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Astrid Noriel Full Moon Former merchant-princess turned Protector of Creation


Travel Creation and bring a great and righteous cause to victory


Doubles the Exalt's Strength + Athletics total for the purposes of Feats of Strength Doubles Exalt's movement speed. Description: A pair of ravens, sitting on her shoulders when at 'Rest', and accenting her motions when in action.


PHYSICAL: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4 SOCIAL: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3 MENTAL: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 3


Favored Abilities

Martial Arts 4 Survival 3

Unfavored Abilities

Linguistics: 1 Presence: 2 Athletics: 2 Awareness: 2 Dodge: 2 Integrity: 3 Resistance: 1 War: 2 Bureaucracy: 2 Investigation: 1 Lore: 2 Occult: 2


Artifact 4

The Silver Lady's Embrace was originally the battlegear of a first age Waxing Moon priestess, but fell into Astrid's hands as an unexpected result of her Testing. Ordinarly takes the form of a thick and uncomfortable plate of moonsilver, through the process of attunement, the metal spreads out to cover the wearer in a thin, incredibly flexible layer of armor from the base of the head to toe, bearing a number of auspicious mandalas which emit silvery sparks when charged.

Counts as Moonsilver Articulated Plate from the core, with the following additions --Soak values are increased by an extra 2 points --No Fatigue Value --One Hearthstone Socket --For the cost of 3 motes per scene, the armor may allow the user to effect immaterial beings and objects.

Resources 2

Being the daughter of merchants, even though money's a bit tight in comparison, Astrid is a sufficiently shrewd bargainer that she manages to maintain a small basis of money to fund her travels, through the collection of herbs, rare materials, and scavenging off of fallen foes (Both supernatural and mundane)

Reputation 2

The only thing that's kept Astrid from being a reknowned hero of the Silver Pact is her solid disinterest in their usual politics, her trials had yielded a remarkably unexpected windfall for the powers that be, and she's since made a name for herself fending off various undesirables from other areas of Creation.

Solar Bond 3

... It's a secret!

Manse 3

The Lost Sanctuary of Redoak was a bit of an irritant for the Silver Pact of the region. Sufficiently secure to styme the efforts of the Lunars in the area to capture it, and not quite powerful or important enough to draw the attention of an elder. It was very surprising when Astrid's combination of inherent genius and physical superiority lead to her reaching the Hearthroom and attuning to the place. As such, she was allowed to keep most of the treasure found within.



First Strength Excellency Claws of the Silver Moon


First Dexterity Excellency


First Stamina Excellency Ox-Body Technique (Twice, +8 -2 health levels)


Hide of the Cunning Hunter


First Perception Excellency Eye of the Cat


Deadly Beastman Transformation (Contains Small and Wings Mutations)

Martial Arts

Cautious Comments Well Timed Words Patient Questions Instruction in Self (Meditative Discussion Form) Hidden Defense


  • Little Sister Terah
    • Protecting those who can't protect themselves
      • It's a Secret!


Essence: 3 Peripheral: 38 Personal: 17 Committed: 6




Conscience: 2 Conviction: 2 Temperance: 4 Valor: 3

Limit Break

Curse of the Drunken Monkey


Silver Lady's Embrace Soak: 14A/14L/16B, 0 Mobility Penalty, 0 Fatigue, Attune: 6


Astrid was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, and very little to fear--after all, when you're the scion of a clan of powerful merchants, and apparently destined to join along with the Family Line, most people are going to assume that you'll be involved in the business at some degree... Sadly, Astrid didn't quite work out to most people's point of view--She was aggressive and fiercely independant in her youth, had a habit of spending lengthy periods of time around the various dojos that lurked around Willowbend--the modest port town on the edge of the sea. She also gained a bit of a reputation as the 'Neighbourhood Protector', often sending the various bullies and smartasses packing when they tried roughing up the other children in the town.

Still. While her parents were willing to tolerate her 'Hobby' early in life--even indulge her to a certain extent--her constant disinterest in both the duties required to a member of the Consortium, and in otherwise improving the family's status began to grate on them. Gradually, her freedoms were curtailed, the amount of 'Responsibilites' she needed to take care of increased, and all in all, the family was insistant on getting 'Some' practical use out of their wayward daughter.

To be truly honest though--things couldn't continue being so quiet for a long period of time--Creation loves drama, And Astrid's destiny began in earnest during a series of events that should have been business as usual. Her younger sister, a girl by the name of Terah--had caught the eye of the Dragon Blooded prince of a competing consortium--and plans had been made by various People In Charge to marry the two off to seal an alliance. Astrid came along as well--partially to act as 'Moral Support' to her legitimately jittery sister--and partially because it would be an interesting little trip.

So, as things tend to work out, they were beset by a group of angry, aggressive barbarians--out for blood, women, and possibly some interesting trinkets that might come along. Given how the odds were about twenty to one, needless to say, the escort didn't end terribly well--as when you're outnumbered five to one, and caught by surprise--mortals tend to fall apart rather quickly. To this day, Astrid finds the whole event 'Very Embarassing'--but the handful of surviving guards and her sister were somewhat slackjawed when, in a haze somewhere between rapture and utter bloodlust, she rushed out on her own, blazing with furious silver light, and massacred enough of the onrushing evil horde that they broke and ran.

Legends in that particular neck of the woods still speak of the Bloody Raven--the 'Protector Spirit' of the Noriel Consortium--as a result, they aren't usually hassled at present--even though after Astrid got her bearings and realized the gravity of the situation, that she rather quickly bundled up in whatever salvage and gear she could find, bid a somewhat tearful farewell to a shocked younger sister... And made a break for it. She's not entirely certain yet if her family 'Took it Well' or not--but she was fairly close with her sister--and hopes to get back in touch once things settle down a bit..

Being an educated and intelligent young lady--she was quick to analyze the situation--namely, that she had become an Anathema--arguably a dark demon of utter mayhem and dissolution... But aside from being tapped into Ultimate Cosmic Power--she didn't really feel her outlook had seriously changed--though it was apparently a close call back at the carriage accident... Still, the odd bit of monster extermination and various other odd jobs she did to pay her way across the countryside more or less established that it was a 'One Time sort of thing that came out in a rather stressful situation', and while she still carefully monitors her behaviour to figure out if she's secretly becoming evil, she was still working on some semblance of a plan when the Silver Pact caught up with her. While admittedly, some of them were reasonably impressed that Astrid had managed to adapt so well to the whole Exalted lifestyle (Minus a couple of the hardliners who couldn't possibly comprehend how an unblooded city-girl managed to lead them on such a wild goose chase.)

Despite some initial trepidation however--After all, a 'Lot' of these guys looked sufficiently close to her initial attackers that Astrid was prone to assuming the worst. However, the implication that she remained in some manner of danger until her Caste was stabilized was also troublesome--so she agreed to go with them--at least long enough to learn a bit more

Her Trials wound up taking a fairly lengthy bit of time however. Astrid was prone to lightning quick reaction times, and capable of quickly assembling plans and strategies that ultimately lead her to victory with only a minimal amount of effort... On the other hand though--she was also physically quick--and had no qualms about drawing steel and facing dangers head one...

The Elders discussed the matter somewhat--it was a difficult choice--as she was equally good at the pursuits of the Full and No Moon castes alike--so they decided to toss in one more task to see how she would react to total failure, guiding her towards a puzzle-manse deep in the wilderness, the hearthstone lost to history, but said to possess a great treasure within it's deepest depths. They figured that the best way to determine where Astrid's true abilities lie, was to determine which incredibly difficult task was able to defeat her...

They were naturally shocked beyond all reason when she staggered out of the Manse, battered and bruised, but having managed to drag out the treasures along with her--a set of valuable memory crystals containing the secrets of the Instruction In Spirit style--and the Silver Lady's Embrace, a suit of moonsilver plate that was said to be used by a powerful priestess of the Waxing Moon in the First Age--and thought to be lost for all time.

They paused, and considered this a sign--though the Waxing Moon caste was lost, the treasures Astrid had retrieved were both oriented with a martial bent to some extent--and she was Fixed into the Full Moon Caste.

Still, as soon as she had made the proper arrangements with the powers that be, Astrid headed out into the world again. While she was no longer in any immediate danger of turning into a horror from beyond the stars--she still needed to figure out what to do with herself, and find a cause worth protecting.


Astrid is energetic, prone to direct answers, and a devious scavenger in her own way--after all, money may not be the be-all-end all in life, but it 'Does' solve or smooth over a great deal of problems. Nonetheless, she's quite intelligent in her own right--and while she does prefer to maintain a more relaxed lifestyle, her mastery of the Temperance Style implies that she has more self-control then would be apparent at first glance.