Uploads by Knockwood
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Date | Name | Thumbnail | Size | Description | Versions |
09:14, 27 May 2006 | DLMotivator.jpg (file) | 56 KB | "Dumb Luck" Motivator poster for RPG Motivators thread | 1 | |
03:01, 10 July 2006 | Motivator-albedo1.jpg (file) | 102 KB | Second entry of mine in the 'RPG Motivational Posters' thread--anthros are people too! | 1 | |
03:10, 10 July 2006 | Motivator-maleplayerfemalechar.jpg (file) | 103 KB | My third entry in the 'RPG Motivational Posters' thread... male players, female characters... | 1 | |
23:49, 3 August 2006 | Motivator-landmate.jpg (file) | 78 KB | New Motivator poster about women's armor. | 1 | |
05:34, 18 September 2006 | MPost1-Cthulhu.jpg (file) | 77 KB | The very first poster in the "Motivational Posters" thread--Cthulhu: 1d6 investigators per round. Created by ThomasT. | 1 | |
02:45, 19 October 2006 | Tatiana.jpg (file) | 307 KB | "Tatiana" by Kamicheetah. | 1 | |
11:04, 5 November 2006 | MPost1902-Firepower.jpg (file) | 71 KB | Poster by mirv120, post #1902. Image is the deck of the battleship HMS Belfast. Text: Firepower: They never saw that coming up the river! | 1 | |
11:06, 5 November 2006 | MPost1906-alliesdogs.jpg (file) | 80 KB | Poster by Poormojo, post #1906. Picture is two dogs (poodles?), on leashes, in karate costumes Text: Allies: Don't let the GM choose them for you | 1 | |
11:08, 5 November 2006 | MPost1909-supers-Privilege.jpg (file) | 143 KB | Poster by Inverse, post #1909. Image is a shot of all the DC Comics heroes. Text: Privilege: When they care enough to make YOU the very best. | 1 | |
11:10, 5 November 2006 | MPost1917-timebomb.jpg (file) | 66 KB | Poster by DM with a vengeance, post #1917. Image is a close up of a C-4 timebomb. Text: Problem solving: for every problem there exists the same solution | 1 | |
11:11, 5 November 2006 | MPost1917-fireball.jpg (file) | 68 KB | Post by DM with a vengeance, post #1917. Image is a fireball. Text: Fireball: When you absolutely have to kill everything in a 20' radius. | 1 | |
11:14, 5 November 2006 | MPost1917-ImpWeapons.jpg (file) | 85 KB | Poster by DM with a vengeance, post #1917. Image is of a guy 'shooting' a hairspray-flamethrower. Text: Improvised weapons: Hairspray: 99 cents. Lighter: 33 cents. Always being prepared for the zombiepocalypse: Priceless. | 1 | |
11:15, 5 November 2006 | MPost1918-D10s.jpg (file) | 77 KB | Poster by Pip, post #1918. Image: close-up of yellow D10s. Text: 100 D10s: Ah, you must be playing Exalted? | 1 | |
11:17, 5 November 2006 | MPost1921-Laziness.jpg (file) | 77 KB | Poster by new poster LordCurlyton, post #1921. Image: Silhouettes of people watching an explosion in the distance. Text: Laziness: When you really just can't be bothered by it all. | 1 | |
11:21, 5 November 2006 | MPost1934-Cooking.jpg (file) | 95 KB | Poster by Lolth, Post #1934. Image is a photo of her famous nacho plate. :) Text: Cooking: Remember: feed your players well. | 1 | |
11:23, 5 November 2006 | MPost1946-phone.jpg (file) | 45 KB | Poster by Elistor, post #1946. Image: photo of a white wall phone. Text: World's greatest cooking utensil Because no matter how hard some of us try we still burn water. | 1 | |
11:25, 5 November 2006 | MPost1948-Chicken-cooking.jpg (file) | 88 KB | Poster by Lolth, post #1948. Image: photo of a chicken in a roasting pan. Text: Cooking Skill: It is not just for survival. It can be an entire character concept. | 1 | |
11:27, 5 November 2006 | MPost1948-Curry-cooking.jpg (file) | 73 KB | Poster by Lolth, post #1948. Image: photo of a bowl of curry. Text: Curry: Gaming is like a plateful of curry: you'll never know what's in it before you try it out for real. | 1 | |
11:28, 5 November 2006 | MPost1948-Kitten-cooking.jpg (file) | 76 KB | Poster by Lolth, post #1948. Image: photo of a kitten asleep in a plate of kitten chow. Text: Eating and gaming: Yeah, it is kinda like that. | 1 | |
11:29, 5 November 2006 | MPost1948-Chicken2-cooking.jpg (file) | 85 KB | Poster by Lolth, post #1948. Image: photo of a chicken in a roasting pan with what looks like 'tan lines'. Text: Illustrations: Sexy chicks in RPGs, where? | 1 | |
11:32, 5 November 2006 | MPost1953-ConformityGundam.jpg (file) | 113 KB | Poster by Gargoyle1981, post #1953. Image: several Gundam mecha. Text: Conformity Defined 1. Correspondence in form, manner or character. 2. When everyone in the party wants to pilot the Gundam. | 1 | |
11:34, 5 November 2006 | MPost1955-siegzeon.jpg (file) | 64 KB | Poster by Gargoyle1981, post #1955. Image: ? Text: Sieg Zeon: Why save the world when you can rule it? | 1 | |
11:35, 5 November 2006 | MPost1957-Lobster-cooking.jpg (file) | 73 KB | Poster by Lolth, post #1957. Image is a photo close-up of lobsters. Text: Lobsters: The underestimated terror of the seas. | 1 | |
11:37, 5 November 2006 | MPost1957-Reindeer-cooking.jpg (file) | 89 KB | Poster by Lolth, post #1957. Image is a photo of (reindeer?) meat for sale. Text: Treasure: Sometimes it comes from harmless 2 HD herbivores. | 1 | |
11:40, 5 November 2006 | MPost1957-Wettex-cooking.jpg (file) | 62 KB | Poster by Lolth, post #1957. Image is a photo of a fake 'cutlet' made of Wettex. With mashed potatoes. Text: Urban legends: Use them, love them. This was the result of a fake-steak contest done by Lolth and her friend. Details in the post. | 1 | |
11:42, 5 November 2006 | MPost1961-crosscooking.jpg (file) | 84 KB | Poster by TheLoremaster, post #1961. Image is a photo of a guy holding a cooked (fried?) turkey. Text: Cross-class Skills: 'Cause not knowing how to cook is like not knowing how to f#*k. | 1 | |
11:43, 5 November 2006 | MPost1967-Fish-cooking.jpg (file) | 114 KB | Poster by Lolth, post #1967. Image is from the anime Slayers: Zelgadis hitting a fish flying over his head with a sword. Text: Swords: You can even gut fish with them. | 1 | |
11:45, 5 November 2006 | MPost1967-Adventuring-cooking.jpg (file) | 98 KB | Poster by Lolth, post #1967. Image is from the anime Slayers: Lina and company eating a fancy meal. Text: Adventuring: It is serious business. Chow down. | 1 | |
11:47, 5 November 2006 | MPost1968-Cooking.jpg (file) | 138 KB | Poster by damion4242, post #1968. Image: Comic panel of two guys fighting. Guy on left has huge axe; guy on right has a spatula. Text: Cooking in RPGs: Yeah, it's kinda like that. | 1 | |
11:49, 5 November 2006 | MPost1972-Cooking9jw.jpg (file) | 83 KB | Poster by Jeb Boyt, post #1972. Image is a screenshot from World of Warcraft. Text: Cooking in RPGs: There should be more of it. | 1 | |
11:51, 5 November 2006 | MPost1973-Cookingpwnge4ax.jpg (file) | 68 KB | Poster by Jeb Boyt, post #1973. Image is a photo of a restaurant sign saying "Cooking Skill: 300 PWNAGE!" Text: Cooking and Gaming: More opportunities for competition. | 1 | |
11:53, 5 November 2006 | MPost1978-knives.jpg (file) | 49 KB | Poster by new poster Dystheist, post #1978. Image is a close-up photo of a knife. Text: Knives: They're small, can be thrown, and fit in no matter the setting. | 1 | |
11:55, 5 November 2006 | MPost1979-Dragons.jpg (file) | 75 KB | Poster by Mr. Venom, post #1979. Image is a dragon jumping toward the 'camera' to be met by a knight with an axe. (Possibly from the cover of a D&D product?) Text: Dragons: Smarter, stronger, faster...just not as suited to caverns as we are. | 1 | |
11:57, 5 November 2006 | MPost1980-Hybridfeline-RPGcooking.jpg (file) | 114 KB | Poster by charlieluce, post #1980. Image is the cover of Uresia D20. Text: Cooking in RPGs: Some do take it seriously. | 1 | |
12:00, 5 November 2006 | MPost1982-Hybridfeline-spatula.jpg (file) | 109 KB | Poster by charlieluce, post #1982. Image is Ukyo from Ranma 1/2 with her trademark spatula, with Ranma panels in the background. Text: Cooking in RPGs: Fear the spatula. | 1 | |
12:02, 5 November 2006 | MPost1994-Clubkick5cd.jpg (file) | 77 KB | Poster by Bill_Coffin, post #1994. Image is photo of a dissheveled, zombie-esque club girl. Text: Club Kick: There is a lone zombie present. The zombie claws you for 3 damage ... and again ... and again. | 1 | |
12:04, 5 November 2006 | MPost1999-GirlGenius.jpg (file) | 117 KB | Poster by LordCurlyton, post #1999. Image is a page from Phil Foglio's Girl Genius comic, where Agatha has just fired a weapon as a group of sparks. Text: You might be a powergamer if ... You can't decide whether the gun or the girl is sexier. | 1 | |
12:07, 5 November 2006 | MPost2000-PartyDyn.jpg (file) | 76 KB | Poster by DarthTom, post #2000. Image is photo of two people in costunes... one is dressed as a Listerine bottle, the other has vampire fangs. Text: Party Dynamics: Sometimes they're a match made in heaven. | 1 | |
04:22, 6 November 2006 | MPost2001-Caiger2yt.jpg (file) | 109 KB | Poster by Bill_Coffin, post #2001. Image: Zombies at the door to a mall store. Text: Caiger Mall: Where every day is Black Friday. | 1 | |
04:28, 6 November 2006 | MPost2002-Sd1.jpg (file) | 78 KB | Poster by Kuhan, post #2002. Image: Susannah Dean from Dark Tower, in a wheelchair, throwing shuriken at an outline of a man on a fence. Text: Disadvantages: Okay, now you're just min-maxing. (Originally a challenge by JustinCognito) | 1 | |
04:31, 6 November 2006 | MPost2002-Sd2.jpg (file) | 97 KB | Poster by Kuhan, post #2002. Image: Susannah Dean from Dark Tower, on a man's shoulders (who himself is standing on a tree trunk), shooting at something off to the upper left. Text: Disadvantages: Okay, now you're just min-maxing. (Originally a challeng | 1 | |
04:33, 6 November 2006 | MPost2003-Battle9md.jpg (file) | 109 KB | Poster by Bill_Coffin, post #2003. Image: Fighter fighting off a pile of monsters with an axe. (Maybe Frazetta?) Text: Battle: For honor. For glory. For experience. | 1 | |
04:48, 6 November 2006 | MPost2004-Guts1by.jpg (file) | 56 KB | Poster by Bill_Coffin, post #2004. Image if from Dragon's Lair--the hero, looking at a sword, confronted by a dragon. Text: Guts: They'll get pretty far and then they'll get you killed. | 1 | |
04:50, 6 November 2006 | MPost2009-Psionics.jpg (file) | 112 KB | Poster by Bill_Coffin, post #2009. Image: closeup of cartoon eyes, overlaid by a spiral. Text: Psionics: The enemy's mind is a wonderful thing to waste. | 1 | |
04:53, 6 November 2006 | MPost2012-restraint.jpg (file) | 70 KB | Poster by Bill_Coffin, post #2012. Image: cartoon of a barbarian-type being offered a flower by a little girl walking a bunny. Text: Restraint: It's okay to not kill things and take their stuff, people. | 1 | |
04:56, 6 November 2006 | MPost2013-Colossal.jpg (file) | 50 KB | Poster by Bill_Coffin, post #2013. Image: underwater (?) creature barely illuminated by a small light... Text: Colossal: Looks like size really is everything, after all. | 1 | |
05:06, 6 November 2006 | MPost2017-Paladin.jpg (file) | 71 KB | Poster by Bill_Coffin, post #2017. Image: B/W image of a tired & wounded-looking paladin riding a horse toward the camera, with a girl on another horse behind him. Text: Paladin: The quest never ends. | 1 | |
05:09, 6 November 2006 | MPost2018-deathtraps.jpg (file) | 75 KB | Poster by Bill_Coffin, post #2018. Image: Cartoon of a huge sea creature disguised as an island, being 'boarded' by pirates. Sign at bottom: Ye Pirate Muncher Text: Deathtraps: The best ones are outside of dungeons. | 1 | |
05:45, 6 November 2006 | MPost2034-big-guns.jpg (file) | 69 KB | Poster by Rel Fexive, Post #2034. Image: Photo of the barrel of a LARGE tank-mounted gun. Text: The Big Guns: For when you absolutely, positively, have to kill that guy over the horizon. | 1 | |
05:47, 6 November 2006 | MPost2034-sea-cannon.jpg (file) | 84 KB | Poster by Rel Fexive, Post #2034. Image: Photo of two men in uniforms in front of a large 'sea cannon'. Text: Sea Cannons: Because invaders are such a drag | 1 |