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| | =Legend of the Five Rings Wiki= |
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| | ==Introduction== |
| | This is intended as a fan-sharing resource for Legend of the Five Rings from Alderac Entertainment Group. Look for homebrewed mechanics, Challenge-Focus-Strike story seeds, NPCs, setting material and more! |
| | |
| | Note: Legend of the Five Rings has appeared in 4 different versions at this point, and this wiki is intended for all of them. When posting material, be sure to mark which version the material is for, like so: (3e) or (d20). |
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| | ==Resources== |
| | [[L5R_Player_Resources|Player Resources]] |
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| | * This area is intended for all readers. This is the place to find and post new Schools, spells, kata, kiho, Paths, dojo or any other player-friendly material. |
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| | [[GM_Resources|GM Resources]] |
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| | * This area is intended for GM information only: NPCs, locations, CFS ideas or campaign backgrounds. |
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| | [[Winter_Court|Winter Court: Kyuden Bayushi]] |
| | * A collaborative periodical on the courts of the Lotus Era, as well as information on the intrigues of early Rokugan. |
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| | ---- |
| | ===Disclaimer:=== |
| | Legend of the Five Rings is a copyright of Alderac Entertainment Group. No material associated with this site should be construed as a challenge to AEG's copyright or anyone else's. |
Latest revision as of 14:10, 18 January 2009
Legend of the Five Rings Wiki[edit]
This is intended as a fan-sharing resource for Legend of the Five Rings from Alderac Entertainment Group. Look for homebrewed mechanics, Challenge-Focus-Strike story seeds, NPCs, setting material and more!
Note: Legend of the Five Rings has appeared in 4 different versions at this point, and this wiki is intended for all of them. When posting material, be sure to mark which version the material is for, like so: (3e) or (d20).
Player Resources
- This area is intended for all readers. This is the place to find and post new Schools, spells, kata, kiho, Paths, dojo or any other player-friendly material.
GM Resources
- This area is intended for GM information only: NPCs, locations, CFS ideas or campaign backgrounds.
Winter Court: Kyuden Bayushi
- A collaborative periodical on the courts of the Lotus Era, as well as information on the intrigues of early Rokugan.
Legend of the Five Rings is a copyright of Alderac Entertainment Group. No material associated with this site should be construed as a challenge to AEG's copyright or anyone else's.