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=Current Condition=
-3 rounds from Ruger


Latest revision as of 16:48, 2 April 2009

Damian Wechsler


Name: Damian Wechsler


Player: /nil

Origin: Creative Criminal

Class: Hacker 4/Inventor 2

Reputation: 46

XP: 14,579 XP

Age: 31

Height: 6' 2" (1.88 m)

Weight: 175 lbs (79.5 kg)

Eyes: Hazel

Hair: Brown - Dark



Subplot: Personal Mission (Tie up loose ends from a discontinued investigation. Evidence acquired during a routine operation targeting Russian organised crime in the USA implicated unidentified US-American operatives aiding the Russian mob in some "business ventures" in the Middle East. Before the nature of those assets and their relationship to the mob could be determined, the investigation was discontinued, conflicting fields of responsibility being cited. Damian's superior at the time, Susannah White, was transfered to some meaningless job without influence after protesting. Out of friendship and respect for his old superior and her skill at law enforcement work, Damian makes an effort to clear the woman's name by getting to the bottom of the incident, acutely aware that one wrong step might compromise SHELTER as well as his career. (Investigate, Aid, Confirm))


STR: 12 (+1)

DEX: 10 (+0)

CON: 12 (+1)

INT: 17 (+3)

WIS: 14 (+2)

CHA: 14 (+2)

Derived Values[edit]

Action Dice: 4d6

Vitality Points: 39

Wound Points: 12

Fortitude: +5

Reflex: +4

Will: +9

Stress Threshold: 14

Subdual Threshold: 12

Knowledge Check: +9

Request Check: +8

Gear Check: +8

Defense: 13

Initiative: +2

Base Attack Bonus: +3

Unarmed: +4

Melee: +4

Ranged: +3

Weapon Proficiencies: Handgun (forte), Unarmed, Rifle

Advanced Action and Tricks: Disrupting Shot

Primary Weapon: H&K USP 9mm P (standard laser sight, ported barrel, CMP) +4 (+5 with laser sight), dmg 1d10+1, E/T 1/20, 15M4, rng 25 ft.

Secondary Weapon: Ruger Mini-14 (vertical foregrip, concealment case, advanced combat sight) +3 (+4 with advanced combat sight), dmg 4d4 (AP 3), E/T 1/20, 30M3, rng 125 ft.

Armor and Protective Gear: Low-Profile Armor (nomex underwear): 2/5, Resistances CD3, FR6

Speed: 30 ft.


Bluff +14 (9 ranks, cap 40)

Computers +18 (12 ranks, cap 50, threat 19-20)

Cultures +10 (Central America, North America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, South America, Southern Asia) (8 ranks, cap 40)

Drive (Standard Ground Vehicle) +0 (0 ranks, cap 15)

Electronics +15/+13 (9 ranks, cap 40, threat 19-20)

Falsify +12/+11 (9 ranks, cap 40)

Notice +10 (8 ranks, cap 40)

Profession +2 (law enforcement officer) (0 ranks, cap 15)

Resolve +11/+10 (9 ranks, cap 40)

Security +12 (9 ranks, cap 40)

Science (Pharmacology, Programming) +7 (4 ranks, cap 30)

Sleight of Hand +12 (9 ranks, cap 45, threat 19-20)

Sneak +12/+14 (9 ranks, cap 40)

Streetwise +14/+14 (9 ranks, cap 45, threat 19-20)

Interests: electronics, table tennis, beer, playing the guitar, security vulnerabilities, criminal culture, psychology


Origin Benefits: +2 Int, -2 Dex, +3 Interest, 1/session free hint, extra class skills (Bluff, Sneak), bonus feat (fence), Handgun proficiency, 1 associate contact, +2 insight to bluff/sneak

Class Abilities:

Custom 'ware: Once per mission during the Intel Phase, you may designate 1 computer to be loaded with your personal software. Until the end of the current mission, the computer’s Power Rating increases by a number equal to your starting action dice (maximum Power Rating 10). Further, the computer is also considered to be running security software with a Power Rating equal to the computer’s Power Rating. This software does not count against the maximum total software that may run on the system (see page 276). If the computer is lost or destroyed, you must wait until your next Intel Phase to customize another computer.

'L337: At Level 1, each time you fail a Computers or Falsify check and don’t suffer an error, you still succeed as long as the check DC (or your opponent’s check result) is equal to or less than your class level + 20. If several grades of success are possible, you achieve only the lowest possible positive result.

Master Key I: At Level 2, your maximum ranks in the Computers and Science skills each increase to your career level + 6. Further, when you create, crack, or request any code, or create or request any software, its Power Rating is considered to be 1 lower for the purpose of determining skill and Request check DCs.

Trap Door: At Level 3, once per mission as a free action, you may gain 1 dossier or 1 cover identity with a Power Rating up to 1/2 your Class Level (rounded up).

Technophile: You’re an avid collector of technological miscellanea, with a penchant for bleeding-edge technology. You may spend 1 action die to automatically succeed with any Gear check, or any Electronic or Gadget Request check.

Utility Belt: You’re always building doohickeys and gizmos. At Level 1, you gain an additional number of Reserve Common Items equal to your class level. Further, you’re assumed to have made ‘improvements’ to all everyday items you carry. Whenever you make a successful Gear check to gain a Reserve Common Item in the field, you gain a +1 bonus with all skill checks made using the item.

Field Test: At Level 2, when you request gear during the Intel Phase, you may declare that a single pick is an experimental device and ‘under test.’ Your error range with each attack and skill check made using the item decreases by 1 (minimum 0). (Current target: laptop computer)

Bonus Feat: Attention to Detail


Attention to Detail: You may take 20 with any skill check possessing an error range of up to 1–2 (typically, you may only take 20 with skill checks possessing an error range of 1). Further, when taking 20, your result cap is lifted. Finally, all of your secret checks gain the Cross-Check tag.

Fence: You gain a +2 insight bonus with all skill and Knowledge checks made with Sleight of Hand and Streetwise. Further, your base threat range with these skills becomes 19–20.

Talented (Fence): Choose 1 Basic Skill feat (whether you possess it or not). Each skill covered by the chosen feat is always a class skill for you, and each time you purchase 1 rank with one of them, you also gain 1 rank with the other (not to exceed your maximum skill rank for either skill). Further, your result cap with each skill covered by the chosen feat increases by 5.

Techie: You gain a +2 insight bonus with all skill and Knowledge checks made with Computers and Electronics. Further, your base threat range with these skills becomes 19–20.

Unfair Advantage: Each time you gain an insight bonus with a skill check, the bonus increases by +1.


Disrupting Shot: (Tire Trick — +1 Shot; Forte) 1 Free Action • Error Range +1, You may use a ranged weapon to make a Tire action targeting an opponent within CQB Range. Your Resolve check loses the Armor Check Penalty tag during this action. This trick uses 1 shot.


Contacts: Martin O'Leary, fellow former FBI agent

Acquaintance: Small Steps (Cover Up (city)): You may suppress information that might reveal your activities or those of your allies or Faction. Once per session, you may choose to cover up 1 event that occurs during the session (e.g. a kidnapping, a murder, a political maneuver). You must spend 4 hours getting in touch with your supporters, after which the DCs of all Analysis, Investigation, Search, and Request checks made to collect information about the event are increased by an amount equal to your class level.

Associate: Trap Door 2/mission: You’re constantly compiling a dizzying array of secret loopholes in security programs that you might one day want to compromise. At Level 3, once per mission as a free action, you may gain 1 dossier or 1 cover identity with a Power Rating up to 1/2 your Class Level (rounded up).

Confederate: Global Search: You can locate anyone, anywhere, anytime. At Level 10, once per mission, you may determine the city or 20-mile × 20-mile area in which any special character is located. This requires a number of hours equal to the target character’s level × 8. You may not perform any other non-free actions when using this ability.

Wealth: 7

Lifestyle: 2 (Private Quarters in Baltimore, Light SUV, Rough Street Look -1)

Possessions: 12 ( Cleaner Kit I, Disguise Kit I, Forgery Kit I, Electronics Kit I, Lockpicking Kit I, Goggles (night vision, thermal vision) I, Ruger Mini-14 (vertical foregrip, concealment case, advanced combat sight) II, Weapons Upgrades (4) II, Smuggling II, H&K USP 9mm P (standard laser sight, ported barrel, ) II, Cover identity II (PR 2, Jonas Walsh, Baltimore FBI agent), Low-Profile Armor (nomex underwear) III, Encrypted Headset Radio III, Jammer III (PR4), Laptop Computer (PR7) III, Security Software (PR7), Gadget (Skill Check: Networking/Contact PR4 (+16 skill bonus), housing: cell phone) IV, duct tape, laptop batteries, cell phone, leatherman tool, pack of zip ties, hardware key logger, hardware packet sniffer, hands-free headset attachment, maglite flashlight, binoculars, balaclava, surgical gloves, rope, backpack, USB flash drive, (convert 5.56x45mm NATO stockpile to armor-piercing) (3 common items), (1 additional non-lethal 5.56x45mm NATO stockpile) (3 common items)))

Spending Cash: 1 ($100)

Currently Carrying[edit]

Lockpicking Kit I, Goggles (night vision, thermal vision) I, Cover Identity (Jonas Walsh, Baltimore FBI agent), Low-Profile Armor (nomex underwear) III, Encrypted Headset Radio III, H&K USP II, duct tape, cell phone, leatherman tool, pack of zip ties, hands-free headset attachment, maglite flashlight, binoculars, balaclava, rope, backpack, surgical gloves, USB flash drive

Current Condition[edit]

-3 rounds from Ruger


Agent Evaluation[edit]


Damian has slightly above average physical power and musculature. He has average hand-eye coordination, reflexes, agility, and balance. He has slightly above average health and toughness.


Damian has excellent ability to learn and reason. He has above average willpower, common sense, intuition, and perception. He has above average attractiveness, personality, persuasiveness, and guile.


Damian is trained in unarmed combat, handguns, and rifles. He is particularly focused on handguns. His skill with handguns, unarmed and melee combat is comparable to that of an experienced soldier.


Damian is a professional liar. He can convince others that a false statement or action is legitimate.

Damian is an expert computer user. He can optimize computers and engage in hacking.

Damian has professional training in linguistics and culture. He is familiar with Central America, North America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, and Southern America.

Damian is familiar with standard ground vehicles. He is unfamiliar with maneuvering.

Damian is a professional electrician. He can build, disable, modify, optimize, repair and sabotage electronic items.

Damian is a professional counterfeiter. He can cover up evidence at a location, create physical disguises, and forge documents, cover identities, and other items.

Damian is a professional observer. He can effortlessly detect things.

Damian is familiar with the law enforcement agent profession. He is unfamiliar with improving his mission reputation.

Damian has professional resolve. He can focus under duress, remain cool during chaos, make the most of downtime, and resist social pressure.

Damian has professional security training. He can install and disable security devices and traps.

Damian is a professional scientist. He is familiar with pharmacology and programming. He can create drugs or poison and can create programs.

Damian is a talented professional prestidigitator. He can conceal actions, stash items on his person, and use items on another character's person.

Damian is a professional sneaker. He can avoid being seen or heard and hide objects in the surrounding scenery.

Damian has talented professional street smarts. He can access the black market, bribe people outside organizations, gamble, and haggle.

Damian's interests lie in electronics, table tennis, playing the guitar, and security vulnerabilities.

Special Qualifications

Damian can fine tune his computer gear to maximize its performance. He rarely fails at common computer or falsification tasks. Using trap doors in computer networks, he can quickly and easily acquire information on an individual or a cover identity.

Damian is especially skilled at sleight of hand, street smarts, computers, and electronics.

Performance Review

"Damian has proven himself to be a valuable and versatile operative. The guy's a team player, and though his methods sometimes isolate him from the rest of the team, he always seeks to support his people and objectives. He's had a number of opportunities to use his FBI experience in the field, and is particularly useful in undercover ops. Its pretty unusual for him to not be in some sort of disguise or using a created cover identity. Some people might call that paranoia, but I call it 'being prepared'. Only real weaknesses are his mistrust of authority and his stubborn refusal to abide by certain codes of dress. He's kind of a slob, frankly, and that bothers Y and Z. Me? Not so much. I'm more concerned about his fixation on this old case of his with the Russians. I don't think he'll like what he finds out..."

- X