2 ac), cure light wounds (1d8+3)
|skills=Stealth +10,
|feats=Weapon Focus (Longsword), Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Combat Casting (+8)
|treasure=longsword, chainmail, light steel shield
|description=Can cast two spells on self as swift actions with fervor. Will cast divine favor at beginning of fight. Will use entropic shield if taking ranged damage. Will cast shield of faith if divine favor wears off and in melee. Otherwise attacks with sword and stays in group.
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=== Goblin Sorcerer L3 ===
|name=Goblin sorcerer 3
|type=Humanoid (Goblinoid)
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft.
|move-speeds=30 ft.
|ac-breakdown=+2 dex, +1 size
|melee-list=quarterstaff +0 (1d4-2, 20/x2 bashing)
|space=5 ft.
|reach=5 ft.
|spell-like=3/day Elemental ray, acid splash, daze (DC 10), flare (DC 10), penumbra, ray of frost, grease (DC 11), enlarge person, acid hands (DC 11)
|skills=Acrobatics -1, Climb -5, Survival +2, Stealth +7,
|feats=Point-blank shot, Precise shot
|treasure=quarterstaff, 2 potions of CLW
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=== Goblin Notes ===
* Blacksmith apprentices - Light hammer +3 (1d3+1 / x2)
* Blacksmith - Light hammer +4 (1d3+2 / x2), -1 AC
* Miners - Light pick +2 (1d3 / x4)
* Others - Shortsword +2 (1d4 / 19-20)
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=== Mythic Wood Elemental CR 15, MR 2 ===
|name=Invincible Elder Wood Elemental, Warpriest 4
|cr=15, MR 2
|type=Outsider (Wood)
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision
|move-speeds=30 ft., woodland stride
|ac-breakdown=-2 size, -1 dex, +19 natural
|def-abilities=energy resist 15, block attacks, second save
|immunities=elemental traits (bleed, paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, precision), mind-affecting, polymorph
|melee-list=2 slams +31/+26 (2d10+1d6+29/19-20 plus Awesome Blow, Entangle)
|space=15 ft.
|reach=15 ft.
|special-attacks=fervor (4 times, heal 1d6 or trade for spell), blessings (5 times; plant, entangle on hit; nobility, +2 morale to ally)
|spell-like=bull's strength, burning disarm, doom, entropic shield
|feats=Awesome Blow, Cleave, Furious Focus, Greater Bull Rush, Greater Overrun, Greater Sunder, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Power Attack
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=== Mythic Wood Elemental CR 6, MR 1 ===
|name=Invincible Large Wood Elemental
|cr=6, MR 1
|type=Outsider (Wood)
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision
|move-speeds=30 ft., woodland stride
|ac-breakdown=+11 natural, -1 size
|def-abilities=energy resist 10, block attacks, second save
|immunities=elemental traits (bleed, paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, precision), mind-affecting, polymorph
|melee-list=2 slams +14 (2d6+7)
|space=10 ft.
|reach=10 ft.
|feats=Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Improved Bull Rush (B), Improved Overrun, Power Attack
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=== Metal Elemental ===
|name=Agile Metal Elemental
|cr=17, MR 1
|type=Outsider (Metal)
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision
|move-speeds=80 ft.
|ac-breakdown=+7 dex, +3 dodge, +16 natural, -2 size
|dr=15/bludgeoning and adamantine
|immunities=elemental traits (bleed, paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, precision), mind-affecting, polymorph
|melee-list=2 slams +33 (4d10+11)
|space=10 ft.
|reach=30 ft.
|feats=Dodge, Mobility, Run, Spring Attack
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=== Giant Metal Elemental ===
|name=Giant Savage Agile Metal Elemental
|cr=19, MR 3
|type=Outsider (Metal)
|senses=Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision
|move-speeds=80 ft.
|ac-breakdown=+6 dex, +3 dodge, +19 natural, -2 size
|dr=15/bludgeoning and adamantine, 10/epic
|immunities=elemental traits (bleed, paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, precision), mind-affecting, polymorph
|melee-list=3 slams +37 (4d10+15 plus bleed 1)
|space=15 ft.
|reach=40 ft.
|special-attacks=quickness, feral savagery (full attack)
|feats=Dodge, Mobility, Run, Spring Attack

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