Vek convo

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"Well...this surprise has caused vs lot of changes. First, Crises pale looks like the day after Woodstock. Trash, empty buildings, people walking around confused. All the Amber forces are gone.either recalled to amber or such. Or here. So I told Hamas to sweep up the place. Empty the buildings. Tend the garden.who knows what power was left behind when th pattern uprooted but its pottent. No one goes in the walls that were s around it. Right not the dale folk are cleaning and planning for winter."


Vek, leans back, makes sure you both have drinks. He lays out a tray with a few thin urala cigars. He pulls out a big one for himself and lights it.

"I've talked to Benedict, which means I sat and listened to him. Spatchi and her 300 troops have moved in. He bought as much of the property around here as he could. Ambers Treasury is unlimited it seems. But he admitted the grounds of he Ludus are your's and mine."

"Here is where we stand. The Ludus had 24 students including Tulcar and two senior instructors. They all consider themselves students. He was the only Gladiator. Ludus Vek mainly trained Warriors. They with moved to Gladiator Schools or retired. They didn't have staff to train gladiatos. We left them that way.

So 24 students. 60 people including wives and children. Wives generally got hired fore cooking ,cleaning, and other duties. That's how its worked for 200 years. They have fought and done guard.

Tulcar has told me the he had 256 old timers and nearly 500 retired member that contribute to the ludus upkeep. Go to fights as fan,and such.200 fighters and 170 willing to return in our hour of need. Some are 90. Some 120. The oldest retired as a rank gladiator, was Ludus leader for 40 years. He is 198, we trained him, and he will probable replace tulcar. His name is Drax Jotrik. He is currently on the board of the Red Wardogs , a lycanthrope warband. Mostly a social group of 90 or so who get together and drink. the youngest is 68."

He chuckles and puffs. "I talked to them in a long time zone here to secure their loyalty. So I sent 370 ludus loyalist, and 70 Red Ward good to Vulsara to get regeneration. In two days we will have them back.


" Here are our fighting numbers :

  • 24 Warriors of the ludus.
  • 300 pattern guards.
  • 12 Bone warriors. I got Benedict to send them to Rasak. All would have tested as Gladiators any way.
  • 200 oldtimers. 28 of these are gladiator rank.

"*Not bad. For the next 3 days as we negotiate with the Council of the wing of the various wizard's towers, or who ever Random left us protection: Benedict, Bleys, Gerard, Wyndham Feldane and a dozen top elites. A couple of wizards like Fiona and Ares Colbries. We should be ok.

guard outfits

Benedict went to a merchant at New wall and dropped amber gold on him deep. The result is new guard outfits. Not for arena use of course. Full harness rigs including leg belts an clamshell greeves. Boots. And Mithril vorpel collars. They are to be worn by anyone on guard duty. Or when they are off duty exploring the will increase our street cred.

"The council of independent police groups has taken our application to join. That gets us police powers for any one in the guard rigs."

He taps his cigar. "I had little to no say in any of this. I was lucky I got 30 people sent to Rasak and the colors and items in the guard outfits. Oh, all our people are officially part of the Amber military."

"So that's been my day. Long Time space interviewing elderly people and meeting merchants at New Wall. I've heard more talk from Benedict then in all my time with him before. Support staff needs to be sorted our. Living space. Luckily the ludus has a lot of space and we'll be taking over our neighbor's place soon. A lot of quick changes."

"How's the family taking it? I spoke to Zeek and Jaxson. Both want to join the ludus. That's up to you. I support it. Jaxson is tougher then he looks. Anyway..."

206 staff