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Middle-aged human woman, dark skin, black hair and gren to brown eyes<br>
Race: Human<br>
Ranger 2 / Cleric 8, Chaotic Neutral<br>
Gender: Female<br>
Height: 5'9"<br>
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral<br>
Height: 5'5"<br>
Weight: ###lb<br>
Weight: ###lb<br>
Hair: ??<br>
Skin: Brown<br>
Eyes: Brownish to Greenish<br>
'''Levels:''' Ranger 2/Cleric 8<br>
XP Total: #####<br>
XP Total: #####<br>
Line 21: Line 28:
'''AC''' 24 (+3 dex, +9 class defense, +2 chain shirt)<br>
'''AC''' 24 (+3 dex, +9 class defense)<br>
'''DR''' 2/- (chain shirt)<br>
'''HP''' 100 (10d8+20)<br>
'''HP''' 100 (10d8+20)<br>
Line 37: Line 43:
*'''Composite longbow''' (mstrwrk, dragonbane) (+1 to hit, +2 if <30') range 110' +3 strength No penalty into melée.
*'''Composite longbow, mstrwrk''' (+1 to hit, +2 if <30') range 110' +3 strength improved crit. No penalty into melée.
**''Normal attack:'' +12/+7 range (1d8+3 20/x3)
**''Normal attack:'' +12/+7 range (1d8+3 19-20/x3)
**''Rapid Shot:'' As full attack +10/+10/+5 (1d8+3 20/x3)
**''Rapid Shot:'' As full attack +10/+10/+5 (1d8+3 19-20/x3)
**''Dragonbane Normal attack:'' +14/+9 (1d8+5+2d6 20/x3)
**''Dragonbane Normal attack:'' +14/+9 (1d8+5+2d6 19-20/x3)
**''Dragonbane Rapid Shot:'' As full attack 1d20+12;1d20+12;1d20+7 (1d8+5+2d6 20/x3)
**''Dragonbane Rapid Shot:'' As full attack +12/+12/+7 (1d8+5+2d6 19-20/x3)
*'''Heavy flail''' (mstwrk) 19-20/x2 1d10 bludgeoning, +2 to disarm (+6 with feat, +10 as 2H), can use to trip.
*'''Heavy flail''' (mstwrk 315gp) 19-20/x2 1d10 bludgeoning, +2 to disarm (+6 with feat, +10 as 2H), can use to trip.
**''Normal attack:'' +12/+7 (19-20/x2 1d10+4)
**''Normal attack:'' +12/+7 (19-20/x2 1d10+3)
**''Disarm:'' Opposed attack rolls, Zusha at +19/+14, remember size categories and hvy(+4)/lt(-4) weapon -4
**''Disarm:'' Opposed attack rolls, Zusha at +19/+14, remember size categories and hvy(+4)/lt(-4) weapon -4
**''Trip:'' Touch weapon atk (no AoO) +4 for feat STR check vs. opponents STR or DEX
**''Trip:'' Touch weapon atk (no AoO) STR check vs. opponents STR or DEX
*'''Falchion''' (mstwrk) 18-20/x2 2d4 slashing.
*'''Falchion''' (mstwrk 375gp) 18-20/x2 2d4 slashing
**''Normal attack:'' +12/+7 (2d4+4 18-20/x2)
**''Normal attack:'' +12/+7 (2d4+3 18-20/x2)
===Feats & Abilities===
===Feats & Abilities===
LA+0 Bonus: Combat expertise:When attack or full attack, can transfer up to 5 from hit as dodge to AC<br>
B Combat expertise:When attack or full attack, can transfer up to 5 from hit as dodge to AC<br>
Human: Improved disarm: No AoO for disarm attack, +4 to disarm<br>
H Improved disarm: No AoO for disarm attack, +4 to disarm<br>
Lvl 1: Point blank shot: +1 if within 30'<br>
1 Point blank shot: +1 if within 30'<br>
Lvl 3: Precise shot: No penalty firing into melée<br>
3 Scribe Scroll<br>
Lvl 6: Improved Trip: +4, no AoO<br>
6 Precise shot: No penalty firing into melée<br>
Lvl 9: Improved Critical (falchion)<br>
9 Improved critical (composite longbow): double threat range<br>
Ranger: Favoured enemy Dragons (+2 damage, +2 Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival)<br>
Turn Undead<br>
Ranger: Track<br>
Ranger: Wild empathy (As diplomacy check, ranger level 2 +X Cha)<br>
Favoured enemy Dragons (+2 damage, +2 Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival)<br>
Ranger: Combat style archery - as Rapid shot feat - extra attack but all at -2. As full action<br>
Cleric: Turn Undead<br>
Wild empathy (As diplomacy check, ranger level 2 +X Cha)<br>
Charm domain: +4 CHA 1/day, 1 min. Free action<br>
Combat style archery - as Rapid shot feat - extra attack but all at -2. As full action<br>
Liberation domain: +2 morale bonus to saves vs. enchantment spells or effects<br>
Line 72: Line 77:
Level 2: (6 + 3 +1) = 10<br>
Level 2: (6 + 3 +1) = 10<br>
Levels 3-10: (2+3+1).8 = 48<br>
Levels 3-10: (2+3+1).8 = 48<br>
LA bonus = 10
'''Ranger & Cleric:'''(max 13)<br>
'''Ranger & Cleric:'''(max 13)<br>
Line 89: Line 93:
Knowledge (nature) +6 (3 ranks +3 Int)<br>
Knowledge (nature) +6 (3 ranks +3 Int)<br>
Listen +8 (5 ranks +3 Wis)<br>
Listen +8 (5 ranks +3 Wis)<br>
Move Silently +18 (5 ranks +3 Dex +5 item +5 LA bonus)<br>
Move Silently +13 (5 ranks +3 Dex +5 item)<br>
Ride +8 (5 ranks +3 Dex)<br>
Ride (+3 Dex)<br>
Search +3 (+3 Int)<br>
Search +8 (5 ranks +3 Int)<br>
Spot +3 (+3 Wis)<br>
Spot (+3 Wis)<br>
Survival +8 (5 ranks +3 Wis)<br>
Survival +8 (5 ranks +3 Wis)<br>
Swim +8 (5 ranks +3 Str)<br>
Swim +8 (5 ranks +3 Str)<br>
Use Rope +8(5 ranks +3 Dex)<br>
Use Rope (5 ranks +3 Dex)<br>
'''Cleric skills:'''(max 11)<br>
'''Cleric skills:'''(max 11)<br>
Bluff +13 (11 ranks +2 Cha)<br>
Bluff +13 (11 ranks +2 Cha)<br>
Diplomacy +12 (10 ranks +2 Cha)<br>
Diplomacy (+2 Cha)<br>
Disguise +23 (11 ranks +2 Cha +10 ring)<br>  
Disguise +13 (11 ranks +2 Cha)<br>  
Knowledge (arcana) (+3 Int)<br>  
Knowledge (arcana) (+3 Int)<br>  
Knowledge (history) (+3 Int)<br>
Knowledge (history) (+3 Int)<br>
Line 113: Line 117:
LA +0 bonus (10 ranks, +5 insight bonus to a skill of my choice; bonus feat)<br>
LA +0 bonus (10 ranks, +5 insight bonus to a skill of my choice; bonus feat)<br>
+1 luck bonus to AC and all saves
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=24K, leaves 26K<br>
=24K, leaves 26K<br>
Ring of Chameleon Power +10 hide (free action) & Disguise Self spell (+10,stnd. action) (12700)<br>
Ring of Chameleon Power +10 hide & Disguise Self spell at will (12700)<br>
Ring of Jumping +10 (2500)<br>
Ring of Jumping +10 (2500)<br>
Ring of Climbing +10 (2500)<br>
Ring of Climbing +10 (2500)<br>
Line 129: Line 135:
Composite longbow, masterwork, +3STR, dragonbane (2800gp)<br>
Composite longbow, masterwork, +3STR, dragonbane (2800gp)<br>
80 arrows = 4gp<br>
80 arrows = 4gp
Masterwork falchion (375gp) <br>
Masterwork falchion (375gp)  
Masterwork heavy flail (315gp)<br>
Masterwork heavy flail (315gp)
= 3494, leaves 2,306gp<br>
= 3494, leaves 2,306gp
Silver holy symbol (olive leaf bracelet) (25gp) +? turning<br>
Disguise kit (50gp) +2 disguise, 10 uses<br>
= 75, leaves 2,231gp
Mithril (Masterwork) Chain shirt (1,100gp) +2AC, DR 2/-, 0ACP, Max DEX 6<br>
leaves 1,131gp<br>
20 x Silver-tipped arrows +2gp each, -1 damage = 40gp<br>
leaves 1091gp<br>
===Spells and the goddess Ghamzeh===
===Spells and Gods===
'''Level 0 (6):'''<br>
'''Level 0 (6):'''
Bless / Detect magic / Detect poison / Light / Resistance / Create Water<br>
'''Level 1 (5+1):'''<br>
'''Level 1 (5+1):'''
Command / Comprehend Languages / Divine Favour / Obscuring Mist / Sanctuary<br>
D: Charm Person<br>
'''Level 2 (4+1):'''<br>
'''Level 2 (4+1):'''
Enthrall / Hold Person / Resist Energy / Spiritual Weapon<br>
D: Invisibility <br>
'''Level 3 (4+1):'''<br>
'''Level 3 (4+1):'''
Daylight / Dispel magic / Searing Light / Speak with Dead<br>
D: Suggestion<br>
'''Level 4 (2+1):'''<br>
'''Level 4 (2+1):'''
Control Water / Tongues<br>
D: Confusion<br>
'''Domains:''' Trickery, Charm, Liberation
'''Domains:''' Trickery, +2 from: Charm, Destruction, Knowledge, Liberation, War, Water, Weather
'''Goddess:''' Ghamzeh. Ghamzeh dwells in a grove in the mountains near to Zusha's birthplace. She is a nymph and a goddess of seduction and pleasure, charm and trickery. She lives out of time and offers to the few mortals who follow her the possibility to become a spirit such as she.
Zusha's true name is Atoosah, which means princess. Her origins, however, could not have been more humble, last daughter of an aged crone, and no father to give her a name. In the hot, high mountains where she grew up, she guarded her mother's goats from wolves and worse, and grew wild. Her destiny changed one afternoon when she met, and was seduced by, a satyr. Having spent the night in the hills, and with his scent on her, she was cast out by her furious mother and driven off by her cousins. Left to bring her child into the world alone, she stole some of the goats and took herself away, fending for herself, growing ever wilder, until her child was born.
That night, the satyr returned to claim his son. Though weakened, Atoosah fought the creature tooth and nail to keep her son. Eventually, as the two lay exhausted among the rocks and scrub, the satyr made a proposition. They would, together, take the boy to be reared by the nymph Ghamzeh. This was more than the girl could have hoped for, to have her son raised by a goddess, so she immediately agreed and the trio made the two day journey to the nymph's grove.
For the next few years, Atoosah hunted near to the grove, or idled with Ghamzeh and the other nymphs, and each day her son grew stronger. With time, she grew to realize that, to become a nymph herself and live this life forever, she would have to leave and learn new mysteries, gain new powers and become an immortal. So she left, leaving the first of her children behind. She worshipped Ghamzeh from the many distant places she travelled. She had many adventures and many children by many fathers. These are all now grown, or dead. One stayed with her, her son Faseh. His father was a monstrosity, a vile and twisted, barely human creature whom Atoosah had deceived. But she loved the son dearly. Faseh grew to be a great warrior and taught her some of his art; but one day he challenged the strongest orc in the world, Orok Fangtearer and lost his life before battle even began.
Desolate, Atoosah followed Orok and his mercenary band, unable to think of anything better to do. She did not seek vengeance because her son spokoe to her from the afterlife and told her he was well. She followed the band for a month and saw their deeds. Seeing how they increased every day in power, she perceived this as one path to greatness and so joined them.

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