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kuros: Alyssa won't be here, and Astrid has not responded to the time change notice

Drummond: Why can't Alyssa get here?

kuros: She told me two weeks ago, she has a prior commitment

kuros: Something about raising the forces of darkness and joining their hellish crusade for a weekend...

kuros: Anywho, since Astrid had a week to respond, and didn't, I don't object to playing without her.

kuros: Also, I'm going to remove training times on Attributes, Abilities, Charms, and Combos

SonoftheMetalFlame: Wha? Entirely?

kuros: Yes. There's not enough downtime in this game.

kuros: Most games have months/years of downtime

SonoftheMetalFlame: Sorcery? :D :D

kuros: Yes, sorcery too.

SonoftheMetalFlame: Weee

Beyond the Tomb of Five Corners - Session 18[edit]

Thelaos crouches over on the lake's shore, hacking up water and a lung as his body ejects the demon.

Silk stands at the lake shore, packing damaged books into the agatae's saddlebags. "Let's hope you'll be able to extract some more information from these."

kuros: It swims away into the lake, trailing bloody, small tentacles.

Silk: "Hey, don't let it get away!"

SonoftheMetalFlame: "It won't get away."

Silk: "Oh right, you have control of course. I forgot."

SonoftheMetalFlame nods. He turns around, still ankle-deep in the water, and begins ejecting the demon in his lungs.

Thelaos stands with a bit of a difficulty, shaking off the experience. "Next we need the services of these things, I'll stay behind and watch your backs."

Silk: "Do they need the water to live or can we just keep them in a bag or something?"

Silk: "Because it would be nice not to need another five days the next time we need to dive into unknown depths. Who knows how soon that might be?"

SonoftheMetalFlame: "They need to be in the water to survive."

Thelaos: (time to summon some glass jar demons..)

SonoftheMetalFlame: (Excellent idea!)

Silk: "Mmh. Or a human body?"

SonoftheMetalFlame nods. "That also works, but the long-term effects of having one in your body are unknown."

Silk frowns. "This might not be the best time for a scientific experiment."

Silk: "Though seriously, in all the history of Creation nobody has tried it?"

Thelaos: "Someone probably has."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "It is more that no one has documented it."

Thelaos is now checking over all of his own gear, getting it ready for travel as well.

Silk coughs up his own demon and releases it into the Lake. "Oh well. But if we can't take them with us, we have to make sure they can't be used by anyone else."

Silk: After changing his clothes back to their usual appearance Silk returns his throwing knifes back to their usual places, secreted away among the silk's folds.

Silk: "So. The next thing on my list would be to go spying on the Bull. Whether or not we decide to actually meet with him, we have to count him as an enemy and we need to know his strength."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Agreed." Son walks steps out of the lake onto the shore. He stops and turns around to watch Silk's demon dissolve into the water, releasing a green steam.

SonoftheMetalFlame: Three small patches near the shore begin to bubble and release green steam as well.

SonoftheMetalFlame: "I personally do not wish to interact with the Bull until we have more of an upperhand, but if you must spy, then I know of a demon that would be of great use to you."

Silk grins. "I'm not planning to interact, unless we come to the agreement that some ... sabotage ... would be in order."

Silk: "What sort of demon?"

SonoftheMetalFlame: "It is a master of language, and I trust that will be needed as you investigate. I would assume they will be speaking what language the Dragon Blooded visitors spoke before."

Silk nods. "That would certainly be useful. The barbarian tongues are a matter that I have not studied much ..."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "But I worry that the Bull and his mistress would have protections up to ward off demons, particularly those of the first circle."

Silk: "I can walk unseen by mortal eyes. Would that be enough to get past such wards?"

Silk: "Failing that, would the demon notice the wards in time to warn me?"

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Then that would likely be sufficient. Unless they have specific sorceries for detecting these demons, it should not be an issue. And even then, it should stay hidden."

Silk nods. "Very well. I will take that demon and one of the agatae to move north and gather us some intelligence."

Silk: "Where will we rendezvous? Here, or will you move while I am away?"

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Perhaps here. I would like to try to notify the god of the nearby ruins that the lake should be safe again."

Silk: "Ok."

Silk: After Son has summoned the Peronelle and has instructed him in its use Silk takes one of the agatae (not the one with the papers!) and begins to fly north following the information gained from the Crossroads Inn. He goes to ground at a safe distance from the Bull's army, arranges for several possible meeting spots, and proceeds on foot from there.

kuros: Arranges for several possible meeting points?

Silk: (basically telling the agata "come here at nightfall, if I'm there, materialize and we'll leave. If I'm not there, leave again.")

Silk: (making sure I can meet up with it again and don't have to drag it along)

kuros: You land a day away, and continue on foot. The Bull's army is marching down a main southern rode, and they are strung out for miles. There are at least thousands, but you can't see how far back they actually stretch.

kuros: Many are riding horses, though a lot are on foot, and there are various wagons as well.

kuros: The train is kicking up huge clouds of dust.

kuros: You're currently about half a mile south, and they are heading towards you. The surrounding area is mostly plains with scrub forest patches.

kuros: How are you going to proceed?

Silk: After using mundane stealth to get close enough - essence-sharpened senses helping him avoid scouts and lookouts - Silk changes the appearance of his face and clothes to match those of the Bull's people.

Silk: The Peronelle he wears as a second skin, but hidden under his clothes. Its instructions are to translate anything addressed to him that is not in either Riverspeak, Lowrealm or Firetongue and periodically Measure the Wind to pick up on any Essence users in the vicinity.

Silk: (is there a good hiding place close enough that they will pass by me and I can cover the distance without seeming out of place playing one of the Bull's people who had to follow nature's call and went into the bushes?)

Silk: (8 sux. Plus EOPM)

kuros: You join the caravan train with not even a suspicious glance. You notice at the head rides a large, bronze-skinned man with blonde hair, and a massive sword across his back. He rides an extremely large horse.

kuros: On a smaller horse, at his side, rides the woman Son described as Xera

kuros: (Did you just copy some random guy's uniform?)

Silk: (once close enough to see differences, he'd have chosen one shared by a large number of others as to help his EOPM)

Silk: The appearance Silk has chosen is that of a man in his forties, a large scar across his throat though hidden behind a scarf of coarse fabric. His natural ability as emulating the behaviour of those around him and his attention-diverting Charms make him just another face in the crowd, seen and forgotten in one glance.

kuros: Most of the general conversation is speculation about what is going on. No one seems to know, just that they were ordered to march South several weeks ago.

kuros: It is getting on towards evening, and they'll probably be making camp shortly. Are you going to do anything in the interim?

Silk drifts through the ranks, mentally making notes: What quality is their equipment, how is their morale, how are they organized? Are there any visible divisions along clan or tribe lines?

Silk: Of particular interest to him are names of important persons, officers, chiefs, Exalted. Targets.

kuros: Their equipment is very high quality, comparable to some of what you saw in Son's workshop. Moral is generally good. Their organization, from what you can learn, seems to be 10 units of 1000 men each, with those further divided by tens.

kuros: There's quite a few tribes, but it doesn't seem to cause any friction.

kuros: You learn the names of a few officers, Yurgen, and Xera. You also hear the name Sammorath, but always in the context of "is he watching?". They seem to fear whoever it is.

Silk: (what about siege equipment or war striders?)

kuros: (None that you can see).

kuros: There's a short horn blast, followed by two long ones, and the train suddenly stops. Peole begin to fall out, and set up tents in orderly rows. Some others get shovels, and begin to dig trenches. In fact, a large, burly man thrusts a shovel at you

kuros: He growls, "Get to work!" and points off towards where some others are digging latrines

kuros: Up near the front, you get glimpes of a large, golden pavillion being assembled.

Silk follows along, taking the shovel and beginning to dig alongside the others

Silk: He will use the first opportunity he gets however to slip away and trust in EOPM to protect him as he drifts closer to the pavillion, joining work groups here and there as a cover

Silk: Finally as work on the pavillion comes to a close, he leaves the work details behind and behind a supply wagon disappears completely. Once invisible he also changes his clothes to a higher rank.

Silk: (Hidden Sun Prana + Mental Invisibility Technique)

kuros: There are a ring of guards stationed around the pavillion, all heavily armed. They are spaced about one every 15 yards, and it seems no one is allowed past them

Silk: Despite the layering of potent Charms Silk choses the best-covered approach he can find, before slowly and carefully approaching the ring of guards. His motions beneath the mantle of invisibility are smooth and hypnotic, defying the eye and making him one with the background.

kuros: The guards do not appear to notice you.

Silk: (Keen Hearing, how many can I hear inside the pavillion?)

kuros: The pavillion looks to be a few hundred square feet, and it is partitioned with cloth hangings.

kuros: (You hear 3 people in the center of the pavillion)

Silk continues his slow and measured approach until he reaches the pavillion proper, where he proceeds with the same caution, taking note of any noise in a twenty meter radius, using it to cover his already inaudible steps and avoiding any lines of sight when moving through clothes hanging in 'doorways'.

Silk moves close enough so that he can hear everything going on in the central space, then moves in a careful circle until he finds a gap, a tear, anything through which he might see these three people.

kuros: You find a gap in the curtains, and you see the Bull seated in a large, wooden chair on one side of a table.

kuros: Sprawled in another chair, with a very plush cushion, is a long haired man with a wide brimmed hat. A large bow made of a golden material leans up against the side of the chair. Xera is standing to one side of the table, looking prim and proper in golden-red robes

kuros: As you watch, she briefly flicks a finger at the man in the hat, who nods and stands, picks up his bow, and exits out of the back of the pavillion.

Silk follows him with his ears to the utmost range of his hearing, where does he go, what does he do?

kuros: He exits the back of the pavillion, and then circles around to the front, and stands, leaning on his bow, looking unimpressed with the world in general.

Silk: (what were they talking about before I arrived within visual range?)

kuros: (How long it was going to take to reach Uddjare)

Silk: (what were their estimates?)

kuros: (Another week.)

Silk just stays there, waiting and listening

kuros: Xera suddenly emerges from the pavillion, followed by the Bull.

Silk: (the Perronele had instruction to use Measure the Wind on anyone I point out or other sticks out otherwise)

Silk: (so the Bull, Xera and hat!guy)

kuros: (They are all Exalts, and they can all kill a god permenantly)

kuros: (In terms of pure essence, Xera and HatGuy are as strong as Son, while the Bull is stronger.)

Silk follows in their wake, using the disruptions they create to cover his movement

kuros: Xera looks around briefly, and places her hands on her hips. "This is really quite tedious."

kuros: "You set off an alarm, we know you are here. No, we can't see you. I suggest you show yourself."

kuros: Xera waits a few moments more, then says, "If you do not show yourself, we will assume you are hostile. And you do not want us to assume that."

Silk lets himself drift away from them, stopping at a distance of about 20 meters and watches/listens from there

kuros: Xera suddenly snaps her fingers, and says, "Taltos! Find him!". With a shimmer, a huge being, almost nine feet tall and massively muscled appears. He has coal black skin, and a large pair of bat wings folded against his back. At his loincloth is strapped a mace with a wicked looking crude piece of black stone the size of an average man's chest.

kuros: The creature's eyes begin to glow with a dull, green light as it scans the crowd, moving toward you slowly. Oddly enough, the various troops do not seem particularly frightened by this creature.

Silk frowns and quickly but not hastily begins to move away, taking winding ways through the tents of the army's camp. He keeps his ears trained on its particular melange of sounds.

kuros: You hear several wing beats, and looking up, you notice the demon has begun to fly overhead.

Silk: Though moving faster now, Silk's motions keep their measured quality, careful not to disturb so much as a single quantum of air. Inwardly he lets icy discipline overrule the panic that feebly tries to get its claws into him. He stills his breathing, stills the respiring of essence, lets the very energy of his soul move slow and tranquil, undetectable.

kuros: The creatures flies over you, apparently without noticing you.

kuros: It continues to circle over the troops.

Silk lets his course take him farther and farther away from the pavillion, then away from the army camp

Silk: When passing the outer edge and with every circle of watches posted Silk checks for the signs of Alarm Wards, now that he has a few moments of time to breathe.

kuros: You do not see anything similar to what you use for ghost alarm wards.

Silk: Not satisfied exactly, but following the protocol he'd decided on beforehand Silk continues to bring distance between himself and the camp, directing his course toward a rendezvous point that is far enough away to keep the probability of interference low.

kuros: (OK, Thelaos and Son.)

kuros: (What do you two want to do?)

SonoftheMetalFlame: (I was planning on trying to find the spirit to notify him that the demon of the lake was gone)

Thelaos: (Just going along with Son)

Thelaos walks with Son into the city, spirit-detecting glance activated. "Are you sure about this, Son?"

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Absolutely. If my past incarnation caused this spirit harm, then I will rectify it."

kuros: It takes you a few hours, but you manage to find the old spirit, huddled in the ruins of an old building on the southern side

SonoftheMetalFlame steps into the building. "I know that you do not wish to see me, but I wanted to let you know what has been done and what my intentions are."

kuros: He spits into the corner. "You again!"

SonoftheMetalFlame: "We have dispatched the demon that resided in the lake. It is safe for humans to live in this area again. As such, I intend to hire individuals who will repair the ruins and make this place habitable again. I will then try to get as many people as possible to move to this location and populate it again."

kuros: He pauses, looking shocked. "Why...why would you do that?"

SonoftheMetalFlame: "I am not the same person that you may have known me to be in the past. I simply wish to right what wrongs were committed."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "If you will tell me your name, I will do what I can to ensure that any who move to this place say thanks to you daily."

kuros: "I...I am Aman..."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Then Aman, I hope that this will begin to make amends for the past. We will speak again when everything has been set into motion."

SonoftheMetalFlame bows slightly and turns, leaving the building.

kuros: He looks puzzled, and says nothing as you walk out.

Thelaos nods respectfully to the spirit and follows Son outside.

SonoftheMetalFlame: (How long will it take me to get to the nearest town?)

SonoftheMetalFlame: (Or, rather, to get to the nearest town where I can hire contractors?)

kuros: (You could send a note to Sibu easily enough.)

kuros: (The nearest town is probably a few days away, but it is going to be really disrupted due to the Bull's army)

SonoftheMetalFlame: (Alright. A note to Sibu it is.)

Thelaos: (I forgot how rich Son is :P)

kuros: (Yeah, Resources 5.)

SonoftheMetalFlame: (I'm rich, biyatch! *honk honk*)

Silk: (mmhhh. I was wondering, where I'd get the funding for my own private intelligence agency from ... :p)

kuros: (Do you really want to start moving people in when a hostile army is heading righ ttowards it?)

SonoftheMetalFlame: (I figure that it will take quite some time for the note to get to Sibu, Sibu to hire contractors, and those contractors to make it to the town.)

kuros: (A month at the earliest.)

SonoftheMetalFlame turns to Thelaos, something of a sparkle in his eye. "Perhaps we should let the man who owns the inn here that there will be something of an explosion in population soon."

SonoftheMetalFlame: (And I also trust the army won't stick around that long?)

Thelaos grins a bit, "excellent idea. Aman will probably be grateful to him for staying as long as he has.. things will be looking up for the both of them, I imagine."

SonoftheMetalFlame smiles. "I imagine so."

kuros: OK, we can Fast Forward to Silk returning

Silk returns shortly before Dawn the next day, having taken several hours of paranoid detours to be certain of having shaken any and all of the pursuers that couldn't possibly have had any chance to see him in the first place

Silk: So Thelaos sees Silk arriving, Son finds him arrived once he wakes up. Though it is difficult to tell, Silk seems exhausted and a bit worried.

Silk: "I'll report over breakfast, if that's agreeable to you?" He smiles weakly.

SonoftheMetalFlame approaches the others with a smile, stretching. "Breakfast? Sounds good to me."

Thelaos wipes a bead of sweat from his brow and nods, eyeing Silk carefully before returning to his practice.

Silk: After making short work of a piece of bread, Silk washes it down with some water and begins: "Ok. XX miles away as of last night. 10 companies with a thousand men each, commanded by ... well, if you want names, I have some of them."

Thelaos: "Ten thousand men.. just for this lake?"

Thelaos: "Is the Bull planning on launching another major offensive somewhere else?"

Silk: "Not that I know of, though for reasons I'll come to my information is incomplete."

Silk: "Continuing ... Chiefly among the Exalted forces, the Bull himself, Grand-Daiklave wielder, his personal Essence developed significantly farther than even Son of the Metal Flame."

SonoftheMetalFlame frowns, but continues to slowly eat at some bread.

Silk: "Xera, Twilight, her raw strength on par with Son, stronger than ours, my assistant reports. Third, this man ..." - an image of HatGuy appears in the air between his outstretched hands - "Name unknown, Exalt of strength comparable to Xera, carrying an Orichalkum Long Powerbow. All three of them in possession of means to permanently extinguish spirits and demons."

Silk: "Two Dragonblooded, possibly three that I saw. According to Kainon's reports there are more, but I cannot be sure whether they are with the army."

Silk: "Of the Warstriders mentioned by Xera's emissaries I could see nothing. There might be other forces of his on the march, that we don't yet know about."

Silk: "And finally, what I suspect is a demon of the higher order." Again a ghostly image appears between his miming hands, a huge being, almost nine feet tall and massively muscled appears. He has coal black skin, and a large pair of bat wings folded against his back. At his loincloth is strapped a mace with a wicked looking crude piece of black stone the size of an average man's chest.

Silk: "Named 'Taltos' by Xera and the second reason I had to end my mission prematurely."

Silk: "The first being ..." He looks embarrassed. "A very subtle Alarm Ward."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Taltos, the hunter."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Anyone of lesser skill could not have escaped his notice."

Silk: "So I must report a failure in determining our opponents exact plans and knowledge."

Silk: "I will have to develop further countermeasures to that sort of thing before I begin a new reconnaiscance run." Being forced to abort the mission seems to really have stung Silk's pride.

Thelaos: "His army.. were they northern barbarians or were they Haltans?"

Silk: "He seems to have united more than just Icewalkers under his banner."

Silk: Images of some dark skinned people appear to his left, of redheaded poeple to his right. "I'm not familiar with the ethnic groups of the North ..."

Thelaos notices Silk's hurt pride, "they didn't catch you, Silk. All they know now is that they are vulnerable, and that someone can apparently come and go as he pleases from their camp. It may even slow them down a bit.."

Silk nods. "On the psych ops angle it is a small success, yes."

Silk: "And there should be no way for them to connect the appearance of an imperceptible individual with us, except by Occam's Daiklave."

Silk: "Under these circumstances I don't think we should interact with him in any way, neither by letter nor in person."

Silk: "Not at this time anyway."

kuros: (We'll end here. you guys can keep talking, if you want.)

kuros: 6xp

Silk: next session on Saturday, 1pm?

kuros: Indeedly do.