Savage Reflections: Chargen

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Source Material

We will be using Savage Worlds Adventure Edition - SWADE - for this game. Other sources will be considered case by case, but fair warning, I will be leaning hard to the assumption of Frail Mortals v the Supernatural.

Setting Rules


More Skill Points: PCs begin with 15 skill points instead of 12.

Languages: To help keep focus on the horror side of things, there will only be two languages represented: Mortal and Arcanum. PCs speak both. A Smarts roll will be required to read Arcanum.
Power Skills: Arcane Backgrounds will not be available, so the Power skills Faith, Focus, Psionics, Spellcasting and Weird Science are likewise unavailable.


Because we will be posting as-available in action scenes, the Hesitant hindrance is unavailable to take.


We won't roll Wealth for starting gear, but your starting gear is subject to GM approval. (If it seems reasonable, it will be approved).

D4a.png This is starting Wealth for characters with the Poverty hindrance.
D6a.png This is starting Wealth for base characters.
D8a.png This is starting Wealth for characters with the Rich edge.
D10a.png This is starting Wealth for characters with the Very Rich edge

Tech level for gear is Modern.