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Steeled Soul - Psiforged

Ancestry | Warforged | Seasoned (4 Advances)

Living Construct

Built for War - Warforged were designed, built, and trained as tools of war. Their world knowledge off of the battlefield is limited. They do not have Common Knowledge as a core skill.

Composite Plating - gains +4 Armour, considered light armor

Doesn’t breathe - doesn’t eat or drink, immune to poison and disease.

Doesn’t sleep - and powers can’t put them to sleep.

Cannot heal naturally - using the Healing skill or casting healing on a warforged has a −2 penalty. Wounds can be removed with the Repair skill, which takes one hour per Wound per attempt and is not limited to the “Golden Hour,” or by casting repairing.

Incapacitated - With a failed Vigor roll when Incapacitated, becomes automatically stabilized but inert and helpless.

Injuries - on warforged can only be removed when all Wounds are “healed” with the Repair skill or the repairing power.

Outsider - Warforged have the Outsider (Major) Hindrance. -2 to Persuasion rolls with non-warforged and are often treated as less than human. With a long history of being dedicated soldiers of war, warforged have difficulty blending into post-war Khorvaire. Most non-warforged strongly dislike the sight of warforged as they stand as living reminders of the horror that was the Last War.

Steel Fists - Warforged may attack with their fists as natural weapons that deal Str+d4 damage.


Agility D8a.png || Smarts D6a.png || Spirit D8a.png || Strength D6a.png || Vigor D6a.png


Athletics D8a.png || Notice D6a.png || Persuasion D4a.png || Stealth D8a.png

Fighting D8a.png || Repair D6a.png || Stealth D8a.png || Thievery D8a.png ||

Derived Statistics

Pace 6" || Parry 6 || Toughness 9 (4)


Arrogant - Major - Steeled likes to dominate his opponent and challenges the most powerful foe in combat.

Heroic - Major - Helps those in need.


Psiforged Body - +5 PP

Ambidextrous - Ignore -2 Penalty when making Trait rolls with off-hand.

Two-Fisted Covers both melee and ranged weapons


Soulknife (AB) 10 pp 1 adv (15 after Psiforged)


Book: Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p168 Rank: Novice Range: Smarts Power Points: 2 Duration: 5 Increase a weapon’s damage by +2/+4.


Book: Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p157-158 Rank: Novice Range: Smarts Power Points: 2 Duration: 5 −2/–4 to attack the recipient.


A standard backpack

A warforged repair kit

Traveling papers

Magic Items

Riedran Crysteel Longsword +1 Damage when wielded by a psion Str +1d8


Built for war, Steeled learned how to handle two weapons. Soon, though, his powers began to manifest. They were pleased the investment of a Psiforged body was reaping benefits. He was more specialized but a more powerful soldier. He could continue to be trained and taught. He would be a great boon to their army.

Who's army? He didn't remember; it was so long ago.

He has had to learn different ways to live. Sometimes, he stole, sometimes he fought for money, but all with a bit of honor. He only stole from the evil, from the rich. He always assisted those who might need help, even if they couldn't ask for it.

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