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Yunauth is a universe/setting created for a game of Pathfinder played through Minecraft.
Yunauth is a universe/setting created for a game of Pathfinder played through Minecraft.
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==== The Minarcil Kingdom ====
==== The Minarcil Kingdom ====
The Minarcil Kingdom is a recent addition to the Progise Empire. King Romao Minarcil led a successful revolt against the existing ruler around 10 years ago. A new castle at a strategic natural harbor was completed within the last year. The fishing village there, Allent, is now a booming town.
The Minarcil Kingdom is a recent addition to the Progise Empire. King Minarcil led a successful revolt against the existing ruler around 10 years ago. A new castle at a strategic natural harbor was completed within the last year. The fishing village there is now a booming town.
The fishers that founded Allent revered Erouralra and her worshipers remain prevalent among the expanded population. Worshipers of Isanar, Sheto and Rak are also common. Only the worship of Tullax is officially illegal in Minarcil although open worship of Adi'a, Ideth and Oretan is sometimes frowned upon, as are overzealous acts in the name of Jokr. Worship of any deities outside of the pantheon would be considered a cult and is illegal.
Allent is in a fairly cold part of the world. It snows most winters, sometimes fairly heavily. Most houses have a fireplace or some other means of keeping the inside warm. People working outside wear jackets and long sleeves except during the hottest parts of summer.
== Cosmology ==
Only characters with Knowledge (Planes) are familiar with any of the details regarding other planes of existence, and most common people aren't even aware other planes exist at all aside from the vaguest understanding that the gods don't live on the same world as mortals.
The planes are divided into three major regions, the [[Yunauth:DivineRealms|divine realms]], the [[Yunauth:MaterialRealms|material realms]] and the [[Yunauth:AstralRealms|astral realms]]. [[Yunauth:Souls|Souls]] are created in the material realms and upon death travel through the astral realms to the divine realms where they are claimed by that soul's patron deity.
=== Demiplanes ===
[[Yunauth:MertanisDemiplane|Mertanis's Demiplane]]
== Notable NPCs ==
[[Yunauth:RomaoMinarcil|King Romao Minarcil]] - King of the Minarcil Kingdom
[[Yunauth:RotanMinarcil|Prince Rotan Minarcil]] - The king's son
[[Yunauth:ErsGens|Ers Gens]] - A wizard chandler in Allent
[[Yunauth:JohnPartine|John Partine]] - A wizard that lives on an island out from Allent. Recently went missing. Apparently kidnapped by devils.
== Other NPCs ==
[[Yunauth:Guards|Guards]] - Stats for various levels of guards around Allent
== House Rules ==
=== Magic ===
* Feel free to use the [http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/magicItems/magicItemCreation.html magic item creation table] for whatever, with three caveats.
** You must use it top down. (So ''true strike'' is fairly expensive.)
** No continuous or unlimited instantaneous spells. (You can have more than 5 charges per day though.)
** The race and alignment restrictions only reduce the item's price, not its cost. Ask me if there are other restrictions you want to know about.
* You can make items with less than one use per day, but not less than use use every 10 days (which would be the same price as a single use item).
* The Heighten Spell feat is now just an automatic consequence of putting a spell in a higher slot (not including increases due to metamagic).
=== Feats ===
* The Quick Draw feat ''or'' the Hidden Weapons ninja trick lets you draw a concealed weapon as part of a move.
** Having both lets you draw a concealed weapon as a free action.
* Check [[Yunauth:CustomFeats|this page]] for custom feats your character might be interested in.
=== Economy ===
* Gold coins are 1/200 lbs, so a pound of gold is worth 200 gold coins instead of 50. Silver coins are 1/75 lbs. (This doesn't change anything else about the currency.)
** This makes carrying larger amounts of currency easier and makes bars of gold worth a bit more.
** Platinum is 1/250 lbs per coin, making a pound of platinum worth 2500 gp.
* We'll use the Making Crafting Work booklet for craft times. This includes magic items.
** Master Alchemist reduces the time by one stage and still allows you to brew multiple doses.
* Feel free to take non-standard craft skills.
** Craft (Weapons) or Craft (Guns) will work with Master Craftsman for magical firearms.
* Haggling is handled by a diplomacy, bluff or intimidate check opposed by the NPCs diplomacy, sense motive or will save respectively. The price will increase or decrease by the difference in percent.
** The buyer is at a -1 penalty for each full 1000 gp of the item's list price. The seller might have a bonus to their will save vs an intimidating customer if they're in a safe area (such as a city).
** Good roleplaying can also give a bonus to this roll.
** The result is limited to plus or minus 20% in most cases.
** Bluffing or intimidating merchants can have negative consequences, especially if they win the roll. If they win by 10 or more, they'll kick you out of the shop or call the guards.
** You can't take 10 on this roll, but you can choose not to roll and just take the list price.
* If you want to run a business, look up the Economicon. Note that there are penalties for not sticking around to actually run said business, and just being an owner (as opposed to a manager) means you'll be getting a much smaller paycheck.
=== Death ===
* Resurrection magic isn't perfect. Each time a character is raised, they come back a little different. Check [[Yunauth:DeathTable|this table]] to see what exactly happens.
=== Research and Diplomacy ===
* [[Yunauth:ResearchAndDiplomacy|Extended research and diplomacy checks]] will be done with a variant of the combat rules, simplified in some cases.
=== Divine Ranks ===
* [[Yunauth:DivineRanks|Divine ranks]] are based on worshipers.
== Players ==
(Players, feel free to post character sheets or other character specific stuff here, or more likely on a subpage linked from here.)
[[Yunauth:Scram_Cheesemaker|Scram Cheesemaker]], goblin gunslinger -- blahpers
== Calendar ==
[[Yunauth:CampaignCalendar|Campaign Calendar]].
The year is divided into 14 months, one for each deity. Each month is made of four 6 day weeks. Each day is named for one of the elements. Most places recognize four seasons of 3.5 months although there are no equinoxes or solstices.
The six days are: Sunday, Moonday, Stoneday, Windsday, Fireday, Waterday
The 14 months are: Isanar, Oretan, Shind, Oroanneno, Erouralra, Aeraexri, Jokr, Rak, Ideth, Sheto, Enaylak, Thaeyl, Adi'a, Tullax
The game began in Aeraexri's month of year 4959 of the current calendar.
== City Building Notes ==
* [[Yunauth:BuildingCosts|Building costs]] and sizes for various types of buildings.
* A census of the buildings and population of [[Yunauth:AllentCensus|Allent]].
* [[Yunauth:Accounts|Accounts]] of how the players are spending the King's money.
== Major Deities ==
== Deities ==
(Generated with the help of: http://chaoticshiny.com/pangen.php)
(Generated with: http://chaoticshiny.com/pangen.php)
{| border=1
{| border=1
|+ ''Deities Overview''
|+ Deities Overview
! Name
! Name
! Alignment
! Alignment
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! Domains
! Domains
! Favored Weapon
! Favored Weapon
! Favored Spell
| M
| [[Yunauth#Isanar|Isanar]]
| [[Yunauth:Isanar|Isanar]]
| N
| N
| God of sorrow, fertility, magic
| God of sorrow, fertility, magic
| Magic, Family (Community), Repose, Protection, Knowledge
| Magic, Family (Community), Repose, Protection, Knowledge
| Quarterstaff
| [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/d/deathwatch Deathwatch] (L 1)
| M
| [[Yunauth#Erouralra|Erouralra]]
| [[Yunauth:Oretan|Oretan]]
| CG
| N
| Goddess of night, sea, inspiration, forests
| God of travel, destruction, birds, secrets, theater, courtesans
| Chaos, Good, Night (Darkness), Oceans (Water), Growth (Plant)
| Travel, Destruction, Feather (Animal), Revelation (Sun), Nobility
| Rapier
| [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/commune-with-birds Commune with Birds] (L 1)
| F
| [[Yunauth#Shind|Shind]]
| [[Yunauth:Shind|Shind]]
| LN
| LN
| Goddess of diplomacy, ghosts, sun, innocence
| Goddess of diplomacy, ghosts, sun, innocence
| Law, Sun, Repose, Purity (Protection), Resolve (Strength)
| Law, Sun, Repose, Purity (Protection), Resolve (Strength)
| Greatsword
| [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/v/veil-of-positive-energy Veil of Positive Energy] (L 1)
| M
| [[Yunauth#Rak|Rak]]
| [[Yunauth:Oroanneno|Oroanneno]]
| NG
| CG
| Goddess of hunting, knowledge, feasts, shadows
| God of astrology, dreams
| Good, Knowledge, Darkness, Animal, Cooperation (Community)
| Entropy (Chaos), Good, Wards (Rune), Memory (Knowledge), Seasons (Weather)
| Unarmed strikes
| [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/m/magic-aura Magic Aura] (L 1)
| F
| [[Yunauth#Aeraexri|Aeraexri]]
| [[Yunauth:Erouralra|Erouralra]]
| CG
| Goddess of night, sea, inspiration, forests
| Chaos, Good, Night (Darkness), Oceans (Water), Growth (Plant)
| Lance
| [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/l/light-lance Light Lance] (L 2)
| F
| [[Yunauth:Aeraexri|Aeraexri]]
| CN
| CN
| Goddess of darkness, beauty, seduction
| Goddess of darkness, beauty, seduction
| Whimsy (Chaos), Darkness, Lust (Charm), Imagination (Luck), Deception (Trickery)
| Whimsy (Chaos), Darkness, Lust (Charm), Imagination (Luck), Deception (Trickery)
| Whip
| [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/i/innocence Innocence] (L 1)
| M
| [[Yunauth#Jokr|Jokr]]
| [[Yunauth:Jokr|Jokr]]
| CN
| CN
| God of intoxicants, youth, vengeance
| God of intoxicants, youth, vengeance
| Revelry (Chaos), Wind (Air), Rage (Destruction), Freedom (Liberation), Nightmare (Madness)
| Revelry (Chaos), Wind (Air), Rage (Destruction), Freedom (Liberation), Nightmare (Madness)
| Shortsword
| [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/w/wrath Wrath] (L 2)
| F
| [[Yunauth#Enaylak|Enaylak]]
| [[Yunauth:Rak|Rak]]
| NG
| NG
| Goddess of hunting, knowledge, feasts, shadows
| God of fear, courtship
| Good, Knowledge, Darkness, Animal, Cooperation (Community)
| Friendship (Good), Charm, Fate (Luck), Glory, Ancestors (Repose)
| Longbow
| [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/blood-biography Blood Biography] (L 3)
| [[Yunauth#Oroanneno|Oroanneno]]
| CG
| God of astrology, dreams
| Entropy (Chaos), Good, Wards (Rune), Memory (Knowledge), Seasons (Weather)
| [[Yunauth#Adi'a|Adi'a]]
| CN
| Goddess of crossroads, names, chaos, jesters
| Chaos, Travel, Madness, Rune, Trickery
| F
| [[Yunauth#Ideth|Ideth]]
| [[Yunauth:Ideth|Ideth]]
| LE
| LE
| Goddess of fire, alchemy, love, tournaments, disease, earth
| Goddess of fire, alchemy, love, tournaments, disease, earth
| Loyalty (Law), Fear (Evil), Love (Charm), Earth, Fire
| Loyalty (Law), Fear (Evil), Love (Charm), Earth, Fire
| Longsword
| [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/d/death-candle Death Candle] (L 2)
| M
| [[Yunauth#Oretan|Oretan]]
| [[Yunauth:Sheto|Sheto]]
| N
| LG
| God of travel, destruction, birds, secrets, theater, courtesans
| God of opposites, justice, moon, souls
| Travel, Destruction, Feather (Animal), Revelation (Sun), Nobility
| Judgement (Law), Redemption (Good), Moon (Darkness), Souls (Repose), Leadership (Nobility)
| Mace
| [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/t/touch-of-truthtelling Touch of Truthtelling] (L 1)
| M
| [[Yunauth#Thaeyl|Thaeyl]]
| [[Yunauth:Enaylak|Enaylak]]
| NG
| God of fear, courtship
| Friendship (Good), Charm, Fate (Luck), Glory, Ancestors (Repose)
| Light crossbow
| [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/status Status] (L 1)
| F
| [[Yunauth:Thaeyl|Thaeyl]]
| LN
| LN
| Goddess of dance, thunder, valor, cooking
| Goddess of dance, thunder, valor, cooking
| Law, Honor (Glory), Storms (Weather), Strength, War
| Law, Honor (Glory), Storms (Weather), Strength, War
| Spear
| [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/d/defensive-shock Defensive Shock] (L 2)
| F
| [[Yunauth#Sheto|Sheto]]
| [[Yunauth:Adi'a|Adi'a]]
| LG
| CN
| God of opposites, justice, moon, souls
| Goddess of crossroads, names, chaos, jesters
| Judgement (Law), Redemption (Good), Moon (Darkness), Souls (Repose), Leadership (Nobility)
| Chaos, Travel, Madness, Rune, Trickery
| Starknife
| [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/h/hidden-speech Hidden Speech] (L 2)
| F
| [[Yunauth#Tullax|Tullax]]
| [[Yunauth:Tullax|Tullax]]
| CE
| CE
| Goddess of wilderness, graves, stars, brawls, lawbreakers
| Goddess of wilderness, graves, stars, brawls, lawbreakers
| Entropy (Chaos), Evil, Undead (Death), Stars (Void), Thievery (Trickery)
| Entropy (Chaos), Evil, Undead (Death), Stars (Void), Thievery (Trickery)
| Dagger
| [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/g/gentle-repose Gentle Repose] (L 2)
Anyone who receives domain spells from a deity can cast that deity's favored spell as a domain spell regardless of which domains they pick.
=== Details ===
=== Overview ===
In an earlier time, there were only four deities: Oroanneno, his wife Erouralra, and the two sisters Aeraexri and Adi'a. In time, Erouralra gave birth to seven new deities: Isanar, Rak, Tullax, Oretan, Thaeyl and the twins Sheto and Shind. Oroanneno spent his time observing the stars and paid little attention to Erouralra and his children. During this time, Aeraexri gave birth to Jokr by Sheto and Enaylak and Ideth by Oretan. Eventually Erouralra left Oroanneno and wed Aeraexri.
Some time later, Isanar and Tullax attempted to have a child, but it was stillborn. While Isanar grieved, Tullax went to the underworld and stole back her child's soul. Unfortunately, the result was less than divine, but Tullax still cared for the undead creature. The other gods have not since tried to have children, instead busying themselves creating mortals.
==== Isanar ====
==== Isanar ====
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She is also associated with the stars and brawls. She is often worshipped by lawbreakers. Her almost fanatical followers can be primarily distinguished by the ritual greetings they use. There are more than a few sacrifices to her on lonely roads. There are many myths involving her duels with Rak. She is the sister of Thaeyl. She is known to send dreams to great mortal leaders.
She is also associated with the stars and brawls. She is often worshipped by lawbreakers. Her almost fanatical followers can be primarily distinguished by the ritual greetings they use. There are more than a few sacrifices to her on lonely roads. There are many myths involving her duels with Rak. She is the sister of Thaeyl. She is known to send dreams to great mortal leaders.
== GMs Notes ==
[[Yunauth:GMNotes|Players, don't read these.]]
== Notes for others running a Minecraft tabletop ==
* Pick a scale to begin with
** 2 Minecraft blocks per 5 foot square gives a pretty accurate human scale compared to the first person view in Minecraft. It does leave things fairly blocky, but it's also faster to build. The thickness of walls is probably the biggest issue.
** 3 Minecraft blocks per 5 foot square gives thinner walls and more room for detail and height variations, but the Minecraft view will make it look like the players are only about 3 feet tall. It'll also take longer to build.
* Turn off generate features
* Use a multi-world plugin
** There's no way to represent distances realistically on a single world. One day's travel by horse covers something like 80,000 Minecraft blocks. One way around this is to have different scales on different worlds, then the main world can be for overland travel.
** Alternately, use teleporters to simulate long distance travel. If the players never walk between locations, they won't know how close they really are.
*** A multi-world plugin is still good to get around the height limits though.
* Keep in mind that it's pointless to detail things the players have no interest in. (I waste way too much time putting in details in places the players will never visit, such as inside random houses.)

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