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Latest revision as of 17:38, 12 June 2005


Polarized Touch[edit]

Unlike the description in the Rulebook, the Anti-Virals natural state is to be Off. Turning on the Destructive Energies takes one Use of Polarized Touch, and they stay on until turned back off, also requiring one Use of Polarized Touch. They get the usual 3 + Character Level Uses per day for this purpose alone. Anti-Virals may learn to use Weapons and Armor, but they will take damage as described if the Anti-Viral turns It on while holding/wearing the armor/weapons. Oh, and when it's Off, they are vulnerable to Attacks of Opportunity.

Repair and Reave Paths[edit]

An Anti-Viral does not need to dedicate itself to either the Repair or Reave path. At 3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th and 19th Levels(Where they'd normally obtain a Level of their Chosen Path), the Anti-Viral instead has the choice of choosing one path. If they so choose, they can dedicate to one path, but they can also choose to start the other one. For example, an Anti-Viral might, at 3rd Level, take Lesser Repair, and then, at 7th Level, take Lesser Reave. At 11th, he could choose to take Repair or Reave.



Programmers function like Sorcerers (AKA, on the fly). They have the same number of rewrites per day, and know the same number, and have to spend an hour with their Data Pad, but they execute rewrites as a Sorcerer casts spells. Note that, if they are unable to study their Data Pad, they are limited to executing Scan Rewrite.


The Programmer follows the normal rules for the Library, with the following exception. The Library must grow as the Programmer gains in Level. At 4th Level, it must be, at minimum, 10 X 10 feet. At 8th, 12th, and 16th, it must be at least 15 X 15, 20 X 20, and 25 X 25, respectively.

Additional Subjects[edit]

A Programmer can buy additional subjects for his library, but they do not automatically gain in Bonuses, like the major four Subjects(User Space, Program Space, Rewriting, and Codecrafting). Gaining an additional Subject costs <Current Number of Subjects>² X 500 RUs. Therefore, the first additional Subject would cost 8,000. This covers not only the cost of obtaining the Data, but of also upgrading the Partitioning and Compression of the Library to allow additional data. Added Subjects start at a +4, and can be increased in bonus for <Current Bonus> X 250 RUs. Thus, the first Upgrade would be 1,000 RUs. There is no limit to the number of Subjects a Library can contain, outside of the Financial limits.

Replacing Subjects[edit]

Subjects may be replaced, at a cost of 2,000 RUs(Which is solely the materials at +4), and the complete loss of the subject being replaced and all it's bonuses. Bonuses progress as usual.